Fashionable children's haircuts for girls.  The most beautiful models: photos of catwalk goddesses Hairstyles for medium hair for an 8 year old girl

Fashionable children's haircuts for girls. The most beautiful models: photos of catwalk goddesses Hairstyles for medium hair for an 8 year old girl

Nowadays, grooming and compliance with fashion rules are necessary not only for adults, but also for children. That is why parents of girls carefully monitor their child’s hair from the moment the first hair appears.

Babies' first hair appears in different time– there is no clear date for when a child’s hair will begin to grow. Some children are born with hair, while others develop it gradually, so it is impossible to say exactly when parents first start creating beautiful haircuts for girls.

There is a stereotype that when you grow your first hair, in the future it will be healthier, thicker and stronger. However, it is not recommended to start growing your first hair. There is no proven relationship between infant haircuts and future hair quality, so you should not leave a girl’s first hair, especially in hot weather.

In the very younger age children's are relevant for girls short haircuts. Most often, a girl’s first haircut is a “boy” version with beautifully trimmed bangs - such options can be found on girls as young as 2 years old. If the parents decide to grow their little princess's hair, then the haircut consists of periodically trimming the ends.

Around the age of 3, girls already have enough hair for their first model haircuts. From 3 to 5 years the following are popular: fashionable haircuts for girls.

Children's haircuts for girls for short hair

  • Kare – a good option medium and short haircuts for little girls. Many variations in length, ways of designing ends and bangs allow parents to choose the optimal haircut for their child. Taking into account the structure and type of hair, the specialist will suggest the best option for the child. It is convenient to style the bob using a comb. This haircut allows you to comfortably wear your hair loose or do some hairstyles (ponytails, small braids, if the length of the bob is not the minimum).
  • Bob - this haircut has many modern options. You can make a classic bob, with extensions or asymmetrical, straight or layers.
  • Cap. This haircut comes from the 60s. It looks harmonious and neat on a child. Despite its apparent simplicity, it requires a competent craftsman to work out the details of the haircut.
  • Asymmetrical haircuts require a thoughtful cut shape that takes into account the shape of the face.

Haircuts for medium hair

Beautiful haircuts for girls with medium hair consist of playing with the length of the strands and symmetry. Graduation of curls and various options for bangs (straight or oblique) allow you to experiment with medium hair length. Also, “ladder” and “cascade” haircuts are performed on medium hair.

Haircuts for girls for long hair

Children's fashion shows also convey trends in the nuances of hairstyles. Fashionable children's haircuts for girls in 2017 set trends for tenderness and femininity. For younger girls school age(7-8 years old) recommended to wear long hair or choose a medium hair length. At the age of 8, children already understand everything, so it’s worth consulting with your child when choosing a hairstyle. In fashion are graduated ladders and “tattered bangs.”

The haircut should be chosen in such a way that the child does not lose the opportunity to wear braids, ponytails and other popular hairstyles. Look what.

Modern children are developing rapidly and want to be beautiful from an early age. Stylish children's haircuts for girls are constantly being developed and supplemented with new elements.

For example, recent trends in patterned haircuts have led to the appearance of hairstyles with a shaved part of the hair in children's fashion. When choosing a haircut for a girl, first of all consider the child’s comfort, and the hairdresser will tell you the rest of the details.

If so, learn how to do it using safe and washable methods.

What children's haircuts for girls are fashionable this season? If in the first or second year of life short locks are relevant, then the longer the hairs become, the greater the variety appears. Let's look at various samples for short and long hair and different ages. It used to be thought that style issues concerned only adults, but this concept has long been outdated. The work of world-famous designers also touches the little ones. Psychologists advise listening to kids, taking their opinion into account when choosing not only an outfit, but also appearance. This is how the baby develops independence and taste.

First time to the hairdresser: what should you consider?

Babies' hair grows completely differently: some grow faster, some slower. Some babies can have ponytails and braids at six months, but there are those who remain almost bald even at one year old. Usually the curls are longer at the back than at the top.

Even the most experienced hairdresser will not say with certainty which offer you should choose. From one to two years, the hair structure itself, and even the color, will definitely change. Therefore, visiting a master at this age is not so much a style decision as simply getting to know the person and the procedure itself. If the acquaintance is successful, if the hairdresser is able to find an approach to the tiny fashionista, in the future she will not be afraid of scissors and the salon environment.

