8 month old baby 38 4 temperature.  Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

8 month old baby 38 4 temperature. Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

If a child’s temperature rises, but there are no other symptoms of any disease, parents begin to worry, not understanding what is happening to their baby. And some, on the contrary, do not attach importance to what is happening, and do not even give the child antipyretic drugs.

How to react correctly if the thermometer shows 38°C and above, and other symptoms are in no hurry to appear and clarify the situation?

Causes of high fever without symptoms

Causes of high fever without symptoms include:

    Also, high fever can occur in children under one year of age and older with stomatitis. As a rule, in this situation, children refuse to eat and salivation increases. If you notice such signs, call a doctor immediately. For stomatitis, mouth rinse is usually prescribed. It is forbidden to give children hot, spicy, sour and hard foods in order to avoid injury to the inflamed area.

    An increase in temperature is also observed with otitis media. Otitis media in a baby can be noticed if the baby often grabs his ear, is capricious and loses his appetite. These symptoms directly indicate the development of the disease, so in this situation only a doctor can prescribe the correct treatment.

    In children from one to two years old, sudden exanthema is often observed, which begins to manifest itself precisely with a high temperature, and can last up to 5 days. Sometimes you can observe an increase in lymph nodes in the back of the head, neck and under the jaws.

    Dr. Komarovsky recommends that if there are no symptoms, immediately call a doctor before the temperature rises above 38 degrees. His recommendation especially applies to parents whose child is several months old. Komarovsky claims that elevated temperature in a one-month-old baby is not always associated with illness. This may not be a fully formed thermoregulation of the body. Therefore, Komarovsky insists that immediately after coming home from the maternity hospital, measure your body temperature daily. In the first few months, a slightly elevated temperature may be normal for your baby, so there is no need to worry too much about this.

    To measure correctly, always choose the location under your armpit. To do this, you need to take the baby in your arms, make sure that his armpit is dry and slightly warm the thermometer in his hands. After this, make sure that the reading on the thermometer after your hands does not exceed 36°C. Place the thermometer so that its tip is completely hidden under the baby's arm. After 8-10 minutes, look at the indicator.

    But if the temperature rises above the established norm, then the first thing parents need to do is call a doctor. Before he arrives, provide your child with comfortable conditions. The room in which the baby is located should always be well ventilated.

    Also, you should pay attention to the humidity level in the room and, if necessary, even use special humidifiers. Remember that dry indoor air can also cause fever.

    In addition, the baby should drink a lot. In the case of a baby, the mother should put him to the breast more often.

    Fever develops in children not so rarely. Parents often have to deal with this phenomenon. Sometimes the numbers on the thermometer reach thirty-eight degrees, so it is very important not to get confused in this case. In children, this condition can occur for a variety of reasons.

    If the child has previously been diagnosed with any disease, then you should urgently call a doctor. When there is a history of cardiac or vascular pathology, organic brain damage, epilepsy, neurological disease, pulmonary failure, then an ambulance should be called.

    If a child has a temperature of 38 without cold symptoms, this may be due to activation of the immune system. She begins to actively fight against any negative factor, highlighting a large number of leukocytes and lymphocytes.

    At the same time, interleukin is produced, which is responsible for those areas of the cerebral cortex that contribute to an increase in temperature. They secrete appropriate hormones that stimulate metabolism, which causes hyperthermia.

    It would be a mistake to think that all this is not scary, since it is a natural reaction of the body. It is necessary to clearly understand that in such heat, a child definitely needs the help of parents and a doctor. But you shouldn’t go crazy with anxiety either, because the cause could be simple overheating.

    You should know why this condition occurs in order to alleviate it as soon as possible and provide the baby with prompt medical support.

    Asymptomatic temperature 38-38.9, extremely difficult to make a diagnosis. Most pathologies are identified precisely by characteristic signs, and their absence can lead even an experienced doctor into a dead end.

    Self-medication is excluded; all medications can only be prescribed to a child by a specialist. Most likely, the problem is not limited to temperature alone; the main symptoms will simply appear later. Very many diseases, such as a cold at the very beginning, are not characterized by anything other than fever. Therefore, uncontrolled use of medications will only cause harm.

    External factors

    The main factors contributing to the occurrence of hyperthermia are usually:

  • Overheat;
  • the body's response to the vaccination;
  • teething;
  • adaptation to changing environmental conditions;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • clothes that are too warm;
  • overheated bed;
  • hot food or drink;
  • prolonged crying;
  • increased physical activity;
  • nervous tension;
  • allergies, etc.

A temperature of 38.5 in a child without symptoms may well rise under the influence of these reasons. It is explained by the intensive activity of the thermoregulation center, the activation of the heat exchange mechanism or the strengthening of the body's resistance. In these cases, the heat passes quickly enough, leaving no consequences.

Often it occurs for the reason that the baby has been feeling uncomfortable for a long time, it’s just that the parents cannot connect his crying or lethargic appearance with ordinary overheating, because they themselves wrapped him up.

Often, fever can appear from nervous or physical stress. If such problems have already arisen, the child is usually given pediatric sedatives or herbal sedatives approved by the pediatrician. In this case, it is advisable for parents to monitor the baby and prevent in advance situations when he may become too agitated or cross all the boundaries of normal physical activity.

If there is any unusual event coming up that will cause stress in the child (moving, visiting a doctor, someone’s birthday), then you need to take care in advance to avoid negative reactions from his body.

Causes associated with diseases

No less often, various diseases become a factor triggering the occurrence of hyperthermia. Most of them, such as colds, begin with a sudden jump in temperature.

Most often they are:

    • Viruses;
    • bacterial infection;
    • childhood infections;
    • flu;
    • ARVI;
    • diseases of the ENT organs;
    • inflammation;
    • pneumonia;
    • pleurisy;
    • abscess;
    • metabolic disease;
    • autoimmune diseases;
    • hematological diseases;
    • cancer, etc.

Such pathologies cause a strong inflammatory process in the body and activate its defenses. This helps fight negative factors by releasing substances that contribute to the development of fever.

Very often, a temperature of 38-38.5 in a child without cold symptoms can occur with sudden exanthema, which is also caused by a certain virus. It most often affects children aged 2 years..

It is characterized by high fever and chills. After some time, red-pink spots spread throughout the body and the lymph nodes enlarge. As a rule, the illness ends well and lasts about a week.

If hyperthermia is observed within 38.1-38.8, then other signs of a certain disease gradually appear. For example, tonsillitis causes fever, sore throat, sore throat, and runny nose.

