Congratulations to a man in his own words in prose on his birthday.  Men's birthday greetings in prose Congratulations to a successful man in prose

Congratulations to a man in his own words in prose on his birthday. Men's birthday greetings in prose Congratulations to a successful man in prose

Congratulations and with all my heart I wish you days filled with happiness, life is like in a fairy tale, and next to you is a sweet and affectionate princess! I wish you happy days more than sad ones, many good and true friends, and health ... so simply heroic! Let in any, even in the most difficult battle, you become the winner every time!

Beautiful p

Happy Birthday! Be healthy, strong, successful person. We wish prosperity, love, happiness, good luck, good mood. May true friends always surround you, colleagues respect you at work, and relatives cherish and protect you at home.

Beautiful birthday greetings to a man in short prose

I wish you a birthday, my friend, dear man, so that you live an interesting life. I wish you to dream of the unknown and forbidden, to seek your truth and find it no matter what. Happy Birthday!

Sincere birthday greetings to a man in prose

It is always a pleasure to congratulate such a cheerful and radiant person like you on your birthday. And today I want to wish you to have gold fish, which will fulfill all your whims, was inexhaustible heroic health and a pockmarked hen that lays golden eggs. So that the laughter of friends never stops in your house, then your life will be much more fun!

Cool birthday greetings to a man in prose

You are young, full of strength and energy, a whole world of opportunities is open before you, so let success smile at you in all matters, and your dreams come true. Be happy. Happy birthday!

Sincere birthday greetings to a man in prose

No matter how trite, but on my birthday I want to wish you good health. Or rather, even improve this wish a little. Like it or not, it often happens that diseases put spokes in our wheels and spoil very important events in life. So I will say this: let your health never make itself felt, because when you do not remember about it, then everything is in order with it. And this is the most important thing! Be healthy, happy and content with life. Happy holiday!

Happy birthday to a young man in prose

On your birthday, I want to wish you to be strong, healthy, energetic, never be upset or lose heart. May good friends surround you, there will always be a beloved woman nearby. I wish you good mood, joy, success and prosperity!

sms p happy birthday greetings to a man in prose

Happy birthday to a wonderful man. I wish you great happiness, an interesting and vibrant life, let a smile shine on your face, everything in life is going well!

original p happy birthday greetings to a man in prose

On this day, I want to wholeheartedly congratulate the most courageous, strong, wise and smart person with whom I had the good fortune to be acquainted. I wish you the fulfillment of the most secret and wildest dreams that you keep in your heart. Achieve all the goals you aspire to, and return with joy every day to your family, where you are loved, appreciated and understood. May everything in your life be amazing, easy and enjoyable!

Official p happy birthday greetings to a man in prose

What do you want for the person who has everything? After all, you have achieved everything you wanted: you have great job and loving family. You are self-sufficient, realized as a professional, and quite successful. I wish that the river of life will continue to carry you evenly and smoothly - without minor anxieties and major problems! So that every passing day brings with it only positive emotions and all worries would be a joy. And also - I wish you great, immense happiness, many, many sunny days and good luck in all your endeavors. Happy holiday!

Happy birthday wishes to a man in prose

On a bright birthday holiday, I wish you not to be bored, live cheerfully and freely, fulfill your desires and keep every happy moment in your heart! May there always be time for family and friends, may the love in your life be real and hot! May many years later, at your magnificent anniversary, even more will gather dear people, and you will please us with the recognition that all dreams have come true!

On your birthday, I would like to congratulate you and wish you with all my heart financial well-being and achieving goals. May work bring satisfaction and joy, may the most cherished dreams come true, desires come true, and friends will not be lost.

May many years of a happy, prosperous life await you ahead, in which all dreams come true and only true friends and closest people surround you!

Traditionally - health and happiness! Be happy every day and every hour of your life, may your health be such that you don’t even remember about it! May your beloved always be there, may well-being and prosperity reign in the house, may all plans and dreams come true with ease! And may every year for many more for long years We still celebrate your successes and rejoice in your successes!

On your birthday, I wish you to always be a support for those who are dear to you, believe in yourself and your strengths, inspire others with your example, change this world for the better and always find the bright side, even in the most difficult situations.

The beloved man has a birthday. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you great happiness, luck and good luck in everything. May the guiding star illuminate your path, may joy accompany you, may all your plans come true. I wish you all the best, good health and good friends. Let your life flow like a full river, among the banks of hope, faith and love. Have a wonderful mood, my dear, life without worries. Let all sorrows and bad weather forget your address.

