How do American families live?  American family is moving away from marriage

How do American families live? American family is moving away from marriage

Budget for a typical American family (2 adults + 3 children) September 21st, 2015

Brian and Mairie McManus and their three children live in Syracuse, in the state NY. Brian works as a mechanical engineer, and his wife Mairie works as a medical assistant to a surgeon ( physician assistant, this is a specialty one step lower than a doctor, something like a paramedic or an advanced nurse). Brian maintains a detailed budget for his family, with over 40 separate expense categories. "Every morning I come to work and check my bank accounts and credit cards and record my latest expenses in a spreadsheet," explains Brian McManus. "I try to do this every day - and it takes maybe three minutes."

In 2014, they earned a net (after-tax) average of $14,735 per month. Of course, someone might argue that their income is above average. For example, according to statistics, the average income of a family with children is about $7,500 per month after taxes. However, this average income includes very different families- and families in which one spouse does not work, and those that live in other places in the country with a lower cost of living, and those in which the spouses do not have an education. Therefore, the McManus family's income, although above average, is nevertheless quite typical for families like theirs - two working spousesliving in New York State, with normal professional education and in-demand specialties. The average income of a physician assistant in 2012 was about 90 thousand per year, and the average income of a mechanical engineer in 2012 was about 80 thousand per year. The tax rate for people in their situation (house, mortgage, 3 children) is about 18% (including federal, NYS, and social taxes).

The table below shows their monthly expenses in 2014.

Income (after taxes)


Mortgage $1,510.49 debt about 320 thousand at 4%
Kindergarten/school $2,076.92 it looks like the eldest daughter goes to private school, and the two younger ones in kindergarten
Student loan (federal) $171.77 three different loans, initially there were 54 thousand debts, 14 thousand remained
Student loan (private) $222.57
Student loan (private) $119.94
Life insurance $43.84
Food for home $1,130.69
Eating out $122.98
Petrol $311.21
Phones $112.90
Electricity $217.44 heating in the house is electric
Cable TV/Internet $75.78
Gym $86.87
Brian's car $394.01 car loan
Mairi's car $364.79 car loan
Car insurance $124.89
Entertainment $575.79
Household expenses $377.22 house cleaning, gardener, etc.
Medicines $29.65
Medical/Dental Expenses $406.92
Furniture for home $239.22
Home renovation/improvement $482.23
Cloth $160.87
Social Savings Expenditures:
Mairie's 401K Retirement Savings Account $1,016.67
Brian's 401K retirement savings account $1,484.74
First Child's 529 Education Savings Account $114.58
529 second child $114.58
Education savings account 529 third child $116.67
First child's savings account $41.67
Second child's savings account $41.67
Third child's savings account $-
Other savings:
For car repairs $120.00
For the holiday $400.00
For an emergency $-
For home renovation $572.43
For payment of property taxes/insurance $829.25
On vacation $370.00
Total expenses: $9,358.99
Total social savings: $2,930.58
Total other savings: $2,291.68

In 2005 (even before their wedding), Mairie bought this house for $207 thousand, in which they lived until 2013. The house had 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms. units, dining room, living room, washing room, and a total area of ​​about 240 sq. m. (plus a basement of 500 sq. m. and a garage for two cars).

In 2013, shortly before the birth of their third child, the family decided that they needed a more spacious home. They bought a 1-acre plot of land for $62,000 and built themselves a house like this in the suburbs, spending about $360,000 on construction. The money to build the house was taken out on a mortgage. The new house is a little more spacious, 300 sq. m. meters of living space, 4 bedrooms, 2 and a half bathrooms, basement, garage for 2 cars. Property taxes on this house are around 12k a year.

Here are some photos of the interior

There are two myths circulating among Russians about how ordinary people live in America. Interestingly, they are exactly the opposite of each other. The first can be characterized as follows: “The USA is a country of great opportunity, where a shoemaker can become a millionaire.” And the second myth looks like this: “America is a state of social contrasts. Only the oligarchs live well there, mercilessly exploiting the workers and peasants.” It must be said that both myths are far from the truth. In this article we will not delve into the history of the United States or talk about slavery and racial discrimination that took place a hundred years ago. We will not admire the standard of living of the Soros family or focus on the homeless sleeping near the subway ventilation grilles. We'll just look at how ordinary people live in America now. Let's take an average family: two working parents, three children. Ordinary middle class. By the way, he makes up the lion's share of all US citizens.


