Scenarios of female infidelity reflect the problems of a couple.  How I cheated on my husband for the first time...

Scenarios of female infidelity reflect the problems of a couple. How I cheated on my husband for the first time...

Just as there are different women, there are also different reactions of women to what happened. It is difficult to judge unambiguously in this situation, because behind some betrayals there is a life tragedy and a broken life. However, first things first.

For some women, cheating is an unacceptable option, while others do it constantly and easily. Some women who have been through infidelity say that it is “enchanting”, others that it is “disgusting”. It probably all depends on why it happened.

Female infidelity never appears out of nowhere, unless you take into account mentally ill people. When everything is in order in the family, mutual love and understanding, then betrayal becomes simply impossible. If there are systematic problems in the family, then someday this may result in such a “solution” to the problem.

Katya was already 25 years old when she got married. She didn’t have a whirlwind romance, but she was tired of waiting for it. On her way she met a decent, wealthy man with an apartment and a car. Everything turned out quickly and simply. Katya became pregnant, and soon they got married. My daughter was almost five years old when I had to go with her to a sanatorium for treatment. The husband stayed at home. And Katya unexpectedly met another man at the sanatorium. And here a stormy romance could not be avoided. All dormant emotions and feelings came out instantly. The lover was gentle and affectionate and also sincerely surrendered to new feelings. They decided to spend the rest of their lives together. With this decision, Katya came home, where she suddenly found out that she had been pregnant for two months. Of course, from my husband. Gathering all her willpower, Katya decided to stay with her husband. To this day, she corresponds in the evenings with the man she loves and who still calls her to his place. The husband doesn’t know anything, two kids are growing up.

How do you feel about this situation? What could be done?

Reasons for female infidelity.

Dysfunctional family relationships are like a string. For the time being, they can stretch until
will burst somewhere. And then there are several options for the development of events:

Treason will destroy everything that has been built over the years. Relationships where cheating has crept in are not easy to restore. And if they were limping before, then after the betrayal it will be even more difficult to fix them.

Cheating will help a woman reevaluate her marriage and understand that her family is the most important thing in life. It happens that a woman, finding herself on the verge of losing her family, realizes that family is the meaning of life and is not worth some momentary pleasures.

Cheating can turn into a cure for depression. Basically, here we are talking about almost hopeless families, where, for some reason, there are no normal relationships. It happens that a woman is driven into marriage to such an extent that she loses interest in life.

Sometimes it is a stimulus for a new life. It is not always easy to put an end to the existence of a family, even if the relationship does not improve. The family is preserved for the sake of children, status, etc. Cheating in this case puts an end to the relationship and helps to reach a new stage in life.

After reading the above, you may think that I am justifying female infidelity. Not at all. I'm trying to show that it doesn't happen out of nowhere. And, if the wife “cuckolds”, then the man somewhere lost his wife, forgot about her and her needs. And he, of course, is partly to blame.

We naturally condemn the person who stole a loaf of bread. But we can sympathize with him a little, because he was probably very hungry. Women in extramarital affairs strive to receive, first of all, emotional intimacy, support and warmth, but not new sexual sensations, as is the case with the stronger sex. It turns out that a woman who has decided to cheat is most likely “hungry” for warmth and affection. A man can cheat by accident, but a woman mostly only because of strong feelings. This is what it is. Thus, we see that female infidelity or thoughts about it are an indicator of a family crisis.

It is not the beauty of a lover, nor his status, nor any of his skills that attract a woman to her lover, but his attitude towards her. A lover is evidence of unsatisfied female needs: for understanding, care, tender words, romance, acceptance...

Is cheating the solution?

The situation with betrayal is always quite complex and ambiguous. Living together only there it brings happiness and satisfaction where two people work on it. If no one has worked on the relationship, then you shouldn’t be surprised that the marriage is failing. So in this case, it is useless to go into a new relationship. And with a new man, in the end everything can happen again.

If a woman pays attention to other men, then it’s time to “treat” the family. will help you get on the right path. But here there is one big catch - the family must be treated JOINTLY, both husband and wife must work on this. And from my consulting experience, I see that relationship problems often worry wives, while husbands think that everything is fine with them. We need to show feminine cunning and the wisdom to get your husband interested in the need for change. If the family fails, and he does not intend to do anything, then this is his choice, and here one can only expect the consequences of his recklessness.

Predisposition to cheating???

You may find this formulation strange, such as a predisposition to cheating, but nevertheless there are some factors that can indirectly influence the fact that a woman can cheat on her husband. These are factors such as:

The woman’s mother cheated on her husband, and the daughter knew about it;
- a woman believes that she has reasons for infidelity;
- the husband loves his wife more than she loves him;
- have a friend or acquaintance who has had cases of cheating on her husband;
- the wife is the head of the family;
- the wife has a better education than the husband;
- before marriage, a woman had many sexual partners;
- the wife is at a critical age;
- a woman is going through a “dark streak” in her life;
- sudden death of a parent;
- husband often goes on business trips;
- have an old male friend;
- a woman loves independence.

These are not reasons female infidelities, but only factors that may or may not influence.

Ask yourself questions...

