Effective massage techniques for bust enlargement.  How to properly massage for breast enlargement at home What massage should be done for breast enlargement

Effective massage techniques for bust enlargement. How to properly massage for breast enlargement at home What massage should be done for breast enlargement

The only brochure that mentions this is by Tokuiro Namikoshi. Shiatsu.Japanese finger pressure therapy. Ed. 5th, stereotypical. Kyiv, High School, 1990. BBK 53.58 H24. UDC 615.814.1(017).

Easy to find on the Internet. Or similar publications in Russia and Belarus, only there the numbers of the drawings may not match. Nothing, you can guess the meaning. Many people have read this book, but too inattentively. On the Internet you can find “tips” that say that you just need to press a few points indicated in the book and you will get the result. Alas, you won't get anything, checked. In addition, it is advisable to find a book whose author Gawaa Luvsan

, I don’t remember the name, something about Chinese acupuncture. He has two books, the larger one has large format colored inserts (about a meter long) indicating points on the body. You need the inserts themselves and a method for finding points. It is highly advisable to imagine (ideally in anatomy, but you can also use books) a skeleton, internal organs

, especially the glands, nervous and cardiovascular systems.

It is necessary to take care of your hands with nourishing face creams. The palms should be gentle, the fingertips should be very sensitive. Points on a specific person need to be looked for by touch, with the pad of the middle or ring finger (they are more sensitive). You slide your fingertip in circular or linear movements over the body in the intended area. As a rule, at the desired point it changes slightly in one direction or another skin moisture, slip (stickiness), "velvety" or "silky"

skin. The sensation is at the level of extinction, but you can catch it. Electronic devices can only help at the learning stage, since there are a lot of points, you will be tired of searching with the device, andunknown how this one The device, when used so actively, affects the patient.

It is better to learn from yourself, not from the patient. Don't be afraid, your breasts won't grow. In some places, for example, on the spine, the points are simply felt between the vertebrae. They influence the points mainly with a pad thumb

The method has 3 stages. Indicated in the book, so - briefly

1. Preparatory

Press once (1-3 seconds) on each point indicated in Fig. 8 brochures. This is about 1000 points.

From head to toe, the sequence is in the book, but too strict precision is not needed. Effort is something between painful and pleasant (for her, not for you), closer to pleasant. It’s not a sin if you forget some point. The method of clicking on each group of dots is indicated in the initial chapters of the book. All general chapters (not devoted to specific diseases) must be studied.

2. Impact on the main points

Rice. 61. 3-5 presses for 3-5 seconds each, with a pause between presses of 1-2 seconds. Be careful with the points of the thyroid gland: the effect is not on the throat, but tangentially to it, and weaker than on other points! At the first session 3*3, then gradually increase.

3. Kneading chest massage, fig. 61

This is _NOT_ a muscle massage; the mammary glands cannot be massaged like muscles! Light gentle circular movements. 3-6 minutes or more, at her discretion.

Now something that, by chance or design, is not in the book

I have reason to think that the author of the book deliberately kept silent about some important points. I think the purpose was for someone to try, but it didn’t work out, and he turned to the author. No longer free, of course. That is, the book is just an advertisement. He didn’t think about the fact that this book would be translated and published here.

1. Selection of patients

Must be healthy without chronic diseases, especially gynecological (except, perhaps, for cervical erosion). Particular attention is paid to tendency to mastopathy. Examine your breasts yourself for lumps inside. With your fingers, in a circle. The breast examination technique is possible.

Sufficiently wealthy having the opportunity to eat well: since we are not introducing any drugs, but are trying to awaken internal reserves body, then these reserves must exist.

Age from 18 to 30-35 years. Earlier - there is no point: the body is still growing on its own, and the criminal code can cause trouble; older - there may not be reserves in the body.

However, everything is purely individual, a person is not a robot from an assembly line. As a rule, it does not help those who are prone to obesity, as well as those who are frigid. I don’t know the reason for the fullness, perhaps you just need to press the points harder to push through the fat layer, but I didn’t take any risks. About frigid ones - read below. For the rest - the probability is about 50-60%, no more, an increase by 0.5 - 2 sizes, to “natural” proportions, beyond measure - it won’t work, not silicone, however. My 30 patients are not statistics yet, and then I quit.