With stomatitis, the child refuses to eat, often excess saliva comes out of his mouth, and ulceration is noted on his mucous membrane. This pathology is also accompanied by severe hyperthermia up to 38.7 degrees and is typical for children under 3 years of age

The baby may not be able to explain to his parents that his ear hurts. Therefore, you should know that with otitis media, the child’s temperature rises significantly to 38.2-38.4, appetite disappears, and mood changes. It is necessary to pay attention that he is holding on to the sore spot or trying to lie down on it.

First aid for fever

Remember, treatment should not be limited to eliminating the fever. After providing first aid, a comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of the root cause of the febrile condition is necessary.

Children tolerate an increase in febrile temperature more easily than adults, especially in cases where no special negative symptoms are observed.

Fever usually manifests itself as chills, weakness, headache, or sweating. But the baby is not always able to talk about his feelings, so parents need to take a closer look at him.

Why a particular child has a temperature of 38 without symptoms can only be explained by a doctor. Therefore, you should definitely call him. It is necessary to immediately identify and begin treatment for the disease that caused the fever. In addition, further intensification of hyperthermia can lead to irreversible pathological changes in the body.

Famous pediatrician Komarovsky believes that pharmacological drugs with thermometer values ​​up to 38.6 should be used only in the most extreme cases. You should make sure that all methods of relieving your child's condition have been tried before using medications.

If the temperature is up to 38.9 degrees, effective ways to reduce it are:

  • Ventilation of the room;
  • cooling the air in the room;
  • drinking plenty of water;
  • the smallest amount of food, not hot and very light;
  • undressing the child down to his nightgown;
  • placing water containers in the room;
  • hanging wet fabric (towels, curtains, pieces of material) next to the bed, etc.

If the fever is within 38.3-.38.5, it appears and disappears, without any intervention - this is a characteristic symptom of tuberculosis, at the initial stage.

These measures will reduce body temperature by at least one or two degrees, which will eliminate the threat of brain damage that becomes a reality when the level of 42 degrees is exceeded. It will become easier for the baby to breathe, which means that the process of heat exchange with the external environment will be significantly activated. Drinking plenty of fluids will help fight dehydration.

If a one-year-old child has a temperature of 38.3 without symptoms and it is caused by a reaction to some external influence, then these measures will eliminate it completely. And yet, even if you managed to bring down the alarming numbers on the thermometer, this does not mean that the baby does not need to be shown to the pediatrician. The fact is that natural causes can exist simultaneously with the development of any disease.

Therefore, it is necessary to undergo a complete laboratory and instrumental examination of the body in order to know for sure that the child is healthy.
If the reason is the occurrence of an illness, then reducing the fever will avoid the development of serious complications and help the baby wait for the doctor to arrive, who will provide all the necessary medical care.

Therefore, if a child has a temperature of 38-38.2 without additional symptoms, then parents should not expect that it will go away on its own.

All methods of eliminating it will be ineffective if the baby develops some kind of disease. Hyperthermia will disappear for a while, but will soon return again.

The fact is that it is not a disease, but becomes only a symptom of it, and until it is cured, the fever will signal it. Therefore, in this case, there is no point in prolonging the situation, but rather call a doctor as soon as possible.

Features of treatment

Only a specialist can prescribe therapy for children after conducting a series of diagnostic measures. It will be aimed at eliminating the disease that is revealed during the examination.
Usually prescribed:

  • Antipyretic substances;
  • antibiotics;
  • antiviral drugs;
  • anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • electrolytes;
  • immunostimulants, etc.

The main treatment will be aimed at eliminating the disease that caused the fever. But there are peculiarities when children take antipyretic drugs. If the child does not tolerate the fever well, or he is growing, the doctor will prescribe Panadol syrup and suppositories, Cefekon D or Nurofen suspension. They help eliminate hyperthermia, relieve pain, and make the baby feel better. These drugs are especially relevant during teething.

If we are talking about a baby, then a temperature of thirty-eight degrees without the development of severe symptoms is a rather alarming condition. The baby needs to be diagnosed and treated before the doctor arrives. A specialist will most often prescribe Efferalgan to relieve febrile symptoms.

Jun 8, 2017 Yulia Astafieva

Parents should understand that the younger your child, the more often he or she may develop a fever without obvious symptoms of illness. The main reason why the readings on a thermometer in infants can rise to 38.5 is for the following reasons:

  1. Babies' bodies are just developing and they are not able to independently maintain normal body temperature. If a “caring” mother wraps her child in a warm blanket in the summer, then it is quite possible that she will encounter a high temperature in the baby, even up to 39 degrees.
  2. For the first time, the child’s immune system encounters viruses and infections unknown to it. This struggle provokes an increase in temperature and does not manifest itself in any way, since the body quickly coped with the danger.
  3. Asymptomatic high fever occurs during stress. Even a stranger can cause stress in infants.
  4. Parents are simply not attentive and do not notice the symptoms.

Overheating can cause high temperatures.

As we said earlier, overheating occurs very often in infants due to not fully developed thermoregulation. In older children, overheating occurs due to prolonged exposure to the sun. Make sure that your children are not exposed to the sun between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Indirect symptoms of overheating can be lethargy and apathy of the child. If you notice this in your baby, then immediately take measures to normalize the high temperature without medications. If you do everything correctly, then, as a rule, the child’s temperature drops from 38.5 to a normal level. If this does not happen, then the reason is different.

Teething raises the temperature.

A child’s teeth begin to erupt at about 5 months and become complete by the age of 3 years. The body reacts by raising the temperature, but during eruption, as a rule, the value on the thermometer does not rise above 38.5. The symptoms are not obvious, but they are there. Take a closer look at your baby. If he is capricious, puts everything in his mouth, has increased salivation or has reddened gums, then he is teething.

To help your child, you can use special gels. Rubbing them into the gums will help your baby. Drinking plenty of warm fluids is also recommended.

Infectious diseases.

The main reason for an increase in temperature to 38.5 - 39 in a child is infectious diseases. But they are necessarily accompanied by other symptoms that appear within three days. If after three days, for example, vomiting, loose stools or redness of the throat appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. If the readings on the thermometer quickly rise after churning, then this is a sure sign of a viral disease.

But there are infectious diseases whose symptoms you cannot identify on your own, such as a urinary tract infection. Very often mothers write on the forum that their child has an asymptomatic fever due to pneumonia. Even doctors cannot always listen to wheezing in the lungs. Therefore, if through 3 days of high fever without symptoms in a child If you were able to determine the cause yourself, then be sure to contact medical care.

Serious organ diseases.

Diseases such as kidney failure or congenital heart disease, can cause temperature 38.5 – 39 in a child without symptoms. As you yourself understand perfectly well, you cannot do without qualified medical care. But we hope that this will not happen.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

You must understand that high fever is normal. If the child feels normal, he has not started having febrile convulsions, he does not refuse food and is moderately active, then there is no need to bring down the temperature. Don't stop your body from fighting its battle. If the baby’s condition worsens, then take measures to bring down the temperature.