A woman who is looking for a better relationship outside of marriage may want to consider a few questions:
- what exactly do I not like about marriage and what do I lack?
- What contribution do I make to the well-being of the family? Do I try to notice and satisfy my husband’s needs or do I just expect this from him?
- what do we do to make the family closer? (what is the time spent together, hobbies, common interests).
- what will my life look like after a divorce: where and on what means will I have to live? What will happen to the children?
- what is good in this whole situation and what is bad? Will I like the change? If changes do not go for the better, then what can be done to return love to the family?

And, finally, I would like to say that there are situations when betrayal helps a woman finally part with unnecessary marital relations. These are situations where her rights are violated, the family suffers from bad habits husband, etc. But in this case, the woman should leave the relationship not for the sake of a new man, but towards a new life.

As we see, they may be different, but prevention is the same for everyone - strengthen family relationships and meet each other's needs .

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Women dream of love. Everyone dreams, from young to old. And if kindergarten dreams bring a smile and tenderness, then women’s love claims, when you are already far beyond..., sometimes look ridiculous - this is what many women think and carefully hide their endless, age-defying expectation of love.

There’s probably no point in objecting, because there’s no point in lying to yourself. And from the outside we often notice what we carefully hide from ourselves! But it becomes sad and offensive for women who are looking for love and don’t find it, who are ready to give all the warmth of their soul, but this is not in demand...

In the sanatorium where I am receiving treatment, there are significantly more women than men. And the age here is what is called retirement age. No, of course, the overall picture is pleasantly diversified by ladies from 35 to 45 years old, but there are not many of them. They have such a silent rivalry with each other, almost like at a beauty contest. But all this is done so that no one would guess. Although outfits change several times a day, you can’t get into a hairdresser’s; perfume and jewelry are instantly swept off the counters of visiting peddlers.

Accompanied by the jealous and picky glances of older vacationing ladies, young (relatively) sanatorium divas proudly parade in high heels, in bright outfits with evening makeup even in the medical building and during physical exercises.

But the most interesting thing is to watch the dance evenings, which are an integral part of entertainment program any sanatorium. The men, who have drunk for courage and courage, arrive early and take strategically advantageous places for observation. And then, talking in a low voice, they evaluate each newly arrived lady, giving marks and deciding whether to invite them to dance or not.

Men rarely love and even less often know how to dance, so a disco in a sanatorium is a place for dating, and not, in fact, for dancing. But women love to dance. Even those who don't dance various reasons, happily settle into chairs and watch. In addition, it is in dance that women noticeably look younger, are distracted from routine and everyday life, become liberated and look very attractive, as if they have shed a good ten years.

And, if you think about it, women who are already over... don’t often have the opportunity to dance in ordinary life, especially like this, on the floor, in the dance hall, surrounded by large quantity people, in formal weekend attire and staying late, not thinking about the fact that they have to get up early tomorrow, and there are still a lot of unfinished things left. And if you also get a worthy partner, then this is generally a little woman’s happiness!

For the most part, women who come to the sanatorium do not initially think about romantic relationships and holiday romances. They hope to take a break from home and other hustle and bustle, get some treatment, and just get some sleep. In addition, there is a husband and family at home... But a woman always remains a woman, and if suddenly a quite handsome man of the right age showers him with compliments, treats him to champagne and tries with all his might to impress, then how can one resist and not respond with at least slight sympathy? !

My roommate fell in love. And, although she tries not to say anything, everything betrays the beginning of a relationship in her: there is an irresistible desire to please, again, as once in her youth, to feel all the intoxication of flirting, compliments, courtship - everything that any romance consists of. Is it true, holiday romance What’s different is that here you can accomplish much more in a unit of time, and you feel everything much more acutely than in ordinary life.

And this is understandable, because on vacation there is more time, and it is occupied only with thoughts about oneself: what to wear, how to look better, how to spend time, etc. In addition, a couple in love may not be separated around the clock, and so on for the entire period allotted by the trip . If you count how much time two people spend together in a normal environment, it turns out that in 24 days of rest, the resulting couple has as much communication as the total of those who are dating for at least six months, or even more. Moreover, there are no distractions - neither work, nor household chores, nor the usual worries of life.

Maybe that’s why many people fall in love at the resort so much that later for many years they experience this sudden love of theirs, all the time giving it new touches, embellishing the details and experiencing what happened again and again with the sweet poignancy of a sin committed.

And then the revelations of Galina, my neighbor, began. She is 54 years old, married. The children have grown up and are living their own lives. The relationship with my husband is generally good - normal, as Galya said. But she forgot to even think about love, she says what kind of love it is when you’ve been side by side for so many years - you’ve gotten used to it, become close, and that’s all.

And then the gentleman invited me to dance, we met, and started talking. And it turned out that they are such kindred spirits that, like in the movies, they love the same things, think the same about everything. And he is so understanding, so attentive and caring, that she seemed to be born again.

The gentleman also has a family, children, and the relationship is also boring - there is no joy or flight in it. So two people met with an urgent need for love, understanding, tenderness. Galina said that in a few days she heard from her new friend as many kind words as her husband had never said in his entire life. And also attention, which she has lost the habit of, and flowers, and walks - everything that is not in her ordinary life.