Happy birthday wishes to a man in prose in your own words

On this day, I want to regret something special for you, but you already have everything important. You are strong, happy, you have a family and a job that brings joy. Therefore, from myself, you can only wish that you never lose it. Then your life will always be full of positive emotions, and every day brought joy, and today's positive charge was enough for a whole year.

Today I want to congratulate a real man on his birthday and wish him: let everything that is needed in life, than life happens, be good: love, health, happiness, friendship and an eternally kind soul. With an open heart and love, I wish you happiness and health!

On this bright, sunny day, I am happy to congratulate you on your birthday. You are a wonderful person and always remain so kind and wise. I wish that in life there is always a place for a cherished dream. It's wonderful to dream. And also let in your life there will be only good people who will respect and understand you. May your family always support and appreciate you.

Live in such a way that your life can be compared with a happy story written by a beautiful fate, in which people admire the nobility of the protagonist and wish him only the best.

I congratulate you on your birthday and I want to wish you to be courageous, strong and healthy! Every man knows what he needs to be happy, so I want to wish you health and good luck, joy and success, all the best that you can imagine! Let there be enough money for all whims, and let joy bring every moment!

Please accept my congratulations on the holiday, dear birthday man. I want to wish you to always be in harmony with the fauna. Let birds chirp in your heart, butterflies flutter in your stomach, and smart thoughts swarm in your head like hardworking bees.

Happy birthday real man. I wish friendship in life to be true, love to be inextinguishable, happiness to be indestructible, luck to be undeniable, prosperity to be stable, work to be a pleasure, and prosperity to be more than high.

On this day, I want to wholeheartedly congratulate the most courageous, strong, wise and intelligent person with whom I had the good fortune to be acquainted. I wish you the fulfillment of the most secret and wildest dreams that you keep in your heart. Achieve all the goals you aspire to, and return with joy every day to your family, where you are loved, appreciated and understood. May everything in your life be amazing, easy and enjoyable!

Happy birthday! On this day I wish you to always be cheerful, positive, healthy, strong, courageous, lucky, happy, loved. To be surrounded by people who love you.

Happy birthday to you man!
I wish you determination, swiftness, strength of thought and success!
You combine all the best qualities of a real man in yourself. So be an example for everyone!
Let adversity not be terrible, because everything is solved! And let such decisions be the most correct!

Prose for a man happy birthday in your own words

Congratulations! I wish you joy, good luck, inspiration! May everything you want come true in your life! Be always a darling of fate, always be able to be in the right place, at the right time. Let each new day be similar to the previous one in only one thing - it will be just as successful!

Happy Birthday! I wish you joyful days, harmony and understanding in the family, faithful, reliable friends, prosperity, love, stand firmly on your feet and walk confidently through life! Be strong and courageous. All earthly blessings!

Dear our only man, you are the decoration of the entire women's team. We love you, respect and protect you. Today is your birthday, let me heartily congratulate you on such a significant event. May you always be lucky in everything. Let work bring you inspiration, and personal life give you comfort. Good health to you, a lot of joy, good luck and all the best. May a good mood never leave you, may life be long and beautiful. Be happy.

Never let the years that add wisdom and life experience to you interfere with the commission of rash and spontaneous actions. They give the feeling of happiness. Never let those around you who make up your social circle influence your own opinion. It is what makes you stand out from the crowd. Never let troubles, which bring up in you tolerance and courage to overcome them, disappoint you in life. Live smart and be happy!

Best wishes! Health, happiness, sea smiles and love the size of an ocean! And most importantly, always remain beautiful, smart and charming!

Our dear birthday boy! We wish you great health, we wish you not to be upset over trifles, we wish you to think only about the good, and may this good happen to you every day! May every moment you live be beautiful! Sunny smiles to you, daily joy, dizzying success, air inspiration, ups and downs, all the best, the most beautiful, so that everything in life develops easily and successfully! You are an incredibly honest, bright, attractive person who makes the life of your friends bright and cheerful. You are a spark that energizes everything around you! So stay so light and positive in all ages! But the most important thing that you just need to wish is eternal health, because without it there will be nothing else! Happy birthday man!