For the first time, many mothers cut their daughters' hair almost to zero, in the hope that the next curls will grow thicker. Perhaps there is some truth in this. Most likely, the hairdresser will offer you a hairstyle that resembles a boy's. From it, hairs will grow evenly along the entire length. In addition, this is a great solution for the summer; the baby will not be hot and uncomfortable.

Advice! Choose a specialist carefully, not at random. Giving a one-year-old baby a haircut is not an easy task, especially if the child is active. It is necessary for a person to be able to gain confidence in the client, to be patient and restrained. However, with the help of mom's stories that distract attention, and with the help of your beloved dad, you can turn such an important procedure into pleasant entertainment.

Ideas for 2 years

When her daughter’s second year approaches, the mother is usually puzzled: whether to grow the curls further, or to cut the child’s hair. And if you cut your hair, how exactly?

Advice! The simplest solution is to again choose a style for a boy. You can add variety by using bangs and playing with the shape. This choice will also be good if the curls have not yet strengthened properly and are growing unevenly. And if your princess goes to kindergarten, the morning toilet will not take much time; even dad can handle the beauty of her head.

If your hair has grown enough by the age of two, has become strong, and you want to settle on an interesting offer - take a closer look at the bob

You can change the length and thickness of the bangs, you can add a ladder, profile the strands. And don’t forget about headbands, elastic bands and hairpins - with their help you can transform your look beyond recognition, and little ones are crazy about them.

How to get a haircut at 3–4 years old?

By the age of three, your princess can already express her own opinion. It is likely that it will not match yours. Here it is important not to nip your daughter’s wishes in the bud; you need to come to a common conclusion. Instead of saying, “You won’t cut your hair like that because it’s not pretty,” say, “I like your choice, but something else is more fashionable this year.” Be sure that the baby will listen to you, because the words of the mother at this age are incredibly important; young fashionistas copy their elders in many ways.

Many three-year-old beauties love ponytails and braids, but some cannot stand them, and each braiding procedure is like a small war.

Important! Scientists advise not to get too carried away with spikelets and tails until you are 5 years old. The fact is that when you tie your hair with elastic bands and hairpins, blood circulation is disrupted, and this negatively affects both its growth and health in general.

Between 3 and 4 years old, children attend kindergarten, and in addition, they are all very active. Coping with a constantly falling apart hairstyle is very difficult for both the mother herself and the teachers at the preschool institution.

Hairdressers again advise choosing simple and short haircuts - bob, bob or variations thereof. If you decide to leave bangs, watch them especially carefully. If it falls over the eyes, the baby may have vision problems.

At 4 years old, the hair is already quite strong and thick. You can more confidently choose an option to your liking from a variety of bob variations - classic, graduated, with or without bangs, with a ladder. There are also many fashionable varieties of bobs - shortened, bob-bob, layered. There are a lot of offers.

5 years - the beginning of a responsible period of life

Five-year-old beauties are already dictating their own rules to their parents. At this tender age, girls become very demanding; sometimes it is very difficult for a mother to choose a hairstyle so that the baby likes it, suits her and does not cause parents much trouble in the process of caring for delicate hair.

It's no secret that long hair requires careful care. If time and opportunities allow, braid your hair, tie bows or ponytails. However, not every fashionista can handle everyday, regular braiding. And loose strands become tangled.

The optimal length at this age is shoulder length or slightly shorter. The following recommendations will help you make your choice:

  • Five-year-old girls should not have their hair cut short; children do not always think what they say; because of short locks, they may start calling the baby a boy, and this traumatizes the vulnerable psyche. Moreover, a short hairstyle cannot be particularly decorated and cannot be put into a ponytail.
  • The best option is an even square. Its classic shape will suit any type of face. Moreover, you can twist it or pin a beautiful hairpin on the side if you need a festive improvement.
  • The bob can be diluted with a ladder - it will visually make children's hair thicker and more voluminous. It especially suits curly-haired babies.
  • And the bob, in turn, is distinguished by an oblique cut and elongated front strands - stylish and convenient, because the front curls can be braided or pinned.

Five-year-old girls should not have their hair cut short - they may start calling the baby a boy, and this will traumatize the vulnerable psyche

Fashionable options for short, medium and long hair

Short haircuts are not only stylish and relevant, but also practical. There are many different styles for short locks; in addition, the baby’s head can always be decorated with a beautiful hoop or hairpin. Majority everyday looks can be transformed into a chic holiday option. Looking great is not only possible, it’s also simple.