Once upon a time, in sanatoriums and rest homes, the staff considered it their duty to guard morality and fiercely control the moral character of vacationers. For staying in someone else's room after lights out, they were accused of immoral behavior and discharged from the sanatorium. ahead of schedule, reported to work, etc. Now this is not the case, unless the violation of the routine is very significant and interferes with the rest of others.

But Galina and her friend are not hiding in the rooms. They usually sit side by side in armchairs or walk together in the sanatorium park. And they talk enthusiastically all the time. In the evening, after returning from a date, she still cannot fall asleep for a long time, and we talk with her about a woman’s lot, about why, by the age of fifty, all feelings are replaced by duty, responsibility and habit. Why does the husband forget to show his love and care, why do they always teach only women how to stir up a man and don’t teach the same thing in men?! And, most importantly, why do all desires disappear?

24 days flew by quickly. Galin's gentleman was leaving a day before her - the holiday was over. On the day of departure, I went to the site where the bus with vacationers was leaving. A couple I knew said goodbye: he was already sitting on the bus, and she stood near his window and could barely hold back her tears. The man was probably mentally already at home, with his family, because he clearly felt awkward under the suffering gaze of his temporary girlfriend. And cheerful music echoed throughout the entire territory - a fashionable singer repeated: “Why did you come up with something that didn’t exist?!”

In the evening Galina did not go anywhere, we decided to spend the last evening in the room. She didn’t talk about anything anymore, but it was clear that she was going over pleasant memories in her memory. Then the woman sighed and said: “I don’t regret anything - I felt like a woman. At least there will be something to remember in old age..."

Someone will say - what’s good, because a holiday romance is adultery! But I wasn’t interested in how far Galina went in her sudden love, and, of course, I don’t presume to judge other people’s actions - here all the people are adults, and they themselves have known for a long time what is good and what is bad. In almost a month of communication, my neighbor never once mentioned the happy moments of her married life. She talked a lot about her family, her husband and children, but never about her feelings. And it turns out that, having lived more than a quarter of a century with her husband, a woman will remember a holiday romance as an episode in her life that left the strongest mark. Who's to blame that it's a stranger's man and not dear person, gave her the opportunity to feel wanted and in demand, an attractive woman who could be liked?

I've been on the site for a long time. There's a reason for this. But before I only read, studying other people’s situations. Then the number of “rags for wiping” in the form of supposedly men exceeded all conceivable limits. They also ask for advice on how best to wear their horns. Ugh, you freaks of the male tribe. And so I decided to write my own, albeit old, story.

I got married in 1990, after graduating from university. A year later, a daughter was born. I am a cheerful person by nature, I play the guitar and sing well. He was always the life of the party and the leader of all events. As they say, I am for any kind of action, except for a hunger strike. But, having started a family, I began to devote more time to my beloved girls and, of course, to work. After all, my family should not need anything. I worked and earned extra money. Everything goes to the house. Yes, I don't smoke, I don't abuse alcohol. With sex, too, thank God everything is still going well. So we bought an apartment, a car, a dacha. They also dressed decently. Mink coats, sheepskin coats, rings, earrings. Live and be happy.

But it so happened that in 2008 I became seriously ill. It took me two years to get out and more or less recover. My wife, of course, helped, but I felt a chill in her attitude towards me already then, in 2010. I could no longer work in the previous mode, and I didn’t need to. I have a decent position and a corresponding salary.

So this is why I am writing all this. In the fall of 2010, I went to the sanatorium alone. Before that, we traveled everywhere and always together, sometimes with our daughter or together with my wife. It so happened that my wife was not given leave then. The daughter studied in St. Petersburg and was studying. Daily calls brightened up the separation. And most importantly, during my stay in the sanatorium, it was her wife’s birthday. Well, as usual, I wanted to make it romantic for my beloved. I made an agreement with the sanatorium staff and went home for a day, fortunately, it was only about 50 km from home. I bought champagne, candles, fruit, decorated the table and waited for my wife to get home from work. Well, of course, I didn’t stop calling all day, congratulating her, talking to her, as if I was in a sanatorium. I didn’t turn on the light, I was preparing a surprise.

Through the window I saw a wife approaching the entrance with bouquets of roses, and a little further away a man was walking with bags that obviously contained gifts. This is where my heart skipped a beat. And he walked behind so as not to attract the attention of his neighbors. I wanted to light the candles while my wife went upstairs, but I didn’t. I decided to wait until I entered the apartment. I hoped that everything seemed to me, and that the man was not with her, but on his own. Or just helps carry bags.

The door opened, I stood ready with a lighter to quickly light the candles, if anything happened. But I heard the steps of that man and the words of my wife: “Come on quickly.” Then came, as I understand it, a kiss, and they moved into the hall. My brain is exploding. Stupor... Complete lack of understanding of what is happening. My only one, whom I have never cheated on, betrayed me so cynically, in our apartment. I came to my senses, but apparently not completely, because I burst into their room with a knife, which threw them both into fear. The wife screamed: “Sorry!”, The man also shit himself out of fright. And then there was an epiphany on my part. Well, if I kill, they’ll put me in prison, but who will I do worse to? I need to finish my daughter’s education.

