Female attractiveness - what is it?  Alexandra, you are a very charming girl. What does the word attractive girl mean?

Female attractiveness - what is it? Alexandra, you are a very charming girl. What does the word attractive girl mean?

It is not surprising that men pay attention primarily to beautiful ladies. But contrary to popular belief, beauty is not just an attractive appearance. The stronger sex appreciates in ladies not only their beautiful appearance, but also many other qualities - character traits, demeanor, laughter and smile, temperament. What kind of woman is attractive and how to become charming?

An old Arabic proverb says that a woman keeps a man close to her with her character, but attracts him with her beauty. And there is a lot of truth in this proverb. Guys are looking for girls who are attractive, charming and seductive.

Attractive appearance

What do we see when we first look at another person? Of course, an undoubted advantage is a beautiful, well-groomed appearance. This does not mean that a lady should look like a model from the cover of a magazine.

In fact, her beauty should be close to natural, and the advantages of her face and figure should be beautifully emphasized.

These external features influence men's opinions and their first impression of a lady. Many of them can be fixed. The right choice of shoes, proper makeup, hairstyle, diet and physical activity can improve your appearance. And high-heeled shoes act as an aphrodisiac.

Beauty is important, but charm is equally important

All ladies are divided into those who are able to spread their charm and charm to others, and those who cannot do this. To do this, you don’t have to be very beautiful and attractive in appearance. Nice, charming girls should be cheerful, devoted and selfless; they should show a keen interest in others, and not be narcissistic people.

Charm is the charm of a woman that attracts men like a magnet. This allows the girl to flirt, seduce and seduce. We can say that charm is a complex of qualities of a woman, consisting of character, mind and body. You must cherish the body, but do not forget to take care of the mind.

How to become charming and charismatic?

Charm is born when we are confident in ourselves and know what we want. It can defeat the people around us.

Often a charming smile captivates a man, but it is her friendly character and cheerful disposition that holds him back. Charm is the most powerful weapon in the battle of life. Therefore, it is worth forming it in yourself so that it is natural and at the same time obvious.

What is femininity

Most of the stronger sex prefer ladies who exude femininity. To become a charming woman, you need to learn this. Lightness, softness, tenderness, kindness, warmth are qualities that are highly valued. They evoke a caring instinct in guys. Communication with such a woman allows them to relax and take their mind off work and everyday problems, this best side their lives.

The guy wants to feel loved, he dreams of a woman like a mother who looked after him and loved him unconditionally, without demanding anything in return. Often men, when starting a family, think that everything will be the same as in their parents' house.

Trust in relationships

  • Men want their girls to be honest, loving and caring.
  • They want to trust them and have their trust. Such qualities are important in every person. Relationships are a refuge for people, a place of rest.
  • They want to feel safe, and this is due to mutual trust. Every person loves to feel needed. Most of them want the girl to see them as a hero who can handle anything she can't handle alone.

Intelligence and wisdom

Contrary to popular belief, men value intelligence in women. Beautiful dolls are great for entertainment, but are poorly associated with a serious life partner. After all, life sometimes gives rise to various problems. Sometimes a person needs support or advice, help and care, and not stupid jokes, selfishness and misunderstanding.

Openness and directness

Sense of humor

An important element in assessing attractiveness is also a sense of humor. To become a charming girl, you don't need to know or tell jokes. For a man, recognition of his sense of humor is more important. Sometimes they tell hard jokes, which can make many ladies feel hurt.

However, most men who do this do not intend to offend anyone. They say what they think and think it's funny, they want to entertain others, not to offend anyone. Men appreciate girls who understand their jokes and laugh with them rather than get offended.

If she listens carefully, laughs at jokes and shows that she finds him an attractive and interesting guy, he will “grow wings.”

As a rule, he continues to meet with this charming girl, which made such a wonderful impression.

Charisma is a special charm and attractiveness of a personality that can be formed and trained in oneself. To do this, you just need to know the factors that together constitute charisma and actively develop them in yourself.

