Pink stone in a gold ring.  Types, names and colors of precious stones for jewelry and jewelry: list, brief description with photographs

Pink stone in a gold ring. Types, names and colors of precious stones for jewelry and jewelry: list, brief description with photographs

Natural pink stone is often found in jewelry accessories. It gives the jewelry grace and femininity. The color symbolizes spring and youth. Therefore, jewelry with a rose-colored stone is an excellent choice for romantic people. But minerals Pink colour do not belong to the same variety. There are many types of natural gemstones that have this delicate shade. From the article you will learn their names, what properties these gems have and how to care for minerals at home.

Rose color meaning

In jewelry containing a stone of this color, tenderness shines. It is associated exclusively with the fair sex. Light pink tones represent innocence, fragility and naivety. More intense ones, closer to fuchsia, lift the mood and give a feeling of elation. And if a woman does not always allow herself to wear pink clothes, then she can refresh her look with jewelry accessories containing rose-colored gems in almost any situation.

Types of minerals

In nature, there are more than a dozen crystals of natural origin, which nature has endowed with shades of a pink palette. Among the names of pink stones are ornamental, precious and semi-precious specimens.

Among them:

  • spinel is a rare gemstone based on aluminum oxide and magnesium,
  • coral is an ornamental stone based on calcium carbonate. Used for making souvenirs and beads,
  • Pink sapphire is one of the rare varieties of this precious mineral with a high refractive index of light rays,
  • topaz – the pale pink shade of the precious gem is provided by an admixture of chromium,
  • quartz is a rare ornamental mineral with veins, having a noble hue and a cloudy structure,
  • agate is a semi-precious gem, formed by silicon oxide, on the cut it has an intricate layered pattern,
  • corundum - it includes the precious minerals sapphire and ruby, which have a red color with a pink tint,
  • jasper is a capricious material that is rarely used for jewelry production,
  • Rhodonite is a nugget that has a light pink tint with reddish inclusions,
  • rhodochrosite – the second name “Rose of the Incas”, has the structure of pink translucent formations in the form of blooming flowers.
  • kunzite is precious, its characteristics resemble the mineral amethyst, it is a complex aluminum silicate,
  • rubellite is a type of tourmaline that is indistinguishable from ruby ​​in appearance,
  • Morganite is a precious beryl whose pink shades are due to a high percentage of manganese content.

Each of these stones is distinguished by its chemical composition, structure and properties. Despite this, it can be difficult to distinguish one type of mineral from another with the naked eye.

Jewelry variety

The wide range of rocks, as well as the availability of metals, allows jewelers to play with the shape, cut and design of pink stone jewelry. As a rule, a successful combination for a gem is platinum or gold. A democratic option is jewelry that uses semi-precious stones and silver. Such accessories are sold in abundance in jewelry stores, as well as online or at gem fairs. Popular not only decorative ornaments, but also amulets. It is known that an ornamental, precious or semi-precious mineral of natural origin carries special energy and affects the subtle bodies of humans.

Interaction with Zodiac Signs

Jewelry with a pink gem is a subject of discussion not only among jewelers and lithotherapists. Astrologers are confident that the mineral, depending on its origin, influences the fate of each zodiac sign. Some of the pink stones are considered universal. Others have special specifics and are suitable for few people.

Semi-precious quartz has a positive effect on the entire zodiac circle.

The exception is Aquarius men and Capricorn women. More strongly than others, the effect of a talisman with quartz will be felt by Cancers, Taurus, Libra and Pisces. The stone helps to increase self-esteem, attract good luck and gain peace of mind.

As for pink-colored coral, it is less accommodating. Astrologers recommend it only to Aries. Scorpios and Taurus are signs for which wearing coral is strictly contraindicated.

Pink pearls will become a true friend for Gemini and Cancer.

Topaz and rose-colored sapphire are ideal companions for Leo. They will open up opportunities for the representative of the fire element to achieve goals and attract luck to his side. Blue sapphire will have the same effect.

