The most popular selective perfumes.  Niche perfume brands worth paying attention to

The most popular selective perfumes. Niche perfume brands worth paying attention to

In the material :

The art of being original: what is a niche perfume?

The concept of niche perfumery comes from the French “La niche” - literally a niche, a cell; figuratively - a certain segment that is exclusively occupied by someone or something. This concept (in its figurative representation) has entered the Russian language (as far as I understand) a long time ago and firmly. “He found his niche in art,” “the product found its niche in the market,” etc. - this is all about our topic.

Niche perfumes are compositions created using exclusive formulas of the authors. This is complete original creativity, not limited by the customer, prevailing trends, ingredients used, price limits, etc.

Is the niche exclusive? Without a doubt! Will you be original in it? Undoubtedly! Is it worth spending a lot of money on such fragrances? Why not, if you have the means and the desire? Are you guaranteed to like a niche scent? No, no, and a hundred thousand times no! Belonging to any group does not mean unambiguous sympathy. As always - try it! But we'll talk about this a little lower.

Niche fragrances mean freedom of creativity! This is one of the highest manifestations of perfume art. This is “this is how I see it” in its olfactory performance. But do you like all the pictures of the world? Isn't there a difference between classical music and underground? Are ballet and actionist manifestations of modernity the same thing? It's the same with niche perfumes.

Exclusive mono-fragrances, for example, dedicated exclusively to rose or peony, or another component - this may be a niche. But “black caviar burned in the wheel of a new car against a background of rotten algae” can also belong to this group.

What does a niche refer to?

Classifying niche fragrances is a thankless task, due to their versatility. But they still highlight the main characteristics that distinguish this group from others. Let's look at them and see if everything here is true:

  • There are no official mass advertising campaigns. Brands are seen as spending on quality ingredients rather than advertising. This is not entirely true. Indeed, as a rule, you will not see pop stars advertising these fragrances. However, magazine articles, interviews with perfumers and similar materials are often published along with new products. Isn't this an advertisement?
  • Such brands have a full-time perfumer. Yes, in most cases this is true. Moreover, perfumers are often the founders of niche brands. Nothing prevents a master from working for many years on mass-produced compositions, and then (sometimes in parallel) opening his own niche line. A striking example is from Jacques Cavallier.

Just the presence of a full-time perfumer cannot be an indicator of a niche - a large number of luxury brands also have in-house perfumers. For example, François Demachy y or Thierry Wasser y .

  • Niche fragrances are not sold in large department stores, but only in exclusive boutiques. It's not all clear either. Such brands have their own (often mono-brand) stores (by the way, they are very interesting - the consultants there, as a rule, are very adequate and know their products inside and out!), but what do you want to do with brands that produce luxury, but present and separate niche collections? Do you think they will open separate stores for such lines? Hardly!

It turns out that all three indicators are quite relative. Like everything in this world. To confuse you even more, I’ll tell you that some brands manage to find their niche inside another niche :-)

Niche and selective: synonyms or separate groups?

You probably noticed that I have never used the term “selective” or “selective perfumery” yet, and many people call the niche exactly that. I'm correcting myself. Selective and niche perfumes are synonymous! But, as elsewhere, there are individual “smart guys” who are ready to make money on terms and confuse you and me.

The essence of the problem is that manufacturers of mass-produced fragrances (it’s the same term, but more on that another time) often use the word “Selective” (in the sense of: refined, selected, original) for marketing purposes. So they wanted to name their work that way, and nothing could stop them.

In order not to get confused, you need to understand: when the phrase “Selective perfumery” is used in reference books or articles, in most cases we are talking about niche fragrances. However, the word “Selective” on a product package may mean absolutely nothing.

Let's remember the main segments of perfumery (in this context):




Mass market

The most inexpensive, widespread, often sold through distributors.

For example, Avon or Oriflame.


High-quality, often expensive products from famous fashion or exclusive perfume houses.

