Travel lesson for children of the senior group “Travel to Space”.  Summary of mathematics lessons in the senior group

Travel lesson for children of the senior group “Travel to Space”. Summary of a mathematics lesson in the senior group "travel into space" Integrated lesson in the senior group space travel

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten No. 5 of the working village of Khor, municipal district named after Lazo, Khabarovsk Territory

Organized educational activities

"Journey into Space"

Senior group


Zaikova Olga Vladimirov

GCD "Journey into Space"

Educational area: "Cognitive Development". Integration of areas: speech development, physical development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, music.

Group: senior

Duration: 25 minutes

Target: Consolidating and enriching ideas about space and astronauts.


Educational task: To maintain and develop children’s interest in the world around them. Introduce preschoolers to the profession of astronaut. Continue to introduce the first space explorer - Yu.A. Gagarin, A.A. Leonov. To consolidate preschoolers' knowledge about celestial bodies (stars, planets).

Developmental task: stimulate imagination, logical thinking, memory, attention.

Educational task: To foster: a respectful attitude towards people exploring outer space; cultivate a sense of patriotism, pride in famous people who glorified their native country.

Speech task: to activate children’s speech, introduce the following words into the active dictionary: astronaut, spacesuit, gateway.

Material: Presentation “Space Conquerors”, demonstration material “Space”, model “Solar System”, colored paper, audio recording “Let's color all the planets” gr. “Barbariki”, video “Our Universe”, audio recording “Cosmos”, balloon yellow on a stick (for experimental activities), yellow and white stars.

Methods and techniques:

Game travel, ICT, motivation, conversation, physical education minute, artistic creativity, rhythmoplasty, reflection, problematic issues, dialogue-information method, verbal method, visual method, practical.

Preliminary work : preliminary conversations; reviewing encyclopedias, books about space; drawings about space;

GCD move.

1. Organizational moment.

Report the topic of the lesson.

2. Theoretical part.

    Conversation “History of space exploration”

    Physical education lesson “Cosmonaut exercises”.

    "Planets of the Solar System"

5. Rhythmoplasty “Weightlessness”

6.Experimental activities.

    Solar System Experience

7. Practical part.

    solar system layout

8. End of class.




Children with a teacher enter the hall to the music and stand in a circle.


All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly and

And let's smile at each other

I'll look at your faces

Who should I make friends with here?(with me)

Guys, look how many guests have come to us, let's smile at them and say hello!(Hello)

Today you and I will go on a journey, and you will find out which one you are on by guessing my riddles. (I show pictures when the children have guessed the riddle)

1. On an airship,

Cosmic, obedient,

We, overtaking the wind,

We're rushing towards (rocket)

2. There is a special pipe,

The Universe is visible in it,

See the stars kaleidoscope

Astronomers in (telescope)

At night there are stars in the dark sky.

Knows everything inside out

Stars in the sky (astrologer)

4. Flashing a huge tail in the dark,

rushes among bright stars in the void.

She is not a star, not a planet,

Mystery of the Universe -(comet)

5. A fragment from the planet

Rushing somewhere among the stars.

He has been flying and flying for many years,

Space (meteorite)

6. A special spacecraft is

He sends signals to Earth to everyone.

Like a lonely mysterious traveler,

An artificial one flies in orbit (satellite)

7. Lights the way at night,

Doesn't let the stars sleep.

Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,

There's light in the sky for us (Moon)

8. Planet blue,

Beloved, dear,

She's yours, she's mine,

And it's called (Earth)

9. Bottomless ocean, endless ocean,

Airless, dark and extraordinary,

Universes, stars and comets live in it,

There are also habitable, perhaps planets (Space)

Educator: What do you think we will talk about today? (About space) (Slide 1)

Educator: Well done! Today we will talk to you about space, about how people began to explore outer space. Let’s sit down in the clearing now and I’ll tell you something interesting (the children sit in a semicircle in front of the screen).(Slide 2)Before the first man flew into space, scientists first sent various animals into the unknown of space. These were dogs, rabbits, insects and even microbes.(Slide 3)The first little mouse-astronaut stayed above the Earth for almost a whole day.(Slide 4)And on November 3, 1959, the dog Laika went into space in a special spacesuit. Laika did not return from space. Following Laika, other dogs also flew into space. Which two dogs do you know that flew into space? (Belka and Strelka)(Slide 5)Well done! Two more dogs flew after Belka and Strelka.(Slide 6)-Chernushka and Zvezdochka. They all returned to Earth. This is how scientists became convinced that living beings can live in weightlessness. The path to space was open.(Slide 7)On April 12, 1961, the Vostok spacecraft with a man on board took off from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. What was the name of the first cosmonaut?(Slide 8)(Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin)Right! It was Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. It was he who opened the road to space, circled the globe in 108 minutes (1 hour and 48 minutes) and landed in a given area. A man's long-time dream has come true - to gain wings and fly above the Earth. Good practical and physical training allowed Yuri Gagarin to enter the cosmonaut corps. He was chosen from all the best, healthy and prepared. Who was the first person to go into outer space?(children's answers)Guys, what do you think the phrase “went into outer space” means?(children's answers)Spacewalk- is it work or a walk V outside of one's own . (Slide 9)The first spacewalk was made by Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov on March 18, 1965 from the Voskhod 2 spacecraft. Total time the first exit was 23 minutes 41 seconds. He left the cabin through the airlock. What do you think a gateway is?(children's answers)(Slide 10)This is the hatch or door of a spaceship. IN from the very beginning there was a separate compartment.(Slide 11)Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov swam five meters from the ship, held by a cable. He turned on the movie camera and filmed the ship and the ground floating beneath it for several minutes. In total, Leonov spent 12 minutes 9 seconds in outer space. experienced difficulty returning to the ship, because his suit was inflated due to the pressure difference and did not pass through the air. Only releasing the oxygen pressure in the suit allowed the flight to be completed safely.(Slide 12)Now Alexey Leonov is 80 years old.(Slide 13)Every nation has people who glorified their country, their Motherland, and we are proud that in our country of Russia there are such wonderful people as Gagarin and Leonov, and many other cosmonauts, of whom we are also very proud.

