I fell in love with a stranger, what should I do?  What to do if you fall in love with a guy: fight or forget. Fell in love with a guy, what to do.

I fell in love with a stranger, what should I do? What to do if you fall in love with a guy: fight or forget. Fell in love with a guy, what to do.

Do you feel like you can no longer live without one guy whose thoughts haunt you? If you happen to fall in love, you need to figure everything out properly: how deep are the feelings, where to start, is it worth fighting or is it better to let go - we answered all these questions in today’s article. You will also learn how to make a man fall in love with you and understand that the plan worked, what to do if nothing works out and the guy does not reciprocate, how to let him go.

If a girl truly loves, she will accept a person with all his shortcomings. She won’t care what his height, weight, hair color is. When you fall in love, you pay more attention to appearance. Another important point - if you can answer why you love a guy, this is no longer love. This feeling is inexplicable.

You will also want to please the person, make him happy, without demanding anything in return. Trembling knees and dizziness from a guy's touch indicate falling in love, but not deep feelings. So that you certainly do not make a mistake, we have prepared material on the topic: how to understand that you have really fallen in love. There you can .

Where to begin

The first thing you should do is find out how he treats you, whether there is reciprocity. This can be done through third parties (mutual friends). Although, a girl usually already understands what a guy likes. This can be seen in his gaze, gestures, and attention to her. There is a more detailed article on the site about. It deals with postures and behavior.

By the way, what do you know about him? Perhaps he is not as good as you thought. Therefore, it would not be superfluous to find out more information about the object of adoration. Social networks will help with this. You should also get rid of panic and pull yourself together.

Is it worth confessing your feelings?

You can only talk about love if you are absolutely sure that he is not indifferent to you. But the guy needs to confess competently. It shouldn't be an interview style where you sit across from each other, look him in the eyes and say, "Misha, I really like you." No, make it more natural. While walking together, suddenly gently say, “It’s so easy for me to be with you (pleasant, cool)” or “I’m very glad that we know each other.” This will be a signal for the guy, and he will begin to reciprocate.

Another great hint for your feelings is embarrassment. If you don’t know how to blush, then at least just lower your eyes during particularly tender moments of communication with him.

Your excitement can also tell a guy a lot. Therefore, if you suddenly knock over your glass out of awkwardness or start talking, this will also work to your advantage.

How can you make a guy fall in love with you?

Guys are different, each has their own character and preferences in women. But there are universal secrets of seduction that hardly anyone can resist:

  1. Feminine clothes. No jeans or oversized sweaters. Only dresses and blouses, maximum trousers. Here are all the details of how to do it. You will learn what the length, color, decor of outfits should be, and what should be thrown in the trash.
  2. Smile. This is the best women's jewelry. However, it should not be tense.
  3. Beautiful speech. No swear words or slang, which do not decorate a girl.
  4. "Random" encounters. Study his route and catch the guy’s eye more often, taking into account the previous 3 points.

Our other article, which offers a step-by-step plan, will help you make a guy fall in love with you. You will learn what it takes, what to say, what not to do. At the end of the work, you need to make sure that everything worked out. Pay attention to . He's special. It says here how long the guy looks into the eyes, the duration of contact, the size of the pupil.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step 12-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

How to forget a man if he doesn't reciprocate

If you come across an impregnable fortress that cannot be conquered either by a charming smile or a deep neckline, do not be upset: it is not necessarily about you. It’s just that he’s either used to being alone, or is going through a breakup, or is even married. It makes no sense to pursue such a guy, because even if he submits, you will no longer be interested.

What to do? Switch to another object. There are probably other guys around you who wouldn’t mind flirting with a cheerful, pretty girl. And now, more than ever, you need male communication in order to feel feminine and desirable again.

It is important not to stay alone for a long time, walk more in the fresh air, go shopping with the girls, have heart-to-heart conversations with your mother.

Another good way– get a pet: a parrot, a cat, a hamster, a dog. You will have to look after him, and this will distract you from sad thoughts.

This video gives advice on what to do if you are in love and he doesn't pay attention. Video blogger is against a girl pursuing a guy herself, listen:

We wish you good luck in conquering your object, everything should definitely work out for you!

Love is an amazing feeling. Because of love and in the name of love, people are capable of performing feats. Every girl wants to love and be loved, dreaming of meeting her prince. And when this meeting happens and you feel that you have fallen in love with a guy, you don’t always understand what to do next.

Love or infatuation?

To begin with, you need to figure out whether this is really love or just a fleeting, easy crush. At first, these concepts are difficult to distinguish from each other. Because the feelings are almost the same. Still, some questions will help you figure it out:

  • Do you want your children to be like him?
  • Are you ready to be poor with him?
  • What if he is hopelessly ill? Suffering from cancer? Diabetes? AIDS?
  • Will you stay with him if he suddenly becomes disabled?
  • Happy?

By answering questions of this kind frankly, you can figure out exactly what feeling has settled in your soul.

Situations in life are different, just like people and love for different people in different situations. There are difficult, unacceptable situations for feelings. Even the most persistent and courageous ones cannot figure them out. After all, sometimes you don’t even know what to advise a friend who says:

  • "I fell in love, and I have a boyfriend..."
  • “I fell in love with a guy I don’t communicate with...”
  • “I fell in love with a man I didn’t see...”
  • “The guy I blew off...”

These are all difficult situations, but you can figure them out, because there is always a way out.

