How to calm a 1 month old baby.  How to calm a baby when he cries, if he is hysterical or at night

How to calm a 1 month old baby. How to calm a baby when he cries, if he is hysterical or at night

Crying is the only way that helps infant express your dissatisfaction. Even quite experienced parents do not always know how to calm a newborn. Often lullabies and motion sickness do not help. What to do in this case? We will talk about all the methods and popular techniques in the article.

In the maternity hospital, parents practically do not encounter the crying of the baby. The baby, who was recently born, is just beginning to adapt to the world around him. He spends most of his time sleeping. Several days pass and the child begins to act up.

There may be the following reasons for this:

  1. The little one is hungry. At the same time, the crying is very strong and loud. If breastfeeding or formula is not offered in time, the baby will begin to “choke” and become hysterical;
  2. The baby is in pain. In this case, the crying is plaintive and loud. With colic, sharp pain occurs. In this case, the child will not only cry, but also draw in his legs and squirm in the playpen. The most effective way to relieve your baby from unpleasant sensations is to massage the tummy or apply a warm diaper;
  3. The kid was scared. This phenomenon occurs quite often in newborns. The crying begins suddenly, and there are notes of hysteria in the voice. In this case, it is important to quickly pick up the toddler, caress him, and show him that his mother is always there.

We examined only the main reasons for crying in babies. There are actually quite a lot of them.

It is important! Very often you can hear the following from grandparents: “You shouldn’t pick up a baby while crying, he’s just manipulating adults, he wants to show that he’s the head of the family.” This statement is fundamentally incorrect. Remember, the toddler is very dependent on his mother for the first year of life. She should always be nearby, ready to help at any moment. This is exactly what the baby must understand. Create a trusting relationship with him, show him how much you love him, and there will be much less crying.

How to calm a newborn baby

How to calm a baby when he cries? We will consider effective methods below:

  • Swaddling. Many people reject this method, considering it outdated. Believe me, the baby does not feel like he is in a straitjacket. On the contrary, he feels warm and good. In the first month after birth, the baby is not able to control his movements; unconscious movements of his arms and legs can disturb him and prevent him from falling asleep. Swaddling is very helpful in this case;
  • Dummy. Many mothers are categorically against nipples; they see only negative aspects in them, for example, the formation of an incorrect bite in the baby. But that's not true. Experts conducted an experiment that showed that sucking a pacifier can protect a toddler from sudden death;
  • Music. If you don’t have a pleasant, calm melody at hand, you can safely perform a lullaby yourself. This will calm and relax the baby. Do not forget that a newborn may be afraid of silence, because while in the womb, he is accustomed to constantly hearing various sounds;
  • Motion sickness. Take the little one in your arms and start rocking the baby in your arms. Movements should not be sudden, as this may scare the little one. This method is best used before bed. If mom has suffered C-section, or she has health problems, you can purchase a special rocking chair for this purpose.
  • Place the baby in the sling. If the baby is under 5 months old, it is better to forget about the kangaroo. This backpack is not suitable for newborns. A regular cloth sling will do. The baby will be as close to his mother as possible, this will calm him down;
  • Change the diaper. Is your baby crying or hysterical? First of all, check the diaper. Perhaps the little one is simply not comfortable in a wet diaper.

When crying a lot, you can often hear advice - give the breast right away. It is not entirely correct. The little one definitely swallows air while eating. As a result, he will develop colic, and the hysterics will repeat again with even greater force.

Advice! All doctors unanimously say that parents need to provide comfortable conditions for the baby in the apartment. And we’re not just talking about a comfortable mattress in the playpen. The nursery should have cool, humidified air, no televisions, feather pillows or warm blankets. By creating favorable conditions, you can avoid constant hysterics.

If nothing helps, the baby often cries, it is better to seek help from a pediatrician. Perhaps the baby has health problems.

We use the well-known Harvey Karp technique

The famous pediatrician Harvey Karp has developed his own technique for calming infant. It includes 5 simple steps. They must be performed in the order presented by the doctor:

As the pediatrician himself assures, these simple actions can quickly calm the little ones. Perform them consistently, and the effect will be obvious.