Educator: What qualities do you think an astronaut should have? (smartness, good physical fitness, mutual assistance)

What do you think Alexey Leonov saw when he was in outer space?(stars, comets, planets, meteorites, etc.)Do you want to go to space?(Yes)Let's take a trip on my "dream plane" into space. But first, like real astronauts, we will give you a little space training.(Physical training session “Exercising the astronaut”)

Don't yawn around

You are an astronaut today!

Let's start training

To become strong and agile.

Let's put our hands to the sides,

We'll get the left one with the right one,

And then vice versa -

Left, right turn.

One - clap, two - clap,

Turn around one more time!

One two three four,

Shoulders are higher, arms are wider.

We put our hands down

And get on the rocket!

(under the words of the teacher, children perform the necessary movements)

Well done! You are real astronauts. Enter the rocket.

To take flight

Let's count back.

10, 9.8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 start(video of a rocket taking off, video about the planets)

Educator: Did you guys enjoy traveling through space?(Yes)What was the name of the astronaut who went into outer space?(Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov)Do you want to fly like him in outer space?(Yes)(children stand in a rocket and repeat the movements after the teacher)

Attention! We put on a spacesuit. We take one pant leg and put it on. The second one is dressing. We push our hands into one sleeve and into the other. We take a helmet and put it on our head. The astronauts are ready! Crews can leave the ship and go into outer space.

Rhythmoplasty "Weightlessness".(video “Our Universe”, space music, turn off the lights and turn on the “Starry Sky” lamp))

Do you know why in our solar system all the planets revolve around the sun? Let's go to our space laboratory and conduct one experiment.

Experience "Solar System".

Target: Explain to children why all planets revolve around the sun.

Equipment: A balloon (yellow) on a stick with 9 balloons attached on a string around its circumference.

This is our sun, and 9 balls are planets. We rotate the ball, all the planets fly in a circle. If you stop it, then the planets will stop. What helps the Sun hold up the entire solar system?(children's reasoning)

Conclusion: The sun is helped by perpetual motion; if the sun does not move, the whole system will fall apart.

Educator: Well done!Our journey has come to an end. Get on the rocket. The descent to the ground will now begin.

One, two, three, four, five, we're flying towards the ground again.(children exit the rocket)

Having arrived on earth, all cosmonauts report to the flight commander about the work done.

1.Was it interesting for you to fly on a dream plane?

2. What new did you learn today?

3. What planets did we fly past today?

4. What have you learned about the planets of our solar system?

Educator: What a great fellow you are! You are now real astronauts! All real astronauts pass on their accumulated experience to the next generation. I would like to invite you to make a model of the solar system.

(Children go to the table where there is colored paper, change it into lumps and glue it onto a ready-made model of the solar system)

Reflection: Guys, look what a beautiful solar system we have, but it doesn’t have enough stars. I have stars different colors bright yellow and white. A yellow star means that you really liked our space journey, and a white star means that you did not really like our space journey, or you had some difficulties. I suggest you now choose a star that suits you and glue it to our solar system model.

You all did just a great job! I had a lot of fun with you! Our journey has now ended. Let’s find new information about our cosmonauts at home with your parents and then tell us.

Thanks everyone for your work. Goodbye! See you again! (children leave to the music of the group “Barbariki” “Let’s paint all the planets”).

Galina Kirsanova
Open lesson for the senior group “Journey into Space”

Educational institution: MBDOU No. 117

Subject: Journey into space

Educator: Kirsanova G. V.

Group: older

Educational and methodological security:

Program “Cognitive and research activities of preschool children”

Program “Acquaintance with nature in kindergarten”

Program “Acquaintance with the subject and social environment”

Implementation time classes:30 minutes.

Target:consolidating children’s knowledge on the topic « Space» .


Educational: consolidate concepts on the topic, develop preschoolers’ ideas about the solar system;

Practice forming new words. Expansion of thematic dictionary: space, space, planet, astronomer, constellation, atmosphere, satellite, spacesuit, cosmodrome, planetary, planetarium, galaxy, comet, asteroid.


Development of attention, memory, thinking.


Cultivating a sense of empathy and a tolerant attitude towards the world around us.

Type classes: generalization and systematization of knowledge on topic: « Space» .