When to lower the temperature? What procedures can be used? What antipyretic drugs can be given to children? You will find answers to all questions in the article "How to knock down high temperature The child has? Several effective ways."

Pharmacies sell a wide variety of antipyretics, the active ingredients of which are Panadol or Uboprofen. You can also try physical means on the child's temperature.

If antipyretics do not help, call an ambulance immediately. Health to you and your children!

An increase in body temperature in a child is a sure sign that a malfunction has occurred in the body’s functioning. Other symptoms, such as cough or diarrhea, will help determine the severity of the problem and understand what to do in such a situation.

But what to do when a child’s temperature of 38 is the only sign of illness? IN in this case Parents are asking questions: why did the temperature rise? Should I see a doctor? This article will provide answers to the above questions.

Causes of asymptomatic fever in children

The reasons why a child may have a fever without symptoms include the following.

A child’s temperature of 38 is the body’s response to teething. You can determine that this is the cause by looking at the symptoms.

  • the baby intends to put any toy in his mouth and scratch his gums;
  • the indicator on the thermometer does not exceed 38 degrees;
  • The gums are inflamed, salivation is intense, and the edges of teeth are visible.

Often, a high temperature without symptoms is the body’s response to the vaccine. This happens because the immune system reacts to the components of the administered drug.

The thermometer may rise upward due to the fact that a hostile allergen has entered the body, which has caused a drug or food allergy.

A stressful situation can also cause a rise in temperature. There are quite a few cases in which a child becomes agitated and, as a result, develops a fever. These include, for example, school performances, speaking in front of an audience, and long trips. Temperature without other indicators often rises in children with a vulnerable psyche. This is how their body reacts to screaming, loud sounds, anxiety, overwork and other emotional stress.

Komarovsky about a temperature of 38 in a child without symptoms

In the case when a child’s forehead is hot, but there are no other signs of illness, it becomes scary and incomprehensible. Moms, in a panic, call the doctor to figure out what's wrong. pediatrician Komarovsky divided the most likely causes that can cause high fever, not accompanied by other symptoms, into two groups.

  • In summer, high temperatures can be caused by overheating. For this reason, a one-year-old baby is more likely to develop a fever than an older child, because due to his age he does not have the opportunity to say that he is sweating and that he is very hot.
  • The rest of the time, the thermometer may show an elevated temperature due to the presence of infection. This can be determined by the fact that temperatures rise to 38.5 and continue to rise. There are viral and bacterial infections. At first, the child’s skin turns bright pink, a cough and runny nose appear. Most bacterial infections, other than urinary tract infections, are accompanied by certain symptoms. For example, if in addition to a strong fever there is also diarrhea, this is an intestinal infection. A urinary tract infection is determined only after a urine test.

What diseases can a temperature of 38 without other obvious symptoms indicate?

In cases where, apart from high temperatures, there are no other signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor. Because sometimes only a specialist can detect possible diseases.

There are a number of infectious diseases in which foci of inflammation are localized in the throat and mothers cannot see them.

The cause of severe fever may be acute stomatitis. There are no external signs of it, and only a doctor during an examination can detect ulcers and blisters on the tongue and mucous membrane. Due to unpleasant sensations, the child may refuse to eat, and his salivation will be increased.

If the baby grabs his ear, is capricious, does not eat well, and this is accompanied by a high temperature, it is likely that he has acute otitis media.

When a child turns 1 year old, the risk of contracting Roseola disease increases. It proceeds like this: the temperature rises and remains within 38 - 40 degrees for several days, the disease is accompanied by an increase in the cervical, occipital lymph nodes, as well as under the jaws. After the fever subsides, the body becomes covered with a small pinkish rash, which disappears after 4-5 days.

An infection in the urinary system can be diagnosed only after passing the appropriate tests. It often manifests itself through swelling of the face, swelling of the legs and painful urination.

A high temperature also indicates possible kidney problems. We can talk about this if the thermometer showed a mark of 38 degrees, and then jumps began to the mark of 39.

Thus, we can conclude that a child’s temperature rises to 38 degrees for a reason and is a signal of existing problems in the body or serious illnesses. After all, in this way the body shows that it is fighting inflammation. Of course, the situation becomes more complicated if the temperature is high and there are no other visible signs of illness, then it is not at all clear what measures to take.

In such situations, it is better to consult a doctor, since sometimes only a specialist, after a thorough examination, can see the hidden symptoms of an existing disease. And the test results will help to accurately determine the causes of inflammatory processes to which the body reacted with an increase in temperature.

Cases when a child at the age of 8 months rises to 38 degrees without symptoms are not at all uncommon. Naturally, everything has its reasons, so even such insignificant thermometer readings cause, if not panic among parents, then anxiety. What is the right thing to do in this case, do you need to call a doctor or an ambulance, or can you do it yourself? In this material we will pay special attention to this issue and find out the main reasons for asymptomatic low-grade fever in an 8-month-old toddler.

The underlying causes of low-grade fever in an 8-month-old child

Before considering the main reasons, it should initially be noted that in a child at 8 months, a temperature of 37.4 degrees is considered normal, while in an adult it is 36.6 degrees. This is due, first of all, to the fact that in babies under 1 year of age, the formation of thermoregulation of the body occurs. To put it simply, the child’s body adapts to environment, as a result of which body temperature can fluctuate from 36 to 37.4 degrees. This is an absolutely normal phenomenon and parents should not panic. Let's look at the main reasons why 8 one month old baby temperature 38 degrees.


Since the child’s body is still adapting to the environment, the following actions can cause his body to overheat:

  • If the baby is in the sun for a long time.
  • If you spend a long time in a stuffy room where the temperature exceeds 24 degrees.
  • Warm clothes in the summer.
  • Long and active games.
  • If a mother wraps up her baby while walking under the scorching hot sun.

In case of overheating, a child’s temperature can rise from 37.5 to 38.5 degrees, which does not require use drug treatment. Even if the child is not yet one year old, and the increase in temperature is associated with overheating, then parents need to monitor his condition. If you put the child in the shade, undress him and give him a drink of water, after which he becomes more cheerful, then you should not resort to using antipyretics, even if the thermometer is 38.5 degrees.

It is important to know! If the thermometer does not decrease after taking appropriate measures, then its increase indicates other reasons.


U 8 one month old baby a temperature of 38 degrees may indicate the eruption of another tooth. The first teeth appear mainly from 4-5 months of a child’s life, as a result of which parents begin a cheerful life. By the age of 8 months, the baby has already grown 3-4 teeth, so it is not difficult for parents to understand that low-grade fever is a symptom of teething.