Let's look at stylish suggestions for short hair that you can choose for your child:

  • Pixie - This short hairstyle is perfect for both a 3-year-old charming fairy and a 9-year-old schoolgirl. Appeals to short, skinny girls.
  • An elongated bob harmonizes especially well with thick, curly hair. The image can be softened with a neat bang; if necessary, it can be pinned to the side or up with a bobby pin.
  • Beanie - this obvious example from the 60s looks harmonious and cute on children. Despite its apparent simplicity, it requires high skill from the hairdresser to work out the details.
  • Cesson is a hit of 2018 that suits any appearance. The hair should slightly cover the ears. The sesson has a rounded shape, the bangs smoothly merge into the short back of the head.

For medium strands, you can choose something from the list above, or you can choose a cascade. Cascading proposals will appeal to older girls, from 10 years old and more. In this design, the hair beautifully frames the face, it does not need to be constantly braided, and the hairs do not get into the eyes. The most common length is just below the shoulder. Any choice can be supplemented with asymmetry - differences in the front strands, playing with the shape of the bangs. All this requires taking into account the shape of the face and other features of appearance.

Although long curls require special care and a lot of work, they look great. At all times, long curls were the real pride of their owner. Here the question of choosing a haircut is no longer so pressing; it is much more difficult to decide how to braid them later. Spikelets, braids, and ponytails are very popular.

With or without bangs? Based on the type of face

Determining your child's face type can be a fun activity. To do this, go to the mirror and invite your daughter to lean her face against it. Then use a soft pencil to outline your face. After this, take a closer look at the image that remains on the mirror.

  • If the pattern most closely resembles an oval, any haircut will suit the baby; the presence or absence of bangs also does not play a significant role - it will be good in any version.
  • With a very elongated oval, the situation is a little more complicated; here bangs must be present. It will visually shorten your face and make it more pleasant.
  • If the contour is close to a circle, you have a round type of face. Your child should choose hairstyles middle length– stepped cascades, multi-layering or ladder. It is necessary to thin out the bangs, otherwise the image will be too cluttered. Curly hair on medium curls will not suit you if your daughter is curly - either cut your hair as short as possible, or leave it long.
  • If the shape closely resembles a triangle, your salvation will be cascading designs that will visually help you achieve the correct oval.

Advice! If you're wondering whether to keep bangs, take a closer look at the structure of your baby's hair. Congenital curls and cowlicks will make it difficult to style it properly, and there is no need for a child to use a hairdryer, straightener or styling products. Therefore, choose hairstyles without this element so as not to look untidy.

Bob and bob - how to make at home?

If this is not your first time holding scissors in your hands, you can try to cut the baby’s hair yourself.

A bob is a very convenient option for a child, caring for it comes down to regular combing, it is not too voluminous, and creating it is also not difficult. The procedure is as follows:

  • Divide damp, freshly washed hair into two parts using a vertical parting.
  • Start working from the lowest strand on the back of your head. Determine its length, which will serve as a guide for all subsequent ones.
  • Next, make the next parting strictly parallel to the previous one and cut off the excess.
  • Work strand by strand until you reach the temporal lobe. Take a curl from the back of your head as a reference.
  • The bangs are created at will, the main thing here is beauty and comfort.

Bob is a slightly more complicated option; here a mandatory element is graduation, which is very rare in a bob. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Gather the upper skeins in the parietal region and fasten them with special clips.
  • Part your hair horizontally along a line slightly above the top of your ears.
  • In the vertical direction, separating small skeins from the main back of the head, pull the strand and cut off the excess at an angle. This angle determines the anterior extension.
  • In the temporal lobes, work in a horizontal direction. Always focus on the reference strand.
  • After this, model the parietal area. The transition should look smooth.

It's no secret that many adult models first become applicable to teenage fashion, and then to children's fashion. Little princesses want to be like their beloved mothers in everything, so don’t deny your daughters this. And remember: beauty, elegance, comfort and simplicity are the main things to consider when choosing a hairstyle.

Each of you can create children's hairstyles for girls with your own hands - in the presented master class we have collected only simple and very quick hairstyles.

Multi-layer basket

Do you like retro style? A granny style hairstyle looks very interesting! With some skill, it won’t be difficult for you to do it for your daughter!