Form: Occupation-travel.


layout "Distant Planet", telescope, radiogram with text, headphones, walkie-talkie, signal flags, figures of animals, birds, plants.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizing time:

Alarm calls sound. A teacher wearing headphones, sitting at an improvised walkie-talkie, accepts call signs.

Educator: Guys, we just received alarm call signs from the inhabitants of a Distant Planet. Listen message: “Children of the Earth! A huge disaster has befallen our planet! A terrible tornado hit and destroyed almost all life on it. Many plants and insects died, animals began to leave it in search of a better life. Please help us return our homeland to its original appearance! Residents of a Distant Planet"

Educator: Well, guys, can we help? But how do we get there?

I think I know.

Please listen to the riddle and answer - who do we ask? council: mystery


Educator: That's right, guys. What is the name of the device that the astronomer looks through? (telescope).

Educator: And so we set off on the journey to the Distant Planet. We need to get there, because its inhabitants expect help from us, but you must know that the path ahead of us is difficult and long

Educator Guys, what will we fly on? (on a rocket)

What is the name of the transport we will fly on? (Space)

What else can you call a rocket? (Spaceship) .

Educator: We need to put on some more special equipment.

What is the name of the suit? astronaut? (Space suit).

Where do we start our journey? (WITH cosmodrome)

But we also forgot to take with us the seeds of plants, herbs, and flowers. What else will we take? (Tree seedlings and bushes, insects, birds, animals).

That's right, if all life on a distant planet has died, we have to repopulate this planet with plants and animals.

So, everything is ready to fly. Let's start father T: ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one... Start. (Sounds space music, is projected onto the screen "starry sky").

Slide – 1 (space music) Universe

The Universe is the entire vast world that is located outside the Earth. Scientists-astronomers believe that it appeared as a result of the Big Bang. This happened 15 billion years ago. There are galaxies different sizes and forms.

Slide – 2 Galaxy

A galaxy is a collection of stars in space. They are visible in telescopes as light, small foggy spots. Our galaxy, the Milky Way, is spiral. If you look at it from above, it will look like a huge star whirlpool.

Slide – 3 Solar system

The solar system is the celestial bodies that move around the sun. The solar system is a star system consisting of the Sun and a planetary system that includes all natural space objects circling around Sun: 8 planets.

Educator: Guys, how many planets are there in our solar system? Let's remember everything together

Physical exercise.

There lived an astrologer on the moon - ( "They're watching" into a telescope)

He kept track of the planets: (Point to the sky with your hand)

Mercury - once, (Describe a circle with your hands)

Venus-two-s, (Cotton)

Three is earth, four is Mars, (Sit down)

Five - Jupiter, six - Saturn, (Tilt right-left)

Seven is Uranus, eight is Neptune, (Lean forward, bend back)

If you don't see it, get out! (Spread your arms to the sides)

Slide – 4 Space

Painted black space, Pauline

Because there is no atmosphere

There is neither night nor day,

There is no earthly blue,

The views there are strange and wonderful:

And the stars are all visible at once,

Both the Sun and the Moon.

Slide – 5 Sun

The Sun is the closest star to Earth, a huge hot ball of gas. The Sun is the strongest gravitational body in the entire solar system, which is why the planets revolve around it. The Sun is so much larger than the Earth that if you imagine it as soccer ball, then the Earth will be the size of a grain of sand.

Slide – 6 Mercury

Educator: What god is the planet named after?

Mercury (the first planet from the Sun) This planet is closest to the Sun; in the entire system it is considered the smallest. Mercury is the fastest planet. It manages to complete a revolution around the Sun in just 88 Earth days. (If we lived on Mercury, we would celebrate our birthday twice a day) The surface of Mercury is hard and rocky. During the day, the planet practically burns under the sun's rays, and at night it freezes.

Slide – 7 Venus

Educator: What goddess is the planet named after? Right

The brightest planet in the sky. Named after the goddess of beauty. It is clearly visible in the sky without a telescope. The entire surface of Venus is a hot rocky desert. Venus is surrounded by a thick layer of clouds. And under this cloud cover there is unbearable heat.

Educator: What is the third planet?

Slide – 8 Earth Question: what number (third planet from the Sun)

The earth is a huge solid ball. On the surface of this ball there is land and water. The earth is surrounded by an airy atmosphere. The atmosphere contains oxygen, which we breathe, and it also protects the planet from too hot rays of the Sun and saves the Earth from falling space of stones and ice.

Slide – 9 Mars

This planet was named after the ancient Greek god of war. A planet similar to Earth, but smaller and cooler. The surface of Mars is hard and covered with orange-red sand, which is why Mars is called "Red Planet". A year on Mars lasts “times longer than on Earth.

Mars has the highest mountain in the solar system - Olympus. Its height is 27 thousand meters.

Mars has deep depressions, giant extinct volcanoes, and vast deserts.

Slide – 10 Jupiter

Jupiter is the largest of all planets, Sasha S.

But there is no life on the planet.

Liquid hydrogen everywhere

And bitter cold all year round.

The largest planet solar system- 10 times larger than Earth. It is so large that all the other planets could fit on it. Jupiter rotates so quickly on its axis that the clouds around it are stretched into long ribbons, giving the planet a striped appearance. Jupiter is not a rocky planet. Jupiter's feature is the Great Red Spot. It's a huge whirlwind.