Understand yourself

If you fall in love with a man, if you have a boyfriend, then you should figure out whether it’s infatuation or love. And, of course, you will have to make a choice. After all, you shouldn’t forget about the feelings of your other half; you definitely shouldn’t offend or even insult them. You should definitely have a frank conversation and dot all the i's.

If you have feelings for a man with whom you have no communication, then everything is much easier than it might seem. It’s enough to just get to know each other; this can be done with the help of mutual friends or even on the Internet, through social networks. Start with easy, unforced communication, gradually moving into the status of friends, and then loved ones.

In a situation of love for a man whom you have not seen, everything is just as simple. It is necessary to arrange this meeting, by any means and ways. Of course, there is a risk of being disappointed in the object of love when you meet, but if this is love, then appearance, as you know, is not the main thing.

With the guy whom I rejected, everything is also solvable. Meeting, conversation and recognition. If a man has been seeking favor for some time, then his feelings will not just go away and, for sure, the interest and sympathy shown in him will only make him happy.

But difficult situations don’t always happen to friends. As they say, this can happen to anyone.

He has a girlfriend

Fell in love with a guy and he has a girlfriend? Yes, this is a difficult test. After all, no one wants to be rejected. If you want to be with a guy, but he doesn’t, you shouldn’t panic, you should understand yourself. Are you ready to achieve it? Are you ready to fight to be with him? If yes, then take action. If not, then you should forget and let go.

Sister's boyfriend

Fell in love with your sister's boyfriend? The situation, of course, is not the best. You'll have to suffer. You should try to switch your attention to another man. You can make new acquaintances. Or you can spend more time with a guy you already know, who inspires sympathy and positive emotions. In any case, you need to forget. After all, even if the sister’s couple breaks up, the sister will probably not allow him to be with her. ex-boyfriend and the relationship with her will be ruined.

Age difference

Fell in love with a guy, is he younger or older? It's simple - all ages are submissive to love. If the age difference is not felt during communication, then there is no problem. And if you feel it, then you need to remember that a girl can learn something new from an adult man, and a guy can learn something new from an adult girl.

The guy doesn't like

I fell in love and confessed my feelings to the guy, but he doesn’t love me, you should definitely try to start a relationship. After all, there is a high probability that the guy will fall in love later, gradually. Love doesn't always come right away, the first time. Love may take time, trials and situations in which respect and trust will develop.

Movie hero

Fell in love with a guy after watching a movie with him? No need to worry. These are short-term emotions. This is not love. Girls tend to fall in love with the fictitious image of a man, which is so often seen in movies. Watch another good film and you will see that everything will pass.

You don't feel anything in return

There are times when you really meet a good man. And he loves, and carries in his arms, and cares. Just the perfect partner. But you realize that you don’t feel anything in return. The question of how to fall in love with him, how to force yourself begins to torment him. You won’t be nice by force, time-tested. But still, you can try. Don't force yourself, but give time to your heart. And perhaps, after some time, you will be able to fall in love with his attitude towards yourself, his actions, his care. Respect will appear, followed by love.


Fell in love with a guy and don't know what to do next? You can pay attention to his horoscope and act according to the information received. For example, from a horoscope you can find out that you should not expect direct confessions from a Cancer man. There can only be veiled proposals. Thus, he is preparing a path of retreat for himself and will have to take all the initiative into his own hands. Cancer loves flattery and praise. One has only to confess his admiration to him, and he is won.

Whatever the situation in life, the main thing to remember is that falling in love is a gift, and love is a gift.

Falling in love does not always bring a feeling of joy and inspiration. Some girls are lost from the surging feelings, not knowing how to behave further. First you need to determine whether you are really in love!

How to know if it's really love

Using social networks, you are trying to determine what a young person is interested in, with whom he communicates most often, and who he likes. Particularly persistent girls find the former passions of their lovers and study information about them.


You are jealous of him. To former and potential girlfriends, to girlfriends and fleeting acquaintances. Jealousy is always very eloquent and will not hide the true attitude towards a person.


Most girls in love are concerned with the question of how to attract the attention of the young man they like. Most often, the choice falls towards external changes, and they can be very diverse. Someone decides to change their wardrobe, someone wants to change their hair color and the like. Some girls begin to focus on probable taste preferences object of sympathy, while others do not move on to radical changes, but simply begin to take care of themselves more intensively.

Atypical behavior

Trying to please their lovers, charmed girls often behave in atypical ways. This can manifest itself in different ways: some are excessively shy, afraid to say a word, while others are very active. In the second case, a girl in love tries to joke a lot, laugh and be the center of attention, even if this is usually not very typical for her.

Change of mood

When we fall in love, we experience a whole range of different feelings, and, undoubtedly, this cannot but affect the general mood. One minute it seems to the girl that her lover will never pay attention to her or is even interested in someone else, and this makes her plunge into dark thoughts. A few minutes later, the lover remembers the signs of attention paid to her, and comes to the conclusion that she was hasty with her conclusions, instantly coming into a wonderful mood.

New hobbies

When we feel sympathy for another person, we want reciprocity, and often we begin to think that we are not as good as we could be. Such awareness forces people to learn new sports and look for interesting hobbies. Often preference is given to those areas in which the object of sympathy is also interested.

What to do when it seems that you have fallen very much in love with a guy

Keep your mouth shut, even in front of your best friends

Many girls, having fallen in love with a guy, almost immediately share this news with their friends, and sometimes even with random interlocutors. Sometimes this can work against the narrator herself. A guy can find out about her feelings from other people, and the girl will feel awkward, especially if this story reaches him in a distorted form. If you fail in seducing a young man and want to quickly turn this page of life, then later the questions of your friends will only interfere with this. And in general, it’s better to wait for reciprocity, and only then share this joy.