You have probably witnessed more than once a situation where men with an enthusiastic look escort beautiful, confident and charming women.

Is this not about you? But each of us is not born wearing high heels, with an amazing gait and a flair of exquisite perfumes - all this is acquired in the process of life, as well as internal charm.

Every woman can be that fatal beauty interesting personality, which turns heads and breaks hearts.

How to develop personal charm and charisma?

In any team, group of friends, and even in a crowd, there are people who are different special attraction. They often talk about this "a person with charisma."

This very charisma allows you to always be in the center of attention, opens many doors for its owner and makes others admire or imitate.

Charismatic women are always the center of attention

Charisma This is a person’s inner charm, a special attractiveness that consists of many factors. And if someone charisma is given by nature, then others can quite successfully create it themselves.

In order to be known as a charismatic person, you need to learn to be charming and attractive to others.

Love yourself

There will never be confidence and charisma, as well as universal love, if you don’t learn love yourself.

Stop looking for flaws in yourself and building up complexes - You are a person and everything about you is beautiful, because nature could not create anything imperfect.

A woman who loves herself becomes much more attractive in the eyes of others

Improve yourself: go on a diet, sign up for a gym, change your hairstyle or clothing style - eradicate what is so unloved in yourself and start tomorrow with firm confidence that everything about you is perfect.

Find your highlight

Each person has an individual set of characteristics that make them stand out from the crowd. You have those features that make it unique, so stop imitating someone. Better develop your positive qualities and improve.

Every girl has her own highlight

The indispensable highlight of every woman is there is a mystery hidden in it. Men love women who leave room for intrigue, don't show all their cards and provide space for imagination. Try to behave like a mystery girl and then interest in you will never wane.

At the same time, don't become an absolute puzzle, after all, not every man will have the desire to guess for a long time and tediously and try to declassify you. Everything should be in moderation.

Open up to the world

An open person is always ready to communicate, he smiles sincerely and with him have a good time. Be open to acquaintance, dialogue and even showdown and show your disposition towards the interlocutor, after all, gloomy, withdrawn people only make others feel despondent.

Openness to the world will allow you to make many interesting acquaintances

The main feature of a woman is it's her emotionality. It's wonderful to smile when they sound pleasant words, openly admire if the interlocutor amazed you with the story and empathize with your neighbor. Hidden in this feminine essence, You shouldn’t hide it - it’s better to openly demonstrate your emotions.

Be an interesting conversationalist

The ability to carry on a conversation is a great art and you are very lucky if you master it. If not, then it is necessary expand your horizons, learn new things and spend a lot of time communicating.

At the same time, it is necessary to be able not just to listen, but also to hear, empathize with the interlocutor, understand his problems and share joys.

A charming person must be a wonderful conversationalist

With a person who can do it all, nice to talk to you I, because he will always listen, give practical advice and support in difficult times.

And vice versa, no one is interested in communicating with a person who self-obsessed, talks only about his problems, endlessly interrupts the speaker.

Self confidence

A charismatic person is one who is always in the spotlight. An insecure gray mouse is unlikely to ever become the center of universal attraction.

To be interesting public it is necessary to shine, not to enter the room, but to appear, attracting the gaze of those present.

Confident woman

Most charismatic personalities have an aristocratic air in their movements and manners - they are confident and at the same time restrained, sophisticated and always appropriate.

Try to look at yourself in the mirror: Are the hand movements too sweeping, like a windmill; Are there clumsiness and haste in your manners?

If all this is present, then must be eradicated immediately such manifestations.

Stop being uptight and quiet, because You are an individual, unique and versatile., how long can you hide yourself in corners and try to be a shadow?

Go to bed at night and get up in the morning with the thought that you are more not part of the crowd - you are above it, bright and irresistible, ready to boldly meet her destiny, and not quiet, letting life pass by.

Video: How to become confident?

