Games for the development of speech breathing.  DIY tutorials: Games for developing speech breathing

Games for the development of speech breathing. DIY tutorials: Games for developing speech breathing


Teacher - defectologist: Fedorova Olga Sergeevna

Exercise "Rain".

A thundercloud is so menacing.

The sky is completely clouded,

She lay like a shadow on the ground,

She sniffled, grumbled,

I scared everyone in the area,

Suddenly she sneezed - Thunder struck!!

And... burst into tears like rain!

Osmanova. G.A.

Exercise “Bees and Butterflies”.


There's a buzz around the flower
The bee has a schedule: It pumps nectar all day, and rests at night!

Butterfly-gorgeous,INbright, colorful dress,Spun around, flew,Selato the flower, tired...
- I didn’t sit down to rest,Ispruce flower nectar

S. Bogdan

Exercise "Plane - helicopter".

I'll build a plane, put on a helmet, and take off.

Through the wavy fogs, I will fly to other countries,

Over seas and forests, over mountains and fields,

I'll cover the entire globe and then return home

V. Shishkov

Exercise "Cat and Bird".

A bird sat on the window.

Stay with us for a while,

Sit down, don't fly away!

Flew away...ouch!

A. Barto

Exercise “Fun Football”

Cheerful friend, my ball!Everywhere, he is with me everywhere!Once, two three four five,FineI should play with him!

N. Epatov

Exercise “Frogs - frogs”

“Kwa-kwa-kwa!” - singfrogs. « Come join us, friends!Hereand hummocks and swamp -
Beauty!.. And I want to sing!”

E. Grudanov.

Exercise “Blow a snowflake”

Smoothly snowflake
went down into the palm, whispering quietly:
"Don't touch me.
Blow carefully and I'll fly away -
Towards the blue sky
I want to get up."

First furry
and white snow -
Light winter miracle, my friend.

If a child speaks poorly, then work on speech development should begin, first of all, with the development of breathing. Helps develop breathing various games and exercises. What is it for? Correct (physiological) breathing will help the child learn to speak calmly, smoothly, and slowly. Some breathing exercises also help teach the child how to pronounce certain sounds correctly.

If a child puffs out his cheeks while speaking, then his speech is slurred precisely for this reason. And before you start making sounds, you need to teach your child how to properly produce an air stream.

We offer you some games and exercises for developing proper speech breathing in children:


1 step. Print and cut out the fruit.

Step 2. Glue it onto the box and cut out the mouth.
Step 3. LET'S PLAY. The mouth is a “gate” where children must blow out various light objects - speech breathing develops.
You can divide into teams, the watermelon and orange have a larger mouth-gate, and in the process complicate the game by replacing it with other fruits that have smaller gates.

"Feed the Animals"

Website “Mom can do anything!” collected 23 of the most interesting games for the development of speech breathing for preschool children. These exercises will help your baby learn to speak clearly, smoothly and beautifully.

We all like melodic, smooth and beautiful speech. For its formation, correct speech breathing is necessary. It is difficult for young children. Their respiratory muscles are still poorly developed. Babies tend to speak quickly, swallow the endings of words, and distort sounds. Games and exercises for the development of speech breathing will help your child learn to pronounce sounds correctly, adjust the volume, and pause between sentences.

Games for developing speech breathing

Sing with me!
Goal: development of correct speech breathing - singing the vowel sounds A, O, U, I, E in one exhalation.

Progress of the game: First, the teacher invites the children to sing “songs” with him.

- Let's sing some songs. Here is the first song: “A-A-A!” Take in more air - inhale the air. The song should be long.

During the game, the teacher monitors clear pronunciation and exaggerates the articulation of sounds. First we sing the sounds A, U, gradually the number of “songs” can be increased.

- Here is the second song: “U-U-U!” Now “O-O-O!”, “E-I-I!”, “EE-E-E!”

You can arrange a competition between children: the one who sings the longest in one breath wins.

- Let's have a competition: we'll all start singing together, the one with the longest song will win.

Fly, butterfly!

Goal: development of long continuous oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: 2-3 bright paper butterflies.

Progress of the game: Before starting the lesson, tie a thread 20-40 cm long to each butterfly, attach the threads to the cord at some distance from each other. Pull the cord so that the butterflies hang at face level standing child.

The teacher shows the child butterflies and invites them to play with them.

- Look how beautiful the colorful butterflies are! Let's see if they can fly.
The teacher blows on butterflies.
- Look, they're flying! How alive! Now you try to blow. Which butterfly will fly farthest?

The child stands near the butterflies and blows on them. It is necessary to ensure that the child stands straight, does not raise his shoulders when exhaling, blew on one exhalation, without getting any air, did not puff out his cheeks, but slightly pushed his lips forward.

You can blow for no more than 10 seconds with pauses to avoid dizziness.


Equipment: vial with soap solution, frame for blowing bubbles, straws of various diameters - cocktail, thick paper, plastic bottle with the bottom cut off.

How to play: Play soap bubbles with your child: first, the teacher blows bubbles, and the child watches and catches them. Then encourage your child to blow the bubbles themselves. Please note that blowing soap bubbles often turns out to be quite a difficult task for kids. Try to help your child - select different frames and tubes so that the child can try and choose which is easier to achieve the result. You can make your own liquid for soap bubbles: add a little dishwashing liquid and sugar to water. Do not forget to monitor the safety of the child - do not allow him to try or drink the liquid.

Sounds around us
Goal: development of correct speech breathing - singing the vowel sounds A, O, U, Y in one exhalation.

Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to play this game.

– In the world around us we hear a variety of sounds. How does a baby cry? “A-A-A!” How does a little bear sigh when his tooth hurts? "OOO!" The plane in the sky hums: “U-U-U!” And the steamboat on the river hums: “Y-Y-Y”! Repeat after me.

The teacher draws the children’s attention to the fact that each sound should be pronounced for a long time, on one exhalation.

Wind Song

Goal: development of strong smooth exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: Chinese wind song bell.

How to play: Hang the bell at a distance convenient for the child (at the level of the face of a standing child) and offer to blow on it. Pay attention to how melodic the sound is. Then suggest blowing harder - the sound has become louder.

Girls sing

Goal: development of correct speech breathing - singing in one exhalation the vowel sounds A, O, U, I, as well as combinations of two vowels - AU, UA, OU, OI, IA, etc.

Equipment: pictures depicting singing girls - the articulation when pronouncing the vowel sounds A, O, U, I is clearly depicted.

Progress of the game: Prepare pictures depicting the faces of singing girls. Such pictures are easy to draw, the main condition is that the articulation must be clearly drawn.