Don't be afraid and don't panic

If you want to attract a guy's attention, then panic in this matter is completely inappropriate. It is important to feel confident and communicate with him as if he were yours. good friend. Behave naturally and at ease; excessive panic can work against you.

Find out as much as you can about him

To interest the guy you like, it would be nice to find out about his tastes and preferences. It is also important to find out whether he is free. After all, it may happen that you begin to develop vigorous activity around him, and later it turns out that he has been in a relationship for a long time. By the way, this fact may not always be obvious on social networks, so it is better to clarify the status of your lover through mutual friends or somehow unobtrusively in a personal conversation. Currently the pages are in in social networks can tell a lot about their owners - about musical preferences, hobbies and much more.

Take action

Of course, even very careful observation of a young man will bring you closer to him only in your own thoughts, while he may not even know about your existence or simply hardly think about you. A fairly common way to attract the attention of a young man is flirting. If a guy understands that you are personally interested in him, this will increase your chances! Many guys are hesitant to be the first to show sympathy for girls, fearing that it may not be mutual. By indicating right away that you like him, you can quickly achieve certainty. Even if it becomes clear that for now the guy has little interest in your communication, you will save yourself from wasting unnecessary time that you could spend waiting for his initiative.

Don't be intrusive, but be in his sight

In coquetry and flirting, it is important to observe moderation. A hint that you like the guy is enough - nothing more is needed. Don’t try to immediately become a part of his life and constantly be in touch with him if he has less initiative than you. Initiate communication with him periodically if he doesn't, but it shouldn't be every day - give him the opportunity to miss you.

Give the guy time to win you over

You should not expect that immediately after a young man starts communicating with you, he will immediately begin to take steps to get closer. All people are different, and it is possible that he will need more time than you to “take a closer look.” Perhaps he is also studying you, trying to understand how best to start a relationship. Of course, there are guys who, after the first hint of sympathy, are ready to ask you on a date, but there are much fewer of them who are active.

This awkward situation: fell in love with a brother or cousin, what to do

Girls often believe that they are in love with one of their relatives, but often, in fact, this is not the case. As a rule, relationships with a brother or cousin initially develop much easier than with other male representatives, and there is a logical explanation for this. You know each other well, are friendly and often spend a lot of time together and in the end you get used to each other. Many girls tend to mistake this habit and close friendship for falling in love. Try to switch all your attention to another guy, and most likely, you will soon have nothing left of your old feelings for your relative.

Also, such love is often characteristic of rebels who are drawn to everything forbidden, and intimate relationships with relatives belong precisely to this category. Of course, with cousins ​​things may be a little easier - still, the relationship is not as close as with a brother. And yet, even in this case, it is better to try to prove yourself in a new relationship.

I fell in love with a guy much older or younger than me

How to behave in such a situation

In general, there is nothing wild or unusual in this situation, so you shouldn’t make any special changes in behavior either. As in many other cases, it is important to remain yourself, making only slight adjustments to your overall behavior. Nowadays there are quite a lot of couples who have differences in age, mentality, etc., but for a truly Great love This, of course, is not a hindrance. However, this situation has its advantages and disadvantages.

Pros and cons of being older


Often, financial support can be an additional bonus in such relationships. By a certain stage in life, adult men usually achieve a good financial position, which is not at all superfluous for many girls.


Paradoxically, what is a plus for some girls in such relationships can be a big minus for others - immediately or gradually. We are talking about the chosen one’s great life experience and his desire to share it. Maybe at first the young woman will like this state of affairs, but over time she may get tired of it. She will want independence and the feeling that she herself is capable of making the right decision, which is not helped by the endless instructions and advice of her lover.

Difference in tastes. Gradually, many such couples come to the realization that in some things they have completely different tastes - we can talk about music, pastime, hobbies, goals. However, peers are not immune from this.

Pros and cons if he is younger


Such relationships give a woman an incentive to look better in order to match her chosen one. She begins to monitor more carefully fashion trends, is interested in new products in the field of cosmetology, and in general, tries to keep abreast of all the latest “trends”. As a rule, when women fall in love with a man younger than themselves, they find ways to visually “throw off their years.”

Interesting pastime. This will be especially a plus for active women who do not feel their age and are interested in the same hobbies as they were several years ago.


Some representatives of the fair sex, being in relationships with men younger than themselves, begin to develop complexes over time. They begin to feel that their couple looks awkward, where the partner is clearly losing compared to her partner. Such thoughts can gradually turn into jealousy and neuroses.

The woman begins to feel that her chosen one is completely frivolous, unlike her peers. Gradually, at his age, she begins to see a big disadvantage for herself. Although, as a rule, childish behavior in men is not always dictated by age.

Is it worth developing sympathy and winning the heart of your chosen one?

Of course, if you have serious feelings for a person, then this is a very significant reason to try to start a relationship with him. The exception may not be reciprocity or the principles of the potential partner. Some men (as well as women) do not welcome a large age difference, and if your chosen one holds similar views, then, most likely, you will only waste time trying to somehow attract his attention.

Fell in love with a movie actor, singer or fictional character


Fanaticism - an excessive manifestation of interest in someone or something - is something that many people are susceptible to, and we can talk about different areas: religion, cinema, music, etc. If we are talking about a passion for some famous person or movie (book) hero, then the situation is completely controllable. Girls under 16-18 years old often fall in love with their idols, so in this case there is no need to worry - many have gone through this.

