What you need for a wedding: a list down to the smallest detail.  Wedding preparations

What you need for a wedding: a list down to the smallest detail. Wedding preparations

Wedding day is one of the most memorable and bright days in the life of the bride and groom. In order for the guests and the guests of the event to be satisfied and the holiday to be truly a success, you should determine in advance what is needed for the wedding. It’s easy to make a list down to the smallest detail yourself. You can organize the celebration on your own or entrust this task to professionals in this field, who will take into account the preferences and capabilities of the future newlyweds.

Important gala event: let’s identify the key points

A complete list of things to do and little things for a wedding should be compiled point by point, each specifically describing to whom, when and what needs to be done. Thanks to this plan, you will be able to take into account the nuances that arise along the way and insure yourself against rash decisions made at the last moment. In addition, the preparation for the wedding itself requires a separate schedule. You can determine what you need for a wedding yourself or use ready-made lists compiled by experts in this field.

First, a few key points are determined:

1. The date of the wedding.

2. Budget.

3. Witnesses and guests (how many people will be invited, who will be a witness).

This is followed by a series of formalities: choosing a registry office and submitting an application, making a decision to change or maintain the bride’s surname, paying a fee, choosing the format of the painting ceremony (exit or on site), agreeing on current nuances with a registry office employee.

If you are holding a wedding yourself, these recommendations will help you

At the next stage, the bride and groom need to finally decide whether to resolve organizational issues on their own or seek help from a wedding agency. If you chose the first option, then the list below of what you need for your wedding will be relevant. Full list:

1. For the bride:

Dress + veil;

Shoes + handbag (if desired);

Underwear, tights/stockings - 2 pairs (one for spare), garter;

Confectioner/cafe who will make and decorate the wedding cake;




Tutor for staging the newlyweds' first dance.

What else do you need to consider?

Here is a basic list of what you need for a wedding. The list is supplemented to the smallest detail if necessary. detailed descriptions. It should be taken into account that in the turmoil you can forget important things that at the time of drawing up the plan seem to be self-evident.

The tradition for most weddings is to organize the abduction and subsequent ransom of the bride. To do this, you need to think through the scenario, select the appropriate attributes and stock up on money.

These are the main points that determine what is needed for a wedding. List down to the smallest detail of additional services and possible options is given below.

The wedding ceremony takes place at the registry office

All actions begin with the registry office. Required elements for:


Rings/pad for them;

Champagne/paraphernalia optional.

When ordering transport, you need to know the exact number of invited people, decide on the style of the wedding car and its decor. You should also take into account the transfer not only to the venue of the celebration, but also after it ends (to homes, hotels, etc.). The event time is considered as a period of downtime and is paid at the appropriate rate. You need to remember this when allocating your budget.

If you hold the ceremony not in the registry office, but in another, more interesting, beautiful place

In case of an outdoor ceremony you will need:

Seating for guests;

Decorative elements as desired.

Often, when ordering photo sessions, you need to select your own decorative elements. When communicating with a photographer, you need to discuss all the details down to the smallest detail so that you can enjoy posing on your wedding day. Usually, a few days before the event, a trial photo session is organized, at which successful angles are selected.

When agreeing with the restaurant administrator about a banquet, you should clarify the issue of alcohol. It is much more economical to purchase drinks yourself if this is permitted by the management of the establishment. Also, special attention should be paid to wedding paraphernalia (floral arches, Balloons, candles, ribbons with symbols), installation of fireworks, as well as seating of guests (according to name cards) and music.

A little conclusion

Thus, a review of the most popular elements of a wedding celebration has been compiled, which will serve as a hint and guide for young people who decide to get married.

A wedding is the most romantic event in life. Girls dream about her since childhood. But, as practice shows, a wedding is an event with a complex structure that requires careful preparation. I will tell you what you need for a wedding, I will give lists of the most popular things down to the smallest detail.