2-4 children can participate in the game. First, the teacher shows the children pictures of singing girls and asks them to guess which girl sings which sound. Then he hands out one picture at a time and offers to sing the same sound.

After this, a general game is organized: the children line up, holding their pictures in their hands, and the one the teacher points to sings.

- Now we will sing a common song. The one I point at with my stick will sing. Try to keep the songs long.

The next stage of the game is singing combinations of two vowel sounds. The teacher offers to repeat the following songs after him:

- Let's sing some songs. Here is the first song: “A-A-A-U-U-U!” Take in more air - the song should turn out to be long. And here is the second song: “U-U-U-A-A-A!”

Gradually, the number and variations of “songs” can be increased. The same game is then repeated using images of singing girls. The teacher puts two pictures next to each other: the girl sings I, the girl sings A, and asks them to guess what song the girls are singing - IA - and repeat it. This game should first be played individually. Combinations of pairs of vowel sounds can be very different.


Goal: development of strong smooth exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: children's ceramic, wooden or plastic whistles in the shape of various birds and animals.

Progress of the game: Before starting the lesson, you should prepare the whistles. Give the children whistles and invite them to blow on them.

- Look how beautiful your whistle toys are! Masha has a bird, and Vanya has a deer. Let's have a forest concert - each of the animals and birds sings their own song!

The game can be repeated several times. Make sure that children blow without straining or overtiring. The game can be played individually or in a group of children.


Equipment: paper plumes (brooms).

How to play: Before starting the game, you need to prepare the brooms. To do this, attach strips of colored paper to the wooden stick. You can use thin tissue paper or a “rain” Christmas tree decoration.

The teacher offers to play with a broom. Shows how to blow on paper strips, then offers to blow on the child.

- Imagine what it is magic tree. The breeze blew and the leaves rustled on the tree! Like this! Now you blow!

The game can be played individually or in a group of children. In the second case, children blow on their brooms at the same time.

Deflate the balloon

Goal: development of correct speech breathing - prolonged pronunciation of the consonant sound F on one exhalation.

How to play: Invite the kids to play this game: standing on the carpet, spread your arms wide to the sides - you get a ball, then pronounce the sound F for a long time, at the same time bringing your hands in front of you - the ball deflates. At the end, hug yourself by the shoulders - the balloon has deflated.

- Let's play marbles! Spread your arms to the sides - like this! These are how big the balls turned out. Suddenly a small hole appeared in the balloon, and it began to deflate... Air comes out of the balloon: F-F-F! The balloon is deflated!

Remind the children to inhale more air while the balloon is inflated, and then gradually exhale it smoothly, making the sound F. Do not suck in air.


Goal: development of correct speech breathing - prolonged pronunciation of the consonant sound Sh on one exhalation.

How to play: Invite the kids to play with snakes. The game is played on the carpet.

- Let's play snakes! The snakes have come out of their holes and are basking in the sun. The snakes hiss: “SH-SH-SH!”

Remind children to take a deep breath and hiss for a long time. During prolonged pronunciation of the sound Ш, you cannot take in air.

It is snowing!

Goal: formation of a smooth long exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: pieces of cotton wool.

Progress of the game: The teacher lays out pieces of cotton wool on the table and reminds the children about winter.

- Imagine that it is winter now. Snow is falling outside. Let's blow on snowflakes!

An adult shows how to blow on cotton wool, the children repeat. Then everyone raises the cotton wool and the game is repeated again.


Goal: development of correct speech breathing - prolonged pronunciation of the consonant sound C on one exhalation.

How to play: Invite the kids to play pumps. The game is played on the floor and is accompanied by movements that simulate inflating a wheel using a pump.

– Which of you likes to ride a bike? What about by car? Everyone loves it. But sometimes the wheels of cars and bicycles get punctured and deflate. Let's take the pumps and pump up the tires - like this! “S-S-S” – the pumps are working!

The teacher shows the movements of the pump and explains that you should inhale more air while the pump is running, and then gradually exhale it smoothly, pronouncing the sound C. You cannot take in air while pronouncing the sound. The pump can continue to operate after a pause when the child takes another breath. It is necessary to ensure that children do not overexert themselves while playing.

Funny song

Goal: development of correct speech breathing - pronouncing several identical syllables on one exhalation - LA-LA.

Equipment: doll or matryoshka.

How to play: Invite the kids to sing a funny song with the doll.

– Today the doll Katya came to visit us. The doll dances and sings a song: “LA-LA-LA! LA-LA-LA!” Let's sing together with Katya!

While singing, make sure that children pronounce three syllables in a row on one exhalation. Gradually, you can learn to sing longer songs on one exhalation - 6-9 syllables in a row. Make sure children are not overtired.


Goal: development of strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: a regular balloon on a string; gas balloon.

How to play: Hang the balloon at the level of the child's face. Blow on the balloon so that it flies high, then offer to blow on the child.
A more complex version of the game is possible. Toss up balloon up. Invite your child to blow on the ball several times so that it does not fall to the floor longer.

- Let's blow on the ball so it doesn't fall down. Like this! Stronger!

You can play with a balloon filled with gas. In this case, the ball is tied to a chair or something on the floor (it is advisable that the string remains long). You need to blow on the ball so that it flies as far forward as possible.

If the game is played in a group, you can organize a competition: two children (or small teams) stand opposite each other facing the ball (distance to the ball is 50-60 cm) and simultaneously begin to blow. The winner is the one who managed to send the ball to the opposite territory (you can divide the territory using a ribbon or rope).

Fun trip

Goal: development of correct speech breathing - pronouncing several identical syllables on one exhalation - BI-BI, TU-TU.

Progress of the game: Offer the kids an active game.

– Which of you likes to travel? Raise your hands who rode in the car. Now raise your hands who rode the train. Let's play cars - the car is driving and beeping "BEE-BEE!" And now let’s turn into trains - “TU-TU!”

Show how the car drives - walk around the room, turning the imaginary steering wheel. Imagining a train, rotate your arms bent at the elbows forward and backward.

Make sure that children pronounce two syllables in a row on one exhalation. Gradually you can learn to pronounce on one exhalation large quantity syllables: BI-BI-BI! TU-TU-TU-TU! Make sure children are not overtired.


Equipment: spinning toy.

How to play: Before starting the game, prepare a spinning toy. You can make it yourself using paper and a wooden stick.

Show your child the fidget spinner. On the street, demonstrate how it begins to spin when the wind blows. Then offer to blow on it yourself:

- Let's make a wind - let's blow on the turntable. That's how it turned out! Blow even harder and the spinner spins faster.

The game can be played individually or in a group of children.

Roll, pencil!

Goal: development of long, smooth exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: pencils with a smooth or ribbed surface.