In short, I invited them to continue the evening romantically, at my expense, in the end, so to speak. I took the car and drove back to the sanatorium, telling her that her spirit would not be in our house when I returned. Yes, I still punched the guy in the face, and more than once, before leaving. The wife didn’t even blather.

As a result, after massive attacks with pleas for forgiveness, requests not to cross out 20 years of life, and repentance for what I had done, I finally got divorced. The wife told everything to her daughter herself. The apartment and the dacha were sold. We bought three one-room apartments. One for everyone. My daughter is finishing her studies soon, I want her to have her own place. I have been helping her study all this time and will continue to help her. We communicate normally with BZ. Peaceful coexistence.

I am now an “enviable bachelor”. At the end of 2013, I changed my apartment to a two-room apartment and bought good furniture. I have someone to spend time with. I just don’t want to get married yet, I’m careful. My wife also hopes to return. I assure you - in vain. I cannot forgive anyone for betrayal. And those who chew snot, “I love you, I can’t live without her, children and other nonsense” are cuckolds in life. I loved madly, but forgive me like that - excuse me. I have not left my daughter and will not leave her. And she loves me and understands everything. Although somehow in a conversation I mentioned how good our family was, and whether I would like to try to forgive my mother. I explained to her that as soon as I imagine my wife with someone else, I will immediately feel a state close to pre-heart attack. We don’t have any more conversations on this topic. This is my life before and after the betrayal.

for a vacation (treatment, study, symposium, concerts) abroad, on a cruise in the Mediterranean, a tour of European countries, on a business trip, on a camping trip (mountains, kayaks, excursions, pilgrimages to holy places), to visit a friend with an overnight stay, for a two-day stay corporate party with barbecue in a deep forest, etc.?

Reader, you did exactly the right thing by starting with this question. Before, not after. Most husbands, on the contrary, shout after the departing train:

How can you find out if your wife has cheated while you are alone at the resort?
How to find out if your wife cheated on you on vacation abroad?
If my wife went on a business trip with her boss, will she cheat there?
If your wife went on an outing with her classmates, did she have sex there?
Why do my wife’s eyes glow, cheerful and energetic after a trip to the resort?
My wife came from the sea, she has changed beyond recognition.
Wives go to conventions, do they cheat?
My wife came from the south and doesn’t look me in the eye.

It's too late to ask. We should have done this before, before!

Next... What makes you think that she will be there alone? A woman is somehow afraid to be away from home (at first 🙂) Therefore, as a rule, she is going to go with a friend or a married couple whom you don’t know. But most likely there will be one more person there. Either he will arrive separately, or on the same plane with her. They, like, don’t know each other until they get there. Well, you understand who it is...

Why do wives go to conventions? What do you think? Learn wisely? Or share yours? Well, we divided zero by two, what happened?

A crow flew overseas, and returned as a crow. (Russian last)

Meeting with classmates, of course, is a sacred thing. However, there are husbands who do not even let their wives go there! And they do it right! Have you been to such meetings yourself? So why are you asking? Don’t doubt it: they will remember their youth to the fullest, rest assured! The wife can be allowed to attend such meetings no earlier than after 40 years from the date of her graduation. high school, and the institute even more so! As for the ballet school, theater/circus school, it’s better for you not to know about them...

Did your wife cheat on you on a business trip? Why do you think she went there? Women, as a rule, do their best to avoid business trips. Is yours already eager to go somewhere far away? She can’t sit still... What, is the awl stuck in her ass? Often bosses and other bullies choose a mistress from their entourage, in subordinate or affiliated structures, for which they stupidly ask their friends and colleagues: “Don’t you have an interesting woman among your staff? Let me introduce you...” And the higher such a pepper is placed, the more often and more brazenly he uses his official position. And then they go together, like, on a business trip. This is a classic of the genre from Soviet times. A great way to eat fish and... well, you get the idea.
If your wife suddenly changes her job, be on the lookout: it is very likely that such an arrogant pepper took her to his company.

Now about water resorts and other health resorts. It looks like you haven't been there since you're asking. And if I had visited, I would have been simply horrified. From the debauchery that is going on there. How both the old and the young, the handsome and the ugly, the faithful and the traitor, the smart and the fool indulge in this vice. Under the corrupting influence of all sorts of resorts, sanatoriums, boarding houses and other viper places, even the most persistent people are decomposing. Even the man of flint and the woman of steel, seeing all this sodomy, involuntarily come to the conclusion that they are white crows. If everyone behaves this way, then it’s normal! Am I worse, or what? “Once in a lifetime you only turn 18!” Everything is accessible, easy and without problems. Drink, walk and have fun, cash in the painting...

Resorts spoil even the most faithful wives. In each of these hotbeds of vice, hundreds of visiting “pick-up artists” are running around, plus a local population of freeloaders (farm gigolos), who are only thinking about how to screw someone’s tomatoes.

Rush of bare-assed seaside ladies' men.

And all of them, like young cockerels, vying with each other to show off their feathers to the stupid hens. I didn’t think: why do these scary, fat women go to Turkey and Egypt every year? Haven’t you seen the pyramids, or what?... If a woman has tried a resort wedding at least once, then you can be sure that she will rush there again and again by hook or by crook.

