Buy educational toys for children 4 years old.  Constructors for the development of logical thinking

Buy educational toys for children 4 years old. Constructors for the development of logical thinking

If in early age Children rather simply master different skills and actions with objects, but at the age of 4-5 years, a real children's game becomes obvious to everyone. In play, the child develops comprehensively: physically, emotionally, intellectually. Five year old child- This is already a preschooler, for whom it is important to learn to think logically, establish relationships, follow rules, and find solutions to various problems. Toys play a very important role in this process, because with the help of them the child models the future “adult” reality, receives the necessary experience and simply enjoys the process of play. This article contains a rating of the 20 best toys for boys and girls aged 4-5 years.

10 toys for girls

Girls start playing “mother and daughter” quite early. This interactive baby can not only be rolled in a stroller or swaddled. The Baby Bon doll “can” drink water, eat porridge, pee in a potty, blink, and move her arms and legs. In addition, you can purchase various accessories for the doll, from clothes to diapers. By playing with such a doll, a girl learns to care for a baby, “training” the instinct of caring for a helpless creature. During these games, the girl is already beginning to prepare for the main period in her life - motherhood.

  • 2. Easel

Drawing for a 4-5 year old child is not just a way to pass the time. This is an integral part of the development and knowledge of the world around us. Drawing on an easel allows a child to feel like a real creator. There are a great variety of easel options: floor and tabletop, with a surface for drawing with markers, crayons or paints on an attached sheet of paper. Most models combine several functions. Drawing on an easel takes some getting used to, because it has some nuances compared to drawing on a horizontal surface, but children easily overcome all barriers.

  • 3. Cubes for learning to read

At the age of 4-5 years, many children already know letters, so they can move on to the next stage - learning to read. For such kids, there are proprietary methods of teaching reading, with the help of which, in a playful way, you can teach the child to put letters into syllables, and syllables into words. Zaitsev's cubes and Chaplygin's cubes have proven themselves well in this topic. Both methods are suitable for home learning, but they differ from each other: syllables are written on Zaitsev’s cubes, and individual letters are written on Chaplygin’s cubes.

  • 4. Dance mat

  • 5. Craft kits

Now that manual labor there are fewer and fewer girls, it is simply necessary to introduce them to needlework. Craft kits are convenient because one box contains instructions and everything. necessary materials. In specialized stores you can choose a set for every taste: weaving bracelets from rubber bands or beads, creating hair accessories, jewelry, cross-stitching and much more. In addition to development fine motor skills, handicrafts train perseverance, accuracy, and develop the ability to sit patiently at painstaking work.

  • 6. Sets for story games

In a role-playing game, a child plays out familiar situations from “adult” life. For girls there are wonderful play sets on the theme of household chores: kitchens, kitchen utensils, washing and ironing, cleaning. Great option There will be sets for story games in the profession: a doctor's set, a hairdresser's, a cash register and children's scales for playing shop.

  • 7. Board games

Board games have always been popular with children. In addition to the well-known lotto and dominoes, there are now a huge number of games that develop different abilities. For example, expressive girls always really like the board game “Activity”. The game involves several participants, each of whom needs to explain a word or concept using pantomime, drawing or synonyms. This game promotes the development of imaginative thinking and the emotional sphere.

Puzzles have not lost their popularity for a very long time. If kids assemble puzzles from 2-3 elements, then children 4-5 years old are already able to assemble pictures from many parts. Putting together puzzles is a meditative activity and is very calming. In addition, during this lesson, attention, imaginative thinking, and hand motor skills develop. Assembling a picture from individual parts involves almost all mental operations.

  • 9. Creativity kits

Of course, it is the creative component in such sets that is a little lame, because the child does not create anything new, but acts according to the instructions, but, nevertheless, such sets are very loved by children. Rather than developing creativity, they allow you to practice a skill and specific actions. Depending on what the child is drawn to, these can be kits for creating plaster figures, sand paintings, stained glass paintings, etc. Some kits contain blanks: photo frames, piggy banks, wooden figurines that need to be decorated. Having practiced certain skills on a ready-made set, the child can safely begin his own creations.