The USA boasts one of the highest standards of living among all countries in the world. But at the same time, quite a few citizens have a house in full ownership. And even city apartments are preferred by Americans to rent. But a family that considers itself middle class must settle far from dusty cities. White-collar workers get to work by train or car, spending an hour and a half on the road. The house of an ordinary American family is a one-story (for the high middle-class - two-level) cottage with a green lawn in front and an extension-garage, with a spacious backyard, which houses a play area for children or a swimming pool. The area of ​​the house ranges from 150 to 250 square meters, and its cost is from 500 to 650 thousand dollars. Not everyone can just take it and lay it out like this. But here are ordinary people: the standard of living in the United States is quite sufficient to pay off a mortgage. A third of the amount must be paid in advance and taken out a loan for thirty years at 5-10 percent per annum. But! The loss of the job of one of the parents threatens the family with disaster - after all, for the house you need to pay the bank at least two and a half thousand “green” monthly.

Communal payments

Now let's look at how ordinary Americans live in America and what they pay for their mansions besides a loan. So-called townhouses (cottages) are a very expensive business. Although... how to calculate. Ordinary Americans don't bother with housing offices. In the basement of each house there is its own mini-boiler room, which is responsible for heating and heating water. The average utility bill (electricity and gas) is about three hundred dollars. Since the water is served cold, the fee for it is small - about $10. In addition to utility bills, you need to pay property taxes: $500 - municipal and another $140 - the so-called community charges (for garbage removal and cleaning the area adjacent to the house). The lawn in front of the house must be well-groomed - this is the custom here. Don't get around to cutting it yourself? Hire a student and get ready to fork out $60. Mortgage loans require property insurance. Typically it's $300 per year. In total, you need to pay about three thousand dollars for housing every month.

Food expenses

A caveat needs to be made here. In the US, there is a big difference between so-called “healthy” foods labeled “organic” and conventional ones. Since ordinary people live in America, they tend to save on food. Yes, everyone knows about the dangers of chicken stuffed with growth hormones, as well as unhealthy fast food. But the average middle-class American couple usually shops at the grocery store, buys red-marked groceries, and eats lunch at Starbucks, McDonald's, or similar fast food establishments. By the way, prices for some products in America are lower than in Russia (especially in Moscow). But eating in restaurants or self-respecting cafes is very expensive. The average middle class family allows themselves this pleasure twice a month. Usually, about four hundred dollars are spent on food - this is if you do not deny yourself anything, and two hundred if you establish a strict economy regime.

Car and spending on other devices

How do ordinary people outside the city live in America? They start their day with and then get behind the wheel of a car. Living without a car in the American countryside is simply suspicious. Every adult is required to have a car - at least a used one. Leasing helps. Moreover, in the event of a breakdown, the company bears the cost of repairs. Thus, monthly payments to the leasing company for two cars are from 300 to 600 dollars, and gasoline is 150. Cars must be insured. Typically this is two hundred dollars per month per car. But you can reduce the cost of insurance by using a package with a higher price. For Internet and cable television, you need to pay about eighty-five greenbacks per month. No one will tell you how ordinary people who do not have a mobile phone live in America, since there are practically no such people there. Even a child attending kindergarten has such a device (with a beacon, just in case). A package with unlimited calls will cost about sixty-five dollars per month.


Foreigners who observe how ordinary people live in America probably notice that they have a lot of income going to various funds. They are insured against everything: from disability, from the loss of a breadwinner, from weakened visual acuity, in case of problems with teeth, and even for that unforeseen situation if a dog damages a neighbor’s property. Sometimes the policy is paid for by the employer. But after dismissal, it stops working. In total, the family needs to shell out about five hundred dollars every month, enriching various insurance companies. But in the USA there is a practice... of transferring pensions by inheritance. Every working person pays contributions, which accumulate on his individual card. Americans can use these accumulated funds as they please. After a person’s death, the money does not burn, but, as with a regular deposit, is passed on to inheritance.