Some cunning bitches invent illnesses for themselves, bribe doctors, smear soot and other makeup on their faces to make them look sick, falsify tests... And immediately go for treatment somewhere beyond Kudykina Mountain. Moreover, there are those who don’t even consider such sex tourism to be treason! At home, they say, she is faithful, but away from home this is not treason. Oh how! 😯

This mare is used to carry firewood, not to heal at sea.
Don't be a sucker, dude, put her on a chain.

Of course, on any women's site or forum you can read about real, self-confident men, knights-gentlemen who, without any reservations or conditions, let their clever beauties go to the ends of the earth! Moreover, they provide them with a tidy sum so that they don’t get bored there. First she will go, and then she will tell her husband whether it is worth going there at all, so that he can properly plan his vacation. And on next time she will definitely take her husband with her. (Maybe. 🙂)

Where was your wife on vacation, dude?

From these same sources, noodles will be poured on you abundantly, they say, only cowards and insecure men will not let go! A real man He won’t be at all jealous that his lady flirts a little there. So what? Light flirting for a woman is not at all contraindicated, but even useful! This makes her look younger, prettier, cheerful, energetic and doesn’t nag her husband for a whole month!

There are, however, also original husbands. What if she doesn’t return from there?... And no problem... Like that character from the famous joke who sent his wife with tourists to the Himalayas, and a year later wondered: should he take it back or let him lie in the snow a little longer?

But if you don’t have sawdust in your head, and you can think at least a little with your head, then you will never in your life let your wife go alone to some fucking resorts. It's the same as throwing a wad of bucks at a metro station. The hungry dogs of the crowd will tear them to shreds!... Only your ill-wishers or complete idiots can advise you to let your wife go somewhere alone... Yes, your wife herself will not go without you if she is smart, loving and faithful. And don’t travel without your wife if you love and appreciate her. In the right family, either both go to resorts, or neither goes. Such is the corporate solidarity in it. And if a wife stupidly and persistently strives to go somewhere without her husband, then there is no doubt that she is going to cuckold him.

Some people are wondering: will little things from a sex shop help keep your wife faithful during frequent business trips? 🙂
They won't help! Also A.P. Chekhov said that going on a business trip with a vibrator is the same as going to Tula with your samovar. It's just an extra burden. Although, for an experiment, you can discreetly put this device in her suitcase with a note “Remember about me.” It's so romantic and original! When she finds him in the hotel room, she will be moved to tears! And he will immediately want to change.

Why does the wife hide her eyes? Yes, for the same reason that a mischievous cat is hiding! She feels guilty, is afraid that her husband will guess everything, and is tormented by doubts about what she should do now. But this is only the first time. From the second, shame turns into pride for one’s dirty, immoral deeds... “Her soul sings like a harp.”

A comrade said that in his entire long history of being a member of the trade union, he had never had the honor of receiving a ticket. Buying such a ticket for money was not easy either. I had to look for workarounds. An acquaintance helped him buy a vacation ticket to a sanatorium near Moscow from the regional department of railway workers’ trade unions. The voucher stated - “Accommodation in a separate room.” Such a record in itself spoke of the client’s closeness to the authorities.

- Certainly! - he said.

- Let's go to the second one!

- I studied once.
- Let's try?
- Let's.

- So I'm lucky. On the first evening I met a girl who was taught to dance. What's your name?

- What can’t be done?
- To me. Mom is at home.
- Come to my room.

- And you still wear it?!

- You know where to go!

Oh Nina, it's you!


- Me too!

And I was shy!

- Why?


- What's wrong with your eyes?

- Why are you surprised?
- Well, yes! What's wrong with you?

- Oh, how it hurt you!

Nina soon just got tired:

Are you leaving already?
- Yes!


Registration number 0029180 issued for the work:


My friend told me about this adventure.
The events described took place in pre-perestroika times. A friend was preparing to go on a long business trip.

This was preceded by hassle, from which he decided to take a break at the Moscow Rest House.

Holiday homes and sanatoriums in those days existed at the expense of trade unions. Tickets there were free. They were issued to leaders in production. That was the order. But, as you know, the Russian person changes every “order” in his own way. Therefore, usually the heads of trade union organizations at enterprises distributed vouchers among friends.

A comrade said that in his entire long history of being a member of the trade union, he had never had the honor of receiving a ticket. Buying such a ticket for money was not easy either. I had to look for workarounds. An acquaintance helped him buy a vacation ticket to a sanatorium near Moscow from the regional department of railway workers’ trade unions. The voucher stated - “Accommodation in a separate room.” Such a record in itself spoke of the client’s closeness to the authorities.

He immediately felt this when the administrator of the Holiday Home respectfully asked:
- Would you like a view of the forest?
- Certainly! - he said.
- On the second floor or on the third?
- Let's go to the second one!
The room was furnished modestly. Bed, bedside table, table and chair. All in one copy. But the main thing was the key to the room in which no one would be accommodated.

This was an important circumstance. All other vacationers were accommodated in double and even quadruple rooms. What this meant was known in advance.

Imagine a railway worker who receives a free trip to a holiday home. This means that he is freed from the watchful eye of his wife for three weeks. Your pocket is burning with a nest egg that needs to be spent. It is advisable to do this in a pleasant, friendly company. Such companies with participants of both sexes get together in the first hours of settlement.

