Speech therapy classes for children 2-4 years old.  Speech therapy classes for children at home

Speech therapy classes for children 2-4 years old. Speech therapy classes for children at home

Good afternoon, dear blog readers!

With what trepidation we await the first words from our cub! When “aha” time fades into the background, the long-awaited “mom” comes first. Then the vocabulary is replenished with awkward “dyay”, “udi”, etc. During this period, violations are not visible if the baby increases the number of spoken words every month. And by the age of 3, they can be easily noticed if you constantly work with your baby. But this is what a toddler should be able to do at this age, how to identify pathologies, I want to tell you this time. I will also recommend some effective lessons.

Speech therapy classes with children 3 to 4 years old are used quite often. It’s just that pathologies are usually not detected until this time. My firstborn is now 4.5 years old, we are actively attending a speech therapist and general developmental courses. Other than that, I'm not pushing the role kindergarten in the formation of sound pronunciation. In a year (from 3 years old) a little person is able to master a lot.

The vocabulary at this point is 1500 words, sometimes more. But still, a tiny child at this age is unable to correctly compose a story and confuses the endings. And there may be problems with the pronunciation of some sounds or letters. Who doesn't know the insidious "R" or "L"? But this does not mean underdevelopment, because everything should happen gradually. There is no need to look away either. The baby needs help to overcome such a difficult milestone. And in order to see the shortcomings, let’s figure out what a child of 3–4 years old should be able to do.

Talker Skills

Let's start with . At 3 years old we were already actively babbling. My surprise was when I was reading a long verse, and my son suddenly began to pronounce it ahead of me! Now I don’t remember exactly, something like: “... a mouse, a little mouse, a bunny, a squirrel, a frog, a caterpillar, a midge, a fly, a mole, a magpie - a rattler...”. And he already remembered all this guard. Their memory is not yet clogged with anything; children are able to remember at this time short poems, short stories and fairy tales. Speak texts of several sentences. It may be clumsy, but it trains your memory!

And in mathematics they also know numbers up to five - this is the minimum! They are able to count objects, some children even do it in reverse order. Of course, addition and subtraction are still a long way off. But even a simple score is an achievement if you are with your family. You know, the child’s skills are more likely to be assessed by the family. How does he know the numbers himself? And also, the concepts of long - short, wide - narrow, hard - soft. Although, by the age of 4, the baby learns softness on his own, with bruises and bumps... And his relatives should verbalize it to him, right?

In addition, a fidget can decorate simple objects more or less neatly. These are drawn balls. What about getting to know geometric objects? The kids also remember it with a bang. The most basic ones: circle, square, triangle, rectangle. From the age of 3 they can even imitate. And, of course, colors and body parts. It is necessary. Therefore, if your child is verbose, confusing the endings, it’s not a problem. But if a little person is not able to remember simple things for his age, this is a reason to turn to a specialist.

Tests to determine pathologies

Doctors tirelessly repeat that each child is individual. And if the child does not speak many words until closer to two years, this is far from a reason to worry. Of course, you can’t help but compare with those who are already mumbling with all their might at the age of 2. But for what?

I'll answer to worry. You just need to set the maximum possible boundaries when the little one starts doing something new. As for speech impairment, perhaps, if before the age of 3 a child does not connect 2 words, this is a reason to worry. But along with this, you should notice other shortcomings. Does he respond to his name, pay attention to new toys, how does he interact with other children? Let's go through the list a little:

  1. Ask them to draw a circle on a piece of paper. By the age of 4, he should be able to draw something similar to this geometric figure. If this doesn’t work out or he doesn’t understand what they want from him, this is a reason to worry.
  2. Pay attention to whether the baby can climb steps. The baby must be able to climb up and down.
  3. Can you assemble a turret at least from simple cubes?
  4. Having passed the three-year mark, the little one must communicate in at least short phrases. For example: “Mom, let's go!” Of course, there are kids who are already building sentences. But the minimum that he should be able to do is pronounce the simplest phrases.
  5. Not interested in new games when you offer to participate.

Causes of pathologies

You know, talking with a speech therapist, I learned that in recent years the services of a specialist have become more in demand. And the problem is not only in diseases, but also in education. The tiny creature understands phones and computers better than adults, even at 3 years old. Have you noticed? Well, at the age of 5, he generally becomes a child prodigy! With these talents, what is there to talk about...

How do the kids spend their time? Basically, they already have the knowledge of how to turn on the TV and approach their parents’ laptops. This is a new generation that moves with the times. Sadly. So we generally run the risk of losing the gift of sound pronunciation, if we think about it. But for the baby to develop normally, you just need to talk to him. Read, talk about what you observe. Don't walk silently. Answer questions... After all, this is how we grew up.

