Transformable stroller pros and cons.  Transformable strollers: pros and cons

Transformable stroller pros and cons. Transformable strollers: pros and cons

When choosing it, pay attention to:

  • protective functions (the cradle should not be blown out) wheels (if the first wheels are not fixed and rotate freely, the stroller will be more maneuverable, however, there should be locks on the front wheels, because, for example, driving through the snow with constantly rotating wheels will be extremely difficult );
  • the presence of removable fabric elements (in modern strollers, almost all elements are unfastened and can be washed in washing machine);
  • the fabric of the stroller must be water-repellent, the presence of reflective elements - for walks in the dark, the presence of a special raincoat for the cradle, a mosquito net and a bag for mother, the presence of a convenient handle for carrying the cradle separately from the base with wheels;
  • optimal stroller weight;
  • The width of the cradle should be commensurate with the entrance to the elevator.

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Victoria mother of Yaroslav (2 years old):

Our Yaroslav was supposed to be born in January, so when choosing a vehicle, we took into account its cross-country ability in the snow. I spent a long time choosing our cradle and found our Inglesina.

The advantages of our stroller: a warm cradle, a comfortable passable chassis, internal covers can be easily removed and washed at 30 degrees, inflatable wheels(pump included) quality material cradles, a spacious basket, the chassis fits into the elevator without any problems.

The stroller is designed for children from 7 months to 3 years

home distinguishing feature- light weight and compactness. What to look for when choosing a stroller:

  • light weight, backrest adjustability (for example, if a child falls asleep while walking, it is better to lower the backrest to a horizontal position);
  • stability (the stroller should not wobble or tip over at the slightest tilt of the child);
  • presence of an adjustable handle;
  • the complete set of the stroller is assembled;
  • the ability to remove the wheels from the base (for example, so that the stroller can easily fit into the trunk of a car);
  • the barrier or table for toys must be unfastened so that it is convenient for the child to get out of the stroller;
  • the presence of a protective hood from rain and sun; the presence of a warm envelope for the feet (for the cold season or during rain);
  • mosquito net and rain cover included.

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Anna - mother of Oksana (1.5 years):

It so happened that we didn’t have to buy a stroller-cradle thanks to friends who allowed us to use theirs. But as soon as Oksanochka grew up and stopped falling asleep on the street, she tried to ride in a stroller only while sitting and looking around. That's when we bought a stroller for our travels within the city and beyond. We grew up in the spring and summer, so we immediately put the warm envelope aside and didn’t use it, but the raincoat really helped out. Therefore, I advise you to consider models with big amount useful accessories. I chose the stroller based on two parameters - weight and a durable back that reclines to a lying position. Fortunately, there was plenty to choose from and we safely rolled our stroller for the allotted time.

A cane stroller is indispensable for long trips, trips to the store, walks in the park.

When choosing it, consider:

  • first of all, quality: is the seat comfortable, is the transformation mechanism reliable, will the stroller fold spontaneously, how convenient is it to fold, unfold and carry the stroller in one hand, does the stroller have one horizontal handle - this will make it more convenient to operate it even with one hand;
  • how exactly the stroller folds: are all the wheels on the bottom or half of them on top (this matters when traveling in public transport or at home, when you need to lean the stroller against the wall after a walk in bad weather).

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Irina - mother of Vasilisa (5 years old):

We didn’t have our own cane stroller, as we opted for a universal 2 in 1 stroller. Our daughter slept outside for a long time, so we chose the walking option with a rigid back and a comfortable recline angle. And so, as soon as we got ready to go on vacation, our relatives suggested that we take their cane with us. How grateful we are to them for this! Even though my daughter was 2.3 years old and no longer sat in a stroller at home, the trip to the sea changed her attitude towards the stroller. We were able to go on long walks and go on excursions. At the same time, the child did not get tired at all. There were no issues with the plane either. We dropped off our stroller right before the plane and got it back along with all our luggage. Very comfortably.

When purchasing a transformable stroller, special attention should be paid to the back of the stroller in a lying position.

It should be perfectly smooth. This stroller must be equipped with seat belts; all positions must be secured easily and securely. The intermediate position should be such that the baby can easily look around, but still be in a semi-lying position. A position that is too low will not please the baby, and a position that is too high is unsafe for the child’s spine if he is not yet sitting on his own. It’s good if the stroller can have several intermediate backrest positions.

