How to properly clean the pores on your face.  Sebaceous plugs: causes and treatment methods

How to properly clean the pores on your face. Sebaceous plugs: causes and treatment methods

The skin is covered with pores. They can quickly become clogged with fatty secretions, various cosmetics and dirt. The formation of dry and dead skin cells cannot be avoided. Due to excess white blood cells, the skin may become inflamed.

To avoid pimples and acne, pores need to be cleaned regularly and properly. The procedures must be done every day. It is important to choose the most effective care products. One of the most effective remedies is a scrub. With its help, you can get rid of unnecessary skin fat, makeup residues and dead cells.

Remedies you can make yourself will help get rid of clogged pores and make your skin perfect. Houses using the most common products.

Here are 7 of the best:

1. Steaming the skin

Steaming the skin is a budget-friendly and highly effective remedy - after just a few procedures, you can forget about blackheads. Steaming helps open pores so you can remove any type of dirt.

How to carry out the procedure?

  • First, pour clean water into the container.
  • Heat it until steam appears.
  • Place a thick fabric towel over your head and lower your head over the container so that the steam warms the skin.
  • You need to stay in this position for 10 to 15 minutes. Again, consider how your skin reacts to such a procedure.
  • After the specified time has passed, dry your face thoroughly with a towel.
  • Now you can apply the cleansing mask to your face, as the skin is more amenable to cleaning.

To notice positive changes in your skin condition, perform the procedure a couple of times a week. Naturally, the frequency depends on the condition of the skin and how it reacts to cleansing. Attention: during steaming, make sure that no drops of water get on your skin. Otherwise you may get burned.

2. Cleanse your skin with sugar

Cosmetics option 1

It is also possible to cleanse your facial skin with sugar. The most common sugar, which is found in every kitchen, will even help get rid of scar tissue. Sugar, thanks to granules, exfoliates the skin well without damaging it. And its natural origin prevents the occurrence allergic reactions. So products that contain sugar are completely safe for your skin.

Cosmetics option 2

To prepare cosmetic product sugar based at home, do the following:

  • Grind the granules into a fine powder. You will need about two to three spoons.
  • Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into a separate container. You should not use store-bought juice, as it may contain flavors, dyes and various fragrances.
  • To obtain a consistency that is easy to apply, use water. You should end up with a thick paste.

So apply it to the skin. The product does not need to be left on the skin; just massage for five minutes. In order to thoroughly cleanse the skin now of cosmetics, wash with warm water. In order to fix the result and prevent drying of the skin, use a cream with a light texture.

Repeat every week. More often it is not advisable. After all, this will already be enough to keep your skin clean and toned.

3. Honey for facial cleansing

Natural honey will also help prevent clogged pores. The substance also reduces the amount of sebum that is produced throughout the day. Regularly cleansing your skin with honey can also help make your pores appear less noticeable. Honey, among other things, also effectively moisturizes the skin.

How to cleanse pores with honey?

Here are a few simple rules that will help keep your skin in excellent condition:

  • Honey is applied and rubbed into the skin along massage lines.
  • The substance must be left on the skin for several minutes.
  • It must be washed off with warm water.
  • The procedure should be carried out several times a week. This way you can avoid clogging your pores.

The recipe is as follows:

You will need a few spoons of natural honey. To warm up and cleanse the skin well, you also need to add cinnamon. Take about two spoons of powder. Attention: the mask is applied only to those areas of the skin that cause discomfort.

The mixture you prepared should remain on the skin for about twenty minutes. To rinse thoroughly, use warm water and sponges.

The procedure can be repeated twice a week. This way you can effectively cleanse your pores of dirt and grease, and also prolong your youth. skin.

The following recipe is no less effective.

  • Use natural yogurt without additives as a base.
  • Pour a spoonful of liquid honey into it.
  • Also add some olive oil.
  • Apply the resulting and well-beaten mixture to the skin.
  • Leave it for fifteen minutes.
  • Rinse off as in the recipe above, only with warm water.

This product helps to significantly improve the tone of the skin. It is necessary to repeat two to three times a week.

Lemon actively used in cosmetology to clean pores. Lemon acid, which is found in lemons, exfoliates the skin, removes dirt and sebum.