My godfather gave the daughter of one of my friends a real phone for her 3rd birthday. Of course, restless people should not lag behind progress. But her mother gives her this phone for special merits. And for a short time. It’s better to let the child’s brain be interested in the designers, that’s how she motivates.

These are acquired reasons. They can be prevented, what do you think? But there are also congenital ones. This requires painstaking work. Be aware that delays will result from:

  • increased or decreased tone
  • asphyxia at birth
  • oxygen deprivation in the womb
  • congenital abnormalities in the formation of the jaw or tongue frenulum

If these symptoms are detected at birth, rush to the neurologist (at the last point the dentist determines the cause)! This can be cured in 90% of cases within a year. Then there will probably be no consequences.

Types of pathologies

From birth, the baby should be shown to a neurologist. Even if the pediatrician is silent about it, lead the way yourself. A large percentage of children now need consultations and corrections in neurology. If the cause of the defects is congenital, the specialist will give instructions that must be strictly followed.

But if a child does not speak at 3-4 years of age, it may be a general underdevelopment of speech (GSD). What diseases can be identified?

  • Dysarthria is insufficient functioning of the nerve endings that provide communication between the cerebral cortex and the speech center.
  • Aphonia - the child speaks, but sound pronunciation is impaired.
  • Stuttering is also poor sound reproduction, or more precisely, the pace of conversation. This is due to spasms of the speech muscles.

We had one teacher who said strange phrases “nysh-nysh”. He inserted this in the most unexpected places in his lectures. So, it turns out that stuttering could be treated this way in the past. The man stopped drawing out words, but instead inserted similar words into his stories.

  • Dysphasia is a disorder caused by poor hearing.
  • Aphasia is a partial (possibly complete) loss of speech caused by disorders of the central nervous system.
  • Alalia is a lesion of the cerebral cortex, while the sound apparatus is underdeveloped.

I have highlighted the most important points. Can tell you about this in detail good doctor. And we’ll talk about exercises to improve the quality of speaking function.

Practical lessons for better pronunciation

As I already said, at the age of 3-4 years there comes a time when the help of a specialist is needed. In the kindergarten where I take Dominic, classes are held for children (individual and frontal).

We also visited a speech therapist separately from August to October. But Dominic could only stand it for 20 minutes, and sometimes less. After changing specialists, my son became interested in the lessons. Shifts have appeared. I say this to ensure that little brats should not take this as an intrusive procedure. The doctor should play with them! Or rather, the baby should think so.

And now I want to talk about individual and frontal types.

  • Individual

When the baby sits only with the teacher, the effectiveness is much better. Attention is paid to him alone. By playing special games aimed at correcting the deviations of a particular person, the doctor achieves results. This also includes exercises for the tongue, humming various songs. Have you noticed singers who sing on stage but speak with a stutter? If you start practicing, the shortcomings can be corrected.

  • Frontal

Otherwise called group. Lessons of this type are conducted for children in the same situations. This may be a hearing impairment, an inability to distinguish paired sounds, or other conversational aspects. Usually the group consists of 6 - 8 people, the teacher selects special exercises aimed at expanding vocabulary and eliminating the root cause.

And it is not necessary to send the baby to a specialized kindergarten. There are such circles in almost all state institutions.

We help at home

My son and I enjoy practicing at home. We do everything that the speech therapist recommends in a playful way. One of the most common defects is the incorrect reproduction of hissing and whistling sounds. The following exercises can help correct the situation:

  1. Dudochka. The baby closes his teeth and stretches his lips out as far as possible. At the same time, you need to work with the tongue: up - down.
  2. Cup. Ask the baby to open his mouth wide, stick out his tongue and try to imitate a cup by bending the edges and tip.
  3. Let's paint the sky! The little one smiles, then opens her mouth. At the same time, he moves his tongue like a brush across the roof of the mouth.
  4. The clopping of a horse. A very popular pastime. The little one clicks the tip of his tongue like a horse.
  5. We eat jam. Smile and open your mouth slightly. With the lower jaw motionless, lick the upper sponge.
  6. Let's brush our teeth! Only we do this not with a brush, but with a tongue.

You see, if you correct defects, then do it immediately and forever. Therefore, home lessons are necessary. Only if the tomboy is tired, don’t force it! He shouldn't feel pressured from you. It’s also good to draw along contours. We do this without much pleasure, but it is a useful thing.


In general, speech therapy lessons should be conducted in in an entertaining way. So you can use interesting pictures, according to which the baby must compose short story. Warming up the tongue has always amused us anyway. But let’s take a closer look, especially since these tips apply to all children with ODD.