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Ekaterina - mother of Arina (2.5 years old):

I will never buy a transformer again for the following reasons:

1. Very heavy. In our house, the elevator often didn’t work and returning from a walk was pure agony.

2. Uncomfortable for the baby.

3. We almost didn’t use the transformer function, because... We trained ourselves during the period when the child was still lying down, and as soon as Arina learned to sit, we bought a light stroller.

4. “Transforming” elements are difficult to press, extend, open, close, etc.

5. In the form of a “stroller” it has a completely uncomfortable seat. The child has to be secured with all the belts, otherwise he will simply fall out.

Whatever stroller you choose, you need to take into account very important points:

  • Strollers must have seat belts.
  • The weight of the stroller can vary between: for summer ones - 4-4.5 kg; for winter ones - 10-19 kg.
  • Be sure to try out the brake of the stroller you are going to buy.

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Tatyana is the mother of Kirill (6 years old) and Polina (5 years old):

We bought a 2 in 1 stroller. Made in Poland. I was very pleased with the size of the stroller. Comfortable and spacious for a baby, because our baby was a large baby, born in winter, but even with clothes on he felt comfortable in it. We chose it so that the stroller would fit in the elevator. By the summer, our son had grown up, and there was already a need to replace the cradle with a stroller stroller. Although the walk also turned out to be large, it corresponded to the size of our now grown baby. It was very comfortable for him to sleep in it while walking on the street. It also covered well with a cover, which was convenient and reliable in bad weather. There was, perhaps, only one inconvenience: the stroller was heavy. And it was not easy for one mother to even carry her to the elevator (to the 1st floor). Otherwise, we were pleased, because the baby felt good in it! And later, a year later, another girl needed our stroller - our sister, who also grew up safely in it.

When choosing a stroller, try to take into account the opinion of at least one more person, for example your husband, who will be able to objectively evaluate not only the color of the model you have chosen, but also everything specifications, as well as future reliability vehicle your baby.

Walking in the fresh air at any time of the year is the most important activity for a baby. To make walking outside pleasant and convenient for both mother and baby, you need to buy a stroller. The transformer is a universal model; parents choose it for its rich functionality.

Each stroller model has its pros and cons. The transformable baby stroller was no exception to the rule. Compare the strengths and weaknesses of the product to understand how convenient a transforming stroller is in your case.

Pros of a convertible stroller

1. When you buy a transformer, you get two strollers at once. This means you won’t have to spend additional money on purchasing a stroller.

2. One of the main advantages of transformers is that the stroller is equipped with large-diameter inflatable wheels. These are not afraid of either off-road or winter weather.

3. The sleeping part in transforming strollers for newborns is very roomy. It is even larger in size than a regular cradle.

4. In such transport, the angle of the backrest can be conveniently changed. This circumstance will be especially appreciated by parents when their child is at a “transitional” age (when children try to sit up and no longer want to spend the whole trip lying down). Some models offer up to five seat positions. If the child falls asleep, simply lower the backrest horizontally - and he will not have to sleep half-sitting.

5. Due to the variety of insulating covers that come with the strollers, this vehicle for a child will become a cozy house on wheels.

6. The choice of transformable strollers is huge. A variety of manufacturers offer beautiful and functional models with many accessories. Among such an assortment you can find the best option in terms of price and quality.

Disadvantages of a transformable stroller

1. The weight of a transforming stroller is its disadvantage. Even the lightest specimens weigh 14 kg, while heavier ones can reach 20 kg. Classic bassinets and strollers weigh less.

2. Most often, a convertible stroller has four wheels, so the ability to maneuver is more limited compared to a three-wheeled vehicle.

3. 2 in 1 transformable strollers are equipped with a reversible handle, which has its own conveniences. But turning and steering such a stroller when the baby is riding with his back to his mother takes a lot of effort, because the center of gravity of the stroller is shifted.

4. This type of stroller for newborns usually has a low seating position, so it is problematic for tall parents to “drive” this model.

A transformable baby stroller is an incredibly useful and practical invention. It saves many parents who want to save money. But in addition to the obvious advantages, there are also disadvantages of the model that should not be kept silent about. If they don’t bother you, then feel free to purchase a stroller for a child of this type.

Prepared by Katerina Vasilenkova

One of the convenient inventions of our time that can make life easier for young mothers are transformable strollers. True, like any product, they have their drawbacks. The main advantage is that these strollers for children combine two options - home and stroller. Which means buy additional product You won’t need it for relaxing with your child in the fresh air. The main disadvantage, however, is their heavy weight.