In the article we found out how to calm a newborn baby. Remember, all babies are individual. Apply the methods and methods described above, and you will definitely find the most optimal one for yourself.

Any mother knows how important healthy and restful sleep is for a newborn baby. He spends the first 4 weeks of his life almost entirely in the arms of Morpheus. At the same time, the rhythm of his body’s vital functions is not much different from the intrauterine one. For him, there is no division into day and night, so familiar to adults. This explains the fact that the baby wakes up regularly, attracting attention with a demanding cry, despite the time of day. He gets hungry, “goes to the toilet,” or simply gets restless in his sleep and needs the warmth and safety of his mother’s arms. In any case, children’s health depends on the sensitive participation of the mother and her boundless patience.

Why is a newborn fussy?

There are plenty of reasons for your baby to worry. The difficulty for the mother is to learn to understand what is bothering him and quickly eliminate the irritants.

Typically, children are capricious for the following reasons:

  • incorrectly put on diaper or untimely replacement;
  • hunger or thirst;
  • skin irritation;
  • overexcitement;
  • abnormal room temperature;
  • tight swaddling or discomfort from linen;
  • intestinal upset, colic, gas;
  • uncomfortable body position;
  • light, noise;
  • insufficient hygiene;
  • weather sensitivity.

In fact, this list can be continued for a long time. We must not forget that in addition to external causes, internal ones may be present: diseases. But this possibility should be considered after all irritating factors have been eliminated.

How to calm a newborn baby when he cries?

So, during the first few weeks of life, the child is extremely sensitive to everything. This is not surprising, because previously he was in the womb for 9 months, where it is warm, dark, calm and there is always something to snack on. When entering the outside world, he requires the most comfortable conditions for adequate adaptation. And their organization lies entirely on the mother’s shoulders.

Among the main causes of infant anxiety hunger or unclean diaper. Based on this, to reassure crying baby First of all, the diaper is checked, after which food is offered. As a rule, after changing clothes and feeding, the baby calmly falls asleep.

There are a number of nuances regarding food. Replenishment mechanism breast milk elementary: the more the toddler eats, the more intensely the mother’s mammary glands work, trying to satisfy his needs. If at each feeding you feel that there is enough milk and, having had enough, the baby falls asleep, everything is in order. However, there are often cases when the baby does not have enough available quantity. Here it is worth thinking about additional pumping of milk in order to increase the intensity of its production or about choosing a formula for supplementary feeding. Your pediatrician will help you with this matter. The main thing is that the baby is always full.

Even when the diaper is changed regularly, problems may occur. diaper rash. If the baby screams despite being full and dry, it may be due to skin irritation. Relieve painful sensations You can use a special soothing cream. The baby needs to be washed, dried with a soft towel and the irritated area treated. You can let him lie for a while without a diaper so that the cream is absorbed and relieves pain.

Particular attention should be paid to children's clothing. Firstly, only natural fabrics. Secondly, underwear must be made of 100% cotton. This will prevent allergic reactions. In the summer, it is better to wear as light and loose clothing as possible. Sometimes the baby screams if he is swaddled too tightly, or the fabric has formed uncomfortable folds. It is also important to monitor the position of the baby. In the first weeks of life, his movements are very limited, and he is not able to move independently. It is important to ensure that it lies on a flat, level and warm surface.

Often the cause of concern is inappropriate room temperature. In winter, heating can work too intensely, as a result of which the air becomes suffocating, which means you should ventilate the room, having first moved with the baby to another place. A special air humidifier is of great help. In summer, the situation is more difficult to correct if there is no air conditioning in the house. The solution will be to free the baby from diapers or excess clothing. When the room is too hot, leave him without clothes, put him on a special baby oilcloth and cover him with a thin light blanket or even a diaper. To make it easier to sleep, swimming in warm water is a good idea.

Intestinal colic can cause intense crying. Usually, to eliminate abdominal pain, it is enough to gently stroke the baby’s tummy clockwise or place a warm diaper on the stomach. If there is bloating, there is most likely a gas problem. In this case, a simple exercise will help calm the child: bend the child’s legs at the knees and gently press them to the stomach.

