Fragrance myths - the whole truth about synthetic and natural ingredients in an interview with Anna Zvorykina and Matvey Yudov.  Natural perfumes vs regular ones

Fragrance myths - the whole truth about synthetic and natural ingredients in an interview with Anna Zvorykina and Matvey Yudov. Natural perfumes vs regular ones

Has it ever happened to you: when you enter someone’s house, you involuntarily wrinkle your nose from a sharp, unpleasant smell, or even a whole bouquet of them, and the rest of your visit comes down to looking at your watch and thinking through a plan for the correct escape into the fresh air? Or maybe this happened at home too?

If you nodded sadly or are afraid of such a fate, the post is very relevant!

Smell is perhaps the main component of comfort. It should be pleasant and hospitable so that you always want to return home.

The choice depends entirely on the tastes of the owners.

Home fragrances can be divided according to their composition:

  • Perfumed - with a high price range. These are perfumes that are sold in perfume stores and departments for the home (Trading House "TSUM", "ZARA HOME", "H&M HOME", "THE BODY SHOP").
  • Synthetic ones are the cheapest home fragrances that deceive our body. It seems that we are breathing flowers, but in fact we are inhaling additives. Prominent representatives: IKEA, AUCHAN, FIX-PRICE stores.
  • Natural. The products are made using natural ingredients and oils. (“BOTANIKA”, “STYX”, “IRIS”, “ELFARMA”.) During production, natural essential oils are neither chemically processed nor mixed with artificial fragrances.

It's better not to use the first two options. Perfume contains up to 30% perfume oils and up to 85% alcohol, not counting a huge number of unknown ingredients. Back in 1986, the American National Academy of Sciences published a report according to which 95% of the chemicals used in perfumes are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum. These include toxic substances that cause allergic reactions, cancer, and birth defects.

If you come across a synthetic perfume fragrance, most likely it contains phthalic acid esters. Phthalates are added to bind ingredients together and create a rich scent! Manufacturers have reduced production costs, and we have inhaled more toxic stuff, but that’s not enough for us...

Phthalates contribute to the development of diseases: hormone disruption, difficulties in getting pregnant, respiratory diseases, oncology, and pregnant women are at risk of disrupting the normal development of the fetus. Just like that.

Yes, such smells are more persistent and bright, but let's take care of ourselves.
It is important for us that the scents are natural. How to recognize them? Look for these signs: DHP, BBP, DIDP, DBP, DEHP, DINP, DEP, V, PVC, a triangle of arrows, and inside the number 3 - all these are phthalic compounds.
They also write beautifully parfume, scented candle, fragrance.

Phthalate Free - take it, good product!

Natural essential oils are perfect! They create a unique smell in every room. Have a healing effect on the human body: improve the condition of the skin and hair, soothe or stimulate nervous system, restore normal performance, harmonize the emotional state, relieve sleep disorders, have antitumor activity, and many oils are strong erotic stimulants.

For example, with the help of sandalwood, neroli, chamomile, you can speed up the healing process of wounds. An intensive massage with orange and grapefruit oils will help get rid of cellulite. By adding lavender, ylang-ylang, and mint oils to your bath, you can eliminate insomnia.

How to use essential oils?

Essential Oil Diffusing Methods:

1. Aroma lamps(classical (consist of 2 parts: the lower one is intended for a small candle, water and oils are poured into the upper part, calculating 2 drops per 5 square meters of room area, and catalytic (a wick with a catalytic burner is placed in a vessel filled with oil (platinum spraying + ceramics). The burner is lit, after 2 minutes the flame is blown out and the room is aromatized, plus, unpleasant odors are removed and bacteria in the air are destroyed).

You can install the aroma lamp in any room, but in an area inaccessible to children. Do not place it on flammable surfaces (tablecloth, plastic, oilcloth). Before use, ventilate the room well, and then light the lamp, closing all doors and windows to prevent the aroma from escaping into space.

2. Candles⠀made of natural wax:(bee, soy, vegetable, coconut, apricot).

Ideal for use in the bedroom or while taking a bath. Candles do not mix with electricity, so when you light candles, turn off the lights and enjoy. In such an atmosphere you can create a romantic and even intimate mood or meditate.