Why did you quit? Another job appeared, but doing business with this (shiatsu) was troublesome and unpromising. By the way, about statistics. Be sure to keep a notebook in which you will write data for each patient: age, past illnesses, breast size (number and centimeter) and everything that you can find out about her. And the result obtained. It is advisable to photograph the chest in front and profile, from the same distance, under the same lighting. Before sessions, after sessions and after a month. The more you write down, the easier it will be to analyze later what helps and what doesn’t.

2. During the massage

it is necessary to ask to relax, as indicated in the books of V. Levy on auto-training and others on hypnosis: “The muscles of the face, eyelids, lips, neck, shoulders relax...”, etc. Explain that impact on the points stimulates the body to produce hormone-like substances, which cause the growth of mammary glands. Do not remain silent, constantly convince the patient that she is a beauty, her breasts are also very beautiful, Even without enlargement, and soon it will become even better, that now every minute she should feel like a Woman with a capital W, behave accordingly, like a queen, imagine that her breasts are getting bigger and more beautiful every day, etc. In general, as much as your imagination allows.

3. Kneading massage

should excite the patient, which is what you need to ask her for. At the same time, blood circulates more actively through the chest, bringing there those same hormone-like substances. Without this there will be no result, verified.

There's a problem here. If she doesn’t get excited, and even more so, if touching her is unpleasant, then you can stop, it won’t do any good. Of course, you can try to awaken sensuality in her, teach her to have fun, but this is a topic for another article.

But, it happens that you get too excited, and naturally your nipples or lower abdomen hurt. To say, as a rule, he is embarrassed, offended and leaves without explaining the reasons.

We must warn you that such a reaction is possible. Measures - erotic massage, her husband nearby, or you yourself, this is at her request. But you can’t leave it like that, satisfaction is necessary.

The total session time is 45-60 minutes. The first subtle sensations of the result appear for her in the third - ninth session, for you - somewhere in the eighth. The active increase lasts for a month, and in the second month it subsides. It is advisable to monitor your breasts for mastopathy at this time at least once a week.

Phew, that’s basically it, there are some other subtleties, I’ll remember and write if necessary. Yes, there is probably an article in the criminal code about practicing medicine without education and a license, so be careful.

P.S. If anyone has any questions, write to me privately. I will answer if possible. On various forums they ask questions about this article, for example, is it true that the method only helps up to 30-35 years of age? But I can’t follow all the forums, register specifically and respond to everyone, so it’s better to ask here. In particular, on the question of age, I answer. Nobody has researched this. The brochure says nothing about age, and I limited the age for experimental reasons - that is, I deliberately selected those who were more likely to have the method work. If the body is healthy and full of strength at 40 years old, then why not? Well, at 80 years old - I don’t think so...

Vladimir Zykov

And even those who were lucky with their breasts initially, with age, begin to notice that they lose their elasticity and tone, sag downwards under their own weight and become flabby over the years. Usually in such cases, representatives of the fair sex prefer to seek qualified help from a plastic surgeon or visit cosmetology rooms in beauty salons. But all this not only entails large financial costs, but also poses a certain health risk (surgery and a foreign body inside the chest).

Economical and no less effective method transformation and breast enlargement - special massage, which allows you to improve the condition of the mammary glands, improve the functioning of all organs and systems, and also significantly improves the condition of the skin in the décolleté area.

Types of breast massage

Regular home breast massage, performed strictly according to safety rules and techniques, can even prevent the appearance of cancer cells in the mammary glands. To decide how appropriate this method of breast improvement is, you need to know the “benefits” of massage:

  • reduces pain symptoms during menstruation;
  • relieves increased breast sensitivity during breastfeeding;
  • eliminates swelling;
  • promotes the resorption of tumors in the breast;
  • hides scars and all kinds of scars;
  • helps to resolve stagnant processes breast milk;
  • helps solve side effects after inserting implants into the mammary glands.

Today, experts have developed several effective techniques carrying out massage to transform the shape and size of the breast.

Massage for breast enlargement

Breast enlargement using this principle is possible if you follow three steps.