Features of transformable strollers

Among the advantages of such products, it can be noted that they are usually equipped with good shock absorbers and massive wheels, because they are designed for bad roads and adverse weather conditions. The sleeping part in such strollers is quite spacious compared to classic cradles. A child who has not yet learned to sit, but is already striving for it with all his might, and does not want to lie quietly, can be conveniently placed in such a stroller. If necessary, you can change the angle of its backrest. Often, such models offer up to five options for changing the position of the backrest. The choice of brand depends only on personal preferences; many, for example, highly rate lonex strollers.

A variety of insulating covers are usually included with this product. They will allow your child to rest in comfort even in cool weather. The modern wide selection allows you to choose the configuration and color to suit every taste.

The disadvantages include, first of all, the bulkiness of transforming models. Their weight can reach twenty kilograms. The reversible handle that these strollers are equipped with is convenient, but it makes maneuvering the stroller much more difficult. It takes a lot of effort to turn. The low seating position of the stroller will be uncomfortable for parents tall. Only after carefully considering the purchase and weighing all the pros and cons, you can make right choice.

Many people confuse universal models with transformable strollers. Although the difference is not obvious, it is there. If modular systems usually have 3 blocks, each of which is a separate element, then transformers are equipped only with a seat for walking, which is converted into a cradle.

Such mechanisms are worth purchasing in cases where you need to save money, but get a high-quality and multifunctional baby stroller that can be used during the first three years baby's life. Models with the possibility of transformation cost much less than their universal “brothers”. From many various options It is difficult to choose a quality transforming stroller for newborns. We suggest you familiarize yourself with some criteria that will help you make the “right” purchase:

  1. We pay attention to the strength of manufacturing materials (fabric and metal). It's good if the upholstery is detachable.
  2. Selecting the type of wheels. Large rubber ones are suitable for summer, plastic ones for winter.
  3. We study the design features of the product and all mechanisms. The transformation process does not have to be difficult.
  4. The landing unit must be equipped with seat belts.
  5. We choose the stroller weight and dimensions that are optimal for you.

Manufacturers annually release more and more modern models of transformers. Popular brands are especially in demand among thousands of parents. In the ranking of the best, we placed the most purchased products that have earned the love of consumers and many positive feedback. The criterion for ranking by category was the price range.

The best inexpensive strollers - transformable

4 Jetem Turbo 4S

A light weight
Country: China
Average price: 7,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

The transformable stroller Jetem Turbo 4S has best value, which starts from 12 thousand rubles. In order to lighten the overall weight of the structure, the developers used lightweight aluminum. Thanks to this, the product weighs only 15.6 kg, which is much less than analogues, where the weight can be 17-20 kg.

Advantages of the model:

  • The carrycot is placed in the walking block. It is made of soft material.
  • The seat back is fixed in any of four positions: from completely horizontal to vertical.
  • The seat is reversible: it can be mounted facing the movement or against it.
  • It is possible to install a car seat on the frame (purchased separately).
  • The front wheels are made of plastic, they are double and swivel. The rear ones are made of rubber, increased in diameter. This makes for convenient operation.
  • The handle for parents is reversible and can be adjusted to the desired height.

3 Baby Care Manhattan Air

Best functionality
Country: China
Average price: 10,680 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The best value convertible stroller is the Baby Care Manhattan Air. The cost of this model on the domestic market starts from only 8 thousand rubles. If we take into account the long-term use of the product (3 years), the savings become even more noticeable. At the same time, you receive an excellent quality product that has all the necessary characteristics.

Advantages of the model:

  • The lightest design is 12 kg.
  • Inflatable rubber wheels can cope with any roads. The kit also comes with an additional set of swivel wheels. It is suitable for better maneuverability on flat surfaces.
  • The brake is within easy reach. To lock, you need to press the lever, and to unlock, you need to press the button next to it.
  • The reversible parent handle adjusts to height.
  • The carrier comes with a warm envelope.
  • There is a foot cover.

2 Adamex Young

The best ratio of price and quality
Country: Poland
Average price: RUB 12,920.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The second position in the ranking is occupied by the Adamex Young transformable stroller. The model has the best price-quality ratio among analogues. The main advantage of the product from the Polish brand is its low weight (16 kg), as well as its optimal wheelbase width (58 cm). Based on these characteristics, it is clear that the product can easily fit into any standard passenger elevator, and even a fragile girl can operate it without the help of strangers.