Progress of the game: The child is sitting at the table. Place a pencil on the table at a distance of 20 cm from the child. First, the adult shows how to blow forcefully on a pencil so that it rolls to the opposite end of the table. Then he invites the child to blow on the pencil. The second participant in the game catches the pencil at the opposite end of the table. You can continue the game by sitting opposite each other and rolling each other's pencil from one end of the table to the other.

When organizing a game in a group, you can arrange a competition: two children sit at a table with pencils in front of them. You can only blow on the pencil once. The one whose pencil rolls farthest wins.

The birds are talking

Goal: development of correct speech breathing - pronouncing several identical or different syllables on one exhalation - KO-KO-KO, KU-KU, QUACK-QUACK-QUACK, KU-KA-RE-KU, CHIK-CHIRK.

How to play: Invite the kids to play birds.

- Let's play birdies. The birds met in a clearing and began to talk. “KO-KO-KO,” says the chicken. “KOO-KOO! KOOKU!” - the cuckoo screams. “QACK-QACK-QACK!” - the duck quacks. “KOO-KA-RE-KOO!” - the cockerel crows. “CHIK-CHIRIK,” chirps the little sparrow.

Encourage children to repeat the birds' “talk” after you. When pronouncing onomatopoeia, make sure that children pronounce them in one exhalation, without drawing in air.


Goal: development of strong oral exhalation; learning how to blow through a straw; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: glass of water, cocktail straws of different diameters.

How to play: Place a cocktail straw in a glass half filled with water and blow into it - bubbles will rise to the surface with a loud gurgle. Then give the tube to the child and ask him to blow.

- Let's make funny buns! Take a straw and blow into a glass of water. If you blow weakly, you get small gurgles. And if you blow too hard, you get a whole storm! Let's create a storm!

By looking at the “storm” in the water, you can easily estimate the strength of the exhalation and its duration. At the beginning of classes, the diameter of the tube should be 5-6 mm, later you can use thinner tubes.

Many children who are accustomed to drinking juice from bags through a straw do not immediately understand what is required of them and may start drinking water (therefore, it is better to use purified drinking water just in case). In this case, first suggest blowing through the tube onto a piece of cotton wool on the table or onto your palm to feel the air coming out of the tube.

Another of possible problems- the child may bite and chew the soft tube or bend it. In this case, you can use the body of a helium pen - a transparent tube made of hard plastic.

In addition, the child can, holding the tube in his lips, exhale air through his nose. In this case, you should gently pinch the baby’s nose with your fingers and offer to blow again.

Grow, foam!

Goal: development of strong oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: glass of water, cocktail straws of different diameters, dishwashing liquid.

Progress of the game: This game can be offered to the child after he learns to blow well through a straw into a glass of water (does not drink water, does not bend the straw). Add a little dishwashing liquid to the water, then take a straw and blow into the water - with a loud gurgle, a cloud of iridescent bubbles will grow before the child's eyes. Then offer to blow on the child. When there is a lot of foam, you can blow on it.

- Now I'm going to do hocus pocus! I take the dishwashing liquid and drop it into the water... Now I’ll stir it - ary-bar-top-top-top! I take the tube and blow. Look what happened! This is a foam of small and large bubbles! Now you try to blow.

After the children are on individual lessons They will learn how to act correctly - blow into straws, not spill water, etc., you can conduct this lesson in a group.


Goal: development of strong, long, smooth oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: chocolate covered marshmallows or marshmallows; small cake candles; Teddy bear.

How to play: Prepare chocolate-covered marshmallows or marshmallows and stick one or more holiday candles - today is the bear’s birthday. Together with your child, set the table using toy dishes, invite guests - a bunny and a doll, and sing a song for the bear. Then ceremoniously bring in the “birthday cake” with a lit candle.

Today is the bear's birthday. He is one (or more) years old. Let's congratulate the bear! Here's a birthday cake - help the bear blow out the candles.

When the child blows out the candle, make sure that the exhalation is long, strong and smooth. Explain to the baby that he has several attempts, in each of which he can only blow once. If the candle does not go out, we take air into the chest again and try again.

Many children, when exhaling correctly, cannot correctly direct the stream of exhaled air - it passes by the candle flame. In this case, it is useful for clarity to suggest blowing into a pipe made of a sheet of thick paper (diameter 3-4 cm), because Using the pipe, you can control the direction of the exhaled air.

First, place the candle at a distance of about 30 cm from the child. Gradually, the distance from the child to the candle can be increased to 40-50 cm. Explain to the child that you should not move too close to the candle.

For subsequent games with blowing out the flame, select candles with a stable base or standing on a reliable candlestick. You can come up with a different plot for the game or simply offer to blow out the flame. For safety reasons, this game is played individually. It is necessary to warn the child that the candle should not be touched or knocked over.

Blow up the toy!

Goal: development of strong smooth exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: various small inflatable toys; Balloons.

Progress of the game: The teacher hands out well-washed rubber inflatable toys to the children and offers to inflate them. You should blow by taking in air through your nose and slowly exhaling it through your mouth into the hole of the toy.

- Look, our toys are very sick - thin, without bellies... How can we play with them? Let's inflate the toys so that they become plump, healthy and cheerful again!

Whoever inflates the toy can play with it.

This task requires a formed strong exhalation. In addition, it is necessary to teach children how to hold toys correctly so that air does not escape from them. Offer this game only after a strong, smooth exhalation has already been formed.

In subsequent lessons, you can offer to inflate balloons, which is even more difficult. If the child can’t do it, don’t insist.

Paper flag

Goal: development of strong smooth continuous exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: strips of thin colored paper (size: 15x2.5 cm).

How to play: Before starting the lesson, prepare strips of paper. Show children how to blow on the strip by holding it against their lower lip (holding the strip with their thumb and forefinger).

- Let's turn paper strips into real flags. To do this you need to make wind - like this! The flags flutter in the wind!

This is not an easy exercise; children do not get it right away. It may be better to return to it later, when the child is a little older. The game can be played individually or in a group of children.


Card index of games for the development of correct speech breathing in preschool children.

Breathing exercises must be performed daily, including them in physical education and recreational gymnastics; during classes, including them at an organizing moment or during physical education. It is better to conduct exercises in a playful way so that children perform them with interest and pleasure.

Exercises to develop physiological breathing

"Flower shop"

(We are in a flower shop. The air is filled with different aromas. The smell of some flower predominates. Look for the smell, name this flower) Slowly, calmly, took a deep breath. How noiselessly the air flows in through the dilated nostrils! The chest is expanded (not raised). Shoulders “hang”. Inhale. Delay (we are looking, we found the smell). Exhalation.