  • Apply massage oil or any moisturizer to your hand. Additives to oil or cream such as ylang-ylang, lavender or geranium esters will be useful for the breast.
  • Using simple circular movements of the palms, rub the breasts around their circumference, avoiding the nipple area. It is very important to do such manipulations without pressure or pressure, so as not to injure the mammary glands. Hand movements should begin from the outside of the chest and up to the nipples. To obtain the maximum effect, about 300 circular rotations with the palms are performed on one breast.
  • Such self-massage procedures are performed after water procedures; it will be especially useful after a contrast shower. You need to massage every day, spending about 15 minutes on your chest.

Erotic breast massage

This method of transforming the shape and size of a woman’s mammary glands is based on several techniques: stroking, rubbing, light tapping, kneading, vibration.

By following a few steps of erotic massage, you can significantly improve the condition of the mammary glands and skin:

  • barely touching the chest with your palms, you need to gently stroke it, stimulating the erogenous points;
  • then use your fingertips to rub both breasts in a circular motion;
  • Using the fingertips, the mammary glands are kneaded with gentle touches, squeezing and lightly squeezing them;
  • Using pinch-like movements of the fingers, the chest is beaten for some time with light blows;
  • Spring techniques are performed with the fingers or palms.

Only by following this sequence can you give your breasts tone and firmness. When performing it, massage oil or cosmetics are used.

Massage during lactation

Such manipulations with your breasts will bring great benefits not only to the young mother, but also to her baby. Massaging each breast should take no more than 5 minutes. This massage technique allows you to compress the mammary glands, as this promotes the arrival of breast milk. Before starting classes, it is better to express milk, wash your hands thoroughly and moisturize them with baby cosmetic oil.

  • starting from the chest, knead the areas of the mammary glands in a circle using squeezing movements, then moving in a spiral to the nipples, rub each breast with your fingers;
  • stroke the décolleté area from top to bottom with light movements;
  • bending your torso down, lightly shake both breasts with your hands;
  • taking the nipples in two fingers, turn them in different directions, then pull them back and scroll them a little;
  • The final stage of this massage will be circular movements with a stream of warm shower around the areola of the breasts.

Nipple massage

Such procedures will transform the condition of the skin, stimulating blood flow, improving metabolic processes, and also strengthening the muscles of the mammary glands.

  • You need to start massaging your nipples with light strokes;
  • then gently rub the nipples with your fingers;
  • followed by kneading movements with the fingers;
  • The nipples are grabbed with the fingers, then turned to the sides, pulled back and scrolled.

A home contrast shower will be useful for nipples and their stimulation.

Japanese breast massage

To carry out such a massage, you need to know the active points on the female body. There are 8 of them on the neck, 4 on each side of the thyroid gland. The next point will be the place where hair grows at the back of the neck, 6 points are located under the shoulder blades (3 on each side). And directly above the collarbones there are the final 2 points for massage.

Having moistened your hands, use your thumbs to stimulate all active points of the body with gentle pressure for 6-8 seconds. Pressing the points three times, rest for 20 seconds between such impacts.

Vacuum breast massage

To perform this, you need to stock up on special vacuum pads, which can be purchased at any pharmacy branch.

  • massage oil or nourishing cream is applied to the chest;
  • a pump-shaped vacuum pad is applied to each mammary gland;
  • After waiting 10 minutes, the pads are carefully removed.

The rush of blood and the reaction of nerve endings guarantee a quick effect of increasing breast volume.

General safety precautions

Any type of breast massage is based on five safe techniques: stroking, rubbing, kneading, tapping and vibration. Non-compliance simple rules safety, this can lead to injury to the mammary glands and skin, loss of tone and elasticity, and even the occurrence of tumor processes.

  1. To self-massage your breasts, you need to stock up on massage oil, any nourishing cream or baby cosmetic oil. Moisturized hands will prevent the skin from being injured, forming stretch marks and cracks.
  2. Before starting massage courses for breast enlargement and transformation, you need to consult a mammologist or local gynecologist. Any formations, stagnant processes and compactions during the massage can progress to the stage of tumor formations. Often, women without symptoms have fibrous and cystic neoplasms in the mammary glands.
  3. To enhance the beneficial effect of a massage, it is better to carry out regular water procedures before it, for example, a contrast shower.