Then everything is simple. The “snack” at lunch and dinner is folded into a newspaper bag. The bottle can be purchased at a local store. After a short discussion, a number for the party is selected. Usually the choice falls on women. To begin with, everything is cultural, everything is decent and there is a snack on the coffee table. The table is covered with newspaper for order.

After a short time, the corridors are filled with the sounds of the most popular folk song“The reeds rustled.” The resulting couples are distributed among the rooms and merge in love ecstasy.
All this noise and bustle remains behind the closed doors of a single room, which is what my friend needed.

Looking at the rumpled faces of revelers of both sexes in the morning, my friend felt a certain pity. Instead of rest, people arranged for themselves to work at night, which, however, they did not regret.
As the “stash” was spent, the parties gradually faded away. What's a party without a drink?! People began to look for other entertainment. Hiking, lying on the river bank, throwing rings on pegs, that’s all.

My comrade kept himself apart from the rest of the vacationers. He politely rejected any attempts to bring together vacationers of both sexes. As a result, a vacuum formed around him.

On the one hand, it was good, but on the other, it was boring without communication. Attempts to identify among the railway workers suitable men and women for communication led nowhere. The difference in intelligence, and therefore in interests, was enormous. Two weeks passed like this.

And suddenly...How often does this happen in life! Exhausting from boredom, the next evening, our hero went to dance. Dancing in holiday homes is a meeting place for men and women. In dance, you can establish not only the physical parameters of a partner, but also feel signs of intelligence, the ability to stay in a couple, which is not unimportant in communication between a man and a woman.

Further, for simplicity, I will tell the story in the first person.
It was Saturday evening. As usual, I stood on the sidelines, looking at the familiar faces of the vacationers. They were already so familiar to me that I recognized them instantly. This was getting boring and I was about to quietly retreat. Suddenly... It’s suddenly again. An unfamiliar girl's face appeared next to me. She stood in profile towards me.

I noticed the unusualness of this face. Straight nose, fine features and well-groomed facial skin, slender figure. She just came and stood next to me.

Feeling my gaze on her, she turned her face and smiled. There was both interest and invitation in that smile. The orchestra started playing the Boston Waltz. I have loved this melody and the dance itself for a long time. It was taught to me as a child in a circle ballroom dancing Pioneer houses. I had a very good partner beautiful girl. Her name was Inga. While dancing, she simply fluttered like a butterfly. I was unrequitedly in love with her. But she chose me as a couple.

These memories flashed through my mind instantly. And I looked at the stranger standing next to me through the prism of these thoughts. Of course, she was far from Inga. And most importantly, she didn’t have a braid down to her waist. On the contrary, the hair was styled short hairstyle. True, this hairstyle suited her very well.

Under the influence of these thoughts, I turned and asked:
- Can you dance the Boston waltz?
- I studied once.
- Let's try?
- Let's.
She obediently put her hand on my shoulder and with unexpected dexterity began to repeat the intricate steps of this dance. She danced beautifully, was an obedient and pleasant partner. I, having a sophisticated knowledge of the most complex ballroom dance steps, liked to lead her in the dance. She obeyed perfectly, instantly adopted the rules of the dance and did all this with a light and joyful smile on her face. Already in the dance, I noticed that her gaskets were facing in different directions. The clubbing was severe. This confused me at first. Then nothing. All her other female features were quite good and even attractive.

And you dance well. Sorry for being on first-name terms right away.
- Nothing. It's easier for me. And I studied dancing in our club.
- So I'm lucky. On the first evening I met a girl who was taught to dance. What's your name?

It turned out that her name is Nina. She lives in a neighboring village. Works at the aircraft plant in Tushino. There is a husband with whom she does not live. He says he drinks heavily. He gave birth to a daughter, whom her mother babysits.

Talking so quietly, we left the dance floor. The evening was warm. There was a young woman nearby. And it’s okay that she’s cross-eyed, but she’s ready for love games. She immediately confirmed this readiness as soon as I hugged her waist. The kiss was hot, full of languor. Her lips, sometimes limp, sometimes confident, enveloped me, piercing my whole body with languor. She knew how to kiss and loved. The kisses were followed by a desire to caress her breasts, her cool belly and below. Nina trustingly gave her body to my hands.

Our caresses were passionate and brought both of us to the last point, but she whispered all the time:
- No! Not today... Today you can't...
- What can’t be done?
- To me. Mom is at home.
- Come to my room.
- You're crazy! Everyone at the Holiday Home knows me. Immediately, gossip will spread throughout the village that I am “clinging” to vacationers. So my mother gave birth to me from one such vacationer. No! It is forbidden! - she paused and said, “Mom won’t be there tomorrow.” Will you come?
- And you still wear it?!

She forbade me to take her home. We agreed to sunbathe together on the beach in the morning and pass the time until the evening.
After morning breakfast, I took a blanket from my room. I walked away from the Rest House and, perching under a tree near the road to the beach, began to wait for my cross-eyed Ondine.