Anyone who doesn’t yet know how to determine that such symptoms are a sign of teething should examine the baby’s oral cavity. If in the cavity there are signs of redness of the gums, swelling, as well as anxiety on the part of the baby, then all this is associated with the appearance of another tooth. What should parents do in this situation? If teething presents a lot of trouble for the baby and causes severe pain, which depends on the physiological characteristics of the children, then parents can use special gels or ointments for the gums. Typically, teething fever in children subsides after 2-3 days. The main sign of teething in babies is excessive salivation.

It is important to know! Occasionally, when children are teething, their temperature may rise above 38 degrees, as a result of which it is necessary to monitor the baby’s condition and, if necessary, give an antipyretic or call an ambulance.

Allergic reaction to a vaccine

The child is vaccinated at 8 months, so it is not uncommon for parents to detect the development of signs of low-grade fever without symptoms. The reaction usually occurs in the evening or the next day and goes away after a few days. If the fever lasts more than 3 days, you need to consult a doctor and make sure that its manifestations really arise as a result of an allergic reaction.

If the vaccine contains an allergen, the body’s reaction may manifest itself with the development of the following symptoms: the appearance of red spots on the body, itching, swelling, tearfulness, runny nose and other signs. In this case, the child should be hospitalized and an antiallergic drug should be administered.

It is important to know! The most dangerous sign of an allergy is swelling of the larynx, as a result of which the child begins to choke and may die if timely help is not provided.

Viral infection

Penetration of the virus into the body of a small child with an increase in temperature to 38 degrees is rare; usually the thermometer shows over 38 degrees. In addition, a child without symptoms cannot develop a cold, so on the 2-3rd day symptoms of cough, runny nose, hoarseness, redness of the throat and general malaise may appear. With a viral infection, the thermometer readings rise to 39-40 degrees, so be sure to give your baby an antipyretic above 38 degrees.

The doctor must decide what to do if a viral disease develops, and parents are obliged to call a doctor or take the baby to the hospital for examination. For colds, antiviral drugs are prescribed. Treatment usually lasts no more than 7 days, but if after 3 days of therapy the child’s condition continues to deteriorate, then you should contact a specialist again.

It is important to know! Many parents treat their children for any symptom of the disease with antibiotics, which should not be done. Antibiotics are used exclusively to treat bacterial diseases.

Bacterial infection

A child can be infected with bacterial microorganisms either as a result of a complication of a cold or when it manifests itself independently. Only a doctor can detect the presence of a bacterial infection in a child’s body after receiving the results of blood and smear tests. The main bacterial diseases that a child aged 8 months can develop include:

  • Stomatitis, which occurs with the development of symptoms of increased salivation, increased temperature, as well as the formation of blisters on the tongue and mucous membranes in the oral cavity.
  • Sore throat, which is characterized by such symptoms as white plaque and the appearance of pustules on the tonsils, as well as pain when swallowing, and fever.
  • Otitis, as a result of which the baby's ear bothers him.
  • Pharyngitis, the main symptom of which is redness of the throat and the formation of ulcers on the tongue.
  • Infection of the genitourinary system. Very often, a temperature of 38 in a child aged 8-10 months may indicate infection of the genitourinary system in boys. It is not difficult to determine this sign; to do this, it is enough to examine the child’s genital organ; if it shows signs of redness, and the baby is capricious when urinating, then you need to consult a doctor. To clarify the diagnosis, you will need to conduct a laboratory test.

Low-grade fever in a baby aged 8 months may be associated with pathological abnormalities of the cardiovascular system, as well as with the development of inflammatory processes during internal organs.

Actions of parents when detecting a temperature without symptoms

What should parents do if they notice signs of asymptomatic fever? First of all, it is important to understand that temperature is not a disease, but a sign that indicates the development of abnormalities in the body. If parents discover that the child is showing signs of illness, they should not immediately give an antipyretic. First you need to take temperature measurements, and then draw the appropriate conclusions. It is also necessary to think about what could provoke such symptoms.

If the baby does not have obvious signs of pathologies and chronic diseases, then parents will need to do the following:

  1. Do not resort to the use of antipyretics and antispasmodics if the thermometer reading does not exceed 38 degrees. In a 10-month-old baby, you can resort to lowering the temperature above 38.5 degrees.
  2. At 38 degrees, the mother can begin to provide assistance by using methods such as wiping with a damp cloth, as well as ventilate the room and give the child regular drinks.
  3. If the thermometer readings increase above 38.5 degrees, you should resort to the use of antipyretics. These must be children's medications. Before use, you need to familiarize yourself with the dosage features of the drug. If necessary, you can consult a doctor.
  4. If after taking an antipyretic the temperature drops, but after 4-5 hours it rises again, this indicates the addition of a viral infection. It is prohibited to continue treatment without a doctor.

If the thermometer readings do not decrease on day 3-4, then this means a bacterial infection has occurred. Without the use of antibiotics, further treatment is inappropriate. No doctor will prescribe antibiotics without examining the patient, especially for infants. If a child exhibits signs such as pale skin, difficulty breathing, fever, convulsions, etc., you must immediately go to the hospital or call an ambulance.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion on low-grade fever in children

Do not immediately panic if the mark on the thermometer reaches 38 degrees. In summer, children often suffer from fever due to overheating. Dr. Komarovsky shares this opinion, and encourages young mothers to watch how you dress your children. IN winter time The most common cause of fever is colds, and to eliminate these reasons, it is enough to provide comfortable indoor conditions for the child. First of all, it is necessary to prevent overheating of the air in the room, and you should not wrap the baby up at night. If a child sweats at night, then this is a signal to parents that he is hot. If the baby is sweating, then The best way To normalize the temperature is to give him any kind of liquid to drink: compote, juice, water. It is important that the drinks are not cold, as this will lead to the development of complications in the throat.

» Child's temperature

Reading the article: what normal temperature must have infant and if the temperature is above normal. then it’s worth taking the first measures!

In general, it is best to bring down the temperature of infants with suppositories, because they are not yet able to swallow a pill. And if the temperature is accompanied by vomiting, then the orally taken suspension may not have time to have the necessary effect.

The use of conservative methods of lowering temperature is used in the following cases:

  • Before reaching three months of age when the thermometer shows 38 ºС;
  • After three months– at around 38.5 ºС;
  • If the temperature continues to rise;
  • If the child has a chronic disease;
  • If the fever is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.

Of course, if the temperature rises strongly, a doctor must come.