Charm of appearance: stylish clothes, stylish jewelry

An attractive and charming girl should be well dressed. fashion clothes and accessories emphasize taste and charm, but it’s not worth chase blindly for all the news.You must remember that clothes should emphasize beauty, and style should be individual.

Clothing should highlight individuality

If super fashionable jeans or a dress don’t suit you at all, then such a new thing will be of little use. If clothes do not decorate or highlight your individuality, then These things should not be in your wardrobe, even if they are super branded.

Properly selected clothing should:

  • emphasize the advantages of the figure
  • hide flaws
  • match your personality (if you are feminine and sophisticated, then rock style is clearly contraindicated for you)
  • all elements must be in harmony and combined with each other

Charm of speech

An essential feature of a charming person is correct speech. It must be clear, intelligible and measured, because few people are interested in listening to inexpressive speech.

And even though oratorical talent Not many people are naturally fluent, but you can still learn to speak beautifully on your own.

Recite poetry in front of a mirror as if you were an actress in front of a full hall of listeners

The following exercises are useful for developing clear speech:

  • reciting poetry
  • conversation in front of the mirror
  • reading tongue twisters
  • chanting sounds

It is very important not only to be able to pronounce all sounds beautifully and clearly, but also what are you saying. Competent speech is one of the main attributes of a charismatic person. In order for the speech to be harmonious and filled with meaning it is necessary:

The smile should be yours business card , if you want to be charming and charismatic. Firstly, this way you will immediately demonstrate to others that are supportive and friendly, and secondly, there is no such person for whom a smile would not suit. Is it possible not to use this powerful trump card?

It is especially important for the fair sex to be blooming and smiling, because good mood not only makes you look younger and beautifies, but also transmitted to others.

A smile is a woman's best adornment

And people who know how to cheer up attract like a magnet and illuminate harsh everyday life like sunlight.

The charm of success

We all strive for some kind of achievement, some consciously, and some only at the subconscious level. Therefore, everyone is interested in the one who achieved something in life, as an example of success, a source of valuable life advice or an incentive to move forward and not stop there.

Successful man- the personification of a good life and well-being that each of us strives for. But that's not the only reason why successful people are so attractive. As a rule, those people for whom nothing works out are gloomy and depressing with their pessimism, poisoning the lives of those around them.

A successful personality is very attractive to others

Communication with such people is of little interest and even harmful, because a person who is a loser in life is unlikely to be happy about someone's success, will become a reliable shoulder in a difficult moment - he is loaded with his own personal problems.

Successful personality she is not burdened with the hardships of life, she does not oppress others, but goes through life with ease.

Exercises for charm and charisma

There are many ways train your own charisma and attractiveness. Be prepared for the fact that creating attractiveness is a long and difficult process, but it will more than pay for itself, when you become the center of everyone's attention, and there will be no end to men.

Charisma can be trained

Charisma and charm training includes the following activities:

  1. Acting courses - If you want to shine in public, then you need to master at least the basics of the acting profession, because who, if not actors, knows how to attract people's attention with the gift of complete control of their facial expressions, the situation and the audience?
    2. Continuous communication with different people - a charismatic person should be able to carry on a conversation with any person, even if he is not very interesting
    3. Reflection— immerse yourself, try to find your characteristics, inclinations, hidden capabilities. Every day tell yourself that you are unique, successful, charming and be sure to substantiate these thoughts with facts from life in which your best sides showed up
    4. Self-development- reading books, playing sports, traveling
    5. Developing a sense of humor- tell yourself jokes in front of the mirror, learn to laugh at yourself, look at life positively

Charm- a feature that will allow you to be in demand and open the way to many achievements. Every person can be charismatic, you just need to make some effort for this and you can safely reap the benefits in the form of universal attention, love and honor.

Video: How to become charming and attractive?

We all know what charm is. This is when a person may be unremarkable in appearance, but for some reason you are drawn to him. In the article we will try to understand the definition of the concept and show the reader its possible genesis. So, what is charm?