As the practice of millions of women has shown, with the help of any type of breast massage, you can give it its original shape and fill the mammary glands with additional volume. And during lactation, without massage it is impossible to imagine a sufficient supply of breast milk, the absence of stagnation and stretch marks.

Various massage techniques are used around the world to solve many problems, including breast enlargement. The article will tell you whether it is possible to achieve your goal using it, and what techniques can be used.

Is it possible to increase breast volume using manual techniques?

Experts believe that massage is a safe way to solve this female problem, unlike surgical interventions and the use of hormonal drugs.

By influencing certain areas of the breast, it is possible to increase its size, which is confirmed by clinical studies.

Eat a large number of manual techniques, but it is recommended to use them only after consultation with specialists and undergoing a comprehensive examination for possible contraindications.

How to enlarge breasts with massage

You can carry out the procedure at home or contact a massage therapist. The latter option is considered safer, since growth is stimulated through the correct movement technique.

At home, every woman can use one of the massage options:

  1. Manual (in addition, creams and lotions, washcloths can be used).
  2. Shiatsu.
  3. A Qi technique that helps restore normal estrogen production.
  4. Water.
  5. Vacuum (you need to use a special device for it).

It is important to take into account that none of these practices promise a miracle increase in breast size by two sizes in a week.

In combination with specialized creams and skin care, you can achieve positive results. However, if you stop doing this, soon everything will return to the starting point.

Benefits and possible harms of the procedure

Not only medical specialists speak about the benefits of massage practices; this fact was recorded in the ancient works of healers. TO positive aspects Breast massage includes the following:

  1. The skin begins to tighten.
  2. The breasts regain their former elasticity.
  3. It is possible to adjust the shape.
  4. Stretch marks disappear.
  5. Mammary glands enlarge naturally without the use of medications or synthetic additives.

With constant use of massage in female body the following positive changes occur:

  1. Blood circulation improves.
  2. Muscle tissue gains the necessary tone.
  3. The condition of blood vessels improves, which ensures normal blood flow.
  4. Since nerve endings are stimulated, the functioning of the autonomic nervous system is stabilized.
  5. Normal metabolism is restored.
  6. Toxic substances are removed from the body much faster.

There will be no harm from the procedure if you follow all the rules for its implementation and take into account contraindications.

What results can you achieve with massage?

As already mentioned, no massage technique will help increase your breast size by several sizes in a short period of time. At home, if the procedure is performed correctly, you can get a maximum of plus a few millimeters.

Many experts also recommend using special creams and lotions in addition to special breast enlargement techniques. Through massage, remove breast stretch marks and achieve greater density. With its constant use appearance the bust is getting much better.

How to properly massage for breast growth

Regardless of what technique is used, it is important to remember that all actions are performed superficially and without strong pressure. Rough massage in the chest area is unacceptable, otherwise new stretch marks or serious mechanical damage will appear.

  1. Massaging should go from the nipple to the collarbone area and armpits.
  2. It is allowed to combine massage movements and relaxation. In this case, it is worth determining the evening time for massage after taking water procedures. Then you need to take a lying position.
  3. Before starting the course, it is recommended to visit a gynecologist and undergo an examination for possible cancer or other contraindications.
  4. The average duration of use of any massage technique should not be more than 14 days. Next, a break is required.

Types of massage

Dozens of massage techniques for breast enlargement are known. Among this abundance, it is worth considering some of the most popular and effective.

Hygienic massage for breast growth

It is recommended to use it before bed in the evening, after taking a shower. To make movements easier and more enjoyable, you can use oil (apricot, olive or peach) as an aid. To tone the skin, you can mix sunflower and olive oil in a 1:1 ratio.

IN in this case Several methods are used at once:

  1. Stroking. As a rule, specialists begin their session with them, regardless of the technique. This stage will help prepare the skin for further work and more intense massage.
  2. Rubbing. In this technique, only the fingertips are used, making movements in a circle.
  3. Vibrations. Created through light movements of the palms, you can pat the chest, but without aggressive movements. You should always start from the nipple area, from where the vibration should spread further.

You need to knead your chest very carefully, without causing mechanical damage. It is permissible to use only pinching.


