Presentation for research paper

Presentation for the research paper "The Big History of a Little Button." Nod "the history of a small button" Presentation on the topic of the history of a needle and a button

A conversation-game about the origin of the button. The conversation-game uses a lot of literary language, theoretical and practical material.


2.Are you going to get dressed?

You can't do without me.

Adults and children know -

(Children guess the riddle.)

The button is hanging and missing,

She lives in peace.

They don't notice the button

Until it comes off.

Summary of direct educational activities


(in the preparatory school group 6-7 years old)

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 72", Engels, 2013.

Compiled by teacher: Arefieva Irina Valentinovna.


Introduce children to the history of the origin of familiar and familiar things;

Develop interest in the subject being studied and imaginative thinking with the help of riddles and games;

Expand children's understanding of the use of buttons;

Develop an aesthetic concept about various elements of clothing, cultivate neatness and attention to detail;

Develop creative imagination.

Integration educational areas: “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading” fiction", "Physical Culture", "Safety", " Artistic creativity", "Music", "Labor".

Previous work: Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality N.V. Aleshina, O.V. Dybina What happened before…..(Games of traveling into the past of objects).

Vocabulary work: Fibula - metal clasp made of bronze (safety pin), camisole.

Material: collection of buttons, safety pin, zipper, Velcro, buttons, Whatman paper, albums, felt-tip pens.

Today we will get acquainted with the history of the origin of familiar and familiar things. Hundreds of things surround us, and we never think about where they came from, we are not interested in the history of these familiar things. These are the things we will talk about today.

Guess the riddle about an object we need in our lives:

1. You will find this necessary thing on your clothes.

If she is not there, you will be considered a slob.

2.Are you going to get dressed?

You can't do without me.

Adults and children know -

I'll button up everything in the world. What is this?

(Children guess the riddle.)

Of course - it's a BUTTON. That's what we'll talk about.

Look how different they are.


The poem “Button” by R. Sefa is read out.

The button is hanging and missing,

She lives in peace.

They don't notice the button

Until it comes off.

Imagine, please, that buttons have disappeared all over the Earth. What should people do? What can replace buttons? (children's answers).

You dealt with this quickly, well done; Anything will do - Velcro, laces, pieces of wood, and pins.

How good it is that they exist. It’s even better when there are a lot of them, a full box.

There are buttons in front of you, and I have buttons, buttons in boxes.

In each box they are in a certain order.

On the count of “one-two-three” I show you my box of buttons, then from memory you lay out your buttons in the same order as mine.

(Children have a set of cardboard circles: 2 red, 2 yellow, 1 green). The teacher has cards on which all the circles are located in a certain order. The teacher shows one card after another, the children remember the location of the circles, the teacher removes the cards, the children lay out the circles from memory. (Game "Lights").

What do you think the buttons are for? Have they always been like this?

Listen to the unusually entertaining story of the "button".

(The story is accompanied by a display of illustrations and items on the topic)

Do you know that the clothing of primitive man was the skin of a killed animal?! The skin was thrown over the shoulders and, so that it did not slip, it was held with hands. But primitive man needed to free his hands for work: to prepare tools for hunting, to make a trap for a mammoth. That's why fasteners appeared on clothes. The first fasteners were hairpins made from ground stones and ties made from durable plant fibers.

Do we use fasteners invented by primitive man? (Children's answers).

That's right, from time immemorial we have received such a method of fastening as a belt and a belt. Of course, he is very different from his great-great-great-brother and now plays the role rather decorative element.

The ancient Romans and Greeks used brooches - metal fasteners made of bronze similar to a modern safety pin.

In the 12th century, leather, metal, and bone fasteners appeared and became widespread. Only rich people wore them, and such fasteners were more expensive than the clothes themselves. Simple people used rope ties. The button familiar to us appeared much later, in the 16th century, i.e. more than 400 years ago. Moreover, women did not immediately like the buttons, but men really liked them.

The button was treated as a luxury item, and in ordinary life they did without it. Made buttons from precious stones, passed down by inheritance. Buttons became fashionable, and a “button epidemic” began in Europe. The more buttons, the more noble the gentleman. A self-respecting nobleman sewed about 40 buttons onto his camisole.

In the Czech Republic, in the city of Jablonec, there is a museum of buttons from different eras and countries.

Do you know that on women's clothing buttons are sewn on the left, and on the men's on the right.

Did you listen carefully to my story? Then answer the questions:

What material were buttons made of in the old days?

