Beautiful pictures of Happy Navy Day (34 cards for free).  Beautiful pictures Happy Navy Day (34 cards for free) Holiday cards Happy Navy Day

Beautiful pictures of Happy Navy Day (34 cards for free). Beautiful pictures Happy Navy Day (34 cards for free) Holiday cards Happy Navy Day

Russian Navy Day 2018 – how to congratulate, pictures, postcards. There is one day left before the onset of one of the most important Russian holidays - Navy Day. Every year, Russians celebrate the holiday on the last Sunday of July. This year Navy Day fell on July 29.

On July 29, there will be holiday events and celebrations dedicated to the celebration of Navy Day.

The events will take place not only in cities that are related to the Russian Navy, but also in cities and towns located far inland.

We offer a selection of colorful congratulations for Russian Navy Day.

Since the times of the USSR, Navy Day has been one of the favorite holidays of Russians. At the same time, it is celebrated not only by military personnel of the naval forces.

The holiday is already accustomed to being celebrated by all those who guard Russia’s maritime borders, participate in the training of ships and naval units, as well as family members of military personnel, naval teachers educational institutions, WWII and Armed Forces veterans.

You can congratulate them with electronic cards, which are very popular nowadays due to their simplicity and accessibility.

Such congratulations will help you not to miss anyone who has something to respect on Navy Day.

On Navy Day, July 29, 2018, many memorable and festive events take place in Russia. The center of all festivities will be St. Petersburg, where the largest naval parade will take place. Concerts with the participation of celebrities and fireworks are expected.

You can congratulate Navy personnel via SMS. Such a simple method with short congratulatory lines will be appropriate and, of course, pleasant.

Navy Day - what a date!
Thank you for life, guys.
You are the honor of the country, its joy,
Everyone has their own reward.

Navy Day,
Congratulations are flying from all sides.
Little head proudly takes off,
And the jacket was ironed without laziness.

Protecting the expanses of the Fatherland,
You surf the oceans and seas.
Even though sometimes they are so capricious,
My native land is so far away.

Today, the Navy is a branch of the Russian Armed Forces, writes the Ros-Registr website. The fleet's objectives are the armed defense of Russia's interests and the conduct of combat operations in the sea and ocean waters of the war. The Navy can launch nuclear strikes, destroy fleet groups at sea and bases, protect its maritime transport, and assist the Ground Forces.

The Russian Navy includes surface and submarine forces, naval aviation and marine infantry, and coastal defense forces. This also includes ships and vessels, special purpose units, and logistics units. Such a diverse troop structure suggests that a huge number of people work to protect the state’s maritime borders. Congratulations on professional holiday The Navy Day can be written in verse.

There are such sailors -
The main thing is honor
Holy duty to the Fatherland...
Sometimes you need rest!

On this day, more than ever,
Have fun, gentlemen!
All continents can hear
How sailors walk!

My beloved, you are a sailor,
You serve in the navy!
May you always be a beacon
Shines at work

May success come to you
I wish you happiness
And love me forever!
Honey, congratulations!

Happy Navy Day!
Happy Victory Day in the element of water!
Sparing no blood and sweat,
They protected the country from harm.

And even if the past is a bad time,
We look forward with hope,
Being a defender is a sacred thing.
The enemy will not cross the lines with you!

Beautiful animated postcards and pictures for Navy Day 2018 are being received today by everyone who has connected their life with the glory and pride of Russia - its navy!

Professional holiday - Russian Navy Day is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of July. This holiday is the most beloved not only for all sailors serving and who have already served in the navy!

Navy Day is considered the most spectacular and long-awaited holiday of the summer - after all, on this day, festive events take place in cities - parades, concerts, processions, fireworks and much more.

The brave guys in sailor suits today receive congratulations from all their loved ones, relatives, colleagues and friends. Be sure to congratulate your sailors on their professional holiday - Military Day navy! Our collection of beautiful animated pictures for the event will help you with this.

The sailor is not the one who put on the vest,
And who did not swim in the seas, but walked.
Who, despite storms and nor'easters,
He spent hours on duty in the stuffy cabin.

The sailor is not the one who multiplies the circle of women,
And the one who is a faithful and reliable friend.
Who will preserve at any latitudes
Love and tenderness, strong as granite.

Good health and happiness for a century
I wish everyone on our Navy holiday!

You dedicated your life
Sea expanses, ship,
Keeping the calm of cold waters,
Through the storm, the storm, always forward.

