Combing your hair is a whole science!  How to comb your hair correctly What does it mean to comb your hair just like that.

Combing your hair is a whole science! How to comb your hair correctly What does it mean to comb your hair just like that.

And you will learn about their damage when combing from this article.

Which comb should you choose?

First you need to determine the requirements for the comb:

  • First of all, the comb must be safe. To do this, when choosing a comb, pay attention to the ends of the teeth; they should be rounded and not sharp. In case of injury or scratching of the scalp, infection may enter, which in turn can lead to hair loss. These requirements apply to all types of combs.
  • Do not use a wooden comb as it breeds germs. Wood absorbs water; complete cleaning of the surface is impossible.
  • The comb should be easy to wash.

How to wash a comb?

During use, dead skin flakes, dirt and sebum accumulate on the surface of the comb. Therefore, wash your comb more often, at least once a week. The following method works well for this: take a small container that can fit a comb, and pour a little shampoo into it. Add plain water, then you can beat this water with a comb until foam appears. Soak your comb in the resulting product for 30 minutes. Then remove any remaining hair from it and dry it.

  1. The comb is an item for individual use, so do not use a shared comb as there is a possibility of infection various types fungal infections.
  2. Be sure to change the comb once a year.
  3. It is recommended to use only plastic and carbon antistatic combs.


How to comb your hair correctly?

After washing your hair, when drying with a hairdryer, it is advisable to use a comb with sparse teeth. When wet, using a fine-tooth comb can damage your hair. They may become brittle and dull.

It is not advisable to comb your hair while drying, but if you need to style it, use hair balm or conditioner to make your hair smoother. Remember to only use a wide-toothed comb to prevent damage to your hair.

  • Comb your hair from the ends, gradually working your way up to the roots to gradually untangle any clumps.
  • If your hair is short, you can comb your hair from the very roots.
  • Brush slowly for at least 4 minutes twice a day. In the process, blood circulation increases and hair nutrition improves. Try to comb delicately, practically without touching the scalp.

Watch a video on how to comb your hair correctly:


How to actually comb your hair correctly?

Perhaps you have never even thought about how correctly you comb your hair. However, this one is simple daily care can not only benefit the hair, but also seriously damage it - if certain rules are not followed. To avoid making mistakes, read this material and follow our detailed instructions.

Beauty instructions: combing your hair correctly

Depending on wet hair or dry, very tangled or obedient, the combing procedure should be different, but in any case, pleasant and gentle. So, let's deal with the most problematic cases.

We are sure that many girls have heard: you can’t comb wet hair during and after. Indeed, due to the fact that wet hair is more vulnerable, it breaks easily and is even pulled out. However, if you follow the professional recommendations of stylists, then such a problem will not arise.

“There is an opinion that you can only comb dry hair. But I recommend to all my clients: when conditioner or mask is applied to damp hair, you must comb it gently and carefully with a wide-tooth comb. This gives better distribution of the care product, all the knots are untangled and the scales are closed.”

Irina Egorova

Natalia Mikhaleva, stylist at Kérastase, emphasizes that wet hair is always combed starting from the ends:

“If the hair is wet, then comb it out from the ends, approaching the roots.”

Natalya Mikhaleva

If knots have already formed on your hair, then they are better after washing and using a smoothing care product. Take a wide-toothed comb, separate a thin strand and carefully begin combing the ends, gradually moving upward. Be sure to hold the strand at the roots to reduce tension.

The care cream smells very distinctive, has a weightless texture, and your hair feels silky afterwards. Natural myrrh extract and argan oil are responsible for easy combing and nutrition.

Solves a variety of hair shaft problems, be it fragility, dull color or tangling. Just apply to washed hair for a couple of minutes, rinse and start combing without difficulty or knots.

Conditioner-mask without silicones, but with argan and sunflower oils in the composition. Facilitates combing, softens and smoothes hair.

“Aura Botanica fundamental care is suitable for natural hair and moderately damaged hair, including dyed hair, it will provide additional nutrition.”