  • 10. Anti-stress soft toy

You literally don’t want to let go of soft toys with a special “ball” filling. This toy can be crushed and squeezed in every possible way, it is very soft, pleasant to the touch and never loses its shape. The effect of this toy is extremely positive: the release of psycho-emotional stress, the release of emotions, and in addition to this, the development of fine motor skills.

10 for boys

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • 1. LEGO constructor

The constructor is a universal and very useful toy. Games with construction kits promote the development of fine motor skills, imagination, and engineering thinking. An excellent option for a 4-5 year old boy are Lego constructors and their analogues. Such construction sets are produced in series, so you can select them according to themes and plots: pirates, knights, etc. Entire cities can be built from construction kit parts, without being limited by the manufacturer’s instructions. Usually this activity does not leave adults indifferent either, so the whole family is involved in Lego construction.

  • 2. Radio-controlled dinosaur construction kit

The dinosaur construction kit, which, after assembling and installing a motor, is able to move on its own, is already very popular with the boys. During the assembly process, you can try different combinations of parts, using imagination and imagination. The very work with the constructor develops fine motor skills and logical thinking.

At the age of 4-5, a boy is already able to comprehend the intricacies of remote control, so a remote control machine will definitely cause delight. This toy perfectly develops coordination of movements, reaction speed and spatial thinking.

  • 4. Railroad

Despite its age, this toy has still not lost its relevance. It will be very interesting for any boy to first build a railway and then watch how the train moves along it. By the way, toys usually offer several options for movement patterns, so a child can develop design skills by choosing one or another pattern.

Any boy loves auto racing, so the auto track will definitely appeal to him. You can play with this toy either in a group or alone. Construction of the route – exciting activity, developing design skills. Playing on a team is accompanied by competition, and this is a very important experience for a child: accepting victory and losing. A huge advantage of such a toy is that it can supplant a computer game, because real racing is much more interesting.

  • 6. Table hockey or football

Another great alternative to computer games is table football or hockey. The rules of these games are quite simple, and the benefits are simply enormous. In addition to the sports component - excitement and competition - such games develop the vestibular apparatus, reaction speed, and motor skills.

  • 7. Board games for boys

Boys are very interested in logical board games in which they need to find the right paths, make decisions, and look for ways out of dead ends. The games “Pathfinder Kolobok” and “Pirates Hide and Seek” would be very suitable for a 4-5 year old boy. These games promote the development of spatial, logical thinking, cognitive abilities and even hand motor skills.

  • 8. Sports corner

At the age of 4-5 years, boys are very active. It is better to direct their activity in a peaceful direction, especially since the child himself becomes interested in testing the capabilities of his body: climbing a rope, doing pull-ups on a horizontal bar, hanging on a wall bar. The most important thing is to make the sports area safe: securely fasten and place mats on the floor. At a minimum, the sports corner should have rings, a rope ladder, a wall bars and a horizontal bar. If budget and space allow, the corner can be equipped with a slide, swing and other “tricks”.

A children's synthesizer is an excellent toy for introducing a child to music. You can start playing by numbers (you can find sheet music for songs written in numbers on the Internet), and eventually get to the point of notation. The advantage of the synthesizer is that it reproduces not only piano sounds, but also allows you to use other sound options.

  • 10. Twister

At this age, children are very restless. It is almost impossible to keep them interested for a long time, because great adventures are constantly awaiting them. But everything can change with an interesting educational gadget. Which is better? What to look for when choosing these devices? Find all the answers below.

How to choose educational toys for children 3-4 years old

To understand for a parent what exactly a child needs, it is enough to just study his preferences. At the age of 3, children are interested in everything, but interest in something new usually quickly disappears. Such inconstancy in behavior also depends on the temperament of the little fidget. Buying everything in a row is also not an option, because in this way you can easily spoil the baby. Therefore, in order new toy The little one has been interested in it for a long time, you need to take a serious approach to its choice.