The agreed time for the meeting arrived, but she was not there. Five, ten, fifteen minutes, but she didn’t come. An hour later, absolutely sure that they played Dynamo for me, or, more simply put, the girl deceived me, I went to the beach.

Vacationing railway workers did not favor the beach with their presence. On this rather cool May day, they preferred other warmer places. Looking around sadly, I walked along the grass on the bank of the river, quietly feeling sorry for myself. Somehow I couldn’t believe that after such pleasant minutes last night, hot hugs and kisses, a woman could deceive you in cold blood.

To calm down, I began to collect wildflowers, which were pleasing to the eye on this spring day. When I instead female body, holding a small cheerful bouquet of modest wildflowers in his hands, walked around the bend, and was stunned for a moment. The scene I saw was reminiscent of vaudeville.

A soldier sat by the river bank, taking off his tarpaulin boots and plunging his feet into the water. His pose was imposing, and he himself, half turning back, said something, grinning obscenely.

He addressed a naked girl lying a little higher on the hill. Actually, she wasn't naked. She was wearing a beach suit that did not hide anything, but rather emphasized the beautiful female features. She was lying on her stomach, exposing her round white buttocks, slightly covered with strips of fabric, to the sun. She unfastened her bra, revealing her back in all its glory, turning into a waist with dimples in the lower back. The whole girlish figure could well become a model of female beauty.

The couple did not notice me and continued their conversation. There was a hint of playfulness in him, but this playfulness was expressed in a simple exchange of words:
- Listen, girl! Turn on your back. Let me see the tits!
- You know where to go!
- I know! Let's go together! I’ll arrange something for you, and if you want, I’ll show you.
- Look what you want. She just ran away. I won't stop.

Saying this, the girl threw her hands behind her back and began to fasten her bra. Having completed this simple procedure, she sat down, bending her legs and folding her hands on her knees. When she turned her face towards me, covered with huge sunglasses, I shuddered in surprise:

Oh Nina, it's you!
- Hi. And I thought that you deceived me and would not come. He lured me in and abandoned me. So the guy became attached to me. Hey! Soldier! Put on your boots and stomp to the unit. My boyfriend has arrived!
- And I was waiting for you by the road. They probably missed each other!
- I came here on a short route. We always walk like this.
- I didn’t know. Let's get ready. You'll catch a cold. Let's get out of here.
While she was putting on her skirt and buttoning her blouse, I once again admired her tightly tailored body. The glasses hid the defect in her eyes, and against the backdrop of the green meadow my new friend looked charming.

Running up to me, she trustingly offered her lips for a kiss, and when she saw a bouquet of flowers she was delighted:
- How kind you are. Did you collect this for me?
- For you. And I also thought that you deceived me.
- Well, what are you doing? You are so sweet, I even missed you overnight.
- Me too!

So exchanging kind words We walked along the path, past a soldier, stunned by surprise and confused. Of course, he was counting on continuing his acquaintance with such a beautiful girl, but then the gentleman appeared... It all started so well! As a man, I felt sorry for him, but today was my day!

Hugging the girl proprietorially around the waist, I confidently moved along the path past him. Nina couldn’t resist sticking her tongue out at the guy! This made the guy suddenly blush deeply and lower his head.
We moved away from the Rest House and settled in a shallow ravine. It was all overgrown with young spring grass, which was pleasing to the eye and soothing. She calmed down, but not everyone. As soon as we settled down on the blanket, Nina covered me with her body, and I was instantly kissed all over.

Such passion not only confused me a little, but also alerted me. You know, a woman’s pressure always confuses a man. This is not according to the rules or something. From a male point of view, everything should be the other way around. It is up to the man to conquer women's bastions. But here it was the other way around.

Nina did not let up. He threw off her dress and, remaining in a swimsuit, pressed her whole body against me. When I stood up, she wrapped her arms around my neck and her legs around my waist, pressing her pubis against my groin. Such a tangle of bodies could well suggest bad thoughts to passers-by.

And I was shy!
- Listen! Well, you can’t do that! There are a lot of people walking around here. What will they think?
- I don’t care about them. Let them look and envy. Are you okay with me?

I had to change my position to a lying position in order to get out of the sight of prying eyes. The walls of the ravine covered our bodies, and I showed in practice how good I felt.
With the movements of her body, Nina showed that she was ready for more. And she did it more and more persistently. Finally she couldn’t stand it and said:

Oh! How strange you are... My boss at work correctly tells me: “All intellectuals are a little impotent!”
- This is not about me. You can be sure.
- Yes, it's true. Why are you then...?
- There are a lot of people walking here. I can't do that.
- Why?
- There may be too many advisors.
After giggling, Nina still agreed that making love in constant fear of being seen “is not good.”
I was interested in the boss's words. I started asking:

And that your boss is your lover?
- No! What you! Of course, he pesters me with different proposals, but I don’t want to have love affairs at work. They can kick you out and that’s it.
Nina worked at an aircraft factory. Actually, her work was paper work, but it paid well. That was the main thing - she didn’t want to lose this job.

This daytime conversation showed that Nina was not at all like a village woman. She expressed her thoughts very clearly and competently. It turned out that she had a secondary technical education. She is thinking of continuing it, but has already failed twice in the entrance exams to the aviation institute.