  1. Distribute your hair over the entire circumference of your head.
  2. Start from the crown of your head in a circular weave using the French braid principle. Grab loose strands only from the outside.
  3. Moving in a circle, braid all your hair. You need to finish the weaving with a regular three-row braid.
  4. Tie the end with an elastic band and hide it under the “basket”, securing it with a bobby pin.

Pigtail in the form of a headband

A hairstyle for every day in the form of a circular braid is very simple to do and allows you to neatly remove the strands from your face.

  1. Separate the hair near the forehead using a thin comb.
  2. Gather the rest of your hair with an elastic band so it doesn't get in the way.
  3. Throw the strands at your forehead to one side and start weaving french spikelet, grabbing loose strands on both sides.
  4. Tie the end of the braid with a very thin elastic band and hide it under your loose hair. If desired, curl them with a curling iron.

Beautiful hair flower

This very beautiful hairstyle is perfect for matinees and celebrations.

  1. Comb your hair smoothly and comb it to one side, making a side parting.
  2. Tie the ponytail with a thin elastic band.
  3. Separate from it middle strand and braid the hair all the way to the end. Tie it with another thin elastic band.
  4. Using bobby pins, place the braid around the main elastic to create a flower.
  5. Curl the ends of the tail with curlers.

Heart hairstyle for medium length

Beautiful children's hairstyles will turn your little girl into a real princess. This elegant option captivates with its simplicity!

  1. Comb your braids with a comb to the center parting.
  2. Tie one part of your hair with an elastic band.
  3. From the second part, make a French braid, weaving in loose strands only from the outside. Then it will resemble the shape of a heart. Tie the end with an elastic band.
  4. On the other side, repeat the same weaving. Braids should be symmetrical.
  5. Tie the ends of the braids together.

For more details, see the video:

Elegant wreath made of rubber bands

Hairstyles using elastic bands are in particular demand, as they allow you to create real beauty in just 10 minutes! This option is suitable for medium length hair.

  1. Separate your hair with a longitudinal parting.
  2. Divide each of the two parts in half with a horizontal parting.
  3. Now do the same with each of the 4 sections. You will get 8 identical strands.
  4. Tie each strand with a thin colored or plain elastic band. As a result, you will have 16 small ponytails arranged in a circle.
  5. Gather them in the middle of one big rubber band to make a wreath.

Side bun braids

This elegant hairstyle for children will suit any outfit and will make your daughter a beautiful little princess.

  1. Tie the ponytail to the side.
  2. Braid three braids. If your hair is thick, it can be much larger.
  3. Wrap each braid around the base of the ponytail, securing with hairpins.
  4. Decorate the bun with decorative elements.

"Infinity Sign"

This wonderful hairstyle comes from the 80s. IN modern version it is easier to do, but also looks great.

  1. Make a central or zigzag parting and tie two ponytails almost at the back of the head.
  2. Braid two braids.
  3. Lift the right braid up and pull it under the elastic band that holds the ponytail. For reliability, you can use another rubber band.
  4. Pull the left braid into the resulting ring.
  5. Secure the tip as well.
  6. For decoration, use hairpins with bows or flowers.

Also, you will like these options:

Low braided bun

Girls 10 years old can braid such an amazing bun - feminine and elegant. Just like your beloved mother!

  1. Comb your hair to the side.
  2. Tie a low ponytail.
  3. Divide it into 5-6 equal parts.
  4. Braid each part into a braid.
  5. Tie the ends together with a very thin elastic band and fold them in half so that the tails point up.
  6. Secure the bun with an elastic band and add a hairpin or a fresh flower.

Hairstyle for loose hair

Cute hairstyles for flowing hair can be done in kindergarten both on holidays and on weekdays.

  1. Comb your hair into a side parting and tie 4 small ponytails along it.
  2. Divide the second and third in half and connect adjacent strands with an elastic band.
  3. Divide the central tail in half again and attach the resulting strands to the outer tails.
  4. Braid the ends of your ponytails into pigtails.

Hair bow

Do-it-yourself festive children's hairstyle for a girl does not require any special knowledge. Anyone can do it!

  1. Tie a high ponytail. Do not pull your hair out to the end, but leave the tip hanging over your forehead.
  2. Divide the resulting loop in half.
  3. Throw the remaining ends back to completely cover the elastic. Secure it with a bobby pin.
  4. Spray the bow with varnish.

How do you like this bow?

Knot styling

This hairstyle is durable - it will last all day, giving your daughter a neat appearance.

