Club work in 1st junior group. Plan of group work in the first junior group of chicks

Svetlana Zaplitnaya
"Kaleidoscope". Club work in the 1st younger group on sensory development


on sensory development.

Purpose of circle work:

Development of mental abilities in young children preschool age through sensory development.


Give children ideas about sensory standards, which are examples of the main varieties of each property: 6, then 7 colors of the spectrum, 5 geometric shapes, 3 gradations of size.

To form the cognitive activity of children during direct educational activities (games, didactic exercises, experiments, game tasks and assignments).

Strengthen clear ideas about the varieties of each property.

Teach correctly and understand the words: “shape”, “color”, “same”. Since “quantity” does not have an “absolute” meaning, teach to perceive it only in comparison with another quantity.

Duration: circle work is carried out throughout the academic year once a week in the form of didactic games and exercises. Once a month, in the fourth week, a final lesson is held to consolidate the material covered.

Expected Result:

enrichment of children's active and passive vocabulary;

cognitive interest in the GCD circle;

preparation of attributes for games, GCD.

Preparatory stage:

1. Preparation of poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, games.

2. Preparation of attributes for GCDs and games.

Main stage:

Long-term planning of game activities for circle work for the academic year (September 2012 to May 2013)

The final stage:

1. Diagnosis of children on sensory development in the 1st junior group at the end of the 2012 -2013 school year.

2. Summing up the results of the project (the work of the circle).

3. Preparing a presentation using photographs.

4. Design of a wall newspaper for parents based on the results.

5. Notes for the next class work academic year, long-term planning.


1. Lesson notes in 1 ml. gr. T. M. Bondarenko.

2. Classes for children aged 2-3 years G. I. Vinnikova.

3. Nurturing a child’s sensory culture N. B. Venger, L. A. Venger, E. G. Pilyugina.


Long-term planning of circle work for (2012-2013)

September 2012

1. Introducing colors: yellow, red, blue, green, white, black. Didactic game“Hide the mouse.”

2. Getting to know the shape: square, rectangle, triangle, oval, circle. Didactic game: “Bird in a Cage.”

3. Introduction to the parameters of three quantities. Didactic exercise “Feed the bears”

4. Integrated GCD: “Find the same color and shape.”

October 2012

1. “Hide the bunny from the fox” - color.

2. “Who sleeps where” - form.

3. “Playing with balls” - magnitude.

4. Integrated GCD: “Wonderful bag” - shape and size.

November 2012

1. Color of water - color.

2. What shape are the objects in our group.

3. Let's build a tower.

4. Integrated GCD Multi-colored rooms - color and size.

December 2012

1. “Christmas tree decoration” - color.

2. " Christmas trees" - value.

3. “Composite pictures” – form.

4. Lotto “color and shape”.

January 2013

1. Didactic game “The Rooster’s Tail” - color.

2. Didactic game “Shop” - form.

3. Didactic game “Who is taller” - magnitude.

February 2013

1. Didactic game “Living Dominoes” - color.

2. Game - competition “Who can roll up the tape faster” - value.

3. “Let’s build a tower” - magnitude.

4. Integrated GCD “Rainbow” - color and size.

March 2013

1. Game instructions - color and size.

2. Didactic game “Let's collect fruits” - value.

3. Game exercise “Find your house” - form.

4. Integrated GCD “Handkerchief for Mom” - form.

April 2013

1. Didactic game “Multi-colored flags” - color.

2. Didactic game “Bring and Show” - shape and size.

3. Game exercise “Find your clearing” - color.

4. Didactic exercise “How animals chose their place.”

May 2013

1. Consolidation - didactic game “Spring has come” - color, shape and size.

2. Consolidation – collective drawing of “Colors of Spring”.

3. Consolidation – collective application“Spring drops” - magnitude.

Calendar planning of circle work.

September (2012)

Lesson 1. Didactic game “Hide the Mouse.”

Goal: To introduce children to the six colors of the spectrum and name them. Color indication training.

Material: Demonstration: sheets of paper of six colors (20/15 cm, in the middle there is a white square (8/8 cm, on which a mouse is drawn (Mouse House), squares of the same six colors - doors (10/10 cm, toy - cat.

Handout: the same material in a smaller size - colored sheets (10/8cm, white squares on them (5/5cm, colored squares (6/6cm); three houses and six “doors” for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

(Children sit in a circle at the table with the teacher).

The teacher plays the game “Hide the Mouse” with the children. First, he introduces the children to the rules of the game: “Meet the guys - the mice have come to visit us, each has its own house. Let's name what color (red, yellow, blue, green, black, white). Mice are very afraid of cats and hide behind doors as soon as they see her. Each has its own door, you see the mouse in the red house has a red door. The mouse in the blue house has a blue door. Let’s find the mouse’s door together for everyone.”

Children play with the teacher. Then the children play independently. They hide mice from the cat by matching multi-colored houses with windows that are exactly the same color as the house, and closing the windows so that the mouse is not visible. Children learn the names of the six colors of the spectrum.

Lesson 2. Didactic game “Bird in a Cage.”

Goal: To introduce children to basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle). Learning how to examine a form - tracing the outline of a form with a finger. Form identification training.

Material: Demonstration: large cardboard circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle with painted “faces” - figures - men. Handout: sets of the game “Birds in Cages” - sheets with windows - geometric shapes in which a bird is depicted and individual “doors” in the shape of a triangle, circle, oval, square, rectangle.

Progress of the lesson: (Children sit in a circle at the table with the teacher). The teacher shows funny geometric people. – Unusual geometric figures came to visit us, they smile at you. Meet, this is a circle, this is an oval, this is a square, this is a triangle, this is a rectangle. Take them and trace them with your finger. The circle and oval have no corners, their side is smooth, you can drag your finger for a long time. And a triangle, a square, a rectangle have corners, feel the sharp ones with your finger.

(The teacher lays out a sheet for the game “Birds in a Cage”) - The birds flew to us and sat in their cages, but they can fly away, let’s close the doors in their cages. Just choose the right door. Here is a bird in a circle - it needs a round door, and here there is a bird in a square - find its square door. (The teacher plays the game with all the children)

In conclusion, the kids are offered the outdoor game “Birds and a Car.”

Lesson 3. Didactic exercise “Feed the bears.”

Goal: To become familiar with the parameters of three sizes (large, medium, small). Learning to identify size parameters of objects.

Material: Three toys of different sizes - bears, respectively, three chairs, three plates, three cups, three spoons. Two physical education benches of different heights, depicting bridges over rivers.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to go visit three bears. The children go on a journey, and on their way they encounter two rivers with bridges: through one handle the bridge is lower, through the other - higher. On a low bridge, children can easily cross to the other bank; on a high bridge, it is scary to fall into the river.

Well, we came to visit our bears. Let's talk about our journey, how we crossed the river on the bridge. – Which bridge was easier to walk on, which was more difficult, why - one bridge is low, the other is high. Guys, our bears are also different, one is taller, the other is shorter, the third is completely short. How else can you say it? - One big size, the second is medium (or smaller, and the third is small.

The teacher explains the rules didactic exercise: - Our bears are going to have lunch, but they can’t decide who should choose which plate, cup and spoon. Let's help: for a large bear, choose a large plate, for a smaller (medium) bear - a smaller plate, and for a small bear - a small plate. (using the same principle, children select the rest of the dishes for the bears).

In conclusion, the grateful bears play the active game “Bear and Children” with the children.

Lesson 4. “Find the same color and shape”

Purpose: Learning to compare the color of an object with a color standard, classification into the main six colors. Learning to compare the shape of objects with shape standards.

Material: By color - hoop, squares of six colors, 3-4 objects (colored cubes) of each of these six colors. In form - geometric figures of five shapes, 2 objects of each of these shapes. Hoop.

Progress of the lesson. With color. The teacher lays out all the colored cubes and objects (toys) different colors. Then a game is played: the teacher shows a sample (a cube of one of six colors) and rolls the hoop towards one of the children. The child selects an object that is the same color as the sample and chooses the child to name the color of the object. The selected item is placed next to the sample on a separate table. The game then continues in the same way. With form. The teacher, together with the children, examines objects and toys of different shapes lying on the table in front of them, they say what shape the object and toys are - round, oval, square, triangular and rectangular. Next is the game: the teacher shows one of the figures and invites the child towards whom the hoop is rolling to choose a toy of the same shape and name what shape it is. The selected item is transferred to another table next to the sample form. The game continues until all the items are matched to the samples.

In conclusion: two hoops are placed on the floor, one needs to be brought round shape toys and red, in the other place square-shaped and green objects. You can repeat the game by setting other shape and color parameters.

(the example is given only for September, but if anyone is interested in the circle, I can send you the rest personally, there are restrictions on the number of text characters)

Club work on visual activities for children of the 1st junior group


Sirota Maria Sergeevna ,

teacher of MBDOU No. 1, Tyazhinsky village

Explanatory note

Every child of any age draws grandiose, multi-figure compositions with complex interweaving of plots, and generally draws everything he hears and knows, even smells. Why and why do children draw? This is one of the ways to improve the body. Early in life, drawing develops vision and the ability to see. The child learns the concepts of “vertical” and “horizontal”, hence the linearity of early children’s drawings. Then he comprehends the forms, properties of materials, and gradually comprehends his surroundings. This happens faster than the accumulation of words and associations, and drawing makes it possible to express in a figurative form what the baby has already learned and what he cannot always express verbally. Drawing not only promotes the development of vision, coordination of movement, speech and thinking, but also helps the child organize rapidly acquired knowledge and increasingly complex ideas about the world.

Drawing is a natural need of a child. He does not have an “inability complex.” Visual activity is perhaps the most interesting activity for preschoolers. It allows the child to reflect his impressions of the environment in visual images and to express his attitude towards them. At the same time, visual activity is of invaluable importance for the comprehensive aesthetic, moral, labor and mental development of children. That drawing is important for the development of feelings, thinking and other useful personality traits, skills and abilities.

Fine arts have not lost their broad educational significance to this day. It is the most important means aesthetic education. In the process of visual activity, favorable conditions are created for the development of aesthetic and emotional perception of art, which contribute to the formation of an aesthetic attitude to reality. Observation and identification of properties and objects that are to be conveyed in the image (shape, size, colors, location in space) contributes to the development in children of a sense of form, color, rhythm - components of the aesthetic sense. All children love to draw, but creativity cannot exist under pressure and violence. After all, drawing for a child is a joyful, inspired work that should not be forced, but it is very important to stimulate and support the child, gradually opening up new possibilities for visual activity. I realized that non-standard approaches to organizing visual activities surprise and delight children, thereby arousing the desire to engage in such an interesting activity. Original drawing reveals the creative potential of the child, allows you to feel the colors, their character and mood. Beginning with early age, I encourage children to be creative, teach them to see the world in living colors. In preschool age, play is actively used. First, the children and I play out the plot of the future drawing with the help of various toys and objects, accompanying the drawing with an emotional comment using artistic words. This approach allows you to interest children, retain their attention longer, and create the necessary emotional mood and a positive motive for activity.