At the same time, all mothers need to know traditional methods and ways to quickly lower a child’s temperature at home using improvised means, if the doctor has not arrived yet.

  1. First of all, you should undress the child so that he does not become even hotter in his clothes. But everything is within reason. The baby may be shivering at this time, so a light T-shirt or tank top may still remain on him;
  2. Rub the baby with cool water. Here, too, you need to treat it without fanaticism - no cold water from the refrigerator or from the tap. The water should be at room temperature. Avoid places on the body below the knees and elbows so as not to overcool the baby, because in this case the temperature will rise even more;
  3. If the above methods are ineffective, then you can give your baby an antipyretic.

The drug that has the most effective effect in lowering the temperature in infants is called paracetamol. As a rule, it underlies all antipyretic drugs and is directly the active ingredient. And it doesn’t matter in what form you give it to the child - in suspension, syrup, or use candles.

But any medications containing paracetamol should not be used more often than once every 4 hours and 6-8 times a day. For children, there are children's medications with a lower dose of the active substance. Children should not be given medications containing analgin or aspirin.

With the help of folk remedies, it is very easy to bring down the temperature today. The child should be provided with plenty of drink from fruit juice and also given infusions or decoctions from medicines. Enough effective means depending on the temperature:

  • Cranberry or lingonberry juice;
  • Infusion of burdock roots;
  • Redcurrant juice;
  • Elder flower infusion.

Drinking plenty of these infusions will help lower your baby's temperature. The child can drink a little, but often. But remember that elevated temperature is only a sign of a disease, the cause of which must be sought.

A cold compress placed on the forehead, wiping with cool (not cold!) water, and an enema with boiled water (the water temperature should be about 20 ºC) will also have a positive effect.

All these procedures should not be long. If you don’t know how to bring down your child’s temperature folk remedies, then a call to your pediatrician can help with such a difficult issue.

The child is 8 months old. Maximum temperature 38.2. I knock it down, but after 2 hours it still rises. Teeth are coming out. Do I need to see a doctor?

Girls, I really need your advice. Especially experienced mothers. The child is 8 months old. The maximum temperature is 38.2. I get it down, but after 2 hours it still rises. I’m teething. Should I see a doctor? My friends have never gone to the doctor because of their teeth... But I don’t know. Is it necessary? But it’s still scary. The temperature is not low.


We take a tube. We call an ambulance. Let's find out the phone number of the emergency doctor on duty. We call the doctor on duty and explain the problem. He gives advice and offers/does not offer to send an ambulance to you

07.29.12 01:38 (reply for: Kisa in Slippers)

KiSa in Tapochkakh wrote: These candles last for 2 hours, then the temp returns again.

I have already found out one rule for myself, maybe it will be useful to you. If antipyretics bring down the temperature for such a short period of time (and you are sure that this temperature is caused by teeth), then place Viburkol suppositories 2 times a day according to the age-specific dosage. They relieve inflammation and make it easier to bring down the temperature. And always call a doctor, teeth are teeth, but you won’t be able to look and listen to the child’s throat yourself.

Call your pediatrician. You are not a doctor, you need to make sure that these are teeth! Often, while they are climbing, children can catch a cold!

When we were teething, the temperature was under 40, they called a doctor, they advised us to wipe the body with alcohol at such a high temperature, just wipe it and not rub it and let us sleep naked, it helped us, but mainly Nurofen Sirom helped, and when the temperature is very high, papaverine suppositories. Doctors, of course, can take me to the hospital, but I just don’t see the point; they’ll inject me with antipyretics. In general, teeth shouldn’t cause fever, I also thought it was an infection, but after 3 days with a temperature of 38+, 2 lower teeth erupted in the morning, and everything went away.

How do you know that the temperature is due to teeth. Only inexperienced doctors say that. Teeth alone cannot cause a fever. The temperature rises due to even the most minor infection, because the child’s immunity is weakened during this period. You should definitely call a doctor to rule out other diseases.

07/13/12 23:57 (reply for: Natasha*)

The most common complaint with which caring parents turn to a pediatrician is considered to be an elevated temperature in their child. Indeed, this alarming symptom significantly disrupts the usual rhythm of life and frightens the reason for its appearance.

However, not all parents understand that a jump in temperature during infectious diseases is considered a protective reaction of the body and a way to fight the disease, and for infants, a temperature of 37.5 degrees only indicates overheating. So, before you panic, you need to clearly determine the temperature indicator and find the reason for its rapid increase.

So, if an 8-month-old child has a temperature of 38, you need to understand the reason for this anomaly. There may be several such pathogenic factors, in particular, teething, overheating, the presence of an inflammatory process or infection in the body. There is no need to urgently call a pediatrician at home, but it is also not recommended to leave the baby’s temperature at 38 degrees. As pediatricians advise, a thermometer reading above 38 degrees in a child under three years of age requires immediate treatment with medication.

First of all, the baby needs to be provided with complete peace and rest. In addition, you need to drink plenty of fluids, which prevents dehydration of the body, drying out of the mucous membranes and fontanel. It is also recommended to give children's antipyretic, which should be present in every parent's first aid kit.

The temperature of an 8-month-old child is productively reduced with the help of antipyretic syrups such as Panadol, Ibuprofen and Nurofen, as well as with the help of antipyretic suppositories such as Cefekon®D and Efferalgan. Many moms struggle with elevated temperature in their children with the help of proven Paracetamol tablets.

If within two days the body temperature has not stabilized, you should seek help from a pediatrician, since a long-lasting temperature can be a clear sign of a more serious pathology, which is better not to ignore, but to treat in a timely manner. Higher temperatures require an immediate call to the doctor's home.

One way or another, an increase in temperature causes the presence of an inflammatory process in the body, so after it subsides, it is recommended to undergo tests to get a clear idea of ​​​​the internal health of your baby. Vigilance in this issue definitely won't hurt.

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There can be many reasons for an increase in body temperature in a child - from a reaction to teething and a common cold to more serious diseases. Reacting in this way to any infection or inflammation, our body creates unfavorable conditions for “uninvited guests” - microbes and activates its own defenses.

When the child’s body temperature rises, the immune response is activated: phagocytosis increases, the synthesis of interferons increases, the work of the lymphocyte component of the immune system increases, and the production of antibodies is stimulated. Therefore, there is no need to bring down a low temperature in children.