Spending on clothes

Another discovery that foreigners can make by observing how ordinary people live in America is that they do not wear expensive things. They usually dress simply and practically. On the street you rarely see a woman wearing high heels. The typical American wears jeans and a jacket in winter, and a T-shirt and shorts in summer. But this does not mean that all US citizens do not know how to dress. It’s just not customary here to show off your income. Casual style reigns here. Branded clothes are worn on occasion. And they buy it easily. The fact is that in America sales never stop. They are timed to coincide with some holidays, but after them the prices drop even more: the collection that was not sold during the sales is sold for next to nothing. Particular excitement reigns during the so-called Black Friday (after Thanksgiving). Then you can buy branded clothing for a price ten times lower than its usual cost. Thus, the average US citizen does not spend much on clothes: up to one hundred dollars a month.


High school education in the United States is free. And this debunks the myth that in America you have to shell out money for everything, and a lot of it. By the way, medicine for the poor is also free here. But how does ordinary America live? For kindergarten you need to pay about eight hundred dollars per child. Or for a baby sitter - $10 per hour. An American's income directly depends on his education. Therefore, parents try to “invest in the child’s future” at any cost. To study at a college or institute, they take out loans. Particularly highly paid professions in America are lawyers, managers, and doctors. After graduating from a university in this profile, a young man can count on twenty thousand dollars a month. Bank employees, civil servants, junior medical staff and teachers earn slightly less. But studying at an American university is expensive: from three to ten thousand dollars a year. Although there are also flexible scholarships available here.


This is how they really live simple people Abroad. Huge expenses every month. Where do they get this kind of money? The answer is trivial: they don’t drink and work hard. They don't go out for a smoke break every hour. They are paid not for sitting at work, but for a specific result. And the better it is, the higher the wages will be. This motivation forces Americans to work conscientiously. At the same time, the minimum wage is seven and a half dollars per hour. This is the kind of money paid to teenagers or students on vacation just to walk your dog while you're at work. Cleaning by a visiting housekeeper will already cost one hundred dollars a day. But for that kind of money you need to do more than just vacuum the carpet: wash it, iron it, and polish it.

How do Americans who are private entrepreneurs live?

Private activity in the USA can provide a good income. The country is so large that if you wish, you can find a niche in any field. The government encourages and supports starting your own business in every possible way, especially if you create new jobs. There should be no bureaucratic delays when registering your business. Doing business in America is easy, as long as it is honest.

Newborns begin to be hardened from the first days. Sports occupy a very important place in a child’s upbringing. Almost every child in the average American family From an early age he has also been a member of some sports club or section, and plays for the school sports team. There is also a stereotype when they say about American schools that the main school subject there is physical education.

Families in America In addition to nurturing their child’s competitiveness, they also try to develop independence and independence in him. A child has the right to his own opinion from an early age, has the right to express it, and this is highly valued and encouraged. The freedom that Americans give their children to express their own opinions, Russian parents would see as trampling on the authority of father and mother, since in the Russian mentality the authority of parents should be unshakable. A child’s independence directly depends on his independence, which is why almost every high school student in America works several hours a day after school, this is the so-called part-time job - as a car washer, waiter, or janitor.

Parent's nest in American families It is customary to leave immediately after school and go as far as possible: not because relations with parents are bad, but because it is customary. A young person will choose to go to another state for higher education, even if his home state is full of colleges and institutes. Independence here begins early and in the full sense of the word. On the one hand, if a young man enters the cycle of independent life early, he feels more confident in the future; on the other hand, excessive American individualism causes loneliness. Here, for example, is what the Americans themselves write about American society (an excerpt from a book by an American culturologist): “Americans are members of hundreds of clubs, associations, sisterhoods, and brotherhoods. It seems that collective life is in full swing, and a person is deeply immersed in it. But if If you take a closer look, it turns out that the main mental drama of an American is loneliness... Because Americans are characterized by individualism and atomism.”