I chose this direction in working with children because I consider it relevant, important and necessary, because the non-traditional drawing technique opens up opportunities for the development of children's creative abilities, fantasy and imagination.

Non-traditional drawing techniques are ways of creating a new, original work of art through non-traditional techniques (finger painting, palm painting, paper tearing technique, printing technique, poking technique with a hard brush, etc.), in which everything is in harmony: both color and line , and the plot. This is a huge opportunity for children to think, try, search, experiment, and most importantly, express themselves. The problem of the development of non-traditional drawing techniques was dealt with by R.G. Kazakova, T.I.Saiganova, E.M. Sedova, V.Yu. Sleptsova, T.V. Smagina, O.V. Nedorezova, V.N. Volchkova, N.V. Stepanova and others.

Purpose of the circle : Formation of artistic thinking and moral personality traits through various methods of drawing. Teaching preschool children non-traditional drawing methods. Forming an interest in the aesthetic side of the world around us, satisfying the child’s need for self-expression through decisionnext tasks :

Introduce unconventional drawing methods;

Introduce children to fine arts;

To develop in children visual abilities, artistic taste, creative imagination, spatial thinking, aesthetic sense and understanding of beauty, nurturing interest and love for art;

Know how to work various materials, used in fine art;

Develop children's creative imagination and hand motor skills.

To help the child develop the feeling that the product of his activity - a drawing - is interesting to others (teacher, children, parents, kindergarten staff).

Organize exhibitions of children's works within the preschool educational institution.

Participate in competitions and exhibitions at the municipal level.

Conduct open classes for employees, parents.

Monitor the dynamics of the development of creative abilities and the development of the child’s visual skills.

Involve parents in activities within the circle.

Organization of club activities.

One lesson per week 5-7 minutes.

Material :

Watercolors, gouache;

Wax and oil crayons, candle;

Cotton buds;

Foam rubber seals;

Cloth napkins;

Water glasses;

Brush holder;


Types of non-traditional drawing techniques

Poking with a hard, semi-dry brush.

Age: any.

Means of expression: texture of color, color.

Materials: hard brush, gouache, paper of any color and format, or a cut out silhouette of a furry or prickly animal.

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips a brush into the gouache and hits the paper with it, holding it vertically. When working, the brush does not fall in the water. Thus, the entire sheet, outline or template is filled. The result is an imitation of the texture of a fluffy or prickly surface.

Finger painting.

Age: from two years.

Means of expression: spot, dot, short line, color.

Materials: bowl with gouache, thick paper of any color, small sheets, napkins.

Method of obtaining an image: the child dips his finger in the gouache and puts dots and specks on the paper. Each finger gets a different color of paint. After work, wipe your fingers with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

Palm drawing.

Age: from two years.

Means of expression: spot, color, fantastic silhouette.

Materials: wide saucers with gouache, brush, thick paper of any color, large format sheets, napkins.

Method of obtaining an image: a child dips his palm (the entire brush) into gouache or paints it with a brush (from the age of five) and makes an imprint on paper. He draws with both his right and left hands, painted in different colors. After work, wipe your hands with a napkin, then the gouache is easily washed off.

Imprint with cork.

Age: from three years.

Materials: a bowl or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, cork stamps.

Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the cork to a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To obtain a different color, both the bowl and the stopper are changed.

Printed with potato stamps.

Age: from three years.

Means of expression: stain, texture, color.

Materials: a bowl or plastic box containing a stamp pad made of thin foam rubber impregnated with gouache, thick paper of any color and size, potato stamps. Method of obtaining an image: the child presses the signet onto a stamp pad with paint and makes an impression on the paper. To obtain a different color, both the bowl and the signet are changed.

Expected result: the child’s mastery of non-traditional drawing techniques.

Circle plan




Unconventional technology

Program content



It's leaf fall in our garden.

Finger painting

Introduce the non-traditional fine art technique of finger painting; teach to recognize and name colors: yellow, red, orange; evoke an emotional response from drawing; cultivate neatness.

Artificial branches with leaves; tinted landscape leaves with painted trees; gouache in plates - yellow, red, orange; demonstration sheet for the teacher; wet wipes; musical accompaniment (at your discretion)

ladybugs on the lawn.

Finger painting

Continue to introduce non-traditional finger painting techniques. Strengthen the ability to apply a dot evenly over the entire surface of an object; evoke an emotional response from drawing; cultivate neatness.

Cut out and painted ladybugs without dots on the backs, for each child, black gouache in plates (bowls).

Cheerful fly agaric.

Finger painting

Continue to introduce non-traditional fine art techniques of finger painting. Learn to apply rhythmic and even dots over the entire surface of the paper.

Templates of fly agarics of various shapes cut out of white paper, red and scarlet gouache, tassels; white gouache in a plate (bowl), napkins, dummies or illustrations of fly agarics.

My favorite rain.

Finger painting

Practice unconventional finger painting techniques. Learn to draw rain from clouds, conveying its character (small, heavy, downpour), using a point and a line as a means of expressiveness (drawing a line from top to bottom)

A4 sheets for each child, with sticker clouds of different sizes, blue gouache in plates (bowls), napkins, an umbrella for playing, illustrations and sketches.




Unconventional technology

Program content




Finger painting

To consolidate the ability to use an unconventional fine art technique of finger painting, to consolidate the ability to evenly apply a dot (berries) and place a finger on a sheet of paper (leaflet)

Square sheet colored paper with a drawn twig, green and yellow, red gouache in plates (bowls), napkins, rowan branch or illustration.


Palm drawing

Introduce the technique of palm typing. Learning how to quickly apply paint to your palm and make prints is like rays of sunshine. Develop color perception.

A4 sheets with a yellow circle drawn in the middle, scarlet, yellow and orange gouache, plates with paint.

Two merry geese lived with granny.

Palm drawing

Continue to use your palm as a visual medium: paint it with paint and make an imprint (the thumb looks up, the rest to the side). Strengthen the ability to complement the image with details.

Sheets of A4 paper of blue color, white, gray, green gouache in a plate. Illustrations with birds.


Practice palm typing techniques. Strengthen the ability to fill the entire surface of a sheet with prints. Develop color perception. Practice finger painting techniques.

A4 sheets, dark and light green gouache in a plate, napkins, illustrations.




Unconventional technology

Program content



Fishes in an aquarium.

Palm painting, finger painting

Strengthen the skills of non-traditional techniques of drawing with the palm and fingers. Learn to draw wavy lines (algae) with your fingers. Cultivate neatness.

Carved aquariums, blue, gouache red, yellow, green, Brown in a plate, illustrations with images of fish.

Berries and apples.

Introduce the technique of cork printing, potato signet. Show the technique of receiving a fingerprint. Learn to draw berries and apples scattered on a plate.

A circle of tinted paper, gouache in plates (bowls), corks, potato seals, napkins, natural-sized apples and berries.

My favorite cup.

Printing technique Finger painting

Continue to introduce the non-traditional technique of cork printing, potato signet. Learn to decorate simple-shaped objects, applying a design, if possible, to the entire surface of the paper. Cultivate neatness. Strengthen finger painting skills.

Cups of different shapes and sizes cut out of paper, multi-colored gouache in a plate (bowl), various signets, napkins, an exhibition of dishes.

The birds are pecking the berries.

Strengthen skills in non-traditional fine printing techniques and finger painting techniques. Make berries of different sizes and colors.

Half - A4 sheet, brown and red gouache in a plate (bowl), corks, illustrations of birds, napkins




Unconventional technology

Program content



Radiant sun, why do you start hiding more often?

Printing technique (impression with cork, potato signet)

Continue to introduce the non-traditional technique of cork printing, potato signet. Reinforce the concept of “beam”. Develop color perception.

A sheet of paper with a yellow circle drawn in the middle, drawings with the image of the sun.

My mittens.

Printing technique (printing with potatoes, corks)

Practice typing techniques. Strengthen the ability to decorate objects of simple shape, apply the design as evenly as possible over the entire surface. Cultivate neatness.

Mittens cut out of paper of various shapes and sizes, signets, gouache in a plate, exhibition of mittens, napkins

The little Christmas tree is cold in winter.

Printing technique (cork imprint, potato signet), finger painting

To consolidate the ability to make prints over the entire surface of a sheet (snowflakes, snowballs), to consolidate the ability to draw with fingers. Strengthen the skills of gluing a Christmas tree. Cultivate neatness.

A tinted sheet of paper (blue, purple), green gouache, white gouache in a plate, two Christmas trees made of green paper, glue. Drawings depicting Christmas trees.

The snowball is fluttering and spinning.

Printing technique (foam rubber printing), finger painting

Reinforcing typing techniques and finger painting, creating an image of snowfall. Develop a sense of color and rhythm.

Tinted A4 sheets, white gouache in a plate, napkins, foam rubber on a stick, pictures of snowfall.




Unconventional technology

Program content



My favorite pet.

Poking with a hard semi-dry brush

Introduce the technique of poking with a semi-dry hard brush - learn to imitate animal fur, i.e. using the texture created by the poke as a means of expression. Learn to apply a design over the entire surface of the paper.

Figures cut out of paper or pets drawn on paper (kitten, puppy, rabbit), hard brush, gouache in black, gray, brown in plates, illustrations of pets.

Cheerful snowman.

Poking with a hard semi-dry brush, painting with fingers

Continue to practice the technique of poking with a semi-dry hard brush. Continue to teach how to use such a means of using such a means of expression as texture. Strengthen the ability to decorate a picture using finger painting. Cultivate neatness.

Paper snowman cut out (two circles of different sizes) gray or blue color, white gouache, hard brush, red and black marker, A4 sheets, dark tinted.

My favorite animals from fairy tales.

Poking with a hard semi-dry brush

Continue to practice the technique of poking with a semi-dry hard brush. Continue to learn how to use such a means of expression as texture. Cultivate neatness.

Silhouettes cut out of paper or animals drawn on paper (bear, fox, hare), hard brush, gouache of different colors.





Program content


Drawing with wax crayons and salt

Introduce the technique of combining watercolors and wax crayons. Teach children to draw along a contour with wax chalk, teach them to paint in parts, and work carefully with salt. To develop in children the ability to work individually.

My favorite fish.

Drawing with gouache on wax crayons.

Learn to trace your palm with wax chalk. Continue to get acquainted with the technique of combining watercolors and wax crayons. To develop in children the ability to work individually.

First snow.

Imprint with seals from a napkin.

Strengthen the ability to draw trees large and small, depict a snowball using typing techniques or finger painting. Develop a sense of composition. To cultivate artistic taste in a child.


Gouache, cotton pads, sticks.

Teach children to stick cotton pads on them, teach them how to carefully paint cotton pads, and “revive” a picture using cotton swabs. To develop in children the ability to work individually.





Program content

Mimosa for mom.

Finger painting

Practice finger painting and rolling balls from napkins. Develop a sense of composition. To cultivate artistic taste in a child.


Drawing with palms.