Sometimes this segment is called “branded”, meaning that it is produced by famous brands. This is, for example, Dior, and many others. The main confusion: and this category is sometimes called “mass”. From a production point of view, this is true, but should not be confused with the previous group.


That's what this entire article is about ;-)

Let me remind you that the segment is sometimes called “selective,” but the word “Selective” may also be present on representatives of other groups. Who can be clearly classified as a niche:, etc.

Please note that I am not talking about the quality of goods in these segments. Don’t swear right away, but in my opinion, although this is important, it is secondary. Primary are your perceptions and those of your loved ones.

In one of the materials we have already discussed with you the so-called. " " when the aroma should:

  1. Like you.
  2. Don't annoy your loved ones.
  3. Don't harm your colleagues.

Problems begin when this “self-proclaimed elite” begins to see a “gray mass” around, squeezing itself out of the category “ ordinary people" The next step, as a rule, is a disdainful attitude towards others. And if their work turns out to be of no use to anyone, then the time of “unrecognized geniuses” and “cattle” comes.

All these are quite philosophical things, and do not directly relate to niche perfumery (or rather, they relate far from only to it). But we need to pay attention to this for several reasons:

  • If such an “elite” has ended up relying on his own genius, then one should approach his creations with a certain skepticism. This does not mean that they are bad - on the contrary, masterpieces of art are often created by outright psychos - this means that you need to be more careful and conduct the test more thoroughly.
  • Whatever the thirst for creativity, whatever spiritual impulses guide the creators, they, forgive the banality, want to eat too. This means that the commercial component must be present. That is why their stories about (I exaggerate) “universes created in your imagination by the aroma that I created yesterday, under the moonlight and to the sound of the violin, which permeate the composition” should not always be believed. Let them smell the “smell of moonlight and violin music” themselves, and you have your own nose - it will tell you everything about the aroma.
  • Often niche fragrances are dedicated to a particular location: a resort, a city, a region. This is the author's vision. It is quite normal to want to reproduce the smells associated with your favorite place. Another thing is that your and the author’s olfactory opinion on the same geographical object may differ. For example, “a scent with the smells of New York” (for some reason this is the city that people like to “sniff” the most) may cause one to expect the smells of Soho, but it will turn out to be Harlem.

Now the main thing is, let these “elitist” continue to consider themselves as such if it flatters their pride. Be it a brilliant perfumer, a talented designer or an ordinary consultant - let them be “bohemians”!

But everything they do, create, sell is for you! Without you they are nothing. You are the main link in this chain. Your likes and dislikes should determine what you will smell like today, and not the opinions and talents of the “elite”. The main thing is you, and the entire elite is needed only to serve your interests. They are your personal perfumers, your servants, if you will. Know this, just never tell the “bohemians” ;-)

Historically, almost all niche perfumery is based in France and Italy. Italy is generally incredibly important for the global market, because only there are so many independent shops. It is in Italy that two main international exhibitions are held - spring and autumn, in Milan and Florence. The first is “Esxence”, where the manufacturers themselves exhibit their products, and the second is “Pitti Fragranze” - distributors. The division into spring and autumn has nothing to do with seasonality. It’s just that these are two competitors, and they shouldn’t coincide in time.

Demeter is based in America, there are private little-known perfumers, but there is no serious industry anywhere except Europe.

Why do jewelers and fashion houses create their own fragrances?

Bestseller - Chanel No. 5 and re-release of the historical fragrance of 1925 - Chanel Gardenia, which costs completely different money Every self-respecting large fashion or jewelry house, which also produces perfume under its own name, has acquired its own selective lines with the spread of niche perfumery. For example, Chanel No. 5 is part of the main perfume line and costs quite real money($120 on the brand's website), while Gardenia from Chanel's Les Exclusifs selective line costs $3,800 (price for 900 ml). Meanwhile, both an independent perfumer from a niche brand and a famous commercial perfumer from a big house have the same materials and capabilities. Many independent artists have access to oils and essences that are purchased by global manufacturers for the same Coco Mademoiselle. Even the production of both is in most cases carried out by one of the two best Swiss companies - Firmenich or Givaudan.