It is important to exclude loud sounds . Very bright light can cause anxiety. If, despite the fact that the baby is fed and changed, he is still capricious, the mother should take him in her arms, rock him lightly, and try to calm him down. Constant physical contact with the mother is extremely important for a newborn. If he doesn't sleep well in a separate crib, he may sleep well next to his mother.

So, how to calm a newborn baby (in order of importance, move on to the next point if the previous one did not produce results):

  • find out if the diaper needs to be changed (change every 2-3 hours);
  • offer the baby something to eat;
  • carefully examine the baby for irritation (groin area, neck, etc.);
  • pick up (try to rock, sing a lullaby, walk around the room, etc.);
  • if the baby is too wrapped up, dress him lighter; if you feel that your arms and legs are cool, you are most likely frozen - dress warmly;
  • carefully feel the tummy: if there is a painful reaction, possibly colic, take appropriate measures, see colic in a child; if the tummy is inflated and hard to the touch, do an exercise to combat intestinal gases;
  • can’t fall asleep during the day - cover the window with a curtain and eliminate extraneous sounds.

Don't overlook the possibility of child weather sensitivity. A baby can react strongly to rain, frost, blizzards, and wind. In this case, despite the fact that there are no external stimuli, he will scream shrilly, jerk his legs, burp frequently, not fall asleep or refuse to eat at all. If there are no other reasons, and bad weather is raging outside, most likely, there is a reaction to it. To calm a newborn, sometimes it is enough to caress, quietly sing a lullaby or turn on calm music. In some cases, a warm, relaxing bath and a light massage can help.

The first month of life is the most difficult and responsible for parents. Their main enemy during this period is excessive fear, due to which they tend to exaggerate any little thing. In order to survive this time with the least damage to your nervous system, you first need to be patient and be as attentive as possible to your baby. Literally a couple of weeks will pass, and you will learn with 100% accuracy to determine what His or Her Majesty is dissatisfied with and what needs to be done so that he/she is in a good mood again.

It should be remembered that if, despite all efforts, the newborn does not calm down and behaves strangely - screams a lot, cries, etc. - You should immediately seek the help of a doctor.

For a child who does not yet speak, crying is the only way to tell his parents about his needs and worries. Even experienced mothers and fathers who already have two or more children sometimes do not know how to calm a newborn when he cries, because children are not alike. Try to keep your composure and try different ways- you will definitely find one that is perfect for your baby.

Why is it so important to manage your feelings? Even before birth, the child has established an emotional connection with you and is sensitive to the mother’s condition. You can’t worry and be horrified or show dissatisfaction - the problem is only misunderstanding, and sooner or later it will disappear. Give yourself the word to approach your child in a positive state of mind, because he is counting on you so much. You will see: the more you communicate, the less frequent, quieter and shorter the attacks of bad mood will be.

A newborn never screams unnecessarily. Crying cannot be ignored! It is not good for the lungs or “character building” - it weakens the nervous system of the baby, who begins to doubt the friendliness of this world. A dangerous consequence of a long, heart-rending cry is an umbilical hernia.

Food, environment and related issues

Not all children easily adapt to external conditions. For the initial adaptation of the immature digestive and nervous system, three months must pass after birth. The most common time of “bad mood” during the day is from 16 to 20 hours. Let's take a closer look different reasons anxiety.

Hunger and feeding

How to calm a newborn if you don’t know the reasons yet? Logic will help. For example: if you have a relatively established feeding schedule, you can guess when your baby wants to eat and when she’s just calling for you. If, while you were feeding him, he ate a little and then woke up earlier than usual, he is hungry and needs more. An observation diary will help you record such moments: at what time and how the child cries, what pacifies him.

Breastfeeding is a great way to calm your baby, but he may tear himself away from his food and scream loudly.