Natalya Mikhaleva

After the first wash, the shampoo provides the effect of glossy hair: it gives it a natural shine and smoothness, the strands become manageable and do not tangle.

Hair care routine includes combing. It activates metabolic processes, saturates hair with oxygen, and eliminates excess dust. All this has a positive effect on appearance strands. Therefore, it is important to know what tools to use, as well as how to comb your hair correctly. We will talk about this in the article.

What you need to know about combing?

Most ladies comb their hair when styling or detangling is necessary. This is just one advantage of this procedure. Trichologists believe that hair growth and scalp health depend on the frequency of combing:

  1. Detangling allows you to give your hair an attractive look. Gentle combing will protect them from breaking. Regular movements remove dust and dirt from hairs.
  2. Sebum forms on the scalp. Because of this, many people wash their hair frequently. But this substance is considered a natural protector of strands, and a comb helps distribute it.
  3. If the comb is chosen correctly, this will allow you to perform a massage that improves blood circulation.

Why do you need to comb your hair?

Although the procedure is quite simple, it improves the health of the scalp and hair condition. Why does it hurt? Related:

  1. With vasospasm.
  2. Seborrhea.
  3. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
  4. Stress.
  5. Increased sensitivity of the scalp.

To avoid these unpleasant factors, you need to comb your hair regularly. And this should be done correctly so as not to harm them.

Proper combing

How to comb your hair correctly? This should be done 2-3 times a day. For shine and elasticity, it is advisable to perform the procedure in the fresh air. How to comb your hair correctly so as not to damage it? You need to start from the ends, gradually moving up and unraveling the knots. This will prevent injury.

How to comb long hair correctly if it is brittle and dry? It is necessary to perform the procedure carefully, starting from the ends. About 4 times a day will be enough. Mixed and oily strands should be combed less often. For a normal type, 2 times will be enough - in the morning and in the evening.

Wet hair

How to properly comb your hair after washing? Wet curls are weakened, so they can be damaged. Therefore, you should wait until it dries and then comb it carefully. You need to start from the ends, moving to the top hair. This is the answer to the question of how to comb wet hair.

Helps prevent damage to curls useful tips. How to comb your hair correctly middle length? You should sit down on a flat surface, hang your head down, and you can begin the procedure. You need to start from the back of the head to the ends, moving to the sides and frontal part. This improves blood flow to the scalp, thereby strengthening the hair follicles.

Tangled hair

Long locks tend to get tangled, making combing difficult. The head should be lowered down, gather the strands in your hand, and squeeze them in the middle. First, you need to comb the strands from the ends to the middle using a comb with sparse teeth. Then you should use massage brush and perform a secondary procedure.

Then you need to let the hair go, and you can move to the roots, combing them thoroughly. How to comb curly hair correctly? This must be done carefully, starting from the ends. In this case, the curls must be held so as not to damage them. For curly strands, a brush with sparse teeth is suitable.


How to comb your hair extensions correctly? It should be remembered that they may fall out or become damaged and lose their shine. Caring for them includes proper brushing. To do this, use brushes with soft teeth or bristles. When combing, curls should be held at the roots with your hand, and you should not make sudden movements.

Types of combs by shape

The devices are:

  1. Double-sided. On one side of the tool there are natural bristles, and on the other - plastic, metal or wood. Natural bristles are needed for styling and modeling wet curls, artificial bristles are needed for everyday combing.
  2. Massage. The device can be oval or square with vertical teeth. The brush accelerates blood circulation and can be used to massage the head. Hair becomes manageable.
  3. Classic. Brushes are made from natural bristles with artificial inserts, which can be wooden, plastic, or silicone. The comb can be used for wet curls.
  4. Universal round. This device is suitable for curly hair. It stretches the hair and straightens it. The tool is made from natural bristles with plastic parts.
  5. Brushing. This is a round comb. It is used to produce curls of different diameters.