"Skiers Competition"

Skier figures (cut out of thin cardboard) stand on the edge of the table. Children are called in pairs. Each child sits opposite the skier. The teacher warns that the skier can only be propelled with one exhalation; it is impossible to blow several times in a row. At the signal “Let’s go,” children blow on the figures. The rest of the children watch whose skier will go further (slide across the table)

“Whose ship is better? »

Each child is given a clean bottle. The teacher says: “Children, look how my bubble buzzes if I blow into it (beep). It sounded like a steamship. How will Misha's steamer hum? “The teacher calls all the children in turn, and then invites everyone to honk together. It should be remembered: for the bubble to buzz, the lower lip must lightly touch the edge of its neck. The air stream must be strong. Each child can only blow for a few seconds to avoid dizziness.

“Who can blow on the leaves the longest? »

The teacher has leaves of different trees on strings. “Look, children. These leaves flew to us with the breeze. They are so beautiful and light. Let's blow on these leaves like a breeze, like this. (Show how to blow). I wonder whose leaf can spin in the wind longer than others. The teacher makes sure that the children do not puff out their cheeks, do not tense up, and blow on the leaves easily and calmly.

Exercises for developing speech breathing


The children are standing. Feet are shoulder-width apart, arms are lowered and fingers are clasped together. Quickly raise your hands - inhale, lean forward, slowly lowering the “heavy ax”, say - wow! - on a long exhale.

Spring has come. But winter doesn't want to go away. She gets angry, sends blizzards and blizzards. The blizzard howls: ooh-ooh. The wind whistles: s-s-s-s. The wind bends the trees: sh-sh-sh-sh. But then the blizzard began to subside. (Repeat the same, only quieter). And she fell silent.

"On the seashore"

Imagine yourself on the seashore. Close eyes. Hear the wave running: ssss. Sand is pouring down: s-s-s-s. The wind sings a song: s-s-s-s. And the sand scatters: s-s-s-s.

The teacher loudly pronounces the sound while exhaling: a-a-a-a. And the child quietly responds: a-a-a-a. You can play using vowel sounds, as well as combinations: ay, ua, io. etc. and individual words: “Ay, Olya! Hey Petya! "


Several children stand with their heads down, holding hands. Then, slowly raising their heads and hands, they say: “Inflate, bubble, swell big, stay like that, but don’t burst. "At the teacher's signal: "The bubble has burst! "Children slowly lower their heads and hands, pronouncing ssss for a long time. or shhhhh, imitating the air escaping. Make sure that when pronouncing a sound, children do not puff out their cheeks (the bubble releases air and does not inflate.).


The children are sitting. The arms are lowered along the body. Quickly raise your arms up through your sides - inhale, slowly lower your arms - exhale. Say “ka-a-ar!” »

"Nice smell"

The teacher has two or three fresh flowers that are most familiar to children, for example, lilies of the valley, violet, and lilac. Flowers can be replaced with fruits with a certain smell (orange, lemon, apple) or leaves (currant, poplar, bird cherry). The child smells the flower and, as he exhales, says the phrase “Smells good” or “Very pleasant smell,” etc.

"Say the truth"

The teacher invites the children to take a deep breath and, as they exhale, say: “Thirty-three Egorkas lived on a hillock, near a Christmas tree.” Take a deep breath and as you exhale say: “One Yegorka, two Yegorkas, three Yegorkas.” »

The child is invited to blow on cotton wool, small pieces of paper, and fluff, and thereby turn an ordinary room into a snow-covered forest. The child's lips should be rounded and slightly extended forward. It is advisable not to puff out your cheeks when performing this exercise.


Fill a basin with water and teach your child to blow on light objects in the basin, for example, boats. You can have a competition to see whose boat has sailed farthest. It is very good for these purposes to use plastic eggs from Kinder Surprises or packaging from shoe covers issued by automatic machines.


Build a goal from a construction set or other material, take a ping-pong ball or any other light ball. And play football with your child. The child must blow on the ball, trying to drive it into the gate. You can take two balls and play the game: “Who is faster.”


Take two transparent plastic cups. Pour a lot of water into one, almost to the brim, and pour a little into the other. Invite your child to play “bulbulki” using cocktail straws. To do this, you need to blow weakly through a straw into a glass with a lot of water, and you can blow strongly into a glass with little water. The child’s task is to play “bulbulki” in such a way as not to spill water. Be sure to draw your child’s attention to the words: weak, strong, much, little. This game can also be used to reinforce color knowledge. To do this, take multi-colored cups and tubes and invite the child to blow into a green cup through a green tube, etc.

"Magic Bubbles"

Invite your child to play with soap bubbles. He can blow soap bubbles himself, but if he can’t blow or doesn’t want to practice, then you blow the bubbles, directing them at the child. This encourages the baby to blow on the bubbles to prevent them from hitting him.


Invite your child to stick out his narrow tongue forward, lightly touching the glass vial with the tip of his tongue. Blow air onto the tip of your tongue so that the bubble whistles like a pipe.


Invite your child to become a musician, let him play the harmonica. At the same time, your task is not to teach him to play, so do not pay attention to the melody. It is important that the child inhales air through the harmonica and exhales into it.

Buy large colorful candles and play with them. You light candles and ask the child to blow on a blue candle, then on a yellow one, etc. You need to blow slowly, the inhalation should not be noisy, and you cannot puff out your cheeks. First, you can bring the candle closer to the child, then gradually remove it.


This exercise can be performed to the sounds of a march: on the weak beat of the melody, inhale and “move the scythe” to the side, on the strong beat, exhale and “swing the scythe.”

"Giraffe and Mouse"

Goal: formation of speech breathing and correct sound pronunciation.

The child stands straight, then kneels down, raises his hands up, stretches and looks at his hands - inhale (“The giraffe is tall.”). Squats, clasping his knees with his hands and lowering his head - exhale, with pronunciation sound sh-sh-sh(“The mouse has a small one”).

Then the child goes and simultaneously says:

Our giraffe has gone home

Together with the little gray mouse.

The giraffe is tall

The mouse is small.

(Repeat 6-8 times.)

“Frog-wah” (Age - 4 years)

Goal: development of coordination of visual, auditory and motor analyzers, formation of correct speech breathing.

Material: cord, chairs.

In the middle of the site, draw a large circle or place a thick cord in the shape of a circle. Inside the circle is a “swamp”. A group of children sits along the edge of the circle, the rest sit on chairs placed on one side of the area. Together with the children sitting on chairs, the presenter recites:

Along the path, along the path

Frogs are jumping and jumping.


Frogs are jumping and jumping.


Children sitting in a circle jump up and down pretending to be frogs. At the end of the poem, children sitting on chairs clap their hands (scare the “frogs”). “Frogs” jump into the “swamp”: they jump over the line and squat down, pronouncing “kva-kva” with a deep exhalation.