Read also: The main causes of cough in children: advice from a pediatrician

When to lower a child's temperature

  • If the temperature is 38.5⁰С for a child and above – we knock it down regardless of age.
  • At temperatures above 38⁰С for a child – we knock down the baby during the first 3 months of life;

What to do if a child has a fever? The “drugs of choice,” the safest and most effective in children, include paracetamol and ibuprofen. Dosage of drugs in childhood depends on the body weight and age of the child:

  1. Paracetamol, Paracetamol suppositories
  2. Ibuprofen, syrup (100 mg/5ml)
  3. Ibuprofen, suppositories, syrup (120 mg/5ml)
  • Up to 6 months (4-8kg) 2.5 – 5 ml 80 mg 2.5 ml 60 mg
  • 6 months – 1 year (8-10 kg) 5 – 7.5 ml 2.5 – 5 ml
  • 1-3 years (10-14 kg) 7.5 – 10 ml 5-7 ml
  • 3-5 years (14-20 kg) 10-15 ml 150 mg 7.5 – 10 ml

Paracetamol. Single dose – 15 mg/kg. Frequency of use - in syrup no more than 4 times a day, in suppositories - up to 2 times a day. The minimum interval between doses is 6 hours.

Ibuprofen. Single dose – 10 mg/kg. Frequency of use - in syrup up to 3 times a day, in suppositories - for children up to 9 months - 3 times a day; over 9 months – up to 4 times a day.

After you give your child an antipyretic drug, the temperature drops within 1-2 hours. If the temperature has not decreased or has not decreased sufficiently, give another drug (you can alternate paracetamol and ibuprofen, but you must adhere to the minimum interval between taking the same drug).

Exist " traditional methods» lowering the temperature, which are contraindicated for children, because, due to the characteristics of the child’s body, they can lead to bad consequences:

You cannot do alcohol or bite rubdowns. The skin of a small child easily absorbs substances applied to it. Therefore, such rubdowns can cause intoxication in the child.

Aspirin should not be given. Acetylsalicylic acid Contraindicated for children under 15 (!) years of age, due to a possible serious complication - Reye's syndrome (damage to the liver and brain).

Do not immerse in cold water. Significant cooling of a child's skin can lead to the opposite effect - spasm of skin blood vessels and decreased heat transfer.

It is very important to feed a child at a high temperature, because when children's body temperature is above 37˚C, the loss of fluid from the body increases.

For sealing at high temperatures in a child in the first years of life, it is best to use drinking water.

Older children can be offered other drinks:

Herbal teas, weak green or black tea.

Compote of dried fruits, fresh fruits.

Fruit juices.

Warm milk with honey or alkaline mineral waters without gas (in a ratio of 1:1 or 1:2).

Water with lemon juice - squeeze the juice of 1/3 lemon into a cup of water (if the child is not allergic to citrus fruits).

Please note that if a child’s high fever is accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting, milk and sour drinks should not be given to the child.

May your children be healthy!

thank you in advance!

Interesting sections of the community

Panadol, Nurofen

candles are level, tsefekon! through the butt it is more reliable and works better)

Panadol, Nuroven (naturally for children)


depending on what hits better

Nurofen has always helped us, but many people don’t like this drug.

I have ammunition ((((paracetamol syrup, cefekon, nurofen suppositories, nurofen syrup((

suppositories: Nurofen, Efferalgan

It depends. I don’t knock it down to 38 at all, I just dress it lighter. And if higher, then Nurofen.

You can dilute vinegar in water, the temperature will drop

It depends on the pace and condition of the child. Don't forget to take off your socks and diaper whenever possible, and watch your limbs. I like Nurofen best, I buy syrup for the whole family, it helps

Yeah, Nurofen helps or Cefekon suppositories, but if you have diarrhea only at night every 4 hours, it doesn’t matter if you have a tempera or not. then the next day is good

Undress the baby, wipe wet wipe At the same time, blow with a towel (you can if your legs and palms are warm). Give a quarter of paracetamol. Easy to put on

nurofen suppositories,

After 38 I knock it down with Nurofen.

candles are level. In 15 minutes it knocks down

Current posts

The first weeks of life a newborn’s temperature ranges from 36.6 to 37.3 degrees. Physiologically, this is a normal state of the baby’s body. Temperature stabilization occurs within a month, but exceeding these parameters should alert parents. A clear increase in temperature indicates an infection attacking the little man. Flu, ARVI, overheating, bacterial inflammation, intestinal poisoning - a pediatrician will help you find out the cause of the high temperature. The child’s body is struggling with negative invasion, but parents should know when and how to properly lower the baby’s temperature.

A rise in temperature to 38 degrees means that the baby’s body has turned on protection - the production of interferon has begun. By removing it, you slow down the baby’s recovery and reduce the amount of interferon. Not for all children, such a temperature means loss of strength, lethargy and severe malaise. Some children 1-3 years old already fall into apathy at 37.3, they are tormented by aches and chills. Other children continue to jump and have fun even at 40 degrees.

Taking into account these characteristics of the child’s body, pediatricians do not give clear recommendations on how to bring down the temperature, but they warn that reducing the high rate is necessary if:

  • temperature 38˚C in babies up to 3 months;
  • an increase in temperature above 38.5˚C against the background of normal well-being and behavior of the baby;
  • If the child has existing cardiovascular system disorders, convulsions, or problems with the respiratory organs, the reduction should begin from 38˚C.

Having discovered a rise in temperature in a child, parents should change the regime of his care and take a number of measures to alleviate the condition of the baby.

Preventive measures will eliminate psychological discomfort and ensure the correct start of treatment:

  1. Prepare a drink (dried fruit compote, fruit drink, rosehip infusion) and drink your baby in doses, giving him two or three sips every ten minutes. You can give your child weak tea or diluted juice, or just boiled water. The main thing is to ensure the flow of fluid. Warm the drink to the child’s body temperature (plus or minus 5˚C) so that the liquid is absorbed quickly. The amount of liquid must be increased by adding to the usual daily norm 10 ml for each kilogram of baby's weight. We calculate the total volume for each added degree, starting from 37˚C. For example, your baby weighs 10 kg and has a rise of up to 39 degrees: multiply the weight by an additional 10 ml and by 2˚C (10 kg x 10 ml x 2). We get an increase of 200 ml.
  2. Try to reduce the temperature in the room where the child is located to 18 degrees. Ventilate the room when the child is away.

If you hear an unfamiliar term, do not be alarmed in advance; hyperthermia is an increase in temperature. Doctors define the “white” and “red” types of hyperthermia. The “white” appearance occurs due to vascular spasms and is characterized by a hot forehead, cold extremities and pale skin color. You cannot resort to rubbing and cold rubbing, especially with vinegar or vodka, with “white” hyperthermia. Necessary:

  • cool the air in the room to 18 degrees and cover the baby with a light blanket;
  • use the child’s usual antipyretic medicine;
  • use No-Shpu to relieve spasms and valerian to reduce cardiac stress.