Reinforce your palm typing technique. Learning how to quickly apply paint and make prints is like rays of sunshine. Develop color perception. To develop in children the ability to work individually.

Teddy bear.

Foam rubber (2 pcs.), thin brush, gouache

Help children learn new way images - drawing with a foam sponge, which allows you to most clearly convey the depicted object, the characteristic texture of its appearance, continue to draw large, position the image in accordance with the size of the sheet. To cultivate artistic taste in a child.


Watercolor, wax crayons.

Learn to draw snowdrops with wax crayons, pay attention to the bowed head of the flowers. Learn to convey spring colors using watercolors. Develop color perception. To develop in children the ability to work individually.





Program content


Button printing. Tassel, buttons of various shapes.

Learn to draw with signets (buttons) of various shapes. Fix the primary colors: red, yellow, blue. To cultivate artistic taste in a child.

Magic pictures (magic rain).

Drawing with a candle

Strengthen the drawing technique with a candle (magic rain). Carefully paint the sheet with liquid paint. Learn to draw a cloud using wax chalk. To cultivate artistic taste in a child.

Gift for cat Murka.

Cotton swabs, a ready-made image of a cat (from geometric shapes: the head is a circle, the ears are small triangles, the body is a large triangle, paws, tail are ovals), paints of different colors, for each child a set of geometric shapes for laying out an image of a cat, PVA glue.

Exercise children in laying out and gluing images of geometric shapes; fix the names of the figures; improve your ability to draw balls cotton swabs; cultivate accuracy when working with glue and paints, the desire to help a friend.

Insects (butterfly, spider, ladybug, caterpillar)

Drawing with fingers, pencil.

Learn to draw the simplest figures, consisting of many fingerprints, and use the whole multi-colored range of paints. To develop in children the ability to work individually.





Program content

Bird cherry.

Drawing with cotton swabs and fingers.

Continue introducing children to the poke drawing technique. Develop a sense of composition and rhythm. To develop in children the ability to work individually.

How I love dandelions.

Picking, wax crayons, poking.

Improve the aesthetic perception of natural phenomena and techniques for depicting them - tearing and poking and others; develop a sense of composition and color through the use of different materials to create an expressive image of a dandelion in the landscape. To cultivate artistic taste in a child.


A poke with a semi-dry hard brush, a stencil of a kitten.

Strengthen the skill of stencil printing with a brush. To develop in children the ability to work individually.


Watercolor or gouache, wax crayons.

Strengthen the skill of drawing with watercolors or gouache, learn to draw fireworks using wax crayon. Nurture a child's artistic talent.


1. Lykova, I.A. Visual activities in kindergarten[Text]: textbook. allowance / I.A.Lykova. - M.: Moscow,2010 . - 45 s.

2. Application in kindergarten [Text] / Comp. A.N. Malysheva, N.V. Ermolaeva. - M.: Academy of Development, 2002. - 103 p.

3. Beloshistaya A.V., Zhukova O.G. Magic lumps [Text]: a guide for teaching children / A.V. Beloshistaya, O.G. Zhukova - Novosibirsk:, 2012. – 83 p.

4. Beloshistaya A.V., Zhukova O.G. Magic shreds [Text] manual for activities with children /. A.V. Beloshistaya, O.G. Zhukova - Novosibirsk:, 2012. – 123 p.

5. Beloshistaya A.V., Zhukova O.G. Magic foam rubber [Text] manual for activities with children /. A.V. Beloshistaya, O.G. Zhukova - Novosibirsk:, 2012. – 123 p.

Children's Academy "Friends of Nature".

Target: implementation of new approaches to solving the problem of personal development of young children in the system of work to familiarize themselves with the world of living nature.


1. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards nature.

2. Improve perception (visual, tactile, auditory) through the formation of ideas about the world of living nature.

3.Support children’s love of physical activity, teach them basic techniques of self-massage, gymnastics for the eyes and fingers.

4.Development of active and passive speech.

5. Reach mutual understanding with parents about the importance of the harmonious personal development of the child from an early age.

On modern stage problem environmental education preschool children is relevant, which allows a creative approach to solving this problem. Based on developments on the topic of the plan for personal creative self-development " Live nature in children's games" I have drawn up this long-term plan for group work.

Classes are grouped according to thematic principle: “Humans”, “Domestic Animals”, “Wild Animals”, “Birds”, “Insects”, “Fish”, “Plants”. The plan is based on the principle of repetition of game forms and content, in particular, at the end of each topic a game is played in the form of “Tasks on daisy petals”. The organizing element of the start of classes should be the appearance of the cartoon character Luntik, well known to children, who has many friends from the world of wildlife. Luntik’s role is not only to motivate to switch to another type of activity, but also to form moral behavior child: help, take care, teach, pay attention.

The work schedule of the toddler academy is designed to start classes from the second half of October (after the adaptation period) until the penultimate week of May, once a week (excluding the pre-New Year week).

Considering age characteristics children of early age, planned the work according to the principle “What I see is what I know”: the use of toys of animals, birds and insects, their images, dummies and real fruits and vegetables, a play herbarium, different types of theater, printed board games, the use of a natural corner and the capabilities of your own body.

Based on the high number of students in the group and the impossibility of artificially dividing children into subgroups, as well as taking into account the instability of mood and voluntary attention in young children, it was decided to involve children in classes on the principle of “who is interested.” This decision was also influenced by the fact that quarantines are not uncommon in early age groups.

In order to generally strengthen the physical health of children, the structure of classes includes the following types of work with children: outdoor games, finger exercises, self-massage, visual, auditory and breathing exercises. The greening of these activities made it possible to make them an organic part of classes.

The system of working with children includes a variety of activities with literary works: listening, dramatization, acting out in various forms of physical activity. These are mainly Russian folk nursery rhymes, songs and fairy tales, with the help of which, by comparing their images with real objects of nature, you can help children gain realistic ideas about the world around them.

Since the development of a caring attitude towards the natural environment in young children is laid down in the family, it is necessary to achieve mutual understanding with parents. The effect of raising children is largely due to the extent to which environmental values ​​are perceived by adults as vital. A noticeable influence on the upbringing of a child is exerted by the way, level, quality and style of life of the family. Children are very sensitive to what they see around them. They behave like the adults around them. Parents must realize this. That is why, when planning the work of the toddler academy, work with parents is also included.






2. Formation of ideas about body parts, enrichment of passive vocabulary.

3. Mastering non-verbal means of communication, enriching the passive vocabulary with verbs.

4. Relieve static tension in the eye muscles, teach onomatopoeia.

1. Game motivation: meeting Luntik, who knows nothing and has to explain everything to him.

2.Didact. ex. “Where are the cheeks?” - "Exactly!"

3.Engine ex. “Show me how you live.”

4.Visual and articulation gymnastics"Bee".

Luntik toy.

2. Clarification of ideas about body parts, activation of vocabulary.

3. Relieve static tension in the eye muscles, teach pronunciation [zh].

4. Teaching self-massage skills through familiarization with small forms of Russian folklore.

1. Game motivation: Luntik has forgotten everything he was taught, he confuses everything; Let's explain again.

2. Didact. ex. “Where are the cheeks?” - "Exactly!"

3. Visual and articulation gymnastics “Bee”.

4. Self-massage “Stretch across the tosty”.


1. Cultivating goodwill.

2. Pay attention to the features of clothes for boys.

3. Pay attention to the features of clothes for girls.

4. Continue learning self-massage skills through familiarization with small forms of Russian folklore.

1.Game motivation: Luntik is surprised why he is naked, and all the children are dressed, some in dresses, some in trousers. We explain what this depends on.

4. Self-massage “Stretch across the chest.”


1. Cultivating goodwill.

2. To consolidate the idea of ​​the features of boys’ clothing.

3. To consolidate the idea of ​​the features of clothing for girls.

4. Training in self-massage skills using. massage ball.

1.Game motivation: Luntik

2.Engine ex. “My grandmother sewed these trousers for Ilyusha from plush.”

3. Engine. ex. “This dress is for Natasha.”

4. Self-massage “A hedgehog walks without paths.”


Massage balls according to the number of children.

1. Educate goodwill.

2. Training in self-massage of the ears (according to Chinese medicine).

3. Mastering the capabilities of your body.

4. Introduce new things to children methodically. using the “chamomile petals task” technique, make it traditional at the end of each topic.

4. Draw the attention of parents to the impact that massage based on nursery rhymes has on the multilateral development of the child. Introduce specific techniques.

1. Game motivation: Luntik caught a cold. To make it easier for your nose to breathe and avoid headaches, we suggest doing an ear massage.

2. Self-massage “Where are the kids’ ears” - “Here!” - “Does (name of the animal) have ears...?” - “At the top!”

3. Rhythmoplasty “You, chamomile, tell us what to dance from the heart” (tasks on chamomile petals).

4. Consultation for parents “Great possibilities of a small play massage.”


Cardboard daisy with tasks.

Music (optional).


1. Fostering goodwill, developing ideas about care and friendship.

2. Formation of ideas about domestic animals, teaching onomatopoeia to animal voices.

3.Training of the eye muscles.

1.Game motivation: Luntik has no friends. What animals are human friends?

2. Dramatization of “The Tale of the Gray Wolf” by A. Barkov with the saying “An owl flew with a round head.”

3.Vision Gymnastics "Hide and Seek"


Flat cardboard theater.

1. Cultivation of goodwill.

2. Form ideas about the nutritional characteristics of domestic animals.

3. Clarify the idea of ​​what the horse is fed; development fine motor skills.

4.Development of motor activity, coordination of movements.

1. Game motivation: Luntik

says that he “lives with a horse” (A. Barto), but he doesn’t know what to feed it.

2.Inst.-print. game "Who eats what."

4.Engine ex. "Horse racing".


Toy horse.

Presentation-printed game (book) “Developing thinking.”

Gymnastic sticks.

2. Continue to form ideas about the nutritional characteristics of horses, goats and cows, determine the ability to recognize them by appearance.

3.Consolidate the idea of ​​what the horse is fed; development of fine motor skills.

4. Encourage domestic animals to imitate onomatopoeia, generalize ideas about their diversity.

1. Game motivation: Luntik was grazing his horse in the meadow and met other pets there. Guess which ones?

2. Riddle poem by Yu. Chernykh “Who is grazing in the meadow?” based on pictures.

3.Finger gymnastics“With one hand I tear up the grass...”

4. MP word game - dialogue “We are riding a horse along a smooth path.”


Toy horse.

Pictures with images of horses, goats and cows.

1. Arouse interest.

2.To consolidate ideas about the nutritional characteristics of horses, goats and cows.

3.Develop the ability to recognize an animal by part of its image.

4. Development of motor activity, coordination of movements.

1.Games. motivation: we are looking for where Luntik is. Probably grazing a horse and other animals in the meadow. Remember who is grazing in the meadow?

2. Riddle poem by Yu. Chernykh “Who is grazing in the meadow?” without relying on pictures.

3. Present-printed game “Halves”.

4. Engine. ex. "Horse racing".

Printed board game "Halves".