Slide – 11 Saturn

Saturn is a giant planet with a light yellow color. It rotates very quickly around its axis. It has a gaseous structure. Saturn has rings that other planets do not, which are formed from dust, rocks and ice. They all revolve around the planet. Saturn is located far from the Sun, so its temperature is very low.

Slide – 12 Uranus (seventh from the Sun, refers to the giant planets)

Uranus is a giant planet. This is the first planet seen through a telescope. What makes it unique among other planets is that it rotates "lying on its side. It is called a recumbent planet. This planet also has rings, but they are much more difficult to see, they only appear at certain times.

Slide – 13 Neptune (eighth planet from the sun)

Neptune belongs to the giant planets. In Roman mythology, god of the seas.

Its surface is made of space looks blue. Storm spots are visible on Neptune. The largest storm appears as a large dark spot with white spots along the edge.

Slide – 14 Moon

Educator: Who will answer the question, does the earth have a satellite....? (Moon)

The Moon is a natural satellite of the Earth, its constant closest neighbor. It revolves around the Earth. The Moon is four times smaller than the Earth. It does not shine itself, but only, like a mirror, reflects the sun's rays falling on it. The surface of the Moon is covered with the finest sand and lunar dust. The entire surface of the Moon is covered with large and small depressions - craters. Lunar craters are traces of impact of stones from space - meteoroids. Dark spots on the Moon are called seas, although there is no water on the Moon.

Slide – 15 Starry sky, comets, constellations

Educator: Guys, look carefully at what we see in the porthole? (Comets, planets, constellations). What's ahead? This is our unknown planet...

Educator: Our space the ship arrived on a distant planet.

But to land, we must pass tests, solve riddles

Puzzles:telling riddles

Educator: Well done, we passed all the tests, we are going to land....

Children exit the rocket

Sounds space music. A model of the planet is exhibited.


Guys, in order for us to populate the Distant Planet with birds, animals, and plants, we must first clean the canals so that the lakes are filled with water. seas, oceans, let's do it.

(The planet is graphically drawn on whatman paper, the children take brushes and gouache, and decorate: seas, rivers, lakes - blue; mountains - brown, forest - green, desert - yellow.


So the Distant Planet came to life and became very similar to our Earth. We will fly here sometimes.

There is now a garden planet Sonya Sh.

In that cold space.

The forests are noisy there now,

Birds, calling, migratory.

And the flowers are now blooming - Katya B.

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And the dragonflies sing a song

They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one like it! together


Ours is over journey. You did a very good deed - you saved a distant planet from destruction. It's time to go home.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of cognitive and speech development of children No. 25 “Fairy Tale”

Educational activities

in the older group

on this topic: " Space trip»

Educator: Gareeva

Gulnara Khasanshevna

Isq. category.

Naberezhnye Chelny, 2015

Target: Identify the acquired knowledge, ideas, skills that children received during school year.


Educational: Encourage children to participate in group conversation; fix the days of the week, parts of the day, time of year;develop the ability to determine the location of sounds in a word, identify vowels and consonants in a word;clarifying children’s ideas about space, stars, planets; fixing the names of geometric shapes: triangle, square, circle, rectangle, rhombus; practice counting within ten and back, as well as counting in the Tatar language.

Educational: Develop interest in research and cognitive activity children; develop word formation skills;develop logical thinking, attention, memory, imaginationAnd fine motor skills hands

Educational: cultivate feelings of kindness and mutual assistance;cultivate independence, activity, initiative, ability to work in a team.

Preliminary work: Conducting a conversation on the topic “Space”; watching a video about space; looking at illustrations, encyclopedias, books about space; making crafts about space, rocket applications; game situations “Cosmodrome”, “Commander”, solving riddles.


Demo material: Presentation for the lesson; music recording; magnetic geometric figures, magnetic board; mini laboratory; magnetic numbers; diagram of a house for parsing words into vowels and consonants; Whatman paper black 60/60cm.

Handout: cards for parsing the word MOON, red and of blue color; plasticine (white, blue, yellow flowers); paper napkins.

Inventory for experience : funnels; Activated carbon; empty glasses, glasses with dirty water, cotton pads, trays, napkins.

Vocabulary work: Universe, space, satellite, planet, star, rocket, comet, shiny, bright, astronauts, water purification filter, telescope.

Types of children's activities in GCD:

Communicative(conversation, answers to questions)

Gaming(game "Commander" UMK)

Cognitive and research(conducting water purification experiments)

Productive(modeling a star)

Musical and artistic(listening to the musical composition “Starry Sky”)

Direct educational activities consist of three parts: 1.introductory


3. final

The total duration is 25 minutes.

GCD move:

1. Introductory part.

Children enter the group, stand in a semicircle near the chairs.- Guys, we have an unusual activity today; guests came to us. Let's say hello to them. (Hello guests) Guys, we also know how to say hello in the Tatar language (Isәmmesez, Khaerle kon).

Guys, please look at the screen and listen to the musical composition. (Slide No. 1. “Starry Sky”)

Have you already guessed what long journey this music invites you on?

(to space travel).Let us go on a space journey.- Do you agree? (Yes).