Be sure to call an ambulance so that an experienced specialist can assess the little patient’s condition and provide appropriate initial treatment.

“Red” hyperthermia is expressed in severe redness of the skin, hot extremities - the child, as they say, is “burning.” With this type of temperature rise, it is not necessary to take No-Shpa; just wipe the baby’s hands and feet with warm water.

What medications should I give to reduce the temperature? Paracetamol

The main antipyretic substance for children is paracetamol. Preparations based on it are given in any form (suppositories, syrup, suspension) in the age-specific dose specified in the instructions for the medicine. The frequency of taking Paracetamol (and its analogues - Panadol, Cefekon, etc.) is 1 dose with an interval of 6 hours. The baby’s body’s reaction to paracetamol will help you understand the nature of the disease.

A bacterial infection or complications of ARVI are accompanied by a slight drop in degrees or do not change the thermometer readings. After giving your child some medicine for fever, an hour later, set the thermometer again: if there is a decrease in temperature, then the medicine was chosen correctly and there is no serious problem. A check after an hour and a half shows that the situation has not changed - a consultation with a pediatrician is required. You may need to use other medications.

The second line of children's antipyretics is represented by drugs such as Ibuprofen and its derivatives - Nurofen and Ibufen. Having determined that paracetamol is ineffective for 6 hours, give the child Ibuprofen in an age-appropriate dosage. Ibuprofen is taken at intervals of 8 hours, the course of treatment is up to 3 days. Be sure to adhere to the recommended dosage and frequency of use.

Let us now consider how to give antipyretics of various forms.

  • The dosage of syrup for removing a high indicator is calculated based on the child’s weight; the calculation system is specified in the instructions for the drug.
  • For speed of action, the syrup must be given warm. Hold the bottle in your hands or heat it in a water bath.
  • It is forbidden to take the syrup more often than recommended according to the instructions.
  • If the first antipyretic does not help (for example, paracetamol), syrup with ibuprofen is taken after 2 hours.

The area of ​​contact of the suppository with the walls of the rectum is much smaller than the amount of syrup entering the stomach, which is why it acts more slowly. In addition, not all children react calmly to the process of introducing the product, however, in some cases only suppositories help:

  • degrees rose from 37 to 39 - absorption processes in the stomach are suspended;
  • the baby started vomiting, it is impossible to give antipyretic medications orally;
  • Taking the syrup did not change the situation - the suppository is administered two hours after taking it.

Having collected information about all methods, you can create a general table for monthly and older children. We tried to make the task easier for you and included in the table the necessary information for children from a month onwards, dividing them into medication and nursing methods. Such reference material can be a useful reminder for parents of infants and older children.

Child's age When to lower the temperature? How to relieve the condition using home methods? Type of medicine
From 1 month 1 year We do not remove until the 38˚C mark, but when this mark is exceeded, we begin to shoot down with available means. Provide plenty of warm drinks, undress the baby and cover with a thin diaper. The room must be ventilated so that the child does not feel stuffy. While airing, place the baby in another room.
  • Paracetamol - suspension or siro
  • Efferalgan syrup or suppositories
  • Tsefekon D
  • Calpol suspension
  • Nurofen suspension or suppositories
From 1-3 years The temperature does not drop from 37 to 38.5. Above the upper limit, we take measures to bring down the increase. Provide your child with plenty of fluids. Give us warm tea, compote, fruit juice. Prepare a rosehip decoction, pour 1 tbsp. spoon of berries with boiling water and leave for 20 minutes. Cool until warm. Keep your baby in a bathtub with warm water for about 20 minutes, but make sure that convulsions do not start. Dress your child in light clothing.
  • Paracetamol in syrup or suppositories
  • Nurofen - suspension or suppositories
Over 3 years old High temperature, baby looks sleepy, lethargic, refuses to eat - start taking the temperature. Constantly ventilate the room, monitor the air humidity, it should not be dry. You can increase humidity by hanging wet towels around your baby's crib. Increase the volume of drinking (warm tea, compote, fruit juice, water). Leave only panties and a T-shirt. Forbid your offspring to actively move, run, jump, let him just sit.
  • Paracetamol in any form (suppositories, syrup, suspension)
  • Ibuprofen in different dosage forms

It is important to provide a sick child with plenty of warm drinks.

Non-infectious temperature is the consequences of teething, heat or sunstroke, intestinal poisoning and other diseases not caused by infection. Doctors do not recommend starting to lower the temperature to 38.5 degrees, since at this time the body itself is fighting the disease. How to remove a higher indicator:

  • Heatstroke and sunstroke are accompanied by a rise of up to 40 degrees. To reduce the child’s temperature, it is necessary to move the child to a cool, shaded place, provide him with something to drink (cool water) and give him an antipyretic drug based on paracetamol, which is most suitable for the child’s body. Place a cold compress on the baby's forehead.
  • When teething, the temperature does not rise above a dangerous limit, and therefore does not go astray. Give your baby more water, change warm clothes and put on something lighter, do not wear a diaper. If there are signs of fever, use Panadol, Efferalgan, Nurofen or Ibuprofen. Follow the dosage, give the medicine in the form of syrup or suppositories (for more details, see the article: list of effective antipyretic suppositories). Treat the inflammatory process on the gums with Kalgel or Kamistad gels.
  • Temperature during intoxication of the body is relieved with traditional antipyretics. In addition, the child needs to take an absorbent medicine. The baby needs to be given water more often, using clean water, sugar-free compotes, and special saline solutions (Regidron).

When parents' anxiety grows with each additional division of the thermometer, anxiety goes off scale, they make rash decisions. Most often, to bring down the fever, adults resort to traditional methods(wiping with vinegar, taking Aspirin), which is not worth doing at all. Such actions will not help the baby, but can also cause harm. What are the dangers of taking the wrong approach to solving a problem? The choice of a method of struggle is made on an emotional level, when it is difficult for the mother to be calm, and little thought is given to how competent he is. Let's consider the most traditional means.

The essence of the grandmother's method is to wipe the baby's forehead, hands and area under the knees with a towel soaked in vinegar. Indeed, such a procedure helps to reduce the temperature, but there is a dangerous point in it: penetrating through the pores of the skin into the body, vinegar vapors can cause serious intoxication. The upper layer of the epidermis in a child is very thin, volatile acetic acid easily overcomes it and penetrates the blood, poisoning it. This method is especially dangerous for infants, whose bodies are very vulnerable to any negative factors.

Rubbing with vinegar can be not only useless for a baby, but also toxic.

Alcohol and vodka are not suitable for wiping small children at high temperatures. The alcohol solution passes through skin crumbs enter the bloodstream, poisoning the body occurs. In addition, the ability of alcohol to evaporate quickly can lead to spasms of skin blood vessels. Thermoregulation is disrupted, which leads to an increase in temperature in the child’s internal organs.