Charming girls will always win over beautiful girls

Turgenev has an aphorism: “ Beautiful girls beautiful, but they are only second to cute.” Surprisingly, it's true. People are usually a little afraid of beauty. They are very wary of marrying such women. It is believed that if a man does not have money and position in society or beauty, then he acts riskily when he chooses a beauty for his wife. Charming girls, on the contrary, are in great demand because they are not, as a rule, spectacular in appearance, but at the same time it is easy and pleasant to live with them. Thus, female charm is something that defies rational explanation. A charming person is someone you want to be around.

Are charm and beauty compatible?

Of course, but there is one caveat. Monica Bellucci (famous actress) says: “Beauty for a woman is a problem only in two cases: when it is not there; when there is nothing but beauty."

Indeed, when beauty does not imply the spiritual depth of a person, then it does little to help a woman in life. She has absolutely no charm or charm. Although, of course, such an assessment is largely a matter of taste. Some people very likely like girls who are stupid as a plug and have model looks.

When beauty is combined with intelligence and rich inner content, then such a woman becomes a weapon of mass destruction for men. Unfortunately, this is a relatively rare combination, because people usually take the path of least resistance.

Charm is a combination of intelligence and ordinary appearance

A. Schopenhauer said that intelligence can be found more likely in an ugly girl than in a beautiful one. We talked a little higher about least resistance. This is added to the same piggy bank. In general, girls who are attractive, sweet, but not too beautiful, consciously or subconsciously understand that, figuratively speaking, you will not be satisfied with just their appearance, so they begin to work on themselves with terrible force. By improving themselves, they acquire charm. This is the quality of a woman when she attracts both intellectually and sexually, although at first glance it is not clear in what way. For example, Audrey Tautou, who played Amelie, has this magical property.

Film "The Most Charming and Attractive"

Another interesting Soviet film is that the focus of which is precisely charm as a phenomenon. Moreover, the film insists that this quality is developed through banal auto-training (Nadya and Susanna spoke in the manner of Buddhist monks: “I am the most charming and attractive ...”).

Although the point is not at all about auto-training and not about programming yourself. It’s just that Nadya Klyueva began to show sincere interest in men, and it worked. Why? Because often, although men are unlikely to admit it, they are tired of playing the role of game hunters, tired of asking the girl what she is interested in, what she is interested in. They themselves want some spontaneous attention. Thus, Nadya answered their silent request.

In addition, in some moments the main character showed remarkable nobility when, for example, she allowed Volodya Smirnov to go to a concert of a terribly popular group not with her, but with an outside girl, but at her expense (she gave her ticket to her colleague). Agree that this behavior is admirable.

Shoemaker without shoes

And yet the filmmakers want to believe in the spontaneity of charm. Because if the science of psychology develops some schemes in this issue, then it will be a boring life. Imagine if everyone you meet and cross has charm. Scary, right? Every time we meet someone like that, we will think: “Does he turn on his charm or is it natural to him?”

Realizing this, the writers made it so that Susanna herself in the film suffers a virtual collapse in her personal life (her husband cheats on her). Despite all psychological tricks, she herself cannot become happy by order.

Seeing that various kinds of mantras do not work in love, Nadya Klyueva eventually did right choice: of all the men around her, she reached out to the one who, even without any auto-training, was breathing unevenly towards her - to her table tennis partner (Gene Sysoev).

Charm is a sign of kindness of soul

A bad and vile person can have charm. This is a kind of charisma, i.e. special quality. For example, gigolos or hangers-on have similar psychological “hooks” in their arsenal. But this is not a spontaneous, sudden magnetic impact, but rather a controlled impact.

If a person has natural (or independently developed exclusively for peaceful purposes) inner charm, this cannot be a sign of a bad person. Feel free to love and be friends with him. He won't let you down. Of course, conflicts of fate may be different, but charm is usually inherent in people who are unable to quit or cause pain without good reason.