2. Main part. Conversation with children.

Let us now remember everything that we know about space. – What is space? (Space is space). - What is in outer space? (There are stars and planets in outer space). That's right guys, we live in the comic space of the Universe. The Universe is the whole world, stars, comets, earth, planets, sun.

What is the Sun? (The Sun is a hot, spherical star). That's right guys, it emits heat and light, gives life to people, plants, animals. But there is no life on the Sun itself; it is very hot there. (slide No. 2) What do you know about the planet Earth? (People live on Earth because there is air and water there). The earth is our home, which must be loved and protected. Slide No. 3)

- What were the first living creatures in the world, having been in space, to return to Earth? (the dogs Belka and Strelka flew into space). What is the name of the first astronaut who saw the Earth from space? (Yu. A. Gagarin.) (Slide No. 4)

Guys, what can we fly on?Children express their suggestions. (plane, helicopter, spaceship, rocket)

That's right on a rocket! Guys, what type of transport is a rocket? (air) And now you and I will be design engineers and will build a rocket from geometric shapes according to the diagram. (Slide No. 5 “Rocket Diagram”)

Magnetic geometric shapes are laid out on the table. The teacher invites one child at a time to the magnetic board. Children, according to the diagram, make a rocket from geometric shapes (square, triangle, rectangle, cylinder, cone, circle).

Guys, what part do you think the rocket should be built from? (children's answers) The construction of the rocket is completed. Well, here we are, ready to fly. Guys, who

controls the rocket? (astronauts). That's right, now you and I will be astronauts. Are you ready to fly to the stars?Let's start counting to 10!Children count to 10. The rocket stands still.

Maybe we thought wrong? How can we count? (We must count, on the contrary, from the largest to the smallest number...

-: We start counting down from 10 in reverse descending order (10....5,4, 3,2,1,0, start!)

Guys, do you know that the astronauts on the ship have very good discipline. They are very attentive and efficient. Cosmonauts carry out tasks given to them by their commander. After all, if they do everything they want to press different buttons, then the ship may collide with comets and crash. You and I know the game in the Tatar language “Commander”. Let's play it and show you what real astronauts we are.

Game "Commander".

A child “commander” is selected. Children follow the commander's commands.

Commander: - Bass (get up from the chair); -Siker (jumping on the spot); - Asha (imitate eating); -Bitne yu (wash your face); etc.

Well done boys! You are real astronauts.

- Guys, do you know that astronauts spend a long time on space travel. And while you and I are flying here, a whole week has already passed!


1) –What day of the week is it today?

2) What day of the week was yesterday?

3) - Name the days of the week in order? (Monday Sunday)

4) -How many days are there in one week? (7)

5) - What part of the day is it now? (morning)

6) - What parts of the day do you still know? (morning, afternoon, evening, night)

7) What time of year is it now?

8) What is the hottest time of the year?

Well done!

We settled on the Blue Planet blue cheerful people live here. But the inhabitants of this planet. Oh what happened to them, they are kind of dirty! The guys wrote a message for help. Space pirates snuck onto their planet. They poured earth, garbage, branches into their reservoirs and now their water has become dirty, what should we do, they ask? (purify water). Let's help the inhabitants of the blue planet! After all, astronauts explore space. So they are (researchers). Every day in orbit, experimental work is carried out in the space laboratory. Now you and I will go to our space laboratory and there we will conduct research on water purification. (Children go to the tables).

I suggest purifying this waterusing specialfilters. Filters are special substances through which water is purified, leaving harmful impurities in the filters. This is the filter I have. It consists of a funnel, a cotton pad with activated carbon and a cup. Look, guys, I have this kind of coal on my saucer.

What's in my hand?(cotton pad ) Let's do a little experiment. Place a funnel in the jar. Place a cotton pad in the funnel. Tablet activated carbon, and another disk on top. Carefully, little by little, shall we pour dirty water into the funnel with cotton wool? What does cotton wool become like? What kind of water drips into the jar? And why? That's right guys, cotton wool absorbs dirt. And the water becomes clean.

Question: can I drink this water now? (No, it may contain invisible germs) The water needs to be boiled. So we helped clean up the dirty water, let’s move on. (Children take their seats)

Look ahead there is another planet of “Astronomers”, yellow men live there . They are very curious and observant. To observe the stars, sun and planets they installed on their space station first three telescopes, and then three more. How many telescopes are installed on the space station? (6 telescopes). Guys, let's put it out using numbers. 3+3=6

- But look at our earth, but it’s not alone in space. The earth has one friend.

What kind of girlfriend is you will find out by solving the riddle.

Lights the way at night,
Doesn't let the stars sleep.
Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep,
There is light in the sky for us... (Moon)

Well done!

The Moon revolves around the Earth and is called the Earth's satellite.

Guys, let's look at the word Moon. What is the first sound you hear in the word MOON? (l). What's the last one? Guyslet's determine what vowels and consonants are in this word. (diagram of the word Moon, lay out the chips)

Guys, let's now go to the tables and break down the word Moon into vowels and consonants. (Robot with cards. Children conduct a sound analysis of the word “moon” by laying out chips.


Let's play the game “Say the other way around.”

The game is played with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names one of the concepts, and the child throws the ball back and names the opposite of the named concept.