Opaque pink agate is an amulet of Virgos. Rhodonite also has a positive effect on this Earth sign.

A transparent pink topaz stone without orange inclusions or shades is the choice of Sagittarius.

An amethyst in a ring or pendant is suitable for Pisces. The color palette of this stone is unique in that it contains a blue tint. The amulet restores and harmonizes cash flows, and also improves personal relationships.

Healing and magical properties

Morganite is called the family stone. It protects the hearth and creates a favorable atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Morganite helps women suffering from painful menstruation to relieve pain and solve gynecological problems.

Coral suppresses anger, protects against colds and throat diseases.

Kunzite brings out the best in a person. Helps restore the cardiovascular system.

Agate accelerates healing of the throat and lungs.

Pink rubellites conquer doubts and fears. Increase potency and libido, heal mental wounds.

Spinel eliminates skin diseases, reduces painful sensations in the lumbar and sacral area.

Quartz strengthens physical and moral strength, prolongs life, increases self-esteem and gives confidence.

Topaz is a powerful magical protector. Eliminates the evil eye and damage. Calms nerves, gives wisdom and clarifies thoughts.

Pink sapphires improve the functioning of blood vessels, promote conception healthy child, eliminate psychosis.

Amulets and amulets with pink gems

According to legend, rose quartz was presented to humanity as a gift by the god of love, Cupid. The owner of such an amulet becomes attractive in the eyes of the opposite sex. If you want to attract the desired person into your life, wear an amulet made of this mineral in the shape of a heart.

A topaz talisman is made in the form of a coin, since such an amulet attracts money and promotes career advancement.

Agate will help in establishing contacts with others. Suitable for people whose activities involve communication. Recommended to be worn as rings.

Sapphire amulets are worn in any form. Their powerful protection and assistance is strong no matter what form you put it in.

Principles of caring for rose-colored minerals

Jewelers note that most pink stones are fragile and break easily. Therefore, when caring for your treasure, follow these rules:

  • Put on jewelry only after you have dressed and done your hair and makeup. Avoid contact of the stone with cosmetics and perfumes. Otherwise, the chemical reaction will negatively affect the color of the mineral.
  • Do not wear products unless necessary. Daily use threatens mechanical damage and deformation of a valuable accessory.
  • Avoid contact of the gem with chemicals. Do not wash dishes with decorations on.
  • Do not wear the accessory on the beach, sauna or pool.
  • Clean the product as needed soapy solution. Leave the jewelry for half an hour and then wipe thoroughly with a soft cloth.
  • Store the product in a box lined with velvet on the inside.

Pink stone embodies such qualities as tenderness, sensuality and femininity, because everything related to this color is associated specifically with the fair sex. In addition, he is the personification of something sublime, pure and is capable of imparting positive emotions. A ring with a pink stone or any other piece of jewelry, according to lithotherapists, will give the owner not only a great mood, but also romantic feelings and reciprocity in love.

Pink stone embodies such qualities as tenderness, sensuality and femininity, because everything related to this color is associated with the fair sex

Shades of pink minerals can vary from light tones, almost transparent, to crimson or red. In addition to these most common colors, there are also more unique options. So, for example, few people know that sapphires and topazes can also be pink.

All pink crystals are divided into 3 main categories:

semiprecious stones;

Pink colored gemstones include crystals such as sapphire, topaz, spinel, kunzite, morganite and rubellite. A sapphire of this shade is generally considered very rare, and the combination of pink and orange colors in a sapphire is called unique. This crystal has its own name - Preparadzha, which translated from Indian means “a shade that combines the color of a lotus and the sunset of the Ceylon sky.”

The peculiarity of this stone is its high transparency and the so-called effect cat eye(an optical effect in which a light stripe in the center of the crystal looks like a narrow cat's pupil). As for the properties of sapphire, Preparadja is able to endow the owner with such qualities as prudence, modesty, chastity and stress resistance.