Why do you think a woman needs charm? It is believed that a charming woman is more successful in life. She attracts many people and is always the center of attention. She will be able to more easily achieve success at work or in her own business. Such a woman will be able to be attractive to any man. Therefore, it is so important to have charm and skillfully demonstrate it. How to become charming?

You probably noticed - there are beautiful women, but at the same time they cannot be called charming. A dim look and lack of inner fire push people away from them. Their beauty is called cold or arrogant. To be charming truly means to attract the views of other people with your smile, your demeanor, your behavior, your will. Such women are always surrounded by friends and admirers.

Many women are attracted to themselves by the timbre of their voice. (Remember how sometimes you yourself react to someone’s voice, and then want to see the speaker.) There are even special exercises, helping to develop a beautiful timbre. Voice timbre is one of the main signs of female individuality. Women's secrets charm necessarily includes the ability to control the voice and give it special velvety notes. But timbre is not everything. What a woman says often plays a significant role. Few men like ungrammatical speech containing frequently repeated words.

When a man meets, the first thing he looks at is a woman’s face. It is impossible to be a charming woman if you have a tense, wary expression on your face. It seems that the woman is constantly waiting for an attack and is ready for a tough defense. Few men will want to break through this defense in order to meet a woman, to get to know her better.

It may seem difficult to maintain the “right” facial expression. But this is not true at all. The main thing is to learn to relax, be calm and treat others kindly. Tactile sensations will help you relax well. Massage, fragrant baths, rubbing softening creams into the body - all these are also the secrets of a woman’s charm. After such procedures, a woman will feel beautiful, well-groomed, and the expression of tension will disappear from her face. This will definitely help her become charming.

As we already know, all our problems come from childhood. Always busy parents did not always have the opportunity to pay attention to their daughter. And on adult life The girls were greatly influenced by the lack of love, understanding, and touch. Try to make up for it all yourself. To do this, go for a massage, manicure, pedicure. You will see how easy it is to be attractive after these procedures. How much better will you feel in your body? After all, you can be charming only by living in harmony with yourself and the world around you.

Try to think only about good, pleasant things. Positive thoughts are immediately reflected on your face. Believe me, all the secrets of charm will not be effective if you constantly think about the bad. At first it will be difficult to control your thoughts and drive away everything unpleasant. But over time, you will get used to thinking only about good things and not allowing destructive negative emotions into your consciousness.

It is very important to ask yourself in the morning positive attitude all day. There is an easy way to do this. When you wake up, look in the mirror. And smile at yourself - your beloved, beautiful, most charming. A good mood will help you be attractive and cheerful all day.

We hope this article has given you some ideas. useful ideas how to become charming. I would really like to read in the comments about what you are already doing to enhance your charm or what you will adopt from the article.

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In one of the graduation abstracts, a student of our courses on “Technology of Personal Charm” emotionally proclaimed:
– Women's charm has no limits and is always subject to improvement.
– A woman, thanks to her imagination, aesthetic education, a common culture, creates its own special kingdom, its own exclusive world, being a kind of creator of itself.
Here are a few lines from her image credo:

To be liked is a woman’s real calling! Charm is a woman’s most powerful weapon, thanks to which she wins!
Few are able to resist a woman's charm. Nature has given a woman mysterious keys of charm and a natural need to be attractive. But it is not only physical beauty that makes her beautiful and attractive. The harmony of the body with spiritual beauty gives birth to true feminine beauty.
We have a fascinating example of this. I mean ballerina Anastasia Volochkova. A spiritually elevated face, an amazingly graceful neck, elegant posture, aesthetics of clothing and excitingly beautiful speech - this is the image of a truly Russian woman. Any contact with such a charming woman is a joy of communication.