Cold - warm

Big small

Hard – soft

Clean - dirty

Light dark

Light heavy

Long short

High Low

Wide narrow;

Fat slim;

Far close;

Left - right;

One is many;

Children, come to the table and see what is there?(on the table is whatman paper in black or dark blue, with pieces of yellow or white plasticine laid out in plates nearby) Guys, what do you think this is and what is missing here? (children's answers) That's right guys, this is the night sky. And there are not enough stars here. Let each of you light your own star in the sky. (Yes).

Now choose a piece of plasticine of what color your star will be (yellow, blue, white). The plasticine was kneaded (warmed), rolled into a ball, attached to whatman paper with a flat cake and stretched with a finger, making the rays of a star in different directions. Well done guys, now you and I have our own starry sky. The stars turned out different and beautiful.

Guys, now we need to go back to kindergarten. And so that we can return toAdOcount on tatarin English from 1 to 10. (ber, ike.och, durt, bish, aly, sigez, tugyz, un)

3. Summary. Final part.

Children sit on chairs. - On our space journey, what new did you learn? What tasks did you like best? What tasks were incomprehensible or difficult for you?

Children, let's stand in a circle. The cheerful people really liked you and they sent you a space stone as a gift. (the teacher takes a stone out of the box) What is he like?(applies to each child’s cheek) .(Cold).Do you think it can be warmed up? (Probably...) I know the magic words that will help us warm the stone. Stone, take the warmth of my hands, the heat of my heart and give them to my friend. (The teacher passes the stone nearby standing child. He tightly squeezes the stone in his hands and passes it further around the circle. After some time, the stone is again in the hands of the teacher). Feel what the stone has become now!(applies to each child’s cheek). You see, we transferred part of our heat to the stone, and the cold stone became warmer, as if it came to life. And if we, people, give each other warmth and everyone will feel more comfortable on our planet and become kinder. Wish you Have a good day and good mood.

Final lesson in mathematics in the senior group "Journey into space"

Program content:

Identify the acquired knowledge, ideas, and skills that children acquired during the school year;

Improve the ability to find the place of a number in a series,

Fix direct and reverse counting; name the “neighbors” of the number, the previous and next number;

Strengthen the ability to correctly use the signs “more than”, “less than” or “equal”;

Improve knowledge about geometric shapes;

Consolidate knowledge of parts of the day, days of the week, seasons, months;

With the help of games, develop children's attention, logical thinking, and intelligence;

To consolidate the idea of ​​space, the planets of our universe;

Develop curiosity, a friendly attitude towards each other, mutual assistance, and self-esteem skills.

Material and equipment: magnetic board; poster "Solar System"; sets of counting sticks; cards for doing math problems;

Preliminary work: Conversation “The Sun and the Planets of the Solar System”, visit to the planetarium, learning the exercise “Rocket”

Progress of the lesson Organizational moment.


Hello, golden sun (arms to the sides.) Hello, blue sky (stretch your arms up) Hello, free breeze (sway your arms) Hello, small oak tree (imitate a tree) Hello morning, hello day (put your arms out to the sides one by one) We are not too lazy to say hello (point to themselves and bow).
We are all friendly guys. (hold hands and raise our hands up)
We are preschool children.
We don't offend anyone. (point with finger)
We know how to care. (we go in circles)
We will not leave anyone in trouble.
We won’t take it away, we’ll ask for it.
Let everyone have a good time (we put our hands on each other’s shoulders)
It will be joyfully bright!

Q: Children, smile at each other. Our group became brighter because of your smiles. May this joyful mood remain with us throughout the day.

Q: Guys, let’s play a game called “Find Your Place.”

(There are cards with numbers turned down on the table. Children move around the group to the music; as soon as the music dies down, the children take the first card they come across and stand in their ordinal place. If the children stand correctly, then the image of a rocket is obtained)

Q: Guys, look what we did! (ROCKET) One day people decided to fly into space! To fly into space, people built a space rocket. An astronaut was put into the rocket - it was he who had to control the rocket and fly into space. Who was it and when? (Yuri Gagarin, April 12)
Do you want to be an astronaut and go into space?

Our task is to take seats in the rocket. But it's not that simple. (I'm handing out tickets.)

Q: Tell me what is shown on your tickets? (Geometric figures). Pay attention to how many and what kind of figures should be on your seat; be careful not to accidentally take someone else’s place.

(Children look for their places.)

Q: What clothes will we need? (spacesuit) We put on overalls, boots, a helmet, and hermetically connect the parts of the spacesuit. The head of mission control is speaking to you: “The space crew should prepare to travel, visit different planets! »

The child recites the poem:

Gagarin said “let’s go.” The rocket flew into space. This was a risky guy! Since then, the era began, The era of wanderings and discoveries, Progress, peace and work, Hopes, desires and events, Now all this is forever!

Q: Guys, in order for the rocket to take off, you need to count from 10 to 0 like real cosmonauts. (Countdown) And say Gagarin’s famous phrase “LET’S GO”

(Music sounds)

Q: In the dark sky there are shining stars. An astronaut is flying in a rocket.

