Status about your best friend brings you to tears.  Statuses about your best friend with meaning and depth

Status about your best friend brings you to tears. Statuses about your best friend with meaning and depth

A close friend will always add bright colors to the gloomiest day. This is why it is so important to have such a person in your life. It is never difficult for best friends to say words of love and gratitude, because they do a lot for us. Friendship is a great thing, and therefore worth valuing. True friendship is not easy to find in life. Having met her, it is important to keep long years, surprising friends and relatives with this. If friends truly love each other, then they will carry these feelings for a long time. It’s not difficult to talk about love for a friend if you’ve known her since childhood, if you trust her with your secrets, if there’s no one closer to her in the world. And there really will be reasons for such love, it is only important to think carefully. The love of friends has no boundaries and there is no need to remain silent about it.

I love my girlfriend because:

1. You can find adventures with her anywhere.

2. She always manages to cheer me up.

3. She will answer my phone call at any time of the day.

4. We have been inseparable since childhood.

5. I can always count on her support.

6. You can laugh with her for no reason.

7. She cooks very tasty.

8. She knows all my secrets.

9. She is a very kind, sympathetic person.

10. I am touched by her naivety.

11. She always gives wise advice.

12. She shares my hobbies.

13. She has an excellent sense of humor.

14. She always has something tasty for me in her refrigerator.

15. She often surprises me.

16. A photograph of us together hangs above her bed.

17. She is jealous of my other friends.

18. She always takes into account my opinion.

19. She has her own taste and style in clothes.

20. She is always on my side.

21. She is my bright ray on a cloudy day.

22. When she hugs me, all problems go away.

23. She's as cute as a teddy bear.

24. When we walk under the same umbrella, she makes sure that no drops fall on me.

25. I love her sincere smile.

26. I like to fight with her with pillows.

27. She can do it to me fashionable hairstyle for a few minutes.

28. In her phone book I am listed as “My girl”.

29. She is the only person you want to imitate.

30. She constantly charges me with positivity and lifts my spirits.

31. She has incredibly beautiful eyes.

32. She and I live in our own special world.

33. She and I understand each other at a glance.

34. She knows my phone number by heart.

35. She never spares nice words for me.

36. She tells me all the details of her personal life.

37. When we have one piece of candy left, she offers it to me.

38. I know that our friendship is more important to her than love affairs.

39. She helps me write test papers and abstracts.

40. She reliably keeps all my secrets.

41. We can be silent for several minutes, and then simultaneously start a conversation with the same phrase.

42. No matter how busy she is, she will always find time for me.

43. My problems worry her more than her own.

44. She adores my old dog, despite the fact that he is constantly sick.

45. She doesn’t let anyone hurt me.

46. ​​She is the only person who knows all my preferences.