Nevertheless, family in America is a very important part of life for every person. American films, TV series, and programs often talk about family, family values. You can even talk about the American cult of the family. Americans take everything related to family very seriously and value family ties very much. However, the divorce rate in society is quite high, as in many developed countries. According to statistics, 47% American families at least one of the two spouses is remarried. Americans agree to divorce quite easily if they understand that this time they were unable to build a happy family.

After a divorce, the husband is obliged to provide for his wife if it has been proven through the court that she did not have a career, since she spent all the years raising their common children. However, if a woman has had a more successful career than her husband, then a situation is possible in which she will regularly pay him a certain amount of money. In general, the legal procedure for divorce in America is quite complex, since everything depends on the specific case, and the judge’s decision in different divorce proceedings can vary significantly. That is why it is customary to agree on the terms of the game in advance and when creating families in America In most cases, a marriage contract is drawn up.

Americans can quite calmly discuss the situation of a possible future divorce with their future spouse. This is not entirely clear, say, from the position of a Russian person, since within the framework of the Russian mentality the romantic side of love is of great psychological importance, especially in new relationships. Americans are completely free to share romance and business relationship, and create a new one American family, based on a well-thought-out, thorough prenuptial agreement.

Another feature of life families in America- this is the great participation of a family psychologist in resolving family conflicts and difficult situations. Americans tend to pay great attention to the psychological side of married life. Very many American families have a personal one family psychologist, who has been working with the family for decades. Any conflict situations are dealt with from all sides, analyzed and the instructions of a specialist are followed in resolving them. Such a large participation of a psychologist in the life of a family may lead to the idea that Americans are generally unconfident people. However, most likely the main reason is the competitiveness of American society, in which it is customary to look successful, and it is indecent to complain and talk about problems. And if difficulties arise in the family that need to be discussed, a family psychologist comes to the rescue.

In American families There is no clear distinction between the roles of spouses; political correctness has excluded the concept of “head of the family” from the American vocabulary. This is one of the so-called main features of gender relations in America. Sexism is perceived as a state crime. Husband and wife are formally, and most often in fact, equal. There is an agreement between them about who is responsible for what in the family. Men swaddle babies and prepare food just as much as women. In general, this is probably correct, but sometimes, from our point of view, it reaches the point of absurdity. A man can return home from work and start cooking dinner because it’s his turn today, and his wife, who has been at home all day, can continue to watch TV.

Each American family has a joint bank account and a separate one for each of the spouses, as well as for each of the children. Spouses can use their funds as they see fit; only large and expensive purchases for the home, family and children are made with common money. American families cannot always purchase their own housing with their own money; almost all families in the United States buy cars, housing and other things in installments.

The overwhelming majority of Americans build their lives according to a plan they have built in advance: study, work, start a family and raise children. The birth of children is usually
plan after the housing is ready and equipped. Large families families in America are not uncommon, but most still stop at two or three children. By the way, in the ordinary American consciousness there are interesting stereotypes about children. If, for example, there is only one child in a family, then society necessarily considers him spoiled, and if there are three children in a family, then the middle one is considered the most oppressed and offended member of the family.

There are a lot of housewives in the USA who devote almost their entire lives to raising children. Grandparents also pay no less attention to their grandchildren, who can not only happily take them with them for a while, but are themselves frequent guests in their children’s homes. Raising children in America has its own characteristics. Under no circumstances should children be punished by assault; this is prohibited by law. It is also forbidden to raise your voice at a child; if neighbors hear it, they will definitely inform the guardianship authorities. Family in America is constantly on the move, the more children, the more movement. One to be picked up from school, the other to go to training, the children join a large number of various organizations and clubs, plus they definitely engage in some kind of sports. Lifestyle in a competitive society sets its own rhythm.

America is a huge country with a high economic level and comfortable living conditions. Everything seems so attractive that many migrants dream of staying in the United States. But how do ordinary people actually live abroad? It is generally accepted that in America people earn a lot, and life is simple and pleasant. In order to figure out whether everything is so rosy, it is worth considering different aspects of life in the USA.