When purchasing educational material for moms and dads There are several factors to consider.

  1. Make sure the quality of the product: textiles should not be dyed, and plastic should not have an unpleasant, pungent odor.
  2. Pay attention to age limit, which is indicated on the product box.
  3. Consider the interests and gender of the child.

IMPORTANT! Remember that starting from the age of 3, toys for boys and girls begin to differ.

  1. Make sure that the product is safe: there should be no piercing or cutting objects in its design.

The best children's educational toys for children from 3 years old

The variety of developmental material is enormous. Analyzing their number, we can distinguish the following types of toys for children aged 3 to 4 years:

  1. An interactive toy has a bad effect on the development of children's imagination, because it is limited by its functionality and, for example, a toy dog ​​that always responds to its name (or voice) can never get lost.
  2. After “researching” all the functions of this device, there is a high probability that the baby will not perceive ordinary dolls. After all, they don’t speak, don’t sing songs, and in general, it’s boring to be with them;

Are you wondering what puzzles will interest your 3-year-old child? Then watch the following video:

  • lacing games. Perfect for three-year-olds, they will have a good effect on the development of fine motor skills, thinking, hand coordination, and will teach children over 3 years of age perseverance and patience;
  • realistic toys. This includes toy tea sets, cash registers, medical and hairdressing instruments, etc. In a word, all those gaming materials that help kids adapt to different life situations.

It must be said that parents should also not forget about dolls, soft toys, cars, plasticine and other simple toys. After all, they not only contribute to the development of imagination and creativity, but also teach basic social skills. Good influence development is also influenced by sets of toy domestic animals or animals of wild Africa. They will help the baby learn about the varieties of the animal world and teach them to classify their inhabitants. In addition, when playing such games, the child is given the opportunity to fantasize. For example, you can divide the roles among the animals and play Doctor Aibolit.

Matryoshka sorter “Magic cube”

A fun and multifunctional developmental aid with which your baby will be able to:

  • learn basic geometric shapes and find the corresponding cell;
  • build a tall pyramid;
  • learn numbers;
  • stack the cubes according to the matryoshka principle.

The set consists of 10 items: 5 pieces are cubes different sizes, and the remaining 5 - different shapes. The manufacturing material is completely safe for little fidgets from three years old.

average price: 750 rub.

Tactile puzzle DJECO Farm 20 pcs.

The set is great for kids who are just starting to get acquainted with magical world puzzles There are 20 of them in a set, made of thick three-layer cardboard. Help your child collect all the parts, put the picture together and see the colorful picture. This process will teach your baby not only perseverance and patience, but also to finish everything he starts. In addition, the product contributes to the development of a child’s tactile perception.

average price 1700 rub.

Harmonica musical instrument for children aged 3-8 years

Little fidgets will undoubtedly be delighted with such an acquisition, which will not only help parents instill in their children a love of music, but will also have a great effect on the development of the child’s speech, as well as strengthening the body in general. How? Very simple! Trying to play this musical instrument, the baby, without knowing it, will perform breathing exercises with interest.

In addition, it is worth saying that such a toy will please not only kids, but also their parents: the device is not loud, but on the contrary, has a pleasant sound. The baby will be able to exercise at least every day and not irritate the ears of adults.

The product is made of high quality and safe material.

average price: 700 rub.