Be sure to make a list of important points yourself or assign the task to a professional organizer. When making wishes, be guided by the possibilities, otherwise you may find yourself in an unpleasant situation when the festive event does not meet expectations.

TOP important things

Create a budget and event plan

  1. You can organize a themed or conceptual wedding, some come up with unique scenarios to make the wedding unique.
  2. The wedding can be stylized as the Middle Ages or choose the beginning of the last century.
  3. Outdoor weddings celebrated outdoors under beautiful canopies or in festive tents. A special company can organize the celebration. If your budget is modest, you can do everything yourself. It will turn out much cheaper.
  4. The official part of the event can be manipulated. In most cases, they are registered in the registry office. You can register a marriage without a ceremony, and hold the holiday on another day.


  1. If your plans include a wedding in a church, do not forget about church holidays when the ceremony is not permitted.
  2. If you decide to get married, you will need special headdresses. In general, a wedding is fraught with additional costs due to the purchase of candles and payment for choir services.


  1. The feast is the most anticipated part of the wedding. Banquets are ordered in restaurants and cafes. Preference is given to well-known establishments.
  2. When talking with the restaurant administration, be sure to discuss the number of guests and the possibility of bringing certain products with them. You need a lot of alcohol, so it’s better to buy vodka or cognac yourself.
  3. Order main and hot dishes in portions. Choose slices and salads as a dish and place them on the table for variety.

Useful little things

  1. If you organize a wedding yourself, numerous worries will not allow you to relax. Entrust the task to friends, relatives or a wedding agency.
  2. Be sure to take care of decorating the cars and the party hall. From a savings point of view, it is better to rent.
  3. After solving organizational issues, invite guests. Use cards or email. In the invitation, indicate the place, date and type of celebration.

Video tips

Now you have an idea of ​​the things you need for a wedding. Although, this is really just a performance. Organizing a wedding event is hectic and requires significant effort. What can we say about nerves?

What does a bride need for a wedding?

A joyful day is fast approaching. Every day there is less time, and the number of worries increases.

Any girl wants to look stunning at a wedding, and what worries her most is the festive look. Organizing the event, wedding procession and other issues fades into the background.

I believe that the accumulated troubles can be safely placed on the shoulders of the parents; they will be happy to help. The future bride should pay special attention to her outfit.


  1. Choose a dress. Giving advice on choosing is stupid. Each bride has her own preferences and tastes. In any store, wedding dresses are presented in a huge assortment of styles and colors.
  2. To make the right choice, visit all the salons and stores. Go shopping in the company of your mother or friend, they will help you try on and evaluate the outfit from the outside.
  3. It is not recommended to look for a dress without trying it on. Only trying on will allow you to choose the perfect outfit.
  4. The veil is considered an essential attribute of the bride. It is better to choose a veil with tight edges, so it will retain its shape.
  5. Stockings, garters and underwear deserve special attention. Choose these items to match the tone of your main outfit.

Bridal bouquet

  1. Can you imagine a bride without a bouquet? Me not. It is recommended to order flowers from large stores. Salons will make a wonderful flower arrangement, which you don’t even want to throw over your shoulder.
  2. In most cases, a wedding bouquet has a strong base that adds weight. Therefore, calculate the weight of the bouquet with physical capabilities, because it will have to be worn for a long time.

Hairstyle and jewelry

  1. Wedding hairstyle choose based on your face shape and hair length. Fresh flowers are often used to decorate hair. This fashionable hairstyle goes well with a bouquet and looks great.
  2. Don't ignore jewelry and accessories. There are various wreaths, necklaces and bracelets that complement the bride's look.
  3. Jewelry choose ones that match your wedding ring. Co wedding dress pearls match perfectly.