Sometimes the whole process rests on one person: he independently purchases ingredients from several manufacturers, mixes and bottles everything himself - of course, not on his knees, but very professionally. This is how the Frenchman Pierre Guillaume works, the creator of Parfumerie Generale, an exemplary French brand with tiny editions, simple packaging and names of fragrances by number (25 perfumes in total, not counting intermediate ones like 6.1).

Photo: Sasha Karelina

Why there are no gender scents in niche perfumery

Selectives are not divided into male and female - this is the same marketing trick as the concept of “unisex fragrance”. Historically, perfume has been a gender neutral product. For example, those same woody notes that are usually added to what any nose defines as men's fragrance, are responsible for elegance rather than masculinity.

Photo: Sasha Karelina

How much can a selective perfume cost?

A long time ago, a talented couple named Bobo created the Pepsi Cola flavor, which won many awards for its packaging. The product was comparable in price to any mass-market fragrance, and this despite the fact that several famous perfumers worked on it. The well-known Demeter also took the path of humorous, even scandalous, and is also sold at very affordable prices. The aroma of beets, dust, a cemetery, a funeral home - they're just making fun of the industry!

Demeter is perhaps one of the most famous brands in selective perfumery, but they still haven’t crossed the 250 point of sale mark. But the stereotype “selectives are expensive” did not come out of nowhere. Yes, small-run fragrances are more expensive to produce, are made from persistent natural oils, and are often hand-packed - that is, they simply cannot cost 1,500 rubles. If the composition contains diamond dust or oil from the only representative of some plant species on the continent, the price can reach fantastic levels.

Is it possible to mix scents?

If for someone Lacoste copes with the role of the ideal scent, then this is absolutely normal, and you just need to be glad that someone found their scent so easily. But it happens that a person listens to aromas for a long time, chooses and chooses, but even the most complex smells seem simple to him. In these cases, the consultant mixes different perfumes for him - some brands have schemes for the most successful combinations, others have to be chosen on a whim.

Why you can't trust perfumers

There are people who prefer mono-flavors. More precisely, they think that they prefer it, because a mono-perfume is the biggest deception in the world: it’s all the same, whatever one may say, a composition. Each fragrance has one very bright ingredient that is beautifully framed by a huge number of other oils. A person simply may not know what the original smells like. So you come to the store, take a product, it says Fleur D’Orange. You listen and believe that this is exactly what orange flowers smell like, because how can a Russian person know what orange flowers smell like? Or L’Artisan Parfumeur had Mimosa Pour Moi. But mimosa does not have a fragrance oil, and Mimosa Pour Moi is a composition of various ingredients that together resemble the smell of mimosa. Or, for example, the same thing with tuberose (a plant of the agave family. - Approx. ed.): we took Fracas by Robert Piguet as the unit of tuberose. And this is not tuberose, this is a classic trio of tuberose, jasmine and orange blossom.

Well, about the classification: as in the mass market, the entire division depends on the proportion of alcohol, aromatic substances and water. The weakest concentration is Eau de Cologne, then Eau de Toilette, Eau de Parfum (or, as we call it, daytime perfume) and finally Parfum. But even in niche perfumery, there are cases when a perfumer supposedly works in the Eau de Parfum format, but the concentration of oils does not even reach Eau de Toilette.

Are there niche perfumes in Russia?