What educational toys are needed at 3 years old: useful video

In this video you can learn even more about interesting educational toys that are sure to attract the attention of children aged 3 years and older:

They are very important for children of any age. And for children 4-5 years old, even more so, since it is at this age that basic skills take root, which are very important for life and adaptation in kindergarten, school, when communicating with peers. Currently, the market producing educational toys is very diverse, but, unfortunately, sometimes the prices for this type of product are such that not everyone can afford to buy them... And that is why we invite you to look at a small selection, which, we think, will help you make toys for your baby. Here is a very simple and inexpensive one, made from wooden clothespins. A strip of a certain color is glued to each clothespin.
The toy will help you learn not only colors, but also their smallest shades.
This game of clothespins will help you quickly learn words, thereby teaching you to read.
Children's art.
Here you just need to stock up on different pieces of fabric and cut them into squares. Assembling such a pyramid by color is very interesting even for children 5-7 years old.
Together with your child, you can use the disks to make a homemade clock with rotating hands, which will definitely help you learn the time. And if you throw small round balls into such a transparent hose, it will probably delight not only a child, but even an adult. If you can draw figures on the cardboard from the box with felt-tip pens and cut them out of thick material, you will get an interesting analogue of an expensive game.
If you take rolls from toilet paper, and together with your child, decorate them, give them a wire or a thick rope, then you can make the most unusual beads in the world.
For boys, you can very quickly make this construction set called “Put everything in place yourself.”
A cardboard towel roll, tape, a box, how many small balls, what could be more interesting?
You can pour rice, buckwheat, peas, beans into a plate, and invite these wonderful hands to arrange the cereal into plates, like Cinderella.
An unusual mosaic can be created from a colander with holes, a saucepan and sticks.
See more ideas for educational toys for kids.
And such gorgeous boards, created by craftsman dads, will not leave anyone indifferent! Kids will simply be delighted with these locks, hooks, latches, screws, numbers, chains, jars, electrical switches, sockets, buttons, wheels and so on. In a word, there is no limit to imagination here! In a word, comrades, parents, grandparents, creation

Purchasing a toy for boys over 3 years old requires special attention from parents. Boys have different interests in games than girls. And at the age of 3 years this becomes very noticeable. Cars and construction sets come to the fore, the constant exploration of the world, even by a small but real man, is activated.

Boyish interests

The Kinderly online store carefully selects toys for growing boys. The most interesting things for male children are undoubtedly cars and everything connected with them.

Our assortment includes:

  • racing cars,
  • trucks,
  • tow trucks,
  • fire trucks,
  • construction equipment (excavators, loaders, cranes).

Trains and railways are very popular. And if the vehicle is equipped with batteries and can move independently, then be sure that the baby will be occupied with the new product for a long time.

Racing tracks and figurines of your favorite cartoon characters will bring true joy to boys of any age.

Constructors for the development of logical thinking

Men, as a rule, are distinguished by strict logic. And it is worth developing this feature in childhood. Children's construction sets allow you to activate logical thinking and develop imagination. Construction allows you to assemble new toys every day and play with new interest.

The following models are presented in the Kinderly online store:

  • wooden cubes,
  • cars and other plastic equipment,
  • magnetic constructors,
  • soft rubber options,
  • much more.

You will find a purchase for your baby to your liking. By playing interestingly and excitingly, the child develops fine motor skills, learns colors, and vividly fantasizes. A properly selected arsenal for games will allow children to develop their physical, emotional and psychological areas well.

Constructors help develop perseverance in a child. After all, in order to get the coveted model of an airplane, house or motorcycle, you need to spend time designing it.

Activated logical thinking between the ages of three and seven will allow the child to do well in school, be more attentive, and remember better new material. Therefore, purchasing the right gaming gift will allow your child to be successful in the future.

The Kimberly store offers its customers to buy the best gifts for their beloved boy!

Ekaterina Morozova

Reading time: 6 minutes


For a 4-5 year old child, two or three toys are not enough. A cozy children's microworld of a child at this age is created not only from cubes and pyramids, but from a variety of different toys that allow you to assign roles, “reign” in your world, study little things and try yourself in new tasks. What are the most useful and interesting toys for this age today?

Toys for toddlers aged 4-5 years include board games, plush animals, radio-controlled toys, construction sets, and much more. The main thing is that they organize, teach, discipline the child, stimulate his development, and develop social skills.
Here is a rating of the popularity of toys for children 4-5 years old, based on reviews from parents.