Gymnastic sticks.

1.Arouse interest.

2. Formation of ideas about how animals and humans can be mutually beneficial to each other.

3.Development of analytical abilities, mastery of general concepts “animals” and “plants”.

4. Development of rhythmoplastic qualities.

1. Game motivation: Luntik brought a “photo” of a turnip and asks what kind of animal it is.

2. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Turnip” using the saying “An owl flew with a round head.” Conversation.

3.Didact. ass "What's extra?"

4. Round dance based on the poem by G. Lagzdyn “The Fairy Tale is Dancing.”

Luntik, image. turnips

Desktop wood theater based on the fairy tale “Turnip”.

Subject pictures: three from the image. house. animals and one from the image. turnips

1. Arouse interest and desire to help Luntik. 3.Mastering the pitch and intonation capabilities of the voice.

4.Development of coordination of movements, hand motor skills.

1. Game motivation: Luntik drew a picture, but mixed up something in it. What's wrong?

2. Conversation on the content of K. Chukovsky’s story “So and Not So” (Part 1).

3.Control “How little mice squeak, how kittens meow.”


Illustration for the story “So and Not So” (cat< мышки).

Cat and mouse toys.

1.Arouse interest.

2. Encourage onomatopoeia, develop the ability to depict the habits of animals.

3.Development of coordination of movements, hand motor skills.

4.Increase the level of theoretical knowledge.

1. Game motivation: Luntik came with a chamomile and offers to play with it.

2. Game “I’ll spin a daisy and tell us who we should become” (tasks on daisy petals).

4. Consultation for educators “Didactic games in environmental education.”


1.Arouse interest, clarify the concepts of “wild animals” and “domestic animals”.

2.Update knowledge about the diversity of wild animals.

3.Enrich lexicon children with the names of animal dwellings, development of hand motor skills.

4. Practice jumping, encourage you to act on a signal.

1.Game motivation: Luntik says that he met animals that live in the forest. They have no home, no one cares about them, so they cannot be called domestic. But they found the mitten and now live in it.

2. Dramatization of the fairy tale “Mitten”.

3. Finger gymnastics “Who lives where.”

4.P/i “Bunny in the house.”


Tabletop wooden theater based on the fairy tale “Teremok”, mitten.


1. Create a desire to help Luntik and take care of the animals.

2.3. Clarify ideas about the feeding habits of wild animals.

3. Develop the ability to act on a signal word, encourage physical activity.

1.Game motivation: Luntik brought food for wild animals BUT DOESN'T KNOW WHO LOVES WHAT.

2.Didact. Game "Feed the Animals"

3.P/n “Bear, what are you eating?”

Luntik with a bag.

Toys of wild animals, food models for them.

2.Develop the ability to recognize an animal by part of its image.

3. Practice jumping, encourage you to act on a signal.

1.Game motivation: Luntik brought a “torn” book and doesn’t know how to glue the illustrations with animals together now.

2. Didact. game "Halves".

3. P/i “Bunny in the house.”


Presentation-printed game "Halves".


1. Create a desire to help Luntik.

2.Development of analytical abilities, mastering the general concepts of “wild animals” and “domestic animals”.

3.Practise jumping and the ability to act on a signal.

1. Game motivation: Luntik wants to “photograph” animals both in the forest and in the village and now he doesn’t know which photos to send where.

2. Didact. ass "What's extra?"

3. Play dance “The bunnies scattered across the forest lawn.”


Toys or subject pictures of wild and domestic animals.

1.Arouse interest.

2. Learn to recognize animals by their characteristic habits.

3.Encourage the use of words-names of wild animals.

4. Develop the ability to act on a signal word, encourage physical activity.

1.Game motivation: Luntik boasts that he knows all the animals, but will children be able to recognize them by their habits?

2. Didact. game "Guess who came."

3. Didact. game "Who's missing?"

4. Play dance “The bunnies scattered across the forest lawn.”


Wild animal toys, scarf.

1.Arouse interest.

2. Encourage onomatopoeia.

3. Determine the level of formation of ideas about the feeding habits of wild animals and the ability to name them.

4. Inform parents about the ongoing work on environmental education of children and encourage their participation in it.”

1. Game motivation: we are going to visit Luntik - in the forest.

2.M/n verbal game “We’re going on a cart to sing nursery rhymes in the forest.”

3.Didact. game “Name and Feed” (chamomile with tasks on the petals.)

4. Consultation for parents “Features of environmental education of preschool children.”


Chamomile with tasks on the petals.

Food dummies for wild animals.

1.Arouse interest.

2. Development of auditory perception.

3. Captivate with the beauty of the sound polyphony of birdsong.

4. Development of motor activity, dexterity.

1.Game motivation: Luntik suggests playing with the bell.

2.Game “Where the bell rings?”

3. Audio listening “Birdsong”.

4.P/i “Hide and seek with bells.


Audio recording “Birdsong”.

Bells according to the number of children.

1.2.Arouse interest in the life of owls.

4. Form an idea of ​​the nocturnal lifestyle of owls, develop the skill of multidirectional running according to a word signal.

1.Game motivation: Luntik says that he woke up in his forest at night and saw some kind of bird. Don't birds sleep at night?

2.Reading a poem

S. Marshak “Owls”.

3. Counting rhyme about birds.

4.P/i “Owl”.


Image of an owl, owlets.

1.Arouse interest.

2.Tell about bird nesting and feeding chicks.

3. Enrichment of the passive vocabulary with the names of birds.

4.Pin the view. about the nocturnal lifestyle of owls, development. multi-directional skill running according to a word-signal.

1.Game motivation: Luntik offers a game.

2. Instant-printed game "Sparrows in nests".

3. Counting book about birds.

4.P/i “Owl”.


Presentation-printed game "Sparrows in nests".

1. Create a desire to calm Luntik.

2.Tell about poultry, teach to recognize them by appearance.

3.Get an idea of ​​how birds take care of their chicks.

4. Engine development. activity.

1.Game motivation: Luntik wants to fly like a bird. We tell him that not even all birds fly, for example, domestic ones.

2. Examination and conversation based on the picture “Bird Yard”.

3. Nursery rhyme with movements “Rocktail Hen”.

4.P/i “Hen and Chicks”.


Picture "Bird yard".

1.Arouse interest.

2.To consolidate the idea of ​​how birds take care of their chicks.

3. Formation of an idea of ​​the structure of birds.

4.Determine the ability to recognize by appearance, imitate and depict the habits of birds.

5. Involve parents in cooperation with the teaching staff in working to preserve and strengthen the physical health of children.

1. Game motivation: Luntik offers an exchange: we teach him a nursery rhyme, and he gives us a game - an insert.

2. Nursery rhyme with movements “Rocktail Hen”.

3.Duck inserts.

4. Didact. game “Name and picture” (tasks on daisy petals).

5. Consultation for parents “Hygienic requirements for clothing and footwear for preschool children.”


“Duck” inserts.

Chamomile with tasks on the petals.










1. Fostering a humane attitude towards nature.

2. Form an idea of ​​insects: features, diversity

3. Removing static eye tension muscles, learn onomatopoeia.

4. Encourage the use of words-names of insects.

5.Teach onomatopoeia, clarify the idea that mosquitoes bite and flies love sweets; development of rhythmoplasty.

1.Game motivation: Luntik talks about his friends - insects: Mila, Shnyuk, Baba Kapu, Shershulya, etc. - and asks not to offend them.

2. Examination and conversation based on illustrations in the book “Insects”.

3.Visual and articulatory. Gymnastics "Bee".

4. Didact ex. "Who is missing."

5. Nursery rhyme with the movements “Dariki-mosquitoes”, “Cheese flies”.


Illustrations for the cartoon about Luntik.

Book with illustrations "Insects".

Insect toys.

1. Formation of ideas about the fauna of the pond.

2.Admire the beauty of the fish and remind them what is needed to care for them.

3. Pay attention to the variety of shapes and colors of fish.

4. Enrichment of ideas about fish, development of hand motor skills.

5.Exercise in different directions. run.

1.Game motivation: Luntik tells how he was in the pond visiting Karp Ivanovich and Aunt Motya.

2.Looking at fish in an aquarium.

3. Solitaire "Fish".

4. Finger gymnastics “Fish”.

5.M/n game “Fish and net”.


Aquarium with fish.

Game solitaire "Fish" (present - printing game).


and I

1.Arouse interest.

2. Develop the ability to visually recognize and name fruits and vegetables

3. Reinforce the knowledge that an orange is a fruit, remember the names of wild animals.

4.Development of taste sensations, the ability to name fruits and vegetables.

2.Didact. game “Find and name what I’ll show you.”

3. Counting “We shared an orange.”

4.Didact ex. “Guess what I ate.”


Subject pictures and models of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and vegetables.

1. Formation of ideas about trees as living beings.

2.Get an idea of ​​what a tree needs to grow.

3. Develop the ability to recognize fruits and vegetables through tactile inspection.

4. Development of rhythmoplasty.

1. Game motivation: Luntik says that his grandmother Kapa and General Sher consider the tree to be alive.

2. Finger. gymnastics “Who is a tree friends with” (see T.A. Kis-

Linskaya “Genius at your fingertips”, p. 84).

3.Didact. game "Guess what's in the bag."

4.Rus. round dance game “I am sitting and sitting by the broom bush.”


Bag, dummies of fruits and vegetables.

1.Arouse interest.

2. Learn to compare leaves by similarity.

3. Clarify the idea of ​​what a flower needs to grow.

4. Mastering the general concepts of “trees” and “flowers”.

5. Development of rhythmoplasty.

1. Game motivation: Luntik plays the game.

2. Didact ex. “Find a piece of paper that I’ll show you.”

3.Finger gymnastics “My Little Flower” (see T. A. Kislinskaya “Genius at the tips of your fingers”, p. 73).

4. Didact ex. "What's extra?"

5. Rus. round dance game “I am sitting and sitting by the broom bush.”


Game herbarium (flowers and leaves) and images of leaves.

1.Arouse interest.

2.Continue to teach how to compare leaves by similarity.

3. Development of rhythmoplasty.

4.Increasing parental competence.

1. Game motivation: Luntik plays the game.

2. Didactic game “1,2,3 – show me this sheet!” (tasks on chamomile petals).

3.Rus. round dance game “I’m sitting...”.

4.Consult. for giving birth “What is important to know about the development of a 2-3 year old child.”


Cardboard daisy with tasks on the petals.

Municipal preschool educational institution

“Kindergarten No. 4 “Vis-Vis” of a general developmental type” in the village of Polevaya

Volzhsky district of the Republic of Mari El

Club workfor children of the first junior groupon sensory development."Kaleidoscope"

Club work in the 1st junior group on sensory development.

Explanatory note.

I did not choose the topic of circle work by chance, at the beginning of the school year (2015-2016) in the 1st junior group.

Sensory development (from the Latin sensus - feeling, feeling) involves the formation in a child of processes of perception and ideas about objects, objects and phenomena of the surrounding world.

A baby is born with sensory organs ready to function.