There are a lot of advantages:
Hypoallergenic ⠀
Safe for children
Rich smell
Doesn't run out of steam for a long time
Economical consumption (30-90 hours)

3. Sasha- a scented pad designed to scent a room or linen.

Fragrant sachets can be placed anywhere: in the kitchen, in the children's room, in the closet or bathroom. For example, a pleasant mixture of lavender, rose petals and yarrow is suitable for the bedroom, and in the nursery you can put a sachet with chamomile and lavender. The sachets are placed in the closet with the clothes - the linen always smells nice. Support immunity during the period colds Mint, lemon balm, rosemary will help. Plus, you can decorate the interior of your home with these cute little things.

4. Room spray- flavoring in aerosol packaging. You can buy it, but I like to mix water and oils in a spray bottle, it's a little home ritual, a little meditation. You can spray water with a few drops of lavender throughout the apartment to disinfect the air or put it in the toilet instead of artificial sprays.

Room sprays are also suitable for fabric. They can be sprayed on bedding, upholstery, and clothing.

The aroma in the air is felt more intensely, but lasts longer on the fabric.

5. Scent cubes– wax cubes for aroma lamp. A good alternative to scented candles without an open flame. Just put them in a bowl, and when the wax begins to melt, the room will quickly fill with aroma.

6. Fragrant mixtures– a set of natural flowers and herbs poured into an open bowl and sprinkled with essential oils. These flavors are placed on a table, window sill, shelf, they are not heated, they are ready for use.

7. Diffusers. They consist of three parts: a bottle, a set of sticks, and an aromatic composition. The diffuser does not need to be set on fire, extinguished, or monitored. It is enough to adjust the intensity of the smell once: if you want a strong aroma, put all the sticks on. If you like a faint smell, remove a few. If you have placed all the sticks and the aroma seems weak, turn the sticks over. The diffuser lasts for about three months, but it all depends on the volume.

8. Ultrasonic aroma diffuser. This is a small device designed to spray essential oils. During operation, the device also regulates the humidity level in the room. You determine the intensity of the smell in the room yourself: From 5 drops of essential oil (for a light aroma) to 20 drops per container.

If you want an atmosphere of maximum relaxation in your bedroom or have difficulty sleeping, place such a diffuser near your bed. Can also be used in the toilet, bathroom, living room.

Which scent is suitable for which room?

For kitchen

Citrus aromatic oils are suitable for the kitchen: orange, grapefruit, lemon, bergamot, lemongrass. They lift your spirits and effectively neutralize odors. There are always a lot of smells in kitchens. I would like to believe that yours is always filled with pleasant aromas, but I would not be so sure.

Lifehacks for the kitchen

    You can prepare a mixture of 5 drops of cloves and 4 drops of limetta oil (Mediterranean sweet lemon).

    Want to fill your kitchen with the aroma of coffee? Add 4-6 drops of citrus oil to ground coffee

    You can soak towels and napkins in water with oils. In addition to the pleasant aroma, bacteria and unpleasant odors are destroyed.

    Add 2-3 drops of rosemary to your dish soap and it will smell perfect.

For the bedroom

Soothing aromas are needed here. Priority is given to rose, fir, lavender, violet, as they best induce healthy sleep.

Lifehacks for the bedroom

    If you want to have a great night, get acquainted with the scent of love: ambergris. It improves mood and increases attraction to a partner. This popular aphrodisiac is formed during the digestion of sperm whales and is a dense substance with a pungent tarry odor. You can use fragrances based on it.

    Vanilla is a simple scent that most people like. The smell of vanilla gives energy, harmonizes the atmosphere around, creating an atmosphere of trust. It gives a feeling of joy, improves memory, promotes concentration, gives a feeling of joy and serenity, reviving the thirst for life.

    Prepare a sleeping potion: 200 ml of water with 10 drops of lavender essential oil. Pour into a spray bottle and spray on bedding before bed.

Scents for the hallway

To feel good and pleasant when entering your home, use the aromas of coffee, cedar, lemon, pine, tea tree, bergamot, orange, lavender.

Lifehacks for the hallway:

    There are also aromatic assistants for the hallway that neutralize unpleasant odors coming from the entrance: citrus and pine

    There are also “magic wands” for closets: lavender. She drives away moths. But lately, preferences have been given to floral and fresh scents: cotton, violet.