Difference in material

Combs based on material can be:

  1. Metal. They are durable and easy to use. They should not be used on colored or wet hair.
  2. Wooden. The product is made from birch, oak, and juniper. All parts are natural, so the comb is suitable for caring for any hair.
  3. Plastic. Such devices should not be used regularly as they create a static effect.
  4. Turtle shell. This is an expensive comb, it does not harm your hair.
  5. With stubble. Tools are divided into soft, hard, natural and nylon.

Each of these devices is used to comb hair. You just need to follow this procedure correctly.


You should know not only how to comb your hair correctly, but also how to choose a device. It is advisable to purchase tools from professional stores. If your hair is thick, then a massage brush with bristles is required. different lengths. And for medium-length curls, you need a flat comb with sparse teeth and a massage brush.

If your hair is brittle or dull, you should choose soft combs with elastic teeth. They can be natural or artificial. Brushes improve blood circulation, making curls healthy and shiny.

Turtle shell combs and wooden combs are used for oily strands. If your hair is curly and curly, then you need to use combs with sparse teeth. For long curls, it is preferable to choose a massage brush with natural bristles.

Brush care

To make combing a useful procedure, you should properly care for your brush:

  1. It is necessary to use a personal device. You can't give it to anyone.
  2. Brushes and combs must be kept clean. It is best to wash after each use. This is done with an unnecessary toothbrush or shaving brush. Then you will be able to eliminate all contaminants. After this, the instrument is rinsed and dried.
  3. A new comb should be disinfected with a chloramine solution before use. Substances in an amount of 5 g are dissolved in water (1 liter). The brush is treated in the solution for 15 minutes, and then rinsed and dried.
  4. Metal combs are sterilized with alcohol.
  5. Over time, the bristles lose their stiffness. It is necessary to keep the brush in a weak alum solution to renew it.

Combing rules

To perform the procedure correctly, you need to take into account simple rules:

  1. You should comb your hair 3 times a day: morning, afternoon and evening. But this is not a limitation: in ancient times, girls did this 10 times during the day. During each procedure, smoothing movements were performed with a comb. Such manipulations have a positive effect on health: it improves blood circulation, stimulates the production of subcutaneous fat, and distributes it along the curls.
  2. Do not comb wet or damp hair. First they must dry naturally.
  3. It is advisable to tilt your head before this manipulation. This allows for increased blood flow to the skin. But those who have problems with blood pressure should not linger in this position for a long time.
  4. It is preferable to comb from the back of the head, smoothly, in different directions. If everything is done correctly, you will feel warm after 3 minutes. This is due to the fact that blood circulation has increased.
  5. When combing, you should alternate movements with a comb or brush and stroking with your hand. Such manipulations will help make your hair stronger and more elastic.
  6. There should be no sudden movements; the procedure should be performed smoothly and gently.

These are the basic rules that will help maintain the appearance and structure of your hair. It is enough to carry them out and use suitable devices so that the appearance of the curls indicates that they are well-groomed.

Thus, combing is important in hair care. It should be done correctly and regularly. Then the curls will not get tangled, and they will be beautiful and healthy.

Healthy and shiny curls- the dream of many girls. Every woman tries to ensure that her hair retains its natural strength for as long as possible.

Particular attention is paid to the correct combing, which is not at all as simple as it seems at first glance. The likelihood of split ends and dandruff, oily scalp and a host of other difficulties that worry women throughout their lives depend on combing.

How often should you comb your hair?

You should comb your hair in the morning and in the evening. If you plan to wash your hair, you need to comb your hair immediately before applying shampoo. In this case, attention should be paid not only to the number of combings, but also number of brush movements.

Some women believe that regular and frequent combing is harmful to their curls. In fact, this is not so, the more often we comb our hair, the more movements we make, the better.

Confirmation of this can be found in works of art from different eras.
Old Russian beauties wore long braids, which were not only the subject of their pride, but also of special concern. The curls were combed long and carefully. Sometimes it took several hours to prepare for going out.