8 best toys for girls 4-5 years old

  • Interactive baby doll Baby Bon

A toy that looks like a real baby. One of the latest achievements of German “wizards” manufacturers. This baby doll can not only blink and cry, but also drink from a bottle, eat porridge from a spoon, move its arms/legs, dirty diapers and even go potty. The doll comes with (or can be purchased separately) a trousseau - from a potty and clothes to strollers/cribs, dishes, furniture, first aid kits, etc. The benefits of the toy: a girl learns to care for a baby, learns to take care of and care for (even if it is a toy creature). An interactive doll develops a child’s imagination and allows him to feel a little more mature; it is, in a way, a “training” through the simulation of real-life situations. Playing daughter-mother is the “foundation” for the development of the maternal instinct and traditional family attitudes in the child’s mind. Approximate price – 2500-4000 rub.

  • Table easel

A universal item for child development. It is advisable to choose an easel with the ability to draw with crayons, paints, etc. With several working surfaces, with the ability to attach large sheets of paper, with compartments for felt-tip pens and paints. This easel easily folds into a cute suitcase and can be easily carried by hand or in a car. The kit usually contains a lot of useful things - from stencils to the drawing tools themselves. The benefits of such a gift are undoubted - development creative thinking, fine motor skills, self-organization, etc. Approximate price - about 2000 rubles.

  • Cubes “Easy to Read” (Chaplygin cubes)

A very popular educational toy, with the help of which many kids have quickly and easily learned to read. If your little one already knows the alphabet, but still can’t cope with reading words, then these cubes are your magic wand. Especially before school, which is only a short distance away. The author's method consists of mastering the principle of reading through play. Usually 3 days are enough for the baby to start putting letters into words. Approximate price – 2500 rub.

  • Dance mat

This toy is designed for children from 4-5 years old to... infinity. There are many options - mats on a hard and soft base, with connection to TV and computer, with or without a microphone, battery-powered or mains-powered, etc. On one mat (the simplest one, with a minimum of functions) you can simply dance, repeating the movements from the screen . Another mat can be supplemented with karaoke functions, automatic shutdown, etc. What is the benefit? The advantages are the sea. This includes the child’s good mood, physical development, excitement, development of a sense of rhythm, and the desire to improve his skills (the program sums up the results and reports how perfectly the child danced). It's a way to keep kids occupied (distracted from the computer) and moving, and a fun way to spend time with friends that will save the fortune that moms and dads waste at entertainment centers. You can dance on your mat for free any day. Approximate price - 1000-3000 rubles.

  • Set for weaving bracelets from rubber bands

There are many types of such sets, as well as the companies that produce them. From ordinary multi-colored rubber bands, with the help of a special hook and small pendants for baubles, a child can create both simple bracelets and complex ones - almost works of art. This kind of “folk art” is extremely popular today, and even mothers enjoy knitting these bracelets with their daughters. Weaving methods are in the instructions, and the child can easily master them himself. Advantages of the toy: development of fine motor skills, perseverance, imagination, acquisition of new skills and simply a pleasant pastime. The approximate price of a large set is 1000-2000 rubles.

  • Anti-stress soft toy

Pleasant to the touch, cute, with special filling – these toys just beg to be picked up. It's impossible to tear yourself away. In addition to its aesthetic value, such a toy has a fantastic therapeutic effect: special filler granules relieve mental stress, develop fine motor skills, and calm nervous system etc. Approximate price – 500-2000 rubles.

  • Puzzles

A lot of puzzle toys have been invented today, but the popularity of puzzles is not falling, but growing. Benefits of puzzles: development of logical and imaginative thinking, development of attentiveness, memory, imagination, color perception, fine motor skills, etc. Approximate price - 200-1500 rubles.

  • Young sculptor's kit (creating plaster figures)

An entertaining and useful process that any creative girl will enjoy. No serious skills are needed; every child can create figures. You just need to pour the plaster solution into ready-made molds (which your mother will help you prepare), wait for it to dry, and then paint the figures to the best of your imagination and desire. If the set contains magnets, then the painted figures can be attached to the refrigerator. Benefit: development of imagination and fine motor skills, perseverance and accuracy, patience. Approximate price – 200-500 rub.