  1. Using the help of nature and the seasons. Decorate your apartment according to this time. It’s best in winter; all children love to decorate the Christmas tree. Pick up unbreakable toys, ask for help with tinsel, look at pictures, put together puzzles. Autumn is no less interesting! Collect leaves with your child, talk about trees, and decorate your home. You can make herbariums. It's exciting and will lift your spirits!
  2. Putting the picture together. It is not necessary to purchase puzzles; take any large picture and cut it. Let the little one collect it. If he is familiar with numbers, number the parts, this will make it easier for the little one.
  3. Collaborative creativity. Model from soft plasticine or salt dough. Ask your little one to make the little animal’s eyes and stick them on. Let him stretch his fingers. An excellent material for developing fine motor skills would be kinetic sand.
  4. Let's provoke conversation! After reading an interesting fairy tale, discuss the plot together and ask more questions. If your heir has a problem with a particular word, do not impose or forcefully correct it. Provoke the pronunciation of the problematic word. And speak more often, but correctly. The baby will begin to repeat. In general, as far as pronunciation is concerned, what is said by those close to you must be correct. Don't distort it by lisp. The child reproduces the intonation!
  5. Let's draw. Ask them to color, trace, and draw simple objects. It could be grass, sun, tree. By the age of 4, the child will cope with this. We hang creativity on the wall, thus stimulating the artist's skills! Yes, we also give it to grandmothers.

Let's consider more serious changes

Unfortunately, there are children who have delays not only in their audio pronunciation, but also in their mental nature. This type is called delay mental development or ZPR. It goes without saying that such little people either speak incorrectly or don’t speak at all.

The culprit may be intrauterine development. When during pregnancy the mother was under constant stress. The most difficult cause to treat is damage to brain cells.

Medicines can improve the situation by compensating the body’s work with the participation of healthy cells. It’s very difficult and requires willpower from parents. But there is a risk of acquired mental retardation. As a rule, these are dysfunctional families, where a showdown occurs before the eyes of the child.

Most best test to identify this complication - monitoring the general development. By the age of 2, a fidget should be able to push geometric figures into suitable holes, distinguish body parts, colors. By 3 - the ability to speak. If you suspect serious delays and deviations, you should contact a neuropsychiatrist. He will be able to determine the diagnosis. In addition, a speech pathologist will help.

How to help

Help with mental retardation is primarily medicinal in nature. But home support will be no less effective. The most important thing is not to despair. Treat the tiny creature with respect. Play with him. Let the fun become useful! Will have a very positive effect finger games.

  1. Roll the pine cone between your palms on the table. It's the same with pencils.
  2. Knead the dough, sculpt from plasticine.
  3. Draw with pencils and paints. I recently saw one on the counter children's store Finger paint. The kids relax when they have so much fun.
  4. We train our memory. It’s good to play collectively, ideally with three of us. The kids stand in a circle, each doing different actions in turn. They must remember the order of execution.
  5. Attentiveness. We divide into 2 teams, stand in a line, the first jumps to the music, the second crouches. Let's change!
  6. Relieving tension. Remember the old rhyme: “Humpty Dumpty sat on the wall...”. Read, and the fidgets sway in tune.

The main rule is to comment on what is happening!

Entertaining textbooks

Dear parents, the services of a speech therapist are, of course, necessary. But it’s always interesting to try and do certain exercises yourself to correct the defects of your favorite creature. Parents are offered literature written in simple language. Here are some interesting notes on each situation separately. I want to introduce you to some of them.

  1. Bogomolova A.I. " Pronunciation disorders in children: a manual for speech therapists" The author's technique is designed to correct incorrectly pronounced sounds. The main method is articulation gymnastics. For each case, a set of measures has been selected here.
  2. Zemtsova Olga " We develop speech. 34 years" The material is aimed at helping to increase vocabulary and build sentence connections. Thanks to stickers, the process will become doubly fun.
  3. Smirnova L.N., Ovchinnikov S.N. " Speech development at 3–4 years. A manual for educators and parents" The manual was created taking into account the peculiarities of the formation of sound pronunciation in 3 - 4 years. The book features 30 topics designed for vocabulary building and clear recall.

I will also recommend you my favorite books on speech development, articulatory gymnastics and sound automation:

    Elena Kosinova " Speech therapist lessons. Games for speech development". An excellent selection of exercises for fingers, fairy tales about the tongue, exercises for training the tongue, a huge number of tongue twisters. This book is suitable not only for children who need to correct their speech, but also for all children from 0 to 6 years old. What also captivated me about this book was what's in it real photos performing articulation exercises (very convenient for parents).

    Volodina V.S. " Album on speech development". This book was recommended to me by a speech therapist, although at that time we had already purchased it. An excellent guide, clear and interesting developmental tasks.