47. With her you can not pretend and be yourself.

48. She even hears what I haven’t had time to say yet.

49. She respects my parents and is crazy about my little brother.

50. She doesn’t believe in the gossip that is spread about me.

51. She cooks my favorite dishes for the holidays.

52. She will always tell me the truth, even if it is bitter.

53. You can just walk the streets with her, remembering the old times.

54. We can call each other fools and not be offended.

55. She, like me, likes to change things.

56. Sometimes I see myself in her.

57. In her room there are the same posters as mine.

58. When we are together, we are constantly drawn to exploits.

59. She and I have everything in common, except for guys, of course.

60. She may make a fair comment about my new makeup.

61. As soon as we went home, I already miss her.

62. In any dispute, she will always be on my side.

63. She taught me to play sports.

64. She has no problem telling my parents that I spend the night with her when I’m in a completely different place.

65. She knows how much coffee and sugar to give me.

66. On summer rest we always travel together.

68. She and I have a lot of jokes that only we understand.

69. Her parents are always happy to see me in their home.

70. If we like the same guy, we both cut him out of our lives.

71. For each New Year I find a gift from her under the tree.

72. Our friendship has gone through many tests and has not broken.

73. She promised to name her daughter after me.

74. When I feel bad, she appears on the doorstep with cakes.

75. She often helps me clean my room.

76. She goes with me to the dacha to plant potatoes.

77. Like a child, she rejoices at the opportunity to blow soap bubbles together.

78. She makes a long road seem like a short, exciting journey.

79. When she breaks a piece of candy, she always gives me a larger piece.

80. She very tactfully points out my mistakes.

81. She and I can spend hours jumping on the bed to our favorite music.

82. All the trinkets I gave her are on her table.

83. She always convinces me that I look better than her in photographs.

84. In an instant he can paint a black and white world with bright colors.

85. She can do her own thing and talk to me on the phone at the same time.

86. She takes pleasure in pampering me with various delicacies.

87. She makes us have fun even during the most boring lectures.

88. She always “soaps” me with the first snow.

89. She loves to have a heart-to-heart talk with me at three in the morning.

90. With her you can go even to the ends of the world.

91. She knows how to pick me up home from a party on time.

92. She always gets what she wants.

93. She knows everything about my first love.

94. She never makes comments to me in public.

95. I feel very comfortable in her small room.

96. She is worried about my health.

97. There is a lot of light and warmth in her, like the sun.

98. She always helps me decorate the Christmas tree.

99. She can support any topic of conversation.

Why do I love my friend? 100 Reasons
A close friend will always add bright colors to the gloomiest day. This is why it is so important to have such a person in your life. Best friends never
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Essay on 5

Essays for all classes

I have a lot of friends, but there is one best one, with whom we are very close in spirit. Her name is Masha. She and I study in the same class. I believe that our friendship is very strong, because we have been friends for almost 6 years.

Masha and I are almost the same age. She is only two months younger than me. Masha is a little taller than me, she is thin. She has a very beautiful colour hair - her luxurious long curls shimmer with a golden color. Large Brown eyes Many boys in our class like Masha.

There is never a dull moment with Masha. She always comes up with some new interesting activities for both of us. And my friend never gets discouraged for any reason. She is always cheerful and kind, and Masha never lets her friends feel sad either.

Masha and I spend a lot of time together. We walk in the park and on the playground, go to sports clubs. We also love to visit each other. We drink tea with our favorite custard cakes and watch our favorite films. Sometimes we surf the Internet, but this happens only when everything is already boring.

I really value our friendship with Masha and hope that no one or nothing will separate us. Many people stop communicating with their classmates after graduating from school. I hope that this won’t work out for Masha and I, because we always have something to talk about outside of school and we understand each other very well. We also always support each other in difficult times.

Together with the article “Essay about best friend» read:

Essay on 5
Essays for all classes I have a lot of friends, but there is one best one, with whom we are very close in spirit. Her name is Masha. She and I study in the same class. I believe that our friendship D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE-%D0%BB%D1%83%D1%87%D1%88%D1%83%D1%8E-%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B4% D1%80%D1%83%D0%B3%D1%83/

Long quotes about your best friend that will make you cry

Friends are known most and best not when you are in trouble, but when you are happy. Afonchenko.

A friend took her husband and seamstress away from her. She couldn't forgive the last one.

When you rise, your friends will know who you are. When you fall, you find out who your friends are.

Intelligence and courage are an empty sound if devotion is forgotten. Visakhadatta

Female friendship can be explained in one sentence: Well, girls, who are we friends against?

Friendship sees everything and pays no attention to anything. Love pays attention to everything and sees nothing. Shpolyansky.

Your friend gave you a hickey and now you can’t prove to the guy that this is REALLY your friend!

Friendship is the most necessary thing for life, since no one would wish for a life without friends, even if he had all the other benefits. Aristotle

We love our friends for their flaws. William Hazlitt

Men treat their male friendships like a soccer ball, which they throw anywhere and anyhow, but it doesn’t break. Women rush around with their female friendship like a crystal vase, and if it falls, it breaks into pieces, into small pieces. Anne Morrow Lindbergh

A good friend can tell you the whole truth. True, in a minute she will no longer be the best Arthur Brisbane

It's better to die than to doubt your friends. Macedonian.