(from precious metals and stones, copper, tin, wood, bone and even fruit seeds)

What material is used now to make buttons?

Buttons can be plastic, metal, wood, covered with fabric or leather.

Can everyone sew on buttons? No? Now we will learn.

A button with four holes is drawn on the board. Children must come up with as many options as possible for “sewing on” a button. (They draw buttons in their albums).


So we threw up our hands,

As if they were surprised.

And to each other to the ground

Bowed to the waist!

Bent over, straightened up,

They bent over and straightened up.

Lower, lower, don't be lazy,

Bow and smile.

Play with a button and create

And by all means, speak up!

Show your friends

And teach mom and dad

All buttons fastened.
Simple as a button.


Don't get lost, don't get lost!

Web site.

Are you tired? Now let's move a little (rhythmic music sounds)


So we threw up our hands,

As if they were surprised.

And to each other to the ground

Bowed to the waist!

Bent over, straightened up,

They bent over and straightened up.

Lower, lower, don't be lazy,

Bow and smile.

Starting position – feet shoulder-width apart. (Recite the poem while performing the movements.)

Now pay attention to the shape of the buttons and sizes.


Which of these buttons can be sewn on a coat?

Which ones will suit elegant dress? Why?

What types of fasteners besides buttons do you know? (Children's answers)

That's right, it's a zipper, buttons, Velcro. And each of these clasps has its own history. The zipper lock, for example, was invented by the Swedish engineer Gideon Senbeck about a hundred years ago. At first it was heavy, metallic and bulky and it was very expensive. Now this fastener has become light and convenient, it can be seen everywhere: on jackets, boots, bags...

You should not chase the most fashionable, expensive fasteners. We must remember that the main thing in clothing is not the most fashionable fastener, but neatness. Very beautiful and expensive buttons will not decorate clothes if they are fastened with frayed, torn loops. And the most modest button looks beautiful and aesthetically pleasing on neatly ironed clothes.

And guys, you can come up with more various games with buttons.

Play with a button and create

And by all means, speak up!

Show your friends

And teach mom and dad

How to assemble new button patterns

AND fine motor skills successfully develop.

And also listen to Russian proverbs about buttons (from Dahl’s dictionary):

  • The buttons are gilded, and I haven’t eaten for three days.
  • A smart girl is like a bright button.
  • The buttons are not molded, the loops are not twisted, nothing is done.

If you fasten the first button incorrectly, then all the rest will go awry.
All buttons fastened.
Simple as a button.
It seems to an envious person that the other person’s gold glitters, but if he comes closer, it’s a copper button. (Tajik proverb)
You can't sew buttons on someone else's mouth.

Now let's imagine ourselves as artists for five minutes. You have received an urgent order: to paint a picture “Merry Lawn”. And your magic pencil suddenly began to draw only buttons.

Try to complete the order without hurting the pencil.

(On a large sheet of Whatman paper, children draw a lawn with buttons - an image using non-standard means - flowers made from buttons, and if you consider that buttons can be different shapes, you get a very interesting picture. Children work to calm music).


So what benefit did we get from today's conversation?

We learned the history of the appearance of the button. We talked about the button, its appearance, purpose, role in the aesthetic design of clothing. Let's watch our buttons. So that we always have them sewn on.

Button, button, hold on tight

Don't get lost, don't get lost!

You look so good on our dress

The outfit is in order - the soul rejoices!

Literature: Smart activities. From the series "Through play - to perfection." E. Sinitsina.

Familiarization of preschoolers with the environment and social reality. N.V. Aleshina

"What would have happened before..." Games-traveling into the past of objects. O.V. Dybina.

"Crafts made from fabric, threads and buttons." A.A. Anistratova, N. I. Grishina.

Excerpts from the dictionary of V. I. Dahl.

BUTTON, button, button, button - a circle or ball, a hat with an eye, sewn to clothing, for fastening with a loop, with a loop. Pugva (female church) bulge, hump. Puga, puzhka - the blunt end of an egg, heel, tail. Button maker, or button maker, button maker.

The word “button” sounds interesting different languages: * In Japanese it is “netsuke”, although this word is more common for denoting an art form. * Italian - bottone, Spanish baton - bud, unopened bud. * In German - Knopf, in Dutch Knoor means “bump, bulge, top”. (Compare with the word "button", which refers to a type of fastener).