Wedding shoes

  1. Shoes should be beautiful and comfortable. You'll have to forget the stilettos for a day. Ideal option Pumps are considered. They allow you to move freely and dance easily without fear of sudden falls.
  2. Some brides prefer boots. True fans of extreme sports go to the altar in sneakers.
  3. Don't forget to break in your shoes a little before the wedding. Otherwise, during festive event, you will think not about your husband, but about calluses.

Ideas and life hacks. Top 10 points for a flawless wedding

Without the listed things, you won’t be able to create a beautiful image. You can use several additional accessories, including a handbag or hat.

Regardless of the choice of clothes and shoes, remember, everything should be within reason. If you like the look, your guests will like it too.

The main points for the groom for the wedding

If you are destined to become a groom, start actively preparing. Marriage has many advantages. Management trusts married employees more; they allow happy lovers to be nearby.


  • Take care of your health. Visit the dentist to get a stunning smile in your photos. If you have problems with your teeth, visit your doctor in advance, since dental treatment is a lengthy procedure.
  • The main organ receiving a titanic load is the heart. The groom will have to keep order, communicate with guests, pay attention to the bride, constantly smile and dance.

Hair, nails, skin

  • To wedding image has become unique and flawless, on the eve of the wedding be sure to visit a hairdresser, manicurist and makeup artist. If your nails, skin or hair are problematic, take vitamin complexes a few weeks before the important date.
  • Only from healthy hair the stylist will create fashionable hairstyle. Hands look well-groomed if the nail plate is neatly trimmed.

Wedding suit

  • Deserves special attention wedding suit. Choose festive outfit early. Contrary to wedding signs and traditions, according to which lovers should not see outfits until the wedding itself, it is a good idea to try them on together. In this case, the couple will look perfect.
  • When choosing a fashionable suit, make sure it is convenient and comfortable. If the model you like is tight or restricts movement, choose something more comfortable.


  • Be sure to check out the photographs of the bride's relatives and friends. The groom does not always know everyone invited to the event.
  • If you manage to remember faces, you will avoid various incidents. Even one successful phrase will help leave a good impression on the bride’s family.

As you can see, it’s a little easier for the groom in terms of preparing for the wedding. But this does not mean that you should take the process lightly. Even a small trifle, left unattended in a hurry, can cause great disappointment.

DIY wedding

Preparing guests for the wedding

Preparing for a wedding involves resolving many important issues related to choosing a registry office, purchasing wedding dresses, organizing a banquet. Don't forget about the guests.

It is the guests who shout “Bitter!”, take part in competitions, give valuable gifts, and delight the newlyweds with warm and affectionate parting words.

Guests must be present at the wedding, unless the newlyweds decide to limit themselves to registration at the registry office and a romantic dinner in a cafe for two.

  1. Before attending a wedding, be in a good mood. We are not happy to see a gloomy or sad guest. If you were unable to lift your mood and you are an introvert, it is better to leave, voicing a plausible excuse.
  2. It would not hurt the guest to meet the witnesses who will tell the plan of action. This way, you won’t have to constantly ask the newlyweds, delayed by pre-wedding preparations, when and what will happen.
  3. Each guest must realize that he is the main element of the wedding. Therefore, the return should be maximum. He must make toasts and participate in entertainment activities. Agree, even a beautifully decorated hall filled with sad people will lose its festive atmosphere.
  4. Activity should be moderate; if lovers refuse to do something, you should not insist so as not to put them in an awkward position.
  5. Not a single wedding event takes place without photography and video filming. The role of the guest in this matter is extremely important. He should not interfere and must be present in the frame at the right moment. There is no need to give a professional photographer recommendations.
  6. The guest is the first assistant of the toastmaster. Of course, the presenter has a special script, in the drafting of which the newlyweds participated. But, good toastmaster leads the program “adjusted for the wind.” Guests should coordinate amateur activities with the toastmaster, so as not to please the newlyweds with an unpleasant surprise.
  7. Every guest will have to say a toast sooner or later. Prepare it in advance. If you don’t know how to say toasts, remember and voice them interesting story from the life of newlyweds. The main thing is that the story does not turn out to be compromising or does not reveal any secret.