Pink topazes and sapphires are very rarely found in jewelry. But in in this case this is not due to the uniqueness of the color, but to the complexity of their processing. Topaz is a very finicky gemstone that is afraid of sunlight. Ultraviolet rays can turn the soft pink color of topaz into a dirty gray, so jewelers resort to various methods to preserve the color. One of them is heat treatment, but, unfortunately, its use is not always successful.

It is believed that pink topaz will make a person more harmonious and peaceful, and relieve melancholy and depression. By wearing this gem, women become more charming and men become wiser.
There is another transparent pink stone - kunzite. Previously, this crystal was mistakenly considered a type of amethyst, but at the beginning of the twentieth century, the American scientist J. Kunz established the true nature of this stone.

Lithotherapists call kunzite the “stone of the heart” because any jewelry made from it has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system. In addition, this mineral is ideal for creative people, as it can not only stimulate the intellect and promote inspiration, but also create harmony between the mind and feelings.

Another extremely rare pink gemstone is spinel. Typically, spinel is an opaque stone with a pink-crimson hue. It got its name due to its brilliance, because spinel is translated from Greek as “spark.” “Bale ruby” is a pink crystal native to Afghanistan that has a moderate red tint and carries the highest value among spinel crystals.

Gallery: pink stone (25 photos)

Rose quartz (video)

Semi-precious and ornamental pink stones

As for semi-precious and ornamental stones, these include agate, quartz, jasper, coral, rhodonite, corundum and others. Like the gemstones, they also burst in various shades of pink, from the pale pink of jasper to the pink-yellow-violet of corundum. In addition to color, each of these crystals has its own unique texture and patterns.

The undoubted leader in the variety of patterns can rightfully be considered the jasper ornamental stone, which only becomes more valuable due to the presence of impurities in it. Interspersed with other chemical elements give various stains and patterns, making this gem more valuable for making souvenirs than jewelry.

Bracelets, pendants, vases and stands made of jasper are eliminated negative energy and prolong the life of the owner.

Another patterned stone is the semi-precious mineral agate. Unlike jasper, agate is considered a favorite among jewelers because its low price and unique appearance make it great for making affordable jewelry.

Agate has calming properties, eliminates fears and relieves insomnia. Ancient magicians attributed to this stone the ability to endow a person with fidelity.

Pink corals are the most expensive variety, although they can only be called stones conditionally, since by origin they are the fossilized skeletons of marine polyps. Corals are classified as ornamental materials due to their fragility, which makes them almost impossible to use in jewelry; however, coral bracelets and beads are very popular.

This sea stone protects the owner from dangers, brings happiness and longevity, which is why travelers prefer to carry it with them. In addition, it is ideal for romantic natures, making them more down-to-earth and wiser.

Pink stones, be it jewelry, costume jewelry or crafts, is a symbol of kindness and tenderness. People who choose them erase bad moods and negativity from their lives forever.

Rose quartz - stone of love (video)

Pink stones radiate beauty and tenderness. It is a symbol of femininity and sensuality. The shade is often personified with the fair half of humanity; they are often chosen by romantic and dreamy people. By wearing jewelry with such gems, you can lift the mood of yourself and those around you.

Meaning of pink color

The color pink symbolizes positive emotions in various manifestations. If this type of color may be inappropriate in clothing, then jewelry with pink stones will be an excellent addition to the outfit.

To determine the name of a pink stone in jewelry, you should compare their characteristics. Experienced professionals can understand from the first glance at the jewelry what minerals were used in it.

Pink is considered a unique color because it has the ability to reduce aggression. Most minerals found in nature come in several shades. If a person wants to receive a caring patron, he needs to pay attention to pink types of stones. The most famous gems with this shade are:

  • quartz;
  • coral;
  • agate;
  • jasper.

In addition to the usual shades, some crystals also have an original color. Few people know that pink representatives can also be found among topazes and sapphires. People rarely think about such stones as rhodochrosite, rubellite and kunzite.