My dear man! I congratulate you on your holiday of the soul - Happy Birthday! Together with you I want to share this joy, because all your holidays for me are also a joy! May positive events happen at every turn of life! I wish you endless reasons for joy! May every morning be happy and sunny! Treasure what you have, appreciate those you love, and notice beauty even in ordinary things! I want to wish you all the blessings that are on earth! May prosperity, luck, luck, success, good people surround you! May you have sunny weather in your soul, even on a cloudy day! I wish you health, peace of mind, long life and all the best! I wish you to be successful everywhere, devote your time only to things that are important and interesting to you, never give up, and always give a reason to your loved ones to be proud of yourself! Most importantly, be always healthy and be happy!

Strong-willed, disciplined, responsible, diligent, restrained, decent, responsive, reliable, interested! In a word, a real man! We really appreciate your human qualities! We are very proud to know you! With these qualities, you can do anything and achieve anything! So let your life always be full of joyful events and bright emotions! May you always be surrounded by only worthy real people! And may everything work out for you! And if suddenly something - we are nearby! We want to wish you health, victories and be always on top! Thank you for making our life more amazing, brighter and more interesting every day! It is a great happiness to have such a courageous, kind, cheerful, sympathetic, strong, intelligent, calm Man in your environment! Happy birthday real man!

Happy Birthday, my gentle angel, my dear man, my beloved man! Happy to know and get to know you! You are special: rare, refined and deep, sincere and kind, honest and open, attentive and caring, sensitive and loving! You are the knight of your lady! You are a romantic to the core! You are a god! You are a genius! You are an idol! You are the ideal! You are the brain of any company! You are the nuclear reactor of any team! You are an idea generator! You are the deepest silence and the most sensual music! You are a mysterious month in the starry sky! Everywhere, always and everywhere you are bright, charismatic, individual and unique! Love you honey! I appreciate and cherish every minute spent with you next to me! You're my happiness! You are my life! Live a hundred years and make me happy with your gorgeous smile every morning and every evening! No one will ever replace you, my man!

Dear birthday boy! Today is your day, accept congratulations and tune in to a new stage in your life! Catch a positive wave! Happy birthday to you, dear! Be a real man, a kind person, a real knight for ladies and everyone around you! May your heart remain affectionate and tender, and may your muscle strength grow stronger every day! We wish you strength and courage, may all the goals in front of you give you a joyful mood! Let your income grow from sunrise to sunrise, make all your dreams come true - live, create, dream, love! May there always be a peaceful sky above your head, and harmony in your heart! May peace and miracles happen in your life every day! We wish you the fulfillment of your plans, good luck and professional success! Always remain as strong, smart, fair, sincere and good-natured! And if you decide to change, then only for the better!

Man! I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I wish you more success in what you love! I wish you good health, endless happiness, success in everything, inexhaustible vitality, incredible events and bright memories! I wish your dreams to easily come true and reach only victorious peaks! I wish that that spark of the soul that you were able to ignite in your heart flares up with a huge flame that burns all the obstacles on the way to victory! Be always healthy, strong, lucky, confident, cheerful, smart, invincible! Grow and develop spiritually and materially! Let every day be filled with bright colors that you yourself invent and see! I wish you success in your goals, victories in difficult situations, love and prosperity in your family! Please us more often with your presence nearby!

Today a wonderful person, a real man, is celebrating his personal holiday! Reliable, imperturbable, irreplaceable, cheerful, confident, strong, courageous, gallant, self-possessed, educated, fair, kind! This list of its advantages is endless! We wish you good, heroic health, good mood and only the most joyful events in your life! We wish you to always be as active and positive as you have always been and are! We wish you never to give up the work you have begun halfway, not to give up, to confidently go through life, and enjoy even the little things! May the Lord God give you health, fortitude, simple human happiness, peace of mind! Good luck to you in all your plans! Helping hands from family and friends! So that luck does not leave you all your life! May everything be wonderful and safe, smooth and stable on all fronts of your life! Happy birthday! More buzz from life!

We wish you to continue to be strong, honest and fair, you are a real man and a wonderful person! Stay as bright and warm, give warmth and joy to people, let everything and always be with you, easily and simply add up, succeed, succeed! May friends be faithful, reliable, and devoted, may life be bright and eventful, may there be the one who is needed next! We wish you to always be yourself, because you are beautiful both externally and in your soul! We wish you Siberian health, inexhaustible energy, good spirits, peace and kindness! Remember that - life is a beautiful thing! Live it the way you want, with pleasure and joy! Do not waste time on gloomy thoughts, sadness and longing! May you take one step closer to your dream with every smile! Happy smiles to you on this festive day!