Fragrances for the living room

Here the principle “this and that will do” does not work. The aroma can be anything. And no one can pick it up better than the owners of the house. Find your scent

Fruity ones are often chosen flower arrangements. Experiment with sandalwood, mint, tangerine, honey. Many people love figs for their sweet, exotic aroma.

Bathroom scents

The bathroom is not only a place for relaxation, but also important element keeping the house clean and fresh. Washing powders, gels, etc. are used here. In the bathroom you want not only to take a bath, but also to spend a pleasant time, forgetting about a busy day. Floral scents are ideal for this: tender rose, soothing lavender. Create an atmosphere of relaxation with candles, petals and beautiful music, and the aroma will unobtrusively envelop you and give pleasant emotions.

Lifehacks for the bathroom:

Few housewives know that you can make clothes softener with your own hands. We are sharing the recipe: 1 liter of water, 150 ml of vinegar, 0.5 cups of soda and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour into a bottle and enjoy! For one wash – 100 ml of product.

Fragrances for the bathroom

Most often we use air fresheners in the toilet, this is where odors appear that can only be eliminated by strong aromas. Store-bought air fresheners contain harmful ingredients; they enter our body through the lungs, so it is better to avoid them.

Fill the diffuser with fresh fruity, citrus scents and take it to the toilet. Room spray can be used additionally. You can apply a few drops of oil inside the toilet paper roll.

Fragrances for the workplace

Many people have their own work corner, so here’s how aromas can be useful in it:

    To increase concentration and focus, use the scents of lemon, jasmine, mint, and rosemary.

    Essential oils of chamomile, ylang-ylang, marjoram, rose, palmarosa will help you get rid of irritation and fatigue. Add 35 drops of your favorite essential oil to 150 ml of water. Pour the resulting mixture into a spray bottle and mix thoroughly by shaking it. Use the mixture as a body spray.

    Scents of tangerine, neuroli, coriander, rose or bergamot will help boost creativity.

    Grapefruit oil will give you self-confidence and optimism.

When arranging your workplace, be guided by your taste and select aromas to suit you.

Use of essential oils for household purposes

    Suck up a cotton ball soaked in essential oil with a vacuum cleaner and forget about the unpleasant smell of dust that usually envelops your apartment during cleaning.

    If you find a stain from oil, fat, or food on the tablecloth, apply a little essential extract (lemon, mint, lemon balm, fir, juniper, spruce, lavender) 20 minutes before washing.

When choosing fragrances for your home, remember that all people are individual and have different tastes. Find your favorite scents that will inspire, energize, calm and bring you happiness. Don't be afraid to experiment - mix different scents and create your own compositions.

There are no trifles in comfort. Fragrances in the home are a whole art that can become... family tradition or be yours business card. But not only that! Emotions, sensations, moods, memories are inseparable from smells. Some aromas make us flutter like butterflies, others can turn our heads, under the influence of others we can become more optimistic or, on the contrary, climb under the blanket with hot tea, many awaken our sexuality. Fragrances are just like people: sensual, delicate, bright or bold. It’s wonderful to smell and experience life in all its diversity in your cozy home.

So, we will talk about natural perfumes and natural perfumers.

About where the border lies between natural, botanical perfumery and all other perfumery.

So, natural is a branch of perfumery that uses substances exclusively extracted from plants (and, rarely, animals) to create fragrances. Uses in the form in which they were obtained: essential oil, absolute, concrete, resinoid, tincture of alcohol or oil, lipstick obtained after enfleurage at home. These extracts, with rare exceptions, are NOT modified, the parts that smell the most are NOT extracted from them, and the individual aromatic molecules are NOT obtained from them, which are then called “natural limonene”. And they use, I repeat, as is, in the form of mixtures of aromatic molecules of composition not identical every time down to the molecule. The fact that this makes ideal standardization impossible is also not standardizable, for example, wines, the composition of which varies from year to year - this is the specificity of a natural product.