Transparent gems

Pink sapphires are very rare. They are highly valued by jewelers and set prices for them from 300 to 1 thousand dollars per carat. In fact, they contain two components:

  • aluminium oxide;
  • chromium admixture.

A special feature of this gem is its high refractive index. Some stones also have a cat's eye effect.

If a gem has a purple tint, it means it contains titanium. It is one of the hardest minerals. According to this indicator, it ranks 2nd. The first belongs to the diamond. For the same reason, it is often used in production. It is included in tools with abrasive elements. It can be used to make bulletproof glass, the core part of the generator, and special materials that are resistant to heat treatment.

Products for industrial use may have a cloudy or almost transparent structure. When making jewelry, transparent samples are always taken. IN decorative elements corundum is relatively rare to see. Stone can be used to make inserts for rings and pendants. It is processed in the same way as precious stones. It is permissible to create a cabochon from it. The cheapest corundum will cost 50 USD. per carat High quality minerals are available on the market for prices ranging from several thousand dollars. Their coloring is uniform and their transparency is ideal.

Quartz is silicon dioxide. Iron and aluminum act as additional inclusions. These compounds are part of many rocks, the total amount of which is approximately 90% of the entire mass of the earth's crust. In fact, quartz includes many different crystals . Most of them have the following shades:

  • brown;
  • violet;
  • yellow;
  • grey.

Much less common are specimens with a pale pink color and a transparent structure. Their cost starts from $5 and goes up to $60 per carat. Cut gems can be inserted into:

  • silver and gold rings;
  • earrings;
  • pendants.

Pink corals are among the most expensive. Their branches are heterogeneous. They may also have spots of a dark or light shade. They are opaque. They often develop a slight shine that appears after polishing. Common shapes for such stones are cabochon and oblong shaped beads.

The fragility and low density of the material creates difficulties in the use of corals in the field of jewelry. Such jewelry can undergo negative changes under the influence of mechanical factors. Even exposure to cosmetics can damage the structure. The sun's rays discolor the soft coral. Natural material costs from 50 USD for 1 carat.

Everyone knows that the color pink symbolizes tenderness, sensuality, femininity, that is, those feelings that are inherent in lovely ladies. Pleasant shades of pink evoke pure romantic thoughts, while the red shade inspires passion, symbolizes ardor of feelings and determination. Somewhere between light and red colors there is a pink tone that gives people a good mood and positive emotions.

Pink minerals may not be as popular as others, but many people prefer them. Not every lady wears pink, and besides, it is not appropriate everywhere, but a pendant or ring with a pink stone will complement and refresh the look.

Let's look at pink precious stones; their names and photos will help you navigate the complex world of gems and choose the one you like. Their list is quite large, it includes garnet, sapphire, quartz, tourmaline, kunzite, topaz, jade and other stones; let’s look at the most popular ones.

Precious pink stones

Precious crystals are transparent, let's look at some rare, and therefore expensive, stones.

  • Sapphire

The rarest transparent pink stone is called sapphire. It is extremely beautiful, because it is no coincidence that in India the crystal is called “Padparadscha”, which means a mixture of shades of the evening sky and lotus petals. If we add to this the fact that as a result of its unique refraction one can observe the effect of a cat's eye, then it becomes clear why the cost of one carat reaches $1000. But despite this, the unique stone is popular.

Pink sapphire is considered a stone of wisdom and helps a person get rid of asthma, diabetes and epilepsy attacks.

Sapphires in gold and platinum look impressive; you can’t go wrong by giving such a gift to your loved one. These delicate jewelry skillfully emphasize the beauty and fragility of elegant young ladies.

  • Topaz

Another precious transparent stone is topaz. It costs a little less – from $500 per carat. But topaz has one important feature - the stone is afraid of light. From the sun's rays, a pale pink stone turns dirty gray, so the stone needs careful care.

The beauty of topaz was admired in ancient times; the clothes and attributes of kings and sultans were decorated with jewelry inserts of this stone.