But these are only prerequisites for perceiving the surrounding reality. Full sensory development occurs only in the process sensory education When children purposefully form standard ideas about color, shape, size, the characteristics and properties of various objects and materials, their position in space, etc., all types of perception develop, thereby laying the foundation for the development of mental activity. Sensory education creates the necessary prerequisites for the formation of mental functions that are of paramount importance for the possibility of further learning. It is aimed at developing visual, auditory, tactile, kinetic, kinesthetic and other types of sensations and perceptions.

The leading role of sensorimotor in the perception and cognition of various objects using active touch was emphasized by B. G. Ananyev, A. V. Zaporozhets and others. The combination of the work of the skin-mechanical and motor analyzers provides information on size, shape, hardness, ratio of parts and other characteristics palpable objects. The development of a child’s sensory actions does not occur by itself, but only in the course of assimilation of social sensory experience, under the influence of practice and training. The effectiveness of this process increases significantly if the child is specially taught how to examine objects using appropriate sensory standards. So, sensory development, on the one hand, forms the foundation of the child’s overall mental development, and on the other, it has independent significance, since full perception is basic for the successful mastery of many types of activities.

The early stage of child development involves the formation of a broad orientation in the subject environment.

That is, not only the traditional familiarization with the color, shape, size of objects, but also the improvement of sound analysis of speech, the formation of musical hearing, the development of muscle sense, etc., taking into account the important role that these processes play in the implementation of musical, visual activity, and speech communication , simple labor operations (A.V. Zaporozhets, A.P. Usova).

The need to accurately and completely perceive the properties of objects clearly arises before the child in those cases when he must recreate these properties in the process of his activity, since the result depends on how successfully the perception is carried out.

Knowledge of the properties and qualities of objects, phenomena, mastery of generalized knowledge and skills associated with orientation in the environment occurs in the process various types meaningful activity (initially - in the process of subject activity). Having analyzed the literature on the history of preschool pedagogy, I concluded that at all stages of its development, the problem of sensory education occupied one of the central places. This issue was considered in their works by such prominent representatives of preschool pedagogy as V. N. Avanesova, L. A. Wenger, A. N. Lebedeva, N. N. Poddyakov, N. P. Sakulina, M. Montessori, etc.).

Purpose of circle work:

Development of mental abilities in children of primary preschool age through sensory development.


  • Give children an idea of ​​sensory standards, which are examples of the main varieties of each property: 6, then 7 colors of the spectrum, 5 geometric shapes, 3 gradations of size.
  • To form the cognitive activity of children during direct educational activities (games, didactic exercises, experiments, game tasks and assignments).
  • Strengthen clear ideas about the varieties of each property.
  • Teach correctly and understand the words: “shape”, “color”, “same”. Because “magnitude” does not have an “absolute” meaning; learn to perceive it only in comparison with another quantity.

Participants: Teachers - teacher, children, parents.

Duration: Club work is carried out throughout the school year once a week in the form of didactic games and exercises. Once a month, in the fourth week, a final lesson is held to consolidate the material covered.

Expected Result:

ü enrichment of children’s active and passive vocabulary;

ü cognitive interest in the GCD circle;

ü preparation of attributes for games, GCD.

Preparatory stage:

  1. Preparation of poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, games.
  2. Preparation of attributes for GCDs and games.

Main stage:

Long-term planning of game activities for circle work for the academic year (September 2015 to May 2016)

The final stage:

1. Diagnosis of children on sensory development in the 1st junior group at the end of the 2015 -2016 school year.

2. Summing up the results of the project (the work of the circle).

3. Preparing a presentation using photographs.

4. Design of a wall newspaper for parents based on the results.

5. Notes on the work of the circle for the next academic year, long-term planning.


Forward planningcircle work for (2015-2016)

September 2015

  1. Introducing colors: yellow, red, blue, green, white, black. Didactic game “Hide the mouse.”
  2. Introducing shapes: square, rectangle, triangle, oval, circle. Didactic game: “Bird in a Cage.”
  3. Introduction to the parameters of three quantities. Didactic exercise “Feed the bears”
  4. Integrated GCD: “Find the same color and shape.”

October 2015

  1. “Hide the bunny from the fox” - color.
  2. “Who sleeps where” - form.
  3. “Playing with balls” is a magnitude.
  4. Integrated GCD: “Wonderful bag” - shape and size.

November 2015

  1. Color of water - color.
  2. What shape are the objects in our group.
  3. Let's build a tower.
  4. Integrated GCD Multi-colored rooms – color and size.

December 2015

  1. “Christmas tree decoration” - color.
  2. “New Year trees” - size.
  3. “Composite pictures” – form.
  4. Lotto "color and shape".

January 2016

  1. Didactic game “The Rooster’s Tail” - color.
  2. Didactic game "Shop" - form.
  3. Didactic game “Who is taller” - magnitude.

February 2016

  1. Didactic game "Living Dominoes" - color.
  2. Game - competition “Who can roll up the tape faster” - value.
  3. “Let's build a tower” - magnitude.
  4. Integrated GCD "Rainbow" - color and size.

March 2016

  1. Game instructions - color and size.
  2. The didactic game “Let's collect fruits” is great.
  3. Game exercise “Find your house” - form.
  4. Integrated GCD “Handkerchief for Mom” - form.

April 2016

  1. Didactic game “Colorful flags” - color.
  2. Didactic game “Bring and Show” – shape and size.
  3. Game exercise “Find your clearing” - color.
  4. Didactic exercise “How animals chose their place.”
  1. Consolidation – didactic game “Spring has come” - color, shape and size.
  2. Consolidation – collective drawing of “Colors of Spring”.
  3. Fastening – collective applique “Spring drops” - size.

Calendar planning of circle work.

September (2015)

Lesson 1. Didactic game “Hide the mouse.”

Target: Introducing children to the six colors of the spectrum and naming them. Color indication training.

Material: Demonstration: sheets of paper of six colors (20/15cm), in the middle a white square (8/8cm) on which a mouse is drawn (Mouse House), squares of the same six colors - doors (10/10cm), a toy - a cat.

Handout: the same material in a smaller size - colored sheets (10/8 cm), white squares on them (5/5 cm), colored squares (6/6 cm); three houses and six “doors” for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

(Children sit in a circle at the table with the teacher).

The teacher plays the game “Hide the Mouse” with the children. First, he introduces the children to the rules of the game: “Meet the guys - the mice have come to visit us, each has its own house. Let's name what color (red, yellow, blue, green, black, white). Mice are very afraid of cats and hide behind doors as soon as they see her. Each has its own door, you see the mouse in the red house has a red door. The mouse in the blue house has a blue door. Let’s find the mouse’s door together for everyone.”

Children play with the teacher. Then the children play independently. They hide mice from the cat by matching multi-colored houses with windows that are exactly the same color as the house, and closing the windows so that the mouse is not visible. Children learn the names of the six colors of the spectrum.

Lesson 2. Didactic game “Bird in a Cage”.

Target: Introducing children to basic geometric shapes (circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle). Learning how to examine a form - tracing the outline of a form with a finger. Form identification training.

Material: Demonstration: large cardboard circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle with painted “faces” - figures - men. Handout: sets of the game “Birds in Cages” - sheets with windows - geometric shapes, in which a bird is depicted and individual “doors” in shape of a triangle, circle, oval, square, rectangle.

Progress of the lesson:(Children sit in a circle at the table with the teacher). The teacher shows funny geometric people. – Unusual geometric figures came to visit us, they smile at you. Meet, this is a circle, this is an oval, this is a square, this is a triangle, this is a rectangle. Take them and trace them with your finger. The circle and oval have no corners, their side is smooth, you can drag your finger for a long time. And a triangle, a square, a rectangle have corners, feel the sharp ones with your finger.

(The teacher lays out a sheet for the game “Birds in a Cage”) - The birds flew to us and sat in their cages, but they can fly away, let’s close the doors in their cages. Just choose the right door. Here is a bird in a circle - it needs a round door, and here there is a bird in a square - find its square door. (The teacher plays the game with all the children)

In conclusion, the kids are offered the outdoor game “Birds and a Car.”

Lesson 3. Didactic exercise “Feed the bears.”

Target: Introducing the parameters of three sizes (large, medium, small).

Material: Three toys of different sizes - bears, respectively, three chairs, three plates, three cups, three spoons. Two physical education benches of different heights, depicting bridges over rivers.

Progress of the lesson.

The teacher invites the children to go visit three bears. The children go on a journey, and on their way they encounter two rivers with bridges: through one handle the bridge is lower, through the other - higher. On a low bridge, children can easily cross to the other bank; on a high bridge, it is scary to fall into the river.

Well, we came to visit our bears. Let's talk about our journey, how we crossed the river on the bridge. – Which bridge was easier to walk on, which was more difficult, why - one bridge is low, the other is high. Guys, our bears are also different, one is taller, the other is shorter, the third is completely short. How else can you say it? – One is large, the second is medium (or smaller), and the third is small.

The teacher explains the rules of the didactic exercise: - Our bears are going to have lunch, but they can’t decide who should choose which plate, cup and spoon. Let's help: for a large bear choose a large plate, for a smaller (medium) bear - a smaller plate, and for a small bear - a small plate. (using the same principle, children select the rest of the dishes for the bears).

In conclusion, the grateful bears play the active game “Bear and Children” with the children.

Lesson 4.“Find the same color and shape”

Target: Training in comparing the color of an object with a color standard, classification according to the main six colors. Learning to compare the shape of objects with shape standards.

Material: By color - a hoop, squares of six colors, 3-4 objects (colored cubes) of each of these six colors. In form - geometric figures of five shapes, 2 objects of each of these shapes. Hoop.

Progress of the lesson. With color. The teacher lays out all the colored cubes and objects (toys) of different colors. Then a game is played: the teacher shows a sample (a cube of one of six colors) and rolls the hoop towards one of the children. The child selects an object that is the same color as the sample and chooses the child to name the color of the object. The selected item is placed next to the sample on a separate table. The game then continues in the same way. With form. The teacher, together with the children, examines objects and toys of different shapes lying on the table in front of them, they say what shape the object and toys are - round, oval, square, triangular and rectangular. Next is the game: the teacher shows one of the figures and invites the child towards whom the hoop is rolling to choose a toy of the same shape and name what shape it is. The selected item is transferred to another table next to the sample form. The game continues until all the items are matched to the samples.

In conclusion: two hoops are placed on the floor, in one you need to bring round-shaped toys and red colors, in the other you need to put square-shaped and green objects. You can repeat the game by setting other shape and color parameters.

October (2015)

Lesson 1. Didactic game “Hide the bunny from the fox.”

Target: Learning to correlate objects based on color and shape.