While our ship gains altitude and moves smoothly into outer space, we will repeat the following:

1) What time of year do we have on Earth? 2) What month? 3) What date is today? 4) What day of the week is it today? 5) What day of the week was yesterday? 6) What day of the week will it be tomorrow? 7) And when did you and I go on a flight - part of the day?

Q: Well done guys! While we were talking, our main computer on the ship began to act up. Let's carefully stand up and try to get to the main computer, but do not forget that we are now in zero gravity. (Children, together with the teacher, imitate flight) Q: Guys, take your jobs. You and I will have to work hard!

Q: So, guys, we are going to the planet Mercury.

Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun.
The heat is unbearable! Fry it into a cutlet!
One side is turned to the Sun,
On the other hand, there is terrible cold and dead peace.

Q: Look, all the numbers are mixed up on the screen. We need to quickly correct the situation, otherwise there will be an accident.

Task “Insert the missing number” Children are asked to insert the missing numbers: 123?5678910;1234567?910;12345?78910;12345678?10

Q: Well done guys, you saved our flight!

Q: The second planet from the Sun is Venus.

The gas is poisonous in the atmosphere of Venus.
It's impossible to breathe!
Hotness beyond measure!
The sun is not visible through the clouds.
Life is impossible!
But maybe for now? The planet Venus is located next to the planet Earth. But unlike our planet, life is impossible there, why? (Because there is poisonous gas on the planet Venus)

Q: Guys, you are convinced that today we have not an easy journey. Many more tests await us and I suggest you prepare our fingers.

Finger gymnastics

One, two, three, four, five, (clap our hands) we will count the planets. Mercury is closest to the sun, (we bend our fingers for each name of the planet) I will admire Venus, Here is the Earth - our home, Our beloved blue ball. I fly past Mars and observe Jupiter. Here are Saturn and Uranus, They showed us the rings. Here is Neptune, and here is Pluto, he is the farthest from the sun. All planets are good, (clap our hands) We flew with all our hearts. (fingers clenched, thumb up)

Q: We are going to the planet Mars.

Mars is a mysterious planet.
It is slightly larger than the Moon.
Because of the blood red color.
The planet was named after the god of war.

Q: We need to complete the “Name Your Neighbor” space mission.

Name the neighbors of the number 6? (5 and 7) 8(7 and 9) 3(2 and 4) 9(8 and 10), etc.

And now the task changes, I will tell you a number, and you will show me a number one more.

Q: Well done, you did a great job, and it’s time for us to fly on.

Q: Here is the next planet Jupiter.

Jupiter is the king of the planets!
It's very heavy.
And it floats slowly.
And step on your foot
It's just impossible
After all, the planet is liquid,
And you can drown in it!

Q: On this planet you and I will play the game “Say the other way around.”

The game is played with a ball. The teacher throws the ball to the child and names one of the mathematical concepts, and the child throws the ball back and names the opposite of the named concept. (Long - short; Large - small; Tall - low; Wide - narrow; Thick - thin; Far - close; Above - below; Left - right; Forward - back; One - many; Outside - inside; Light - heavy; Strong - weak; fast - slow.)

Each planet has something of its own,
What distinguishes her most clearly.
You will certainly recognize Saturn by sight -
A large ring surrounds it.
It is not continuous, it is made up of different stripes.
Here's how scientists solved the question:
Once upon a time the water froze there,
And Saturn's rings of snow and ice.

Q: We have arrived to the next planet - Saturn, here the next test awaits us, which is called “Place the sign correctly” (Children work on cards, count the stars, write the corresponding numbers below and put a sign or =)

Uranus, Neptune, Pluto -
There are cold worlds here.
There is no light and no heat.
Eternal winter and night...
I wanted to leave right away.
Ice-bound Uranus, Neptune,
And there's a beater on Pluto!

Q: Look out the windows, and it’s really very dark and cold here. Now let’s try to create our own stars from counting sticks. The task is to make from sticks:

Of 5 sticks - 2 equal triangles

Of 7 sticks - 2 equal squares

Of 7 sticks - 3 equal triangles

Of 9 sticks - 4 equal triangles

(Children check each other’s accuracy of completing the task and correct mistakes).

Q: Look at the interesting designs you came up with. Your stars will light up in space.

Q: Well done guys, you completed all the tasks, which means you are real astronauts and are not afraid of difficulties! And it’s time for us to return to earth to our beloved kindergarten.

Space crew prepare to land! We go to our places. (Children sit in their places)

Q: In order for the rocket to return to earth, a countdown of 10 9 8 7… is needed.

(music plays) While we are flying to our home planet, let's talk. What is the name of the planet we live on? (Earth)

How is it different from other planets? (there is life, air, rivers, seas, plants, animals, there is a unique satellite - the Moon.)

Q: So you and I returned to kindergarten. Now we need to remove the space equipment. (We pretend to have taken off the spacesuit) The children sit down on the carpet.

Q: You and I performed many tasks during the flight. If you are in a good mood, you were interested in traveling, everything worked out for you, then raise “Sun”. And whoever had difficulties today, pick up the “Tuchka” (children choose a card and tell what they liked or didn’t like). All cosmonauts are awarded medals.

Plan - summary of the immediate educational activities with preschoolers of the senior group.

Topic: "Travel into space."