In ancient times, people connected their clothes with various animal bones, small sticks, and plant thorns. In ancient Egypt, buckles were already used, or one piece of clothing was threaded through a hole made in another, or the ends were simply tied together.

The oldest buttons and button-like objects were used as decoration rather than for fastening and were discovered in India. They were made about 5000 years ago!!! The ancestors of the Russian button date back to the 6th century. Old Russian buttons-weights

Buttons, as a rule, were decorated with a pattern. For example, concentric circles meant the sun. Five pointed star- a symbol of fertility. In Russia, the button mainly served as a talisman. The buttons were hollow, in the form of a ball, into which a piece of metal was placed. When walking, such buttons rattled and thereby scared away evil spirits.

Buttons were appreciated only in the Middle Ages, when suits tailored and sewn exactly to fit the figure came into fashion. They could not be put on without ripping them out. Therefore, fashionistas and fashionistas had to wait until the clothes were sewn directly onto the figure before going out, and then freed themselves from the “shackles of beauty” for just as long.

The button was first used as a fastener in Germany around the 13th century. Buttons then quickly spread throughout Europe and were used to make tight-fitting clothing. True works of art appeared. Using a special glaze, artists painted the buttons with bright pictures.

Having originated, the button remained an element of the men's military uniform for a long time. Ladies preferred stilettos and safety pins. Peter I ordered buttons to be sewn on the front side of the sleeve of a soldier's uniform for one purpose: to preserve expensive cloth, not allowing yesterday's peasants to wipe their nose or mouth with their sleeves after eating.

But, like everything in the world of fashion, when a certain level of perfection is achieved, women appropriate it for themselves. The same thing happened with buttons. When buttons became a real object of art, women turned their attention to them. The button served decorative decoration. Buttons were made from precious metals, corals, and amber.

In 1877, as one of the fashion magazines of the time put it, “women were seized with button madness.” At the same time, buttons covered with fabric appeared. Women are simply tired of polishing metal plates to a shine every day.

Silver English and French buttons in the Art Nouveau style. Buttons with the image of insects, covered with glass. Mid or late 18th century. Copper buttons. Presumably England. XVIII century

And in the 2000s, colored glass buttons, produced in West Germany and Czechoslovakia, became popular all over the world. Pure bright colors, gold and silver trim, and thoughtful design made them a wonderful addition and decoration to women's clothing. But with the widespread spread of household washing machines, spoiling and breaking fragile glass, they had to be abandoned. After World War II, there was a catastrophic shortage of raw materials for the production of buttons, so any material at hand was used: in Germany, buttons were produced from the windshield of decommissioned fighter planes, and an artel near Moscow stamped them from gramophone records softened in a fire.

Buttons 16th century Bread buttons Century button Wooden button

Project on: “Once upon a time there was a button!”


Teachers of MBDOU "KINDERGARTEN No. 16 in Vyborg"

Filippova N.F.

Peskova L.A.

Project type: by subject areas - cognitive development; by the nature of the subject area - park-oriented; by composition - group; Duration: 1 month.

Project participants : children middle group, parents and educators

Problem: lack of knowledge about the history of the button.

Objective of the project: development of cognitive interest of middle preschool children in the objective world.

Final event: creation of a mini-museum “Once upon a time there was a button...”

  • For children: introduce children to the history of buttons; show the meaning of the button in Everyday life of people; consolidate the acquired theoretical knowledge about buttons, their meaning and application in various creative activities; develop fine motor skills, attention, memory; develop children's creativity, imagination and imagination.
  • For teachers: simulate a cycle of game tasks and exercises with buttons; promote the use of the project method in working with children, form a positive attitude of teachers towards project activities; use non-traditional forms interaction and cooperation with parents.
  • For parents: creation and replenishment of the collection; increase competence in introducing children to buttons; involve in active participation in project activities.


Project products: For children: crafts made from buttons on the topic “Wonderful transformations of a button”; fairy tales and stories about the adventures of a button; drawings on the topic: “What types of buttons are there?” For teachers: project presentation; production of manuals and educational games. For parents: creation and replenishment of the collection. Project stages: 1. Preparatory – familiarizing parents with the problem, purpose and objectives of the project; distribution of tasks between project participants; selection of visually methodical, educational and fiction literature, illustrative material on this topic; selection of material for research and productive activity children; selection of material for the collection; development methodological manuals, OD notes 2. Practical: integration of educational areas according to the project.