Modern hairdressers advise using the experience of our ancestors and not being lazy to comb your curls as often as possible. You should make at least 100-200 movements of the brush on your head per day.

What and how to comb

Regular brushing increases blood flow to the scalp, normalizes blood circulation, speeds up the process of secretion of the sebaceous glands. Combing is best done with a comb or a brush of various shapes.


The effectiveness of a comb is directly related to the material from which it is made. On store shelves you can find a large number of:

  1. wooden X;
  2. horny;
  3. metal;
  4. plastic ridges

Each of them has the right to exist and apply:


Using a brush as the main tool, you should pay attention to the following details:

The comb used should be clean. Washed and freed from dead skin cells, curls can quickly become dirty if a brush that is not very clean is used to comb them.

Having figured out how to comb your hair, let's look at how to do it correctly. Ideally, a girl should comb her hair while lying down:

Pleasant warm sensations indicate increased blood circulation, which helps strengthen and accelerate hair growth.

If there is no sofa nearby, or the situation does not allow you to do everything as written above, then you can simply squat down, bend your head down, lower your hair between your knees and comb it.

When combing you need to use not just a brush, but also a free hand, alternating the movements of the comb and stroking the curls with your hands. Fully combed hair must be properly smoothed with your fingers, which is necessary for better distribution of sebum, giving hair shine and maintaining their strength.

Quick and harsh combing is not allowed! The movements made should be slow and soft.

Long hair

Correct combing curls– a big problem for many girls. In a hurry, getting ready for work, meeting with friends, or even going shopping, women often try to comb their hair as quickly as possible, which is not recommended.

A big mistake is also combing from roots to ends. With this method, the hair is torn out at the base and the ends are split. You need to do everything quite the opposite - from tips to roots. This method allows you to maintain the integrity of the hair and untangle the knots that have formed on it.

IN video You can learn more about how to comb correctly long hair.

Short hair

Short hair should be combed in the same way as long hair, that is, from ends to roots, and nothing else. Otherwise, the girl with short hair and may end up without one at all.

The most problems arise in girls with. Many of them try to wet their hair before combing, straighten some areas with a curling iron, and only after that begin the procedure itself. Such actions are fundamentally wrong.

The best way to prepare for combing is to run the palms of your hands through your hair, separating one curl from another using your fingers.

To comb unruly curls you should use wide-toothed brush, alternating the massage movements of this instrument with stroking the hair with your palms.

Hair extensions

Not all girls can boast long hair. Trying to hide the lack of hair, many women resort to hair extensions. At the same time, hair extensions do not last forever; they can also become damaged, fall out, and lose shine.

Care consists primarily of proper combing. For this purpose they are used soft tooth brushes, or lint.

It is unacceptable to use brushes whose teeth are covered with protective heads! They are easily removed, get tangled in the hair and can damage the keratin capsules, which will lead to premature removal of artificial curls.

When combing, you need to hold your hair at the roots with your hand and avoid sudden movements.

Thin hair

Thin curls are extremely sensitive to any impact; when combing them, you need to pay attention to the quality and material from which the brush is made. It is better to avoid products made of plastic and metal, giving preference to a brush with natural bristles.

Tangled hair

Combing tangled curls begins from the ends and gradually move towards the roots.

Do not use brushes with flat, tightly spaced teeth! The sparser the teeth are set, the better the result can be achieved.

In that video you will learn who should not comb their hair before bed. And also how easy it is to comb very tangled hair using oil and which comb to choose.

To comb tangled curls, it is recommended to use not a brush, but wooden or horny ridges. If preference is still given to a brush, then you need to pay special attention to the presence of sharp teeth, length, and hardness of the bristles. The choice should be made on brushes with medium-hard bristles.

To comb your hair well and avoid tangling, you need to:

It is easiest to comb completely dried hair; to speed up the process, you can lightly spray the brush with water, or even foam.