Material: Demonstration: sheets of paper of six colors (20/15 cm), in the middle there are white “windows” of different shapes (up to 5 types) (8/8 cm), on which hares are drawn (bunny house), “doors” of different shapes and corresponding (10/10 ). Fox toy. Handout: the same material in a smaller size - color sheets (10/8 cm), “doors” (6/6 cm), and “windows” (5/5 cm). Three houses and six doors for each child.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher plays the game “Hide the Bunny from the Fox” with the children. First, he draws the children’s attention to the color of the “houses” and the shape of the “doors.” Shows how to choose the right “doors” in the houses of hares, taking into account color and shape. Then he invites the children to play on their own. They hide the rabbits from the fox, taking them to colorful houses with different shapes windows, exactly the same colors as the house and the same shape as the window.

In conclusion, the outdoor game “Fox and Hares”.

Lesson 2.“Who sleeps where?”

Target: We continue to introduce children to five geometric shapes and their names. Formation of the selection action according to the sample.

Material: Demonstration: large circle, oval, square, triangle and rectangle (human figures). Handout: the same smaller figures with faces, one set for each child. Cards with outline images of the same figures of the same size.

Progress of the lesson. Children remember the names of familiar figures - little men. The teacher names the shapes one by one in the following order: circle, oval, triangle, square, rectangle. Tracing the figure with his finger, the teacher asks what shape this little man is. Particular attention is paid to the angles and proportions of the figures (oval and rectangle are elongated). Children “draw” the outlines of figures in the air. Then the teacher offers to play with small figures - people. Children are given cards showing “beds” for each of the figures. The “little people” must be put to “sleep” in beds suitable for them, that is, all the figures must be laid out on cards so that they coincide with those drawn.

Note. In a stronger subgroup of children, the size of the figures may be smaller than the outlines on the card.

Lesson 3."Game with balls."

Target: Learning to identify size parameters of objects.

Material: Ball. Handout: for each child, kits for the game “Find its place for the ball” - cut balls of different diameters and colors and a cardboard card with images of balls of the same colors and sizes.

Progress of the lesson: Children stand in a circle with the teacher. The teacher plays a ball with them, throwing it to each other. Then the teacher asks you to close your eyes and hides the ball. The ball is hidden either high (it cannot be reached from the floor) or low (the ball is easy to reach). Children determine the position of the ball (high, low), look for a way to get the ball if it lies high. The game is repeated several times.

The teacher offers the children the game “Find its place for the ball”, game sets are laid out on the tables in front of the children and after the teacher shows them, the children play independently.

Lesson 4."Wonderful bag."

Target: Learning to select figures by touch based on a visually perceived pattern. Consolidating knowledge of color shades.

Material: A wonderful bag containing plastic cubes and balls of different colors.

Progress of the lesson.(Children sit in a circle on chairs). The teacher shows the children a wonderful bag and says: “Now I’ll take a cube out of the bag and won’t look into it.” He takes out a cube by touch and asks the children to name what color the object is. Now I’ll take out a round ball and won’t peek. He puts his hand into the bag and takes out a ball. Now you try it.

The teacher brings the bag to each child in turn and offers, without looking, to take a cube or ball out of it. The child takes out and names the color of the object. When all the objects are taken out of the bag, the teacher suggests sorting the objects into groups according to color shades. Finally, the children help put the cubes in one box and the balls in another.

November (2015)

Lesson 1."Water coloring"

Target: Familiarizing children with shades of color based on lightness and their verbal designations: “light”, “dark”, “lighter”, “darker”.

Material: Demonstration: 14 transparent cups, 2 of them with stickers - light red and dark red, gouache paints, a separate container with water. Handout: red gouache, 2 cups of water for each child, brushes.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher invites the children to prepare water for making colored ice. The teacher shows how to make light red water by putting a little paint on a brush and diluting it in water, and then making darker water by dipping the brush into the paint twice. Then the children prepare water of two shades. Under the guidance of the teacher, they first make light red water in one glass, and then dark red water in another glass. Having prepared colored water, they bring it to the teacher, naming where the water is light red and where it is dark red. (Then the teacher will take their cups to freeze).

And he suggests diluting other shades of paint. To do this, pre-prepared disposable glasses with water are set out and other colors of gouache are taken. Invites children to name what colors came out in the cups.

Lesson 2.“What shape are the objects in our group?”

Target: Training in visual inspection of objects and verbal description of their shape.

Material: Items found in the group room.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher, together with the children, examines the objects in the group, determining what shape they are. Then a game is played: the teacher names an object, the child independently determines the shape of this object. For example, what shape is the mirror, what shape is the window, cabinet, etc.

Lesson 3."Let's build a tower."


Material. Demonstration: pictures of animals: bear, fox, mouse. Cubes of different sizes (large, smaller, smallest). Handout: three squares of different sizes for each child.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher, together with the children, examines the animals depicted in the pictures, arranging them in order: the most A big bear, the smaller fox, the smallest mouse. Next, the children, together with the teacher, build a tower of cubes for the animals, correlating the size of the animals with the size of their “apartments” - cubes. Then the children independently build the same towers in their places at the tables, following the sequence of selecting squares by overlapping them when comparing (house for animals).

Lesson 4."Colorful rooms"

Target: Consolidating knowledge of primary colors. Learning to highlight color with distraction from other features of the object.

Material: Each child has a card (30/20 cm), divided into 6 cells (10/10 cm) of different colors; small cardboard silhouettes of toys - one of each color.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher draws the children’s attention to the multi-colored “rooms” on the card and explains that all the objects in them should be suitable color so that they are not visible. Examines and names toys and objects with children, notes that there are the same objects and toys of different colors. Then the children place toys and objects in their rooms so that they are not visible. A doll or a bear checks the correctness of the task.

December (2015)

Lesson 1."Christmas tree decoration."

Target: Consolidate the idea of ​​primary colors, practice arranging objects on a plane in a given color order.

Material: Demonstration: flannelgraph, planar figures of a Christmas tree and Christmas balls of the same size and six primary colors. Handout: for each child a set of flat Christmas tree figurines and multi-colored Christmas tree balls.

Progress of the lesson.(Children sit on chairs in a semicircle near the flannelgraph). The teacher draws the children's attention to the bright green Christmas tree on the flannelgraph. - Guys, a forest guest has come to us, look at the Christmas tree. What color is it? Coming soon New Year and in every house there will be such a beauty, only something is missing for festive mood, what do you think? (decorations, balls, tinsel) - Here are laid out on the table in front of you Christmas balls. Let's name them by color. (The teacher shows balls of different colors one by one, the children name them)

Let's decorate our guest, I will call who will come up and take the red ball (blue, green, yellow). Let's start, Lera take the red ball and attach it to the very top of our Christmas tree. (children together with the teacher decorate the Christmas tree).

Then the teacher invites the children to go to the table and decorate their Christmas trees according to the model from the flannelgraph. He approaches each child and asks what color his ball is and where he will hang it.

At the end there is a round dance “The little Christmas tree is cold in winter...”.

Lesson 2."New Year trees".

Target: Teaching children to use measurements to determine the parameters of a quantity.

Material: Three sets of Christmas trees: each set contains three Christmas trees with a height difference of five centimeters. The same sets of rooms (rectangular sheets of paper), narrow cardboard strips (measurements) corresponding to the height of the trees and rooms.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher creates a game situation: it is necessary that in each house there is a Christmas tree up to the ceiling. The teacher invites all the children to “go into the forest” so that they can choose Christmas trees of the desired height, and gives them cardboard strips - measurements. Using this measure, each child will select a Christmas tree of the desired height. The teacher shows the children how to select a Christmas tree according to measurements (applies a measurement from the base of the tree to its top. If the ends match, the tree “fits”). Next, the children “go to the forest” for Christmas trees, and everyone picks up a Christmas tree. The children “take the chosen Christmas trees to town” and install them in those houses where the Christmas trees fit right up to the ceiling (they try them on).

Lesson 3."Composite Pictures"

Target: Learning to dissect images of objects into their component parts and recreate a complex shape from parts.

Material: Samples of drawings made up of geometric shapes: Christmas tree, house, car, rocket, duck. Handout: sets of geometric shapes: circles, squares, rectangles, ovals, triangles for making pictures.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher looks at the drawing samples together with the children. The drawings are analyzed from the point of view of its constituent parts: features of size, proportions and shapes, features of their location in space. Then the children lay out various pictures on the tables.

Lesson 4. Lotto "color and shape".

Target: Training in orientation to two features simultaneously (color and shape) with distraction from the third (size).

Material: Six lotto cards with five geometric shapes arranged in different orders, all shapes on the card are of different colors; thirty carved figures of five shapes, six colors.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher-leader takes one figure out of the box and asks: “Who has such a figure?” .If the child responds, he receives it and closes the corresponding figure on the card. If no one responds, the figure is put aside. The winner is the one who covers all the figures on the card first.

January (2016)

Lesson 1. Didactic game “The Rooster’s Tail.”

Target: Consolidation of ideas about primary colors and correlation in accordance with size parameters.

Material: Demonstration: flannelgraph, 2 cockerels - one with a beautiful bright tail, the other shorter (5cm difference) from its tail in a separate set. Handout: for each child a cockerel and a set of feathers of different sizes and different colors.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher makes a riddle about a cockerel. Two cockerels are displayed on a flannelgraph, how they are similar and how they differ. That's right, one cockerel doesn't have a tail, that's the problem, you can't live without a tail. He invites the children to help the cockerel, shows the feathers, and the children name them by color. How to properly fasten a rooster's tail? The feathers are not only different in color, but also in size. The teacher shows how to find the largest feather and secures the rooster, then calls the children in turn and together they secure the tail of the rooster.

Then the teacher draws attention to the cockerels at the table and asks the children to help them with their ponytails. Children complete the task independently, the teacher controls the process.

Lesson 2. Didactic game "Shop".

Target: Training in comparing the color of an object with a color standard, classifying by color, grouping shades.

Material: Toys and objects of six colors and their shades (3-4 each), multi-colored rectangles (“checks”).

Progress of the lesson. The teacher offers to play in the store. Children come to the “store” and look at toys and objects, noting what color and shade they are (it is necessary to achieve a clear definition of color and shade: light green, light purple, dark red, etc.). When looking at toys, children compare pairs of objects of the same color tone based on their lightness. Next, children receive “Checks” (rectangles of different colors). To buy a toy, its color must match the color of the receipt (shades of colors are included). At first, the role of the seller is played by the teacher, then the children can be divided into “sellers” and “buyers”.

Lesson 3. Didactic exercise “Who is taller.”

Target: Teaching the rule for measuring objects using a single reference point.

Material: Dolls – girls of different heights, cube.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher invites the children to play with dolls. He creates a game situation: the children came to kindergarten and they argued which of them was taller. The dolls are measured by height (the difference in the height of the dolls should be insignificant). The dolls continue to measure their height, the teacher quietly places a cube under the feet of one of the dolls (smaller in stature). Children face a problematic task: is it possible to measure height in this way? Children must independently come to the conclusion that when measuring, the legs of girls dolls should be on the same line.

In conclusion, children are measured in height against each other

February (2016)

Lesson 1."Living Domino"

Target: Consolidating knowledge of primary colors. Learning to highlight colors with distraction from other features of objects.