Man! Congratulations on your wonderful holiday! I wish you good health, real happiness, aspirations in life, passion for life, and of course, the achievement of all goals, desires and ideas! May you effortlessly manage to shine at work, achieve high professional results, bring your inimitable originality to everything and always smile! I wish you material prosperity, multi-colored joy, dizzying luck, human happiness, mutual and universal love! Let your rainbow life abound with bright colors! May your boundless optimism not run dry, urging all your friends to look at this world through the prism of happiness! After all, men like you make our life brighter and brighter! We take an example from you, our cheerful birthday boy! Give people joy with your positive!

Dear birthday boy! A wonderful man, a real man, a wonderful friend! Congratulations on the start of a new stage in your life! Happy birthday! We wish you real male happiness, personal victories, success in any endeavors, creative ups, productive inspiration and many good luck in the future! Stay the same bright, hardworking, increase your virtues day by day, and smile to the world as often as possible! On the path of life, let your relatives accompany you, support kind word, warm the soul warm attitude! We wish you to have truly reliable and devoted friends who, without further ado, will be ready to help you at any moment, and most importantly, on time! Let your life be like a kind, colorful fairy tale, where you will be the magical master of your destiny!

Dear birthday boy! Now your life is on a very beautiful takeoff, climb, your reliable crew is always with you! May many interesting, joyful moments and events await you ahead! Be happy, do not doubt our support and remember that we love you madly! We wish you impeccable self-confidence, as in a man, incredible fortitude, masculinity, readiness to perform feats for the sake of the lovely lady of your heart, mutual feelings, strong relationships, professional growth, achievement of your goals and plans, masculine joys, pleasure from life! You are an amazing person, with charisma, with a wonderful sense of humor, invincible, resilient, strong-willed and strong! Let these wonderful qualities help you become the most happy man On the Earth!

Beautiful congratulations happy birthday to a man in prose who will not leave anyone indifferent. A selection of unique and original birthday greetings for a man in your own words or a themed card for every taste. Better congratulations to a man in prose simply cannot be found!

Beautiful congratulations to a man happy birthday in prose

Happy birthday to a real man! After all, a real man is a combination of such qualities as wisdom, determination, fortitude, courage, generosity, the ability to do something with one's own hands, to be a reliable support and support for relatives and friends. You have all this and more. I wish you all your long and comfortable life, filled with bright events and positive, always remain the way you are!

Happy birthday to a wonderful man! I wish you perseverance and determination, success and love, positive and prosperity, happiness and health. It’s not that you don’t have enough, just let everything multiply!

Happy birthday to the most reliable man in the world! Time is running, and you only become more mature and self-sufficient, which definitely colors you and makes you more attractive! Let there be more memorable moments, positive and tenderness in your life! And I also wish you good health, unprecedented happiness, dizzying success, incredible travels, a lot of joy, mutual love, a seven-figure bank account, in general, everything that real men deserve!

I wish you good health, creative achievements, so that there are as few obstacles as possible on your way, so that your dreams and ideas come true as often as possible, and failures and troubles bypass two blocks. Let inspiration settle in your soul, relatives and friends delight every day, and your mood will always be upbeat.

Greeting pictures and cards happy birthday to a man

Short congratulations to a man on his birthday in SMS prose

Happy birthday! I wish you to remain as persistent and determined, confident and self-sufficient, free and loved, sincere and happy. A real man deserves real feelings and gifts of fate, which I wish you!

Happy birthday! Let your capital increase, there will be more energy, strength, enthusiasm and health does not fail. I wish you to always remain a noble man, a man of not only words, but also deeds.

Happy Birthday man! I wish you to remain at the epicenter of all events and movements, to gather true friends and devoted people around you.

Happy birthday to a brave and valiant man! I wish steel self-control and favor of fate, unceasing health and devoted friends, high prospects and true happiness.

I wish a daring man, on his birthday, to be a winner in life, dispose of it as he pleases, and remain a darling of fate.