To gently cleanse your skin of impurities, apply lemon juice to a separate area. Next, follow these steps:

  • Gently rub it into the surface of the skin for 5-10 minutes.
  • Rinse off any remaining juice with warm water.
  • Apply moisturizer.

This way you will prevent the possibility of irritation. In order to achieve positive changes in the skin, perform the procedure every other day.

Lemon juice can also be added to facial scrubs. To obtain a cosmetic product, add one spoon of juice to plain yogurt. Also add a spoonful of liquid honey and about five tablespoons of sugar.

It is necessary to scrub the skin for two to three minutes. Leave the mask on for ten minutes. Remove the product with warm water. The procedure must be done twice a week.

Lemon peel to clean pores

Lemon peel is also used as a cosmetic product. She happens to be effective means to cleanse the skin. To cook at home good remedy To cleanse your skin, you can simply grate a lemon peel and apply the resulting mixture to your face. Leave the product on for a few minutes. It must be washed off with warm water. It is better to do the procedure twice a week.

5. Cleaning your skin with baking soda

Using soda You can thoroughly cleanse your skin pores, get rid of dead skin cells, and remove other types of pollutants. Baking soda also helps balance the skin's pH. The skin will be silky and elastic.

The recipe for the product is quite simple:

  • Dilute baking soda water. (The output will be a thick paste)
  • Rub the paste into your skin in a circular motion.

Do the procedure for a couple of minutes.

The soda mass should be left on the skin for 5-7 minutes.

Remove with heated water. It should be used no more than once a week.

Second preparation option:

  • Take a few spoons of soda, add a spoon of cinnamon and the juice of half a lemon, a few spoons of liquid honey.
  • Whisk the ingredients well.
  • Leave the mixture for five minutes.

Apply in the same way as in the first case.

The procedure should be done once or twice a week.

6. Cleansing and moisturizing the skin with eggs

Fine helps get rid of blackheads egg white. The substance is good:

  • tones the skin;
  • improves its characteristics;
  • reduces pores;
  • prevents clogging of pores.

To prepare the product:

  • Beat the white of one egg.
  • Place the mixture in the refrigerator.
  • Cool for about five minutes.
  • Add the juice of half a lemon.
  • Apply the mixture to your skin.
  • Leave for 10 minutes, allowing to dry thoroughly.
  • The mask should be washed off with warm water.

As an alternative, you can apply a scrub to your skin, also prepared at home. For this:

  • Take chopped almonds, egg white and honey.
  • Mix all the ingredients until they turn into a thick paste.
  • Apply the scrub to your face, rub in with light pressing movements.
  • Leave on the skin until the product is completely dry. You can remove the scrub with a damp cloth.

The procedure should be done once or twice a week.

7. How to care for your skin using regular parsley

You can not only clean your pores, but also prevent them from getting dirty. Parsley is used for this. It removes toxins well, as well as other substances that can negatively affect the condition of your skin.

In order to carry out a healing procedure, you must:

  • Place parsley in a bowl.
  • Rinse it thoroughly with running water.
  • Pour boiling water over the greens.
  • Allow to cool and then filter the liquid.
  • Soak a clean cloth in the solution.
  • Later, place it on the skin, leaving it for 10-15 minutes.

In order to achieve the best results, repeat the procedure every day.

You can improve your skin condition more gradually. For example, drink more clean water, avoid eating fatty or too spicy foods. And makeup products should be selected more carefully. The least dangerous are water-based cosmetics. Also, don't forget to remove your makeup before going to bed.


Before cleansing, remove any remaining makeup from your face and wash thoroughly. To achieve the best results, you should steam the skin. This can be done using a container with hot water. Cover your head with a towel and lower your face over the dishes. For oily skin the procedure can last up to 10 minutes. For dry skin, 3 minutes is enough. To make the procedure more pleasant and useful, add a drop to the water. essential oil or an infusion of herbs such as chamomile and sage. Contraindications to this procedure are the presence of spider veins, skin diseases and hypersensitivity.

For deeper cleansing of pores, mix fine salt or sugar with makeup remover or other facial product. Take no a large number of the resulting product and gently massage your face, avoiding sensitive areas around the eyes and lips. Pay the most attention to heavily contaminated areas of the skin. Do not use this scrub if you have inflammation or acne. This procedure can injure the skin and spread infection.