However, the situation becomes more complicated if an adult girl or woman is in love with a star or character. It is an especially difficult case if in this case she refuses relationships with the men who surround her, all of her free time devoting to researching the life of an idol and pursuing him (if possible). Such behavior can result in serious problems in your emotional state and personal life.

How to get out of this state and fall in love with a real person

If your hobby goes beyond acceptable limits, and you have been told this repeatedly, you should think about how to get rid of your obsession. Think about why you were interested in this particular person, and not some person from your real life. Most likely, you think that in your environment there are no worthy contenders for your attention who could compare with your idol. Perhaps this is indeed the case, and then the obvious conclusion arises - the environment needs to be changed! Sign up for interesting courses that guys attend more often, and most likely, you will soon be able to meet interesting person in real life.

Realize that the person you fell in love with does not exist! Yes this is true. Any famous creative personality or character is just an image that was carefully thought out by someone, precisely in order to arouse the interest of the public.

If no arguments are able to distract you from thoughts about the star, and there is no doubt that this obsession is preventing you from building a happy personal life (even if you think that you don’t need it), then there is a serious reason to seek help to a specialist. There is nothing wrong with this - psychologists solve such problems much more often than you think.

The most difficult situations

When I fell in love with a friend

Don't panic ahead of time. Often happy couples are formed in exactly this way - a guy and a girl are friends for some time, and then, unnoticed, they fall in love with each other. If we are talking about a real friend, then you can frankly confess your feelings to him. Perhaps they will soon turn out to be mutual, and your confession will make the guy look at you from a new perspective.

Fell in love with my boyfriend's friend

Most likely, this happened due to the fact that some problems have arisen in your current relationship that you may not have even thought about. First of all, try to establish a connection with your boyfriend, and then, most likely, falling in love with another person will disappear by itself.

I have strong feelings for a girl (friend)

It is possible that such feelings could arise against the background of general dissatisfaction in his personal life and disappointment in the guys. Having failed to find a suitable partner, sometimes girls begin to look at representatives of their own sex with new eyes, believing that only another woman can truly understand a woman. There are dating sites, various courses and interesting places where you can meet a worthy and understanding young man - take a few more tries!

A married man won my heart

The best way out of this situation is to try to switch your attention to someone else. A married man can be intriguing and exciting at first, but in the end it inevitably leads to conflicts, tears and condemnation. Try to avoid this right away.

Lost my head over my boss or teacher

Sometimes a relationship develops between a boss and a subordinate or a teacher and a student, but most often such love does not lead to anything serious. It is worth remembering that often men, being in a higher position, simply use girls in this way. And girls sometimes confuse their delight in the status and professional qualities of a potential chosen one with falling in love. Although, of course, there are exceptions and truly loving and happy couples are formed.

Non-reciprocal love or when a relationship is simply impossible

How to stop loving

If you cannot be together, then you need to do everything possible to erase this person not only from your life, but also from your thoughts. The easiest way to do this is to fill your everyday life with new hobbies and acquaintances. Write out your schedule for the next month minute by minute and stick to it. It is important that your schedule includes more meetings with new people (courses, trainings, etc.). Play sports, hang out with guys, have fun (even if you don't feel like doing it all), and the “healing” will follow.

Forget and let go

Once you stop loving a person, you will soon let him go from your life. At first you will have to force yourself, but then everything will go easier - don’t be interested in him, don’t follow him on social networks, don’t try to get in touch somehow. Imagine that he was never in your destiny at all. By the way, traveling is a good way to put yourself in the right frame of mind.

How to distinguish falling in love from love What to do if you fall in love with a guy

Love is something that has worried humanity for many centuries. In our life it has almost the most important meaning. Over the centuries, people have fallen in love, suffered, become happy or unhappy, entered into marriages and separated... Love captures people so much that they lose their heads and are ready to give up everything for the sake of it. Out of seemingly great love they begin to do stupid things, ruin their careers, abandon their families, squander money, and commit suicide.

Everyone is especially concerned about love in youth. Every girl, having once met her prince, loses peace and sleep, dreaming, hoping and yearning. And when the “prince” does not pay attention to her, in desperation he asks someone: “What should I do if I fell in love with a guy?” They scold her, dissuade her, give her some advice. And the girl continues to suffer, thinking that this is love for life. How can it really be? Well, it’s good if everything goes away in a couple of months. And if everything is really very serious, then what to do? First, let's try to understand what this feeling actually is and what falling in love and true love are.

How to distinguish infatuation from love

Almost every person sooner or later falls in love, experiencing tender romantic feelings for the object of their love. We think about him day and night, dream about how we will meet, how we will touch... All people want to be loved and to love. This need is inherent in us by nature itself. And we seem to love, and even mutually, and everything is so good. But then the delight from communicating with a partner suddenly evaporates somewhere. For some reason it becomes boring to be with him, and what previously seemed attractive about this person is now repulsive and annoying. What's the matter? Yes, it's quite simple. The fact is that we have confused infatuation with love. And it’s good if you haven’t gotten married yet. Then the separation will not be so painful. And if you had time, and even got children, and after living together turned into hell, this is already a disaster. Therefore, it is advisable to learn to distinguish simple infatuation from true love.