It is worth considering that today, in 2010, natural perfumes are not represented on the Russian market. That is, you will not buy them in any offline store. All ideas about “natural oil analogue of Chanel No. 5” and “natural bulk perfumes from France" - false advertising. Ideas about “natural limonene” are similar. This has nothing to do with natural perfumery, as well as the environmentally favorable conditions in which the lavender grew, from which linalool for perfume was obtained. Once we have a molecule, we move away from natural perfumery. It may not be worse, but it will be done outside the scope of natural perfumery.

In expensive brands, niche and selective perfumery natural substances as is, in the form of absolutes, for example, are certainly used. But in this case, not only natural substances are used. This does not mean that perfumes with artificial molecules are worse. And many believe that it is better, because molecules give the aroma structure, durability, and shine. However, the fact remains that perfumes without artificial molecules and with them are two completely different groups: natural perfumery and, as I call it, “not only natural perfumery.” And usually perfumers who make natural perfumes fully emphasize this. And most often these are perfumers - members Guilds or other private individuals. Large corporations do not engage in natural perfumery, with the exception of small limited editions and small retro projects (for example, in Dmitry Shishov’s LJ you can read about Marie Antoinette’s perfume).

Once again - natural perfumes not better" not-only-natural. They're just different. They live and unfold according to different laws. They may lose in duration of sound, but often win due to the richness of shades. Natural fragrances have a smaller aura, sit closer to the body, and sound more intimate. And yes, they are completely natural. Although I find it funny the arguments sometimes used for natural perfumes such as “I’m tired of breathing chemistry” - my God, when smelling natural perfumes we won’t be “breathing physics”, right?

But it is naturalness that adds olfactory roughness and unevenness to aromas. It is in natural perfumes that you can find your favorite natural aromas, reminiscent of landscapes and childhood. And precisely because of the absence of synthetic molecules in natural perfumes, you will never encounter a soapy musky base, a watermelon scent of top notes, or a sweet noose of low-quality synthetic flowers. However, back side medals - the special individual character of natural aromatic substances, often perceived as excessive bitterness, pharmaceuticality, brutality. In general, as in all other areas, it is a matter of taste.

Another important point is that all exclusively natural perfumes existing today are something that is emphatically not mass-produced and limited. One might even say anti-mass. The ideology and composition of natural perfumes are exclusively natural ingredients, which by definition are finite and irreproducible. That is, say, harvest rose essential oil different years has a slightly different chemical composition. If it is used in full, and not in the form of, for example, an isolate, then the perfume will differ slightly from batch to batch. Of course, the aroma of the bouquet of components will be absolutely recognizable, but it is impossible to achieve accuracy “down to the molecules”. And it’s not necessary, because no one produces natural perfumes in such volume. Natural perfumers - from the most famous and famous, members and founders of the guild of natural perfumers, to lesser-known private masters, have from several boutiques in the world plus online stores to simply online stores based on well-known auctions such as or ebay.

You can find natural perfumes for sale on the websites of natural perfume stores, at online fairs, where, for example, Roxanne, the founder of the Illuminated Perfume brand, and Joanne Bassett sell her fragrances. The most famous perfumers who create exclusively natural perfumes are Mandy Aftel and Alexandra Balahoutis, present their creations in their own offline stores. Everything else is small in-house online stores. This is the only way natural perfumes are presented at the moment.

This, again, encourages us to look at the medal from different angles. What is good about the fact that perfumes are created by masters who are their own masters, both in the choice of ideas and in the choice of ingredients, and what can be inconvenient about this. We'll talk about this in.

We all understand on a subconscious level that natural perfume is better than synthetic perfume. However, not everyone can say with certainty why.

We know the answer and will be happy to tell you, and at the same time teach you how to distinguish natural perfumes from counterfeit chemicals.

Initially, all fragrances were of natural origin. They were extracted from various plants without interfering with the structure of one or another component.

But modern perfumes mostly consist of synthetic substances obtained by chemical processing of oil and various resins.

Right now, take and read the composition of your favorite perfume. There will probably be something like citronellol, 3,7-dimethyl-6-octen-1-ol, 1,3-dienyl methanal, etc.

It's sad, but most people who use perfume smell not of flowers and fruits, but of various aldehydes, benzenes and other achievements of the chemical industry.

And although it is difficult for an inexperienced person to immediately smell the difference between a natural and synthetic aroma, over time he will certainly feel it.

