What is a drop set, why is it so popular and how to do it correctly?  Drop set training program Rules for using drop sets.

What is a drop set, why is it so popular and how to do it correctly? Drop set training program Rules for using drop sets.

or, as they are also called, super series are one of the ways to create muscle stress by increasing the intensity of training. Should emphasize that this is only one of the methods, and not everyone needs to use this method and not always. Are supersets effective? Yes, they are effective! Should I only use supersets? No way! In essence, this method of training is a combination of two or more exercises in one approach. In practice, 2 exercises are most often used, the athlete first performs 8-12 repetitions of one exercise, and then performs another 8-12 repetitions of another exercise without rest. There is also an option with rest between exercises, when the athlete performs one exercise, rests for 30 seconds, then performs the next exercise, then rests again for 30 seconds and repeats the approach.

Important distinguish supersets from complex sets. Supersets are always performed on antagonist muscles, and complex sets are performed on the same muscle. Muscle failure needs to be achieved only in the last approach. It is most effective to use supersets to train small muscle groups, such as arms and shoulders; if an athlete trains large muscle groups with supersets, then it is better to use isolation exercises. The fact is that a lot of energy is spent on basic exercises for large muscle groups, in addition, since many different muscles are involved in basic exercises, some of them will receive load in both exercises, and this will limit the athlete’s capabilities.

Antagonist muscles:

Biceps – triceps
Biceps Curls - California Press
Hammers - Reverse Grip Press
Reverse grip pull-ups - standing French press

Chest - latissimus dorsi
Bench Press - Wide Grip Pull-Ups
Dumbbell Angle Press – Bent Over Row
Dips - pullover in the simulator

Quadriceps - hamstrings
Barbell Squats - Romanian Deadlift
Leg extensions – leg curls
Leg press - plie squats

Back – front deltoids
Dumbbell row - seated press
Lower block row - military press
T bar row - lifting a dumbbell in front of you

Chest - rear delts
Angle Press - Bench Row
Push-ups - dumbbell flyes
Bringing your hands together in a crossover – swinging your hands in a crossover

Back extensor - abs
Deadlift - Hanging Leg Raises
Hyperextension - Roman bench
Bent-overs with a barbell - bicycle exercise

rules And recommendations

Muscle priority – you always need to prioritize in everything, so you immediately need to decide which muscle is the target and use heavier exercises to train it, as well as train it first. It is, of course, possible to train the target muscle with a second exercise, for example, if you usually train the biceps first, then by doing a triceps set first you will create unusual stress on the muscles, which can contribute to their hypertrophy.

Number of repetitions – supersets should be performed in a large number of repetitions, approximately 8 to 12 for each exercise, since one of the advantages of this training method is pumping the muscles with blood. Also, doing low reps only makes sense if you are training for strength and strength training involve performing heavy basic exercises, which in this case are not recommended.

Rest between sets – duration is from 30 to 60 seconds, but in fact, if each exercise takes 30 seconds, then 60-90 seconds pass between approaches to the same muscle group, in fact, this is one of the main advantages of supersets. You can also rest for 30 seconds between each exercise, and this way the load will be distributed more evenly throughout the entire workout. On the other hand, by performing exercises in a row, the athlete achieves better pumping.

Trisets - this is a variant of organizing super series, when the athlete performs not 2 exercises per approach, but three. This is necessary in order to better load the lagging muscle group. The first exercise is performed on the lagging muscle group, the second on the antagonist muscle, and the third again on the lagging muscle group. It is important to note that the third exercise must be isolating and easier than the first.

Benefits of Supersets

– this advantage lies in the fact that the muscles rest not only directly during rest, but also when you train antagonist muscles, as a result, the athlete can perform a large amount of work during training. It is precisely because basic exercises do not allow muscles to recover effectively while training the antagonist muscle that they are not recommended for use as exercises for supersets.