At the end of the game, the leader asks the children to stretch, raise their hands up, and look at them (inhale).

Goal: development of phonemic hearing - to teach children to recognize sounds and highlight them, determine the place of the sound in the name of the object.


Goal: development of speech breathing (pronouncing a sound on one exhalation, drawn out, forming the correct pronunciation of the sound C.

Material: water tap, picture of children washing themselves.

An adult opens the water tap and draws the child’s attention to how the water flowing from the tap “sings” (ssss). Then he shows a picture of children washing themselves and reads a nursery rhyme: Water, water, Wash my face, So that my eyes shine, So that my cheeks blush, So that my mouth laughs, So that my teeth bite!

The adult, together with the child, repeats the nursery rhyme 3-4 times and at the end of the game invites him to “sing” the water song. The child sings a “long song,” that is, pronounces the sound C in a drawn-out manner.


Goal: developing the ability to combine the pronunciation of a sound with the beginning of exhalation, alternating long, smooth and strong exhalation; development of the ability to pronounce the sound F for a long time on one exhalation and repeatedly pronounce the sound P (p-p-p) on one exhalation; activation of the lip muscles.

Material: basin with water and paper boats.

On small table there is a basin of water where it floats paper boat. The child sits on a chair and blows on the boat, pronouncing the sound F or P.

An adult invites the child to take a boat ride from one city to another, marking the cities with icons on the edges of the pelvis.

The adult explains to the child that in order for the boat to move, you need to blow on it slowly, with your lips pressed together as if to pronounce the sound F. You can blow simply - stretching out your lips with a tube, but without puffing out your cheeks. When the wind is even, the ship moves smoothly and confidently sails towards the target.

“But then a gusty wind comes,” says the adult, “it blows unevenly: p-p-p. The child repeats and strives to drive the boat to a certain place.

The adult makes sure that when pronouncing the sound F the child does not puff out his cheeks; I pronounced the sound P 2-3 times on one exhalation and also did not puff out my cheeks. Finishing the game, the child and adult sing together:

Wind, breeze, pull on the sail! Drive the ship to the Volga River!

"Attentive radio operator"

Goal: development of a sense of rhythm, formation of speech breathing

The presenter says: “You will be a radio operator and must, at my signal, tap (“knock”) with the edge of your palm and say how many claps I have made and in what rhythm, and I will clap.”

The presenter claps and says “clap.” The child listens to the rhythm and says “knock”:

a) with increasing row: knock - clap; knock, knock - clap, clap; knock, knock, knock - clap, clap, clap, etc.;

b) with a change of pace (fast - slow);

c) with a change in volume (from a quiet half-whisper to a loud voice) and motor efforts (from light touches to intense tapping).

Do-it-yourself didactic aids for the development of speech breathing

The manuals are made by hand from scrap materials. Can be used when working with preschool children.

Proper breathing is the key to success in mastering the correct pronunciation of sounds. The topic of forming correct speech breathing is relevant in our time.

We create an air stream with children using various teaching aids. Some manuals are assistants in studying lexical topics.

When studying "Summer" themes You can invite children to play with butterflies. Everyone must blow on the butterfly so that it spins in the air. It is convenient to take the butterfly by the ring, putting it on your finger. To make these butterflies we needed corrugated paper, tape, scissors, candy wrappers (it’s better if they are made of foil), strings, rings.

From corrugated paper I made wings, twisted the torso and head out of a candy wrapper, and attached them to the wings.

I took a bottle of medicine (they were drops for a runny nose)

She removed the cork and took out the ring. It is very convenient for the size of children's fingers.

I attached the thread, the butterflies are ready.

So, for example, when studying topics "Vegetables" You can invite children to first look at the planted vegetables in the garden, name them, and then blow on the feathers of onions and the tops of carrots and turnips. To make the manual, you needed an empty cookie box, self-adhesive film, pictures of vegetables, viscose napkins, colored paper. The vegetable leaves turned out to be of different textures.

It is necessary to teach children proper breathing. The teacher teaches that you first need to inhale through your nose, and then exhale forcefully through your mouth so that the leaves of the vegetables move.

Now in winter period, we also use breathing games. For this we use exercise “Blow a snowflake off your mitten.”

To make the manual, we needed ceiling tiles, scissors, self-adhesive film, tape, strings, and a sheet of white photocopy paper.

I cut out mittens from ceiling tiles according to the template, covered them with self-adhesive film, made snowflakes from white paper and attached them to the mitten with a thread. The guide is ready.

We need to try it in the work of breathing games.

Correction of speech breathing in preschoolers 4–5 years old with 1–2 levels of speech development (from work experience)

Currently, much attention is paid to the early start of correctional work with children with speech disorders. In preschoolers 4-5 years old, a speech therapist most often diagnoses general speech underdevelopment of levels 1-2 or levels 1-2 speech development.

Level 1 of speech development is characterized by an almost complete absence of commonly used speech.

In children with level 2 speech development, gross disturbances in sound pronunciation and syllabic structure of words, disturbances in word formation, etc. are noted in the speech pattern.

One of the manifestations of speech underdevelopment is disturbances in respiratory and speech functions. The physiological breathing of children with speech pathology is superficial, of the upper costal type, the rhythm is easily disrupted by physical and emotional stress. Before the start of speech, insufficient volume of inhalation is noted, and exhalation, as a rule, is shortened.

As you know, breathing is the basis of external (pronunciation) speech. Not only the purity of the voice and its tonal shades, but also the direct formation of speech sounds depends on proper breathing. Therefore, preschoolers with speech impairments need to develop physiological breathing, forming its thoraco-abdominal type, and also, in the future, direct speech breathing.

As practice shows, when children enter a speech therapy group, they often react negatively to any type of task because they do not feel confident in their abilities. Thus, there is a need to create a different motivation. The most common and effective method here is fairytale therapy. The child is invited to listen and watch the fairy tale about Veterok: “Once upon a time there was a Veterok. He loved to fly everywhere and play pranks (an adult blows in different directions on objects, demonstrating the movement of the breeze; you can blow something to the floor or turn it over - “prank”). He had a favorite cave, where he occasionally rested (the adult takes a breath, thus showing that the breeze in the cave is the lungs). Veterok had many friends, one of them is hiding in your cave, let's see how he can fly and play pranks (a child can repeat the actions of an adult if desired).” This technique also allows you to use the baby’s own knowledge, for example, the child can offer to give Veterok soap bubbles, a balloon, a weather vane toy and other objects to play with.