Let's start with the fact that natural aromas are multifaceted.

The same rose scent has about 400 different shades, while the synthetic analogue has no more than 40.

Thus, natural perfume always sounds more interesting and richer.

Moreover, the natural aroma, even if it consists of only one component, does not simply fade over time, but changes and reveals itself from different sides. Chemists are not yet capable of such miracles.

The impact of various aromatic substances on the human body is another incentive to figure out how to distinguish perfume from a fake. Thus, natural essential oils, when they get on the skin, penetrate our body and can significantly improve not only our physical, but also our psycho-emotional state.

Synthetic odors, at best, do not affect us in any way, and at worst... Let's just say that in expensive synthetic perfumes all components are tested for negative effects on humans, but we cannot say the same about cheap and especially fake perfumes.

And even if nothing bad happens right away, who knows how the use of such products may come back to haunt you in the long run.

The main difference between natural perfumes and synthetic ones is the absolute individuality of the first and the mass impersonality of the second. In other words, a synthetic perfume smells the same on everyone, while a natural scent will never smell exactly the same on someone else as it does on you.

This happens because natural components interact with a person’s individual odor. As a result of such interaction, a personal, unique and inseparable aroma is formed from a given person. Amazing, isn't it?!

How to distinguish eco-perfume made from natural oils from its synthetic copy

At first glance, it seems that only a professional perfumer can feel the difference between synthetic and natural perfumes. However, you can do this too.

Firstly, you can focus on price. Essential aromatic oils are quite expensive, so natural perfume will be significantly more expensive than synthetic one.

Secondly, apply the perfume offered to you to your skin in special ones so that the aroma opens faster. Ask the seller to do the same. If the scent smells the same to both you and the seller, they are definitely trying to sell you synthetics.

If you want to be absolutely sure that you are being offered a natural perfume, do not buy a ready-made fragrance in a store.

Much more reliable

Good news for supporters of a natural lifestyle: today it is possible to abandon the usual synthetic perfumes and use natural perfumes. Their selection in Russia is still small, but this is only the beginning.

A little theory

Every day we are surrounded by hundreds and thousands of smells, among which the aromas of perfume products occupy not the least place. What are they made of? In other words, what is perfume? It is a combination of fragrant essential oils or artificial aromatic compounds, as well as fixing and dissolving substances. Together, all this is the product that can give our body or any things a light or rich pleasant smell.

Depending on the concentration of essential oils, the following types of fragrances are distinguished: perfumes - with an oil concentration of 15–40%, Eau de parfum (8–15%), Eau de Toilette(4–8%) and cologne, or “Cologne” water (2–5%). It is not difficult to guess that the less the aromatic component is diluted, the more persistent the aroma will be.

At the origins

Perfumery as the art of creating scents and as a profession appeared a long time ago. For thousands of years, masters of this craft have studied and gained experience, and inspiration and necessary materials nature generously gave. The creations of ancient perfumers were used in temples, palaces and ordinary residential buildings - this is evidenced by vessels with traces of incense, which are still found during excavations. From simple combinations of fragrant natural oils, masters gradually moved on to creating exquisite and complex distillates, perfumes and perfumed cosmetic products. The results of their work brought variety to the lives of our ancestors, and today it is impossible to imagine human existence without perfume.

If in ancient times perfumers used plant aromatic substances in their original form, then from the middle of the 19th century they already learned to extract individual components from them, such as vanillin and coumarin (a substance obtained from beans). After some time, methods were invented to synthesize similar substances without using natural ingredients at all - this is how the first artificial flavors were obtained. It was from this moment, by the way, that the history of modern perfumery began.

Today, when using synthetics is more economically profitable than organic materials, perfumers almost everywhere have switched to developing perfumes that are completely or partially artificial. However, products made from natural ingredients continue to be created and find their customers. Over the past decade, interest in organic perfumery has increased, so perfumers are again turning to age-old traditions, but with modern knowledge and experience.

Natural perfume

As such, there are no classifications or standards for natural fragrances. There is simply a general understanding of what “natural perfumery” is. This means that the product is made in accordance with the classical tradition of creating fragrances, but is composed of 100% natural ingredients without any flavors, preservatives or other artificial substances.