Friendship must be proven by deeds, not words. Khosrow.

You can never do too much for a loyal friend. Henrik Ibsen

You may not be my husband, but you must be my friend!

Wash your hands, brother, from that friend who hangs around with your enemies. Unsur al-Maali

Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship. Rockefeller.

Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart. Claude Adrian Helvetius

Love your best friend... The rest will be just good girlfriends...

I can only say one thing about friends - they must be real...

Affection can do without reciprocity, but friendship never can. Jean Jacques Rousseau

There is nothing better and more pleasant in the world than friendship; excluding friendship from life is the same as depriving the world of sunlight. Cicero Marcus Tullius

The happiness that has never deceived me is your friendship. Of all my passions, the only one that has remained unchanged is my friendship for you, for my friendship is a passion. Nikolay Platonovich

Women are much more likely to be corrupted by intimate conversations with friends than men

Women kiss each other when they meet because they cannot bite. Magdalena the Impostor

Friendship between a man and a woman weakens greatly when night falls. Otto von Schönhausen Bismarck

Except for the most extreme cases, which are actually very rare, do not say unpleasant things to your friend - let her enemies open their eyes to her - they will do it willingly and much better than you. Oliver Wendell Holmes

The best moments are when you have your best friend nearby..

You are my best friend forever - you know too much.

I am everyone's friend, except those to whom I am an enemy...

Everyone knows that Ocean had 11 friends. But I have almost the same amount, although 10 less.

Guys, what should I do? My friend got stoned... sat down in washing machine and left! I would catch up with her on a vacuum cleaner, but I don’t have a license!

A friend to everyone is a friend to no one. Seneca.

The best thing about friendship is knowing that someone needs you. And you need this someone

Thinking the same way creates strong friendships.

Sometimes there come periods when a person cannot have a better friend than loneliness, and a better friend than silence. Toyshibekov.

If I didn't have enemies, I wouldn't have become what I have become. But, thank God, there were enough enemies. Salvador Dali

If you put a hundred chickens in one room, they will cluck in friendship and harmony. Plant two roosters and they will gnaw each other. You can't go against nature

There are never too many best and true friends. That is why VK statuses about your best friend will help emphasize this point and tell everyone that you are incredibly lucky and have such a person in your life. Our statuses about our best friend will move you to tears, because they are filled with philosophical meaning and penetrate to the depths of your soul. There are also funny sayings where your beloved friend can find the funniest moments of your friendship.

The best friend is the one who knows the color of your panties not a week in advance...

True friendship is when you call your friend a fool, and she smiles sweetly in response and says: “She’s like that herself.”

I love my best friend - she is the only person in whom I am 100% confident, who will not betray me or abandon me. I love her very much.

Not in the world better friend than a best friend!

A true friend won't let you do stupid things alone!

Have only one girlfriend, but a real one.

The best friend is when you ask her to wash the dishes at home, and the excuse “you can’t wash dishes at a party” no longer works.

You don’t kiss your beloved friend when you meet her and don’t call her a bunny, but you say “stupid” and wave your hand, but she still continues to love you, calling you a chicken.

The best friend is the one in front of whom you are not ashamed to appear without makeup.

The best friend will never ask - why? She just goes to the store, buys it, brings it, opens it and pours it.

The best friend is the one with whom you dream that you will have a big house for 2 families, cool husbands, 5 children each and a bunch of small dogs...

It is very difficult to find a best friend - after all, the best one is already mine.

A best friend is a person who will tell you to your face everything that infuriates her about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!

U normal girl one best friend, not a million

A friend is a Snickers for two. A girlfriend is constant fun. A friend is the one who says: come to your senses, you wimp.

You can be silent with your best friend, but NOT in class.

Correspondence with my best friend is incriminating evidence about my whole life.

The best friend is the one with whom you think: how good it is that we are both beauties!