We congratulate you, friends,
Happy day to the faithful brothers of the ship,
Let's raise the flag for the Navy
And we wish everyone all the best!

Honor and glory to the sailors
On this summer holiday.
Peace and health to you,
Joy and happiness.

The navy is the stronghold of the Power -

The country is celebrating today!

Covered himself with immortal glory

Vivat to you, children of Neptune!

Let the seagulls sing songs to you,

And the waves are quietly rocking.

Relatives are waiting for an ambulance meeting

And they count the days impatiently.

We wish you only peaceful everyday life,

Let the cheerful laughter sound,

And, no matter how difficult it may be for you,

Believe in luck and success!

Do you know what date Navy Day is celebrated in Russia? In 2019, sailors accept congratulations on July 28. We join the holiday and give you these most beautiful and funny pictures for SMS, postcards for WhatsApp and several musical jokes.

Happy Navy Day pictures are a good gift, especially for those who are at a distance from you, who on a holiday do their duty and serve their Motherland.

Any adult uncle will tell you that there are no former sailors, just like border guards and paratroopers. Therefore, in July, Navy Day is celebrated by veterans, serving officers and all sailors.Taking into account traditions, huge festive events on Navy Day are held in the port cities of our country, namely:

  1. In Petersburg
  2. Sevastopol
  3. Kronstadt
  4. Vladivostok
  5. Astrakhan
  6. Kaliningrad
  7. Novorossiysk
  8. Severomorsk
  9. Baltiysk.

By the way, for Navy Day in Sevastopol in 2019, the program will be different from all previous ones; this city will have an excellent celebration scenario.

When is Navy Day in 2019 - date

In fact, this holiday does not have an exact date, unlike Day of the Airborne Forces, military sailors accept congratulations on last resurrection July. In 2019, this is the 28th, which means that officers and all servicemen will celebrate the anniversary, the fleet is turning 80 years old.

If anyone wants to argue with me about the date, I will answer right away - 80 years ago Admiral Kuznetsov set a certain date, it is July 27, but over time it has changed, and now concerts dedicated to the day The Navy is celebrated only on Sunday.

Beautiful congratulations on Navy Day in verse

Friends, I have prepared congratulations for you on Navy Day in verse and prose, funny, short for SMS, those who have served.

The wave is raging overboard,

And the sun is reflected in the water,

And we congratulate you on your day,

What is called Navy Day.

We wish you courage, strength,

We wish you success and faith,

May each of you always be

A worthy example for the boys.

Success for the glory of the Fatherland,

In naval service!

Health and happiness to you in life,

And be protected by fate!

Everyone who is in service today in the ranks


Anyone who does not know the concept of fear,

But he knows the price of honor.

All those who have served for a long time,

But he’s unlikely to forget

Sea waves during storms

And endless distances.

May you guys always be lucky,

May grief not meet you,

May happiness find its way to you

On land, and maybe at sea.

On Navy Day,

There are countless wishes, and the hunt...

Give congratulations, warmth,

So that the road is bright...

May there always be happiness, love,

So that the blood boils in the veins!

For a huge glass of happiness,

Only sparkled with the blessings of everyone!

Midnight Star, Lighthouse

For us you - we firmly declare,

And happy birthday, sailor,

Congratulations to all the crew.

Let the wind be fair

The weather in the house is freshly calm,

Forget sadness, melancholy and sadness,

Yes, seven feet under your keel!

And so that your labor is not in vain

The path was still marked on earth,

Let the house be full,

In it - waits for women of all people in the world

The most beautiful. Waiting - always alone -

You, your beloved wife!

Let the screams of seagulls be drowned out

Storms whistle and roar of problems.

Open your soul to freedom

For military secrets and topics.

On a salty day - Navy -

Party up until dawn

And your enemy is the fastest

Let him blow bubbles!

Let the problems drown in the sea,

On the day of the military is not affected,

Meet a whale on the way

And let go of worries from the screw

And rest. The Navy is setting off!

Dance in the wind next to you

And may it bring good luck

Your sailor's vest

And it will save you from trouble.

Protecting our peace at sea,

In your service, be the bravest of all.

Let the star of the sea lead

You're on your way. Happy Navy Day!

Freedom of seagulls, strength of the wind,

A rush of feelings, through bitterness - laughter,

Let the echo rise from the beep.

I congratulate you on Navy Day!

Happy Navy Day pictures for sailors

So beautiful, funny and official congratulations and pictures for Navy Day can be sent to serving officers and sailors, shipmates and your friends. Happy holiday, sailors.