  1. Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. “Automation of sounds in children. Didactic material for speech therapists." This includes 4 albums: whistling automation sounds S, S", Z, Z", C, automation hissing sounds Sh, Zh, Ch, Shch, automation sonorous sounds L, L, automation sonorous sounds Р, Рь. These albums were also purchased on the advice of our speech therapist.
  2. Olga Zemtsova, " Literacy. Intellectual development of children." We have ones for ages 2-3 years and for ages 3-4 years. The book contains mathematics, speech development, attention development, and graphic skills development.

Literary aids for mental retardation

When a minor correction is required, you can resort to the above literature. But when the diagnosis is more serious, a special technique is needed. I'm not saying this is a death sentence. No! Remember, dear readers, that it is permissible to correct a problem detected early. There are borderline stages when mental formation is delayed.

  1. Zasypkina A.N. " Partial educational program for working with children 3-4 years old with mental retardation" This is a practical technique with many games that help relax and train important areas of the brain. Gymnastics for attention, thinking, memory, imagination.
  2. Ekzhanova E.A., Strebeleva E.A. " Correctional pedagogical assistance for preschool age with mild developmental disabilities" A number of measures have been proposed for the prevention and correction of minor deviations. The manual will be useful for educators, defectologists and parents.
  3. Pavlova L.N., Rudenko L.G. " Smart pictures" The described activities will be useful for general understanding and applicable to solving the problem of problems. Topics presented " The world", "Professions", "Seasons", which help in overcoming the verbal barrier. Thinking, memory, imagination are trained, and horizons are expanded.

With this, dear blog readers, let me say goodbye. Remember that in the early stages almost any disease or disorder can be cured. Health to you and your loved ones. Don't forget to subscribe to blog updates.

Ideal for boys and girls from 2 to 7 years
Lesson duration: 30 min./45 min./60 min.

Individual lessons with a speech therapist for children 3 years old are indicated both for the correction of speech disorders and for working to expand the vocabulary and development of the child’s speech.

Speech disorders are very diverse, and parents may not notice them or justify them by the age of the child. And to understand whether your child needs the help of a speech therapist, you need to sign up for a consultation. During the examination, the speech therapist will determine how your child’s speech is developing, make an appropriate conclusion and give recommendations to parents.

If a speech disorder or deviation is detected, the speech therapist will create a correction program for the child. And it is individual lessons that are effective correctional work, since the speech therapist selects exercises for each child individually depending on the speech disorder and builds comprehensive step-by-step work with the child. Classes are held in a playful way, so they are not only useful, but also interesting for the child. Our clubs employ experienced, qualified specialists who work for results and achieve their goals.

It is very important not to delay, and to visit a speech therapist for children 2-3 years old as soon as possible if there is the slightest doubt about the correctness of the child’s speech. A specialist will either dispel your fears or help your baby speak clearly and beautifully.

In addition to correcting sound pronunciation, individual lessons Work is carried out with a speech therapist on the automation and differentiation of speech sounds, enrichment of vocabulary, development of fine motor skills, development of coherent speech, and the formation of lexical and grammatical means of the language. Children become familiar with various objects, their signs and actions. The development of the sound side of speech is closely related to a child’s learning to read and write, the ability to recognize the place of sound in a word, to identify hissing, whistling sounds, vowels and consonants, soft and hard.

During the classes, vocabulary is refined and enriched, children learn to construct correct sentences and express their thoughts coherently and consistently. Various teaching aids (texts, stories, fairy tales, poems) and various visual materials (pictures, toys, objects) are used. In addition, tasks containing vocabulary, question-and-answer work, work on sentences and coherent speech, tasks to develop speech understanding and work on the accumulation of vocabulary are included.

The speech therapist works on the formation of the grammatical structure of the child’s speech, the forms of singular and plural numbers. At each lesson, speech therapy gymnastics is carried out, this develops the mobility of the speech organs, finger games are also included, work is carried out on the prosodic side of speech, including the development of diction, expressiveness of speech, correct breathing, work on the correct stress, tempo of speech.

All these skills are necessary for a child to replenish his vocabulary and further teach him to read. Speech therapy classes will help a 2-3 year old child speak easily, without speech hesitations, correctly arrange words in a sentence, and increase his vocabulary.

This will contribute to the child’s desire to communicate in society and learn new things.

Also in our club, your baby can undergo a psychological and speech therapy examination, which will help you understand what level of development your baby is at and select an individual training program. After all, correct speech is the key to your child’s success!

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Classes with a speech therapist for children 3 years old are one of the areas of work of our center. Caring parents understand the importance of proper speech development, but do not always know what to pay attention to. We need to start with a definition general level speech development. An experienced speech therapist will identify the development of phonemic hearing and the peculiarities of pronunciation of sounds. Speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old contribute to the development of literate, beautiful and clear speech. In the process of classes, the general horizons and vocabulary of children are expanded, thinking is formed, personal qualities, abilities for self-knowledge and self-development. Your baby will become assiduous, learn to manage his attention and consciously perceive information.