Educational area "Cognition" Conversation: “What is a button?”, “What are buttons for,” “The history of the button.” Play activity Didactic games : “Which one is extra?” , “Find a pair”, “Beads”, “Select by color”, “What does a button look like?”, “Match it with clothes”, “Wonderful bag”, “More or less”, “Which one is extra?”, “Patterns from buttons." Game exercises: “Find the right house”, “Decorate the dress”, “Count by touch”, “Hit the target” - an outdoor game, sort the buttons by characteristics: by shape; by color; to size; by the number of holes, count the buttons on yourself and show them with numbers, laying out geometric shapes from buttons. Construction . “Photo frame for dear mommy”, “Funny snake”, "Button bouquet" Experimental and search activities . Examining patterns on buttons under a magnifying glass. Acquaintance with the qualities and properties of the materials from which buttons are made.

« Artistic creativity" Drawing: "Mom's shoe decorated with buttons" “Design and draw your own button”, “Button Sorceress” « Communication "Proverbs and sayings about buttons, writing fairy tales about buttons. Games using TRIZ technology: “What would happen if people lived without buttons.” Compilation descriptive stories about buttons. “Socialization” role-playing games: "Atelier", "Shop", " Family" During the project implementation the following work was carried out: Working with children. The main research questions were identified: “What does the word “button” mean?”, “What did people use before the invention of buttons?”; “What were the first buttons?”; “What types of buttons are there?”; “What materials are buttons made from?”; “What are the ways to sew on buttons?”; “What else, besides fastening, are buttons used for?”, we learned that the word “button” comes from the word “to scare.” During the implementation of the project, working with buttons made it possible to significantly expand the children's horizons.


Riddles and proverbs

1.Are you going to get dressed? 1. " You can’t sew buttons on someone else’s mouth.”

You can't do without me.

Adults and children know - 2. “Smart girl is like a bright button”

I'll button up everything in the world. What is this?

3. "Simple as a button"

2. Round, but not a wheel?

3. Round with holes, can you sew on it? 4. “Gilded buttons, but I haven’t eaten for three days.”

4. Rolling, but not a circle?


In the dust, barely noticeable, Copper button. Rub it harder The anchor glows on it. Maybe, This button On a sailor's peacoat Traveled almost half the world, She came from afar. So she saw Lop-eared elephant. I visited countries, Where there are monkeys on the branches. On the edge of a huge ice floe Penguins danced for her. At the pier at dawn Her children accompanied her.

Maybe in a storm at the helm Almost got torn off From a sailor's peacoat, Don't grab her hand. G. Gorbovsky

Physical education lesson “Button”

One two three four five,

We also know how to relax.

Let's put our hands behind our backs.

Let's raise our heads higher

And let's breathe easily, easily.

Let's take the buttons in our hands

And we pass it on to the music.

When there is silence.

Tell me, what button do you have?

Fairy tale "The Magic Button" Iris Review

Once upon a time there lived a hedgehog. One day he was walking along the path and found a button.

- A nice gift for my new frock coat, thought the hedgehog.

But the squirrel's neighbor said that it would be nice to find the one who lost this button.

- This button cannot belong to the tit, she has a yellow vest, and the button is red,” said the hedgehog.

- It doesn't suit the hare either. “His coat is gray or white,” the squirrel suggested.

- Maybe a red fox or a brown bear lost a button? - the squirrel and the hedgehog wondered. But the friends did not want to meet either the fox or the bear.

And the latest news was brought by a magpie on its tail. She said that Baba Yaga lost the button, and that this button is magic.

The hedgehog and the squirrel were happy, but a little upset. They were glad that the button was magic, and magic is always interesting, but they were upset because they had to go to Baba Yaga, and she was always doing something clever.

But there is nothing to do, let the hedgehog and the squirrel go to Baba Yaga. She saw it like a button and immediately smiled.

- This is from my sundress,” she said. And then she squinted slyly, looked at the good-natured hedgehog and squirrel and said:

- I will give this button to you. She's not easy. If you rub her lightly, she will start telling stories.

The friends were delighted and thanked Baba Yaga.

Now, when the hedgehog and the squirrel go out to play at dusk, they take a magic button with them. And she tells them stories...


MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 2 combined type"


Senior group TNR ​​"Rainbow"


Belkova E.P.

Golovanova T.V.