An extreme method, promoted by traditional healers and supported by irresponsible parents. It is proposed to lower the “hot” baby into the bath for half a minute with cold water. This execution is explained by the fact that when there is a sharp change in temperature, the body quickly copes with the “fever”. A completely wrong and criminal way. Externally, the degrees drop, but the heat collected due to the illness continues to burn the child from the inside, which can lead to serious consequences.

An effective remedy against high fever, but only for adults. The drug has many side effects, including serious complications causing death and damage to the brain and liver. It is strictly forbidden to give it to children. Use antipyretics specifically designed for young children to relieve fever.

Analgin is banned for production in many countries around the world. The ban was adopted due to the identified negative changes in the composition of the blood that occur after taking the drug. When a person who takes the drug suffers from liver or kidney disease, it can lead to anaphylactic shock and severe allergies. Analgin should absolutely not be given to infants under 7 months of age! It is better for your baby to take safe baby Paracetamol.

Instead of the prohibited Analgin, it is better to use safe Paracetamol

Parents should be aware of those situations when it is vitally important to quickly show an infant to a specialist. An immediate call to the ambulance is required for the following symptoms:

  • a dry diaper for a long time, drowsiness, crying without tears, sunken eyes, dry tongue, sunken fontanel in infants under one year old, bad breath - all these are signs of dehydration;
  • appeared convulsions;
  • purple skin rash and bruising on the eyes;
  • disturbances of consciousness (drowsiness, the child cannot be woken up, he behaves apathetically);
  • repeated vomiting (more than 3-4 times);
  • frequent diarrhea (more than 3-4 times);
  • pronounced headache, which does not go away after taking antipyretic and painkillers.

You should immediately contact an ambulance for other reasons. Let's name the main factors for which you are obliged to make an emergency call:

  • your child is less than a year old;
  • antipyretic drugs do not help;
  • doubts about the baby’s dehydration (the baby drinks little or not at all);
  • the baby is vomiting, has diarrhea and a rash;
  • the condition worsens or other painful symptoms appear.

The characteristics of a child’s body are such that children tolerate an increase in temperature differently: some have fun and play at 40, others lose consciousness at 37 degrees. “Fever” is also dangerous for the immature nervous system a small person, it provokes seizures. Prolonged high fever has serious consequences. Dr. Komarovsky is clearly inclined to believe that taking an antipyretic drug is mandatory for:

  • poor tolerance of high temperature by a child;
  • the presence of diseases of the nervous system;
  • temperature rise above 39 degrees.

In some cases, taking an antipyretic drug cannot be avoided

A well-known pediatrician recommends that parents do not rush to resort to medications to relieve fever up to 39 degrees. The main thing, says Komarovsky, is to force the baby’s body to lose heat on its own. The doctor offers two effective home methods:

  1. Give the patient water often. An abundant supply of fluid will ensure the release of sweat. For children under one year old, prepare a decoction of raisins. For older kids, give dried fruit compote. You should not start with raspberry tea, since it itself works on heavy sweating. Give your child water or compote to drink first so that the body has something to produce sweat from. If your offspring refuses to drink prepared tea or compote, offer him what he likes best (boiled water, fruit juice, rosehip decoction). Be sure to serve any type of drink warm.
  2. Periodically ventilate the room where the small patient is located.

Such simple actions you can lower the degrees at home and even cope with a rise to 39. Regarding rubbing with vodka or vinegar, Komarovsky gives useful comments.

The body temperature of a sweaty child will drop to 37 without rubbing, and if you start rubbing dry skin, you can lead the situation to disaster. Remember the following: if you rubbed a newborn with vodka, you added alcohol intoxication to the cold; if you used vinegar for wiping, you poisoned the baby with acid.

Important Takeaways

After hearing the opinion of a reputable pediatrician, it is easy to draw the right conclusions. Parents need to understand that rubbing is not a remedy that will help relieve high fever. It is also a bad option to use a cold fan to blow the child: the hot surface of the body, when faced with cold air, will respond with a spasm of the skin blood vessels.

Remember: if the baby is sweating profusely, change him into dry clothes or wrap him in a clean diaper, try to calm down. Make sure that you have correctly carried out the safest and most effective actions.

An 8-month-old child has a temperature of 38-39 without signs of a cold. Look inside and got the best answer

Answer from ЏVishnyaSladkaya[expert]
Most likely teething. the tooth is coming out from the inside, and it may be that even the gums cannot see that the process has begun, but the child may have a fever. When teething, histamine begins to be released, the child becomes capricious and has a fever. at a temperature of already 39, I would not inject diphenhydramine with analgin, but Suprastin with analgin. if it is not possible to give an injection, then fenistil drops - 5-6 drops and a Nurofen suppository. Nurofen will still provide pain relief, but fenistil is an antihistamine. Viburkol suppositories also help well; this is a homeopathic medicine. They helped us when Nurofen was of no use.

Answer from Astaroth[master]

Answer from Christmas tree[guru]
Quite teeth, but without signs of a cold, a sore throat, for example, can also begin, so the doctor...

Answer from Lyubov MarkOvna[guru]
maybe don't heat up the child, let him run around the house in light clothing. and sleeps under a sheet. you need to call an ambulance, let them knock it down, and most likely it’s teeth

Answer from Tatyana Antonova[guru]
Maybe look at the gums, try running your finger over them, if the child reacts, most likely the teeth, but in general, look for another doctor or call an ambulance, try to get them admitted to the hospital, there are more serious doctors there and an examination won’t hurt.

Answer from Anastasia...[guru]
Have you been prescribed antibiotics yet? Still, a week is long...

Answer from Gulnara[active]
I would ask for a referral to donate the child’s blood for reassurance. And of course there are a lot of heat strokes in children now. Cefekon suppositories are good for temperature. Wipe the child with cool water with the addition of regular (!) vinegar, don’t cheat. Be close to him. If the temperature persists for so long, then antibiotics are prescribed.

Answer from Olga[guru]
For teething, a week of temperature 38-39 is too long! The tooth should have erupted by now. Is there excessive drooling? trying to scratch your gums? After antipyretics, the temperature drops to normal or remains above 37? and one more thing - on the 1st day it was immediately 39g or did it start with lower numbers?
If you refuse hospitalization, then still don’t just sit there, you need to examine the child: blood tests, urine tests, examination by an ENT doctor. See your dentist and have him examine your gums carefully.
The child is small, it would be better to be examined in a hospital...
Did you spell the name Tsifiron correctly? Maybe a typo? Or is this a super new drug that is unknown to me... .