A few words about alcohol in perfume. To avoid the excise tax that is levied on any alcohol-containing product, it is replaced or denatured (special substances are added to make the alcohol technical and unsuitable for food consumption). So, at this stage, a big difference is visible between natural and conventional perfume: to denature alcohol in organic perfume production, they do not use diethyl phthalate (a substance that may contain dioxins - persistent poisons called “premature aging hormones”), but choose natural substances, for example lavandin - lavender essential oil.

Where to find natural perfumes

If you want to purchase a perfume made from natural ingredients, look for the words all natural ingredients. Such products will cost more, and it will take more time to find them - you are unlikely to find something similar in an ordinary Russian perfume store.

Ingredients listed as imitation or natural synthetic compounds mean that these synthetic chemicals are used as analogues of natural substances. Very few perfumes have eco-labels, but there are such scents: if you look, you can find perfumes certified by Ecocert and even Demeter (My Tao). It happens that products from the all natural ingredients category do not have a certificate only because the manufacturing company does not have the funds for this expensive procedure.

Synthetic perfumes, of course, have a stronger, richer scent that lasts much longer. True perfume fans - those who are accustomed to Chanel and other fashionable modern brands - having tried natural perfumes, sometimes complain that they do not have the same complex composition. There's an explanation for this: most organic fragrances are made up of about 20 different ingredients, while conventional perfumes can contain up to 200 ingredients! And yes, natural scents are indeed less persistent than artificial ones.

Here are a few brands that create organic perfumes in the West: Acorelle, Farfalla, Florascent, Florame, Honoré Des Prés, Lashmi, Melvita, Provida organics, Taoasis (Aqua di Tao, My Tao). Unfortunately, only a few can be found in Russia so far of them (Florame, Acorelle, Melvita), but the trend is that their number will increase - because the market natural cosmetics and perfumery is growing, as is the demand for these products.

A few words about allergies

Appearance allergic reaction or irritation with biospirits, as, indeed, is the case with any cosmetic product, cannot be completely excluded. If you are sensitive to various types of allergens, then before purchasing New Product, it's worth testing it on your wrist. It’s better to do this in the evening and see how your body reacts to the new scent in the morning.

Some natural fragrance components are very strong allergens. For example, oak moss extract (Evernia prunastri extract), tree moss extract (Evernia furfuracea extract), cinnamal. Therefore, serious manufacturers of natural perfumes try to avoid using such substances. In addition, according to European regulations, which, by the way, are becoming stricter with each update, the handling of high-risk ingredients for allergy sufferers is strictly regulated. A list of 26 fragrances has been created (today there are heated discussions about expanding it to 127 substances!) that can cause allergies, and if they are part of a perfume, then their names must be written on the packaging. This is a significant change - previously it was enough to indicate fragrance/parfum, which meant a unique combination of fragrances (secret perfume formula).

If the new rules actually come into force, this will significantly affect the composition of perfumes. For example, some allergenic oils, including rose, lavender and clove - the main ones in perfumery - will be allowed for use in perfumes only in an amount of 0.01% of the total volume. Such innovations have a twofold result: on the one hand, they significantly affect the production process, limiting the capabilities of perfumers, and on the other, they reduce the risk of irritation from perfume products. In any case, a person suffering from an allergy usually knows what the reaction is to, and should read the ingredients on the product packaging more carefully. If you are serious about switching to organic perfumes, be prepared for the fact that it will take some time - from finding one you like fragrance before learning how to use it. Fortunately, today there are quite a few available on the international market. big choice natural aromas.

Today, perfume can be not only pleasant and extraordinary, but also environmentally friendly. Brands create perfumes avoiding synthetics and chemicals, and pay attention to environmentally friendly production and packaging. We chose 10 interesting options eco-friendly fragrances, and also learned what perfumers think about this direction and how to choose natural perfumes.


Actress Gwyneth Paltrow adheres to proper nutrition and leads healthy image life. No wonder her brand Goop offers eco-friendly perfumes

Edition 01. This fragrance is suitable for both men and women. According to the authors of Goop, Edition 01 seems to transport its fans to a cozy library. The smell helps you imagine yourself with a book in a soft chair near the fireplace, where the wood is crackling, and the aromas of wood, pine needles and printed pages of a paper book are in the air.