Kamensk - Uralsky

Educational project “The History of the Button”

Project type
: informational and educational.
: short term.
Implementation period:
October November.
Project participants:
children senior group, educators, parents.
Integration of educational areas:

O. about "Cognition"
- GCD information messages about the history of buttons, educational and research activities with buttons (size, shape, material)
o.o. "Communication"
-conversation, memorization of proverbs, sayings about buttons.
O.o. "Socialization"
- acquaintance with the professions of people involved in the manufacture of buttons, role-playing games “Atelier”, “Fashion Salon”.
O.o. "Safety"
- familiarization with safety rules for sewing buttons.
O.o. "Artistic Creativity"
- making crafts from buttons.
“You can become anything you want and no one will notice. But if you are missing a button, everyone will pay attention to it” E.M. Remarque. Indeed, we no longer pay attention to the objects we use every day. But many of them, sometimes even the most ordinary ones, contain a lot of interesting things. We decided to learn about the history of buttons.
Introduce the history of buttons.
Cultivating cognitive interest in the subject world, broadening one’s horizons through cognitive research activities.
Development of fine motor skills, coherent speech, thinking, creative abilities.
Expected Result:
creation of a mini-museum “Button”, an exhibition of works on the theme “What a button!”
Implementation stages:

Stage 1 – preparatory:
project development, setting goals and objectives, selection required material on the topic (proverbs, sayings, information material), development of notes;
Stage 2 – main:
conversations, looking at illustrative material, reading educational literature about “What does the word button mean?”, “What did people use before the invention of the button?”, “What were the first buttons and what material were they made of?”, what types of buttons are there, a set buttons;
Stage 3 – final:
creation of a mini-museum, creation of the exhibition “What a Button!”
Forms of work:
GCD, conversations, educational and research activities on the topic didactic games: “Find a pair”, “which one is extra?”, “Lay out a pattern”, “Collect beads”. Introduction to proverbs and sayings about buttons, artistic and creative activities, role-playing games “Atelier”, “Fashion Salon”, “Shop”, “Button Department”. Creation of a mini-museum, organization of an exhibition of crafts made from buttons.
Parental participation:
assistance in the selection of information, participation in the creation of a mini-museum, participation in the manufacture of crafts for the exhibition.

Results of the project:
The result of the project was the creation of a mini-museum, where a variety of types of buttons, their accessories and the materials from which they are made were presented. Children also learned about the history of the button and its improvement. Expanding the horizons of children: after all, during the project, children spent research activities: compared, experimented. The main thing that children and adults have learned is the awareness that the most ordinary thing can keep an amazing story of its appearance.

History of the button

The history of the button began seven hundred years ago. But the name of a person

who invented it, history has not preserved. It's interesting that women

at first they completely ignored this invention and continued

use pins; only men were interested in buttons.
Since in those days men's clothing was no less bright than women's buttons, they were made of expensive metals and decorated with precious stones. And so many buttons were sewn onto a man’s dress, more than several thousand, that it became very heavy. History remembers that French
King Francis
ordered 13,600 gold buttons to decorate his velvet suit. The position of a person was determined by the buttons. Buttons were made of gold and silver for nobles, of base materials for soldiers and servants, and of glass and wood for ordinary people.
"Button" in Russian
has the same root as the word
. And scientists believe that this coincidence is not accidental; it served our people as protection from dark forces, and was a talisman that warded off evil. For “greater strength,” they also placed a piece of metal or a round pebble in them, which, when moved, made a sound similar to the ringing of a bell. Over the centuries there have been so many buttons. Many of them have become works of art and are now kept in museums. And modern haberdashery stores sell an amazing selection of buttons!
This is interesting
On men's clothing the buttons are located on the right, and on the women's on the left. It is believed that at the time of the introduction of buttons, men dressed themselves, and women were dressed by maids - therefore, buttons were sewn on for them in a mirror image. The decree of Peter I, which ordered the sewing of tin buttons to the cuffs of the sleeves of soldiers' uniforms on the outside, was full of secret meaning: the buttons did not allow soldiers, out of habit, to wipe their mouth and nose with their sleeves after eating. So he weaned the soldiers from a bad habit that spoiled their uniform cloth. Finding a button is still considered a good omen, and if a black cat crosses your path, all you have to do is touch the button and you can safely move forward.