What's happeningWhat to do
Difficulty breathing (stuffy nose)Clean your nose using children's irrigation drops and a pharmacy bulb (squeeze before inserting into the nose)
If the crying does not recur, the child has simply swallowed a lot. If it continues, there may be inflammation in the ear (otitis), which may be accompanied by active movements of the head, attempts by the child to scratch the ears and head around them, redness of the nose, discharge from the ear, or inflammation in the mouth (thrush, stomatitis)For otitis media, place special drops in the ears and children's vasoconstrictor drops in the nose. For inflammation in the oral cavity, treat with a cotton swab dipped in a 2% soda solution. Show your child to the doctor
Teeth cuttingLightly “scratch” the swollen gums with a finger wrapped in a clean bandage (or a cooled piece of cucumber or apple). Give a chilled teething ring. Use an antipruritic pain reliever. For fever (above 38.5°C), give antipyretic for children
Don't like the tasteParticles of rancid milk may remain on the nipple. Breast treatment products smell “foreign” and are unpleasant for the baby, so you just need to rinse your breasts with boiled water before feeding. Avoid foods with strong tastes or odors
Crying after eating with legs pulled towards stomachAir enters the tummy along with food (this can be seen by loud smacking during feeding). After eating, place your baby in an upright position and rock him up and down to remove excess air.

To calm your newborn baby, you don't have to feed him right away - try rocking him for a while. He will either console himself and fall asleep, or show that he really wants to eat (for example, he will begin to actively suck his fists).

By motion sickness we have in looks easy swaying with a small amplitude, and not “hooting” down, as some grandmothers like to do. Also, do not shake the baby - this is dangerous for his health and even life. Due to the proportionally large head and incompletely formed blood vessels and nerves, all this is fraught with serious problems with the nervous system and vision and can even cost life.

To make sure that the baby is getting enough food, weigh him regularly, monitor his weight gain and, if necessary and recommended by the pediatrician, increase the amount of feeding. When feeding with an adapted milk formula, crying occurs from thirst, so you should have a bottle of drinking water with you.

Colic and bowel movements

The word “colic” does not come from the word “stab”, but from the Greek “pain in the colon” ​​(“colikos”), that is, pain in the digestive system due to accumulated gases. This usually happens after the last feeding, late in the evening. Here are a few signs that can help you recognize colic in babies:

  • shrill, intermittent screams;
  • red face;
  • clenching fists;
  • pressing the legs to the stomach followed by sharp straightening;
  • swollen, “hard” belly.

Intestinal spasms associated with gas formation occur at 3-4 months of life, more often in boys than in girls, and, as a rule, in first-born children. Intestinal colic can occur in a baby if its mother is anxious or has eaten something wrong.

You can calm a baby with colic in this way:

  • place a diaper or bag filled with flaxseed on your stomach (ironed with a hot iron);
  • hold the baby upright, carry it a little until it burps;
  • With a warm hand, stroke the tummy clockwise, from the navel, gradually increasing the circles, then place the baby on the stomach;
  • “frog”: feet connected, knees bent to the sides (facilitates the passage of gases and feces);
  • “bicycle”: taking the legs of a lying baby, make circular movements with them in the air;
  • thigh massage;
  • after feeding - dill water or pharmaceutical product from colic.

Parents talk about another in an unusual way: if you put your baby in a sling or simply put his tummy on your stomach, then skin-to-skin contact - the same as immediately after birth - improves the baby’s mood and well-being.

The child may cry when urinating, and if this happens systematically against the background elevated temperature- this is an inflammation of the bladder, and it’s time to call a doctor.

Crying during bowel movements can be caused by formula feeding. Try to help a little by lubricating the pointed end of the thermometer with vegetable oil, inserting it into the newborn's anus and moving it back and forth. The baby will certainly feel better.


It is important for your baby to know that he is cared for and will be provided with excellent conditions for life. Sometimes it is enough to hold him in your arms to calm him down, and talk to him peacefully, looking into his eyes affectionately and confidently (eye contact is important). But how to calm a crying baby if he simply does not like the environment and his own feelings?

What to doThe nature of cryingWhat's happening
Wet diaper or diaperWhimpering, turning into crying, hiccups and fidgeting (trying to move away from the wet spot), even after you have already picked up the babyChange the diaper (diaper), cover the baby with a blanket
Something is bothering you about the diaper or clothingCrying immediately after swaddling or changing clothesCheck whether the child is swaddled comfortably, whether there are crumbs or threads in the clothes, whether the fastener is in the way, and whether the clothes are tight. Maybe it's made of artificial fabric, causing allergies and itching? If yes, carefully change/change clothes
Uncomfortable positionWhimpering, waving arms and legs trying to roll overTurn the newborn over, give him a different position
Uncomfortable temperature: hot and red / cold and pale skin on the stomach, back, chest, arms, legs, nose, possible rashesCrying with sobs and hiccupsChange baby's clothes

If nothing helps to comfort your child, and you notice obvious changes in his appearance or behavior for 2-3 days - most likely he got sick. Take his temperature and show it to the doctor. If the screams are monotonous and monotonous, and during breaks the baby looks lethargic, if the fontanel on his head swells even in a calm state, a doctor should be called immediately.