Thanks to women, the problem of image has been one of the pressing problems in people's lives since ancient times. It is no coincidence that imageology is of increased interest among women. Looking charming means incomparably more to a woman than being endowed natural beauty. Every woman is attractive in her own way because of her individual qualities. A charming woman is balanced, self-confident, because she is convinced that she makes a pleasant impression on others. The ability to create in yourself and others an idea of ​​your own attractiveness is an art that every woman should master. For example, Josephine, not endowed with physical beauty and being older than Napoleon, charmed him with her charm and, as historians testify, largely helped him reach the pinnacle of fame.
The cultural level of a society is largely determined by the dignity of its women, because, constituting the absolute majority of the population in civilized countries, having the highest recognition rating among their children, influencing men through their skillful use of the “method of being liked,” women determine the moral and psychological climate in society with their image , influence the mood of many of its citizens.
However, it is a mistake to conclude that imageology is focused mainly on women.
In Lassalle’s book “Divination” there are the following words: “Each profession leaves a special imprint on the physiognomy, which is usually so characteristic that by appearance it is almost unmistakable to determine who we are dealing with: a lawyer, an artist, a doctor, a merchant, etc. P.". For example, management activities literally sharpen the appearance of a leader due to the special professional genre of the leader’s activity and his constant contacts with people. This is most noticeably reflected in his face. Just as you can see a bird by its flight, so by the face of a manager, and these are most often men, you can determine what managerial position he holds or has held.
As you know, many men suffer from the Adam complex. Its essence is this: a man is the creator of the human race, and therefore he is an intrinsic value! Hence the claims to the supremacy of women in society, to impeccable veneration in the family and, of course, to permissible negligence in relation to one’s image. There are also men who underestimate the usefulness of constantly communicating with cosmetologists and makeup artists, clothing designers and experts in good manners. A study was conducted on how men are prepared for caring for themselves. It turned out that out of every ten men, only two start shaving after cleansing their facial skin, and only one, and even then extremely rarely, knows how to use business makeup. Some people are embarrassed to admit that they visit beauty salons for facial peeling and massage. The vast majority have a superficial understanding of modern requirements for men's fashion in clothing, on the use of accessories, they rarely take advice from image makers on creating a wardrobe and rules for wearing clothes. Life confirms the truth of the saying: people are greeted by their clothes, but they are seen off by their minds. In business communication, the sensory perception of another person often begins with clothing, followed by emotional attitude to him, which in many ways defines the impression the effect it has on people in the process of communication.

A man who is careful in his attire knows that there is casual wear, but there is a branded one, which business people strictly adhere to. You must be able to wear salon clothes - a tuxedo and tailcoat. It should be remembered that a business person's tie does not allow more than three colors. It is important to remember to handle new clothes delicately. For example, you shouldn’t rush to put it on right away to go out. As the famous singer V. Leontyev, who has extensive experience wearing the most, said different clothes, he pre-wears up to five days new suit, before going on stage wearing it. Or, as ORT TV presenter actress Sati Spivakova claims, “a thing should hang” in the closet and only over time comes to life in her wardrobe.

A tree is beautiful with its foliage, says a Bashkir proverb, and a man with his clothes. This is a frank reminder to all those who have problems with their figure due to natural characteristics or due to age-related changes. It is ugly when a man or woman flaunts their less-than-best physical characteristics without using the “drape effect” of their clothes to show off their flaws.

There may also be objective reasons for this. Marketing research shows that up to 60% of men cannot find a suit in stores. This problem is especially acute for consumers who have non-standard figure those in need of clothing for special occasions, as well as for companies wishing to introduce a corporate style of clothing for staff. Many women have no less problems with inexpensive but aesthetic clothing. It can be sad to attend traditional “Weeks” high fashion" Of course, high-end fashion designers must have a catwalk to showcase their creativity. However, I would like them to work for those who do not have the opportunity to purchase exclusive pieces of clothing, but who have the right to express their spiritual wealth and personal originality.