The tandem of chromium and aluminum silicate enchants and fascinates with its delicate radiance. All this gives the owner a feeling of peace and tranquility, harmony with himself and the world around him. The stone is also called the stone of inner enlightenment.

Semi-precious pink stones, names and uses

  • Corundum

Corundum is a semi-precious nugget, but ruby ​​and sapphire are expensive precious gems. The yellowish color of corundum is given by manganese, and its violet color is due to the titanium it contains. Aluminum diamond, as it is also called, has a high hardness - 9 out of 10 points and is second only to diamond in this indicator. In addition to pink, corundum comes in white, red and green.

People have learned to grow crystals in laboratory conditions; only a specialist can distinguish real corundum from artificial one. Synthetic stones are much cheaper than their natural counterparts, but are not inferior to them in beauty and quality.

Corundum, like diamond, has found its use in industrial production. The jewelry industry uses mainly transparent minerals - leucosapphires.

  • Quartz

Its prevalence and price occupy average positions. Most geologists consider it semi-precious, although there is not much pink stone. The price per carat varies from 5 to 60 dollars. Crystalline forms of quartz are used in the jewelry industry. Rose quartz can be transparent or translucent, but in both cases the gem is amazingly beautiful.

Rose quartz helps in the treatment of colds, quartz water has a beneficial effect on the skin of the face, it becomes firm, elastic, and saturated with oxygen.

Ornamental stones

  • Rhodochrosite

Rhodochrosite is considered the most popular gemstone in this category. The mineral was first found in Central America; by the way, it is still called the Inca rose there. American Indians wore earrings with it thousands of years ago, attributing incredible magical properties to it.

The structure of the shades of the stone is similar to malachite. Stalactites and stalagmites made of rhodochrosite can be up to three meters thick, but this should not be surprising, since they took tens of millions of years to form. The nugget cannot be cut, but this does not make jewelry with it any less beautiful, and its value is not inferior to the cost of gold. If you come across pendants or bracelets with stones at an affordable price, then most likely these are polished beads.

  • Jasper

This stone is difficult to describe, the color palette of patterns and shades is so wide, it is not for nothing that its name is translated from Greek as “variegated”. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that impurities do not make the stone more accessible, but, on the contrary, increase its price; the more of them, the more original the decorative items - vases, ashtrays, etc. - look. from jasper. Plain stones are very rare.

Jewelry with jasper is rare, but costume jewelry was and remains popular, because it is not for nothing that in the East they believe that jasper is the stone of life.

For many years, stones have been of interest to psychologists, mineralogists and jewelers; astrologers also study their effects on the body with interest.

The magical properties of pink stones

If in Everyday life you lack tenderness and affection, it is talismans and amulets with delicate gems that will help you find harmony.

Jasper has a unique ability to eliminate all the negativity accumulated by a person throughout his life. In this regard, this amazing gem truly has unique opportunities. This is a stone of long-livers, people who want to stay “in the ranks” for as long as possible, lead an active lifestyle, and maintain mental and physical health.

Rose quartz is recommended for Aquarius women and Capricorn men. But Taurus, Pisces, Cancer and Libra can use it as a talisman, regardless of the gender of its owner. By becoming the owner of rose quartz, you will strengthen your material well-being, and the work started will be completed successfully. It is believed that an amulet or talisman with a stone will add vitality and energy, and reveal the owner’s ability to predict future events.

Pink transparent topaz is a gemstone that reveals itself in tandem with other minerals. If you belong to the sign of Aries or Leo, it will help you strengthen your material well-being. People suffering from melancholy and depression, for whom a depressed mood has become the norm, with pink topaz again feel the desire to live.

A talisman with transparent pink morganite will bring good luck to its owner and soften his character, especially for people who have found themselves in science or art. It will strengthen self-confidence and make you believe in your own strength.

Young spouses can be given bracelets made of not bright and not transparent jade in pink, their marriage will be strong and they will overcome all life’s adversities with dignity.