Psychological characteristics

Often the baby screams just to call you. The crying call is usually short-lived and repeated after pauses. After shouting a little, your child waits for a reaction. If no one approaches, the “signal” sounds again and again there is a pause. Each time the volume of the call increases, but as soon as it realizes that they are coming to it, the baby quiets down.

Talk to your child more often, take him in your arms: perhaps he is upset because he is lonely and wants communication.

Crying protest is easy to recognize: it appears immediately when you do something obviously “unpleasant” - changing clothes, cleaning your nose or ears. Since you can't stop doing this, when you're done, cuddle your baby or do something else that usually makes him happy.

Excited children scream for a long time, with angry intonations. How to calm a child so that his peculiarity does not become torture for himself and for the whole family?

  • Create a friendly atmosphere: as few visitors as possible, a quiet room, quiet conversations, dim lighting, measured and smooth actions during daily care.
  • Give me a pacifier.
  • Try swaddling your baby tightly so that he does not frighten himself with chaotic movements of his legs and arms.
  • Hug and rock the baby more (you can listen to soft music or a song performed by you).

One of the main reasons for inconsolable roaring is ordinary fatigue. Long periods of wakefulness (especially among large quantity familiar or not so familiar people), a day rich in events - all this leads to nervous tension. Please note: if a child cries at the end of every waking period, he is probably very tired. “Let it play out” is not the best best idea: Instead of getting tired and sleeping, as adults do, the child cannot sleep due to overexcitation.

What to do to calm your child before bed:

  • stop playing games, don’t entertain, don’t communicate too intensely;
  • ventilate the room (ideally, humidify the air in it);
  • rock in your arms or in a stroller (you can walk rhythmically and hum);
  • put in the crib and give a pacifier.

A “ritual” (the same sequence of actions) preceding sleep helps a lot. For example: feeding - bathing in a warm bath - laying down - turning on the night light and a lullaby - sleep.

If all irritating factors are eliminated, the child is healthy, but cries for no particular reason - perhaps he is tired or his fragile nervous system is simply making itself felt. But what to do if you need to calm your child quickly?

Harvey Karp's technique and other methods

In the first three months of life, children really need conditions that would remind them of life before birth, in the womb. Tightness, measured shaking, the sounds of the mother's body - create these conditions for babies, and they will gain a feeling of comfort at the level of instinct. This condition is called the “fourth trimester of pregnancy.”

Babies from birth to three months are the most difficult to soothe. Experienced pediatricians and child psychologists know this well. One of them, American doctor of medicine Harvey Karp, wrote the book “The Happiest Baby on the Block,” where he outlined his five-step method of “turning off” a child’s crying.

Here are five of Harvey Karp's techniques that he's been teaching parents for 20 years. True, the doctor himself emphasizes that the techniques have been used for centuries, and he simply generalized this experience.

This is one of the most

  • effective ways
  • . And if the newborn is lying on his stomach, put a finger or pacifier in his mouth (the sucking reflex must be satisfied). If the nipple spits out, you need to pull it a little, as if taking it away - the child will try to catch it. These methods help calm your baby down in 5 minutes. Let us remind you once again that they are suitable for infants up to three months. To calm an older child, you will need to distract him. The following methods are suitable for this.
  • Sling.

A child's natural need is to be close to you and tell you about all his problems. How to calm a baby? Don't stop him from screaming - sometimes he just needs to "relieve the tension", but not alone. Let him “express his sore points” to get rid of negative emotions, but at the same time, do not deprive him of care and quickly do everything possible to restore the baby’s feeling of happiness. Crying gives you new ways to understand your baby's needs and show your love for him.


While still in the womb, the child establishes a strong emotional connection with his mother, which helps him to detect any change in her mood.