Light vanilla sweetness, cypress, cloves, juniper, and olibanum (incense) help eco-perfume “paint” such a picture. By the way, Goop also produces decorative candles with the Edition 01 scent.


Creator of this brand long years was married to rock star - Rolling Stones guitarist Roney Wood. Jo did not limit herself to the role of just a wife - she became her husband’s stage stylist, and also worked as a group manager in the 70s and 80s. But life with musicians can often be nervous and difficult. In 1989, Jo became seriously ill.

Alternative medicine helped her regain her health - a familiar herbalist convinced Wood to completely abandon any chemistry.

As a result, Jo began to carefully monitor her diet. Even the fruits she ate were only those grown on the family estate in Ireland.

Joe's attitude towards cosmetics also changed. She created the Jo Wood Organics brand, products that are environmentally friendly, but at the same time pleasing to the eye with a luxurious design. Wood released her own perfume in 2008 and 2009. The brand has come up with four scents, two for women and two for unisex.

Among them you can find woody, floral and other options. For example, Usiku is memorable for its spicy composition, while Amka impresses with its transition from notes of mandarin, neroli and orange to jasmine and rose, and all this combined with notes of cedar.


Olivia Giacobetti was the “star” of the world of perfumery - it was she who came up with new fragrances for L’Artisan Parfumeur, Diptyque and Guerlain. And then she chose to create her own brand, Honoré Des Prés.

In 2008, she introduced five organic fragrances at once. Unusual combinations of wormwood, sage, basil, and sunflower impressed eco-perfume lovers.

Two years later she released new collection fragrances, which also attract attention with packaging. Bottles of We Love New York perfume are sold not in boxes, but in one of the symbols of this legendary big city - in coffee to go cups.

The scents are not inferior in originality to the first versions - notes of rum and resin were mixed in the perfume with carrot flowers and coriander leaves.

Fans of rum and resin need Vamp a NY, those partial to coconut, vanilla and coriander need Love Coco, and those who are interested in the combination of carrot flowers, sweet orange, patchouli and iris can recommend a composition called I Love Les Carottes.


At first, the Red Flower series from Barneys New York meant aromatherapy candles and flower teas. Today we are talking about a variety of eco-products for the body and hair. Of course, we didn’t ignore the aromas.

The founder of the company, Yael Alkalay, who previously developed the Shiseido brand as an art director, took part in their creation. Yael has an amazing pedigree - among her relatives are Turkish rabbis, farmers from Argentina, Kyiv musicians and Bulgarian dermatologists.

This unprecedented combination of cultures and traditions affected the originality of the fragrances. Moreover, in addition to smells, perfumers also promise pleasant side effects.

Ambrette, a unisex perfume combining geranium, hibiscus, cloves, incense, pepper, rose, stimulates mental activity. The women's fragrance Champa, where notes of champaka complement mimosa, osmanthus, jasmine, rose and more, treats headaches. And the other female version eco-perfume, Guaiac based on grapefruit, tobacco, rose, relieves tension.


Californian perfumer Nannette Pallrand, founder of organic fragrance brand Rich Hippie, believes that using synthetics in perfume creation is a matter of life and death.

Plants grown with pesticides are dangerous raw materials, and their use can lead to cancer.

Her company's perfumers work with materials that have not come into contact with toxic chemicals.

The company also helps to achieve maximum naturalness using recipes that were used before World War II, when synthetic ingredients were not yet added to perfumes.

This means that Rich Hippie fragrances are created from the essential oils of wild or organically grown flowers and plants. Even the alcohol in these perfumes is special - natural, obtained from grapes.

Many components are brought from distant countries - roses from Bulgaria and Turkey, citrus fruits from Brazil, spices from the East and Africa. It is not surprising that the collections are limited and such fragrances are not easy to obtain. The names that echo the brand name are also memorable: Nirvana, Woodstock, Krishna, Flower Child, Shambhala.


This brand is highly respected by those who strive for an eco-friendly lifestyle. Clean Reserve produces its perfume in a solar-powered plant.

The fragrances are bottled in bottles that are suitable for recycling and reuse. Even the cellophane for packaging is exclusively biodegradable.