American character

How do ordinary people live in America? Basically, they are united by national traits - ease of communication, openness and friendliness. Americans are very polite, and in order not to offend another person, they can simply remain silent. Residents of America are free to move around the country and easily make acquaintances and make friends. Although there are certain invisible boundaries. Houses are separated by small hedges, and friendship does not imply interference in the affairs of a neighbor.

The conversation cannot discuss political, religious or financial issues. Mentioning social status is considered indecent. Americans are very fond of humor and pranks, but they are quite specific and not always understandable to foreigners. With the help of jokes, US residents smooth out conflict situations. They often express their own opinions using humor.

Everyday life

Is life difficult for people in the USA? The history of all families is approximately the same. American life largely centers around their own home. The lawn in front of him is brought into perfect condition, even if there is not enough time for household chores. Americans do not make daily shopping trips, but stock up on food for a long time.

They pay mostly by credit cards and rarely in cash. Once a week, the whole family always gets together for dinner, discussing the news. Parties are held on the lawns to socialize with neighbors. Children are required to help their parents with housework - clearing snow, mowing the lawn, vacuuming, etc.

For this, their parents pay them small fees. American teenagers often work part-time at car washes, supermarkets, etc. Such experience is considered mandatory, since grown children immediately leave their parents’ home after school and their skills. physical labor and earning money for a living are necessary.

Life style

How do people live in America? The day begins as in other countries. In the mornings, parents go to work (mostly in private cars), and children go to school on special buses. Housewives are engaged in housekeeping. Many teenagers drive their own cars, although their insurance costs much more than adults.

Almost all Americans visit various clubs, golf, bridge and other entertainment. Some US residents are members of public organizations and engage in charity work. Church parishioners organize dinners. Dishes for them are prepared at home and then placed on the common table. Children are involved in various clubs: ballroom dancing, tennis, etc.

Americans love to talk on the phone. Almost all families have notes posted on their refrigerators reminding who is in the family and what exactly needs to be done. Americans are distinguished by their smiling nature, and they take care of their personal and other people’s time. They prepare carefully for important negotiations and highly value punctuality. Almost all US residents follow a strict schedule, many use diaries.


How do ordinary Americans live in America? Their lifestyle is quite dynamic. All week they are constantly on the move - work, errands. There are only weekends left for relaxation. These days, Americans go out with their families to parks, for walks, or to meet with friends. There are much fewer vacations and holidays in America than in Russia.

The average US citizen only takes one vacation a year. During vacations, they prefer family trips to other states, the countryside, mountains, etc. Wealthy Americans mostly vacation in Hawaii or the Bahamas. Residents of the United States are very fond of goods with discounts; purchases are rarely made without them.

All services, including medicine, are quite expensive, so a salary of several thousand dollars is considered low. You can only live on this money with great difficulty. To support a home, family, pay taxes, for education, etc., an American needs to receive at least 20 thousand dollars monthly. Smoking in public places is prohibited in America.

Alcoholic drinks are consumed in small quantities and mainly in the form of cocktails. Due to addiction to fast food, most Americans are prone to obesity. Sports are promoted to shed extra pounds. There are many elderly people in the United States who live alone. They are rarely visited by their children and grandchildren. Residents of the United States invite only family or close friends to their home; they prefer to meet with everyone else on neutral territory.

Real estate

The American way of life requires you to have your own home. But since it is not possible to save for it, most often houses are purchased on credit or taken out with a mortgage. The most popular are small one-story cottages from 150 to 250 square meters. Such a house costs an average of $150,000.

The cost of housing may be higher, it depends on its area, location of the block and building material. In modern American homes, a spacious living room, children's and dining rooms are required. Americans buy houses with loans (usually at 10 percent per annum) for 30 years. The period, terms and amount of payments depend on the level of salary, advance payment and cost of the cottage.


How do ordinary working Americans live? They have an eight-hour workday and two days off each week. Employers offer different schedules. Americans can choose to work part-time, work from home, etc. For stability and high level To live in America you need to have a higher education. In the USA, you can’t get a job “through connections.” The standard of living depends on the annual income of the entire family. Salary depends on education and profession acquired. The highest paid specialists:

  • television workers;
  • managers;
  • doctors;
  • lawyers.