This is why the newborn is extremely sensitive to the mother's condition. A sobbing child may become additionally nervous when he realizes that his mother is worried, confused, helpless, or irritated.

Pediatricians strongly advise approaching a crying baby in an even mood. If this is not possible (not every woman can remain calm in such an environment), it is better to ask your husband or another close relative who exudes confidence for help.

Unlike older children, a newborn will never scream unless absolutely necessary. There is always some reason for infant crying, even if it does not lie on the surface.

The screams and tears of an infant should not be ignored. Contrary to some beliefs, such crying does not benefit the lungs or strengthen character.

On the contrary, an incessant roar can shake a baby’s nervous system and undermine his trust in the world around him. Another undesirable consequence prolonged screams - umbilical hernia.

Before figuring out how to calm a crying baby, you need to establish the source of children's tears. Experts identify several main reasons:

Initially, mothers do not yet know how to determine by the nature of crying what exactly the little one wants. But after a while different types a child's cry becomes distinguishable, since the volume, duration and intonation in each case will differ significantly from each other.

How to understand the cause of screams?

Usually a child cries because he is hungry, feels pain due to colic, or something (or someone) frightened him. In such cases, the newborn will cry very loudly, hysterically and incessantly.

Certain characteristics and signs will help determine which of the above factors is troubling the baby at the moment.

  1. A hungry baby cries quite loudly, intensely and for a long time. If you don’t approach him right away, he will begin to seem to choke. And after being picked up, he will immediately begin to look for the nipple.
  2. If the cause of a child's cry is pain, then you can hear plaintive notes in it. If the pain syndrome is sudden or sharp, the child will cry loudly and very loudly.
  3. Is fear a prerequisite for crying? Then the baby screams hysterically, starting abruptly and ending just as unexpectedly. Usually, when he sees his mother and feels the warmth of her body, he quickly calms down.

In other situations, the child begins to call his parents with inviting cries, that is, in this way he tries to draw their attention to his problem. The baby cries a little, then stops to evaluate the parent's reaction.

If the mother or father ignores the children's demands, then the screams will be repeated again and again at different time intervals. Usually the child does not calm down until the source of the discomfort is eliminated.

If you cannot yet determine the cause by the nature of the crying, trust logical conclusions. With an established diet, you can already guess when the baby is hungry, and in what situations he is simply bored.

The five-step system includes the following techniques, which are probably familiar to many mothers.

  1. Tight swaddling. The child, “shackled” in arms and legs, feels the same tightness as in the uterus. This helps to restore a sense of security and therefore calm him down.
  2. "White noise". Many newborns fall asleep well to the monotonous hum of household appliances. Such sounds copy the noise of the working organs of the mother’s body. You can turn on the hairdryer or hiss over the child’s ear yourself.
  3. Side position. Children usually sleep better on their backs, but they calm down faster on their sides or tummy when their face faces slightly downward. You need to place the baby on your lap sideways, supporting the head.
  4. Cautious motion sickness. Lay your baby down so that his head rests on your palms and his face looks down. You need to shake the baby rhythmically, lightly and not very sharply. This is reminiscent of the feeling that a mother had when walking.
  5. Sucking. Satisfying the sucking reflex is another effective technique. The newborn is given either a breast, or a pacifier, or even his own clean finger.

Harvey Karp talks about how to calm a baby under 3 months old, including in the video “Your Happy Baby.” Using the example of several infants, the author demonstrates the effectiveness of the five-step system.

How to calm a crying baby over 3 months old?

Karp's five-step technique really helps, but these techniques are no longer effective for older children. To calm, for example, a 6-month-old baby, you need to distract him, not swaddle him, and use other methods.

Another helpful advice– make the environment of the children's room more comfortable. Some sensitive children become tired of bright lighting or too many bright objects.

Calming a child before bed

Many mothers complain that it is extremely difficult to calm their baby down before bed. The main reason for children's crying in the evening is simple overwork.

Judge for yourself, during the day the child learns a lot of new information, meets various acquaintances or strangers. There are many events, and the nervous system does not always cope with their processing.

If a baby screams and cries in the evenings for no apparent reason, most likely he is very tired. It is adults who can fall asleep from fatigue, but the child becomes overexcited and, on the contrary, refuses to fall asleep and cries.