How are speech therapy classes organized for children 2-3 years old?

The lesson has a clear structure and includes a number of mandatory elements: speech therapy gymnastics, training in proper breathing, developing diction, developing speech expressiveness, working on intonation, stress, and tempo of speech. Before the start of the lesson, the speech therapist creates a favorable psychological atmosphere and unobtrusively prepares the child for work. Speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old involve the use of a rich arsenal of teaching methods. We use finger games, simulation exercises, tasks to develop speech perception, vocabulary and other work. Pictures, educational toys, and various objects are used as material for classes. Thanks to effective methodology and original forms of delivery, speech therapy classes for children 2-3 years old are effective.

What are the features of developmental activities with children of the corresponding age group?

Children of this age are actively getting acquainted with the world around them, and the task of adults is to create a rich developmental environment for the child. It is necessary to learn to follow the child, take into account his needs, interests and inclinations. block-info-left Speech therapy classes for 2-year-old children are based on imitation of an adult. Kids copy facial expressions, sounds and intonations. At the initial stage, the speech therapist takes on an active role, establishes emotional contact with the child and uses the baby’s involuntary attention. The lesson lasts 20-30 minutes, but changing types of activities and frequent repetition of verbal material is important. Speech therapy classes for children 3 years old should be closely related to the child’s practical activities. It is important to praise the baby and encourage his activity, and conduct classes in a familiar environment. The child’s cognitive capabilities expand and it is recommended to actively use books and pictures during classes.

In order for speech therapy classes with 2-year-old children to be beneficial, parents must properly prepare the child for classes: take into account the child’s mood and his daily schedule. The attitude of the parents themselves to their activities is also important. It should be positive. But you should not wait too hard for results and be upset if they do not appear immediately. Speech therapy classes with children 2 years old will contribute to the development of the child’s cognitive abilities if parents manage to avoid such typical mistake: When addressing a child, adults use “baby speech” - truncated or incorrect forms of words. When communicating with your baby, try to pronounce all words correctly, clearly and completely. The key to success in classes with a speech therapist for children 3 years old is compliance with the following conditions:

  • individual approach, taking into account the age and personality characteristics of the child;
  • systematic training, adherence to the regime;
  • combining the efforts of specialists and parents;
  • involving the child in activities, relying on positive emotions;
  • development of independence and creativity children.

Speech therapy classes for children 3 years old will have a guaranteed result when parents are interested in the child’s success and encourage him to use speech in everyday interactions.

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During the fourth year of life, children experience one of the most significant leaps in their development. Human speech begins to be of unprecedented interest to them; they actively try to talk, repeating all the sounds that are available to them. It is at this time that parents and teachers should listen carefully, noting whether the characteristics of the child’s speech fit into the norm, and whether a 3-4 year old child requires speech therapy classes.

What should the speech of a 3-4 year old child be like?

Scientists have calculated that at this age a child’s vocabulary ranges on average from 1,500 to 2,000 words. Such calculations are difficult to make at home, but there are several simpler indicators that can easily be used to determine how well a child’s speech development falls within the normal range.

There is no cause for concern if the child:

  • actively tries to reproduce all the sounds and words he hears, especially those that are new to him;
  • engages in word creation;
  • amounts to simple sentences naming actions (a ball flies, a fish swims, a dog barks);
  • tries to compose complex sentences and stories, but at the same time does not speak very clearly and makes many speech errors;
  • can talk about himself in the third person;
  • enjoys repeating many words after adults, quoting phrases from cartoons;
  • does not pronounce all sounds; problems especially often arise with [r], [l], [s] and [w];
  • rearranges letters and syllables in words;
  • At the same time, he himself understands complex sentences, listens carefully to fairy tales, knows his favorites by heart;
  • knows and knows how to say his first and last name, the names of relatives, friends, and the city in which he lives.

The listed signs apply to both boys and girls, although experts say that girls are ahead of boys in speech development by an average of 4-5 months. There are silent children who do not speak in front of strangers, but this does not always mean a deviation from the norm: a sensitive parent usually knows what his baby is really capable of.

At this time, it is important to talk to the child as much as possible, while making sure that your own speech is correct, not to lisp, and to read books to the baby with expression.

How to recognize disorders and when to contact a speech therapist?

The list presented above is general in nature, but if at least three points from it are not characteristic of a child’s speech behavior, this is a reason to think about it.