Little developed in imageology is the direction associated with the creation of a family image. The role of the family in the formation of the spiritual content of the individual has a special socio-ethical value. It is in the family, in the atmosphere of direct live communication with the closest people, that one can cultivate philanthropy, that same spiritual Quality that allows one to become a charming person.
Components of a family image:

W character interpersonal relationships;

Referring the reader to the literature on these components of the family image, we present some provisions on the personal image of parents. Let us pay attention to those of them that are not usually given importance.
Home clothes. Parents often underestimate the effect of their appearance in a home environment. The attitude towards one’s appearance at home is an indicator not only of everyday culture, but also general development personality. An example of parental neglect has a bad effect on the psyche of children. That's why the League of Professional Image Makers places special emphasis on model development home clothes. Let parents become the standard in every Russian family good taste using the example of home clothes, which is very accessible to children's perception.
Particular attention should be paid to the physiognomic and vocal effects in the behavior of parents in the family image. Unfortunately, many parents do not deal sufficiently with these problems, while children sense how they are treated by their parents’ facial expressions and voice. Children at any age need a friendly expression and a voice that does not whip them like a whip. Here we recall foreign experience in putting a smile on business people, as well as the statement of A.S. Makarenko that the words “thank you” and “please” can be pronounced in fifty sound variations.
Thus, the problem of parental image is a priority problem of imageology, in solving which it cooperates with psychology and ethics, ergonomics and design.

Spiritual contentbasis of personal image

In the book by K.S. Stanislavsky’s “The Actor’s Work on Oneself” contains the lines:
“Do you know those actors who just have to appear at the show and the audience already loves them? For what? For beauty? But very often it is not there. For a vote? And he is often absent. For talent? He doesn't always deserve admiration. For what? For that elusive quality that we call charm.”
What is charm?
There are three possible answers to this question:

W the personal attraction that a person experiences for a person; w stable sympathy shown towards a specific person; w the ability to “shine to people”, i.e. radiate heat.

In the first case, we mean a subconscious attraction to a person, a kind of attraction to him. In the second case, we are talking about a stable, emotionally charged attitude towards a specific person. As A. Smith noted in his early monograph “The Theory of Moral Sentiments,” sympathy is a kind of enzyme in human relations that influences the interaction of people and the productivity of their work.
Analyzing the third case, I note that a woman is naturally endowed with the ability to “glow to people” and emit an aura of human warmth. This is due to her passional ability. A woman, using the expressions of N.O. Lossky, is the bearer of epistemological and ontological optimism. God destined her to absorb cosmic energy and transmit it to people, which manifests her unique natural talent. At the same time, this increases the requirements for the education and upbringing of female representatives. And, above all, to their constant self-education in the field fiction, theater, painting, music. In the works of these spheres of culture, cosmic energy is objectified, and therefore, by absorbing the heritage of the works, a woman communicates with the cosmos. Ultimately, the accumulative charge of women with cosmic energy turns out to be so significant that they can transfer it to people naturally and effectively.
Women's charm directly influences the formation of the mental makeup of children. Thus, women influence the selection of the nation's gene pool.
The charm of women predetermines the behavior of men. I remember the words of the famous Pushkinist P.E. Shchegoleva about Natalya Nikolaevna Pushkina: she was so beautiful that she could afford the luxury of not having other advantages. Let's hold men accountable for the conclusions they draw. for myself, communicating with similar women. One thing is indisputable: female perfection motivates real men to noble deeds.

In Athens and other cities Ancient Greece beauty contests were organized among men and among women.
For the ancient Greeks, these competitions were shows of moral and physical qualities. Persons who had stained themselves with antisocial actions were never allowed to participate in them. Attractive, bright image We find an extraordinary woman of Ancient Greece, combining the perfection of physical and spiritual beauty, in the novel by I. Efremov “Thais of Athens”. Thais can be considered the ideal woman of the era: earthly, with living feelings, passions, natural in behavior, beautiful in both body and spirit.
In the Middle Ages, the idea of ​​human charm underwent significant changes. He could achieve perfection only through spiritual elevation above everyday life, but it was indisputably believed that personal charm is the lot of educated people.
Examples of this ideology are widely represented in chivalric novels about love for the inaccessible “Beautiful Lady of the Heart.” Among the courtesans of Venice there were many famous not only for their beauty and sophistication, but also for their education. Thus, the famous Veronica Franco was a poetess and the most educated woman in Venice. She knew by heart all of Petrarch, Boccaccio, as well as the Latin poems of Virgil, Ovid, Horace, etc. The wealth of the courtesans depended not only on their beauty, but also on how refined the atmosphere they were able to create in their home.