If your child does not want to calm down before falling asleep in the evening, you should:

  • give up excessive activity;
  • ventilate the room and bring humidity to optimal levels;
  • rock the baby a little in your arms;
  • lay down and provide a pacifier.

Achieving sound sleep allows you to follow a certain sequence of actions. For example, a mother feeds the child, bathes him in water at the optimal temperature, puts him to bed, reads a book or sings a lullaby. Usually the baby quickly falls asleep after this ritual.

It is important to understand that the issue of calming a newborn must be resolved individually. Rocking motion is suitable for one child, swaddling is suitable for another, and only dancing calms a third.

The task of parents is to study the preferences of their child and choose the most suitable method. However, it should be remembered that the baby has the right to cry, thus protesting against various “inconveniences.” Well, mom needs to be there, demonstrating her love.

A newborn baby does not yet know how to communicate, and so far he can only announce any change in his condition by screaming.

Of course, the mother first needs to learn to understand her baby. No baby just screams. But it happens that the baby cries for no apparent reason, and the parents no longer know how to calm him down.

What to do first

You need to try to act according to the algorithm:

  • The mother or other person caring for the baby needs to pull herself together and calm down. You can temporarily transfer the child to another family member.
  • Find out the reason for the baby's crying.
  • Eliminate the cause of concern.

The mother's peace of mind is the key to the baby's peace of mind

Infants are very sensitive to the mood of adults. The baby may become nervous when he feels that his mother is restless. Therefore, it is impossible to calm a child while under stress.

A baby's cry can be long and exhausting. Not every mother will be able to remain calm in such a situation. In this case, you can resort to the help of loved ones and ask one of your relatives to replace your mother.

And mom will have time to rest and gather her strength. It is very important to remain calm when you notice that the baby is hysterical. A baby can only be reassured by someone who exudes calm and confidence.

Why do babies cry?

A baby never cries without a reason. Even if at first glance the essence of the problem is unclear. There are several main reasons why a baby cries:

  • Hunger.
  • Cold or hot.
  • Feeling of discomfort.
  • Fear.
  • Boredom.
  • Overwork.

If it is not clear what exactly caused the crying, you can try to rule out each one in turn.

The baby cries when he wants to eat. Even if he recently ate, something probably distracted him and the baby pulled away from the food before he was satisfied. The baby may swallow air during feeding and experience a false sense of fullness. When the excess air is burped, space in the stomach is freed up, and the baby will again feel hungry. In any case, it would be a good idea to offer your child something to eat.

The body of young children has difficulty maintaining a constant body temperature. Any temperature changes environment difficult for the baby to perceive. The mother must examine and touch the baby.

If your baby's upper back is hot to the touch, he is overheated. If it is cold, and the child tries to move little, he is frozen. Next, you need to create comfortable conditions for the baby - either warm him up, undress him, or replace him with lighter clothes.

When dressing a child, it is important to choose things that are comfortable for the baby. Any fasteners located on the back or tummy, when the baby already knows how to roll over, can cause him discomfort. Sloppy seams, tight elastic bands - all this will not go unnoticed by the baby. Perhaps he is crying due to the discomfort caused by his clothes.

Any sharp sounds or bright light can scare the baby. If the mother notices something like this, it is necessary, first of all, to eliminate the source of the baby’s fear.

Perhaps the child is crying because he is bored. The baby is tired of being alone, he requires the attention of an adult. First, the baby begins to grunt quietly, giving signals. If they are left unattended and the mother does not come soon, the child may become hysterical. Don't delay and wait for the child to cry. It is advisable to approach him when he just begins to act up.

Overwork – common reason whims. Tantrums happen at the end of the day when the child is tired. His day was long and eventful, he received many new impressions. Nervous system, not coping, thus getting rid of stress. For children, a well-established routine, timely bedtime, and proper alternation of activity and rest are important. Children who live according to a routine are calmer and more confident.

Crying may be caused by pain

All these reasons are taken into account provided that the child is healthy. If none of the methods helps calm the baby, something may be hurting him.

There are some physiological conditions not associated with the disease: indigestion, infant colic. These conditions cause discomfort and pain in the child. It is advisable for the mother to examine the baby to see if his tummy is swollen or rumbling.