Material: Each child has a card (30/20 cm), divided into six cells (10/10 cm) in which silhouettes of animals and birds of different colors are pasted. And small silhouettes on cut cards.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher draws attention to large cards with six colored silhouettes of animals and birds and invites each child to choose one such card. The teacher himself, the presenter, suggests choosing a pair for each image, showing one cut card at a time. The winner is the one who matches all his animals before the other children.

Lesson 2. Game competition “Who will roll the tape faster.”

Target: Learning to identify size parameters of objects.

Material: 2 ribbons attached to sticks, the same width, but different lengths and different colors: red – 1m, blue – 50cm.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher shows the children 2 ribbons of the same width with a contrasting difference in length, and teaches them how to roll the ribbon. Attention is not paid to the length of the ribbons. Next, a game is played: the teacher names a couple of children, each takes a ribbon, and a game-competition is held. Naturally, the one with the shorter ribbon wins. The rest of the guys notice that the one with the longest tape loses. When the game is repeated, the called children strive to “take possession” of the short ribbon in order to ensure that they win the competition. Children explain their actions, compare the lengths of the ribbons, placing them next to each other.

In conclusion, you can invite the children to compete, just to hand out ribbons of the same length.

Lesson 3. Let's build a tower.

Target: Learning to understand the relationships in magnitude between three-dimensional and flat objects. Learning to correlate 2-3 series of values ​​with each other.

Material: Demonstration: pictures of animals: bear, wolf, fox, hare, mouse. Five cubes of different sizes. Dispenser: 5 squares of different sizes.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher, together with the children, examines the animals depicted in the pictures. Arranging them in order: the largest (bear), the smaller one is the wolf, the smaller one is the fox, the smaller one is the hare and the smallest one is the hare. Next, the teacher, together with the children, builds a tower of cubes for the animals, correlating the size of the animals with the size of the cubes. Then the children independently build the same towers in their places at the tables, following the sequence of selecting squares by placing them on top of each other when comparing.

Lesson 4."Rainbow".

Target: Introducing children to the color system, including the new color blue.

Material: Demonstration: picture “Rainbow”, flannelgraph, set of individual “Rainbow” strips. Handout: sheets of paper with an unfinished rainbow, sets of strips for each child to complete the “Rainbow”.

Progress of the lesson. Children look at a picture of a rainbow and listen to the poem “Colors of the Rainbow.” The teacher invites them to put together a rainbow from a set of strips on a flannelgraph in front of them and names the colors of the rainbow. In this case, the teacher pays attention to the sequence of colors in the picture. Next, children are invited to complete their own “rainbow” at the tables. Children complete the task, and the teacher controls the process, approaches the children and asks them to name the colors of the rainbow.

In conclusion, the outdoor game “Sun and Rain” is offered.

March (2016)

Lesson 1. Game orders.

Target: Teach to distinguish and name toys, highlight their main qualities (color, size). Develop auditory perception, improve verbal communication.

Material: a large and small toy dog ​​(or bear cubs), a car, a red or blue ball, large and small cups, nesting dolls.

Progress of the lesson. The teacher shows the children toys, asks them to name them, tell what color and size they are. Then he gives instructions to the children.

Give a large dog tea from a large cup.

(If the child makes a mistake, the dog growls and turns away from the cup)

Place the nesting doll next to the red ball.

Give the little dog a blue ball.

Take a small dog and sit him on the mat. -Put the big dog next to the little one.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks the children to put the toys and objects used in the game back in their places.

(The teacher monitors the correct execution of instructions).

Lesson 2."Let's pick fruit"

Target: Learning to distinguish and name the size of objects (fruits). Develop auditory perception.

Material: Demonstration: Three-dimensional fruit models of 2 sizes (large and small), two baskets (large and small). Handout: sets of the game “Let’s collect fruits” for each child in a flat version (large and small fruits and large and small baskets).

Progress of the lesson. The teacher points to the table where three-dimensional fruit models are laid out. different sizes. He offers to name the fruits and choose one fruit for himself, then puts two baskets and says: “We will put large fruits in a large basket, so I put one large pear.” And in a small basket, I will put a small apple. Now you, one at a time, come up and put your fruit in the right basket. (Children come up and decide where to put their fruit, the teacher asks to name the size of their fruit and the size of the chosen basket).

The teacher offers to play a game at tables with flat figures (fruits and baskets). At the end of the lesson, offer physical exercises.

Lesson 3. Game exercise “Find your house.”

Target: Continue to get acquainted with objects of various shapes and sizes. Learn to correlate parts, carry out a set of objects of two different shapes (ball, cube) and three sizes (large, smaller, small). Act according to verbal instructions, observe the actions of other children.

Material:“entertaining box”, which has slots of three sizes: square (7, 5, 3 cm) and round (diameter 7, 5, 3 cm); cubes (2, 4, 6 cm) and balls (2, 4, 6 cm) for each child. Or use a didactic manual - inserts in the form for each child.

Progress of the lesson. Option 1. – The teacher draws the children’s attention to cubes and balls of different sizes, asking them to find “their house”, put it in a “fun” box, and to do this they need to separate the cubes from the balls. When the children complete this part of the task, the teacher moves the box in a circle, from one child to another, inviting everyone to put a cube into it first, and then a ball. Children choose figures, arbitrarily guided by their size: a small object can be lowered into any hole in the “house”, a medium-sized object - into a large or medium hole, a large object - only into the largest hole. This is how children learn not only to correlate objects by size, but also to perform this action in more rational ways.

Similarly, each child places the second and then the third pair of objects into the “house”. The teacher evaluates the “work” from the point of view of a rational solution to the problem.

Option 2. Children are offered inserts with six different windows and shapes for them. The teacher invites each form to find “its own house.”

Lesson 4."A handkerchief for mom."

Target: Learn to lay out an ornament from single-color geometric shapes, analyze, and arrange objects in space. Develop perception of form.

Material: For each child, a sheet of square paper with drawn outlines of shapes, the same size (5 pieces), glue pencil, cut geometric shapes. Sample of a finished “handkerchief”.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher shows the children an applique - a sample (handkerchief for mother). Gives children the opportunity to name familiar geometric shapes and draw them in the air with their finger. Pay attention to the blanks on the tables, carefully examine all the figures and arrange them in their drawn places. Then offer to stick it on, the teacher helps the children complete the appliqué. Offer ready-made handkerchiefs to give to mothers.

April. (2016)

Lesson 1."Multi-colored flags."

Target: Learn to distinguish color tones by comparing them with each other and applying them to a sample. Improve visual perception. Accustom to accurately and diligently carry out group instructions.

Material: colored flags of four primary colors - 4 sets each.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher draws the children's attention to the flags lying on the table, names the color of each flag, and invites them to play with them.

Take any flag, name its color and find the same one using the application technique.

Four children are chosen, the teacher points to the table on which the child will look for his flag. The one who finds the flag of his color must show it to all the children, and they will see if the task was completed correctly. If the task is completed correctly, everyone will clap their hands.

(Having selected a flag by color, each child gives one flag to the teacher, and takes the other to the table and returns to the chair.)

Lesson 2.“Bring it and show it.”

Target: continue to teach techniques for visual examination of shapes in difficult conditions; foster a sense of responsibility for completing assignments; replenish the experience of a friendly gaming partnership.

Material: small cards (6/8 cm) with images of geometric shapes: circle, triangle, square, rectangle according to the number of children; large cards depicting the same figures.

Progress of the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher, together with the children, lays out one set of figures, first on one table, then on the other three; allows children to see if all the figures are in place; It is not allowed to touch or pick up the figures.

Children sit on chairs. The teacher calls four children and places them opposite the rest. Having chosen the outline of one of the figures, the teacher shows it first to the sitting children, and then to the four called.

Please bring us this triangle, but first look at it carefully! (The teacher slowly traces the outline of the figure with his finger, and the children follow his movements, then he invites them to trace the figure with their eyes again and after a few seconds removes it.)

Children - One, two, three, look.

With the last words, each of the four summoned children goes to their table and carries out the assignment. At this time, the teacher lays out a sample on the table or board. Each child, having completed the assignment, independently puts the figure he has chosen on the sample, brings it and shows it to the children.

The game is of a control nature. The teacher thinks over the composition of each four, selecting children of approximately the same abilities. In a specially prepared list after the game, the child’s success (+ or -) is noted.

Lesson 3."Find your clearing."

Target: Strengthen the ability to correlate the colors of different objects and identical objects of different colors.

Material: large colored sheets of paper, silhouettes of toys of different colors.

Progress of the lesson: The teacher shows different ways completing the task: in the “clearing” - a large sheet of colored paper places objects of the same color. If the children make a mistake by selecting identical objects of different colors, the teacher shows that not all toys have the same color as the color of the clearing on which they lie.

It is important to draw children's attention to the fact that different objects can be the same color (a red flower and a tumbler) - then their clearing is the same, and the same objects can be of different colors (yellow and green leaves) - then their clearings they are different.

Lesson 4.“How animals chose their place.”

Target: Learn to distinguish and name toys depicting animals, understand and use the words “near”, “far”, “farther”, “closer”, “in front”, “behind”.

Material: medium sized toys.

Progress of the lesson: Educator: Chest of nuts.

The squirrel has a chest,

Click and click of teeth -

It contains hazelnuts.

The shells are flying.

The squirrels gathered for a gathering.

For all the cheese - talk!

E. Moshkovskaya.

Her forest friends came running to the squirrel. The runaway bunny galloped up and stood next to the squirrel. Andryushka, put the bunny next to the squirrel. The child performs. Nastya, tell me how the bunny and the squirrel stand. (Child - nearby).

Educator. They gnaw nuts and play together. Then a fox came running, stood far away and watched the squirrel and the bunny play, came closer and began to play with them too. Sasha, tell me, where was the fox at first? Child - Far away. Educator - And then where did she go? Child. - Closer. Educator - That’s right, the fox came closer to the squirrel and stood behind her. Camilla, tell me, where did the fox stand? The child answers. - That's right, behind the squirrels. And the bunny came running and stood in front of the fox. Akim, put the bunny in front of the fox. The child performs. Where did Akim put the bunny? The children answer. - Now, children, take your toys and we will also choose a place for ourselves. Children take a toy each. Adeline, go out into the clearing with the squirrel. Pavlik, stand in front of Adeline. The children get up.

Right. Where did Pavlik stand? The children answer.

Denis, stand next to Adeline. Where did Denis stand? The children answer.

Well done, you all have found your place well. Now we'll play with the toys.

Municipal Budgetary Preschool Educational Institution

CRR kindergarten No. 10 “Fairy Tale” in the town of Luchegorsk.

Long-term plan group work on the topic: "Sun in the palms".

Compiled by teacher: Tarasova V.V.

Bondarenko M. S.


Information sheet Long-term plan for group work

In the first junior group

Time spending:

Tuesday, Thursday afternoon from 17.00.

Amount of children: 6

Educator: Tarasova V.V., Bondarenko M. S.