In fact, the difference between them is not so easy to notice. Both passion and love are accompanied by the desire to see your chosen one as often as possible. In both cases, thoughts are constantly occupied with him and with fantasies about the development of relationships. Both simply lovers and true lovers dream of reciprocity. Both of them experience uplift and excitement in the presence of the object of their interest. Both of them don’t know what to do when he’s not around. So how do you recognize love and distinguish it from superficial falling in love or simple sexual attraction? In order to understand whether love has really overtaken you, or whether you are experiencing some other, passing feelings, you need to calm down your emotions a little and soberly assess the situation. This will require answering several questions honestly and intelligently.

What attracts you most in a guy?

If it's mainly him appearance (Beautiful face and figure, manner of behavior, and so on), then you are still simply in love. Beauty doesn't last forever. People get sick, grow old and generally change. You cannot connect your life with someone just because he has attractive physical characteristics. Sooner or later, even the most perfect appearance becomes familiar. And, consequently, interest in it is lost.

And this can significantly shake the foundation of the relationship. If you strive to get to know your loved one as a person as a whole and find in him, despite his shortcomings, more and more attractive qualities, then it’s time to talk about the authenticity of love. No, and in this case, of course, there will be an assessment of it physical qualities. But it will already become an additional incentive for the development of feelings.

What different qualities do you particularly attract in a guy and how many are there?

When you are passionate, there are usually few such qualities. Let’s say you are fascinated by his smile, voice, sexuality, gestures, manner of speaking... And that’s all. In general, this is enough in the early stages of a relationship. However, if over time you do not try to reveal many more wonderful sides in your loved one, the feeling will come to an end.

True love implies the desire to get to know a person and discover new, very attractive traits in him. Each of us is individual and has both advantages and disadvantages. That's when you come to your young man with such a measure and you accept everything in him entirely, without trying to do something to radically change his character, feelings can be considered deep.

How did love begin?

We are told a lot about love at first sight, about how as soon as a girl saw a guy and immediately realized that he was her prince. In fact, true love cannot flare up instantly. A flash of feelings in the very first seconds of a meeting usually means that the guy simply made a strong impression on the girl. Sometimes it is based on sexual attraction, sometimes it is explained by an opportune moment, sometimes by intuitive attraction. But this is always not love yet, but a passion that can pass after a very short time. If the feelings have been going on for quite a long time, and your desire to be close to the guy only intensifies, despite the fact that you already know his shortcomings quite well, this is love. Perhaps she has not yet blossomed to her full potential. But it has already sprouted and promises to become a luxurious perennial tree.

How do feelings affect you?

When people are still simply in love, they are not able to control their actions, in which discord begins. During this period, the girl is overwhelmed only by emotions. In this state, she thinks about nothing except the object of her love, and can make a lot of mistakes. With true love, a person is more organized and strives to become a better person. Because it does not destroy, but inspires.

How do you cope with a long period of time when you don't see your boyfriend?

If, some time after breaking up, the desire to see your partner gradually fades away and interest in someone else appears - it was an infatuation. With true love, the absence of the chosen one next to each day intensifies the desire to meet him as quickly as possible. No one except this person is of particular interest; no one can take his place. In general, the test of separation is one of the surest indicators of the authenticity of love. Yes, we are afraid of her, fearing that the chosen one will have another object of passion. Yes, it hurts and can happen. But it's better to let it happen before they start serious relationship, not after.

It must be said that the answer to all these questions cannot give a full assessment of the feelings you have for the guy. Often the development of deep relationships begins with passion, which then turns into true love. In our case, we are talking mainly about the fact that you should not worry so much, if not the confidence that he is the one without whom further life is unthinkable. Maybe you should just look around, because there are so many interesting guys nearby! Surely some of them like you. All you have to do is smile at such a handsome guy, and all the suffering will go away. Do not want? Well, then we’ll think about what to do next.

What to do if you fall in love with a guy

If you seriously fall in love with a guy, and he doesn’t reciprocate yet, you don’t need to despair and cry, exclaiming tragically: “Oh, he doesn’t love me!” In such a state, you don’t need to shed tears, but do something. It is likely that the young man is simply not in the mood for any feelings, because you are younger or do not know him well. Or maybe that’s why he behaves this way because he considers you a girl from another circle. Or he is not ready to fall in love yet. All this, in principle, can be corrected if you find a suitable behavior and decide what and how to do.

Before you look for it, you need to get yourself in order. Almost no one likes girls with a suffering face and sad eyes. Therefore, you need to tell yourself: “It’s hard for me now, but there is joy ahead!” and confidently set off towards this joy. Let your eyes light up, your back straighten, your gait become light. Learn to smile, joke and communicate with everyone in a friendly and optimistic manner.

Guys like nothing more in girls than friendly, cheerful sociability and wit. Young ladies with such positive energy attract a lot of fans. And our young man, too, will probably not remain indifferent to such a sparkling young lady. But for this you need to be present in his social circle as often as possible. This means you should learn as much as possible about his hobbies and try to share them.

Does the young man like sports? We go to classes at the same gym. He has a dog? Let's get ourselves a dog. Does the young man always hang out in the pool or fitness club? We sign up for the same pool and club. In a word, we try to do everything to meet with him often. And on occasion, we start a conversation about the guy’s favorite activity, trying to make him understand that we also understand something about this. After all, it is enough for a man and a woman to start talking, and some kind of relationship will begin between them. In the future, all that remains is to constantly stir up the interest of your loved one.

To do this, you need to improve all the time, change something in yourself, learn something, not forgetting to take care of your own appearance. Ungroomed, carelessly dressed girls can become friends, acquaintances, but not loved ones. Therefore, you should always look neat and attractive and try to be as charming as possible. Then the guy will see you as a woman, and not an asexual being. If this happens, he will begin to feel sympathy. This will be the first step towards the emergence of true feelings.