The aromas themselves are also interesting. Thus, Clean Reserve Reserve Rain inspires with that freshness and pleasant coolness that is felt outside after a summer rain. It is based on the scent of cucumber and water lily.

Reserve Rain is a unisex option, it is suitable for everyday wear and combines harmoniously with other scents.


New London brand Floral Street sometimes creates organic scents on a dare. That's what happened with Neon Rose. In the laboratory of a perfume house they bet on a bottle of punch. It is not surprising that the winning scent seems a little chaotic - it was created too quickly and impulsively.

Floral Street Neon Rose is recommended for both women and men, although it is entirely composed of floral scents - jasmine, apple tree, and, of course, rose. With aromas of fresh greenery and fragrant flowers, perfumer Jerome Epinette strives to revive the modern “concrete jungle”, the cold and reserved urban environment.

Neon Rose is like a fragrant accessory, a stylish scarf made of jasmine and roses. It helps to come to terms with the restraint of big cities.

An important point: the Floral Street brand pays a lot of attention to paper packaging - innovative developments have made it biodegradable.


The perfume house Sana Jardin manages to solve several important problems. Carlos Banaem, the man behind best-selling fragrances such as Polo Ralph Lauren, is responsible for the perfumes here. Its aromas are remembered for a long time.

The company follows eco-principles in everything - from the ban on testing cosmetics on animals to biodegradable packaging.

The brand's social responsibility is also reflected in the fact that it creates jobs for women in Morocco.

There perfumes are literally born, that is, produced. Including such a Sana Jardin hit as Berber Blond. Combining orange blossom with neroli oil and musk, the scent immediately gives the illusion that you are in sun-drenched Morocco.


Russian perfumer Anna Zvorykina is sure that perfumes should reflect the emotions of their owners and evoke emotions in those who wear them. Anna has been creating her fragrances for more than 15 years only from natural ingredients - essential oils, CO2 extracts, flower waxes. The perfumer understands materials - she is a biochemist, candidate of biological sciences.

In 2014, Anna Zvorykina published a book about natural perfumes “From cloves to sandalwood. Olfactory alphabet and guide to the world of natural fragrances." Her collection already includes more than 50 perfumes.

Anna Zvorykina knows Russian reality very well, which is why her hit scents include 150 Days to Summer. She created this perfume in snowy January, remembering what it is like when there is nothing but sunshine, greenery and flowers all around. Citrus fruits, greens, currant buds, and herbs helped convey summer happiness. They say that if you apply perfume generously, you can feel summer at any time of the year.


Anna Gerasimova is a perfumer, a student of Anna Zvorykina, she also works only with natural ingredients. Gerasimova opened her perfume house 10 years ago.

She is inspired by cinema, medieval books, and spanish dancing. Among her interesting works is Masala chai, an oriental unisex fragrance. It is named after the traditional Indian spice-based tea drink. The aroma composition is based on notes of black tea, oolong, pu-erh, as well as bergamot, citrus fruits, herbs and spices.

Lidiya Lozovaya, perfumer, member of the Guild of Perfumers of Russia, creator of the laboratory of individual fragrances "iliparfum"

— Natural perfumes can almost always be distinguished from unnatural ones - their aroma is very unusual for a nose accustomed to synthetics. Often, when meeting them for the first time, a person does not even perceive natural perfume as perfume.

It’s interesting to try such options - it’s a new experience. And the rules for choosing a fragrance do not depend on their composition. It doesn’t matter whether we are talking about eco-perfumes or synthetic ones, the algorithm is the same.

The main thing is how the scent will reveal itself to you, whether you like it, whether you want to wear it. There is no dependence on the degree of naturalness of the composition of the perfume and its durability.

The eco-friendly option can be very unstable if it contains highly volatile components. And, conversely, natural aroma can be “indestructible” thanks to natural fixatives.

The difference between ecological perfumes and synthetic perfumes is purely conceptual. If it is important for you that your perfume is natural, choose only trusted names of perfumers. Among the Russians, Anna Zvorykina and Anna Gerasimova have been engaged in ecological perfumes for many years; among the foreign ones, Mandy Aftel and April Aromatics are known.