There is also an exhibition in Moscow, Intercharm, but big perfumers almost never come there. In general, if we talk about the Russian trace, we recently got our first niche perfumer, Maria Borisova. Fragrances of her brand Selection Excellence are produced in Belgium, the wooden caps for the bottles are made by a Tver master, and the bottles themselves are made at a factory in Austria. And in the USA, two girls with Russian roots started the pro-Russian brand Sulékó; for example, they have a woody-musky fragrance Baba Yaga in a stupa-shaped bottle. Another Russian trace is Fragrantica, an online perfume encyclopedia where you can read everything about absolutely every scent on the planet. The owner of the project, Elena Knezevic, founded a house called The Vagabond Prince. Their bottles are painted with Khokhloma, Russian-pre-Russian, even excessively.

In Russia, the consumer is very specific. For example, if a fragrance has the word “rose” in its name, no one will ever buy it. For some reason, people don’t like to know that his perfume contains Bulgarian or Turkish rose, but in fact, almost no fragrance is complete without it.

10 aromas with an unusual smell: the choice of the “City”

Figue Fruitee by Au Pays de la Fleur d’Oranger

Photo: Sasha Karelina

One of the best free interpretations of the fruit fig, which is not an oilseed plant - that is, it does not produce oil, and can only be synthesized in perfume. Eau de parfum released as part of the “Aromas of Provence” collection, which is run by Au Pays de la Fleur d’Oranger - a company that, in addition to selling all sorts of souvenirs from Provence, supplies oils to perfume houses.

Laboratorio Olfattivo Alkemi

Photo: Sasha Karelina

Three independent perfumers have teamed up to create a line of nine fragrances called Laboratorio Olfattivo. This perfume - viscous, heavy "Alchemy" - was invented by Marie Duchesne, building it not on the traditional pyramid (although formally it is still present) of base, middle and top notes, but on the single smell of old oak barrels with whiskey, which I kept it in my head all this time.

Jade Olivier Durbano

Photo: Sasha Karelina

Olivier Durbano, whose name this perfume bears, is not actually a perfumer - he has worked all his life in jewelry house name and has a passion for semiprecious stones and minerals. A series of multi-colored fragrances, created under his leadership by five invited perfumers, is a declaration of love for jasper, crystal, moonstone and five other rocks. Inside the bottle with green Jade are three jade balls, which supposedly give the perfume its aroma.

Parfumerie Generale, Hyperessence Matale

Photo: Sasha Karelina

The note of green tea is not uncommon in perfumery, but other tea varieties were undeservedly forgotten before the appearance of Hyperessence Matale No. 12. The great Pierre Guillaume from Parfumerie Generale dedicated an entire series of Hyperessence Matale to the drink. The fragrance No. 6 with green tea turned out to be extremely successful, after which Guillaume decided to make the perfume stronger, so the base note was not classic green tea, but black tea. Since it is impossible to obtain oil from it, tea is subjected to photo-refining - ultraviolet irradiation, during which it releases a smell that can be recorded.

Leather by Franck Boclet

Photo: Sasha Karelina

Clearly men's perfume French fashion designer Frank Boclet. In 2012, he opened a perfume house and began the business by releasing a series of mono-fragrances built around his favorite scents in the world - leather, oud, patchouli and incense. Each bottle is packaged in an organza bag, which Bocle himself compares to a woman’s leg in a stocking.

Monsieur by Huitieme Art Parfums

Photo: Sasha Karelina

Another work by Pierre Guillaume, under a different name, in the “Eighth Art” series. From the very beginning, the bottles in this series were white and contained the aromas of various edible products. Monsieur is the first one that is clearly masculine and therefore black. Here again, there is no traditional pyramid; the smell rests on two pillars - smoke and incense.

Jasmin et Cigarette Etat Libre d'Orange

Photo: Sasha Karelina

The Etat Libre d’Orange project includes dozens of fragrances with provocative names, but rather harmless sounds. Among the most memorable are “Jasmine and Cigarettes” with orange, jasmine and tobacco. Hello Greta Garbo and Marlene Dietrich, blowing smoke from a black and white screen into a dark cinema hall.