Here are some signs that may indicate a delay in your child's speech development:

  • the pace of his speech is uneven - he sometimes speaks too quickly, sometimes he drawls out his words;
  • speaks unintelligibly, only his mother understands him;
  • if he speaks in phrases, then not his own, but only those he heard from adults or on TV;
  • he himself has difficulty understanding what adults tell him;
  • mouth constantly open, like a limp mouth;
  • increased salivation not associated with teething.

If one or more signs from this list are present, it is advisable to diagnose the child’s speech development. Perhaps there really is a pathological disorder that requires special treatment, or perhaps the baby just needs speech therapy exercises. But before contacting a speech therapist, you need to show the child to a neurologist, psychiatrist and speech pathologist: they will help determine whether the delay in speech development is associated with disorders of the central nervous system or the problem is only in the pronunciation of sounds. You may also need the help of an audiologist - a specialist who identifies hearing defects. If doctors have not found any physiological reasons for the development of mental retardation, then the child will benefit from sessions with a speech therapist.

Types and features of speech therapy classes

Speech therapy sessions can be either individual or group. On the one hand, one-on-one sessions have proven to be more effective, when all the specialist’s attention is directed to a specific child. On the other hand, children feel more comfortable in a group. Most often, a positive result is achieved by alternating these two types of activities: in group, or frontal, classes, children consolidate the skills acquired in individual ones.

Individual sessions

The most important thing for a speech therapist here is to find an approach to the child, to be able to captivate him, to “stir up” him. The baby should feel at ease, play, stick out his tongue in front of the mirror, and repeat after the specialist everything he asks. Therefore, the mood for the lesson is appropriate: it’s all just a game. To learn to pronounce difficult sounds, a child does not even need to know why he came here. For each such sound, the speech therapist has a selection of special game exercises, by performing which the little student imperceptibly improves his speech skills. Breathing exercises, songs, tongue twisters, tongue exercises - all this effective means in the specialist's arsenal.

Group (frontal) classes

If individual speech therapist sessions with children are most often aimed at correcting individual sounds, then frontal sessions involve working with a wider range of deviations in speech development. These can be defects in sound pronunciation, hearing impairment, grammatical problems, and stuttering. Groups are selected small, ideally 7 people; children should be approximately the same age and have similar speech impairments. The lesson is always given some kind of interesting topic, which provides many opportunities to expand children's vocabulary and practice oral speech. For example, in winter the topic “ New Year": the room is decorated accordingly, creating a festive, upbeat mood in children, which contributes to the effectiveness of the exercises.

As in individual lessons, here a lot depends on the personality of the specialist, on his ability to create the right environment and make children want to express themselves. For children 3-4 years old, for whom the process of socialization is just beginning, it is not easy to create such conditions. Many of them are shy and withdrawn precisely because of their speech impairments. For group speech therapy classes to bear fruit, children must feel confident and free during them.

How specialists work: exercises, games, manuals

One of the most obvious reasons for the incorrect pronunciation of sounds by young children is the imperfection of their speech apparatus. Speech therapy gymnastics helps solve this problem.

There are many fun exercises that children enjoy doing in front of the mirror, repeating after the speech therapist.

  • "Window"- the simplest exercise in which the baby must first open his mouth as wide as possible (“it’s hot, open the window!”), and then close it (“it’s cold!”).
  • "Brushing our teeth"- the child needs to smile and in this state open his mouth slightly, then run his tongue over the upper and lower teeth, as if with a toothbrush.
  • "Cup"- open your mouth again in a smile, stick your tongue out further and give it a bowl shape, lifting the tip and edges.
  • "Dudochka"- diligently stretch out your lips, as if with the intention of whistling, while clenching your teeth.
  • "Painting the ceiling"- smile, open your mouth slightly and move the tip of your tongue across the sky, as if painting it with a brush.

Children like this kind of gymnastics for the tongue, but it quickly tires them. At the next stage of the lesson, you can move directly to oral speech. They will help with this various games descriptive in nature. For example, the teacher takes out an object or toy from a bag or box and asks the child to name it. Then he asks about the properties and characteristics of the object, pushing the child to describe it (the ball is round, green, small, bouncy). If successful, you can complicate the game: ask the child to put his hand in a bag with a toy and try to tell what it feels like.

Pipes and turntables for breathing exercises serve as teaching aids, finger toys and simulators, sets with tweezers for grasping small parts, tactile bags and boards - there is a very large choice for professional speech therapists. You can purchase such things for home use, or you can make do with improvised means.

How to work with your child at home?

From parents, first of all, maximum attention is required to the baby, to his interests and discoveries, fears and sorrows. We need to create conditions for him to communicate with the world, take him on walks, show him new places, introduce him to people. different ages. All this broadens the mind and develops the brain, and also strengthens the attachment between children and parents.

The quality of speech is directly influenced by the development of fine motor skills, so any activities with small objects, construction toys, sand, and cereals will be of great benefit in this regard.