If you are lucky enough to be on wedding event, sing, dance, tell funny jokes. You can team up with other guests and show an interesting skit.

Organizing a wedding celebration is not an easy task, but such a small test is good training for the future family life. When preparing for a wedding, the bride and groom must learn to jointly make the right decisions, distribute responsibilities, respect the opinion of their spouse, and find compromises. The wedding to-do list is not limited to just the banquet and decorations, because everyone wants the holiday to be unique. And in order to achieve what they want, future newlyweds must make a lot of effort.

First you need to think carefully list of necessary things and things to do for a wedding and create a preparation schedule so that you don’t have to solve important issues in a hurry later. First of all, of course, you need to decide on the scenario for the celebration and the number of guests. The list of everything needed for the wedding will largely depend on this. To organize your holiday, you can use a standard to-do list before the wedding and for the wedding and a list of necessary things for the wedding, offered by specialists in the field of celebrations. Of course, you will need to add to the list everything that is needed for the wedding according to the chosen scenario. These could be additional details and services, gifts for guests, costumes, etc.

List of important things and little things for the wedding:

List of necessary things for a wedding:

  1. Invitations for guests.
  2. Dress for the bride for the wedding and on the second day, if it is celebrated.
  3. Suit for the groom.
  4. Rings and ring cushion.
  5. Money for payment at the registry office, bride price, and other expenses on the wedding day.
  6. Witness ribbons.
  7. Champagne, glasses, towel for the registry office.
  8. Passports, required receipts for signature.
  9. Drinks, snacks and dishes for the walk after painting.
  10. Decorations for cars.
  11. Decorations for the entrance.
  12. Bouquet for the bride.
  13. Flower petals, millet, candies, coins for sprinkling the bride and groom.
  14. Loaf.
  15. Wedding glasses.
  16. Details for wedding competitions.
  17. Gifts for guests.
  18. Batteries for cameras.
  19. Decorations for the newlyweds' bedroom.
  20. It is recommended to have a first aid kit in the car, and also at a banquet a set of medications can be useful that will help avoid some fairly common problems, for example, anti-allergic drugs, as well as products for digestion and the removal of alcohol intoxication.

A week before the celebration, you need to carefully check whether the list of everything you need for a wedding, as well as what remains to be purchased and done.

A list of everything you need for a wedding should be printed in several copies for everyone who takes part in organizing the celebration. On each copy, you should note what task is assigned to whom, and highlight tasks for the owner of the list. Then there will be no confusion, and everyone will clearly know for which part they are responsible, and if questions or ideas arise on other items, it will be clear who to contact, so as not to disturb the bride or groom once again.

With proper organization, all preparations for the wedding will take place in a warm atmosphere of love and mutual understanding, and the celebration will remain a bright and wonderful memory for a lifetime.

Preparing for a wedding celebration is a responsible matter that requires a serious approach. So that nothing spoils the holiday, you need to think through every little thing. Therefore, you first need to make a list of necessary things for the wedding. Our article will help you compile a detailed list of them.

List of important things and little things for the bride and groom

If you decide to organize the celebration yourself, then it is advisable for you to familiarize yourself in advance with what is needed for the wedding. The list to the smallest detail should include the following points:

  1. It is necessary to decide on the wedding date and submit documents to the registry office.
  2. Choose outfits for the bride and groom.
  3. Decide on a cafe or restaurant where the banquet is planned. It is advisable to first discuss the menu with the administration of the establishment, which can subsequently be adjusted.
  4. Consider video and photography. Don’t skimp on this point, because this is a wedding memory that will stay with you for life.
  5. Select rings. You can order items from a jeweler self made or purchase ready-made ones in a specialized store.
  6. Decorate the room where the wedding will be held. To make the hall look festive, it is better to use the services of a specialist who will select beautiful drapery with fabric, flowers and balloons.
  7. Arrange transport. Think in advance about what not only the newlyweds, but also the guests of the holiday will wear to the wedding.
  8. Book a DJ or musicians. No holiday is complete without music, but its accompaniment should be taken care of in advance.
  9. Choose a presenter or toastmaster. This role cannot be trusted to a non-professional, as he can ruin all the fun. Only a prepared person can turn into a joke the unpleasant situations that sometimes arise during a holiday.
  10. Order a cake. It doesn't matter where to buy it. The most important thing is that the baked goods turn out not only beautiful, but also tasty.
  11. If you are planning a wedding, you should take care in advance of a traditional icon and towel.
  12. Think over wedding invitations. These can be classic paper cards or musical invitations sent by email.

List for the bride

At a wedding celebration, the main hero of the occasion should look fashionable, stylish and unique. Therefore, the bride must decide what she needs for the wedding. A list of every detail must be prepared in advance. It may include:

  1. Wedding outfit. Check in advance for wrinkles or stains on the dress. It must be ironed, hung on hangers and put away in a secluded place.
  2. Veil. It is advisable to try on the veil in advance, since some brides have to cut it if the length does not harmonize with the outfit.
  3. Shoes. Shoes must be perfectly clean.
  4. Tights or stockings. Be sure to bring a spare pair with you.
  5. Jewelry and hair accessories. So that you don’t have to look for them at the most crucial moment, put them in a bag and place them near the dress.
  6. Underwear. Make sure in advance that there are no stains or puffs on the lace.
  7. Shoulder cape. On winter days this item is indispensable.
  8. Outfit for the second day. Make sure in advance that the dress is clean and not wrinkled.
  9. A bag with everything you need. It (the bride's friend or mother will carry it with her) should contain a mirror, perfume, powder, wet and dry wipes, and a mobile phone.

What does a bride need for her wedding? The list goes on. Don't forget that you need to make an appointment with a hairdresser and makeup artist in advance. If you decide to “beautify” yourself, make sure in advance that everything necessary funds and products are in stock.

List of things for the groom

The groom should prepare for the upcoming wedding no less than his other half. The list of necessary things for a male representative is smaller, but they should not be forgotten. Therefore, the young man must decide in advance what he needs for the wedding. It is better to make a list down to the smallest detail with your future wife. So:

In a separate bag you need to put all the things that should be at hand on the wedding day: a handkerchief, a phone charger and the mobile phone itself, eau de toilette.

List of things you must take with you on a walk

Is this all you need for a wedding? A complete list of small items should include things needed for a walk:

  • Disposable tableware. It is better to take a little more glasses than the number of guests who will come to the holiday.
  • Glasses that can be broken “for good luck.” Just think in advance where you will hit them.
  • Sandwiches, champagne, sweets and other treats for guests.
  • Garbage bags. Many people forget about this little thing, so necessary on a walk. But dirty plates and glasses need to be put somewhere, so without garbage bag there's no way around it.

List of things for the registry office

What should you buy for your wedding? Let's look at the full list of things for the wedding ceremony below:

List of little things you will need in a restaurant

What do you need for a wedding? The list of necessary things is presented below:

  • Glasses for newlyweds.
  • Gifts for participants in games and competitions. Place the gifts in a separate bag and don’t forget to give it to the toastmaster.
  • Candles. If your holiday will include the “Lighting of the Family Hearth” ceremony, then you cannot do without candles.
  • Decorated champagne that should be on the newlyweds' table. Many lovers order this champagne, but forget to take the bottles to the restaurant.
  • Wedding bouquet-understudy. If the witness's bouquet acts as a backup, then you don't have to worry about the second bouquet that you will throw into the hall.