Their income can be from 15 to 20 thousand dollars monthly. Teachers, junior medical personnel, government employees have less wages. In America - hourly wages. The minimum wage is approximately $7.50 per hour.

The level of income largely depends on the state. In them, the same position can be paid differently. The highest income for Americans comes from owning a business or private activity. Any US resident can become an entrepreneur. The state supports the development of small businesses.


Schools are divided into elementary, middle and high schools. Moreover, they are all located in different buildings. High school students start studying at 7 a.m., and kids at 8:30 a.m. Tuition in many schools is paid, the cost depends on the area of ​​residence. Payment is made once a year. The amount is included in the general tax. The funds are then distributed by the state.

Education can be obtained in both public and private schools. Studying at universities is carried out mainly on a paid basis - from 3-10 thousand dollars annually. Colleges last four years. Part of the payment is covered by the state. Foreign students are allowed to enroll in US universities. A special visa is issued for this.

Food prices

How do ordinary people live in America? Not all Americans can afford to go to restaurants and cafes. In the USA, it is common to purchase food in wholesale stores, as it is much cheaper and saves time. Prices in supermarkets can be much lower than, for example, in Russian ones. But the low cost of goods is often associated with poor quality.

Food products may be approaching their expiration dates, seemingly good meat may be bursting with hormones, and fresh and beautiful vegetables may be bursting with pesticides. Sold inexpensively and plentiful quality products. The United States supports farms; the cost of land and taxes is quite acceptable for small businesses. Accordingly, all this is expressed in low food prices.

Social Security and Taxes

How do ordinary people live in America? The standard of living directly depends on the annual income of the family. An important condition for a comfortable existence is insurance. This usually applies to real estate, cars and health. Pensioners over 65 years of age have the right to receive health insurance from the state. This category also includes children under 19 years of age.

Each company provides its employees with insurance, through which payments can be received. Some large organizations issue them not only to their specialists, but also to their families. Small companies that cannot provide workers with insurance often offer discounts on various products.

Free medical care is provided for low-income citizens. Americans spend 30 to 50 percent of their income on taxes. The largest deductions:

  • state taxes;
  • federal;
  • sales taxes;
  • for real estate and property.

Low-income citizens, pensioners and students are not subject to taxes.

How to live in America: a view from the inside. Credit "trap"

Almost all ordinary people take out loans. Cards are opened in childhood and adolescence. Almost everyone in the US has a savings account. This is insurance for a rainy day. Savings are used in extreme cases (job loss, etc.). Americans have to do financial planning ahead of time.

Kindergartens are paid. Approximately $700 is paid monthly for one child. Sports, dance and other sections in which children and schoolchildren are usually enrolled are expensive. Against the backdrop of all the payments, even a week of illness and disability can lead middle-class residents to bankruptcy.

Payment of bills

How does the average American middle class live? Almost every second family pays off a mortgage or rents a home. A small two-story cottage costs approximately $5,000 monthly, excluding utilities. Medical insurance, car insurance, student loans, etc. all cost a lot of money.

Cars are most often rented, bought less often. But almost every adult family member has a car. Monthly payments for cars range from 200 to 400 dollars monthly. If family members do not have a good credit history, then one can only dream of owning a home and a cloudless life.


How do ordinary people live in America? They prefer to shop at sales. Americans dress simply and try not to spend a lot of money on clothes. When things wear out, they are taken to a humanitarian aid center. There are many stores in America with discounted branded clothing. What might cost thousands in other countries can be purchased on sale for $50 in the US.

Discounts are offered in stores all the time. Many sales are organized in honor of holidays. After them, the remaining items are sold at even lower prices. At large sales, queues begin to form several hours before the store opens, and some even set up tents on nearby lawns in which to spend the night. Most often this happens at supermarkets with household appliances.

Coffee mania and fast food restaurants

How do ordinary people live in America? They spend a lot of money on coffee. In the mornings there are long queues outside the coffee shop. Then they repeat during lunch and after work. Even though coffee can be made at home for much less, millions of Americans spend hundreds of dollars every year on the invigorating drink. Bistros with fast food and frozen semi-finished products for microwaves are no less in demand.