  1. Make a side parting.
  2. Separate the strands on the left and right with a parting extending from the temple to the ear.
  3. Divide each part into three equal sections.
  4. Starting from the parting, twist a tight strand, gradually adding loose strands. Make three bundles on both sides.
  5. Divide the hair at the back of the head in half.
  6. We make a tail on the right side by attaching the corresponding strands to it.
  7. We make exactly the same tail on the left side.
  8. We twist two bundles, securing them with hairpins.
  9. We distribute the protruding ends and spray with varnish.

Two hearts

You can make two hearts out of long and thick hair. Looks very nice!

  1. Divide your hair in half with a straight parting.
  2. Make two tails.
  3. Make a small indentation at the base of the elastic and pull the tail through it.
  4. Divide it into two parts and twist each into a rope.
  5. Form a heart and securely secure it with a bobby pin or hairpin.

How do you like these 2 options:

Lightweight fishtail

This fashionable hairstyle can be safely performed even on short strands.

  1. Comb your hair and separate two identical strands on the sides.
  2. Tie them together with a thin elastic band.
  3. Lower it a little and pull the tail inward.
  4. Below, separate two more of the same strands and repeat the process.
  5. In this way, you can braid all your hair, or you can make only 3-4 braids.

Useful tips

You don't have to take a hairdressing course to do these beautiful hairstyles for girls.

Here are a few simple instructions to create hairstyles for your daughter or granddaughter.

They are suitable for everyday use going to school or kindergarten, as well as for more solemn and festive occasions.

In addition, these hairstyles will help remove interfering strands and make your hair more neat.

Children's hairstyles for girls for medium and short hair

Hair bows

You will need:

· Spray with water

· Comb

· 6 rubber bands

· Part your hair down the middle and continue to part to the sides of your head just above your ears.

Tip: This is easiest to do on damp hair.

· Gather your hair into a ponytail and tie it with an elastic band, wrapping it several times. Thread a strand through the last turn, leaving a small ponytail directed towards the face.

· Divide the hair bun into two equal parts.

· Take the remaining ponytail and thread it back through the middle of the split section.

· Secure the resulting hair bow with an elastic band, leaving the ponytail that is now at the back.

· Wrap the ponytail around the base of the bow and secure again with an elastic band.

Braided bangs

This method will help replace the bobby pins that most often fall from girls' hair.

· Wet the comb slightly, separate the bangs and comb them

· Start braiding, adding small sections to the right and left and tie with an elastic band.

Crossed strands

This hairstyle is suitable for short to medium hair.

· Part your hair in the middle and take a square section on both sides and tie it into a ponytail.

· Separate two more square sections behind the first. Cross the two small ponytails and tie together with the back ponytails.

· Repeat one more time.

French braids for girls

French braids usually don't hold up well on little girls' hair, but this technique will help you.

· Part your hair in the middle and separate 2 strands from the sides, approximately near your ears.

· Tie the strands into ponytails using elastic bands and begin braiding.

· Next, start adding strands to the braid from the back of your head.

· Tie your braids with an elastic band.

Beautiful hairstyles for girls (video)

Princess Crown

Mickey Mouse ears

· To begin, make a knot at the top and slightly diagonally.

· Then part the remaining hair down the middle.

· Take the right strand and tie a high ponytail, including a strand with a knot.

· After tying your ponytail with an elastic band, do not pull it all the way through, leaving some of your hair free.

· Repeat the same with the left side.

French ponytail

This hairstyle is best done on damp hair.

DIY hairstyles for girls

High ponytails

This hairstyle, although it looks complicated, is actually quite simple to do.

· Part your hair in the middle and secure one side.

· Separate a strand from the middle of the ear, gather the hair at the top and secure.

· Use an elastic band to loosely tie the remaining strand.

·Now slightly separate the strand behind the elastic and pull the ponytail from below through the hole until it curls slightly.

Here is a video instruction on how to make such an inverted ponytail.

· Now you can tighten the elastic band.

· Then separate the next strand above the previous one and repeat the steps. You simply add the previous one to the next ponytail (3 rows in total).

· Gather the strands remaining on top together with the previous ones and tie them into a careless bun or ponytail.

· Repeat on the other side.

Ballerina bun hairstyle

This hairstyle can be easily done using unnecessary sock.

· Cut off the sock and wrap it in a tube.

· Tie your hair into a high ponytail. Place a rolled sock over it.