If you want to become more modest, more chaste, more reasonable and you do not have enough strength to withstand stress, take pink sapphire as your assistant.

A transparent stone can help a person become more collected, more punctual, and attract good luck or success in business. The matte stone helps to strengthen love bonds; its owner will love himself and will be loved by his other half.

In conclusion, I would like to say that pink stones are stones of love, family and fidelity.

If you find it difficult to choose a stone to your liking, seek advice from jewelers, they will help you make the right choice.

Helpful Tips:

  • Massive pendants, rings, earrings and bracelets with pink stones look ridiculous. The product should be elegant and delicate, like the stone itself. There is no place for pink stones in black silver and red gold.
  • A pink stone in a gold ring looks good, but only if it's not... wedding ring. For these purposes, choose a white, red or blue stone.
  • The feminine mineral goes well with romantic style clothes, it is not suitable for formal suits or sportswear.

Care Tips:

  • The best place for the gem is a black bag. We have already said that some stones change their color in the light, and they also lose their properties.
  • You can't wear minerals every day. A pocket or wallet is not the best place for them. You yourself feel when you are in the appropriate mood or need emotional nourishment, then turn to the talisman for help.
  • Chips and cracks can harm not only appearance, but also the stone’s ability to influence its owner. Once a year, the stone should be washed under running water, lubricated with regular oil and rubbed until shiny with a soft, clean cloth.

The pink color is very beautiful. It symbolizes tenderness, purity, femininity. Gives softness to a strong character, smoothes out aggression. In addition, it sets a romantic mood, calms you down, and makes you forget about the negative. Color is rare in nature, especially when it comes to minerals.

Pink a natural stone– the phenomenon is quite rare, but they still exist.

These are both precious and semi-precious minerals. They all look equally beautiful on women of any age.

Types of stones

Pink minerals include:

And this is far from full list titles. There are a huge variety of jewelry options with similar stones; there are rings, bracelets, beads, necklaces, and earrings to suit any budget. The color varies from a delicate, almost transparent pink to a rich crimson.

Transparent pink stones

Precious transparent minerals include:

Other pink stones

Precious pink stones are very expensive. This is explained, first of all, by their rarity. Finding other minerals of a similar shade is also not easy, but their price is much lower. Although they look as beautiful as sapphires and topazes.

Properties of pink stones

Pink stones are undoubtedly great in jewelry, but they also make excellent amulets. They perfectly protect small children and are also good for infantile adults who want to get rid of indecision.

These stones help:

  • overcome selfishness;
  • cleanse your aura of negative energy;
  • cope with a serious illness;
  • calm down.

The last property is the most important. Pink stones give a person peace and harmony not only on a psychological, but also on a physiological level. Therefore, they can help cure neuroses and relieve unnecessary irritation.

The minerals seem to be created specifically for women. And it's not just about color. These stones, as a symbol of beauty, purity and kindness, carry purely feminine energy. This may be why many people talk about the beneficial effects of these stones on the female reproductive system.

Lithotherapy is more corrective than a full-fledged remedy, but such procedures are very popular today. Rose quartz is most often used for these purposes - it is the easiest to purchase.

In addition to lithotherapy, there is also crystal therapy. With the help of pink crystals, many hope to improve the condition of the cardiovascular system. However, stones are more like talismans, but not medicines. In case of serious ailments, you cannot rely only on these methods; you must seek help from a doctor.

Everyone can afford jewelry with these stones. However, you need to know that a light, light shade of minerals is preferable for young ladies; for ladies of the older generation, there is a crimson, rich color. Since the pink color itself is unique and unusual, you shouldn’t overdo it. It’s better to stick to minimalistic jewelry, then the accessories will add freshness to the look.

Pink gems are rare in nature. However, a wide variety of mineral names makes it easy to choose the right one for yourself. stone. It can serve as an independent amulet or be part of a piece of jewelry.