How Americans live: interesting facts

Many Americans consider it their duty to have a gym membership. Even if they don't go there at all. In America, it is not customary to borrow or lend money. If a person cannot take out a loan for his needs, he will most likely miss a semester, refuse to travel, but will never ask for a loan of money. This is considered indecent.

All three emergency services always respond to calls. Moreover, firefighters are most often the first to respond and provide first aid. There are many toll roads and tunnels in the USA. Medicine is very expensive, but it is at a highly professional level. Americans call skyscrapers towers.

It’s hard to believe that even a certain number of years ago, at the mention of America, I wrinkled my nose contemptuously and said that wherever, but the USA would be the last place I would go. How did I see the New World then? The land of skyscrapers, hamburgers, stupid and depraved TV shows. What did I imagine the typical American family to be like? Feminist mom, always rocking her rights. Husband - it’s unclear what’s wrong sports shorts. Poor kids, staring blankly at the TV with endless “Tom and Jerry” and stupid series with off-screen cackling. Oh yes! Everyone has a car and the notorious American smile. In general, unhappy, spiritually deprived people!

One of those who “disarmed” my contemptuous and bellicose attitude was my friend and colleague, history teacher, director high school and just a good American dad - Mister Alex M. , a resident of sunny California. For several years now we have been conducting dialogues with him about politics, history, culture, religion and so on. And he never ceases to amaze me with his erudition, outlook and general culture. And, by the way, the first foreign country for me was the United States.

I bring to your attention an interview withAlexM., compiled based on questions from forum members!

I would like to ask you to perceive the stereotypes described here with a dose of humor. We recognize that Americans are different, and many of our stereotypes are caricatures. And those same Americans, when they say that Russians don’t take off their hats with ear flaps, smile, knowing that this is not so...

American marriage

The average age for marriage for American women is 25.1 years, for men - 26.8. By age 65, about 95% of Americans are married. The US economy of the late 20th century created a situation of less security and more competition for many Americans. It is because of this that young people often postpone marriage.

An interesting feature of recent years is that it is fathers who are more often the ones staying at home with their children. Naturally, we are talking about cases where mothers really make a serious career and their earnings are more than enough for the comfortable existence of the family. Often, parents take advantage of flexible schedules or remote work through a virtual office to devote as much time as possible to their family. Personally, I had the feeling that in America there are a lot of divorced men who fanatically care about their offspring left with their mother. They strive to be involved in every moment of their growing up and development. For example, every Sunday, as scheduled, they attend basketball, volleyball, baseball and other games where their children take part. In general, they don’t try to get away with alimony. The number of working mothers in the United States is already trending downward. More and more parents prefer family to work and career. With whom and where do most children stay in the United States? preschool age, it is difficult to say, since this kind of statistics is in constant dynamics and varies greatly depending on the social, wealth and racial group.

American children

American women are having fewer and fewer children, while many children are being born out of wedlock. If we consider single-parent families, then in them 83% of children live only with their mother, 17% are raised by their fathers. 68% of young Americans live in two-parent families. 20% of children live below the poverty line.

Coalla : Suppose there are three children in a family... The eldest daughter is 15-16 years old. She is alternative in everything: in clothes, in food, etc. She is an average student at school. He dreams of getting out of the house as soon as possible. Hates Sunday dinners and Aunt Polly. Hates his middle brother.

Alex : Some people probably really hate it. But the majority are good children, happy and loving their families.

Coalla : The middle son is 8-9 years old. Perhaps the most smart child in family. He studies well and is interested in, say, astronomy. He dreams of being great and pure friends with girls. As a rule, he wears glasses. The pride of mother and father.

Alex : Many are similar...

Coalla : Junior: from 1 month to 2-3 years. The most beloved family member. Everyone loves him. His job is to blow bubbles or laugh loudly. Charming kid.

Alex : Isn't that the case in Russia?

Kalinka: DChildren can call their parents by name, they are more free in matters of sex (well, for example, they can calmly discuss women’s physiological problems with their mother while sitting in the living room).