Within educational field"Cognition".
Integrations:“Communication”, “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Reading” fiction", "Music".
Target: Develop thinking, stimulate children’s desire to understand the world of living nature.
1) Strengthen the skills of ordinal counting within 10, knowledge of numbers from 1 to 9. (“Cognition”)
2) Develop the ability to answer questions: “Which one is it?”, “In what place?” ("Cognition")
3) Summarize and systematize children’s knowledge about space. Strengthen children's understanding of the structure of the solar system. ("Cognition")
4) Strengthen children’s knowledge about quadrilaterals, the ability to find them among other geometric shapes. Introduce a new quadrangle - a trapezoid. ("Cognition")
5) Develop coherent speech, the ability to give a detailed, complete answer. ("Communication")
6) Expand lexicon on this topic. ("Communication")
7) Using literary words to create an emotional background. (“Reading fiction”)
8) Develop curiosity and imagination. ("Socialization")
9) Develop the ability to compose and solve a mathematical problem. ("Cognition")
Methods and techniques:
- practical
- visual
Materials and equipment: Image of a Mars rover, stars for decorating a group, a set of geometric shapes for creating a rocket and a rover, images of the planets of the solar system, cards with numbers from 0 to 9 (for each child), images of astronauts of different heights and the corresponding size of the rocket.

Logic of educational activities.
Motivational and orientation
Educator: Children, do you like to travel?
Children: Yes!
Educator: Today we are setting off on an unusual journey. We will fly into space on a rocket that we will build ourselves.
They look at a rocket made of geometric shapes on a flannelgraph.
Educator: How many squares are there in total? How many triangles are there in total? What more? How long? How many circles are there in total?
Children: There are 4 squares and 5 triangles, there are 1 more triangles than squares. 3 circles. There are 1 fewer circles than squares and 2 fewer triangles
Educator: All! Our rocket is ready to fly. You can go, but for this you need to calculate in order, how many people will fly into space?
Educator: Settled! 10 people are flying into space, and in order for the rocket to take off, you need to give the “launch” command, that is, count from 10 to 1 and give the “launch” command. Who wants to send a rocket?
One child counts. The rocket doesn't move.
Educator: We repeat everything together.
All children count
Educator:"Start". Let's fly!

Educator. While we are flying, so as not to get bored, I have prepared the following task for you:
I will ask questions and problems, and you will answer the questions by picking up a card with a number that is in front of you. You can't talk!

Game "Silence"
1. How many legs does a mushroom have?
2. How many legs does the chair have?
3. How many eyes do we open in the early morning?
4. Seryozhka fell into the snow,
And behind him Alyoshka,
And behind him Marinka,
And behind her is Irinka,
And then Ignat
How many guys were there?
5. A rooster flew into the fence
Met two more there
How many roosters are there?
6. Vanya had 5 sweets,
he ate one for lunch.
How many candies does Vanya have left?
Children pick up cards with the correct numbers
Educator: Well, while you and I were answering questions, our rocket landed.
Where have we ended up?

A cosmic melody sounds, a sad Martian appears
Martian: Hello, dear space guests!
Educator: Hello! Why do you look so sad?
Martian: My rover is broken, and you can only fix it if you name all the quadrangles correctly. What shapes are called quadrilaterals?
Children: These are geometric shapes that have 4 corners and 4 sides.
Your rover consists of 2 squares, 3 rectangles
Martian: There is another quadrangle in my rover - this is a trapezoid.
It has 2 sides the same, and the other two are different. One of them is shorter than the other.
Help me, please, assemble my aircraft.
Game “Build a Mars Rover”
Children take turns walking along a path of quadrangles and bringing back parts of the Mars rover.
Martian: What is the name of the planet you live on?
Educator: Children, let's show the Martian where we came from.
Game "map of the planets of the solar system"
Children arrange the planets around the Sun according to their serial number
Martian: Where is the Earth from the Sun?
Children: Earth is the third planet from the Sun.
Martian: Which planet is closest to the Sun? So what place is she in?
Children: Planet Mercury, it is located in the first place from the Sun.
Martian: What is the name of the largest planet in your system, what place is it located in?
Children: This is Jupiter, she is fifth from the Sun.
Martian: Thank you very much! Now, I know how your system works. Before you fly back home, I want you to complete one more task.
Game: “Make up a problem based on the picture”
Children make up a problem based on the picture and write down the solution.
Martian: Well done! I must go home.
Educator: Dear Martian, take from us a map of our solar system as a souvenir.
The Martian flies away to the sound of a cosmic melody
Children give the signal to start and count from 1 to 10.
Educator: It’s time for us to go back to kindergarten too. While we're on our way back, let's play:
Physical exercise "Cosmonaut"
Are you an astronaut today?
Let's start training
To become strong and agile
Three, two, one……….we’re flying
We're floating in zero gravity
We're right at the ceiling
The path to Mars was very long,
Stop! We leave the cabin
We returned from the flight
And they fell to Earth
Perform movements in accordance with the text

D/u on the logic “Find the astronauts their rockets”
After landing and walking on Mars, the astronauts forgot what their rockets looked like. You need to arrange the astronauts by height from tallest to shortest, and then connect them to the corresponding rocket.
Educator: Our space journey has ended. Well done guys, did a good job. What new did you learn in the lesson that you liked? What do you remember most?