You can try special exercises at home. For example, the pronunciation of hissing and whistling sounds is relatively easy to practice on your own, without the intervention of a specialist. As for the sounds [r] and [l], they are considered more difficult to correct, although you can try to “set” them too.

Every parent can reproduce speech therapy gymnastics at home - it will be much more fun and easier for the baby to repeat after his mother than after an unfamiliar aunt. It will take very little time, but will bring great benefits and give pleasant emotions to the participants. For classes, you will need a mirror - preferably a large one, so that the child can freely see both his reflection and the reflection of his mother, performing the exercises “Pipe”, “Cup” and others.

After gymnastics, you can play games with answers to questions, or you can practice pronouncing words containing problematic sounds. If you write these words on cards, it will be more convenient to study. Tongue twisters that are chosen so that the necessary sounds are often repeated in them also work great. It is important to remember that pressure should not be put on the child. Games and activities should not bring him anything but joy and pleasure, otherwise the effect may be exactly the opposite.

The Montessori method is unique. It is based on a reasonable balance between freedom and clear structure, specifically designed for the young child. The method involves children in activities that are interesting to them in a specially equipped, unique environment with a huge number of carefully designed didactic materials that correspond to the natural needs of the child. The main difference between the Montessori method and the methods of traditional kindergartens is the attitude towards the child as a unique, free, inimitable individual with his own development plan, his own ways and timing of mastering the world around him.

Children who attend Montessori clubs acquire enormous internal motivation for learning, the ability to concentrate on work, independence, they have good social communication skills and internal discipline. The method also forms conscious obedience, trains the will, a high sense of responsibility, hard work and the desire for self-improvement, develops intuition and social adaptability. The child is not afraid to make a mistake, so learning is not inhibited by the fear of failure. He is interested in learning how everything works, how things work, and what needs to be done to make it work.

This method develops the art of communication, the ability to work in a team, the ability to negotiate, self-service and self-awareness skills, the ability to work independently: the child confidently sets goals and objectives for himself, becomes responsible for his actions and brings what he started to the end, monitoring the correctness of execution or the presence of errors.

The essence of the method

The Montessori method has three components: child, prepared developmental environment and teacher (teaching adult).

Developmental environment- This is the main pedagogical technique. The classroom (environment) is divided into zones in accordance with the cognitive and psychological needs of children of a certain age group.

The Montessori environment for children from eight months to three years old includes zones for exercises with bulk materials, exercises with water, a cause-and-effect zone, zones for sensory development, speech development, productive visual activity and the development of gross motor skills; for children from three to six years old includes areas for exercises in practical life, sensory education, mathematical zone and zones of the Russian language, space, productive art activities and the development of gross motor skills.

The child chooses what material to work with and how much time to devote to it. Certain rules governing activities in a group allow children, on the one hand, to learn to respect the people and space around them, and on the other hand, to feel protected.

The teacher in a Montessori group has his own role and task. In addition to unconditional love and acceptance of each child as he is, the teacher is also a mediator between the child and the Montessori environment. “Help me do it myself!” - this is what a child expects from an adult, and this is precisely the role of adults in a Montessori group. The teacher sensitively determines when it is necessary to provide assistance, and when it is necessary to give the child the opportunity to work independently and with concentration, observes the work and development of the environment by each child, analyzing the dynamics in order to correctly promote further progress.

This is the same method when a child is treated with truly respect, care and individuality. Montessori teachers know for sure that all children strive for development from birth. Therefore, children should not be forced to study, but conditions should be created that best suit their cognitive needs.

A child in Montessori pedagogy is PERSONALITY.

“To raise a child, you need to know him, to know him, you need to watch him, and in order to watch him, you need to give him freedom.”
Maria Montessori

For a child aged 4-5 years, speech becomes the main development factor, and this process is of paramount importance for the formation of the child’s social connections in society. The task of teachers and parents is to help preschoolers avoid possible problems in this domain. Every year, the number of children with speech development disorders is diagnosed more and more, so the system of special speech therapy exercises necessary for everyone who is already four years old. What do you need to know about speech development during this important period?

Speech characteristics of children 4-5 years old

For preschoolers, this time is a period of active vocabulary growth (by the age of 5, its volume normally reaches 3 thousand words). Children of this age begin to acquire a sense of language, handle their native speech more confidently, and engage in word creation. The grammatical structure continues to level out too.

A child of four or five years old not only begins to speak more and more freely, he also uses more and more complex sentences than before. The ability to compose a short story not only about what the child saw personally, but also without relying on his own direct experience, gradually develops. Such stories are still emotional and often have a broken logical structure, but they are quite voluminous and meaningful.