Advantages of the model:

  • Transforms from a cradle into a walking seat by removing the foot rail.
  • Insulated soft carrier.
  • The parent handle is reversible.
  • Wide sleeping area – 40 x 85 cm.
  • Wheels made of dense foam rubber. Resistant to damage.
  • Reinforced spring shock absorption.
  • The upholstery covers are removable. If they get dirty, they can be washed either in a machine or by hand.
  • There is a table with cup holders for the baby.

Comparative characteristics of a transformable stroller and a modular stroller

Stroller type




High degree of cross-country ability

Ease of control



Convenient mechanism

Possibility of use throughout the baby's growing period

Possibility to change the position of the child at any time

Availability of useful additional accessories

Lack of a solid frame in the cradle

High seating position

Large dimensions


Simplicity of design




Good maneuverability

Availability of a car seat

Inability to change the child's position on the go

Removable units require a lot of space to store

1 Geoby C703-H

Good cushioning
Country: China
Average price: 11,250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The first place is occupied by the Geoby C703-H transformable stroller, loved by a large number of parents. The presented model is perfect for both newborns and older children. Thanks to large (30 cm) inflatable wheels made of rubber, the product quickly and easily overcomes any obstacles. Spring cushioning allows it to be maneuverable on any surface, even sand or loose snow. Among the disadvantages, users note that the stroller weighs too much – 23 kg.

Advantages of the model:

  • Convenient mechanism for transforming the cradle into a seat. It is enough to remove the soft carrier, setting the backrest and footrest to the desired level.
  • The back has 4 positions for fixing.
  • Improved rocking system, with which you can lull even a restless baby.
  • There is a reversible handle and the ability to install a walking seat facing the movement or against it.
  • The kit includes a portable pump, insulated foot cover, and rain cover.

The best middle class convertible strollers

3 Marimex Galaxy

Optimal set of functions at an affordable price
Country: Poland
Average price: RUB 21,890.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Good functional baby stroller. Created using new technical developments. It is comfortable and spacious. The handle can be thrown over and adjusted in height. The hood is equipped with a ventilated hole. The frame is lightweight and has additional shock absorbers. It has a spacious shopping basket and an impressive design.

The vast majority of reviews are positive. Parents of newborns talk about the good maneuverability of the wheels both on asphalt and in snowdrifts. They move the stroller off-road with ease. I like that the child feels comfortable in the unit due to the large space. In general, the transformer has a full set of necessary quality properties for the mid-price range.

2 Tutis Smart (2 in 1)

The most practical model
Country: Lithuania
Average price: 19,000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

In second place in the ranking is a transformable stroller from a Lithuanian brand. The Tutis Smart model (2 in 1) is one of the most practical. It is suitable for both newborns and older children. Having bought it, you can forget about the costs of transportation for a long time. True, some users are dissatisfied with the lack of a soft carry, as well as a handle on the cradle.

Advantages of the model:

  • The cradle is installed directly into the walking part of the stroller.
  • The cradle has a hard bottom, allowing the bones of the baby lying inside to develop properly. For comfort and shock protection, it is equipped with soft sides and a mattress pad.
  • Step with silicone pad allows for quick cleaning in case of contamination.
  • Inflatable wheels made of rubber. The front ones are swivel and provide the necessary maneuverability on a flat surface.
  • The walking seat is reversible.

1 Chicco Urban Plus Crossover

High quality
A country: Italy (made in China)
Average price: 24,500 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

One of the best transforming strollers for newborns. Despite the fact that the device is manufactured in China, its quality continues to be at the European level. Urban Plus is a kind of experiment of the company. In addition to the extensive basic equipment, it has a reliable chassis, is made of high quality materials, and weighs only 11 kg.

Many buyers are very satisfied with the model. Due to the narrow frame, the stroller can easily enter the elevator. This is especially important for residents of multi-storey buildings. Combines convenience and safety, maneuverability and attractive design. High sides, a visor, an adjustable handle, large wheels, a ventilation mesh - this is not the entire list of equipment. Undoubtedly, the Chicco transformer pleases not only with its external, but also with its internal “filling”.

The best premium convertible strollers

3 Gesslein F6

Wide functionality. Can attach a car seat
Country: Germany
Average price: 61,600 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The universal transformable stroller Gesslein F6 deservedly takes its position in the ranking of premium models. The original design of the stroller differs from its competitors in its wide functionality. If necessary, parents can purchase an additional group 0+ car seat to install it on the frame. The product is designed with comfort and safety in mind for newborns and older children.