Use a scrub made from ground coffee and sour cream or heavy cream. To do this, mix the ingredients in the proportion you need and gently rub your face. There are a large number of options for preparing scrubs from improvised means. Choose the one that suits you best and use 2-3 times a week to cleanse pores, renew skin and remove dead skin particles. When choosing a factory-made scrub, rely on your skin type. For dry skin, products with a more oily and soft texture, which will not injure and dry out even more. For those with oily skin, products without oils, but with harsher abrasive particles, are suitable.

After cleansing the pores with a scrub, apply a pore-tightening mask to your face. To do this, mix raw yeast with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide and milk in equal proportions. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with cool water. The mask and milk are very effective. Mix a tablespoon and a tablespoon of milk and heat the mixture in microwave oven. Apply the mixture to heavily soiled areas of the face for 15 minutes. Remove the resulting film. All dirt, even deep ones, will remain on it.

Black clay perfectly cleanses pores. You can buy it at any pharmacy or large store for little money. Dilute the clay with water to obtain a fairly thick paste and apply to the skin of the face. When the mask dries and becomes grey colour, rinse it off first with warm and then cool water.

After the cleansing procedure, wash only with cool water and gently pat your skin with a towel, without causing unnecessary injury. Effectively tightens pores and prevents increased pore contamination using a special toner. It can be purchased or homemade. Use as a tonic green tea, aloe juice or diluted lemon juice.

Today, a considerable number of different products have been developed to maintain the beauty of the face and to clean it. Experts have created a whole series of beauty products: tonics, lotions, masks, scrubs, peelings, creams and other cosmetics, the prices of which are completely different: from cheap to terribly expensive. Do they all help the skin?

Por are largely interrelated concepts, so today we will talk about them as something unified.

Scientists who work in the field of cosmetology claim that many products that young people use are very harmful to the skin and should be avoided... But with facial cleansing you should be especially careful, since this procedure is the most important: the condition depends on it skin.

What should not be in store-bought facial cleansers?

  • Gluten.
  • Glycols.
  • Bentonite.
  • Animal fat (animal flat, tallow).

Pore ​​cleansing is a procedure used to completely cleanse the face. This procedure should be approached very delicately and performed exclusively according to the instructions, as it can damage the epidermis of the skin. You can cleanse your pores at home or seek help from a cosmetologist.

It is worth mentioning a more complex cosmetic process. As you understand, we will not deviate from the topic. IN in this case this means a service such as deep cleansing por. This is a much more complex set of procedures, which, moreover, should be performed exclusively by qualified specialists, since otherwise the likelihood of worsening the skin condition is very high.

Reasons for the formation of sebaceous plugs


  • Wrong care for your facial skin.
  • Poor nutrition.
  • Dehydration of the skin.

Foods that cause clogged sebaceous glands

  • Sausages and smoked meats.
  • Mayonnaise and sauces.
  • Roast.
  • Bakery.

These products should definitely be excluded from intake or their consumption should be reduced to a minimum.

Deep pore cleansing and its types

  1. Mechanical cleaning (carried out manually and is considered the most painful).
  2. Chemical facial cleansing (use and chemicals, containing an impressive percentage fruit acids).
  3. Ultrasonic cleaning using ultrasound).
  4. Vacuum cleaning (a special device is used to suck out all contaminants).
  5. Brossage or brushing (exfoliation of the top layer of skin using special attachments).
  6. Disincrustation (cleansing of the skin under the influence of negatively charged electrons).

Cleansing pores at home

You can do it at home too. However, to do this, you should learn to correctly perform the actions that will be described below.

If you have problematic skin, then a pore cleansing mask is your option. You can improve the condition of your facial skin in any case, even the most advanced ones. The main rule is not to give up.

Homemade masks for cleansing pores are gaining more and more popularity every year, as they do not require large financial and physical costs. Let's talk about them next.