My best friend now lives in another city. It feels like she took a part of me with her! Appreciate your friends, they won't always be there for you

The best friend is when you have such words, hearing which the two of you start laughing hysterically, and everyone else looks at you like you are idiots.

A best friend only comes once in a lifetime. At least sometimes she pisses you off and you want to kill her. But you understand that besides her, you won’t love anyone like that.

Still, sooner or later, the best friend becomes the best enemy.

It's just terrible when you start to see your best friend as a potential rival...

The best friend is the one you can come to without calling, forgetting your house keys, and know for sure that she is at home.

My friends and I always plan to sit over a glass of wine and cry our hearts out, but in the end we get drunk and die laughing.

SOMEONE! Marry my friend! I no longer have the health to keep her company on club trips!!!

I am glad that there are close people in my circle who accept me for who I am and they don’t care how much money I have or what my status is!

It’s so great to have a childhood friend with whom you share many moments, which are sometimes funny and sometimes embarrassing. But there is always something to laugh at, and shared memories bring us incredibly closer...

Best status:
The best friend will never be offended by a trifle, will not get angry at a sarcastic joke, will not point out your shortcomings and will not brush aside your problems... But you just don’t need to abuse her kindness...

A friend is like the scent of perfume. Until you try dozens, you won’t choose the one that suits you perfectly.

Probably, each of us has one of our friends who is always thin, despite the fact that she is constantly in the process of eating.

A girl is capable of drinking a bottle of cognac alone, hitting a man with her purse, returning home late at night, fearlessly walking along deserted streets... but she always goes to the toilet with a friend.

You are unique! Just crazy! – I don’t see anything special, my friend is exactly the same!

A friend is not the one who is known in trouble, but the one who was able not to envy you when you are happy!

A laugh with a friend is better than any medicine.

Only a friend's hand can tear the thorns out of the heart

Cool statuses about girlfriends I want to have a friend in my old age whom I could call and yell with enthusiasm in an old, trembling voice: Well, old goat, when are we going to spend our pension?!

If anyone reads the correspondence with my best friend, it’s such a shame.

True friendship multiplies joy by two and divides sorrow in half.

I love my girlfriend very much. And I know that perhaps she is now reading this status and smiling

She's like that good friend that she would throw all her friends into the water in order to have the pleasure of getting them out of there.

Nothing strengthens a friendship more than knowing that this friend is better than the other. Honore de Balzac

The best friend is the one with whom you dream that you will have a big house for 2 families, cool husbands, 5 children each and a bunch of small dogs...

The best friend is the one with whom you think: how good it is that we are both beauties!

She will forever be my best friend... She already knows too much about me

A friend came to cry for her life. They laughed until they cried. The second one was never opened!

Losing a girlfriend is worse than losing a boyfriend. Because there can be a lot of guys, but the best friend is the one you’ve been with all your life.

The main privilege of friendship is that you can talk nonsense and it will be respected.

A best friend is a person with whom you walk down the street and make the whole neighborhood laugh, and you don’t care about the opinions of others, you both feel good...

Girlfriend is the eighth wonder of the world

Girlfriends are those people who know what a bastard you really are, but are still friends with you

There really aren't many more sensitive moments in life than when you have to inform your old friend that you're marrying her fiancé (Fields).

I have such friends that sometimes I am ready to shoot them. but if it weren’t for them, I would have shot myself long ago.

There is no better friend in the world than a best friend

A friend to a friend is like a mirror.

A friend does not have to be perfect; it is enough that she is there in difficult times.

There's a reason I can't be with you - you're my best friend's ex...

A woman always needs a friend to have someone to brag about.

A true friend won't force you to choose between your boyfriend and your friendship.

A friend is the best cure for depression in the world.

I just need one night of crazy dancing with crazy girlfriends and I’ll be an exemplary mother and wife again!!!

All girlfriends have an expiration date!

I have few friends, but each of them is an exceptional person

The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who has no close friend. – Statuses about girlfriends

The best friend will never ask - why? She just goes to the store, buys it, brings it, opens it and pours it.