Then all you have to do is pretend that you haven’t yet chosen who to fall in love with. The young man will certainly be eager to be chosen. The goal has been achieved. Now let him think about what to do to make you fall in love.

Hi all! Today we will talk about a very specific topic, namely, we will touch on the issue of female love. We are all human, so we all want to love and be loved. However, the “arrow of cupid” sometimes awaits us in the most unexpected situations, from which it is subsequently very difficult to extricate ourselves. For example, what should you do if you fall in love with your boyfriend’s boss or friend, or maybe even a girl?!

In this article we will try to understand all the most pressing situations that have happened and are happening to the fair sex.

What to do, if:

Fell in love with a guy I have feelings for a girl I fell in love with a friend I fell in love with a married man I'm crazy about my boss I have feelings for my teacher I really like the teacher I fell in love with my boyfriend's friend I fell in love with my friend

Fell in love with a guy

Most often, girls fall in love with ordinary guys, that is, with men who do not differ much in age, status, and even have a little similar characters. Therefore, in such cases you should not worry too much and think about how to behave. Trust your feelings, desires and listen to your heart, perhaps it will tell you how you should behave.

First of all, try to determine whether the man has reciprocal feelings. If they are not there, then you can awaken them, and we already wrote about how to make a guy fall in love with you in one of our previous articles. However, no matter what feelings the guy has for you, do not rush to confess your feelings to him (at least, you definitely shouldn’t do this in words).

Start paying him special attention! Let him feel his superiority, because the most important feeling in men is pride and feeling self-esteem. Therefore, as soon as you begin to praise or admire him, you will immediately become much more noticeable to him. Guys immediately notice such girls. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Be around him more often: walk together in the same company, chat with friends. Try to seem interesting not only to him, but also to his friends, then you will be invited to go out more often. Naturally, sometimes arrange situations so that at least for a few minutes you are completely alone - this will help you open up to each other faster.

I have feelings for a girl

Some girls have fallen in love with other girls more than once. Moreover, such a feeling can be expressed in several forms: either a woman’s appearance fascinates her, or a girl attracts her with her character, behavior, and in general you want to be with her always and everywhere. In the first case, such sympathy cannot in any way be called love - it is attraction, passion, excitement, but not love, so you shouldn’t bother too much here, since this feeling will pass as soon as you forget about it for at least a few days. As a rule, you experience the same feeling towards other spectacular girls. Therefore, this is a faster manifestation of your orientation than of feelings. However, if your case falls within the scope of the second type of attraction, then this is a clear manifestation of falling in love. But still, you shouldn’t “cut in the heat of the moment” (tell a girl about your feelings). Let a little time pass after your first such sensation.

Do not forget that confessing your feelings can seriously frighten a girl, and not a trace will remain of your good relationship. Better try to become a part of her life, let her get used to you and never be able to live without you again. As a rule, love feelings do not require anything more than communication, being nearby and visual contact, and all this can be realized, even without revelations to her. Let her decide for herself how you feel about her. The main thing is that she does not turn away from you, otherwise it may hurt your heart.

Fell in love with a friend

To the question: does friendship exist between a man and a woman, there is still no clear answer. Some psychologists claim that there can be no friendship between a guy and a girl, while others, on the contrary, are desperately trying to prove the opposite. I (the author of the article) consider myself more of those who are sure that there is no and cannot be friendship between “M” and “F”. Since such friendship arises only from sympathy, if not mutual, then definitely one-sided! That's why situations like this happen when a girl suddenly realizes that she has fallen in love with her best friend.

We recommend immediately confessing your feelings to a friend, especially if he shows some kind of response - tenderly hugs, treats you kindly, cares, protects, helps, and the like. After all, having opened up to him, you will see his reaction and understand that all his gestures and actions were friendly or still carried some hint of sympathy.

However, be prepared for the fact that luck may not smile on you - the guy can directly tell you that he does not want any relationship other than friendly ones, which means that you will forever lose that hope of reciprocal feelings. However, it is better to know the truth than to indulge yourself in unrealistic dreams of an imaginary future.

How to confess your love to your friend is up to you to decide. The best thing to do would be to find a good moment, take him by the hands and gently kiss him on the lips, and then confess your feelings for him.

Fell in love with a married man

First, honestly acknowledge the fact whether the man is ready to leave his wife. Forget about his promises (everyone lies), and just look at the real situation. How long have you been together - six months, a year? And he keeps feeding you with promises that he needs time for a divorce?! This means, most likely, he is not ready to leave his wife and 90% of the fact is that he will not leave her even in five years. Therefore, in such a situation, you need to either come to terms with the fact that you will always share your man with another girl, or leave him and start building a new relationship with a free guy.

If you have just started dating married man, and are thinking about your future life, then you again need to accept the fact that there is a high probability that a man will not be able to leave his wife. Are you ready to fight for him and spend part of your life as a mistress?!

As you can see, every girl must decide for herself what to do if she falls in love with married guy. There is no perfect one-size-fits-all advice. All cases are different, sometimes a man starts an affair for the sake of sex, sometimes for the sake of interest, and only in some cases does a man actually fall in love with a girl, despite the fact that he is married and perhaps even has children. The latter cases are extremely rare!

You will learn what to expect from a relationship with a married man in the video below:

We would like to say right away that issuing an ultimatum is not the surest way out of the situation. More subtle matter is needed here. For more details about this case, read our next article: “Relationships with a married man.”