Stages of facial cleansing

  1. Cleansing the epidermis of greasy deposits, dust or surface dirt.
  2. Steaming the facial skin (avoid using creams and other products).
  3. Using a peeling or scrub (you can apply a mixture prepared by yourself, or use a purchased product (check the composition carefully).
  4. Removing blackheads. Do the procedure with your hands (cut your nails, thoroughly disinfect your hands).
  5. Skin disinfection with hydrogen peroxide.
  6. Closing pores (using special masks).
  7. Soothe your facial skin (apply a non-greasy cucumber cream or mask).

Types of masks for use at home

Express face mask using aspirin

Grind acetylsalicylic acid in a coffee grinder (or other available means), mix with vitamin C. Clean your face of all cosmetics, then wash with fairly hot water (just do not burn your skin). Take one tsp. the resulting aspirin flour and dilute it with cooled boiled water (consistency of gruel, medium thickness). The resulting mixture is applied to the face in a circular motion. After the mask has dried, begin to wipe your face in a circular motion with a swab previously moistened with water (slightly moistened), thoroughly rubbing your nose, forehead and chin. Rinse off any remaining residue with water and apply a mask that tightens pores. When finished, moisturize your face with cream.

Moisturizing the skin after cleansing

You can help your skin after cleansing by using homemade creams. To effectively moisturize the skin after the procedure, resort to the following options:

  • One tsp. honey should be mixed with a tablespoon coconut oil and add to this 1 tsp. lemon juice. Spread a thin layer of cream evenly over the face and rinse with water after half an hour. Store leftovers in the refrigerator for up to a week.
  • Almond oil is considered another skin moisturizer. Due to the high content of vitamin E, the oil perfectly tightens pores. The method of using it is quite simple: you need to drop 4-5 drops of almonds onto a cotton swab and wipe your face with it. You don't have to wash it off.
  • Let's not forget about regular cream with minimal fat content. It is best to use any baby cream. It should be applied in a thin layer to the skin, lightly massaging it. Then remove the remaining cream with a regular napkin.
  • And, of course, honey is the most powerful moisturizer. One tsp. Honey should be diluted with water (a few drops) and the mixture should be applied to the face. After a third of an hour, rinse off the applied moisturizer, first with moderately hot water, then with ice water (without interruption).

Facial cleansers

  1. Masks.
  2. Scrubs.
  3. Tinctures.
  4. Decoctions.
  5. Specially developed cosmetics.
  6. Lactic and fruit acids.

Before using one or another version of the mask, make sure that you are not allergic to its ingredients. If your face begins to burn or becomes very red, immediately wash off the mask and apply a thick layer of facial moisturizer.

Of course, it is impossible to get your face in order in one day, but the effect of the procedures is noticeable after the first time. In very advanced cases, facial cleansing is done in several procedures, which are extended over significantly longer periods. However, it's worth it. In the meantime, follow the instructions, alternate masks, eat right - and the result will not keep you waiting. Good luck to you, dear girls and women, in achieving your goal!

Sebaceous plugs on the face are probably known to everyone - such rashes can appear both at a young age and at an older age. By the way, sebaceous plugs on the face are a fairly serious cosmetic defect, so you need to know not only the reasons for their appearance, but also methods to solve the problem.

As a rule, it is the increased oiliness of the skin that leads to the appearance of characteristic rashes. The fact is that with this type of skin, the pores are always enlarged and dirt, dust, and dead scales of the epidermis naturally accumulate in them. And do not forget that through these very pores the secretion of the sebaceous glands comes out, and if they are clogged, then an accumulation of all components occurs.

What can cause increased oily skin? Firstly, it may be a genetic predisposition - according to statistics, oily skin type is in most cases inherited by children from their parents. Secondly, hormonal background plays a big role in shaping the type of skin - for example, a woman may have a normal skin type, but during pregnancy the hormonal background changes and after childbirth the skin becomes oily. Thirdly, sebaceous plugs can appear if improper skin care is carried out.

In general, to solve the problem under consideration, you need to take an integrated approach. It will not be enough to just start regularly carrying out caring procedures; you will need to change your lifestyle, adjust your diet, and use traditional methods getting rid of sebaceous plugs. But first of all, you need to visit a cosmetologist and find out the cause of the problem in question. If sebaceous plugs are associated with disturbances in hormonal background, then you will need to consult an endocrinologist and possibly undergo a course of treatment. If sebaceous plugs are just a consequence of an incorrect approach to preserving and strengthening the health of facial skin, then a specialist will give clear and effective recommendations.

Nutrition for sebaceous plugs on the face

Usually, the sebaceous glands begin to actively produce their secretion due to poor nutrition. It is not surprising that cosmetologists, when working with patients regarding sebaceous plugs on the face, refer them to a nutritionist. To properly adjust your diet, you need to follow some rules:

Such a diet will not only help normalize the functioning of the digestive system, but will also help you get rid of extra pounds - such a pleasant “bonus”.

Yes, yes, in order to get rid of sebaceous plugs, you will have to reconsider your lifestyle. First, it is necessary to exclude development. This means that you need to properly combine active physical activity and rest - walk more, do a 10-minute warm-up in the morning, every 2 hours at sedentary work perform 5-10 squats or 5-10 bend-overs.

One more thing - it is highly advisable to give up nighttime gatherings and learn to fully rest at night. An adult needs 6-8 hours a day and it is completely useless to try to replace night sleep daytime - the body will still work with disturbances.

  1. Mechanical cleaning. This is the simplest and cheapest procedure. The specialist steams the face and, with clean hands, removes (squeezes out) each fragment of the rash. The benefits of this method of facial cleansing are very questionable - the patient experiences pain, for several hours or even days the face will have a red tint and slight swelling, and after a short time the rashes will return.
  2. Dry cleaning. The procedure is carried out using fruit acids - they can not only thoroughly warm the skin, but also partially dissolve sebaceous plugs. The face will become fresher, the skin will renew itself, and the sebaceous plugs will turn white.

  1. Laser therapy. Many cosmetologists consider laser exposure to be one of the most effective methods getting rid of sebaceous plugs on the face. Moreover, this procedure is absolutely painless, does not require the patient to stay in a medical institution, and does not leave marks on the face.

In some cases, peeling with special scrubs helps get rid of sebaceous plugs on the face. You can undergo this procedure, but first you still need to get permission for such treatment from a doctor.

Treatment of sebaceous plugs at home

There are also a lot of means of getting rid of sebaceous plugs on the face, which traditional medicine offers for use. In general, even at home you can significantly reduce the number of rashes and improve your appearance.

Infusion of celandine

You need to take the celandine herb, wash it and chop it thoroughly with a knife or in a blender - the output should be 4 tablespoons of raw material. Then the resulting mass is poured with 6 glasses of water, boiled for 5 minutes and left for 8 hours.

How to use: every day, after washing, you need to wipe your face with a napkin soaked in the prepared infusion - at least 2 times a day. You can make lotions at night - just apply a napkin soaked in the medicine to problem areas of the face for 10-15 minutes.

Dandelion root

You need to chop the dandelion root along with the peel. Take 1 tablespoon of crushed raw materials and pour 250-300 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes.

How to use: you need to drink ½ cup of the prepared infusion every evening before going to bed. Treatment should be carried out for at least 10 days in a row. During this time, the functioning of the digestive system is normalized and the amount of secretion from the sebaceous glands will decrease.

Take 1 teaspoon of dried or fresh yarrow flowers, brew 1 cup of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes.

How to use: An infusion of yarrow flowers is used for washing in the morning. In the evening, you can moisten gauze or a cloth napkin in a warm infusion and apply it to your face - this lotion helps not only draw out already accumulated dirt, but also narrow the pores.

Pumpkin and nettle mask

Take 3 tablespoons of nettle leaves and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes. Grate the pumpkin pulp on a fine grater - you should get 2 tablespoons of the mixture. Next, pour 1 tablespoon of nettle leaf decoction into the resulting pumpkin pulp and add 1 teaspoon of oatmeal, mix everything thoroughly.

How to use: Once every 2 days you need to apply the mixture prepared according to the recipe presented on your face and keep it in this position for 25 minutes. Then wash with warm water and dry the skin.

Dairy products and egg whites

Once a week it will be useful to make a mask from egg white, a tablespoon of sour cream or the same amount of kefir.

How to use: Apply to previously cleansed face ready mixture, leave for 15-20 minutes and wash off with warm water and soap.

Steam baths

For them, you can use regular boiled water or a decoction of chamomile, sage leaves, and thyme. This decoction is prepared according to the classic recipe: 1 tablespoon of dry raw materials per 250-300 ml of boiling water, infused for 15 minutes.

How to use: clean your face of makeup and dust (wash), pour hot broth or water into a wide, but not deep basin and tilt your face over it, covering yourself with a towel. The procedure takes 15 minutes.

Experts recommend using alcohol-based lotions, soaps and gels with a drying effect as part of facial skin care. The fact is that excess oiliness of the skin can only be removed by drying it - just these products will help with this.

Why do some people have no visible changes on their face associated with sebaceous plugs, although their skin cannot be called normal or dry? It's simple - they competently take care of their skin and follow doctors' recommendations to prevent the occurrence of the problem in question. These include:

  1. Power control. It is necessary to carefully monitor your own diet, but rare violations and consumption of too fatty foods will not be a tragedy.
  2. Regular cleansing of facial skin. To do this, you need to use professional cosmetics - gels, tonics, lotions, scrubs, creams and so on. They must be selected in exact accordance with your skin type and age.
  3. Use of medicinal plants. Even without visible sebaceous plugs on your face, you can wash your face with a decoction of chamomile or sage, wipe your face with ice cubes from the infusion of the string, make lotions and masks from pumpkin and nettle decoction.

Sebaceous plugs on the face can cause a lot of inconvenience - from spoiled appearance to psycho-emotional disorders. That is why you need to constantly take care of your skin, and if the problem actively progresses, seek help from a doctor.

Tsygankova Yana Aleksandrovna, medical observer, therapist of the highest qualification category

There are tiny holes in the skin through which oxygen enters the cells, and decay products formed as a result of metabolism come out. These are pores. They allow the epidermis to look flawless.

However, in normal condition they can be found very rarely. Some suffer because they are very narrow. For some they are too wide. In the latter case, the problem will be clogged pores, which are a serious obstacle to skin breathing. Her solution lies in thorough facial cleansing and additional care for the epidermis.


To begin with, it’s a good idea to find out why the pores on your face are clogged. There may be one reason, but most often there is a whole combination of factors at work. Think about which of the following is present in your life and how much it could affect the condition of your skin.

  1. For both skin types, the glands produce too much sebum. If these circumstances are complemented by insufficient care of the epidermis and an incorrect lifestyle, you should not be surprised that your pores are clogged with sebum.
  2. If you don't clean your face regularly, your pores will accumulate makeup residue, dust and dirt particles. Forming a dense mass, they clog holes in the skin. Subcutaneous fat is added to them from the inside, the production of which does not stop for a minute. The result is inflammation on the face in the form of pimples and blackheads.
  3. If you use cosmetics that are completely unsuitable for your skin type, contamination cannot be avoided.
  4. The abundance on the face (in several layers) is another reason for our misfortune. This creates a non-breathable mask on the skin, which is harmful to the health of the epidermis.
  5. The glands begin to produce a lot of sebum when eating the “wrong” foods: fast food, smoked meats, marinades, chips, crackers, carbonated and alcoholic drinks, hot seasonings, sauces, mayonnaise, sweets.
  6. Rare minutes in the fresh air and preference for a dusty office or apartment is another circumstance that provokes this phenomenon.

Knowing why pores become clogged, you can analyze your lifestyle and how you use cosmetics and draw appropriate conclusions. It's time to change something - otherwise the condition of the epidermis will only get worse every day. But before you take action, make sure that you actually have clogged pores and not some kind of skin disease.

Helpful information. Comedogenicity is the ability of cosmetic products to pollute and clog pores.


It is not possible to recognize the problem right away, since clogged pores on your face will begin to ruin your life only after all the debris accumulated in them begins to rot. It is at this moment that the most unpleasant surprises await you. The main symptoms are the following:

  • the texture of the skin changes: if before it was more or less smooth, now it is all covered with small tubercles, wavy and looks very unkempt;
  • inflammation begins to appear: pimples and acne, as in adolescence;
  • black dots form on the nose, chin and forehead;
  • the complexion became reddish-blue, the healthy and natural blush disappeared;
  • when you look in the mirror you can see how it looks, which also does not improve your appearance.