List of little things that need to be picked up from the restaurant after the end of the holiday

After the wedding evening is over, don't forget to pick up:

  • Bouquets of flowers.
  • Guest presentations.
  • Alcohol and remaining products. Just take containers with you in advance in which you can pack leftover salads, cold cuts and meat dishes.
  • Figurines used to decorate a cake.

Once you have determined what you need for your wedding, full list If you have compiled your things, first put all the items into bags. To avoid confusion, each bag must be signed: “To the registry office”, “For a walk”, etc. Then on the day of the wedding, all you have to do is grab all the packages and hand them over to the people responsible for it.

How much food and alcoholic drinks do you need?

If you have not yet fully decided what you need for the wedding, the list down to the smallest detail should include an approximate list of food and alcoholic drinks that you need to rely on when planning the holiday:

What else do you need for a wedding celebration?

We will divide the little things necessary for the wedding ceremony into the following groups:

And don’t forget that video and photography for a wedding celebration is very important, as it will allow you to capture on film all the smallest details of this holiday. Be sure to meet with all specialists in advance to discuss the details.

First you need to make a list of all the necessary procedures:
  • Specify the date of the wedding;

  • Calculate the wedding budget;

  • Decide on the number of guests and make a list;

  • Select witnesses;

  • Decide with the registry office, write an application, and so on;

  • Consider whether you can organize the wedding on your own, or turn to companies that take full responsibility upon themselves. It’s easier to contact a company; they will select several options for you based on your budget, which will relieve responsibility and worry about the fact that you forgot or didn’t take something into account. If you organize everything yourself, read the rest of the list;

  • You need to choose a place for the celebration;

  • Consider the taste preferences of guests and decide on the menu;

  • Decorate the place of celebration;

  • Find a good cameraman and photographer;

  • Find famous musicians, agree on sound accompaniment, and most importantly, choose music for the first dance;

  • Together with the toastmaster, think through the scenario, write a specific scenario with all the actions. It is better to give this job to the toastmaster;

  • Find a makeup artist and hairdresser;

  • Agree with friends or relatives from other cities to settle them in your city for the duration of the holiday;

  • Send out all invitations to guests;

  • Find a transport company, decide on the number of buses and cars to accommodate all the guests;

  • Place an order for an individual cake;

  • Plan a vacation during your honeymoon;

  • Plan a bachelor and bachelorette party;

  • Plan all the most difficult things in advance so that there are no unnecessary problems on your wedding day. Leave simple matters for the wedding day;

  • Check with the guests if everything suits them. Maybe they'll add something of their own to holiday program, if so, do everything they tell you (within reasonable limits).

How much money do you need for a wedding?

Most young couples have no idea how much a wedding costs. Although many people think that they can spend 150-200 thousand rubles. It is impossible to say the exact cost, as many unforeseen costs will arise. Most often, you need to add about 30% to the budget so that everything goes without surprises. Below we will write the average cost of everything you need.
Bride's dress
The cost of dresses varies greatly, for example, you can buy a dress for 5 thousand rubles, or for 200 thousand rubles. Good dress costs about 50 thousand rubles, if you look average price. If you search hard, you can find a dress for 15 thousand rubles, but this is very rare. The cost of a veil is one thousand rubles, and the cost of gloves is 2 thousand rubles. Beautiful wedding shoes cost about 3 thousand rubles. We determined the cost by looking at catalogs wedding shops Of course, prices could go up or down.

Groom suit
Most often, men choose a suit very quickly and do not make many demands on it. A good suit costs about 10 thousand rubles, but if you have a lot of money and want to look really beautiful, feel free to buy a suit for 30-50 thousand rubles. Beautiful leather boots you can buy for 5 thousand rubles, do not forget that you will wear them even after the wedding. The cost of a shirt is 2-4 thousand rubles, a tie and belt is a thousand rubles.
The bride's bouquet
The bouquet is very expensive, but it’s better not to skimp. Contact florists at a well-known flower shop to have the bouquet made with a special handle. You will have to walk around with it all day, and if you save on a bouquet, it will only cause discomfort. You can buy a bouquet for 3-4 thousand rubles.
Car rent
As usual, the cost depends on the quality, and due to the fact that everyone wants to see beautiful foreign cars at the wedding, you will have to spend a lot of money. The cost of a good passenger car is in the range of 600-1500 rubles per hour. The minimum cost of a limousine is 800 rubles per hour. Passenger cars are more popular than limousines because they handle better and can be driven much faster.