Club work report: results productive activity and creation of a subject-developing environment.

village Luchegorsk 2016-2017


Explanatory note

Purpose and objectives of the activity

Contents of the activity

Basic teaching methods

Educational standards

Results of the implemented program (monitoring)


Appendix (practical material)


Relevance my work is that purposeful and systematic work on the development of fine motor skills in children of the first younger age contributes to the formation of intellectual abilities, speech activity, and most importantly, the preservation of the child’s mental and physical development. Children who did not have developed self-care skills came to the group. All these skills are formed under the influence of the child’s development of gross and fine motor skills. A child’s hand at this age is physiologically imperfect. Like the entire body, it is in a stage of intensive development. Fine motor skills are poorly developed. The fingers bend and extend synchronously, i.e. all act together. The movements of the fingers are poorly differentiated, therefore, when one finger is bent, the rest perform a similar action. There is an incomplete range of motion and rapid fatigue.

Purpose of the program:

Development in children of fine motor skills, creative abilities, imagination, imagination through non-traditional drawing.

Features of the program.

Features of the program are the development of the individuality of each child, from involuntary movements to their limitation, to visual control, to a variety of forms of movement, then to the conscious use of acquired experience in drawing. Gradually, the child develops the ability to depict objects, conveying their expressive character. This indicates further development of abilities.

The leading idea of ​​circle work is to create a comfortable communication environment, develop abilities, creative potential each child and his self-realization.

Research has shown that drawing classes form the motivational and need-based side of their productive activity, promote children’s sensory development, differentiation of perception, small hand movements, and also ensure the development of voluntary attention, imagination, speech, and communication.

When teaching drawing, it is necessary to take into account the individual typological characteristics of children (for some children it is important to describe the situation graphically, others try to express the relationships of characters, mood) and provided children different types help: verbal, guiding, teaching.

To create expressive artistic image used drawing, combining different methods of depiction, materials in one depicted image. Particular importance was attached to the material with which children can draw: a stick with cotton wool, flowers, seeds, plant leaves, spruce branches, sawdust, etc.

Features of the age group

Every child is born an artist. You just need to help him awaken his creative abilities, open his heart to goodness and beauty, help him realize his place and purpose in this beautiful boundless world. The sooner we develop the emotional and sensory world of a child, the brighter he and the products of his creativity will be.

By organizing group work unconventional drawing, it is important to remember that for children to successfully master skills and abilities, it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their desires and interests. As the child ages, the content expands, the elements and the shape of the paper become more complex, and new means of expression are identified.

Since children from 2 to 4 years old are just beginning to get acquainted with non-traditional drawing, then educational activities It’s better to start introducing the simplest techniques: hand drawing and stamping.

Methods and forms of working with children

The program involves one lesson per week, in the afternoon, as part of a non-traditional drawing circle. The total number of classes per year is 36, class time is 10-15 minutes. The program is focused on working with students aged 2-4 years and is designed for one year of study.

Form of group work: theoretical, practical, subgroup group.

In the process of joint drawing, various methods and techniques were used: verbal (artistic words, riddles, reminders of the sequence of work, advice); visual; practical; gaming

The form of classes is thematic Team work teacher and child in the form of group work.

Basic methods of non-traditional drawing techniques

Non-traditional drawing techniques, such as with a finger, palm, poke (hard brush or cotton swab), press and print (foam rubber, lids, corks). The types of non-traditional drawing techniques are quite diverse, and in each technique the child gets the opportunity to reflect his impressions of the world around him, convey images of the imagination, translating them into real forms using a variety of materials. For example, if we take finger or palm painting, this method of drawing helps the child feel the freedom of creativity and allows interaction with visual material (with paint) without a brush. By drawing with his fingers or palm, the child receives extraordinary sensual pleasure from tactile contact with paint, paper, and water.

The “Blowing” technique develops children’s imagination, trains the lungs, and has a beneficial effect on the development of fluidity. speech breathing, develops a non-standard solution, awakens the imagination.

The “Press and Print” technique attracts children with the process of printing, guessing what will happen as a result of imprinting various materials (corks, foam rubber, buttons, jars with bottoms of different sizes, lids, etc.)

Very interesting are also such techniques as “Poke” painting (hard brush, cotton swab or painting from a spot, etc.) There are many non-traditional drawing techniques, because you can draw with anything, as long as you have imagination.

Expected skills and abilities of children by 3 years of age

Traditional methods

Unconventional methods

Interested in drawing

Have a strong interest in art activities

Draw with gouache, felt-tip pens, colored pencils

They know and name the materials that can be used to draw. They know how to use them (gouache, felt-tip pens, markers, colored pencils, wax crayons, candles, watercolors).

Know and name the primary colors and choose them correctly

They know the basic colors and their shades and use them widely.

Strokes and spots are rhythmically applied

Decorate the product in various ways

Draw simple objects with lines and strokes, draw objects consisting of a combination of lines (herringbone, fence)

Create an image of a single object of round, rectangular, triangular shape and objects consisting of several parts

Drawing with gouache, felt-tip pens and colored pencils, brush on paper

Familiar and used unconventional techniques drawing (with fingers, palm, foam swab, signet, on wet, monotype, drawing on paper of various textures, sizes and colors)

Depict objects

Create a simple composition from several objects

Make patterns on a strip, square, circle

Make patterns on a strip, square, circle, alternating in shape and size. Decorate the product using different color shades

By the end of the year, the child will be able to:

    Has a developed interest in drawing different materials and ways;

    knows and names colors and knows how to choose them correctly;

    conveys the difference in size of objects;

    rhythmically applies strokes and spots;

    draws simple objects with lines and strokes (road, falling leaves);

    draws objects consisting of a combination of lines (herringbone, fence);

    creates an image of a single object of round, rectangular and triangular shape and objects consisting of several parts (traffic light, flag, bun);

    familiar with non-traditional drawing techniques: fingers, palm, foam pad, signets;

    decorates the product using felt-tip pens and pencils.

P long-term work plan for the “Sun in the Palms” circle






"Pictures on the Sand"

Introduce the non-traditional fine art technique of finger painting on sand Creating images on sand: drawing with a stick on dry sand, handprints on wet sand.


"The leaves are dancing"

Mastering the technique of painting with a brush (washing, picking up paint, dabbing). Drawing autumn leaves– prints on a blue background (sky). Developing a sense of color and rhythm


"Merry little man"

Introduce the non-traditional art technique of finger painting in the sand. Show techniques for obtaining points and short lines. Comparison of the properties of dry and wet sand.


"Tomatoes in the garden"

Teach children to hold a brush correctly, draw a circle, paint in a circular motion from the edge to the center.






"My funny ringing ball"

Drawing round two-color objects: creating contour drawings, closing the line into a ring and coloring, repeating the outlines of the drawn figure.


"Pink Bouquet"

Drawing with pokes. Introduce children to “poke” Teach children to draw with pokes, develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements.


"Merry fly agarics"

Learn to apply dots rhythmically and evenly over the entire surface of the paper.


"Colorful balls"

Drawing oval objects: creating contour drawings, closing the line into a ring and coloring, repeating the outlines of the drawn figure. Complementing the image with pencil drawings (balls on a string)


"Beautiful leaves"

Mastering artistic printing techniques. Getting to know paints. Applying paint to leaves (by dipping in a bath) and creating images - prints. Development of a sense of color.






"Magic Leaves"

Teach children to paint cut out shapes.


“Berry by berry” (on the bushes)

Creating a rhythmic composition. A combination of visual techniques: drawing twigs with colored pencils and berries with cotton swabs.


"My favorite cup"

Strengthen the ability to decorate simple-shaped objects by applying the design as evenly as possible over the entire surface of the paper. Cultivate neatness.


"First snow"

Drawing with pokes. Teach children to draw with pokes, white gouache on blue colored paper.






“Here is a hedgehog - no head, no legs”

Creating the image of a hedgehog in collaboration with the teacher: completing the drawing of “needles” - short straight lines. Complement the image as you wish.



Learn to draw berries (with your fingers) and leaves (by dipping) on ​​a branch. Reinforce these drawing techniques.


"Light the lights"

Learn to apply bright strokes on a dark background.


“The little Christmas tree is cold in winter”

Finger painting. Learn to make prints over the entire surface of the sheet (snowflakes, snowballs).






“The snowball is fluttering and spinning”

Creating an image of snowfall. Reinforcing the technique of drawing with fingers or cotton swabs. Development of a sense of color and rhythm.


"Cheerful Snowman"

Practice the poking technique with a semi-dry hard brush. Continue to learn how to use such a means of expression as texture.


“These are the legs of a centipede”

Mastering the technique of drawing vertical lines. Finishing the drawing of the legs of the long centipede depicted by the teacher. Development of a sense of form and rhythm.






"Funny Fishes"

Continue learning to draw with your palm. Develop imagination.


"Car for Dad"

Practice finger painting to arouse interest in a gift for dad


"My Favorite Pets"

Introduce the technique of poking with a semi-dry hard brush - learn to imitate animal fur.


"Striped towels for forest animals"

Drawing patterns of straight and wavy lines on a long rectangle. Development of a sense of rhythm (alternating 2-3 colors or different lines in a pattern)






"Mimosa for Mommy"

Continue practicing finger painting and rolling balls from napkins. Develop a sense of composition.


"My mittens"

Practice typing techniques. Strengthen the ability to decorate an object of simple shape, applying the design as evenly as possible over the entire surface.


“These are the kind of icicles we have!”

Mastering the method of drawing vertical lines of different lengths with a brush. Development of a sense of form, color, rhythm.


"Two merry geese lived with granny"

Continue to use the palm as a visual device. Strengthen the ability to complement the image with details.








"Radiant Sun"

Drawing with palms. Learn how to quickly apply paint to your palm and make imprints like rays of the sun. Develop color perception.


"Ladybugs on the Lawn"

Continue practicing the finger painting technique. Strengthen the ability to apply dots evenly over the entire surface of an object.


"Elegant nesting dolls"

Strengthen the ability to decorate simple-shaped objects by applying the design as evenly as possible over the entire surface of the paper. Practice typing techniques. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition.


"The flower rejoices in the sun"

Practice the technique of typing with signets. Learn to draw a flower, add a stem, leaves, grass around it. Develop a sense of composition.






“That’s the kind of fireworks we have!”

Creating a beautiful collective composition in collaboration with the teacher. Drawing fireworks using unconventional techniques (dipping with a swab, cloth, cork). Cultivating interest in observing beautiful phenomena in the surrounding life and their reflection in visual activities.


"Birds are small"

Creating a strong emotional response in children unusual way creating images. Introduction to the possibility of obtaining images using palm prints. Understanding the connection between the shape of the palm and the outlines of the depicted object (birds flying).



Teach children to draw with pokes, learn to draw by creating the shape of a flower.



Creating expressive images of yellow chickens walking on green grass. Independent selection of art materials

Bibliography :

1 . Internet resources.

2. Comprehensively – thematic planning by program“From birth to school”, edited by N. E. Veraksa.

3. L. L. Wenger “Education of a child’s sensory culture.”