I'll give my friend in marriage! I don't have enough health to walk with her so much!!!)))

A best friend is the one who knows more than your mother

We are like dark and white chocolate – we are sweet, but with a hint of bitterness. Like missing pieces of one whole. We're just best friends!

The best friend is the one who will come in the middle of the night and tell you how much weight she has lost.

I have beautiful save this world, we just need to come together

True friends do not compete with each other and do not envy, but help and are sincerely happy for each other...

An ex-girlfriend is spreading obscene gossip about me, and some of it is not even true...

My friend's friends are my friends.

Forgetting your best friend is impossible when she lives 4 floors below.

Girlfriend. I don't know how you tolerate me. But thank you.

Your best friend is a person who you don’t even need to tell anything, she can see in your eyes what an idiot you’ve done...

The best friend is like a bra... close to the heart and always supportive

The beauty of a girl can only be compared with the intelligence of her friend

Those years by which a woman reduces her age are never wasted: she adds them to the age of her friends.

The best friend is the one you can come to without calling, forgetting your house keys, and know for sure that she is at home

A friend is not the one who will jump out of the window after you, but the one who will say that the exit from the apartment is in the other direction.

The loneliest woman in the world is the woman who has no close friend.

Are you best friends or just friends? – We are simply the best!

Anyway, when we were kids, we all wanted to live in one big house with our best friend. I STILL WANT.

When you lose your best friend, the whole world goes to hell with her.

A woman is ready to dress up out of sheer love for her worst friend.

And yet mom is my best friend! -Why? -She will never take your boyfriend away.

I was normal. Honestly. Until I met this very psychopath whom I call my best friend.

She understood her without words. It was real friendship.

The best friend is the one who will understand in any situation, even if you are talking nonsense.

I don’t care what others say about her, she is my friend and I love her, and I won’t give her up to anyone for anything.

The friendship of two women is always a conspiracy against the third.

a normal girl has one best friend, not a million

Friendship sometimes more important than love. After all, a guy can leave, but a real girlfriend never can.

This status is for your best friend! Thank you for having me! 🙂

The best friend is the one with whom you constantly have to delete your message history after correspondence.

I treat you like a friend, asking you to be lenient with my shortcomings now, in the hope that in the future you will be lenient with my strengths

I was normal. Honestly. Until I met this psychopath who I call my best friend!!

She’s like that best friend... You look at her, and she responds “Yeah, I thought so too”

Women don't count their years. Their friends do it for them.

Your best friend is the one in front of whom you are not ashamed to appear without makeup

A friend's obvious shortcomings can make yours less noticeable.

Women's tears require a pillow, women's holidays require flowers, and I need a girlfriend as cool as you!

Girlfriends are like watermelons: to find the right one you have to try a thousand.

There is no such stupidity that my friend and I would not think of...

A friend took her husband and seamstress away from her. She couldn't forgive the last one.

Nothing adorns a woman more than the ugliness of her friends.

Her friends are cool, even a person who is not close to her is ready to do more for her than her friends...

There is nothing better in the world than eating candy with your best friend!

A quarrel between friends ends when one of them has no one to go to the club with.

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Love can carry in itself inseparability, suffering, selfishness, and vice. Friendship is a sincere choice of two people; it cannot be trivialized.

A true friend is not the one who just knows all your secrets, experiences, desires. This is the one who keeps your secrets from evil ears, empathizes with you and wants more than you yourself for your cherished dreams to come true.

It's good if your best friend is like a pill for mental illness.

She became a real friend because she came into her life when the whole world was leaving. She remained in her life and replaced forever those many who left in difficult times.

Best status:
Don't lose your best friend by getting carried away by a fleeting romance. Let there be special people in your life who are not crossed out, but emphasized.

It happens that a friend, unable to bear your success, leaves forever. Was this friendship?

A best friend is like a relative. And you don’t worry anymore if you didn’t have time to clean the house before she arrived.