Happy birthday greetings to a man in your own words

Happy birthday to you! I wish you to always remain courageous, reasonable and noble! Let the salary allow all the "Wishlist", and fate provides opportunities! Only the man himself knows what is necessary for his happiness, so I just wish you good health and stunning success, a lot of joy and a lot of positive, as well as all the best that is in this world!

Our kind and dear, honest and close, our groovy man, I will give you love, care, tenderness, affection. May all your secret dreams and hidden desires come true. I wish you continued health, be successful and cheerful, contented and happy. Happy birthday!

Today, with all sincerity and from the bottom of my heart, I congratulate the wisest, most energetic, courageous and resilient person I know. Let the most desired dreams and bold plans come true. Achieve all the goals you set for yourself, which you have been striving for a long time. Let the family love, respect and understand you, and in life there will be more reasons for positive emotions, kindness and joy!

Happy birthday and I want to wish you strong male strength and complete self-confidence, well-being in life and maximum luck on the way. Let every victory be loud, trifling and easily solved - every problem, happy and joyful - every meeting, cheerful and interesting - any number of the calendar.

Cool birthday greetings to a man in prose

You are young, full of strength and energy, a whole world of opportunities is open before you, so let success smile at you in all matters, and your dreams come true. Be happy. Happy birthday!

Strong and strong man happy Birthday. I wish you steel endurance and a favorable fate, brilliant prospects and real happiness in life.

The best short congratulations in prose in your own words happy birthday to a man

I congratulate you on your birthday and sincerely wish you always a clear and tenacious hole, good spirits and strength of body, invincible courage of the heart, the greatness of every victory, the versatility of happiness in a long and prosperous life!

Short creative congratulations in prose happy birthday to a man

Taking this opportunity, I want to congratulate you on your birthday and wish you great victories! Victory over life's difficulties, incomprehensible situations and bad mood. Let there be no place for them in your long and happy life!

Creative congratulations in prose happy birthday to a man

On this long-awaited holiday, I wish that the angel who guards you never loses vigilance. After all, you almost never meet such real men. You are our rare rare specimen.

On your birthday, I wish that the path of your life spreads like an endless carpet and leads you confidently and with dignity to the pinnacle of wisdom, glory and happiness. May the faithful shoulder of a friend and the gentle look of your beloved, turns of success, turns of achievements and stops of good luck always be near on this road. Good health to you on this long and long journey of life.

Official birthday greetings to a man in prose

What do you want for the person who has everything? After all, you have achieved everything you wanted: you have a great job and a loving family. You are self-sufficient, realized as a professional, and quite successful. I wish that the river of life will continue to carry you evenly and smoothly - without minor anxieties and major problems! So that every day you live brings with it only positive emotions, and all worries would be a joy. And also - I wish you great, immense happiness, many, many sunny days, and good luck in all your endeavors. Happy holiday!

SMS happy birthday to a man in prose

Happy birthday to a wonderful man. I wish you great happiness, an interesting and vibrant life, let a smile shine on your face, everything in life is going well!

Happy birthday to a young man in prose

On your birthday, I want to wish you to be strong, healthy, energetic, never be upset or lose heart. May good friends surround you, there will always be a beloved woman nearby. I wish you good mood, joy, success and prosperity!

Congratulations in prose in your own words happy birthday to a real man

Happy birthday to a real man! May all obstacles be overcome with ease. Enthusiasm to you, strength and opportunities in achieving your goals, love, prosperity, family comfort, pleasant emotions and good mood!

The best congratulations in your own words in prose happy birthday to a man

I wish you extraordinary life achievements, unforgettable and inspiring moments, unexpected twists of fate, unheard-of generosity of fortune on your birthday. Let a new stage begin today, full of pleasure and important changes leading to stable harmony and multifaceted, but full-fledged happiness.

Beautiful birthday greetings to a man in prose

Happy Birthday! Be healthy, strong, successful person. We wish prosperity, love, happiness, good luck, good mood. May true friends always surround you, colleagues respect you at work, and relatives cherish and protect you at home.

The best congratulations in prose happy birthday to a man

Accept my congratulations on your birthday! I wish over the years only to grow stronger and improve, I wish every day to turn my dream into reality, turn my word into action, and an important goal into achievement! Health, love, vitality and energy, all the best and good luck.

The best beautiful and original congratulations in prose happy birthday to a man

Happy birthday, strong, smart, handsome, kind, brave man. I wish you always be on the strong side of success and recognition. May luck love you, may love inspire you, may inspiration push you to great deeds, may such deeds make you stronger, wealthier, more confident and happier.