8 best toys for boys 4-5 years old

  • Lego

According to reviews from moms and dads, this toy remains unrivaled. Both children and parents participate in the assembly of the famous designer, with equal pleasure assembling, constructing, and rebuilding structures from multi-colored parts. The reason for its popularity is the advantages of the toy: a wide choice - thematic and plot-based, versatility (you can choose a construction set for any age), the development of fine motor skills, color perception, creative and engineering abilities, high quality toys. Approximate price – 500-5000 (and above) rubles.

  • Remote control car

Also one of the best sellers for many years. Modern models of cars, and even those capable of moving “independently,” delight every boy (and every dad). Playing with such cars turns into an exciting competition in which the child develops thinking, reaction, coordination of movements, etc. The approximate price is 800-4000 rubles.

  • Railway

This toy was invented a long time ago, but even today, in the times of tablets and iPhones, it remains at the peak of popularity. Well, would at least one boy refuse the opportunity to be a driver? Such a toy will not only give your child hours of calm and exciting time, but will also help in the development of imagination, spatial thinking, fine motor skills, and creativity. Approximate price - 1500-4000 rubles.

  • Twister

This game is bought both by hyperactive children and quiet lazy ones who cannot be made to move. A game that is useful in every sense - for physical development, for developing a sense of balance, coordination, social skills, dexterity and flexibility, for relieving stress, etc. Twister delights everyone who plays, and what is most important - the time passes not only fun, but and with benefit! Approximate price - about 1000 rubles.

  • Dinosaur construction set (radio-controlled)

A new product on the construction set market, already loved by all lovers of dinosaurs and construction sets. “3in1” toy: construction set, interactive toy and dinosaur. A dinosaur assembled by a child from a colorful construction set will be able to move independently, thanks to a motor and control panel built into its body. Such a toy will benefit the baby in the development of fine motor skills, intelligence, accuracy, perseverance, and attentiveness. Approximate price – 700-800 rub.

  • Auto track

All boys know about tracks and auto racing. And the children's auto track is an opportunity to organize races right in your room. The version of the racing track and the functionality (+ equipment) of the auto track depend only on the size of the parent’s wallet. Such a toy successfully competes with computer games, which is its main advantage today. Do you want to distract your child from computer racing? Buy him a car track - let him develop his design abilities, learn to work in a team, get used to healthy competition, and get acquainted with the principles of fair competition. To make things even more interesting, you can purchase a car track with cartoon characters that your child loves. Or with smaller exact copies of real tracks and cars. The approximate price is 500-5000 rubles, and higher.

  • Volumetric puzzles (3-D)

A unique toy, colorful, exciting and useful. If ordinary puzzles can only be assembled, disassembled and put into a box until next time, then volumetric puzzles are an opportunity to continue the game with a structure already created from puzzles. Benefits: development of fine motor skills, fundamentals of architecture, color perception, perseverance and attentiveness. From fragments of the toy, not a flat picture is created, but a bright one volumetric figure, which can be used for games and even to decorate the interior of a child’s room - knight’s castles, skyscrapers, ships and planes, etc. Such puzzles are often accompanied by figures for story games. Approximate price – 500-3000.

  • Synthesizer for a child

Now you don’t need to clutter up your room with a real piano; modern synthesizers solve this problem. There are a lot of advantages from the synthesizer. This is the development of musical taste and hearing, an excellent start for professional music lessons, training programs, ease of use, the ability to record your own melodies, adjustable volume and connection of headphones (so as not to drive neighbors and household members crazy), the ability to take the instrument with you on a trip, and much more. Approximate price – 1500-6000 RUR

The age of 4-5 years is the most favorable for comprehensive development your baby. Choose not just popular and bright, but educational toys. Let games be beneficial!