Wear a mask at work - you are a valuable employee. It's impossible to relax with your gentleman - we don't accept potential suitors. And only your friend wipes your tears and snot.

I suffered, losing another love. She cried and looked for support. And only after losing my best friend did I realize that there is grief when there are no tears. When no support will console you.

I so often notice that their two best friends are one dark and the other fair. So I have a best friend with dark hair and I’m with the light ones. Who has the same?

come on, my best friend is the first in my friends =P

Never leave your best friend alone with her boyfriend - it could end in their marriage...

At one point you realize that your best friend is your mother!!!

Losing a girlfriend is worse than losing a boyfriend. Because there can be a lot of guys, but the best friend is the one you’ve been with all your life.

The best friend is the one with whom you constantly have to delete your message history after correspondence... :)

This status is for your best friend! Thank you for having me! 🙂

someone wrote: “A best friend is the person who saw your photo in your passport.” Why the hell is the fat saleswoman from the kiosk who didn’t want to sell me beer also her best friend??? oO...

If your friend is constantly jealous of you, then send her on a walk!

There is no better friend in the world than a best friend!

The best friend is when you ask her to wash the dishes at home, and the excuse “you can’t wash dishes at a party” no longer works.

Forgetting your best friend is impossible when she lives 4 floors below. Even though she did a lot of bad things to me, I still climb her contact page every day, watching how she lives without me...

How nice it is to have a best friend!)

Depression is when your best friend tries to cheer you up, but you don't care...

Often you really want what would be yours best friend, it wasn’t just your best friend...

Something happened - no-no! I have a best friend! Yes Yes Yes! 🙂

My business? For all the “norms”, for him – “the best”. And only for the best friend: “Yaaaan, this is f*ck!”

Forgetting your best friend is impossible when she lives 4 floors below. Even though she did a lot of bad things to me, I still climb her contact page every day, watching how she lives without me..

You know, I realized one thing: I have only one best friend! Take care of your friends!

A best friend is a person who will tell you to your face everything that infuriates her about you, and will tell everyone that you are the most wonderful person on Earth!

She may be plump, but she has more soul in one buttock than you have in general!

Something happened - no-no! I have a best friend! Yes Yes Yes!

How infuriating it is when you are 100% confident in a person, and he betrays you. This is so painful... I didn't expect it!

Your best and only friend is your own reflection in the mirror...

There is no better friend in the world than a best friend! 🙂

I met a very rich gay man at the salon, and we’ve been talking for a year now. I couldn't even dream of a better friend!

Why a dick has a bad life: 1. You have a head, but it's not allowed to think. 2. Two complete idiots are always hanging out with you. 3. Your neighbor is a real ass. 4. Your best friend is such a cunt. 5. When you're in the best mood, you immediately feel like vomiting.

My friend is the best! Thank you for being there! 🙂

If you hadn’t left, I would have gone to see you every day and spent all my money on chocolates, bagels and Aquamineral Active, which would have spilled in my bag every time...

There's a reason I can't be with you - you're my best friend's ex...

A friend is a person who understands you from half a word, from half a glance, and when you say “he’s a goat” he immediately understands who you’re talking about!

The best friend is the one you can come to without calling, forgetting your house keys, and know for sure that she is at home.

Of course, it's good to have a loved one, but sometimes it's so nice to go to the cinema with your girlfriend.

Every time I look into my friend’s eyes, I forget that we are just friends, not sisters.

She understood her without words. It was real friendship.

There is nothing better in the world than eating candy with your best friend! 🙂

I don't need anything when my friend is with me. I don’t need anything when I see love and a friend in her. It is important to understand what a minute of loneliness costs. And what is that sigh that literally tears your chest?

Your best and only friend is your own reflection in the mirror...

Unfortunately, nowadays, your best friend is your worst enemy. And all this friendship is based on envy, malice and self-interest.

Today my friend saved my life... the car was driving straight at me... she managed to push me in the other direction... This is not even my best friend... this is much more...

It hurts when your best friend leaves you, it hurts...