Pumping - this is, in essence, pumping muscles with blood, due to which it is possible to create an influx of nutrients into the muscles, as well as stretch muscle fascia . It is precisely because of the pumping effect that there is an opinion that it is effective to perform supersets during “drying”, since the flow of blood promotes the breakdown of fat, as a result of which its further reduction occurs much faster. Usually, when one muscle is trained, after the approach the blood gradually drains, so athletes try to stretch the muscles, trying to retain the blood for as long as possible. In this case, since you are still training the antagonist muscles, the blood does not drain even during rest, which has a very positive effect on both muscle recovery and its further hypertrophy.

Over a long period of development, bodybuilding has received a lot of different techniques, but the drop set is considered the best of them. In this article we will examine this concept in more detail. Some exercises and diagrams will also be given, and tips for beginners will be given.

General information

Why did they start using this technique in bodybuilding? When did this technique even appear? A drop set is essentially a technique in which you perform an exercise to the point of complete or partial exhaustion, after which you drop a small amount of weight and continue doing sets with a lighter load. It is this that stimulates muscle growth in a completely different way. This technique was first discovered by journalist and editor of the publication “Body Culture” Henry Atkinson back in 1947. Immediately after this, the technique began to be called differently. For example, "declining set", "triple drop set" and "strip set".


Due to the fact that the bodybuilder’s goal is only to “cosmetically decorate” himself, but not to develop efficiency and productivity, he is called a unique athlete. This is why bodybuilders love drop sets. Thanks to them, muscles grow very quickly. Football players, sprinters and other athletes never use a drop set. This is due to the fact that this technique does not develop strength, power and speed. But if your goal is to gain pure mass, then a drop set is perfect for you!

How does the technology work?

So, let's imagine that you are performing a "biceps curl" with a weight of 40 kilograms on the barbell. You have already repeated it 10 times, but the last time was quite difficult. The next one was even harder, even with the use of cheating. And the 12th became the limit for you. And no matter how hard you try, you won't complete the 13th rep. You've reached your point of failure, but if you remove a quarter of the weight, you can continue. If you physically cannot do more than 12 repetitions of a normal weight, do not think that this is an absolute failure. This is called "positive failure" and your body is ready to continue working, but with less weight. This is because the usual approach, which is performed to the point of exhaustion, does not activate all muscle fibers. Only those necessary for the desired weight work, a certain number of times. If you reduce the number of kilograms and continue to exercise, you will use other, additional muscle fibers. The drop set promotes the activation of “stubborn” muscle fibers, causing growth that would not be achieved with regular exercises of 6-12 repetitions.

Exercises using a barbell

Arnold Schwarzenegger himself used a drop set for biceps. But this technique can also be used in any other exercises where a barbell will be used. For example, you can use drop sets on the shoulders. The only caveat to this method is that you will need to remove the drives when you reach a critical point. Let's imagine that, doing a bench press with 50 kilograms, you reach failure by the 10th repetition. Having reduced the weight by 20% and gained 5 kg on each side, you continued training until the next failure. After that, again reduce the kilograms by 20% (remember that the weight you reduce should be the same) and move towards the last failure. This way you will reach 30 kg weight. The bottom line is that before performing the exercises you need to select discs if you are going to use a drop set. You shouldn’t take two 15-kilogram ones, it’s better to take three 5-kg ones in order to reduce weight in a timely manner.

Method of reducing weight by half, or 6-20

This mass drop set will allow you to perform two different reps. They will affect the muscles in their own way. This will contribute to the development of muscle mass, as well as incredible pumping. To get started, you will need to select a weight that you can't handle for more than 6 reps. Having done them, you should reduce the number of kilograms by half and do 20 repetitions. This drop set differs from the others in that here the decrease occurs only once. And in other cases - twice per approach. This uses 3 different weights.