Crazy about the boss

Male bosses very often pay maximum attention to their beautiful female subordinates - this is not news. However, it is also obvious that such relationships rarely lead to anything more than sex. All girls know and understand this very well, but it is very difficult to resist the beautiful courtship of a successful man who knows how to conquer a girl. That's why girls fall in love with their bosses.

There are not many options here - either continue the relationship, which the man suggests, or permanently sever all ties with him, except work ones. There is simply no other option, and the sooner you make your choice, the faster your soul will feel better. Although, in any case, you will suffer and cry quietly into your pillow at night, so gather all your strength into a fist and make your choice. After that, try to take your mind off these troubles - go with your friends to a club where you can have a good rest (dance, sing and just have fun). After all, now more than ever you need positivity and a charge of energy.

Very often, bosses simply use pretty girls for fun. If you suspect this, then try at this stage to squeeze the maximum benefit for yourself out of this relationship. For example, ask for help making repairs in the apartment, or buying new furniture, and for one thing, equipment. And it’s been a while since you’ve vacationed on the seas. It may look a little brazenly selfish, but it is very honest. And if he suddenly starts to be greedy, then it will be “another stone in his garden.”

I have feelings for the teacher

Each normal girl, who at least once in her life came across handsome teacher- fell in love with him or at least experienced special tender feelings for him. Therefore, let's face it - falling in love with a teacher is more than normal, because what can we do with our nature? No, of course, this can be called an incorrect attraction, from some point of view even an immoral act, but we are now talking about love, which all ages are submissive to and we cannot regulate when and with whom we can fall in love. Everything happens spontaneously.

If you are truly in love with your teacher and are ready to do anything for him, then first of all we do not recommend that you make personal confessions. There is no need to put him in an awkward position, because even if he feels reciprocal sympathy for you, he will still have to refuse you, since he is, first of all, a teacher who gives you knowledge, this relates to professional ethics. In addition, give your feelings time during which you can check their authenticity. After all, you are still a young girl who is exploring the world in all its manifestations, and therefore it is not surprising that you fantasize about a relationship with your teacher.

I really like the teacher

Showing feelings and sympathy for a beautiful teacher is quite normal, both among boys and teenage girls. We are all human, so don’t think that your fantasies are something wrong or abnormal. You are growing, and hormones are playing in your blood, which can now be expressed in the most unpredictable desire for you.

It is in high school that the formation of a person’s orientation begins, so it is difficult for many girls to immediately determine what kind of feeling arose for the teacher - love or ordinary sympathy for a beautiful and well-groomed woman, as a role model.

In any case, you should not rush with your confessions, since it is not yet known how the teacher will react to this (every person is different). She may show you excessive attention(smile often and sincerely, help for free, praise and even stroke or hug). But you shouldn’t consider every such gesture as a confession of your sympathy for you. Perhaps she likes you not as a girl, but as a daughter or a person.

Consider the general statistics that say that something serious is unlikely to come out of a student’s sympathy for a teacher or vice versa. Therefore, if you have fallen in love with your teacher, try to control yourself and allow time to put everything in its place.

I fell in love with my boyfriend's friend

One of the most difficult situations can be called falling in love with your boyfriend's friend. The fact is that male friendship is very strong, and if they are truly friends, then you will become like a “bone in the throat” in it. If your ex finds out that you are going to leave (or have already left) him because of a friend, then either the friendship will end, or your new relationship will simply not begin. Therefore, the first rule that you must learn is that you must perform all your actions and actions very carefully and thoughtfully.

If you really fell head over heels in love with a friend of your other half, then it is better to first leave your current boyfriend, and then after a while start seducing his friend, in this case there will be a greater chance that the friend will want to build some kind of relationship with you and the ex will not will destroy them.

However, keep in mind that it is much easier to destroy something than to build a new one. Therefore, by deciding to take such a desperate step, you will forever destroy your bridges with this guy, especially if it later turns out that you have a new relationship with his friend. Also, think again about whether that friend is worth such sacrifices on your part?!

Fell in love with a friend

Just above we described the situation that a girl can fall in love with a girl. However, if your girlfriend has become the object of adoration, then the situation is somewhat different. First, you must accurately determine for yourself: that the feelings you have for her are real (love), and not friendly. After all, the desire to hug, kiss and be always close arises not only to a loved one, but also to just a loved one - a friend or relative.

Next, decide what kind of relationship will suit you with her - only sex or a full-fledged relationship (love). If your friend is attracted to you sexually, the issue can be resolved quite simply. Firstly, you don’t need to tell your friend anything, and secondly, try to go to some celebration together, from which you will return home together not completely sober, invite her to your home, where there will definitely be no one. After which, already at home, try to give vent to your feelings and, as a game, seduce her or at least kiss her passionately. As numerous practice shows, there are no problems with this and the girlfriend quite willingly agrees to such games, the main thing is not to be persistent and find the right approach.

However, if a friend attracts you spiritually, at the level of feelings, then you need to approach her very carefully. First, casually find out how she really feels about bisexual girls. If it's okay, then hint that you feel like one of them. If everything went smoothly here, then make the following hint that she is the one you like most of the girls, and supplement your speech with a lot of compliments addressed to her. Here, in any case, there will be a pause during which you need to look into her eyes with a very sincere look. After all, now everything will be decided...

We wish you only mutual love!

No matter how hard we try to immerse ourselves in work or study, a romantic feeling still overtakes us sooner or later.