The method is considered one of the most popular. Its impact causes an increase in emissions female hormones, and also helps to correct and tighten the skin in the chest area. Distinctive feature Shiatsu is working with specific points using the thumb. It is not recommended to carry out it yourself without certain knowledge. It is best to contact a knowledgeable specialist.

Each person’s reflexogenic points can be located differently, and in order not to harm the body, only an experienced professional should work with them. General rules:

  • to begin with, the work concentrates only on eight points located in the thyroid gland;
  • each point is gently pressed five times for three seconds;
  • then, where the connection of the skull and spine occurs, you need to find the next point (repeat the same procedure for five seconds);
  • just above the level of the collarbones there are two more points to be affected (you also have to work for no more than five seconds);
  • in the area of ​​the shoulder blades and on the sides there are eight more points with which the same manipulations are carried out.

It is worth taking into account that performing the technique incorrectly, at best, will not give any effect, and at worst, it can cause serious harm to the body.

Massage using Qi technique

It pursues the same goal as other types of massage: the active production of female hormones by influencing certain points. Professionals draw the attention of women to the fact that visible results can only be achieved if they constantly resort to this technique.


  1. Before work, be sure to stretch and warm up your hands. In the process, you need to think only about something positive and kind.
  2. The fingers are spread wide, and thus the hand is placed on the chest.

All movements should be directed inward. You can perform the movements only a certain number of times, a multiple of 36. You can do this during the day and before bed.

Experts working in oriental technology claim that incorrect movements can reduce the volume of the bust.

Breast massager

Manufacturers of these devices base their work on the same principles that are used when using massage techniques. There is an impact on certain groups of points, which stimulates the growth of the mammary glands.

If a woman has decided to purchase such a device, then it will be difficult to choose the best one on her own. It is recommended to go for a consultation with a competent doctor. It is worth noting that some professionals consider the optimal impact only manual massage, others still value modern technical devices more.

Massage for breast growth for a teenager

According to many experts, Taoist technique is suitable for teenagers. In addition to stimulating growth, it will help stop premature sagging.>The essence of the technique is simple and consists of the following: rotate each breast nine times, then concentrate on the nipples, pressing in while inhaling. You shouldn't do it more than nine times.

Indications for the procedure

Massage is considered one of the most ancient medicines, so it will be useful for every person. Upon completion of the course, there is an improvement in the functioning of the immune system, some organs begin to become more active and function more correctly, and chronic diseases recede.

Depending on the technique, you can improve the condition of the spine, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract or cardiovascular system.

Contraindications and restrictions

It is not recommended to conduct experiments on your own body, so it is best to entrust massage to professionals. Among the contraindications are the following:

  • oncological diseases;
  • mastopathy;
  • mastitis;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • skin infections in the chest area;
  • pregnancy.

Some diseases may allow massage, but under certain conditions, so you should not self-medicate. It is better to first go for a consultation with a specialist. With the help of massage techniques, it is indeed possible to achieve breast enlargement, but it is pointless to dream that it will soon grow from the first size to the third.

On average, no more than a couple of millimeters are added in volume, but it is still possible to improve the shape and get rid of sagging. The main thing is to perform all procedures every day and use special creams and oils in addition to them. Otherwise, everything will return to its previous form.

Breast skin and adipose tissue lose their elasticity not only with age: there may be changes during pregnancy, after taking hormonal medications, after sudden weight loss or weight gain. You can restore lost shape or increase breast volume by installing implants, surgical lifts and even subcutaneous injections. However, all these methods have side effects and many contraindications. For firmness and elasticity of the breast skin without risk to health, doctors recommend special massage sessions.

The most popular methods of breast enlargement are surgery, laser correction, and taking hormonal medications and vitamins. Special gymnastics and massage are also effective, but have fewer restrictions and more benefits for the whole body.

Massage to improve firmness and increase breast size has become increasingly popular in the last 10-15 years, and there is a lot of controversy surrounding it.

Is it possible to enlarge breasts by massaging: yes, but for this you need to be patient, follow a diet and exercise regularly.