Advanced techniques

If the drop set is the best intense technique in bodybuilding, then the question arises as to what comes next. Next comes intensive training. In second place are super sets. And there is nothing better than combining two most effective techniques. As a result, we get the drop-superset technique. How should you do the exercises? For example, let’s take the dumbbell lateral raise and the seated dumbbell press. You should start with 8-12 repetitions. In this case, you need to use the maximum weight. Later you should quickly move on to dumbbells. Their weight should be less than what is usually used. There is no need to rest between exercises. When performing, the main task is to simply reduce the weight during the approach. This technique is very intense, so be careful when performing it. You should soberly assess your strengths and body abilities.


It should be said that such techniques are quite popular among bodybuilders. They allow you to achieve your goals in a fairly short time. For example, a standard workout consists of 9-12 repetitions for each muscle group, but using a drop set, the athlete does only 6. But this certainly does not mean that he makes his program easier and worsens his results. If you can activate all the muscles with low reps, but doing it a little differently, that's not bad at all. Absolutely every exercise causes fatigue. But the muscles that are tired still receive the maximum load, because the smaller weight is proportional to the previous one, which was larger, and you lifted it while fresh and full of strength.

In order for intensive muscle growth to occur, certain stressful conditions are required. There are many ways to create such conditions in bodybuilding, and one of them is the use of drop sets. In this article, we will examine in detail issues such as: Drop sets, what is it? What types of drop sets are there? How to use? and What effect can be expected from them?

Drop sets are sets in which weight is dropped (or increased). In practice, it looks something like this: take a barbell with a certain weight, do a given number of repetitions (until failure), after failure, drop 25 - 30% of the weight and continue doing it until failure without a pause. (trying to get the most out of it). Only after this comes rest. Also, in addition to the barbell, you can use dumbbells and exercise machines.

This method is very effective in terms of gaining muscle mass, as it allows severe injury to muscle fibers. I don’t recommend using it every workout, as you may end up overtraining. (very stressful). For the same reason, it cannot be used by beginners.

Ideal options for using this method are: shock training (performed once every 2–3 weeks to surprise the muscles) and shift from a dead point (when there is no progress in muscle growth for a long time).

What types of drop sets are there?

Nowadays, there are 6 different types:

  • classical
  • triple
  • quadruple
  • progressive
  • back
  • drop – superset

Let's look at each type in more detail.

Classic Drop – Set. In the second paragraph we were talking about the classic drop set, but let’s now look at it using a specific example (so you can definitely understand). For example, let's take the exercise - bench press. We select such a weight that we can perform 10 repetitions (tenth – refused). We lie down on a bench, pick up a barbell and do a bench press for 10 repetitions. Done! After this, your partners drop 25 - 30% of the weight from the bar and you continue to do it further without interruption (until failure). This is the classic version.

Triple Drop – Set. Let's take the same exercise: bench press (we will use it constantly). We select such a weight that we can perform 10 repetitions (tenth – refused). We lie down on a bench, pick up a barbell and do a bench press for 10 repetitions. Done! After this, your partners drop 25% of the weight from the bar, and you continue to do it further (until failure) without a break. Did it again! The partners again drop 25% of the weight from the bar, and again you continue to do it (until failure) without a pause. This is what the triple option looks like.

Quadruple Drop – Set. The same as the triple, only in the triple you lost weight 2 times, and in the quad you need to lose weight 3 times.

Progressive Drop – Set. It is quite a difficult option that is performed in this way. The first approach to the bench press is a warm-up (regular) one. We rest as much as we need. For the second approach, increase the weight on the barbell (up to 10 – 12 repetitions) and do a classic drop set. We rest as much as we need. For the third approach, increase the weight on the barbell (up to 8 – 9 repetitions) and do a triple drop - set. We rest as much as we need. On the fourth approach, we again increase the weight on the bar. (up to 6 – 7 repetitions) and do a quadruple drop - a set. Finished the exercise!

Reverse Drop – Set. This type is in every way similar to a triple drop set, only here the weight on the bar does not decrease, but increases. In practice, it looks like this: do the bench press for 20 reps. (pick a specific weight). Rest: 5 – 10 seconds (at this time, such weight is placed on the barbell that 10 repetitions can be done). We do 10 repetitions. Rest: 5 – 10 seconds (at this time, such weight is thrown on the bar that 6 repetitions can be done). We do 6 more repetitions (to failure). Finished the set!

Drop – Superset. The heaviest option that will help specifically explode your muscles. This is done like this: select 2 exercises (for example: sitting leg extension in a machine and lying leg curl in a machine) and perform drop sets within supersets.

  • Leg extension while sitting in a machine – 12 reps (as many as possible)
  • lying leg curls in the simulator - 12 repetitions (as many as possible)

Rest – 10 seconds + lose 20% of weight

  • Leg extension while sitting in a machine – 12 reps (as many as possible)
  • lying leg curls in the simulator - 12 repetitions (as many as possible)

Rest – 10 seconds + lose 20% of weight

  • Leg extension while sitting in a machine – 12 reps (as many as possible)
  • lying leg curls in the simulator - 12 repetitions (as many as possible)

Finished the exercise!

Well, now you can independently answer questions such as: Drop sets, what is it? What types of drop sets are there? And How to use? You have all the necessary information. Use wisely!

P.S. I also recommend that you allocate some of your precious time to watch this video.


We all want a beautiful figure and a toned body. Girls dream of firm buttocks, and men want to have big arms and broad shoulders. An effective method of training for mass is a drop set - I will cover this topic in the article below.

The phrase is translated from English drop - reset, set - install, accept. This is in bodybuilding, when as the exercise is performed and fatigue accumulates, the weight of the weight decreases. An example of such a workout is shown in the video below.

Let me give you an example: you lift a thirty-kilogram barbell for your biceps. After 10 repetitions, the muscles got tired and failure occurred. Put down the barbell, take a 20 kg projectile and continue lifting the biceps to the limit, after which you will feel the arm muscles burning.

Types of sets

  • Normal - we do a set, reduce the weight by 20-30% and continue to perform until complete failure.
  • Triple and quadruple - the load is reduced two and three times, respectively.
  • Reverse - in it the weight of the barbell does not decrease, as in a regular set, but increases. Do the exercise 12 times (not to failure), then add 20% to complete eight repetitions. And finally, we add another 20% to the mass and complete the training with a final approach of 4 to 6 repetitions.
  • Progressive - in the first movement, select the weight so that you have enough strength for 12 lifts, and perform a regular set. For the second set, use the load for 8 reps and train the triple variation. The third time you select the weight of the projectile to perform 6 repetitions and do a quadruple set.
  • Drop set - superset. Do exercises for antagonist muscles one by one, without breaks, each time reducing the load by 20%-30%. For example, you lift a 25 kg barbell for biceps, and without rest, move on to the French press of the same barbell. Next, reduce the weight of the training apparatus by 7.5 kg and perform repetitions on the biceps and triceps in the same style. Once again, reduce the weight by 7.5 kg and repeat the cycle.

Benefits and harms

Bodybuilders resort to this method if standard training no longer brings good results. or for 3-4 weeks or the working weight does not increase. And with the help of these techniques, athletes add variety to their training.

Using this method, the athlete quickly increases the mass and size of the trained muscle groups. These intense workouts can be used for both compound and isolation movements, at the beginning or end of a workout.

The disadvantage of this method is high overloads. This is a difficult test for the muscles and nervous system. I do not recommend including weekly drop sets in your training routines; this can lead to overtraining. It is enough to do them once a week, in one or two exercises for each muscle group. With such training, you need to monitor your nutrition, follow a high-calorie diet, including as much protein as possible in your diet for quick muscle recovery.

Execution Rules

  1. Try to conduct such training with minimal pauses. To quickly throw weights off the barbell, involve other athletes or prepare additional equipment in advance.
  2. During execution, reduce the load at least 3 times - otherwise there will be no proper mass-gaining effect.
  3. Don't drop set more than one exercise per muscle group per workout.
  4. You should not use this method more often than once every 2-3 weeks; after all, this is an extreme load on the muscles, ligaments and nervous system. The body will require a longer recovery time, and doing it too often will lead to overtraining.

Examples for different days

I will give several examples of training complexes for different muscle groups.

For biceps

We will perform barbell curls while standing in a triple set. Let's assume that the working weight is 30 kg for 12 repetitions. We will prepare a 22.5 and 15 kg projectile in advance for the second and third parts of the set.

After twelve repetitions with a 30-kilogram weight, without resting, take a 22.5-kg apparatus and continue the exercise until failure. Then we use 15 kg and repeat this movement until our arms are able to lift the barbell. Stop 1-2 lifts before complete failure and switch to a lighter weight, due to this you will get more repetitions per cycle.

After one such circle, we rest for 3 to 5 minutes and perform the 2nd circle; if after that you feel that you have some strength left, you can try the 3rd circle. To calculate the load, use the built-in calculator on your phone.

On your feet

Let's look at the drop set in the leg press. For this you will need an assistant, or better yet two. Let’s say your working weight in the exercise is 120 kg for 12 repetitions, perform these repetitions, after which the assistants remove two 15 kg plates (30 kg in total) and you continue to press. When the muscles begin to fail for the second time, the assistants remove another couple of fifteen kilogram pancakes, and the cycle repeats. If you have strength left, reduce the load again.

Repeat the complex 2-3 approaches depending on the sensations in your legs.

It is difficult to train large muscles using this method, as shortness of breath and... Therefore, it is difficult to apply such training in squats. Such training is best suited for bending and extending the legs in the simulator.

On the back

Let's look at the set using the example of lower pulley rows on a simulator. You can train with an assistant or alone. We select the working weight in this movement for 12 full repetitions, perform them, reduce the load by 20% and do deadlifts to muscle failure, reduce the weight and repeat the cycle.

On shoulders

Let's look at drops using the example of a standing dumbbell press. You start with a working weight of 20 kg each. Stand near a rack with a set of dumbbells and perform the movement to failure. Then change the weights to 16-kilogram ones, repeat again until failure, and then use 12-kilogram weights.

How to increase efficiency?

When performing isolation exercises for small muscles and training on machines, the weight can be reduced more gradually - by 10% at a time. In basic exercises, such a slight reduction in load will not allow you to repeat the movement; here you need to reduce the weight by 20-30% at a time.

Set with a 50% reduction in load. With this method you can use two opposing rep ranges. Each of them affects muscle fibers differently. This promotes the growth of muscle mass and the development of muscle strength and endurance at the same time. Select a load with which you can perform 6 lifts and do a set. Reduce the weight by half and do another 20 repetitions without resting.

Drop sets with modifications of exercises. I'll give you an example of chest training. First, there is a bench press 12 times with a working weight. Then, without resting, we pick up dumbbells and perform 8-10 arm raises to the sides, lying on a bench. Then we do bench presses with the same dumbbells until complete exhaustion. The use of different movements will allow you to maximize the use of all muscle tissue cells. After this approach, your muscles will simply burn.


Drop sets are suitable for experienced bodybuilders to diversify their workouts, overcome stagnation in weight gain, etc. will allow you to burn excess fat faster and help you lose weight. and do not injure muscles and tendons with excessively high loads. Exercise and stay healthy.

In contact with

– this is a progressive training method that allows the athlete to pass through muscle failure, giving strong and unusual stress to the muscles and exhausting -pa-sy gli-ko-ge-na to zero. Drop-se-you, in essence, is a complex-lex-ny-mi-se-ta-mi with post-foam weight loss, when -yes, the at-let makes one approach to from-ka-za, then on-to-the-par-ni-ki, or he himself, ski-dy-va-yut several-close- new with a barbell, and an athlete with a very light weight, without rest, makes one more approach to the top, then about -tse-du-ra repeats 1-2 more times in behind-vi-si-mo-ti from type when-me-e-mo-drop-se -ta. This super-reception is recommended to be used only by experienced at-let-there, and, most likely, -if the at-year-old is not gifted, then without the use of ana-bo-li-ches-kih ster-ro-i-ds drop-se-you are only for him- v-re-dyat. At the same time, sometimes you can use this super-reception even without pharmaceuticals, but rarely, in order to shock the muscles and thereby create an incentive for their hypertrophy.

Dropsets can be used for different purposes and, most often, these goals are combined with the use of stereo-i-dov, for example, what purpose could there be hyperplasia of the muscle tissue . Without ster-ro-i-ds, this su-per-reception can be used in rare cases for memory-pin-ga, stimulation of you-work -ki fact-ditch growth and sho-ki-ro-va-niya of muscles. If the athlete uses the drop too often, preventing the muscles from recovering, or but just re-gu-lar-but use them, without accepting co-from-vet-with-t-vu-y pre-pa-ra-you, then , instead of hypertrophy, the muscles, most likely, will become smaller in the mouth, but at the same time they will have a larger nose -are you. This is due to the fact that during the full process of drop-se-ta at-let, it is possible to do the whole cre-a-tin- phosphate and gly-co-gene, after which the energy supply to the muscles is realized due to aerobic gly-co-li- for, that is, in the process of re-synthesis of ATP, acidity is involved.

The participation of oxygen in the energy supply of muscles is accompanied by the breakdown of fats, since aerobic glycolysis and pre-la-ga-et re-synthesis of ATP not only due to the oxidation of carbons, but also due to the oxidation of lipids. That's exactly why drop-se-you and super-se-you are often used during “drying”, but, as you already know, although these methods and positions - they can speed up the breakdown of fats, however, using them in the conditions of de-fi-ci-ta cal-lo-riy -nose, comes-to-sacrifice and muscle mass. This implies conclusion , if you don’t use “vi-ta-min-ki”, then “on drying” it’s better not to use drop-sets, but “on the mass” should be used, but rarely, and only if the usual prog-res-sion is already yes It’s difficult, and yes, the result is not at all the same.

With girls everything is different, they can use this super-practice without fear after the ice-s-t-viy, since the purpose of tre-ning-ga, as pra-vi-lo, from-cha-yut-sya. Moreover, the girls have a completely different mountainous background, which is typical for a man, from This training is not suitable for them. As a result, we come to look for other ways of tre-ning, one of which is drop set. On-chi-na-yu-shim “com-so-mol-kam”, of course, use pro-res-sive methods of training to what, but for some reason, when there is no need for them, then they can use them, without fearing for the muscle mass, for which they don’t really need paradise. More than that, if somewhere it has grown more than it should, or it has grown where it is not needed, then it is exactly the same volume-ny-mi su-per-se-ri-ya-mi and re-ko-men-du-et-sya cor-re-ti-ro-vat fi-gu-ru.

Types of dropsets

Triple dropsets - this is a classic version that presupposes two weight changes, that is, it makes 1 move, then lowers the weight by 25-30%, makes 1 more move and again discounts 25-30% to make the last move. Allow 10 seconds of rest between the ho-ho-das, this time should just be enough for what -would like to unload the barbell, but if you do the bench press, or the butt press, in general, such an exercise is not something that makes you stand up, spin around, or stand, then you need a wife steam-nick, which will unload the barbell. All you need to do is complete 3 rounds of 6-12 reps for training, no more!

Quadruple dropsets - this is a more progressive option, which, of course, reduces weight by only 15% for each approach. Keep in mind that you must every time get us out of the way, most likely, in practice -with every move you make, you will lose not only your weight, but also the number of rep-re-re-ions, this is the re-ko-men-do-et-to-start with that weight, with which you can half-thread 12 times -rhenium. In total, you have completed no more than three laps for the training.

Reverse dropset - this is a variant of a triple dropset with a higher-n-on-g-ruz-ki, when the first approach of the at-let is completed by 20-30 reps. re-niy, then on-ki-dy-va-et the weight and do-la-et 6 rep-re-niy to from-ka-za, on-ki-dy-va-et also and de- -there are 2 repetitions: one with the help of steam. Those-o-re-ti-ches-ki such drop-se-you can be done for all muscles, but training with them is more effective -re-cut the calves, also re-commend-do-you-extend them into large muscle groups: legs, back and chest. We don’t re-co-men-d-eat small muscle groups like that, especially since we don’t re-co-men-d-eat like that. -should-chi-li-mo-you-mi-mo-zhe-ni-ya-mi, if you do, then ma-hi and last 2 under-ho-da at an hour -noy am-pl-tu-de. Such circles can be done 1-2 times per training, and sometimes they are not used even on the headlights. ma-ko-logia ko-leb-let-xia between 2-3 not-de-la-mi.

Progressive dropset – this is a combination of the usual triple dropset and its reverse va-ri-an-ta, when at-let first de-la-et class-si-ches-kiy va-ri-ant, and then reverse. I'm sure that the rest between each step under the house does not exceed 10 seconds. It looks like this: the at-let makes a move for 6-8 reps and lowers the weight by 25%, then de-la- do 12 reps and lower the weight by another 25% to do 20 reps, then skip 10% and makes 12 reps, another 10% and makes 8 reps, another 10% and 4 reps, on -nets, another 10% and 2 repetitions. All it takes is just one approach to get there.

Drop superset – this option involves using some kind of super-se-ta and filling it with ski-dy-va-ni-weight 3 times in a row . For example, you do biceps lifts and French presses. The first approach you do for 10 reps, as usual, first the biceps or triceps, and then the anta-gonist, after that, discount 25-30% and again su-per-set without rest, then another 25% and so on va-de-la-e-te another super set. It is possible to make no more than 3 such circles for training and it is better to use them for training ki ma-lazy muscle groups.

Zero dropset - this is an option when the athlete doesn’t actually move between the two ho-da-mi, and doesn’t even stand up the barbell, uh- that's why for you-not-that-that-drop-se-that-not-about-ho-di-mo 2 on-par-ni-ka. It is clear that this option is not suitable for everyone, for example, with a barbell on your back Definitely don't eat it unless you want to get injured. In other exercises, like the bench press, you can come to the com-p-ro-mis-su, put the barbell on the stand, but, at the same time, 2 quickly take off the pancakes, which practically does not work. But, of course, an ideal example would be the control, you are full on block tr-on-the-same .


Moderate volume – this is a fundamental rule that relates to the three-way process in general, depending on the muscles, central nervous system, heart -tse, ligaments and, in general, all musculoskeletal and nonmusculoskeletal systems, we must receive such a load, which they are sucking on. In this case, when we talk about a moderate volume, we mean that when you choose a drop -you need to learn the level of tre-ni-ro-van-nos-ti at-le-ta and those vi-ta-min-ki, which he has -ma-et. If the athlete does not use any pharma-ma-co-logia, does not use sports nutrition, but he -if it creates a shock to the muscles, then it should be preceded by the simplest option of a triple-drop-set, this will be done more than enough.

Recovery - this is the second cornerstone of building a training program, since, in principle, anyone can build muscles , the question is how to do this sys-te-ma-ti-ches-ki, and even with pro-res-siya nag-ruz-ki. It is precisely for this reason that pi-ta-nie, sleep, regime and all the other factors, from-to-rest new, usually called the key. If the at-year-old does not manage to re-establish himself, then he will simply get himself into trouble. ro-van-nost and instead of prog-res-sa pro-i-zoy-det from-cat. In this case, it is important for us to determine how often we can use drop-sets, and for this we need weight diary-nick tre-ni-ro-vok and watch how our organism reacts to training. This question is very in-di-vi-du-al, which can only be solved ex-peri-men-tal, but here it’s better “not -to-so-pour” than “to-re-so-pour”. We recommend that you start by using drop-sets once a month, not more often!