History of the button
The history of the appearance of buttons begins in the period of antiquity. The most ancient samples were found during excavations in the Indus River valley, which means they were used back in the Indus civilization (3rd millennium BC). In addition, archaeologists have found confirmation that buttons were used by the ancient Greeks, Scythians and ancient Romans. There are finds indicating that they were on belts that warriors used to fasten their armor. Buttons of those times were distinguished by a variety of shapes - from round to canonical.
However, of course, in ancient times buttons were not used as widely as in the Middle Ages. Then tight-fitting suits, tailored to fit the figure, began to come into fashion. First they were sewn directly on the person, and then the seams were ripped out. Over time, to speed up the process, a seam was invented that would fall apart if the thread was pulled at one end. However, this was not very convenient. As a result, the problem was solved with the help of buttons. True, only very wealthy people could afford them, since they were then made from precious metals - gold or silver. The more buttons a person had on his suit, the higher his status. It is known that the King of France, Francis I, was the owner of a suit on which more than thirteen and a half thousand buttons were sewn!
Over time, other segments of the population also received the opportunity to use buttons in clothes, as they began to be made from cheaper materials. Interestingly, they also became a badge of distinction - they were made with a stamped design, which indicated that the owner of the suit or uniform belonged to a particular department.
An extraordinary way to use this fastener was proposed by the inventive Peter I, who issued a decree according to which unnecessary buttons were sewn onto the sleeve of a soldier’s uniform in order to discourage soldiers from wiping their mouth or nose with their sleeve. This made it possible to preserve the expensive cloth from which suits were then sewn longer.

Project product presentation









Joint creative exhibition of works

Lesson summary for senior children on the topic

"The Miracle of the Button"

Goals and objectives:
- introduce children to the history of the origin of the button; - develop interest in the subject being studied and imaginative thinking with the help of riddles and games; - expand children’s understanding of the use of buttons; -develop creative imagination. Integration of educational areas: "Social and communicative development", " Cognitive development", "Physical development", "Artistic - aesthetic development", "Speech development". Material: collection of buttons, text of a poem, text of riddles, pictures for a story.

Educator. - Today we will get acquainted with the history of the origin of a familiar and familiar thing. Many different things surround us, and we never think about where they came from, we are not interested in the history of these familiar things. This is exactly the kind of thing we will talk about today. -Guess the riddle about a necessary item in our lives: 1. You will find this necessary thing on your clothes. If she is not there, you will be considered a slob. Children's answer. (button) 2. When you get ready to get dressed, you can’t do without me. Adults and children know - I will button up everything in the world. What is this?
Children's answer. (button) Teacher. -Of course it’s a button. That's what we'll talk about. -Look how different they are. (Pictures with various images of buttons are shown.) The poem by Vera Avdeeva is read out. Buttons. Buttons with anchors on sailors' peacoats. I want to be friends with the seas. I'm ready to wear a pea coat. And with oak leaves Foresters' buttons. I want to be friends with forests, I am ready to protect them. And on the driver's uniform there are buttons with a hammer. To make the train go fast, I will be wearing a jacket like this. But my mother said quietly so that I could understand everything: Only the general wears a uniform for the general. Mom laughed for a long time, Because I’m cunning. I'll be in the uniform of a general, If I'm an actor.
- Imagine that buttons have disappeared all over the Earth. What should people do? What can replace buttons? Children's answers. Educator. -It’s so good that they exist. - What do you think the buttons are for? Children's answers. Educator. Have they always been like this? Listen to the unusually entertaining story of the "button". (The story is accompanied by a display of illustrations and objects on the topic) Do you know that the clothing of primitive man was the skin of a killed animal?! The skin was thrown over the shoulders and, so that it did not slip, it was held with hands. (Show the first picture). But primitive man needed to free his hands for work: to prepare tools for hunting, to make a trap for a mammoth. (Show second picture). That's why fasteners appeared on clothes. The first fasteners were hairpins made from ground stones and ties made from durable plant fibers. (Show third picture). - Do we use fasteners invented by primitive man? Children's answers. Educator. - That's right, from the depths of centuries we got such a fastening method as a belt and belt. Of course, it is very different from its great-great-great-brother and now plays the role of more of a decorative element. (Show the fourth picture). The button was treated as a luxury item, and in ordinary life they did without it. Buttons were made from precious stones, from precious metals and stones, copper, tin, wood, bone and even from fruit seeds, and were passed down by inheritance. The more buttons, the more noble the gentleman. A self-respecting nobleman sewed about 40 buttons onto his camisole. (Show the fifth picture). In the Czech Republic, in the city of Jablonec, there is a museum of buttons from different eras and countries.
- Do you know that on women's clothing buttons are sewn on the left, and on men's clothing on the right. -Did you listen carefully to my story? Then answer the questions: - What material were buttons made of in the old days? Children's answers. (Made from precious metals and stones, copper, tin, wood, bone and even fruit seeds) Educator. - What material is used now to make buttons? Children's answers. Educator. - Buttons can be plastic, metal, wood, covered with fabric or leather. (The teacher demonstrates buttons). A person needs buttons for clothes, but they can also be played with. Here are a variety of buttons and I suggest using them to create a pattern for a carpet.
Miracle carpet.