You may not always be prepared for it and know how to behave. Let's turn to advice from psychologists. What to do if you fall in love with a guy?

Signs of falling in love

How do I know that I'm really in love?

This feeling is quite difficult to recognize, but there is one that will help you with this:

  • cheerfulness. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. And the reason for this is hormones that are released in our body precisely during;
  • increased emotionality. You may become too sentimental, even if you have not suffered from this before. Or experience emotional swings, sudden changes in mood;
  • constant search for hidden meaning. Are you looking for a hint in his every word? See secret signs even in everyday things? Are you re-reading messages from him in search of a second meaning?

    All these are the first signs of falling in love, most often not yet consciously realized.

  • loss of attention. You have become so absent-minded, you constantly get confused, forget something... This also speaks of your love for someone.

What should you do first?

So what to do with the surging feeling? How to behave? Psychologists advise the following:

Thanks to these tips, you will either understand that the object of your affection does not deserve your attention, or you will finally achieve it.

What to do if you fall in love for the first time? Adviсe:

To a boy classmate

You spend a lot of time together, see each other every day.

And at some point you may begin to realize that you have some kind of feeling for him. What to do?

  1. Understand your feelings. Do you really like this boy? Or is it just because you see each other all the time? If during the entire holiday you don’t even remember about him, then most likely this is not real love.
  2. Be friendly. Become more active and sociable in class, attract everyone's attention. Boys like cheerful and positive girls.
  3. Try to get close to him. Try to communicate more, find common hobbies. It will be great if you see him not only at school: go to the movies or at least hang out in the same company.
  4. Don't be upset if it turns out that your feeling is not mutual. It's a good experience anyway. There will be other guys who will definitely pay attention to you.

In high school student

High school students seem so smart, mature and much more interesting than their peers. But often they may not notice those who are younger. What to do, if ?

To a work colleague

Office romance is a fairly common occurrence. After all, we spend a lot of time at work and often some people begin to sympathize with us. Sometimes it really turns into falling in love. What to do in such a situation?

To the boss

Fell in love with the boss. What to do? Psychologist's opinion:

By correspondence

We started communicating just out of interest, but it all grew into something more? Haven't you noticed how? Here are some tips on how to act in such a situation:

The second cousin

If we initially have a strict taboo regarding our siblings, then, as a rule, it does not apply to cousins ​​and second cousins. But you can’t tell your heart! How to be?

  1. Analyze the situation. Why did it happen? What do you think this could lead to? Think about the future. How will the brother himself react to this? Are you ready for outside disapproval?
  2. Take your time to communicate your feelings. You must understand that you are unlikely to be together. Such relationships are not approved by society. Yes, and there is logic in this, especially if you are planning to have children.

    Therefore, it would be best to decide for yourself this question, without devoting anyone to his feelings for his second cousin.

  3. Don't focus on your feeling. Learn to be distracted: find yourself a passion, a hobby. Try to see him less often.
  4. Don't be shy to ask for help. If you feel that the situation has gone too far and you can no longer cope, then consult a psychologist. He will help you understand the reasons for your love and how to get rid of this feeling.

The anime guy

Falling in love usually comes suddenly and often it may not be the one we imagined in our thoughts.

For example, what should you do if you fall in love with an anime guy?

  1. First you need to grow up. And to a greater extent what is meant here is psychological age. A mature personality cannot fall in love with such a character.
  2. Pay attention to the features that attracted you. This will help you find out what kind of people you like. Try to find them in the people who surround you.
  3. Limit your hobbies. If you like watching such cartoons, then there is nothing wrong with that. But if it came to such love, then this is undoubtedly not very good sign. Try to find other ways to enjoy your free time.

To a celebrity

Celebrities seem so distant to us and, at the same time, so attractive. And sometimes it happens that simple interest develops into a feeling of falling in love. In this case, there are three possible scenarios for the situation:

Love for an idol. Psychology of a fan:

The actor

First, you simply watched the film and identified one actor in it. Then you decide to review all the pictures with him. You no longer notice that you are constantly monitoring information about him and are jealous when you see a photo in a magazine with some girl. What to do with this love?

  1. Understand that this is just an image. You fell in love with him, not with this person. In life, he may well not live up to your expectations.
  2. Imagine the development of events. It is unlikely that you will meet him, and he will suddenly realize that you are exactly the woman he has been looking for all this time.

    So be realistic. Most likely you will suffer for it and miss your real life!

    What conclusion does this suggest? We need to get rid of this feeling.

  3. Try to find another hobby. Start going to the gym or a hobby club. You can start embroidering or drawing. Do everything to get rid of obsessive thoughts.

How not to become a slave to love?

It would seem that falling in love is a bright feeling.

But it doesn't always turn out to be so pleasant.

This often brings a lot of problems. How not to become addicted to your crush?

  • understand that first of all you must be a developed and self-sufficient person. Don't make your crush the only interest in your life;
  • don't limit yourself. If another man pays attention to you, you can accept his attention. This will benefit both you and the object of your love, because he will understand that you are not fixated only on him. But don't overdo it;
  • treat everything with humor. There is no need to throw a tantrum and fall into depression at the slightest failure. Life doesn't end there;
  • Hint to him about your feelings, and then transfer the initiative into his hands. There is no need to constantly come up with a strategy for your future behavior.

Falling in love can bring you both happiness and Problems. Therefore, be sure to think through the situation to the end before rushing headlong into the pool.

What to do if you fall in love with a celebrity? Find out in this video: