Project of the house where I live.  Project “This is the house I live in”

Project of the house where I live. Project “This is the house I live in”


"The house I live in"

for children 2-3 years old




Participants: children 2-3 years old, teachers, parents.

Project type: long-term.

Project type: creative.


Home is what the child’s first impressions and ideas about the world around him are associated with; home is the child’s family and friends, his protection, his warmth and joy. The house and everything connected with it make up the world of a little man. The familiarity and simplicity of the environment allows you to show your child how many interesting, remarkable and useful things can be learned if you just look closely at what’s nearby. This topic is accessible to children younger age. It carries a great emotional charge, since the concept of “home” in children is associated with many different positive impressions and emotions.

Educational: Introduce children to dishes, furniture, clothing, types of houses. Expand children's knowledge about the world around them. Enrich parent-child relationships with the experience of joint creative activity.

Developmental: Develop attention, memory, logical thinking, locomotor functions in children through the implementation finger games. Learn to evaluate the actions of heroes, understand their character and the mood of the fairy tale. To form in children an idea of ​​the family and the profession of their parents. To develop communication skills.

Educational: To instill in children a love for their home and respect for family members, to teach them to take care of their loved ones.

Stages of project activity.

  1. Preparatory:

Selection fiction on this topic;

Drawing up a perspective thematic plan on the theme of the project “The House in which I live”;

Selection of visual and didactic material;

Organization of a developmental environment in a group.

  1. Practical:

Conducting pedagogical diagnostics through conversations, observations, games, in order to determine the level of knowledge on the topic “The house in which I live”;

Implementation of a cycle of games and activities;

Creating conditions for children's creative activity;

Creating a lapbook.

  1. Summarizing:

Summing up the project implementation.

Carrying out the exhibition “The House in which I Live” together with parents.

Summarizing the material on the topic and organizing it in the form of a folder.

Presentation professional activity through the presentation of an educational project.

Didactic game "Toy Store"

Didactic game "Find a pair"

Didactic game "Dishes"

Didactic game "Collect a picture"

Didactic game "Gathering"

Didactic manual "Our House"

House from the fairy tale "Three Bears"

Game "Entertaining palette"


Magnetic theater "Kurochka Ryaba"

Mini-exhibition "Such different houses"

Table theater "Chicken Ryaba"

Table theater "Masha and the Bear"

Finger Theater "Teremok"

Educational game "Three Bears"

Educational lotto game

Educational puzzles based on fairy tales


Moral and patriotic education of a child is complex pedagogical process. It is based on the development of moral feelings and so that the words “I love my Motherland” do not turn into an empty phrase, it is important that a bright, capacious image of the Motherland arises in preschoolers.

We are burning with the desire to instill love for the Motherland, but it turns out that we are unable to instill in a child love for what is closest to him - his home and kindergarten, but this is the basis of the foundations of moral and patriotic education, its first and most important stage.

The project tells in detail about the city of Taishet and the Siberian region.



Municipal state preschool educational institution

kindergarten "Ryabinka"

"The house I live in"

for children senior group

Vostrikova Anna Anatolyevna - teacher of the first quarter category

Taishet, 2015

Project type : short-term, group, research.
Objective of the project: creation of a system of work, a subject-development environment in kindergarten, conducive to the education of a citizen and patriot of one’s country, and the formation of moral values.

Project objectives:

  1. Enrich children's knowledge about their small homeland.
  2. To develop love for one’s hometown and interest in the past and present of one’s native land;
  3. Expand and deepen children’s knowledge about the history of the city of Taishet, the names of streets, the sights of the city, and the people who glorified it;
  4. Develop moral and patriotic qualities: pride, humanism, desire to preserve and increase the wealth of the city;
  5. Introduce children to the buildings and architecture of their hometown;
  6. Promote the active involvement of parents in joint activities with the child in family and kindergarten settings
  7. Teach children how to navigate the streets of the city and follow the rules of safe movement along it.
  8. Expand children's knowledge about the flora and fauna of the Taishet region.
  9. To form an environmental culture in children and their parents, a desire to take part in environmental protection activities.


The moral and patriotic education of a child is a complex pedagogical process. It is based on the development of moral feelings and so that the words “I love my Motherland” do not turn into an empty phrase, it is important that a bright, capacious image of the Motherland arises in preschoolers.

We are burning with the desire to instill love for the Motherland, but it turns out that we are unable to instill in a child love for what is closest to him - his home and kindergarten, but this is the basis of the foundations of moral and patriotic education, its first and most important stage.

The family is currently going through hard times. In an effort to earn their daily bread, parents pay less and less attention to their children and their upbringing, and the number of single-parent, disadvantaged families is growing. It is increasingly difficult for a child to love his home, family, and kindergarten too. Therefore, it is necessary to create conditions for the formation in children of an emotionally rich image of their home and kindergarten. Children must learn not only to take, but also to give, to take care of their loved ones, to be attentive to each other, and to have compassion.

The feeling of the Motherland... It begins in a child with the relationship to the family, to the closest people - to the mother, father, grandmother, grandfather. And although many impressions have not yet been deeply realized by him, when passed through childhood perception, they play a huge role in the formation of the personality of a patriot. Gradually, preschoolers develop an “image of their own home” with its way of life, traditions, and style of relationships. The child accepts his home as it is and loves it. This feeling of “parental home” forms the basis of love for the Motherland, the Fatherland. If a family has its own, unique habits and rules (celebrating certain dates, preparing surprises for each other, relaxing together, etc.), then all this gradually and thoroughly becomes part of the child’s social experience and remains as pleasant childhood memories that you want to experience again. Everyone has memories, they are dear to a person and firmly tie him to his home, his family.

The task of the teacher and, of course, parents is to make sure that the child has more such “warm” memories.

The life of children in a preschool institution should also provide them with emotional comfort. A kindergarten should become a home in which a child would feel good. In order to preschool helped education patriotic feelings, the life of children in it should be interesting, eventful, and memorable. It is very important that the child loves his kindergarten.

Resource support:




Artworks and materials.

Project participants:

  • Educator,
  • Children of the older group,
  • Parents of pupils.

Project implementation model

Direction of work

Work with children

Games-activities, educational conversations with children.

Reading fiction and educational literature in thematic blocks.

Outdoor, didactic, board, simulation games, travel games.

Collaboration with parents

Assistance in creating a library (selection of books on the history of the native land and design of the library).

Help in designing the photo album “Taishet”.

Consultations: “Taishet”, “Let’s be polite...”, “Lake Baikal”, “Raising a patriot”, “How to communicate correctly with children”.

Methodological support

Organization of a subject-developmental environment for the implementation of moral and patriotic education of preschool children.

Card index of didactic games on moral and patriotic education.

A selection of educational literature.

Notes educational activities, conversations.

Consultation material for parents.

Project resource support:

1. Corner in a group.

2. Methodological tools.

Expected results:

  1. children can know and name their place of residence: city, country; some hometown businesses and their significance; symbols of the city, attractions; its flora and fauna;
  2. children can give their home address or kindergarten address; experience love and affection for your home, family, kindergarten, go to kindergarten with pleasure;
  3. children can know and name the place of work of their parents, the significance of their work; feel pride and respect for the work of adults; show attention and respect to veterans, the elderly, and provide all possible assistance.

Project Manager:teacher Vostrikova A.A.

Age of children participating in the project:Children from 5-6 years old (senior group)

Project subject:history of the native land.

Class notes

"My hometown"

Target: introduce children to their hometown (history). Introduce the names of those who founded and glorified it. Develop Creative skills, perseverance, listening skills, communication skills.To cultivate interest and love for one’s hometown, region, the ability to see beauty and be proud of it.

Activating the dictionary:Irkutsk region, Siberia, Sayans, Zimins, Irkutsk, Angarsk, Usolsk, Bratchan, Taishetians.

Dictionary enrichment:Buryats, Tafalars, yurt, hearth, morinkhur.

Material: map of the Irkutsk region, flag, illustrations: Russian and Buryat national clothes, yurt, wooden hut, balalaika, morinkhur.

Progress of the lesson:

1. Children stand in a semicircle near the map of the Irkutsk region.

Look at the map of the Irkutsk region.

What did you see on the map? (rivers, Lake Baikal, cities, forests)

What is the name of our city? (Tayshet)

What are the people living in Taishet called? (Taishetians)

“We love our city.

We were born here

By right Taishetians

We named ourselves."

What cities of the Irkutsk region do you know?

Tell me, what do the residents of the neighboring city of Zima call themselves? (Zima people)

Residents of Irkutsk? (Irkutsk residents)

Residents of Angarsk? (Angarsk residents)

What is our taiga region called? (Siberia)

Residents of Siberia? (Siberians)

Siberia is a taiga, a forest - trees whose tops seem to touch the sky. (show trees on the wall)


Show how tall the trees grow in the taiga.

(children reach up)

A strong wind blew and the giant trees swayed.

(smooth tilts to the sides)

Young, fragile trees bent down to the very ground.

(bends forward with hands touching the floor)

In Siberia near Lake Baikal people have long lived and are living different peoples: Buryats, Russians, Tafalars, Evenks, Yakuts.

The ancestors of the Buryats and Evenks lived in the Baikal region since ancient times. Later, Russians, Cossacks, Belarusians, Ukrainians, Poles came here and stayed to live here.

Taishet arose in 1897 in connection with the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, as a small station village of Taishet. The village received its name from its location on the Taishet River (the right tributary of the Biryusa). The name of the river, in turn, comes from the Ket language: ta “cold”, shet “river”.

The town, settled at the intersection of the most important railways and highways, incredibly intertwined the fates of the most different people. They say that the village of Trakt-Kavkaz was founded by a sailor of the battleship Potemkin. Ibragim Zarypov . After the uprising, fearing royal reprisals, the sailor tore off his vest and fled to Siberia. The legend says: Ibrahim climbed into such a wilderness in 1905, looked around and exclaimed in amazement: “Yes, this is the Caucasus!” This is how the unusual name Trakt-Kavkaz stuck to the village. Desperate little heads lived in the Taishet taiga. History has revealed the names of several heroes of the Civil War, including a commissioner with a sonorous surname - Beach . The names of ten Heroes are associated with the taiga corner Soviet Union. Seven were born in these places, two were Komsomol membersZoya and Alexander Kosmodemyansky- lived shortly before the war; Lieutenant General Kryukov served his sentence. From here, Ozerlag prisoners laid the first hundreds of kilometers of the BAM. Today Taishet is heard more often in connection with the construction of a third aluminum smelter in the region.

Natives and residents of the city

Beach, Ivan Andreevich - hero of the Civil War, commander of the partisan detachment of the Shitka Front. He was captured in battle with the White Guards in September and hanged after torture in October 1919. He was buried in the city park. There is a street in the city named after him.

Burlov Nikolai Ananyevich - hero of the Civil War, native of the village of Biryusa. The city also has a street named after him.

Teodorovich Ivan Adolfovich - Russian revolutionary, Soviet statesman, historian of the revolutionary movement.

Myasnikov Ivan Stepanovich - Hero of the Soviet Union.

Pakhotishchev Nikolai Dmitrievich - Hero of the Soviet Union.

Looking at illustrations of your hometown.

Sights of Tayshet

Goal: continue to introduce children to their hometown (symbols, attractions). To develop children’s ability to navigate the streets of the city, to follow the rules of safe movement along it. To cultivate interest and love for one’s hometown, region, the ability to see beauty and be proud of it.

Progress of the lesson:

Hello guys, today we will continue the conversation with you about our hometown Taishet. Did you know that our city has its own coat of arms? Let's look at it.


Coat of arms of Taishet. The city's coat of arms depicts a stylized spruce, signifying the location of a timber processing industry enterprise in the region, a flask - the Biryusa hydrolysis plant, and a building panel. In the center of the coat of arms is a red rectangle, this is a sheet of paper symbolizing the royal decree on the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway, in the rectangle there is a wrench and a rail, indicating the presence of a railway in the city. The sketch was developed by an artist from Taishet, Viktor Zhamov, based on proposals from deputies of the Taishet Duma.

Let's take a little rest


The wind is blowing in our faces.

(wave hands at face)

The tree swayed.

(sway from side to side)

The wind is quieter, quieter, quieter.

(sit down, wave your arms up and down)

The tree is getting higher and higher.

(reach up)

Now let's continue. The flag of Taishet is a rectangular panel with a blue stripe at the top, a green stripe at the bottom, and a large white stripe in the middle, on which the city's coat of arms is depicted.

There are many attractions in our city, let's see which ones have you seen? (view illustrations) Discussion.

Animals of our native land.


Introduce children to the animals that live in our forests.

Talk about their characteristics (habits, food, place of residence).

Consolidate previously acquired knowledge and continue to apply it in practical activities.

Develop visual and auditory memory in children, logical thinking

Foster a love of nature, animals and caring for them.

Materials and equipment:


Pictures depicting a hedgehog, beaver, moose;

Pictures of animals and their babies for the game “Whose baby? ";

A selection of poems and riddles about the animals of Siberia.

Methods and techniques:




Individual work;

Artistic word;

Slide show.

Progress of the lesson:

“To someone who has been deaf to nature since childhood, who in childhood did not pick up a chick that had fallen from the nest, who did not discover the beauty of the first spring grass, then it will be difficult to reach him with a sense of beauty, a sense of poetry, and perhaps even simple humanity".

V. A. Sukhomlinsky

Children, let's talk about the animals that live in the forests of our region. Guys, tell me, do you know the name of the part of our Motherland, where we live and what animals live in our forests? (children's answers).

You named the animals correctly, but there are still a lot of them. I'll tell you about them later. First, I will tell you a little about our region. We live in Siberia. Today Siberia occupies an area equal to 9,734 thousand square meters. km. And this is approximately 57% of the entire area of ​​Russia. Its population is 23,893 thousand. Human. The largest cities in Siberia are Novosibirsk, Omsk, Krasnoyarsk, Irkutsk, Tyumen, Barnaul, Novokuznetsk.


Children, are you ready to listen to poems about animals?

Children: Yes

The teacher reads poems about animals:

Over the rubble, through the ravines.

He walks with a master's step.

The bear loves sweet honey.

Yes, he picks raspberries from the branches.

The little fox knows:

All her beauty is in her fur coat.

There is no red fur coat in the forest,

There is no smarter beast in the forest

The fog is falling

The boar wakes up.

Digging the earth by the river,

Sharpens sharp fangs.

Red squirrel with red tail

I found a little saffron milk under a bush.

She salted the little saffron milk cap.

I put it in a large jar.

The squirrel is no longer afraid of the cold:

She has food for the whole winter.

Did you children like the poems? (children's answers) Before continuing our lesson, I suggest you play a game.

Physical exercise “Going to water”:

Once upon a time along a forest path (children walk in a circle)

The animals went to a watering place (they walk, stomping loudly)

A moose calf was stomping behind the mother moose (sneaking on tiptoes)

A little fox was sneaking behind the mother fox (they move in a squat position)

A hedgehog rolled after its mother-hedgehog (they walk in circles)

A bear cub followed the mother bear (they waddle)

Behind the mother hare are the slanting hares (jumping on straight legs)

The she-wolf led the wolf cubs behind her, (sneaking)

All mothers and children want to get drunk, face in a circle (lacking movements with the tongue)

Now guess my riddles:

Clubfoot and big,

He sleeps in a den in winter.

Loves pine cones, loves honey,

Well, who will name it? (bear)

Like a royal crown

He wears his horns.

Eats lichen and green moss.

Loves snowy meadows, (deer)

The scythe has no den,

He doesn't need a hole.

Legs save you from enemies,

And from hunger - bark, (hare)

Gray, scary and toothy.

Caused a commotion.

All the animals ran away.

Scared those animals (wolf)

What a great fellow you are. You guessed my riddles correctly. Let's play the game “Whose baby? " Next, the children play a didactic game

“Whose baby? »

Educator: Guys, you did everything right. You learned the name of our region, what animals live in our forests. And at the end of our lesson I would like to say


"Taiga is the wealth of Siberia."


Introduce children to the nature of their native land; give an idea of ​​the taiga - the largest forest in Siberia.

To form ideas about the role of the forest in human life and its inhabitants.

Bring up careful attitude and love for the native land; desire to take part in the conservation and protection of nature.

Learn to form the plural of nouns denoting tree species (birch - birch, pine - pine).

Include in the active vocabulary the following words: birch forest, spruce forest, pine forest, cedar forest, aspen forest.

Progress of the lesson

The teacher and the children approach the map of Russia.

Guys, you are already familiar with this map. Who can show the Russian border? (The teacher helps to point the pointer along the Russian border on the map.)

We have already told you that our country is very large, there are many cities, villages, rivers, lakes and forests. Let's find our city Tayshet on the map. You and I live here (I show it on the map) - in Siberia. This means we are (Siberians). Can we say that Siberia is our Motherland? What is Motherland? ( Motherland, house, flowers, mom.)

Our Siberian city is our small Motherland, in which we were born and live. Listen to the poem “You are beautiful, my city” (read by a child):

You are beautiful, my city,

You are beautiful, Siberia!

It's frosty and cold here,

And foggy dust.

Our city is surrounded

Continuous forests.

In autumn the forest is a golden beauty.

And in winter the trees

They are standing in white fur coats.

There are a lot of mushrooms here in summer

Milk mushrooms and honey mushrooms.

Our Siberian land is fabulously rich. There are so many valuable animals here, unprecedented fish and gold and semi-precious stones. In the bowels of the earth there are reserves of iron, from which cars, machine tools, pipes and much more, oil and gas are made. But there is another wealth in Siberia. Guess which one? You will now guess if you solve the riddle.

Riddle: This city is not simple, it is dense and dense. (Forest)

What is a forest? Of course, a forest is not just a lot of trees. These are bushes, grass, berries, mushrooms, insects, birds, animals. There are a lot of forests in Siberia. If you look at our Siberian land from above from an airplane, you will find that the land is green. Why? (Children's statement)

A forest that stretches for many kilometers is called taiga. The word taiga means "dense forest". The forest is different.

D/i “Name the forest”

In the forest where birch trees grow, it is called - (Bereznyak).

What do we call the forest where spruce trees grow? – (Elnik),

Pines? - (Pine forest).

What do you think: what is a mixed forest? (Forest where different tree species grow nearby - pine, birch, aspen, fir, etc.)

Let's try to mentally visit the taiga (immersion technique).

Listening to the audio recording “Sounds of the Forest”

- “Silence all around, calm, only the trees crack a little audibly, a woodpecker taps on the trunk, a bird flies from a branch, a squirrel jumps from branch to branch.”

How did you feel in the forest?

Listen to the riddle (read by the child):

"What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

Are there needles all year round?" (Christmas tree)

A tree cut down and decorated is called a Christmas tree. And in the forest this tree is called spruce. The Christmas tree is easy to recognize: it looks like a tent, with a pointed top and almost horizontal branches at the bottom. Every year a new layer of branches grows. Since ancient times, it has been customary to put up Christmas trees in houses before the New Year and decorate them. Do you think this is good? There is little good in this. After all, if you put a Christmas tree in every apartment in a small city, you will need a whole forest. It's good that they're putting it on now artificial Christmas trees. It’s not worth destroying a huge number of living trees for the sake of a few days.

Spruce is a melodious tree. Why? What can it sing? It turns out that they make it out of musical instruments- violins, piano. And also telegraph poles, sleepers, paper.

Next to the spruce in the taiga grows a miracle tree - cedar. It is also called Siberian cedar pine. This tree can (under favorable conditions) grow to enormous size: imagine the height of 2 five-story buildings stacked on top of each other. This is what cedar can be like. Forests where pure stands of cedar grow are very rare and are called cedar. Repeat this word. Usually cedar grows in mixed forests, adjacent to spruce and fir. Guys, do you know what grows on cedar? Cedar cones. When the cone ripens, it falls to the ground without opening, and the nuts do not spill out of it. The taiga birds, the nutcrackers, love to feast on pine nuts. They collect nuts in their cheek pouches and then hide them in the grass, under the moss. Then they eat some nuts, and some remain in the ground and sprout. Can we say that nutcracker birds grow forests? Cedar produces tasty and healthy oil, it somehow reminds us of bottled sunflower oil, halva. Cedar wood is very durable: furniture, railway cars, and pencils are made from it.

Physical education minute"Good Forest":

Good forest, old forest,

Full of fabulous wonders!

We're going for a walk now

And we invite you with us!

They are waiting for us at the forest edge

Birds, butterflies, little animals.

Spider on a cobweb,

And a grasshopper on a blade of grass!

And now I will tell a fairy tale about another taiga tree - larch. Once upon a time, Nature gave out outfits to all the trees: the birch got tender leaves, the cedar got long fluffy needles, the pine also got needles, but different ones. The trees say: “Why do the birch and aspen have such nice scraps, and we have needles? Are we going to sew all our lives?” And Nature said: “The leaves will appear in the spring, and fly away in the winter. And the needles will remain on you forever, so it will be fair.” Here it was the larch’s turn. She asked herself for needles: after all, to always remain green in the snow is simply wonderful! Then she came back and asked me to make her at least a little bit like a birch tree. "Fine!" - said Nature. And the larch still had needles, like cedar, pine, and spruce, but in the winter they began to turn yellow and fly off, like the leaves of a birch tree. Larch is a very durable building material. Houses built from it last for hundreds of years. Larch does not rot in water and becomes as strong as metal.

Do you think trees have a better life than people? You don’t have to go to school, you don’t have to do your homework. This is true. But trees have their own difficulties. Most of all, trees are afraid of frost and fire. After all, a tree cannot jump out of place and run away. Why do fires occur in the forest? What should people who are in the forest remember? (Do not light fires, do not litter, do not break branches, do not make noise.)

People have come up with proverbs about the forest (read by children):

"The forest is wealth and beauty, take care of your forests!"

“The plant is the decoration of the earth.”

“The green outfit is pleasing to the eye.”

“Groves and forests - the whole region is beautiful.”

“If there is a lot of forest, don’t destroy it; if there is a little forest, take care; if there is no forest, plant it.”

"The enemy of nature is the one who does not protect the forests."

Didactic game "Find half".

Guys, the forest dweller “Lesovichok” sent you a chest with cut-out pictures from the forest, but they were all mixed up. You need to connect the two halves to make a tree (connect both halves at the board). What kind of tree do you have? And if there are many of them, how will we tell? (Formation of the plural of a noun.) What should we call the forest of these trees?

4. Reading a poem:

In the forest

Like a fairy tale book page

The forest opened up, the leaves ringing.

I understand both the beast and the bird,

And they understand me.

Maybe on animal paths

In the impenetrable depths of the forest

Suddenly a hut on chicken legs

I'll meet you unexpectedly.

Maybe in this region, inadvertently,

Avoiding the roads

Glisten with a toasted side

Among the tall grass there is a bun.

And I can’t get lost in the forest,

At least I’m wandering away from people.

Because both animals and birds

They speak their native language.

Lesson summary : What new did you learn today?

Connoisseurs of Siberia

(travel game)

Target: develop cognitive and research activities through familiarization with nature.

Tasks :

Cognition: generalize and systematize children’s ideas about nature. Expand children's understanding of wild animals. Develop the ability to generalize based on essential features and use a model in doing so. Cultivate a love of nature and the ability to empathize.

Communication: reflect the result of generalization in a detailed speech judgment. Develop coherent speech, the ability to speak clearly and understandably to others.

Socialization: cultivate a love for the culture and nature of Siberia. Introduce the diversity of native nature.

Physical education: continue to develop the ability to consciously perform movements.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading educational literature.

2. Examination of illustrations.

3. Conversation with children about the animal world and the nature of Siberia.

4. Observations.

5. Learning poems.

Preparation : riddles, paints, brushes, sheets with traces, illustrations of animals, cards with models, group plan.

Move : The teacher invites the children to play an interesting game - a journey to learn a lot of new things.

Do you agree? (Children's answers.)

Then go ahead.


She comes with affection, sits - turns green,

And with my fairy tale. It falls and turns yellow,

Lies with a magic wand - it turns black.

Will flap - (Leaves.)

Snowdrop in the forest

It will bloom. (Spring.)

Look what it is - The first one to get out of the ground

Everything burns like gold in the thawed patch.

He walks around in a fur coat on the road, He is not afraid of frost,

The tail is fluffy and large. Even if it's small.

(Fox) (snowdrop.)

Who gnawed the cones on the branch? At first he was a black cloud,

And threw the shells down? He lay down in white fluff on the forest

Who deftly jumps through the trees, Covers the whole earth with a blanket

Who hides nuts in a hollow, And in the spring he completely disappears.

Drying mushrooms for the winter? (Snow.)


Guys, at this stage of the game we need to solve riddles, be careful.

Drawing “Mysterious footprints”.

Guys, some wizard encrypted the traces of animals and birds and decided to check whether we recognize them or not. Now you and I will be pathfinders and try to guess who was here.

The teacher asks who, whose trace suggests finding an illustration of this animal.

Charging for the tail.

Guys, we’ve been working for a long time, and now there’s a musical break: “Exercise for the tail.”

D/i “Enchanted Vegetables”.

Guys, let's see what I have? (Children's answers.)

Are these vegetables? Which? (Carrots, potatoes, onions...)

Guys, you know, a mysterious wizard was here too, he bewitched the animals. And only you can disenchant them if you say which animal this or that vegetable is most like and why?

(Children's answers.) The teacher generalizes.

That's right, carrots are a fox, onions are a hare, potatoes are a bear.

Let's turn them into animals together.

(The teacher and the children attach ears, nose, eyes.)

Phys. just a minute.

Guys, I suggest you rest a little again and remember our warm-up

We came out to the forest meadow (walking with our knees high),

Lifting your legs higher

Through bushes and hummocks,

Through branches and stumps.

Who walked so high ─

Didn't trip, didn't fall.

Comparative characteristics of animals and humans. (by model.)

This task is also difficult, guys, but I think you can do it. We must compare animals and humans. What do they have in common and what are their differences? These models will help us with this. (The teacher shows the children cards with the models.)

Let's find out:

Man and animal: move, breathe, eat, grow, reproduce, drink water. What do they eat? Where live? What children and cubs are fed with.

The children and the teacher sort out all the cards and compare.

At the end, the teacher evaluates the children and summarizes.

Comparison of brown and polar bear.

This task is the most interesting. I suggest you look at pictures about a white bear, and then about a brown bear, just carefully, and then you can tell me what they have in common and what is different.

The teacher asks questions: what color is it, what do they do in winter, where do they live, what do they eat. (children's answers) the teacher generalizes.

D/i “Whose sheet?”

I think you can handle this task. I have illustrations of tree branches. What do they have in common? What are the differences? What is the name of the tree on which leaves grow? What are trees with leaves called?

(children answer, teacher summarizes.)

Guys, we have approached the finish line, but there is some kind of map, what is it?

(Children's answers) the teacher summarizes: That's right, this is the plan of our group, the “p” icon marks what is hidden. Where is it? Search.

Children find it. They open the box and take out emblems and candies.

Guys, we reached the finish line, learned a lot of new things, solved all the riddles and crossword puzzles. Which task did you like best? (children's answers.)

Amazing! You answered well, I now know that the land is ours good hands, and you will love and take care of her. And I invite you to recite the poem “Earth, our house is huge.”

Animals, birds live in it,

You might be surprised

Having learned - the Earth is our common home!

And you and I live.

The earth is our huge home,

It has many floors

For underwater residents

And for forest snakes.

There was enough for all apartments:

For buffaloes and goats,

For owls and crocodiles,

For hares and dragonflies.

The earth is our huge home,

Let it be built

It is not made of concrete slabs,

But that’s not the point at all.

And the fact is that we are neighbors,

And we must save

Deer and bears.

This is what we are talking about!

Famous people of Taishet

Burlov Nikolay Ananyevich

Nikolai Burlov Street (Kirovsky district) in the old way - Belyaevsky Lane. The new name has been worn since the late 20s. Built up with wooden houses.

Lower Angara... Warm August day at sunset. Silence. Only from time to time it is disturbed by the trill of a lark and the sound of the Angarsk water...

But this silence is apparent. Partisan patrols are carefully peering into the surrounding area. Then a pine branch moved, and a man stepped out onto the forest path.

Wait, who's coming? “My own, my own,” the man answered calmly.

A few minutes later, the commander of the Angara partisan detachment Nikolai Ananyevich Burlov read the message:

“To Comrade Military Commissar and Head of the Red Army Detachment of the Angara Territory. I inform you that the village of Panovo is occupied by me and my comrades, who rebelled against the Siberian counter-revolutionary government and went over to the side of Soviet power. I inform you that I have sent two of my Red Army soldiers to you in the village of Kezhma, who will be waiting for you there with a package from me. I ask you to immediately arrive in the village of Panovo. There are 41 people with me. Waiting for you. Hello to all comrades. Acting head of the Red Army detachment and military commissar Zverev, August 20, 1919.”

Burlov's gray eyes sparkled, his dark face lit up with a joyful smile. Then he looked at the letter again, sat down on a stump, lit his pipe and thought.

Isn't this a provocation? No, it can’t be, because the peasant who brought the report was known by many in the detachment as an honest worker. And the punishers of Mamaev’s detachment, who are located in the villages of Panovo, Kata, Tushama, are behaving strangely. It has been a month since a small partisan detachment from the Shitka Front arrived in the Angara region, and the punitive forces have not made a single foray. The partisans did not dare to attack Mamaev’s detachment; they were waiting for reinforcements. According to rumors, the soldiers did not punish the peasants, did not rob, but, on the contrary, helped them in harvesting. The peasants persistently said that the Mamaevites were former captured Red Army soldiers...

Two delegates were sent to Kezhma - communists V.K. Brum and K. Redovsky. The partisans set up an ambush outside the village. Entering the village, the delegates saw a red banner waving over the house of the volost government. In the house we met two Red Army soldiers from the detachment of Daniil Evdokimovich Zverev.

August 24, 1919. Never before in its entire long history have there been so many people in the village of Panovo as on the day when the meeting of two detachments took place here. With red banners and revolutionary songs, the partisans marched along the village. A rally took place and many speeches were made. Everyone wanted to destroy the Kolchak regime as quickly as possible.

At the meeting, N.A. Burlov was elected commander of the united detachment. The brave partisan leader was popular among the peasants of the Angara region. By that time, Burlov also had extensive revolutionary experience.

Nikolai Ananyevich was born in 1883 in prison. His parents were political prisoners, the Kopeikins. Peasant woman Burlova from the village of Biryusy persuaded her parents to give her their son to raise. The Kopeikins died in prison. Nikolai bore the surname of his adoptive father Anania Mikhailovich, and inherited a rebellious character from his parents.

Burlov became involved in revolutionary activities during the years of the first Russian revolution, at that time he worked as a line foreman at the Taishet railway station. Later he moved to Blagoveshchensk and met the Bolsheviks. In March 1918, he joined the Red Guard detachment and participated in the suppression of the counter-revolutionary rebellion. After the fall of Soviet power in the Far East, he illegally moved to his native Biryusa. In the Taseevskaya volost, he raised the peasants to revolt. Together with another brave revolutionary A.I. Beach - Taezhny, he created a partisan detachment from 17 volunteers, which by the end of March 1919 had grown to 300 people. The partisans deployed fighting against the Kolchakites. The glory of the detachment grew, more and more groups of peasants from the surrounding villages joined it. Soon, detachments from Shitkino, Biryusa and Taishet created a united Shitkino partisan front. A small detachment under the command of N. Burlov was sent to the Angara region to unite small partisan detachments and restore Soviet power...

Burlov had no special military knowledge, but was a man of an inquisitive mind and great will, energetic and decisive. Nikolai Ananyevich loved Discipline, was extremely honest, and cultivated these qualities in his subordinates. For trying to appropriate someone else's property, he was shot on the spot. Every partisan knew the stern disposition of the commander and valued the honor of the detachment...

D.E. Zverev was elected deputy commander of the detachment.

Burlov was pleased with the replenishment. He reported to the headquarters of the Shitka Front: “Well done to everyone, the discipline is exemplary. They are almost all former Red Army soldiers who were captured and endured all the horrors of captivity and, on the basis of these horrors and humiliations, took an oath to take revenge and revenge on the enemy, which they proved by joining our detachment. Among them there are members of the Irkutsk Bolshevik organization and from Kalandarishvili’s detachment, who joined Mamaev’s detachment solely for the purpose of agitation.”

In the Ust-Ilim region in the village of Badarma, the partisan detachment split up. One part under the command of Burlov went up the Angara, and Zverev with the other half of the detachment moved up the Ilim. The beginning of a large partisan movement was laid in the vast Angara-Lena region...

Burlov's partisans quickly moved up the Angara, sweeping away Kolchak's garrisons on their way. The fame of the people's avengers and their just commander spread far through the villages.

At the end of September 1919, the detachment operated in the Padun-Bratsk area. Intelligence reported that in the village of Bratsk, which was a Kolchak base in the Angara region, the garrison was only sixty-five soldiers. The partisans did not have enough weapons. Burlov decided to master Bratsk by cunning. He took ten people with him and in the morning, when the fog had not yet cleared, under the commander’s cry of “forward, guys,” he suddenly attacked the village. Moreover, each partisan gave a command for a squad or platoon. The impression was impressive. The Kolchakites began to surrender. Burlov, with a revolver and a grenade in his hands, burst into the room where a group of White Guards were camped for the night. His appearance was so unexpected that, while the whites realized what was happening, the partisans dismantled the trestles with rifles and placed armed guards near the premises. At dawn, the Kolchakites saw what a small detachment had captured them, but it was too late. The partisans captured thirty-two people, captured war booty and armed their detachment.

Then Burlov's detachment liberated the Nikolaev ironworks and occupied the village of Shamanovo. Here Burlov was joined by a local detachment of partisans - fifty people, mostly workers of the Nikolaev plant. The partisan detachment grew to two hundred and fifty people.

The Kolchakites, trying to defeat the partisans, launched an attack on Shamanovo from the south, from the village of Kob. A fierce battle broke out. It lasted 11 hours. Soon the partisans received a message: a large punitive detachment of Captain Belogolovy had landed in Bratsk, most of it was moving on a forced march to Shamanovo. To avoid being surrounded, the partisans silently disbanded and went into the taiga, heading towards the Vikhorevka River. They walked along animal paths for four days, then settled in the villages of Ancherikovo and Koblyakovo. Local peasants willingly supplied them with food, clothing, and replenished them with volunteers. Workers at the Nikolaev plant organized workshops to repair weapons, manufactured cartridges, grenades, and even cast a cannon. Here the partisans gained a foothold until winter. Several times Kolchak’s troops tried to destroy their camp, but all attacks were successfully repulsed.

November 1919 is drawing to a close. It's bitterly cold - forty degrees below zero. The patrol brought the wife of a Nikolaev plant worker to the commander. She brought a letter. It says that Kolchak’s men intend to shoot all captured partisans at the factory tomorrow. Soldiers from former captured Red Army soldiers propose to organize an attack on the plant at night. A reliable platoon will be on guard.

The command staff was urgently convened. The chief of staff, who is also the chairman of the military revolutionary council of the detachment, Fyodor Evstafievich Morenkov, reported the situation. We briefly exchanged opinions. Burlov stood up:

The situation is such that it is necessary to immediately raid the plant.

Three kilometers from the target, the partisans were met by a messenger who told them the password and a plan for the location of the garrison. The detachment, having adopted a battle formation, moved towards the plant. At the headquarters he was met by a guard platoon, which was waiting for the partisans and immediately went over to their side. The fight was short-lived. The officers were killed, the soldiers surrendered without a fight. Rich war booty was captured. Now Bratsk was next in line.

The military council has been meeting for several hours now. What should I do? There is a large garrison in Bratsk - four hundred and fifty people. The village is protected by trenches and wire fences. But it must be taken at all costs. Take Bratsk and go to Tulun, cut the railway along which the remnants of Kolchak’s armies are retreating to the east. Finally, Burlov makes a decision: to occupy the villages of Bolsheokinskoye and Pyanovo, thereby cutting off Bratsk from the south and east, wait for the approach of the Ilim partisans and defeat the Kolchak garrison.

A few days later, when the Angarsk partisan regiment of N.V. Dvoryanov approached Bratsk from Bolshaya Mamyr, this bold plan was carried out.

Burlov's Okino regiment non-stop pursued the enemy right up to the village of Guran. Representatives of the Czech command arrived here to negotiate with the partisans. The delegates, company commander Chubar and partisan Slivko, who speaks several foreign languages, following Burlov’s instructions, negotiated independently and demandingly. The White Czechs, who at that time had one desire - to get out of Siberia alive as quickly as possible, agreed with Burlov’s demand.

A company of partisans took control of the Ikei highway, another detachment went to the Tulun station. Here the partisans captured Kolchak's train. They disarmed 200 officers and Cossacks and sent them under escort to headquarters; the soldiers were sent home. The officers' families were left in the carriages. A lot of cereals, sugar, uniforms and other property looted by the Kolchakites were transported to the taiga. In two weeks, more than 600 officers, dressed in everything new, were delivered to the partisan camp. (They ran away and grabbed everything they could from the quartermaster warehouses.) Winter came, and outerwear the partisans fell into disrepair. How to fight? The headquarters decided to dress the officers in partisan clothing, and to match the partisans with officer suits.

The partisans celebrated the New Year in an unusual setting. On the morning of January 1, 1920, the division's parade began. The partisans in new uniforms lined the streets of Gurana with unfurled regimental and company banners. Burlov rode around the formation on a black thoroughbred horse, received a report from the company commanders and addressed the soldiers:

Hello, partisans, my friends! Happy New Year. I wish you happiness, victory over the enemy and a future New Year meet in their families.

Then the division marched victoriously through the streets of the village. In the evening, the accordion played for a long time at school, and the partisans danced dashingly.

End of February 1920. In the village of Biryulka, southeast of Kachug, large partisan forces are concentrated. Here, following the instructions of the Irkutsk Revolutionary Committee, Burlov’s 2nd Bratsk Partisan Division, consisting of 1,570 bayonets, and Nestor Kalandarishvili’s partisan detachment, which numbered about 500 people, arrived.

Until late at night, two renowned partisan commanders discuss the operational plan for the upcoming major military operation in a dugout. Kolchak’s armies have long been defeated, and the regime of the self-proclaimed dictator has been overthrown throughout Siberia. But the remnants of the defeated White Guard armies still remain in Eastern Siberia. They kill, rob, and when they see danger, they flee to Transbaikalia to the Semenovtsy. On the way to Lena, Burlov's division in the village of Konovalovo, north of Balagansk, disarmed such a detachment of a thousand people - the Kolchak naval regiment of midshipmen.

According to intelligence data, a detachment of General Sukin of a thousand people with a large convoy of stolen goods is moving towards Biryulka. The Kappelites went around Krasnoyarsk to the north, passed Nizhneudinsk, reached Verkholensk and wanted to go to Transbaikalia.

“They won’t leave,” Burlov and Kalandarishvili decided.

The fog slowly clears over the village of Biryulka. There is silence all around, and it seems that there is not a single living soul in the area. The advanced units of the Kappelites appeared on the road. When the entire detachment reached the coastal plain and was clearly visible from the ambush, at Burlov’s command the partisans opened machine-gun and rifle fire. In a short time, most of the Kappelites were destroyed. Only a small group of bandits managed to escape into the taiga.

In April 1920, the 2nd Bratsk Partisan Division of the communist Burlov, having made a difficult transition through Lake Baikal, before reaching Chita, occupied the villages of Beklemishevo, Shaksha and Irgen. The convoys of the 10th and 11th regiments of the Irkutsk Rifle Division and a special squadron were also located here.

Night. Tired partisans and soldiers sleep deeply. But then machine guns began to crackle and artillery salvos thundered over the villages. It was the Japanese and Semenovtsy, who removed the partisan outpost and attacked their camp. Despite the great superiority of the enemy forces, the partisans fought for 12 hours.

The next day, the 12th Irkutsk Rifle Regiment arrived from Irkutsk. With his help, the partisans drove the Japanese and Semyonovtsy out of the villages they had occupied the day before. But they managed to commit wild atrocities against the partisans who were captured by them. Among hundreds of mutilated corpses, Burlov discovered the corpse of his brother Sergei.

After a short rest, Burlov's 2nd Bratsk Division joined the Irkutsk Rifle Division and took part in the defeat of the interventionists and White Guards in the Far East.

In 1921, Burlov demobilized and, by decision of the Irkutsk Provincial Party Committee, was sent to fight the remnants of white gangs in the Bratsk region.

Burlov was a delegate to the IX All-Russian Congress of Soviets. I heard Lenin's speech in which he summed up the results of economic development.

Then N.A. Burlov worked in the police, in Soviet and economic work. In 1927, Nikolai Ananyevich died tragically in Tulun. By decision of the Irkutsk provincial party committee, he was buried on Mount Kommunarov in Irkutsk next to the mass grave of heroes who died for Soviet power. Streets in Bratsk and Tulun are also named after N.A. Burlov.

Subject:“The house in which we live” “I found out that I have huge relatives: And the path, and the forest, In the field - every spikelet, The river, the sky above me - This is all mine, dear!” V. Orlov In modern conditions, when profound changes are taking place in the life of society, patriotic education is becoming one of the central areas of work with the younger generation. It is during the period of preschool childhood that the child develops his first ideas about the world around him, develops the ability to establish the simplest relationships and patterns about the phenomena of life around him, as well as independently accept the acquired knowledge in accessible practical activities. As an adult, a person often remembers his native places where he spent his childhood. These memories are a trace of that first emotional perception of the Motherland, which happens only in childhood. Why, even after leaving my native place for long years, a person remembers them with warmth, talks about the beauty and rich nature of his native village? This is an expression of deep love for everything that has entered our hearts as the most precious. Therefore the task preschool workers is to teach children to notice everything that happens around them, to show their native places from an attractive side, so that children are convinced that their native village and our region are beautiful and interesting. : cognitive, speech, artistic aesthetic development. « Speech development", "Cognitive development", "Social - communication development", "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Physical development". Project participants: children of the senior group, parents of pupils, teachers of the group. Problem: Children don’t think about the fact that the village they live in is theirs. small homeland. They don’t know anything about its history or attractions. Objective of the project:- Education of moral and patriotic feelings in preschoolers. - Introducing preschoolers to the history and culture of their native village. Project objectives: 1. Give children knowledge about their native village and its history, develop a caring attitude towards it, its sights, and cultural values. 2. Introduce the names of those who founded and glorified the village. 3. Develop children's coherent speech; enrich and activate children’s vocabulary, teach them to think freely and fantasize; 4. Cultivate love for one’s native village, region, the ability to see beauty and be proud of it. 5. Foster a sense of pride in your fellow countrymen. Project duration: long-term. Implementation period: 2016-2017 Expected results: children's discovery of their small homeland. Conditions for the project:- Interest of children and parents; - Methodological developments; - Interaction with specialists Security: material and technical, educational and methodological, fiction, didactic games, photographic material, information and communication technologies. Relevance: Of great importance for cognitive, social-personal and moral development children of preschool age have an acquaintance with their native village, its attractions, the street on which the child lives, with famous people who built our village. Parents have insufficient knowledge about their village, do not pay attention to this problem, considering it unimportant, children do not have sufficient information about their native village. Without sufficient knowledge, it is difficult to form a respectful attitude towards the small Motherland. Expected results:- Enriched and systematized knowledge of children about the village. Formation of sustainable interest in the study of this problem. - Participation of families of pupils in the educational process. - Developed methodological and didactic support for this section. - The implementation of the project will improve children's, parental and pedagogical competence in matters of history and culture of the village of Dubrovka, and will help to form a caring attitude towards their native village. Consequently, this project contributes to the formation of not only cognitive interest, but also has social significance. Form:- educational situation; - didactic games; - conversations; - viewing illustration; - reading fiction, memorizing poems and songs; - work with parents. Project implementation stages. Preparatory stage. collecting literature on this topic, setting a goal, searching for a form for implementing the project, developing content, purchasing visual material, making didactic games on the topic, preparing materials for working with parents. Main stage. Cooperative activity children and the teacher with the involvement of parents. Conversations:“Sights of Dubrovka”, “How can we help our native village?”, “Our famous fellow countrymen”. Listening to songs about your native village, reading poetry. Compiling stories:“The house in which I live”, “How I love to walk in the park” NOD: “The village in which I live”, “Examining everyday objects of the Russian people”, “Urban transport”, “Walk along Dubrovka” Didactic games: “Let’s help the nesting doll find a patch”, “Find your house.” Working with parents. Consultations on the topic:“How to introduce children to the village”, “We are going to the park”, “On the way to kindergarten” Exhibition of drawings. Presentation. The final stage.. Design of the transfer folder. . Entertainment "Fair in Dubrovka". . Summing up the project. Project effectiveness: 1. The children developed a pronounced interest in their village. 2. The amount of knowledge about the native land, the sights of the village, fellow countrymen, and folk crafts has increased. 3. Moral and patriotic qualities have developed: pride, humanism, desires to preserve and increase the wealth of the village.

September OOD "The Village Where I Live". OOD "Walk along Dubrovka". Games with building materials “Matryoshka walks through the streets of the village.” October OOD "Famous Countrymen". Conversation “Sights of Dubrovka.” Role-playing game “Guests have come to us, dear ones have come.” Consultation for parents “How to introduce children to the village.” November OOD "The street where I live." OOD "Buildings of our village" (design). Didactic game “Let’s help the matryoshka find a patch.” December OOD "We are Dubrovchane". LLC "Our River Desna" Consultation for parents “Remembering your home address.” January OOD Compilation of stories “How I love walking in the park.” A targeted walk around the neighborhood where the kindergarten is located.

Didactic game "Find your house." Consultation for parents “On the way to kindergarten.” February Teamwork“Familiar street” (application).

OOD "Plant and animal world Bryansk region". March OOD "Transport" (plasticineography). OOD "Examination of household items of the Russian people." Didactic game “My patterned sundress.” April Photo album “A corner dear to my heart.” Campaign “Clean Village”.

Consultation for parents “We are going to the park.” May Listening to songs and poems about Dubrovka. Entertainment "Fair in Dubrovka"

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"Project"The House Where I Live""

Project on the formation of moral and patriotic education in children.

Subject:"The House We Live In"
"I found out that I have
There is a huge relative:
And the path and the forest,
In the field - every spikelet,
River, the sky is above me -
This is all mine, dear!”
V. Orlov

In modern conditions, when profound changes are taking place in the life of society, patriotic education is becoming one of the central areas of work with the younger generation.
It is during the period of preschool childhood that the child develops his first ideas about the world around him, develops the ability to establish the simplest relationships and patterns about the phenomena of life around him, as well as independently accept the acquired knowledge in accessible practical activities.
As an adult, a person often remembers his native places where he spent his childhood. These memories are a trace of that first emotional perception of the Motherland, which happens only in childhood.
Why, even after leaving his native place for many years, does a person remember them with warmth and talk about the beauty and rich nature of his native village? This is an expression of deep love for everything that has entered our hearts as the most precious. Therefore, the task of preschool workers is to teach children to notice everything that happens around them, to show their native places from an attractive side, so that children are convinced that their native village and our region are beautiful and interesting.

Direction of project activity: cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic development.

Integration educational areas: “Speech development”, “Cognitive development”, “Social and communicative development”, “Artistic and aesthetic development”, “Physical development”.

Project participants: children of the senior group, parents of pupils, teachers of the group.

Problem: Children do not think about the fact that the village in which they live is their small homeland. They don’t know anything about its history or attractions.

Objective of the project:
- Education of moral and patriotic feelings in preschoolers.
- Introducing preschoolers to the history and culture of their native village.

Project objectives:
1. Give children knowledge about their native village and its history, develop a caring attitude towards it, its sights, and cultural values.
2. Introduce the names of those who founded and glorified the village.
3. Develop children’s coherent speech; enrich and activate children’s vocabulary, teach them to think freely and fantasize;
4. Cultivate love for one’s native village, region, the ability to see beauty and be proud of it.
5. Foster a sense of pride in your fellow countrymen.

Project duration: long-term.
Implementation period: 2016-2017

Expected results: children's discovery of their small homeland.

Conditions for the project:
- Interest of children and parents;
- Methodological developments;
- Interaction with specialists

Security: material and technical, educational and methodological, fiction, didactic games, photographic material, information and communication technologies.

Of great importance for the cognitive, social, personal and moral development of preschool children is acquaintance with their native village, its attractions, the street on which the child lives, with famous people who built our village.
Parents have insufficient knowledge about their village, do not pay attention to this problem, considering it unimportant, children do not have sufficient information about their native village. Without sufficient knowledge, it is difficult to form a respectful attitude towards the small Motherland.
Expected results:
- Enriched and systematized knowledge of children about the village. Formation of sustainable interest in the study of this problem.
- Participation of families of pupils in the educational process.
- Developed methodological and didactic support for this section.
- The implementation of the project will improve children's, parental and pedagogical competence in matters of history and culture of the village of Dubrovka, and will help to form a caring attitude towards their native village.
Consequently, this project contributes to the formation of not only cognitive interest, but also has social significance.

- educational situation;
- didactic games;
- conversations;
- viewing illustration;
- reading fiction, memorizing poems and songs;
- work with parents.

Project implementation stages.
Preparatory stage.
collection of literature on this topic
goal setting,
searching for a form of project implementation,
content development,
purchase visual material
make educational games on the topic,
prepare materials for working with parents.

Main stage. Joint activities between children and the teacher with the involvement of parents.
Conversations:“Sights of Dubrovka”, “How can we help our native village?”, “Our famous fellow countrymen”.
Listening to songs about your native village, reading poetry.
Compiling stories:“The House I Live in”, “How I Love Walking in the Park”
NOD: “The village in which I live”, “Examination of everyday objects of the Russian people”, “Urban transport”, “Walk along Dubrovka”
Didactic games: “Let’s help the matryoshka find a patch”, “Find your house”.
Working with parents.
Consultations on the topic:“How to introduce children to the village”, “We are going to the park”, “On the way to kindergarten”
Exhibition of drawings.

The final stage.
Design of the transfer folder.
Entertainment "Fair in Dubrovka".
Summing up the project.

Project effectiveness:
1. The children developed a pronounced interest in their village.
2. The amount of knowledge about the native land, the sights of the village, fellow countrymen, and folk crafts has increased.
3. Moral and patriotic qualities have developed: pride, humanism, desires to preserve and increase the wealth of the village.


OOD "The Village Where I Live".
OOD "Walk along Dubrovka".
Games with building materials “Matryoshka walks through the streets of the village.”
OOD "Famous Countrymen"
Conversation “Sights of Dubrovka.”
Role-playing game “Guests have come to us, dear ones have come.”
Consultation for parents “How to introduce children to the village.”
OOD "The street where I live."
OOD "Buildings of our village" (design).
Didactic game “Let’s help the matryoshka find a patch.”
OOD "We are Dubrovchane".
LLC "Our River Desna"
Consultation for parents “Remembering your home address.”
OOD Compilation of stories “How I love walking in the park.”
A targeted walk around the neighborhood where the kindergarten is located.

Didactic game "Find your house."
Consultation for parents “On the way to kindergarten.”
Collective work “Familiar Street” (application).

OOD "Flora and fauna of the Bryansk region."
OOD "Transport" (plasticinography).
OOD "Examination of household items of the Russian people."
Didactic game “My patterned sundress.”
Photo album “A corner dear to my heart.”
“Clean Village” campaign.

Consultation for parents “We are going to the park.”
Listening to songs and poems about Dubrovka.
Entertainment "Fair in Dubrovka"
1. Aleshina N.V. Acquaintance of preschoolers with their hometown - M. Shopping Center. Sphere, 1999
2. Aleshina N.V. Patriotic education preschoolers - M, TsGA, 2004
3. Yakusheva T. A. Education of civil and patriotic feelings in a child of senior preschool age // Preschool pedagogy 2006, No. 6
4. Komratova N. G., Gribova L. F. Patriotic education of children 4-6 years old: Toolkit. – M., 2007.
5. “We live in Russia”, civic-patriotic education of preschool children, Moscow, Scriptorium Publishing House, 2008.
6. Rybalkova I. Familiarization with one’s hometown as a means of patriotic education Preschool education 2003 No. 6 from 45-55
7. Files of newspapers “Banner of Labor”.

Project activities

"The house I live in"

In the older group

Prepared by: educators

Kobets L.A., Tkacheva V.N.


“This is the house where I live.”

Project Manager:

V.V. Inkova,

teacher of the senior group.


We know that every happy person has his own favorite home. Most often, a favorite home is the place where a person was born or spent a lot of time, where a person spent his childhood, because it is with childhood that most people have the kindest memories.

Man has been building his own home for a long time. Moving from century to century, from era to era, the home was modernized. Builders are using new materials to build houses, etc. But the warmest and healthiest houses are made of wood. They turn out to be warm, non-allergenic, and “breathable.” It’s not for nothing that they say “My home is my fortress.”

Target: Developing a conscious emotional and value-based attitude towards your home.

Tasks :

1.Get children interested in the idea of ​​building a house.

2. Expanding children's horizons about the importance of building a house.

3. Involving parents in a single space “family - kindergarten”

4. Teach children to make models on a small scale, mastering measurement skills.

Novelty: The peculiarity of the project is that together with our family we not only learn and master new things, but also work and actively relax. We work in one team “Educators-Children-Parents”, where parents become active participants in the lives of children in kindergarten.

Project type : Creative, family-group.

Project duration : 2 weeks.

Project participants : children of the senior group, group teacher, parents of students.

Project product:

Layout view"The house I live in"

Project implementation stages:

Stage 1 – preparatory

1. Setting goals and objectives;

2. Selection of material for conversations with children and consultations for parents

Stage 2 – implementation

Collaboration: parents and children.

We are with our creative group children and parents of the group created a model: “The house where I live.” The children proudly brought crafts, and each of them was glad that they took part. The children enthusiastically told how they, together with adults, designed and built their part of the model at home.

So Seryozha and his dad grew up a warm, cozy two-story house, and Rostislav got a bathhouse with all the amenities.. Vlad got a recreation area with a carriage for children to ride. Each of the children, with the help of their parents, was able to show and express their dream.

Architects. Serezha Karaev and his dad “Architects” built this wonderful two-story house.

Well, what a mansion from a fairy tale.

Green engineers. Mosolov Vladislav and his father are “green engineers”, they developed landscaping and the construction of a recreation area, as well as a cart for ecological horse-drawn transport (horses).

Everything is made from environmentally friendly material - wood.

It’s a pity the work is ending, I still want to glue it.

Design engineers. Petrinich Rostislav and his father are design engineers, they designed and built a modern bathhouse. In a healthy body - healthy mind says a wise proverb. After all, a house without a bathhouse is not a home. Here's how it went:

The artist designs a recreation area.

They turned on the light.

Our bathhouse is good.

Here are our finished buildings of the “This is the house I live in” model

Stage 3 – generalizing

The ecological situation on Earth is not favorable, and it is desirable that environmentally friendly materials are used when building a house: glass, stone and wood.

In front of our house there is a lawn for children to play and adults to relax. Sunlight will penetrate into the room through many windows in the house and, thus, help save energy and help restore health. Such a house will give the family a lot of pleasant emotions and will charge them with energy every day.

The work turned out to be interesting and attracts the attention of children and adults.

Conclusion. Creating a habitat for family life, work and rest, a person strives to ensure comprehensive comfort of personal space.

After completing the work we learned that:

    to build good house you need to apply strength, patience and creativity;

    During construction, everything must be measured;

    During construction, we must work together, amicably.

Project language:

But you cannot truly love your homeland without knowing its history. The project is aimed at raising a citizen and patriot of their country, developing in children a love for the Motherland, for their native land and its history, a sense of responsibility for the fate of the village, a desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase its wealth; nurturing love for the native land, village, forming ideas about the sights of the native land; fostering a sense of pride in the region in which we live; generalize and systematize knowledge about the native land.

Creative research project on the theme “My Small Motherland”

The project participants are children from the senior group.
Project passport:
Type of project: creative and research.
Project duration: long-term.
Project participants are children of the senior group;
teacher Mikhaltsov Alexander Nikolaevich.
Educational areas:
Artistic creativity.
Objectives of educational areas:
- development of children's play activities;
- formation of family affiliation, civic, patriotic feelings.
- develop free communication with adults and children;
- develop all components of children’s oral speech in various types activities.
- create conditions for the implementation of project activities;
- continue to enrich children’s knowledge about their native land.
- to form ideas about the work of adults in our village;
- cultivate a value-based attitude towards one’s own work.
Artistic creativity.
- develop children’s productive activities
- introduce to the fine arts (using the example of local artists).
Project objectives:
give children knowledge about their native land: history, symbols, attractions, industrial facilities, their harm and benefits, environmental situation;
to cultivate love for one’s native land, land, village, the ability to see beauty and be proud of it;
to instill in children civic feelings, a sense of love for the Motherland, their native land;
consolidate knowledge of where the house, kindergarten is located, the route from home to kindergarten;
the formation of love for the native land, interest in the past and present;
introducing children to traditions, work and life;
cultivate a sense of pride in their fellow countrymen who have glorified their region;
organizing socially useful activities for the child for the benefit of his family, his region;
development of a caring and creative attitude towards the native land (culture, nature).
Objective of the project:
education of a citizen and patriot of one’s country;
developing in children a love for the Motherland, for their native land and its history, a sense of responsibility for the fate of the village, a desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase its wealth;
nurturing love for the native land, village, forming ideas about the sights of the native land;
fostering a sense of pride in the region in which we live;
generalize and systematize knowledge about the native land;
introduce you to the local history museum of Yegoryevsk;
expanding children's horizons.
Relevance of the topic:
Fostering love and respect for the native land is the most important component of moral and patriotic education.
To raise patriots of your land you need to know it.
Patriotism is love and affection for the Motherland, devotion to it, responsibility for it, the desire to work for its benefit, to protect and increase wealth.
The foundations of patriotism begin to form in preschool age. Patriotic education of preschoolers includes the transfer of knowledge to them, the formation of attitudes based on it, and the organization of age-appropriate activities. The foundation of patriotism is rightfully considered to be the purposeful familiarization of children with their native land.
Love for the Fatherland begins with love for one’s small homeland - the place where a person was born. The basic stage of developing love for the Motherland in children is their accumulation of social experience of life in their native land, assimilation of the norms of behavior and relationships accepted there, and familiarization with the world of its culture.
To successfully work with children to get acquainted with the native land where they live, it is necessary to use the project method. Preschool childhood can be called a time of daily discoveries. Adults should give children the joy of these discoveries, filling them with ideological and educational content, which should contribute to the formation of moral foundations and a sense of patriotism.
Expected result:
Living in the village of Mangut, Nazyvaevsky district, on the territory of interesting places, we not only do not visit them, but also know little about them. During the project, children will gain knowledge about beautiful places. You should not expect children to show adult forms of love for their native land, but if during the implementation of the project children acquire knowledge about the history of the Nazyvaevo land, symbols, sights, they will know the names of those who founded and glorified our region, our small homeland, and will begin to show interest to the events of our lives to reflect our impressions in productive activity, then we can assume that the goal and objectives of the project have been fulfilled.
Project implementation plan:
The first stage is preparatory
Studying methodological literature
Compilation long-term plan
Creating a developmental environment
Selection of games and equipment
Create conditions for creative and productive activities
Stage two – project implementation
Thematic plan of work to familiarize children with their native land
Third stage – presentation of the project
Album design about the village of Mangut
Conducting an open general lesson “My small homeland”.
A journey through photographs.
Teacher's story (location, building features).
Acquaintance with the sights of the village and region.
Drawing on the theme “The house where I live”, “My village”.
Exhibition of children's works.
Looking at paintings, books and postcards about your native land.
Collection of personal belongings, books, photographs of our fellow countrymen
Project implementation:
The project method involves integration (interpenetration of program sections) based on a single project. The teacher coordinates the topics of classes on familiarization with the native land with the topics of other classes and children’s games; creates conditions for independent and joint work with adults with local history material.
The successful development of schoolchildren when getting to know their native land becomes possible provided they actively interact with the outside world in an emotional and practical way, i.e. through different types activities typical preschool age and close cooperation with parents.

“I know the region in which I live.”
Village Day.
Reading fiction:
Album design:
"Sights of the native city."
"The house I live in".
Independent artistic activities for children:
Drawing "Our street".

Competitions, exhibitions:
Competition “Folk Craftsmen” (crafts).
Exhibition “My Family” (artistic activity).
Exhibition of children's works "Young artists about our village."

“My high village”
In the deep forests of the Meshchera side,
Where the river flowed not wide,
They built a village of three huts,
What then grew up in the village of Vysokoye

Let us bow to our departed compatriots
And we will talk to them in our minds.
Holy Rus', you are with us for centuries!
Forever I am with you my Russia!