Advantages of the model:

  • When the backrest and footrest are in a horizontal position, a soft and warm carrycot is installed, which is attached to the sides.
  • The wheels are rubber and equipped with adjustable shock absorption. They come with an additional pair of front swivel wheels for better maneuverability on city streets.
  • The reversible parent handle makes it possible to install the walking block in two directions.
  • A hood made of a special three-layer fabric helps against overheating in the summer and prevents blowing in cold weather.

2 Cosatto Ooba

High reliability
Country: England
Average price: 62,990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

The model appeared on the market quite recently. Behind short term managed to become the best and gain popularity among customers. Distinctive characteristics are high reliability and individuality. Equipped with a five-point harness and a removable crossbar, thereby ensuring the absolute safety of the child. Made from high-quality environmentally friendly materials.

In reviews, consumers note the ease of management and transformation, ease of movement. The internal soft pads and headrest deserve special attention. Thanks to them, the baby is comfortable. The high quality of all elements and mechanisms is proven by the positive opinions of users. Even after systematically numerous assemblies and disassemblies of the stroller, not a single part failed. Easily tolerates any road surface. A transformer for newborns is readily recommended for purchase, especially for city residents.

1 PHIL&TEDS Voyager

Best design
Country: New Zealand
Average price: 63,850 rub.
Rating (2019): 5.0

The model has collected the best quality and functional characteristics. Completely designed for life in modern conditions. Combines automation, comfort and originality. The advantage is spring shock absorption, which ensures smooth movement. The landing block is located on large puncture-proof wheels. This makes the stroller more maneuverable.

Buyers note the reliability of the fastenings for the safety of the baby, the good stability of the transformer even when folded, and the ease of movement. The material used is of high quality. The hood is adjustable and increases in size. The belts are equipped with soft pads. Additional convenience is provided by a hand brake and a large shopping basket that can support 10 kg.

Transformable strollers: pros and cons of purchasing them

Many pregnant women, especially those expecting their first child, are afraid to purchase anything for the baby before his birth. Others, on the contrary, believe that it is better to foresee everything in advance and choose a stroller, crib, clothes and many other things for the baby thoughtfully and without haste. Be that as it may, sooner or later this moment will come anyway and you will have to look for a means of transportation for the baby, a place to sleep, and comfortable onesies.

Before you go to the store to buy a stroller, it would be a good idea to study the range offered by domestic and foreign manufacturers. Many parents opt for transformable strollers. What determined their preference and what are their distinctive features these models? Why are they even called “transformers” (the robots from the movie of the same name immediately come to mind)? Are there any disadvantages to these strollers and how significant are they?

The characteristic features of the transformable stroller are as follows:

  • The handle of the stroller can be flipped in such a way as to change the position of the child relative to the direction of movement. That is, the child looks either at you or forward;
  • There is a cradle for a newborn, which can be removed from the stroller by the handles. Thus, the stroller can be used for both a baby and an older child, up to three years old.

These models appeared on the domestic market relatively recently, but their history goes back more than 100 years. Back in 1889, the first stroller was invented, allowing a child to be seated facing or facing an adult. Children over the age of one year really enjoy such experiments, which allow them to explore their surroundings and explore the world more fully.

The inventor of transformers, however, did not stop there and proposed another innovation: wheels that rotate around their axis. Mothers appreciated this detail more, because the stroller became maneuverable and could easily turn around or go to the side.

What other advantages do transformable strollers have?

  • The ability to use one stroller throughout your baby's growing years. Since the stroller includes a cradle with a hard bottom and handles, you can buy such a model for a newborn. The baby will be reliably protected by high sides and a small canopy from any bad weather and prying eyes. In addition, you will be able to take the baby out with the cradle and go to a scheduled appointment with the pediatrician, leaving the stroller in the clinic lobby. The bottom and handles of the carrycot are very durable and are designed to support weights that far exceed the weight of any infant. Well, after your baby grows up and learns to sit, you can remove the cradle as unnecessary, raise the backrest and get a stroller in which you can carry the child until he leaves the stroller altogether.
  • High cross-country ability. Widely spaced large wheels (solid rubber or inflatable) can cope with any off-road conditions. This advantage is especially evident in the autumn-winter season, when you have to roll the stroller through snowdrifts, as well as mud or ice. Not a single cane stroller can cope with the Russian winter; it is not for nothing that it is also called a summer stroller. But the transformer doesn’t mind bad weather, which forces many families to choose this particular type of stroller.
  • Already mentioned the ability to change the child’s position as they move. In modern transformable strollers, this function is extremely simplified. All you have to do is flip the handle, snap or lock it, and you're welcome - the child can look in the opposite direction. It is easy to see that this is a very useful function on a hot summer day, when you can easily transform the stroller to protect your child from direct sunlight that blinds his eyes.
  • Availability of many useful accessories. Almost any model of a transformable stroller comes with an additional thick cover so that your baby does not freeze in winter, a raincoat against a sudden downpour, a bag for a water bottle, pacifiers and other things necessary for the baby. In addition, the upper dome, which reliably protects the child from wind and cold, can be modified in the summer to provide fresh and cool air to the baby. At the same time, all openings are closed from annoying insects with a mosquito net. Well, one cannot help but please practical housewives who combine the purchase of necessary goods with a walk. Each stroller is equipped with a very spacious basket in which you can transport even three-liter jars of juice. Checked!
  • The ability to unfasten almost all fabric covering elements. Surprises are not uncommon, especially when it comes to a baby. Therefore, mother should always be able to easily unfasten the contaminated segment or remove the cover and wash it in an automatic machine.
  • Quite low price. Although this factor is mentioned last, it sometimes plays a decisive role in the choice. Not all of our compatriots can afford to buy expensive 3-in-1 strollers from well-known manufacturers. And a transforming stroller is quite affordable for every average family.

Unfortunately, transformable strollers are not ideal, and it would be incorrect to remain silent about the shortcomings. Each parent must weigh the pros and cons and in no case subsequently regret the choice made.

So, The significant disadvantages of transformable strollers include:

  • quite a large mass. These models weigh from 10 kg, which is a lot, especially if you add the weight of a child, overalls, blankets, and so on. And if on the street a lot of weight is more likely to be a plus, since it gives the transformer stability, then when you try to lift the stroller into an apartment on the fifth floor without an elevator, you will feel every kilogram. Therefore, happy owners of transformers most often live in their own cottages, houses with an elevator or on the ground floor. Alternatively, there is a free dad available, who is given an excellent opportunity to train his biceps and triceps twice a day;
  • large dimensions when folded. Even if you unscrew the wheels, you are unlikely to get a compactly assembled stroller. The transformer is massive and completely occupies not the smallest car trunk. In addition, its size will not allow you to hold a child in one hand and a folded stroller in the other, say, in public transport. If you choose this model, to travel long distances with a child of six months or older you will have to look for a sling or a backpack carrier;
  • inability to get (put) anything out of the basket if the back is down. Let’s make a reservation right away that this does not apply to all models. The more careful you need to be when choosing. Sometimes a child may fall asleep while walking or during a trip to the market or store. If you come across the above transformer model, you will not be able to put purchases in the basket without raising the backrest and waking up the baby. This inconvenience can be avoided if you know about this disadvantage in advance and try to choose models with more accessible shopping baskets.

What else should you pay attention to when choosing a transformable stroller?

  • Frame material. Since the main disadvantage of a transformable stroller is its weight, you should choose models with the lightest possible frame. Usually this is duralumin or light alloy steel. Also, inspect the wheel racks when choosing a convertible. For some models, they are made of iron tubes, which subsequently become deformed and bend. It is better to choose a stroller with steel stands.
  • Sheathing material. Cotton, microfiber and artificial suede are used as upholstery for the stroller. It is preferable to choose microfiber that is non-staining and can easily withstand repeated cleaning and washing. Cotton though natural material, but quickly gets wet and absorbs dirt. Faux suede is great in terms of practicality, but does not offer bright and fashionable colors.
  • Wheels. Which wheels do you prefer: solid rubber or inflatable? Based on purely practical considerations, it is better to opt for the first option. Alloy tires will go over any off-road terrain without punctures, while inflatable tires must be inflated and protected from glass, nails and other sharp objects.
  • Plastic parts. A sufficient number of plastic parts are used in the assembly of each transformable stroller. If the plastic is of poor quality, it will break or crack fairly quickly. Unfortunately, it is difficult to visually determine the quality of the material. All that remains is to rely on the manufacturer’s guarantees and demand certificates of conformity.
  • Brakes. Usually there is a plastic brake on each wheel. It still makes sense to choose a model that has an additional brake that covers the rear axle.
  • Seat belts. When you start using the transformer as a stroller, it is recommended to fasten it with special safety belts to prevent your baby from falling out.

As you can see, when purchasing a transformer, you should consider both the advantages and disadvantages of this type of stroller. Attentive and caring parents will be able to make the right choice based on the realities of life, climatic conditions and, of course, their own preferences.