Korloff In White by Korloff Paris

Photo: Sasha Karelina

The Korloff jewelry house, whose symbol is the black 88-carat Korloff Noir diamond, for old times sake makes a jewel-shaped lid for all its fragrances. One of the most non-trivial is an 88 ml frosted glass bottle with the crispy sharp freshness of snow inside.

Liquid Money

Photo: Sasha Karelina

Former Microsoft vice president Patrick McCarthy once read on the Internet a study by Japanese scientists who found that money smells - moreover, this smell motivates success. Without thinking twice, McCarthy found a perfumer and created two scents - masculine and feminine - with the smell of cotton and metal shavings, which together give the aroma of a newly printed bill. Interestingly, the bottle is packaged in real $20 paper cut into long strips.

Sucre d'Ebene Huitieme Art Parfums

Photo: Sasha Karelina

Authentic liquid brown sugar in a retrofuturistic bottle by the same Pierre Guillaume, who figured out how to pack smoke and incense into glass - a professional’s nose will immediately understand that the sugar is irradiated with ultraviolet light and infused with musk. The rest can only be content with a clever imitation of the smell, which instantly awakens the appetite.

Dear readers, we apologize for the errors made in the material. We corrected: the names of the Italian perfume exhibitions “Esxence” and “Pitti Fragranze”, clarified the volume of the Gardenia perfume bottle, added the missing letter to the name Mimosa Pour Moi and removed the extra one from the company name Firmenich. If you notice any other inaccuracies, please do not hesitate to report them.

Two corners on the 1st and 4th floors of the department store, the first one belongs to Rive Gauche and sells mainstream niche perfumes like Serge Lutens and Byredo at a discount with a gold card; on the 4th, the scents are more expensive, largely due to the Tsvetnoy markup.

Member of the Bosco family with three cosmetics and perfume stores. Specifically, for a niche, it’s better to go to GUM, where there are Jo Malone, and Diptyque, and selective lines of brands at the level of Chanel and Guerlain

Selective (or niche) perfumery presented with exclusive small-volume perfumes. Companies producing selective perfumes do not strive to gain popularity and do not count on mass purchases. On the contrary, niche perfumes are made individually for each person. Despite the extraordinary combination of scents, selective perfumery always has its own buyer.

Most often, among buyers of exclusive perfumes there are creative people with in an original way life and unconventional thinking - writers, musicians, actors, artists, journalists. In general, the buyer of selective perfumes is a person, first of all, who wants to be different from everyone else, avoiding norms and any framework. Selective perfumes are in no way associated with fashion, unlike branded perfumes. Thus, fashionistas and fashionistas will most likely prefer a newfangled fragrance from a world-famous cosmetic brand over a selective one.

If you want to smell different from everyone else, try selective fragrances. Niche perfumes are so unique and inimitable that they exceed all the wildest human expectations. Among the selective aromas are those that you will hardly ever find in other, standard and predictable perfumery - the smells of laundry, dry cleaning, freshly cut grass, just baked chocolate croissant, exquisite tobacco, soda, etc.

As for the price of selective perfumes, it can be either fabulous (about 40 thousand rubles) or relatively inexpensive (about 2 thousand rubles).

Features of selective perfumery:

1. Lots of niche perfumes are so limited that some perfumes are produced in only one copy.

2. Selective perfumes are almost impossible to counterfeit, again due to the limited release.

3. Exclusive perfumes often use the rarest and very expensive ingredients.

4. Bottles in which niche perfumes are sold can be either the same type and standard, or unique, hand-painted, signed by the author or decorated with stones from Swarovski.

5. Often selective perfumes are made individually to order.

Types of selective perfumery:

1. Shocking perfume.

Shocking original scents include the smells of rain-dusted dust, washing powder, freshly laid asphalt, etc.

2. Vintage perfume.

The difference between the aromas of vintage perfumes is the old perfume recipes. For example, perfumes that were released many years ago or in the century before last.