Considering the age of preschoolers (4-5 years old), play motivation is no less relevant. It fits well into thematic planning work. For example, when studying the topic “Toys,” the speech therapist suggests playing “Swing” games (rock your favorite toy on your stomach, lifting it as you exhale, “Dunno” (pull your shoulders to your ears as you inhale, lower them as you exhale, saying “Eh!”) and others.

Children also respond with pleasure to competitive motivation. For example, “Who will blow away the autumn leaf next? ” or “Who will inflate the balloon more? ", or "Who can guess the fruit by its smell? " etc.

Any skills are formed faster when work is carried out in the system, so you should not neglect the involvement of parents in participating in the correction process. At first school year It is advisable to hold a workshop “On Proper Breathing”, at which to demonstrate techniques for developing the respiratory function of preschool children. It is better to complete practical tasks together with children. This will help rid children of the complexes of their own imperfection mentioned earlier. For example, when practicing the correct type of breathing, children and parents can exercise mutual control by placing their palms on each other's stomach.

Planning and methodological support for correctional work on the development of breathing in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard is quite fully reflected in the Approximate adapted basic educational program for children with severe speech impairments (general speech underdevelopment) from 3 to 7 years old Nishchevoy N.V. The program and methodological materials for it allow even a novice specialist can properly organize the space of a speech therapy room and group room, taking into account age characteristics children and thematic planning.

By organizing work on breathing correction taking into account the proposed features, the speech therapist creates a stable platform for the further formation of clear speech.

1. Guskova A. A. Development of speech breathing in children 3-7 years old. – M.: Sfera shopping center, 2011.

2. Identifying and overcoming speech disorders in preschool age: methodological manual / comp. Kondratenko I. Yu. - M.: Iris-press, 2005.

3. Nishcheva N.V. Approximate adapted basic educational program for children with severe speech impairments (general speech underdevelopment) from 3 to 7 years. - St. Petersburg. : Childhood-Press, 2015

4. Nishcheva N.V. Modern system of correctional work in speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment. - St. Petersburg. : Childhood-Press, 2013

5. Leonova S.V. Game library of speech games. Issue 12. Live pictures. Games for the development of speech exhalation in children 5-7 years old with speech disorders. – M.: Gnom i D, 2011.

Methodological development in speech therapy on the topic: Health-saving methodology: Development of speech breathing in preschoolers with speech disorders

Purpose of breathing exercises– increase breathing volume,

normalize its rhythm, develop a smooth, seamless, economical exhalation.

Age: from 3 years

1) Lessons should begin with development physiological breathing.

The most important in the development of physiological respiration are the so-called classic exercises.

Their goal: coordination of oral and nasal breathing, development of the lower costal type of breathing with the active participation of the diaphragm.

2) Work on the development of speech breathing is carried out in the following sequence:

  • without speech,


Games for the development of speech breathing in the middle and senior groups

Development of speech breathing in speech therapy classes. Games to develop speech breathing

Description: this article can be used by teachers for speaking to parents at parent meetings and for speaking to colleagues at methodological associations. The games described below can be used on speech therapy classes and directly educational activities conducted by educators. Games for the development of speech breathing are intended for children of middle and senior preschool age.

Correct speech breathing is necessary for speech development, because respiratory system- this is nothing more than the energy base for the speech system. Breathing affects sound pronunciation, articulation and voice.

The disadvantages of baby breathing can be overcome:

1) development of deeper inhalation and longer exhalation;

2) developing in children the ability to breathe correctly during speech.

We present exercises to the child only in a playful way; we do not forget that there are preschoolers next to us and play comes first for them.

When playing games aimed at developing breathing in a child, you need to know and remember that breathing exercises quickly tire him and can cause dizziness. Therefore, games should be limited in time to 3-5 minutes with rest breaks. It should also be borne in mind that in all games that develop breathing, the rule is strictly observed: inhalation coincides with the expansion of the chest, exhalation with its narrowing. During speech, children learn to inhale only through the mouth, and not through the nose, as should be done outside of speech acts.

Many breathing games are used to develop a child’s breathing:

blow snowflakes, pieces of paper, fluff off the table, from your hand;

blow on light balls, pencils, candles;

blow on ducks and boats floating in a basin, blow on all kinds of turntables, etc.;

inflate inflatable toys, balloons, blow soap bubbles;

In our kindergarten, games for the development of breathing are carried out not only in speech therapy classes, but are also actively used in direct educational activities carried out by teachers.

Here is a description of some of the games used in our classes:

1. "Score a goal for Drakosha"

Target: development of strong continuous exhalation, development of labial muscles.

Equipment: light table tennis ball (foam ball and other), dragon toy.

Progress of the game: Today you and I will be football players and you need to score as many goals as possible for Drakosha.

We stretch out our lips with a tube and smoothly blow on the ball, driving it into the Drakosha gate. At the same time, the teacher can move the dragon with his hand, thereby creating difficulty in scoring a goal.

Attention! Make sure that the child does not puff out his cheeks. If necessary, you can hold them with your fingers.

2. "Who will put the ball into the goal"

Target: development of a strong smooth exhalation.

Equipment: table tennis ball or cotton ball, gate from a yogurt cup.

Progress of the game:- Today, guys, we are holding a competition to see who can put the ball into the goal. So here we go. Participants, smile, place your wide tongue on your lower lip (exercise “Spatula”) and smoothly, with sound, blow on the ball.

Attention! Watch the child’s cheeks and ensure that he pronounces, and not, that is, that the air stream is narrow and not scattered.

3. "The fastest pencil"

Goal: development of long and smooth exhalation.

Equipment: colored pencils with a smooth or ribbed surface.

How to play: Place a pencil in front of the child sitting at the table at a distance of 20 cm. First, we show the child how to blow on a pencil so that it rolls to the opposite edge of the table. You can play this game together, sitting opposite each other and rolling the pencil to each other.

4. "Magic Butterflies"

Target: development of prolonged continuous oral exhalation.

Equipment: artificial flower (paper flower, drawn flower) multi-colored (plain) paper butterflies.

Progress of the game:- Look what a beautiful, magical flower I have. Do you know that butterflies live on it? But the trouble is that an evil wizard bewitched them and they forgot how to fly!

Let's break the spell with you so that they flutter in the sky again. Look how I do it (teacher blows on butterflies). Now it's your turn!

5. "Butterflies flutter"

Target: development of long, smooth exhalation.

Equipment: a shoe box decorated in the shape of a summer meadow, paper butterflies tied on a thread.

Progress of the game:- a beautiful, warm morning came, the sun rose high in the sky. The birds woke up and began to sing, the bunnies ran off to look for food. Oh, look at the butterflies fluttering in the sky.

Show me how?

6. "Hot tea"

Target: development of strong, smooth and prolonged exhalation.