Alex : This is only possible in Hollywood films. Children usually call their parents “mom” and “dad”. Sex education is provided in schools and on television.

Kalinka: Values ​​are vague and incomprehensible. Children want to go to college and strive to be popular in school.

Alex : This is true. It is important for children to feel part of a team. Most of the world's young people share this need. Even in Mother Russia

SkiSky: “If you smile well and have white teeth, you are successful.”

Alex : Yes, appearance very important. Children often feel unhappy if they don't quite measure up...

Arctic They have patriarchal values. In addition, their person is an individualist from the very beginning. The individual is higher than the public.

Alex : There is truth in this.

AstraPrognoz™: How do Americans raise their children? On the lie that they won WW2...

Alex : Russians tell their children the same thing. But I guess that in both countries children are not particularly worried about this: for them, the Second World War is a distant and boring past.

Oksya : Is it true that American kids don’t know where tomatoes grow - on the ground or on trees? Do they think that there are eternal frosts in Russia and bears walk the streets?

Alex : This applies to a small number of children. A person who thinks like this is a limited person.

Cute: Alex, tell us about your children. For example, what do they do in their free time from school?

Alex : The eldest son plays baseball, football, basketball, swimming and water polo. His high school basketball team is one of the top three teams in California. Before high school, he played clarinet and saxophone in orchestra.

Cute: Why did he quit?

Alex : Too much load. And it’s not to say that he liked this activity too much. We encouraged our children to do different things, but we never forced them. As a means of self-discovery, they tried themselves in many fields and as a result acquired many useful skills.

Cute: What about your daughter?

Alex : She dances, plays the piano, and plays the clarinet in the orchestra. Basketball, baseball, soccer, swimming, volleyball... Her volleyball team is among the best teams in the country.

Cute: I'm delighted with your children.

Alex : Me too.

Cute: Have you ever punished them?

Alex : When my daughter was one and a half years old, she crawled out of her crib at 4 am and sat on my face in a wet diaper. Imagine a wet diaper on your face! I spanked her bottom. She started crying and I felt really bad. I have never hit my children. I was always ready to talk to them.

Cute: Do you think conversations make sense in situations that threaten the life or health of a child?

Alex : Children should follow adults' instructions without comment.

Cute: How do you achieve this?

Alex : You have to be consistent. Children should obey their parents without arguing. This is a long process.. Parents must support each other, otherwise the child will be confused. Or worse, he will pit his parents against each other.

Cute: Would you let your child draw on the wallpaper, for example?

Alex : No, I wouldn't allow it.

Cute: Interesting. I think most of my fellow citizens imagine Americans to be more democratic and permissive towards their children.

Alex : Many Americans profess permissiveness. Children need to be guided and given the right to make mistakes. The problem is that many adults are too busy with their work or personal lives to spend enough time with their children.

Cute: Why is that?

Alex : Some people just don't want to.

Cute: Are nanny services in demand in the USA?

Alex : No, only rich families can afford a nanny.

Cute: Do you think a nanny is good for a child?

Alex : I don't know. I prefer to be a parent

Cute: As far as I know, American women are expected to return to work soon after giving birth. Who then sits with the child?

Alex : In our society, the mother bears the primary responsibility for the newborn child. At two years old, the baby can be sent to a nursery. Some are pretty good, but they are very expensive. America doesn't do a very good job of caring for children. Sometimes grandmothers or neighbors help a working mother look after her baby. In some cases, dads take parental leave.

Cute: Paid holiday?

Alex : No. Some employers pay, but these are few.

Cute: How long can an American mother stay with her child and receive benefits from the state?

Alex : Mothers here do not receive benefits.

Cute: At all?!

Alex : At all.

Cute: What about single moms?

Alex : Some employers or insurance companies pay her benefits. But this is not for the poor. We have free healthcare for the poor. They may receive unemployment benefits and food discounts. The number of people below the poverty line is growing steadily here. You may have seen them on the news about the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Cute: Yes, I saw…

Alex : America doesn't like to mention these ugly statistics. At the same time, the American president offers our brand of capitalism and democracy to the whole world...