3. Personalized perfume.

These selective perfumes are named after the creator of the perfume or the customer. Most often, signature perfumes are an improved version of previously existing scents.

Recently, there has been a lot of talk about selective perfumery, which is gaining popularity, but not everyone understands what it is. It exists in parallel with mass-market and luxury products and is the creation of creative masters. Perfumers who create unusual fragrant works do not focus on the tastes of the majority, challenging the usual. Selective perfumes find their sincere admirer, who is not afraid to experiment with unique scents.

If quite recently such perfumery was the lot of a select few, now many enjoy the creations of real geniuses who put their souls into creating genuine works of fragrant art.

Niche and selective: is there a difference?

Selective perfumes became widely known in the second half of the 20th century, although there are iconic brands that have been around since the 18th century (for example, Creed and Dorin, which created masterpieces for the royal court).

The French word le selectif denotes a fragrance that belongs to the class of niche cosmetics, that is, it occupies a certain level of hierarchy in the perfume classification, and the English word selective is interpreted as “special”, “selected”. Many may be interested to know that niche and selective perfumes are not the same thing.

In Russia, these meanings, which have become firmly established in everyday life, are confused, and for our buyer, perhaps, it makes no sense to distinguish between them. But all over the world, selective perfumery refers to prestigious luxury fragrances in the sense of “selected”, as a kind of premium segment that has nothing to do with a niche.

The main features of selective perfumery

Such confusion in definitions is firmly ingrained in the brains of our customers, and when talking about the features of such perfumes, we will proceed from what we usually call niche selective perfumes.

Brands with a long history and newly created ones cannot have more than 250 points of sale of their own products. If the unspoken rule is violated, the brand moves into the luxury segment and is absorbed by another, larger company. It is known that the Estee Lauder concern, which already owns such monsters of niche perfumes as Le Labo, by Kilian, Tom Ford, Frederic Malle, acquired the equally popular Penhaligon's and L'Artisan Parfumeur.

Fragrances designed for a narrow circle of consumers do not need advertising and do not appear in glossy magazines. Behind selective brand Often there is one perfumer who creates stunning masterpieces. Sometimes several authors work on the brand’s works, and the creative director is responsible for the fragrant canvas.

Selective “noses” work with high-quality natural ingredients and biologically active components, due to which the perfume smells voluminous, and if synthetic components are used, it is only because they cannot be replaced with an analogue. For example, the L"Artisan brand bought the entire batch of orange harvest in Tunisia and produced three thousand bottles with the cheerful aroma of Fleur d`Oranger.

More often than not, in a “niche” there is no division between women’s and men’s selective perfumes, and the absence of gender conventions distinguishes fragrances “not for everyone” from luxury perfumes.

Serge Lutens

The authors of famous niche houses do not pursue commerce and are guided only by their own taste. The famous Serge Lutens, who presented his brand in 2000, is just such a perfumer, creating special aromas. His exquisite selective perfumes are filled with special magic and tell about the feelings of the great maestro of the fragrant world. The master puts his soul into each creation, telling about endless romance, burning passions, eternal love. Multifaceted fragrances from Serge invisibly adorn their owner and have an attractive power.

Luten “voices” subjective experiences, embodying them in colorful canvases and speaking to the future owners of his creations in an understandable language. Niche perfumes from the Serge Lutens brand are a piece of the life of the famous Frenchman, filled with real emotions, and perfumer Christopher Sheldrake, who is responsible for the technical side of the selective brand, helps express Lutens’ feelings in perfume.

Sizzling Chergui, refreshing L'Eau Froide, amber Ambre Sultan, spicy Arabie, honey El Attarine, woody Bois et Fruits, chocolate Borneo 1834 will allow you to plunge into the world of other perfumes, reflecting the experiences of the creator living in Morocco.