The level of phonetic perception of speech by this age also becomes significantly better. The child has the opportunity to determine the presence of a particular sound in a word and select words for a specific sound. He becomes able to perceive the syllabic rhythm of the structure of a word.

We can say that at the age of four, children begin the most active period in the development of speech, which allows them to acquire communicative capabilities comparable to the level of adults. Of course, it is rare that a child goes through this path without difficulties; speech disorders at this stage are most common.

Types of speech disorders in older preschoolers

There are three main types of disorders and speech underdevelopment:

  • phonetic;
  • phonetic-phonemic;

In practice, this means that children have difficulty recognizing, distinguishing and pronouncing sounds. native language. These three types of disorders can occur separately or in combination.

Normally, by this stage of development, natural age-related difficulties with the pronunciation of individual sounds or their groups should already be a thing of the past. The stage of mastering sound pronunciation is completed, children stop skipping and softening consonants in speech. At 4 years old all hissing ones should appear, and by 5 years you can expect confident and. But in older preschoolers, articulation disorders are very common. These may be defects in the pronunciation of hissing, whistling, sonorant sounds. Almost all children have to perform speech therapy exercises on the letter and sound r; many manage to “growl” only after special training.

It is also worth paying attention to lexical and grammatical problems, which manifest themselves in the difficulties of actively using speech as a means of communication. Children with such disorders experience difficulty in composing questions and descriptions, and cannot use all the means of their native language to express thoughts. They do not know how to construct sentences correctly, use endings and prepositions incorrectly, and make mistakes when forming words. Speech therapy help in this case is necessary, but parents can also help the child speak better (of course, after consultation with a specialist).

How to conduct classes at home correctly

Moms and dads can help children learn new words, master the correct grammatical structure of speech, and improve sound culture. There are several important rules that must be followed during home speech therapy sessions.

  • Lessons should be held regularly, preferably every day, and certainly in a friendly, calm environment.
  • It is worth presenting the next exercise in the form of a game, try to captivate the child with a developmental task. You can turn mandatory training into a contest or competition to see who can complete the task better, faster, and more carefully.
  • Support your child, praise him not only for a good result, but also for his efforts. Avoid criticism and harsh remarks.
  • must be carried out with a stable table mirror, so the child can see the result of his efforts. It is useful to use pictures of all the tongue exercises.
  • Special aids for independent study with a child are necessary and obligatory assistance for parents. For example, a large speech therapy textbook with tasks and exercises for the little ones - a complete collection of necessary exercises, supplemented by detailed methodological recommendations on conducting and illustrations.
  • Use rhymes, tongue twisters, speech therapy songs for children for classes - such material helps to achieve results faster, develops not only the speech of preschoolers, but also their attention and memory.
  • Try to speak clearly and correctly, using all the richness of the expressive means of language. Show your son or daughter an example of attentive and careful attitude to him. Chat on different topics, read poems by heart, play speech games.

At home, you can organize both individual and group speech therapy sessions for children 4-5 years old, both options give excellent results.


This set of speech therapy exercises for children 4-5 years old includes not only speech games, but also special gymnastics for the hands and speech organs. Fine motor skills helps stimulate the speech center in the brain, so regular finger exercises are necessary for every preschooler. Articulatory gymnastics improves the main organ of speech - the tongue and the child’s ability to control it. This has a positive effect on the ability to pronounce all, even the most complex, sounds.

Finger gymnastics

Each series of exercises is repeated 8-10 times

The lights came on

Rhythmically open and close the fingers on each palm, together and alternately.

Delicious pancakes

We place our hands on the table, alternating between the palm and the back. The right one touches the surface of the tabletop with the palm, the left one with the back. Then the position of the hands changes.

We depict waves with our hands, smoothly moving our palms from top to bottom - this is a river. Then a boat appears on the water - palms pressed together, a steamboat - thumbs raised and connected. And then the fish swam - palms together, thumbs pressed, hands moving from side to side.

How trees grow

We raise our palms, open our fingers strongly - branches have grown. We lower our palms down and also spread our fingers to the sides - these are the roots. They shook their palms and the leaves flew.

Articulation gymnastics

Each exercise is performed 6-8 times.

  • Funny wahs

We smile broadly, our teeth are closed and stand in an even “fence.” Maintain a smile for 10 seconds.

  • Playful baby elephant

We stretch our lips forward and pretend that we are drawing water with our proboscis.

  • Sly Python

We smile, stick our tongue out of our mouth, pull it out, and hide it back.

  • Fast horse

We open our mouth wide, smile, click our tongue. Please note that the lower teeth do not move, only the tongue “jumps”!

  • Scallop

Smile, show your teeth. Stick out the tongue, hold it between your teeth and “pull” it back.

  • Grandma's walkers

We open our mouth, smile, then reach with our tongue to the corners of our lips - left and right.