Massaging the bust at home is also useful because:

  • Improves blood circulation in breast tissue;
  • Increases firmness and elasticity of the skin of the chest and décolleté;
  • Expands the capillary network;
  • Relieves stretch marks;
  • Accelerates the movement of lymph;
  • Restores breast sensitivity after breastfeeding.
  • Due to the direct effect on the skin and nerve endings, the nervous system is stimulated.
  • The appearance of the breast also changes: it becomes firmer and firmer, sagging decreases, and skin color improves.

Before conducting a massage course, you must contact a mammologist and have an ultrasound of the mammary glands. The effect of the procedure will be greater if you combine a massage with a contrast shower and a set of exercises for breast enlargement.


Like any other massage, this type of impact has both benefits and harms. If there are fibrosis or cysts, tumors or lumps, massage of the mammary glands can trigger their development. Strong and rough movements can deform the skin, lead to bruising, swelling, microtrauma and stretch marks. Therefore, during training, movements should be soft and smooth, and if pressure is applied, then without pain.

There are few contraindications for massage:

  • Chronic heart and thyroid diseases in the acute stage;
  • Labored breathing;
  • Violations of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​treatment;
  • Colds;
  • Physical weakness;
  • Increased body temperature.

During pregnancy and lactation, massage procedures should also be avoided. And if during the exposure unpleasant or painful sensations appear, then stop the massage.

Rules for massage

Increasing breast volume only by massaging is a long process, and its duration depends on the characteristics of each woman’s body. Doctors recommend supplementing massage practice with products containing estrogen:

  • Spices (fenugreek, hops, fennel);
  • Oats, barley, wild rice;
  • Vegetables and fruits (do not contain estrogen, but help maintain hormonal balance);
  • Nuts, flax, olives;
  • Avocado and bananas;
  • Fatty sea fish;
  • Milk and dairy products with high fat content.

Tips on how to properly massage your breasts:

  • Make more circular movements away from the nipple area;
  • The best time for a session is after an evening shower;
  • The duration of the first procedures is about 5 minutes, the time is increased gradually and brought to 20 minutes;
  • Each course lasts no more than 14 days, and the break between them is from 3 to 10 days.

When performing a bust massage at home, it is recommended to use certified creams or ointments for breast enlargement. You can also use natural oils and creams to care for the skin of the face and neck: grape seed oil, almond oil, coconut oil, shea oil, jojoba oil, etc.

Types of massage

Classical technique

Start with circular strokes clockwise. If you massage in the opposite direction, you can provoke stretching of the epithelium. Light movements without pressure directed from the nipple take about 1-2 minutes. Circular rubbing is done with the fingertips: it increases the flow of blood to the tissues. When done correctly, the skin moves easily, but folds do not form under the fingers.

Then the skin is actively rubbed with the palm or fists, moving from the upper part of the chest to the lower. Immediately after them - vibration tapping. It consists of alternating pressure and release. The session ends with soft stroking.

Vacuum technology

To carry out this massage, you need a special device - a Bravo vacuum pump. This American development resembles a silicone bra in appearance and consists of a pair of soft cups. They are placed on the chest and air is supplied through hoses.

The device is available in two versions: mechanical and electrical. The first is suitable for home use, the second is used in beauty salons and specialized clinics.

Vacuum breast massage can also be done using conventional massagers with small attachments, but its effectiveness will be lower. You need to massage in a circular motion from the inside to the outside, and from the nipple to the neck.

Hardware massage enlarges the breasts by stimulating blood circulation and estrogen production, as well as the direct effect of compressed air on the skin. The disadvantage of this procedure is the need for regular maintenance sessions and a high probability of getting stretch marks due to aggressive effects on the skin.

Shiatsu acupressure technique

Oriental massage is based on pressure and activation of acupuncture points on the chest. You need to apply pressure according to the following scheme: press, hold for a few seconds, slowly release the pressure. Repeat up to 10 times. If the points are symmetrical, then it is necessary to press synchronously.

Location of points:

  • Under the collarbone on the energy channel of the lungs;
  • Between the 2nd and 3rd rib, on the stomach meridian;
  • Between the 3rd and 4th ribs, on the stomach meridian, above the nipple;
  • On the gallbladder meridian, on the side of the body, under the 4th rib;
  • On the gallbladder meridian, on the side, at the level of the nipple;
  • Below the 5th ribs, on the side of the nipple;
  • Below the 5th ribs, in line with the nipple;
  • On the chest, below the 4th ribs and below the center line of the body.