· Divide the ponytail into two strands at the front and back. Bring the sock up to the top of the ponytail and tuck the ends of the ponytail around the sock.

· Start rolling the sock all the way down.

· Distribute the hair evenly in the bun, covering the sock.

· You can decorate the bun with a bow.

Crossed braids

Part your hair down the middle and then away from your ears. You will have 4 sections.

Start French braiding from the front of the top section and diagonally to the back of your head. Secure with an elastic band.

Repeat on the other side.

Celtic knot

Hairstyles for girls for long hair

Rapunzel's tail

Divide the high ponytail into two strands. Weave a braid from one strand, twist the second, and wrap the braid around the second strand.

Pigtail flower

Make a side ponytail. Braid the hair by separating the top strand from the ponytail and secure with an elastic band.

Twist the braid into a flower, securing it with bobby pins.

Here is another option for flowers made from braids.

Bow bun

· Tie your hair into a loop at the top of your head, leaving a ponytail.

· Divide the loop into two parts.

· Pass the tail through the middle of the loop from above and secure the tail at the back with bobby pins.

Hairstyles for girls (step by step photo)

Heart buns

·Tie two ponytails

· Carefully divide the strand in the middle under the elastic and pull the ponytail through the middle.

· Then, twisting the strands, give them the shape of a heart, securing it with bobby pins.

· Repeat on the other side.

Ballerina twist bun

1. Part your hair in half. Separate a strand and divide it into two parts.

2. Cross 2 parts of the strand.

3. Grab another small strand from the hairline and add to the existing strand, cross. Continue until you reach the back of your head.

4. Twist the two parts of the strand and secure temporarily with an elastic band.

5. Repeat on the other side. When you reach the middle of the back of your head, twist the strands and cross them with the strand on the other side and tie with an elastic band.

6. Twist the two sections of the resulting strand in one direction, and then twist them around each other in the opposite direction, and then so as to form a bun. Secure with bobby pins.

Little girls are angels, and questions of beauty are not alien to them, despite their tender age. From a very early age, little princesses show great interest in their mothers' outfits and makeup, trying to copy everything they see. For young mothers, children's hairstyles for girls from this selection provide enormous scope for creativity. Good hairstyles for little girls should combine a variety of cute buns, small braids, braids and, of course, loose hair that can be decorated with something.

Parents try to make their daughters look special at school or kindergarten. Cool hairstyles and hair accessories help them with this. We have collected 40 of the coolest children's hairstyles for the youngest fashionistas, so after reading the article you will not be left wondering what hairstyle to give your child?

What hairstyles are best for little girls?

Mostly those that don't cause inconvenience and seem nice. Choose the right haircut for your little daughter. Thin hair looks good when cut into a medium-length bob. Typically this hairstyle doesn't require much styling and can be styled with a perm or small French braids to keep hair out of your eyes.

If your daughter has beautiful thick hair or curls, let it grow out so she can create more complex hairstyles. beautiful, long braids and luxurious ponytails have always been the envy of others.

Many parents don't like overly complicated children's hairstyles. They don't want their daughter to look like a doll with an ostentatious haircut. Parents understand that long hair shouldn't look messy and want their daughters to look neat. For official institutions, be it the lower grades of school or kindergarten, the following are very suitable for girls: a ponytail, double braids, just high bun or braided hoop. These hairstyles for little girls look very decent and do not require much time; most of them can be done at home yourself.

Small details make simple girly haircuts special. You can verify this by looking
40 girly hairstyles below that your daughter will definitely love. Whether you're getting your child ready for kindergarten on a regular day or it's graduation today, these hairstyles are suitable for all occasions.

Look, get inspired and choose the best children's hairstyles for girls for every day or special occasion! We will tell you how to do children's hairstyles for girls!

1. Fun braided hairstyle for long hair

Hairstyles for little girls with decorative braids look amazing. To do this, you need to braid three braids, starting from the forehead, and connect them together into a medium-height ponytail, located slightly to the side. This is a suitable children's hairstyle for girls in kindergarten for long hair.

In the photo there is a 5-year-old girl with braids twisted into two buns. Braids are one of the most popular hairstyles for little girls. Buns are a fun idea to add variety to little girls' braided hair. Part your hair down the center. Starting from the back of your head, braid two Dutch braids, going up, and twist their ends into buns. Hairstyle for medium hair.