The spiritual wealth of men gives their charm a special charm. Noble men stimulate women to do noble things. Autobiographical research shows that fathers are the most important influence on parenting. creative potential women. Jean N. Landrum, in Thirteen Women Who Changed the World, writes:
“Catherine the Great deified her father... There is no doubt that the fathers had a predominant influence on these women, therefore, it makes sense to consider these men as determining factors in the education of women capable of great creative achievements.”
Undoubtedly, male charm is not based on physical strength and unimaginably daring actions. IN modern life There are many film and television heroes who lack the charm of charm. They are interesting to look at, but, as one famous actress said, it is not interesting to be with them for a long time.

Few people know that the irresistible Kazakova was a very erudite and multifaceted educated person: historian, musician, mathematician, chemist, diplomat, futurologist. The author of poems and a five-volume novel, the famous Memoirs, translator of Homer's Iliad, provided literary services to Mozart and Vivaldi. Knew perfectly well female psychology, and therefore was always attentive, generous, well-groomed, skillfully used his main technique in communicating with them - “a woman loves with her ears.”
Already at an advanced age, Academician V.A. possessed amazing charm. Engelhard. Communication with him always evoked the feeling of touching a well of untouched knowledge and absorbing the aroma of original thoughts.
The amazing ability to convey his knowledge and ideas to people helped the seemingly stern designer of Soviet artillery V.G. Grabin literally worked miracles: he rallied people around him so much, infected them with his ideas, that in 77 days a production model of the new gun of the legendary T-34 tank was created. How can one not recall the words of Goethe: “The greatest merit of man remains, of course, that he determines circumstances as much as possible and determines himself as little as possible.” Individuals who know how to handle circumstances with dignity attract people to themselves precisely by the strength of their spirit.

Spirituality is not determined by education and upbringing. This is a more voluminous and polyphonic phenomenon. Théophile Gautier, in his book “Travel to Russia,” which he made in 1858, wrote that Russians have great religious tolerance, thanks to which people of many faiths in their country live in good neighborly relations. Isn’t such respect for other beliefs and customs an indicator of the humanistic spirituality of Russians? Hence the tempting prospect of creating an exalted domestic image of Russians as citizens of a unique country.

The universal meaning of imageology

“No work can be fruitful if it is not based on some ideal principle,” argued F.I. Chaliapin.
Society cannot do without the ideal of charm. But ideas about it have historically changed.
The modern ideal of charm is characterized by education and good manners, tolerance of human characters, respect for different religions, elegance of manners, taste for clothing, and skillful use of words. It harmoniously correlates spiritual content with the aesthetics of its external manifestation.
In each specific case, charm is an individual solution to the problem of the relationship between content and form. It is associated with personal uniqueness: with the originality of a person’s mentality, feeling, endowment with specific inclinations and abilities.

According to Internet data, only 11% of surveyed men prefer female beauty in the literal sense of the word, while the rest recognize charm, sympathy, and a sense of trust as the determining factors in their attitude towards a woman.

Feelings lead to thoughts, which give rise to actions. If we want to feel better and recognize our personal significance, then we need to change our inner attitude towards ourselves. Shakespeare said: "We know what we are, but we know not what we might become." Often, on the outside, we look the way we subconsciously believe ourselves to be.

Try a little experiment. Come up with a few phrases about your own uniqueness in the form of a “Hymn about yourself.” Mentally say it when you are getting ready to go to work, when you are driving to public transport. Especially let it ring in your mind when it’s difficult for you. After a few days, the results will not be long in coming. This is very effective method on the way to achieving attractiveness.