. Make children want to play with various types buttons, develop fantasy, imagination, attention.
Various types of buttons, rectangular blank for “carpet” (various colors). Children complete tasks. Progress of the task. Children are invited to choose their favorite background for the “carpet”. Having chosen a background for the “carpet”, children independently lay out a pattern of buttons. Educator. Well done guys, you have created wonderful drawings on the carpets and I suggest leaving the works on the tables so that you can carefully examine them. (Children get up from the tables and look at the “carpets”). The teacher asks the children which carpet they liked best.
(Children's answers). Educator. Did you like the lesson? (Children's response). Educator. What did you like most? (Children's answers). Educator. Our lesson has come to an end, but our acquaintance with miracle buttons is sure to continue.

Simple as a button. All buttons fastened. You can't put buttons on someone else's mouth. It seems to the envious person that the other person’s gold glitters, but if he comes closer, it’s a copper button. The buttons are gilded, and I haven’t eaten for three days. Smart girl - This is a light button. The buttons are not molded, the loops are not twisted, nothing is done.

You can play games with buttons to not only develop motor skills, but also logic and thinking, as well as color perception, the formation of concepts of the size of objects (large - small), and creative imagination. Playing together between children and parents will allow them to get closer and establish a basis of trusting relationships. Since it is in preschool age an adult has unique opportunity
become significant for your child, become the person to whom, upon becoming an adult (especially in adolescence), the child can turn for support.
You will need: a coffee or cocoa can with a plastic screw cap, buttons (they can be different color and size, depending on what tasks you set: whether it’s consolidating the idea of ​​size, color, or learning to count). Make a slit on the lid with a knife (similar to a piggy bank). Show your child how to push buttons through the slot. Once all the buttons are in the jar, ask your child to unscrew the lid and take out the buttons. You can start the game all over again!
You will need: flat buttons of different colors and sizes, plasticine, toothpicks. Take a block of plasticine and stick a toothpick into it (you can cut off the sharp ends of the toothpicks first). Show your child how to string buttons on an unusual pin. Next time you play with your child, make the task more difficult by stringing buttons of a certain size or color. You can make several blanks: string buttons of the corresponding colors onto toothpicks inserted into plasticine of different colors. You can insert toothpicks of various lengths and ask the child to string buttons, finally drawing the child's attention to the relationship between the length of the toothpicks and the number of buttons strung on them. By the way, not all buttons can be strung on a toothpick, since the diameter of the holes on the buttons is not always appropriate. Therefore, either you pre-select suitable buttons for this game, or you give the child the opportunity to verify the discrepancy on
own experience and draw your own conclusions. When playing with an older child, you can ask him to express his opinion in advance about whether a given button will fit on such a rod or not, thereby developing his eye.
For development creativity and the child’s imaginative thinking, you can invite him to lay out flowers, paths, houses, all kinds of patterns from buttons, in a word, whatever your imagination and the child’s imagination suggest. "
From finger to finger"
The first player places on forefinger button and turns to the second player. He must move this button to his index finger, while other fingers cannot be used. "
Button football"
For this game you will need 7 buttons. Choose a playing field, for example, a carpet. A gate is made on one side (buttons are placed at a distance of approximately 10 cm from each other). They also make gates on the other side of the carpet. The remaining three buttons are balls. To make a shot, you need to click the button with your finger. Moreover, you can only hit the button that is located between the other two. The players take turns hitting the goal.

In loose
An odd number of buttons are laid out on the carpet or table. The more players, the more buttons. An even number of players take part in the competition. At the leader’s signal, the players begin collecting buttons. You can collect one at a time without raking everything at once. You cannot push other players or block buttons from them. The one who collects the most buttons wins.
Even further
The players stand at the boundary line, each with the same button in their hand. On the count of one-two-three, players try to place the button as far away from themselves as possible. You can lean forward and stretch your arms. But you can’t move from your spot and throw a button. The one who falls to the floor is out of the game. And the one who puts the button farthest wins.
More less
For this game, the more buttons the better. The main thing is that they are all different sizes and among them one is the largest and the smallest. The presenter says: “We are looking for the largest button,” and pours all the buttons from the box onto the table. The players sit around the table and, without interfering with each other, look for a button. The one who finds it puts it next to him. The presenter collects all the buttons in a box and gives the following task: - looking for the smallest button And so on. The tasks could be something like this: - looking for a button with three holes - looking for a triangular button - looking for the largest red button The main thing is to collect all the buttons in a box after each round (so that
none of the participants could spy in advance). The game continues until it gets boring. In the end, they see who collected the most winning buttons. He's the winner.
To win in this game you need to be very careful. The players' task is to build a pyramid of buttons. The first player places a large button in the center of the table, the second player places a smaller button on top of the first, and so on. The higher the pyramid, the more difficult it is to lay out the buttons. The pyramid begins to wobble and can collapse from any careless movement. The player who destroys the pyramid loses.
All players line up on the same line. Each person is given one button. Players extend their left leg forward and make the toe “iron” so that they can put a button on it. At the leader’s command, all players begin to jump forward on their right foot. You need to ride to the finish line (the agreed line) without dropping the button.
Each player is given a thread (about 40 cm) and five buttons with four holes each. The task of each player is to string all the buttons on a thread so that the thread passes through all the holes. The presenter claps his hands and the game begins. The first one to complete the task wins
"Remember and Repeat"
This game will help develop attention and memory. It requires two cards (divided into 9 squares) and two sets of buttons (18 pieces identical in pairs). One player is the leader, he lays out several buttons on his field. The second player remembers. Then the field is covered with a scarf, and the second player on his field must arrange the buttons in the same way as the leader. You can train on a small amount at first, adding gradually.

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Municipal budget preschool institution kindergarten No. 12 structural unit "Beryozka" Short term project"Magic Button" Teachers: Karmanova G.V. Taepova R.H.

Relevance We live in a time of rapid speed and high technology. Every year the number of technical innovations that amaze with their capabilities increases. The world of objects, already huge, is replenished and expanded. All this is reflected in our daily life - we no longer pay attention to the objects that we use every day. It’s a pity, because some of them, sometimes even the most ordinary ones, contain a lot of interesting things.

Type of project: Research and creative Duration: Short-term (3 weeks) By number of participants: group (children, parents, teachers) Subject of research: Buttons.

Involve parents and children in joint productive creativity. Goal of the project: Objectives: Expand your horizons through familiarization with the accumulated human experience of knowing the world. To introduce children to the history of the button, its types and classification, to expand children’s knowledge about the world around them; Develop the imagination of children and parents, creativity, interest in collecting; develop fine motor skills of the hands, cognitive activity, imagination, and communication skills. Cultivate perseverance, the ability to work in a team, instill careful attitude to other people's work and crafts.

Preparatory stage: Information sheet for parents about the start of the project; Together with parents, preparing buttons for the project; Creation of the “Magic Buttons” collection in the group; Selection of illustrative and artistic materials; Taking notes thematic classes for different sections of the program.

The main stage of ECD Working with parents Working with children Joint activities of adults and children

Creation of the “Button - Magician” collection.

Joint activities of parents and children

Parents' work: “Massage mats for the prevention of flat feet.”

Family of Andrey O. and family of Darina Z.


Didactic game: “Memorize and repeat”

Didactic game: “Match the leaves to the tree”

Button patterns

"Miracle tree."

Educational activities in special moments Modeling “The Miracle of a Button”

Artistic and aesthetic development. Drawing on the topic: “Such different buttons”

Educational activities in special moments “Artistic and aesthetic development” Application: “Fish in an aquarium.”

Artistic and aesthetic development. Modeling on the theme: “Here is our train rushing, the wheels are knocking”

The final stage is the broadcast of the Photo Exhibition project regime moments during the course of the project. Review of massage mats. Design of the mini-museum “Magic Button”. Presentation of the project Exhibition of crafts joint activities parents and children (photo frames, magic bag, panels, handbags and bracelets, etc.)

Expected result: Development of children's cognitive and creative abilities. - Manifestation of independent activity of children. - Improving work on interaction with parents, activating parents as participants in the project. - A positive attitude towards the world based on emotional and sensory experience.


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