What a beautiful hairstyle! There's nothing wrong with a three-strand braid, but if you want your daughter's hair to be something special, make it a little more complicated. Braid a braid using many strands diagonally. Twist the ends into a bun.

With the help of hair accessories you can create many different hairstyles, especially for girls. Try this style by braiding three lace braids diagonally across your child's head. Pinch the ends of the braids together into a flat rosette. Secure in the center with a hair clip. This hairstyle is suitable for a matinee.

5. Festive braids with ribbons for medium hair

The photo shows a hairstyle that is perfect for a kindergarten graduation, and it’s also quite simple. Cute hairstyles for little girls almost always include some kind of fun decoration, such as flowers, colorful barrettes, or colored ribbons. Weave a ribbon into your girl's braids, and an ordinary hairstyle will immediately become festive.

French braids in the shape of a heart - this is exactly the look every little girl dreams of playing sports. The main thing in this hairstyle is precise separation and tight weaving. Secure the ends with an attractive bow. This option is perfect for a wedding or other family celebration.

This beautiful hairstyle is perfect for little princesses. A layered, pulled out braid with a standard three-strand braid will add volume to this look. A skillful combination of accessories on her head with her outfit will help the girl look even more attractive.

8. Diagonal elongated braids for girls made from elastic bands

Fun hairstyles for girls are very voluminous, especially for events. Consider experimenting with some strands pulled out of your braid if you really want a hairstyle that will literally stand out. Remember, when it comes to cute hairstyles for little girls, the best detail is an adorable bow.

The braid looks great when it's just hanging, but it can also be styled into a great hairstyle. Twist the braid into a flower shape and loosen it a little. Decorate your hair with flower clips for a more natural look. This short haircut Suitable for “Day of Knowledge” and the first trip to school on September 1.

Use elastic bands to tie each pair of ponytails together and connect them to the next pair to create a cute criss-cross pattern. The ends can be braided or ponytailed and decorated with your daughter’s favorite accessory. This hairstyle is suitable for short hair and medium length hair.

Children's hairstyles for special occasions can be beautiful and easy, as in this case. Gather the girl's hair loosely at the back of her head and curl it. Leave a few strands. If she has naturally straight hair, try curling the ends for more volume. What's the best accessory for a little girl's hair? Flower stilettos are ideal for formal events such as weddings, matinees or graduations.

Hairstyles for little ones can be quite challenging, which encourages us to learn new braiding techniques. However, we can also replace the loop braids used here with regular braids, which work well for us. A suitable hairstyle for a girl to go to school in 5 minutes.

Combine a fishtail with a zigzag braid. Leave some of your hair unbraided into a fishtail beforehand. Create a fishtail braid, then create a simple braid with the remaining hair and pin it on your head for a whimsical accent.

When it comes to updos, try twisting your hair instead of braiding it. This is one of the most beautiful hairstyles for little girls. Make a symmetrical parting in the center. Twist the hair on each side, starting at the front and adding more hair as you twist. Wrap the ends into buns and secure them with flowers.

Children love updo hairstyles, especially ones that create recognizable figures. This hairstyle will make you regular braids more interesting thanks to double hearts. Divide your hair in half and then each section into three more square sections. Curl your hair to make heart shapes. Collect loose ends in ponytails and decorate with bows.

The mohawk is the most fun updo hairstyle of them all. You can add some color to this look by securing your locks with bright colored pins. If your daughter has fine hair, backcomb each section a little to add thickness and volume.

This is one of those hairstyles for girls on dark hair, which looks equally good on both thin and thick hair. Two Dutch braids start from the temples. When you reach the back of your head, cross the braids one over the other. Continue braiding on the opposite side, bending the braid to create a loop.

When it comes to girls' hairstyles, the placement of the braid is as important as its appearance. This elongated braid transitions dramatically from a mohawk with small elastic bands into buns. Use brightly colored elastic bands different colors in the hair to highlight the style.

Curly hair with bright elastic bands will delight every girl. Do a side twist instead of a forward twist to give this hairstyle a new look. Finally, tie the ends into a messy bun with a bow.

Hairstyles for little girls should look beautiful from all angles, not just the front. If your girl has long hair, make inverted braids, starting from the back of the head and secure the ends, forming a large, voluminous bun.

A cute and beloved hairstyle for both formal events and school visits, it can be complemented with a bow pastel shade. These cute hairstyles for little girls look best on long thick hair, since it will require sufficient length and texture to create it.