SMS congratulations in your own words in prose happy birthday to a man

The work of a loved one, peace in the house,
Growth in abundance and be on the upswing,
Wife with understanding, love, inspiration,
And long life to you. Happy Birthday!

A short congratulation in your own words in prose happy birthday to a man

Be forever cheerful, happy, lucky, affectionate, well, loved! Never get sick, don't regret anything! Congratulations!

Wonderful and beautiful congratulations in prose happy birthday to a man

Happy Birthday! I wish you strong strength, great achievements and good income, so that you never need anything. May steel endurance and kindness protect you from all bad weather. Let love be near, loyalty and friendship always behind your back, in your hands - only happy dreams, and before your eyes - grace and an excellent happy future.

Big congratulations in prose happy birthday to a man

Congratulations on your birthday! Let this day be for you a transition to a new step in your life. I wish you every year to become more courageous, luckier, stronger and, of course, healthier. May all your dreams come true soon and, at the same time, new ones appear. I also wish that there are always true friends nearby who will help and support at any moment. May all your family and friends be happy. Please us every day with your radiant smile and wonderful mood. We, in turn, promise to help you without fail.

Happy birthday to a man in prose

Congratulations and with all my heart I wish you days filled with happiness, life is like in a fairy tale, and next to you is a sweet and affectionate princess! I wish you more joyful days than sad ones, many good and true friends, and health ... so simply heroic! Let in any, even in the most difficult battle, you become the winner every time!

The best short congratulations in prose happy birthday to a man

Happy Birthday! I wish you strength of mind, a rich share, a happy fate, a positive attitude and easy profit. May all your brilliant ideas come true. I wish you the strongest, most fruitful work and always a great rest.

Beautiful birthday greetings to a man in short prose

I wish you a birthday, my friend, dear man, so that you live an interesting life. I wish you to dream of the unknown and forbidden, to seek your truth and find it no matter what. Happy Birthday!

Original birthday greetings to a man in prose

On this day, I want to wholeheartedly congratulate the most courageous, strong, wise and intelligent person with whom I had the good fortune to be acquainted. I wish you the fulfillment of the most secret and wildest dreams that you keep in your heart. Achieve all the goals you aspire to, and return with joy every day to your family, where you are loved, appreciated and understood. May everything in your life be amazing, easy and enjoyable!

Happy birthday wishes to a man in prose

On a bright birthday holiday, I wish you not to be bored, live cheerfully and freely, fulfill your desires and keep every happy moment in your heart! May there always be time for family and friends, may the love in your life be real and hot! May many years later even more dear people gather at your magnificent anniversary, and you will delight us with the recognition that all dreams have come true!

Short congratulations in prose happy birthday to a man

Happy birthday! I wish you a daily and repeated increase in strength, and vigor, and inspiration, and happiness. I wish you to always remain a man of nobility and honor, a man of respect and love.

Sincere birthday greetings to a man in prose

It is always a pleasure to congratulate such a cheerful and radiant person like you on your birthday. And it is precisely today that I want to wish that you have a goldfish that will fulfill all your whims, have inexhaustible good health and a pockmarked chicken that lays golden eggs. So that the laughter of friends never stops in your house, then your life will be much more fun!

Wish in prose happy birthday to a man on you

Birthday is a holiday when you can dream about everything and make the most incredible wishes, which, if you try hard, will surely come true. Dispose of your desires with imagination, and then, with masculine responsibility, proceed to the realization of your plans!

Happy birthday greetings to a dear man in prose

Our dear, we congratulate you on your birthday! Let health be heroic, income - stable, house - cozy, friends - faithful, work - interesting. May love always surround you, good luck in everything! Remain in any situation as you are - courageous, reliable, self-confident!

The best original congratulations in prose happy birthday to a man

I wish you health, stable finances,
Things to burn in the hands of your strong.
In the family - understanding, happiness, patience,
In a career - great success. Happy Birthday!

Sincere birthday greetings to a man in prose

No matter how trite, but on my birthday I want to wish you good health. Or rather, even improve this wish a little. Like it or not, it often happens that diseases put spokes in our wheels and spoil very important events in life. So I will say this: let your health never make itself felt, because when you do not remember about it, then everything is in order with it. And this is the most important thing! Be healthy, happy and content with life. Happy holiday!