If the child is on breastfeeding, it is advisable for mom to track her diet. Perhaps the baby reacts to certain foods.

If colic is the cause of concern, you can offer your baby fennel-based tea, which has a calming and digestive-regulating effect. Sometimes a child may refuse to take the medicine. Then a nursing mother can include this tea in her diet. Chamomile tea has a beneficial effect on digestion. Before using any medication, you should consult your doctor about the methods, duration of use and dosage.

With colic, it is also important to establish feeding, make sure that the baby takes the breast correctly, does not swallow air when feeding from a bottle, does not overeat, and regurgitates excess air in a timely manner.

If redness, a rash are noticed on the baby’s body, his temperature has risen, he burps profusely, refuses food, and screams heart-rendingly, you need to consult a doctor or call an ambulance as soon as possible. Perhaps the reason for the crying is illness, and the baby needs treatment.

From 0 to 3 months

For infants, there are several ways to easily calm them down. The baby, living in the womb, is accustomed to certain conditions. The memory of this state persists for up to three months. Some actions will remind the baby of his intrauterine life. This will give him a feeling of confidence and calm.

What are some ways to help your baby calm down?

  • Swaddling.
  • Wiggle.
  • Monotonous hissing.
  • Laying on its side.
  • Sucking on a pacifier or breast.

Trying to calm the child, you can use all the techniques one by one. Gentle swaddling reminds the baby of his stay in the womb in the last months of pregnancy, when he no longer had enough room for free movement. When the mother moved, the baby experienced swaying throughout the pregnancy.

Monotonous hissing is the sounds that reach the baby: maternal breathing, the movement of food through the esophagus. The position on your side with your legs tucked in is reminiscent of the intrauterine position. Sucking is one of the first reflexes that awakens in a child. While still inside the mother, the child actively begins to suck his finger. This skill then helps him get food from his mother's breast or using a pacifier.

From 3 months to 1 year

Methods that work for babies under 3 months are no longer suitable for older children. From three months onwards, the baby is very interested in the world around him, this can be used for his benefit. The easiest way to save a child from hysterics is to abruptly switch his attention to another subject.

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the causes of crying. But if things have reached the point of hysteria and the baby doesn’t want to calm down, you can suddenly interest him in something. Mom, watching the baby, will definitely notice what objects, sounds or situations are capable of capturing his attention. For example, a baby is fascinated by the way the light burns.

During moments of crying, you can bring the baby to the switched-on lamp, which he will examine with curiosity.

These situations are individual. There is no universal recipe. All children have their own preferences. The main thing for the mother, while studying the interests of the baby, is to offer him at the right moment something that will distract him.

It will be easier to calm the baby before bed by following a ritual that will symbolize to the baby that it is time to sleep. One of the points of the ritual may be soothing baths. Warm baths taken at night help you relax and get ready for sleep.

You can take baths with soothing herbs. Melissa, chamomile, sage, valerian, and motherwort are suitable for children. Tea is pre-brewed from dry herbs and added to the water before taking a bath. Herbal tea, absorbed through the skin, has a relaxing effect. Baths with infusion to improve sleep must be used in a course.

Excessive use of infusion may cause the opposite effect, before any use medicinal herbs You should consult your doctor.

There is a special children's tea on sale - herbal tea that helps the baby calm down before bed. In pharmacies, children's drops of natural or synthetic origin that have a hypnotic effect are common.

Before using herbs, medicinal tea, or drops that have a sleeping effect, you should consult a specialist. All these drugs cannot be prescribed independently. Any of them has contraindications, side effects and must be dosed correctly.

After a bath, it is advisable to immediately put the child to bed. You should put your baby to bed at night no earlier than three hours after napping.

A crying baby is always trying to notify about some problem. The first thing parents should do is to understand the situation and find out the reason why the baby is crying. Maybe after eliminating the cause, the hysteria will stop immediately.

Due to their temperament, some babies find it difficult to calm down. They are active during the day and have difficulty going to sleep. For mothers, a certain ritual can help, symbolizing to the baby that night has come and it’s time to fall asleep. Part of this ritual can be soothing baths taken before bed.