And her appearance did not at all resemble Russian village women. A straight, rather than snub nose, facial features bore signs of a good gene pool. When I asked her about this, she answered simply:

This is all a holiday home. My mother fell in love with an intellectual and slept with him. That's how I was born.
- What's wrong with your eyes?
- I was sick with something in childhood, but it wasn’t treated. They say surgery is needed. Somehow I can’t get it together. Why does this bother you?
- No, of course not, but still unusual.
- Well, that’s what it is. As long as it stays that way.

Her answer contained notes of some hope for a long-term relationship, which worried me. But then I thought every woman, and even one so young, is looking for a husband in any man. A protector and provider for her children. Normal natural instinct.

I resolutely rejected the woman’s attempts to immerse herself in nature, and even in the immediate vicinity of the Rest House.
- You know, I don't want us to be seen making love.
- Yes, I understand. But I really want...
- Just wait until the evening, and then we’ll see about the impotent man...

Nina explained in detail how to find her house in the village. She said she has a TV. The latter was explained by the fact that the film “Cabaret” was to be shown in the evening program. I really wanted to watch it.
I went to the village in my car. I found a house quickly. It was no different from an ordinary village building. Nina met me at the gate. She asked me to park the car in the back of the courtyard. She explained that the neighbors are very big-eyed.

The inside of the house was furnished with modern furniture, which calmed me down. I expected to see village shops. But everything was furnished like in a city apartment.
The TV turned out to be an old black and white Ruby. The antenna was bad and the picture was poor.

Nina was openly looking forward to the continuation of the day's hugs. Therefore, the bed was already dismantled, and she herself was in a light robe thrown over her naked body. All this was supposed to show that the woman knows and even imposes the evening’s program on the man.

I saw all this, but I was in no hurry to implement the proposed program. I was just interested in the film. So we sat together drinking cognac, and I watched TV. The cognac did its job, and the young woman sitting on the bed, casting inviting glances at me, worried me.

I moved to Nina and she readily continued the love game that had begun earlier in the day. She confidently enough freed me from my clothes and took off her robe without even noticing.
In the darkness of twilight, a beautiful female body was white on the bed, of which Nina was probably proud. The nipples of her breasts menacingly and invitingly rushed upward. This position indicated that the woman was very excited.

I don’t consider myself a sex giant, but I have the main altruistic rule - satisfy the woman first! Where there! Nina was eager to take action now and immediately. Still, somehow I continued my manipulations and it seems that I achieved what I wanted. The woman's body arched, her legs hugged me forcefully, and we began to fly.

It all ended quite quickly, and we both lay there, exhausted from the battle of capturing the women’s fortresses. At some point, Nina stood up, wiped me with a wet towel and busily left, telling me, “I’ll be there in a minute!”

Surprised by these confident efforts, I reassured myself - the woman is married and knows what to do. He turned on his side and dozed off. I woke up from the touch of a cool female body on my back. She pressed her chest tightly against me and... sticking her hand out, she tightly grasped my main masculine pride in her palm.

Can you fall asleep with your male pride in someone else's palm? So I couldn’t. While I was thinking like this, what was lying in my palm came to life and demanded freedom.

I turned to Nina, who was already falling asleep, turned on her back and lifted her onto me. She looked at me with surprise. In her eyes I read a silent question:
- Why are you surprised?
- Well, yes! What's wrong with you?
- Nothing special. I’ll just prove to you now that intellectuals are not all impotent.
- Oh, how it hurt you!

With these words, the girl began to actively move on my lap. Soon she squeaked quietly and fell onto my chest. Either her palm did its job, or some other coincidence, but I continued the gymnastic sexual exercises.

Remembering those minutes, I am ready to argue with women's magazines, which firmly stand on the fact that good sex can last for hours. It's all a lie. A normal couple is completely satisfied with moments of passion, and remain alive and satisfied.

Nina soon just got tired:
- Oh, you’ll be there soon, otherwise I can’t do it anymore. You completely killed me...
- Now do you agree that your boss is lying?
- Well, of course. Let's finish quickly. I'm tired.

We fell asleep in the same position - my pride in her palm. I woke up first. It was half past six in the morning. The sun had already risen, and it was a wonderful morning outside.

Nina stretched out wide on the bed, smiling blissfully in her sleep. No matter how hard I tried to do everything quietly, the girl’s morning sleep was light. She opened her slanted eyes, smiled at me and asked:

Are you leaving already?
- Yes!
- If I had just lain down a little longer, we would have continued...
- Isn’t it enough for you? She said herself that she was tired.
“I was tired then, but now I can do it again.”
- No. You have to work today. I'm also going to Moscow.
- A! Well, yes! Then of course. Listen, buy me a hair coloring shampoo in Moscow.
She busily explained what trademark and color she needs shampoo. How many bottles? It seemed to me very businesslike with a hint of some kind of rights over me. How quickly women check on a man what rights she has over him the morning after a night spent together!

I got into the car and drove away. I picked up my passport at the Rest House. In response to the administrator’s surprised question, he said that I had urgent family matters, so I was leaving early.

She immediately began to figure out what she could do for the remaining days I paid for. This efficiency was clearly written on her face. Then she came to her senses and wished me a successful journey.