Additional effects of massage: normalization of hormonal levels, improvement of blood circulation, activation of tissue repair processes, improvement of skin condition and improvement of overall well-being.

Eastern Qi technique

Qi massage also involves influencing certain points. It begins with warming up the hands with vigorous rubbing. While rubbing, you need to visualize how your hands are filled with light and warm healing energy. Widely spaced fingers are placed on the chest and slow massage circular movements begin.

The Qi technique enhances the production of prolactin, which is responsible for the development of the mammary glands. The number of repetitions of movements should be a multiple of 36, but not more than 360 per session. You can do 2 practices a day: morning and evening.

This massage method allows you to strengthen the muscle tissue of the chest, improve the condition of the skin and blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissues. Begin the session by lightly stroking the skin around the nipples with your fingers. Then they are rubbed and kneaded with fingertips. Clockwise and counterclockwise. During the exercise, the occurrence of pain is unacceptable.

Massage with mittens

To conduct a session at the pharmacy, you need to buy a massage mitten. The material is selected based on the sensitivity of the skin: it can be a terry or cotton mitten, or made from natural loofah. The effect of massage is to increase blood flow and cleanse the skin of dead cells. The procedure is carried out on dry skin from the nipple to the armpits and from the armpits to the collarbones. Session time is from 5 to 10 minutes.

Hygiene technology

The best time for this massage is after an evening shower. Clean and dry skin is lubricated with natural oil: sea buckthorn, coconut or apricot. The session begins with soft stroking, after which they move on to circular rubbing. The direction of hand movement is from the nipples to the periphery. The next practice is vibration movements. One hand supports the chest from below, the other creates energetic vibrations along the surface. Kneading is replaced by light pinching. The session ends with deep strokes.

Corrective massage

This practice is effective for stretch marks, sagging skin and blemishes. Before the session, the treatment area must be generously lubricated with breast cream or natural massage oil. Begin with circular energetic movements clockwise and then counterclockwise. Then they move on to active patting with an open palm: from the nipple area to the sides, up and down. The session ends with deep and slow strokes with one hand. The second one supports the chest from below.

Water massage

To increase breast volume and improve its condition, there are two water massage techniques. The first is the use of a medium-pressure jet, which is directed in a circular motion from the nipple area. For each breast, the processing time is 2-4 minutes. It is more effective to use a diffuse jet: it affects a large surface of the skin, activates muscle function, but does not lead to bruises. The water should not be hot. If you carry out the procedure regularly, the first positive changes can be noticed after 2 weeks.

The second technique is a contrast shower without sudden temperature changes. The stream of water is directed first to the shoulder area above the collarbone and then down to the ribs and chest in a circle. Processing time is from 10 to 15 minutes. The procedure is always completed with cool water, and then a moisturizer is applied to the skin. If the practice is carried out during breastfeeding, it is recommended to conduct the session in the morning and evening after feeding.

You can supplement massage treatments with exercises. The simplest and most effective is the prayer pose. Performed from a sitting position. The back is straight, the shoulder blades are brought together. Place your palms at chest level with your fingers pointing upward. Keep your elbows parallel to the floor. Next, the arms are tensed so that the base of the palms presses against each other with force. Hold for 5 to 25 seconds. Repeat the exercise up to 30 times in one approach. You can conduct 2-3 sessions a day.

During massage work, intention and confidence in a positive result are important.

You can improve the condition of your skin and increase the effectiveness of massage treatments with proper nutrition, long sleep, regular walks in the fresh air and swimming. It is also worth excluding hot showers and avoiding long hot baths: they lead to stretching of the skin, which will negatively affect the appearance of the breasts.

Large, lush breasts have always been considered a symbol of femininity and sexuality. Every woman of modest size has at least once thought about how to enlarge her bust. Modern plastic surgery gives us this opportunity. By the way, breast augmentation is the most common operation performed by plastic surgeons. But not every woman will decide to go under the knife. After all, this is not only a risk of asymmetric results, but also serious health consequences. Silicone in the breast prevents a woman from breastfeeding her baby in the future. In addition, breast augmentation surgery is not cheap.