Equipment: cups made of colored cardboard.

Progress of the game:- Hello, girls and boys! Today you are my guests and I am treating everyone to hot tea, and in order not to get burned, I suggest you blow!

7. "The snow is spinning, flying, flying"

Target: development of strong smooth exhalation.

Equipment: a shoe box decorated with a winter motif, paper snowflakes hanging down by a thread.

Progress of the game: Winter has come and snow began to fall from the sky. A child blows on snowflakes.

8. "Focus"

Target: development of a strong, targeted exhalation.

Equipment: a small piece of cotton wool.

Progress of the game: Let's imagine that you and I are magicians. Before showing the trick to your family, you and I need to practice.

We open our mouth. We make a “cup” (the side edges of the tongue are pressed to the upper lip, and a groove remains in the middle). Place a small piece of cotton wool on your nose. We inhale through the nose.

We blow strongly onto the cotton wool through our mouth so that it flies up.

For activities with children, I also created an album with the help of Microsoft Office PowerPoint, printed out the sheets on cardboard and it turned out an interesting guide, where children must help a hedgehog find mushrooms under the leaves, wake up a princess by blowing off her blanket, feed a fish a worm, disperse the clouds so that the sun appears, cool the tea for the chanterelle, and so on.

The purpose of the exercises is to develop a strong, prolonged exhalation.

Result: Every speech therapist and teacher has games for developing speech breathing, and this is very important. These games contribute to: the development of differentiated breathing; longer, smoother and more even exhalation; activate the labial muscles, which helps to achieve good results in the process of correcting children's speech.


Exercises to develop breathing

Breathing development in children

If the child speaks poorly, then start working on speech development should first of all from the development of breathing. Various things help develop breathing games and exercises . What is it for?

Proper (physiological) breathing will help the child learn to speak calmly, smoothly, without rushing. Some exercises for breathing development They also help teach the child to pronounce certain sounds correctly.

If a child puffs out his cheeks while speaking, then his speech is slurred precisely for this reason. And before starting the production, for example, whistling sounds, it is necessary to teach the child the correct production of an air stream. I offer you some games and exercises for developing proper speech breathing in children:

Exercises to develop breathing

Target: development of a long, smooth and strong exhalation, activation of the lip muscles.

One child blows soap bubbles, the rest of the children blow on them and do not let them fall.



Children stand in a circle, tilting their heads down, imitating a bubble. Then, repeating after the adult “blow up a bubble, blow up big, stay like that, don’t burst!”, the children raise their heads and gradually move back, forming a large circle. At the adult’s signal, “The bubble has burst,” the children go to the center of the circle, saying “C,” imitating the air escaping.

Target: development of a long, smooth exhalation, activation of the lip muscles.

Birds made from thin colored paper are placed on the edge of the table. Two children stand opposite the birds. At the signal: “The birds have flown!” children blow on the figurine. You can advance the birds only with one exhalation.

"Butterfly - fly"


An adult takes turns presenting the children with a piece of paper with a butterfly lying on it (a piece of green cardboard, a light butterfly made of tracing paper, tied to the piece of paper with a thread). Each child should exhale smoothly, so that the butterfly flies off the flower smoothly, and not abruptly or jerkily.


Target: development of a long, smooth and strong exhalation.

The game can be played in the country house or in the park. Children blow on dandelions to make all the fluff fly off.


Target: development of a long, smooth exhalation, activation of the lip muscles.

The child, stretching out his lips with a tube, without puffing out his cheeks, blows on the butterfly so that it flies (the butterfly is attached to a rectangular frame with a handle on a string).

“Whose cube will rise higher?”

Target: develop diaphragmatic breathing.

Children lie on the carpet and a light plastic cube is placed on their stomach. Children take a deep breath in through their nose and exhale through their nose, and the adult watches whose cube rises higher.


Target: alternating long, smooth and strong exhalation, activating the lip muscles.

Children sit in a semicircle. In the center on a small table is a large basin of water. An adult invites children to take a boat ride from one city to another, marking the cities with icons on the edge of the basin.

In order for the boat to move, you need to blow on it slowly, with your lips pressed together, as if to make the “F” sound. The ship moves smoothly. But then a gusty wind blows in “P-p-p..”. You should blow without puffing out your cheeks, with your lips stretched out like a tube.

The called child blows while sitting on a small chair pushed up to the table.

Hello! My name is Ekaterina and I am glad to welcome you to the site " Speech therapy for everyone"If you liked the materials on the site, then you can subscribe to new publications by RSS or Email. Also join our speech therapy group at Facebook And In contact with.

Material from the site

Consultation for parents. Developmental exercises and games for the development of speech breathing and voice of children of the 2nd junior group

(The mouth is closed. The teeth are exposed. With the tense tip of the tongue, tap on the teeth, repeating “t-t-t” repeatedly.)

There's a can of paint next to it. The fence needs to be updated. Our fence is unrecognizable. (Exercise “Painter”.) Our tongue finished the job. - I’ll take the horse for a walk, (Exercise “Horse.”) I’ll play the pipe for her. (Exercise “Pipe”.) The sun disappeared behind the mountain, (Exercise “Gorka”.) The tongue went home.

He locked the door. He lay down in bed and fell silent.

Exercises and games to develop speech breathing

The development of speech breathing also plays an important role in the development of children’s speech. The purpose of breathing exercises is to develop a strong, smooth, long-lasting oral stream.

You can teach your baby to take a quick deep breath and then a smooth, long exhalation using toys: pipes, whistles, and also by blowing soap bubbles. To make exhalation through the mouth strong and purposeful, invite your baby to blow on pinwheels, paper toys, a dandelion, a light feather, or a cotton ball. When blowing on toys, the child should inhale without raising his shoulders (that is, while inflating his tummy), but exhale continuously.

Singing vowel sounds as you exhale: A, O, U, I, Y. The duration of singing sounds depends on age. So, a 2-year-old child can sing one sound for 2 seconds (or sing two different vowel sounds in a row), a 3-year-old child can sing one sound for 3 seconds (or three different vowel sounds in a row), a 4-year-old child can sing a sound for 4 seconds. The rule is simple: for preschoolers, the duration of singing on one exhalation in seconds corresponds to the number of full years.

  1. The total duration of the exercise with breaks is no more than 5 minutes.
  2. Frequency of execution: daily.
  3. Exercises are carried out in a ventilated room.
  4. An important condition is that the toy on which the baby blows must be at the level of the child’s lips, at a distance of 10–15 cm.
  5. The cheeks should never puff up during breathing exercises - you can invite him to hold his cheeks with his palms
  6. Exercises are short-term (from a few seconds to several minutes)
  7. Exercises should not be done immediately after meals (it is recommended 1.5-2 hours after the last meal).
  8. It is recommended to do only one type of exercise per day. The number of repetitions is 2-3 times, and it is necessary to monitor the child’s well-being: if dizziness and weakness occur, stop the exercise.