Tom Ford

American charismatic designer who creates stylish outfits, showed himself to be a versatile personality and created a brand whose scents have long become iconic. Released in 2006, Black Orchid attracts with special sensuality and luxury. Notes of chocolate, truffle and black orchid are delightfully revealed on women's skin, and the luxurious aroma attracts members of the opposite sex. Magnetically attractive selective perfumes that intrigue and provoke are a true aphrodisiac.

The no less popular Black Violet fragrance surprises with its rich chypre sound, seducing both men and women. He opens new world for its owner, allowing him to fully enjoy a forest fairy tale, where wet mosses, fruity notes, sparkling citruses and violet chords sing a love song.

The famous Tobacco Vanille has held one of the leading places in the top of popular niche fragrances for many years. The perfume is called a witch's potion, where soft vanilla and spicy tobacco are combined, framed by dried fruits and delicate spices. An intoxicating masterpiece that sounds intoxicating on the skin, shimmers with different facets, like a diamond under the bright rays of the sun.

Niche perfumes created by Tom Ford delight with an unusual sound that is truly addictive.

Etat Libre d'Orange

This is one of the most scandalous brands of selective perfumery, which continues to release controversial scents. Provocative compositions with shocking names evoke different emotions. Some admire the courage of the team of authors who create shocking works, others speak negatively about the bold combinations of perfume notes, the main theme of which is sexuality.

The creators of the "Land of Free Oranges", who know very well what "selective perfumes" mean and what they are used for, allow the buyer to look at the world on the other hand, awakening secret passions.

Exploding with accords of warm leather, black pepper, ripe plum Sex Pistols, tobacco and coffee Divin' enfant with a hint of sweet marshmallow, Jasmin et cigarette, telling about the strange union of tobacco and jasmine, Vraie blonde with notes of sparkling champagne, white pepper and velvety peach splashing with juice arouse curiosity and a desire to get to know the unique creativity of the French brand.

Selective perfumes: reviews

The ratings that buyers give to fragrances that destroy the familiar world are very different. Not everyone will like rich compositions with natural ingredients, and lovers of luxury perfumes are completely horrified by the surround sound of the “niche”. Complex masterpieces that reveal themselves differently on the skin can frighten unprepared beginners, however, as lovers of selective perfumery say, after getting acquainted with unusual works, it is impossible to return to the world of monotonous soulless fragrances created in the pursuit of profit.

Many admit that a whole universe has opened up to them, containing a huge number of unique masterpieces made with soul. It increases every year, and new works give a sea of ​​pleasant emotions and sensations.

Happy moment

So, in our article we tried to figure out what “selective perfumes” mean and why they stand apart from other fragrances. Getting acquainted with unique works that leave no one indifferent can result in true love, and, as one of the greats said: “Fragrance is a happy moment to which we return and strive throughout our lives.”

We have long been accustomed to the fact that on store shelves you can find a huge selection of luxury perfumes from Yves Saint Laurent, and you, too, probably have such a bottle. But not everyone knows about the selective Oriental Collection line - these are also YSL perfumes, only more complex and expensive, “for the elite”. We have no doubt that you will appreciate it! We especially liked Supreme Bouquet - an incredibly feminine and sensual scent, suitable for both day and evening. In its heart is tuberose, which gives it a special sound, and auxiliary notes are pear, pink pepper, ylang-ylang, amber and musk. Mm!..

Price: RUB 13,000 (80 ml)

Sunshine by Amouage

Amouage fragrances are already a symbol of luxury, and they are certainly attractive. The new Sunshine combines creamy almond accords, tart notes of black currant and delicate flowers- jasmine, magnolia, osmanthus. With such a scent you can conquer not only a man, but the whole world - you will definitely feel very confident.