Fishtail braids are popular among both children and teenagers. This new version of the hairstyle involves brushing your hair thoroughly before making braids. Add satin ribbons or other hair accessories to complete the look. Don't know how to braid a fishtail? It may take a little time to learn how to weave it, so be sure to practice.

Make your everyday hairstyle more interesting with braids. To do this, separate the central hair and divide it into two parts. French braid each one until you reach the top of your head. Then start weaving fish tails. Twist the ends and secure them with an elastic band.

Beautiful hairstyles can be done not only on smooth straight hair. Little girls with curly hair you can also create a cute hairstyle. This style is perfect for warm weather or special occasions and can be worn with any length of hair.

25. Braiding hair “Basket” from elastic bands

This hairstyle is not as complicated as it seems. This look is suitable for a girl with shoulder length hair and she will love it. The hardest thing about this hairstyle is getting your child to stand still while you make the basket. Use colored elastic bands to secure your hair and your hairstyle will stay in place all day.

This fancy hairstyle is made by using six braids and loose hair and then joining them two at a time. Pull the remaining hair to the side and then pull the hair from the back of your neck to the top right corner. Tie the remaining hair into a bun and add a fun accessory.

27. Double Girly Fun Hairstyle

Perfect for curly hair types. This hairstyle includes voluminous twists and buns that look great on any child. Add ribbon or flowers for a more doll-like look. You will need a lot of elastic bands and pins to secure this hairstyle. Hairspray will help her last all day.

Start with a small French braid on both sides and then pull your hair into a messy bun. Leave the rest of your hair down, and if you have time, curl it.

29. Sleek and formal buns

Many classic hairstyles for little girls are what mothers first remember from their youth. This double bun hairstyle for a little girl is a perfect example. It is ideal for fine straight hair. But you can also try this hairstyle with thicker hair. It can be done for school or for a wedding.

30. Inverted braid

Forget about the ponytail, use your imagination for something more creative. This hairstyle includes two braids that go from bottom to top, twisted into two buns. You won't be able to exercise with this hairstyle if you have short hair, but girls with long hair can wear it endlessly.

31. Loose and curled hair

Sometimes hair looks best when nothing is done to it. If your child has long, medium-thick hair, simply create cascading curls and secure a few front sections with bobby pins at the back. Ready!

32. Colored side braids

A little daring, a little punk, but still this hairstyle is quite delicate. When you're looking for hairstyles for little girls that haven't gone mainstream yet, try this simple and cute style. Don't want to dye your hair? Colored threads or hair chalks are great for your young model.

33. Quick and easy updo

This hairstyle is adorable and kids love it. Simply pull your hair away from your face, create a small backcomb and add braids on the sides. You can do waves, curls or leave your hair straight.

34. Wicker nests

This hairstyle features three wrapped braids secured with pins - perfect for family photos and other special occasions. You can decorate the center of each nest with beads, flowers or bows.

35. Cute curls with a headband

Does your little girl have natural curls? Then choose hairstyles for her that are similar to this one. Fun curls with a fun accessory. If your hair is naturally straight, curl it using an iron or curling iron. Girls will love this look!

36. Braid twisted into a bun

This braid will look good on thick and thin hair. It extends from the upper right side of the head and twists in a spiral into a bun. Add a flower as a finishing touch.

37. African braids

It is very difficult to make such braids and it is difficult to undo them later, but a professional can make sure that a girl wears this hairstyle for a month or longer. So go to the hairdresser.

When it comes to little girls' hairstyles, there's nothing better than this gentle vintage look. Add accessories to disguise stilettos and elastic bands.

39. Creative hairstyle with ribbons

This is another hairstyle that looks more complicated than it actually is. Braid two french braids along the hairline, you can add a thin satin ribbon. Tie it at the bottom around the elastic that you used to secure the braids.

40. Unique punk braid

Girls with thick hair will suit this mohawk hairstyle. Try it the next time you have an event or want something unique that's different from the usual school hairstyles.

If the presented options were not enough for you to make a decision, watch additionally this video with children's hairstyles for girls:

Styling your daughter's hair is a fun process that you will fully appreciate once you start doing it. Some hairstyles are simple and easy that can be done in 5 minutes, others require perseverance. And don't forget to take pictures of her new hairstyles, children grow up quickly and every new moment is unique. Post the resulting photos with hairstyles in the comments, we will be very interested to see what happens.