Is it possible to enlarge breasts at home? Is it possible? As you know, breasts consist of muscles, mammary glands and fatty tissue. If you build up your breasts using muscle augmentation, you need to pump up all the pectoral muscles. This will not only slightly increase the size, but will also shape and tighten the bust. Enlarging the mammary gland itself is quite difficult. This can be done by taking hormonal medications. Breasts grow naturally during pregnancy and breastfeeding - due to the filling of the gland with milk. You can enlarge your breasts using fatty tissue, but in this case you will have to recover completely - you are unlikely to like this method.

There is another effective way to enlarge breasts - massage. Here, the bust increase occurs due to improved blood circulation in the tissues. When we massage, we knead all blood flows and vessels, which receive additional nutrition in the form of oxygen and vitamins. With sufficient nutrition, breasts begin to grow and increase on average by half a size. It is better to combine massage with exercises for the pectoral muscles to get a more obvious result.


This is a wonderful type of massage that not only enlarges the breasts, but makes them more toned, elastic and dense. Hydromassage can be done every evening in the shower - it does not require any additional equipment. So let's get started.

  1. First, gently rub your breasts with a washcloth under running warm water. Knead the mammary glands. Then adjust the water so that it feels slightly cool to you. This is the optimal temperature for massage.
  2. Set the shower so that it produces a thin stream of moderate strength. Direct the stream of water onto your breast and make circular movements around the nipple. Be careful not to hit the nipple with a strong stream.
  3. After this, make longitudinal movements with a stream of water - from the armpits to the nipple.
  4. Perform a massage by changing the temperature from hot to cold. A contrast shower will help tighten the skin and make it more elastic.
  5. Perform the massage thoroughly, spending at least 10 minutes on each breast.

This is another popular type of massage. You can do it yourself or involve your spouse in the process (he will be delighted). Before performing a massage, it is very important to go to a gynecologist, do an ultrasound of the breast and consult with a mammologist. After all, if there is a tumor in the breast, your manipulations can provoke its enlargement. Breast massage can be done both sitting and lying down.

  1. It is better to perform massage with cream or lotion. You can use any cosmetic product that provides oiliness and reduces friction. If you have stretch marks on your breasts, you can use special creams to increase the effectiveness of the procedure.
  2. First, warm up your breasts by gently rubbing the entire surface of your bust. Don't touch the nipples - they shouldn't be involved in the process at all.
  3. Rub your breasts in one direction and the other using circular movements. Do at least one hundred repetitions for each gland.
  4. After this, rub your breasts with longitudinal movements - from the nipple to the collarbones, armpits, and ribs.
  5. Tap your chest with your fingertips. Perform patting movements - gently pat each breast with your palm.
  6. Perform a massage with the edge of your palm - gently “tap” the entire mammary gland.
  7. Finish the massage with light, relaxing and stroking movements.

Remember that all movements should be as delicate and careful as possible. After the massage there should be no bruises and, God forbid, bruises. If you massage with all your strength, your breasts will not increase by three sizes. To achieve results, you need discipline and consistency. After just a couple of weeks of regular exercise, you may need new underwear half a size larger.

Vacuum breast massage

The principle of this massage is as follows. With the help of a vacuum container, blood flow to the breast is stimulated, due to which it increases. A special device acts like a “full lip” for lip augmentation.

The bust is lubricated with greasy cream or other cosmetic product. The device is placed on the chest and air is sucked out using a pump. Thanks to the vacuum, more blood flows into the breasts and it becomes plump. Due to the rush of blood, the sensitivity of the nipples also increases, which is good news.

Among the disadvantages of this procedure, one can note the short-term effect obtained. After a few hours, the blood flows back, and the breast returns to its previous shape. This method is great for emergency breast enlargement - before a party or other important event. In addition, a strong and sudden increase in breast size by a full size can contribute to the formation of stretch marks on the skin.

It is not recommended to use a vacuum device constantly. Frequent use can cause hematomas and internal bruising in the chest area.

Sometimes, to feel great, it’s enough to find your person who will tell you that your miniature and firm breasts are much more beautiful than huge, unshaped breasts. Be yourself and love yourself in any condition!

Video: how to enlarge breasts without surgery