Price: RUB 30,800 (100 ml)

01 Molecule

Molecule has already become a legendary perfume - girls, if they haven’t bought the coveted bottle, then dream about it. This scent is very difficult to describe, because it is absolutely individual and reveals itself differently on each person. Perfumer Geza Schoen created a unique woody-musky flair - many believe that it simply drives men crazy and, most importantly, mixes harmoniously with the natural aroma of the skin. In short, the bottle is definitely worth the money.

Price: RUB 12,650 (100 ml)

Killing Me Slowly by Kilian

The perfume with the intriguing name “Killing Me Slowly” will appeal to fans of rich but soft, silky scents. This is a very sensual and intimate flair, which consists of notes of black currant, lychee, Bulgarian rose, iris and Madagascar vanilla. The aroma is complex, rich, but at the same time delicate... Just perfect for a romantic date!

Price: RUB 13,500 (100 ml)

Fleur Narcotique by Ex Nihilo

After reading the name of this fragrance, we were of course very intrigued! Fleur Narcotique (can be translated as “narcotic flower”) from the young Parisian brand Ex Nihilo will appeal to girls of a daring disposition - you still need to dare to do this! In fact, it is truly addictive - such an interesting and enchanting smell is contained in the bottle. Let's try to describe it in words: top notes are bergamot, lychee and peach, heart notes are jasmine, peony and orange blossom, and base notes are woody notes, oakmoss and musk. In a word, the composition is intricate and intriguing. Narcotic!

Price: RUB 23,000 (100 ml)

Jasmin Angelique by Atelier Cologne

Angelic Jasmine is a “green” scent that will suit both you and your boyfriend at the same time. And by the way, it is not at all like the sweet jasmine we are used to - the composition is much more complex and interesting. Egyptian jasmine is helped by notes of fig, galbanum, incense and white amber. It seems to us that Eau de Toilette Perfect as a main perfume for every day - it will be appropriate even in the morning at the office.

Price: RUB 12,600 (100 ml)

Oud Palao by Diptyque

Rich agar notes are all the rage right now! So the perfume brand Diptyque has released its variation on the theme of oud - the aroma of Oud Palao is simply incredible... Woody, with notes of Bulgarian rose, vanilla, tobacco and patchouli. And the best part is that, again, you can use it with your loved one!

Price: RUB 11,250 (100 ml)

Cannibale by Serge Lutens

Don't let the strange and slightly scary name of the fragrance scare you. The famous perfumer Serge Lutens is such an entertainer - he comes up with names for his masterpieces that you definitely want to try, if only for the sake of interest. In fact, Cannibale is a very rich woody oriental scent, which will appeal to lovers of the exotic and something unusual. Lutens himself hints that a woman wearing this perfume “wants to eat.” Agree, no one expects a more stunning effect from perfume!

Price: 7900 rub. (50 ml)

Amber and Roses by Mancera

A great option for the evening was released by the Mancera brand - if you love the scent of roses, then you will definitely like it. Of course, not everything is so simple. In addition to the amber and rose stated in the name of the perfume, you will hear notes of white musk, Indian jasmine and Sicilian lemon. Like all Mancera scents, this one is very rich, so don't overdo it before going out.

Price: RUB 14,400 (100 ml)

Larmes Du Desert by Atelier Des Ors

The Atelier Des Ors brand has just arrived in Russia, but we have already fallen in love with it. The name of the fragrance, which we advise you to take a closer look at, translates as “Tears of the Desert.” It reflects the perfumery traditions of the Middle East, which means it will appeal to lovers of spicy, oriental scents. Notes: incense, cypress, patchouli, cedar, amber... You definitely won’t go unnoticed!

Price: RUB 24,000 (100 ml)

SoOud Ilham

And again fashionable oud notes! This oriental scent sounds very rich and at the same time incredibly feminine. Oud is often associated with woody scents (and even more often with men's perfumes), but in in this case Pink pepper, ginger, musk and patchouli create a sweet, festive scent. It seems to us that the scent can be attributed more to the evening - with cocktail dress it will match perfectly.

Price: RUB 16,500 (100 ml)