Games and exercises that train the respiratory system

Exercise 1. “Roll the pencil.”

The child is asked to inhale through his nose and, exhaling through his mouth, roll a round pencil across the table.

Exercise 2. “The leaves are rustling.”

They offer strips of thin green paper cut into leaf shapes and attached to a “branch.” At the signal “the breeze has blown,” the child gently blows on the leaves so that they bend and rustle.

Exercise 3. “Snowflakes are flying.”

Light pieces of cotton wool or snowflakes cut out of thin paper are attached to the strings. The child is asked to blow on them for a long time at the signal “snowflakes are flying.”

Exercise 4. “Push the ball into the goal.”

1. Stretch your lips forward with a tube and blow smoothly onto a cotton or foam ball (2-3 cm in diameter) lying on the table in front of the baby, driving it between two cubes or any other suitable objects. (This is a “soccer goal”.)

Exercise 5. “Windmill”.

This game requires a toy mill from the sand set or a spinner. A child blows on the toy blades, an adult accompanies

baby's actions in poetic text:

“Wind, wind, you are powerful, you drive flocks of clouds!”

A. S. Pushkin.


Cut out small butterflies from paper and hang them on threads. Invite your child to blow on the butterflies so that they fly.

Launch the boat

Pour water into a bathtub or basin, launch a light boat into the water and blow on it to make it float.

To develop the articulatory apparatus, onomatopoeic words, animal voices, and pure jokes and nursery rhymes are widely used.

For example:

“If only there was smoke coming out of the chimney”

“Sha-sha-sha - we are giving the baby a bath”

Games and exercises for the development of speech breathing in preschoolers who stutter | Social network

Network business, approved by the Vice Minister of Tourism of the North Coast of the Dominican Republic. We are building a structure. Skype support.

GBOU Kindergarten No. 000 combined type of the Northern District Education Department of Moscow

The use of innovative speech therapy technologies in the training and education of stuttering preschoolers.

Games and exercises to develop speech breathing in preschoolers who stutter

(From the experience of speech therapists at GBOU d. s. No. 000 SOOO

Dergacheva E.V., Krasavina N.V., Sokolova N.A.)



It is known that breathing plays an important, if not the main, role in the speech act. Correctly formed speech exhalation ensures smoothness, completeness, and continuity of speech utterance.

In children with pathologies of speech development, especially those who stutter, this function, in most cases, is impaired. Such children, first of all, need to develop lung capacity and form a thoraco-abdominal type of breathing. Since this is the basis for the development of speech breathing.

Since 2010 our creative Group takes an active part in testing the methodology for the development of speech breathing in preschool children with speech pathology, developed by teachers of the Department of Speech Therapy at Moscow State University under the guidance of Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor

Belyakova L.I.

Training using this method, which includes certain provisions of paradoxical breathing exercises by A. N. Strelnikova, helps stuttering children normalize the fluency of speech, feel the intonation expressiveness of speech, and contributes to the improvement of the body as a whole.

(publishing house, Moscow 2005), which describes in detail the stages of work on the development of respiratory function and speech breathing in children with speech disorders.

Working with children using this method, testing its main provisions, analyzing the results of monitoring respiratory function, the dosed volume and number of breaths, the activity and mood of children during exercises, we came to the conclusion that in the form of a game, the acquisition of breathing skills in most children occurs faster .

Playful exercises make children happy and positive emotional mood, self-confidence, desire to engage, and therefore performance from our collaboration should be more noticeable with children.

In addition, we always remember and take into account when planning correctional and educational work, that play is the main activity of a preschooler.

For each stage proposed in the methodology,

We have selected game exercises.

Preparation for the development of thoraco-abdominal breathing


development of sensations of movement of the respiratory organs, mainly the diaphragm and the anterior wall of the abdomen, which corresponds to the thoraco-abdominal type of breathing.

At this stage, the child’s attention is focused not on the duration of inhalation and exhalation, but on the work of the diaphragm. (The child visually and tactilely monitors the contraction and relaxation of the diaphragm. He either tenses it, raising the front wall of the abdomen up, or relaxes it, lowering it)

Games and play exercises of this stage are performed sequentially: first lying down, then sitting and standing and are accompanied by rhymes pronounced by a speech therapist.

Here are some of them:

Material from the site

Natalia Nikulina

Recently, there have been many children suffering from speech disorders. They have weakness in expiratory force and duration speech exhalation. That's why, breathing development one of the first and very important stages of corrective intervention for children with speech disorders.

Speech breathing- is the main source of energy in the formation of speech sounds. Speech breathing differs from the physiological one in that it is arbitrary, the inhalation is shorter, the exhalation, on the contrary, is slow, intermittent, subordinate to the pronunciation of the text.

Formation speech breathing involves, including the production of an air stream. The production of an air stream is considered one of the necessary and significant conditions for staging sounds: sounds are pronounced during the exhalation phase.

Respiratory exercises are needed to strengthen the air flow, development purposefulness of the air stream (blow with your lips or on your tongue, development Respiratory exercise increases lung ventilation, so carry out games need to be in a clean, ventilated area. Make sure your child doesn't get dizzy. As soon as you feel dizzy, take a break, gradually increasing the duration day by day.

Games to develop speech breathing can be roughly divided into three groups:

1. Development games air jet force.

2. Development games duration of the air stream.

3. Development games purposefulness of the air stream.

Development games air force


Target: development

Equipment: boxes decorated to match the times of the year: winter - snow - polystyrene foam, spring - tree with birds, summer - butterflies, autumn - autumn leaves made of paper; straws.


Target: development strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: Attach strips cut from colored bags or garbage bags and fastened together onto a wooden skewer.


Target: development strong smooth oral exhalation; activation of the labial muscles.

Equipment: snails and fields printed and laminated

Development games air blast duration

"Father Frost"

Target: development of long-term

Equipment: candy boxes, confetti inside the boxes; A hole was drilled in Santa Claus's hat for a straw.


Target: development of long-term, smooth exhalation, activation of the lip muscles.

Equipment: printed and taped insects attached to pencils.

Development games targeting of the air stream



Equipment: a box covered with self-adhesive film, a gate made of plastic containers, a table tennis ball.


Target: develop a targeted air stream.

Equipment: Pictures "Smeshariki" glued on both sides to a plastic container, vyta balls or a table tennis ball.

The ultimate goal of training speech breathing is training a long exhalation, training the ability to rationally expend the supply of air during speech, and as a result, is a good basis for making sounds.