If you are guilty of using some cosmetic product and do not know how to understand that the cream is clogging your pores, conduct an experiment. Stop using it for a while - if the above symptoms begin to gradually disappear, your suspicions are not in vain. But throwing it away is not a solution to the problem. It will be replaced by another product, which will also lead to dirt on the face. Therefore, the only sure way is to start regular cleaning of the epidermis.

Methods of cleansing

Ultrasonic facial cleansing

Don't know how to get rid of clogged pores on your face that prevent your skin from breathing and looking flawless? Cleaning is here The best way to eliminate this cosmetic defect. But you can undergo this procedure at home, or you can make an appointment with a specialist in the salon.

Salon facial cleansing

If you want to clean clogged pores on your face for a long time and efficiently, it is better to sign up for one of salon treatments.

  • Manual

Manual cleaning is one of the most effective methods get rid of clogged pores on the face, despite the fact that it is gradually being replaced by cosmetic devices. First, the skin enjoys a steam bath with herbs (the pores open as much as possible at this moment). Then the doctor removes pimples, blackheads, and blackheads manually. It is applied, which relieves irritation and makes the complexion smooth and natural. But there are also disadvantages - the procedure is painful and highly traumatic. The rehabilitation period is several hours (5-7), during which severe redness of the skin may occur.

  • Mechanical

Mechanical facial cleansing is another way to clean clogged pores, no less effective, but just as traumatic and painful. It is not done by hand, but with the help of special tools - a spatula-spoon and a strainer.

  • Vacuum

Vacuum cleaning allows you to get rid of clogged pores using hardware cosmetology. Blackheads, sebaceous plugs, exfoliated and already dead cells, dust, dirt - all this is drawn out with air through a special nozzle on the device. The advantage is painlessness, the disadvantage is insufficient depth of cleaning: debris may still remain on the lower layers of the epidermis.

  • Ultrasonic

Ultrasonic cleaning allows you to clean heavily clogged pores - that’s why it is so in demand today. In this case, the specialist adjusts the wavelength depending on the depth of the blockage. Ultrasound simultaneously evens out the relief, narrows pores, makes the blood pulsate faster, and gives the epidermis a blooming appearance.

  • Laser

The laser, like ultrasound, penetrates to a sufficient depth, breaking down subcutaneous debris and clearing clogged pores. This is a completely painless and safe procedure.

Do not forget that you will have to pay for the salon’s services. Then how can you clean clogged pores at home using the most common means at hand?

Homemade facial cleansing

To free clogged pores from excess debris on your own, at home, you must first choose a facial cleansing method that is right for you.

  1. Daily cleansing in the form of washing in the morning and evening (at least) using various serums, gels, foams, milk, etc.
  2. Steam bath with herbs (you can take calendula, celandine or chamomile) 1-2 times a week.
  3. After it, it’s a good idea to scrub your face with a scrub every time.
  4. Sensitive skin need gommage.
  5. If your pores are clogged, you can use a cleansing film mask after the scrub.

All cleansing products can be purchased at the store (or pharmacy). Can you cook with my own hands Houses. It all depends on your individual preferences and financial capabilities.


  • Oatmeal scrub

Grinded in a coffee maker cereals dilute with water to a creamy consistency (read more about oatmeal scrubs and their benefits).

  • Clay masks

Cosmetic clay powder is diluted in warm water to the desired consistency and applied to the face for 20 minutes.

  • Swedish mask

3 tsp. mix low-fat cottage cheese with 1 tsp. honey. The duration of action is half an hour.

  • Gelatin mask

2 tablets crushed into powder activated carbon mix with 2 tsp. gelatin. Pour 4 tsp. milk. Stir, break out any lumps. Action time is 7-10 minutes.

  • Rice scrub

1 tbsp. l. Mix crushed rice with 1 tbsp. l. honey and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

  • Argan oil

Argan oil also helps well against clogged pores: you need to lubricate your face with a thin layer an hour before bed. Before going to bed, remove any residue with a cotton pad.

With the help of these remedies, clogged pores on your face will no longer interfere with your life. The skin texture will become even and smooth, the complexion will noticeably improve. But don’t let this reassure you: don’t let your guard down. From now on, carry out such cleanings regularly. And to prevent re-contamination, take into account the advice of cosmetologists and dermatologists.