Videography and photography
The range of prices for these services is also very high, but the average cost per hour for a photographer is 2 thousand rubles. Moreover, you will receive all the photos in two weeks, because it will take time to process and smooth out defects. You also only need to select best photos, change color scheme, add several effects at your request and so on. The cost of photographing a wedding is approximately 20 thousand rubles, but since there are many beginner photographers now, you can save money. It is advisable to choose a trusted person with reviews and examples of work. Don’t ask your friends to take pictures of you, the photos will turn out to be of poor quality and blurry, and editing them will be very problematic. The cost of video is higher - 15-40 thousand rubles, the rules for choosing an operator are the same.
Many people save on toastmasters and think that their friends will help them. Unfortunately, friends also want to relax, so at best, they will only slightly spoil the holiday. Use the services of a toastmaster, it will cost about 20 thousand rubles.

You can decorate a formal hall and a car for 20 thousand rubles. Approximately 3 thousand will be spent on decorating the cars and 15 thousand on decorating the hall.
Banqueting hall
You can rent both a buffet and banquet hall. The cost of renting a banquet hall is quite high; for one person you will have to pay one and a half thousand rubles, not taking into account alcohol. The buffet room costs the same, but there are certain time frames. They can provide you with a buffet hall for only two hours.
total cost
Considering all of the above, we can conclude that the average cost of a wedding is 300 thousand rubles. Of course, a lot depends on your preferences and budget; for some, 300 thousand won’t even be enough for a wedding dress.

What rings are needed for a wedding?

All wedding rings are made in a classic style, there is no engraving or coating of precious stones, they are made from the same material, so they have uniform color. In many ways, this represents the life of the newlyweds, it should be smooth and unified, and the rings demonstrate this to others.
The most popular wedding rings are made from solid gold, but that doesn't mean you can't get rings made from platinum or silver. It all depends solely on your taste preferences, if you love platinum, buy platinum ones. Recently, the fashion for titanium wedding rings has grown.
Many people believe that wedding rings not only unite the newlyweds, but also protect them from harmful magical influences, such as damage or the evil eye. Therefore, under no circumstances should the rings be removed. Also, they should not be given to other people to “look at” or try on.
Never buy rings made from melted or sawn materials, even if your parents offer you their own rings. Never get married with a widow's ring, this is a very bad omen. After a divorce, you cannot sell rings, wear them, store them in your apartment, and so on, this will have a very negative impact on your life. If one of the spouses was in a plane crash or died of an incurable disease, you cannot throw away the ring - you need to keep it and wear it, but on your left hand. Of course, everything here is very individual, since the ring will take you back to the past and cause a feeling of separation and severe stress.
Traditionally, parents pass on their rings to their children. But you obviously shouldn’t do this, for example, if you don’t want to follow the life path of your parents and repeat their fate. Rings accumulate energy, remember quarrels and happy moments, and you will have to experience the same. If you want to play it safe, take the rings from your parents, but only if they had a happy marriage.

What to buy for the wedding

Re-read the list and add anything you might have forgotten.
Bride's wedding dress:
  • Crinoline, dress, gloves, veil with comb, tights or stockings;

  • Wedding garters, it is advisable to buy several at once - one for memory and the second for the groom to throw;

  • Buy shoes before buying a dress to check fit and comfort;

  • Glitter hairspray;

  • Flowers for hairstyles along with jewelry and a tiara;

  • To make a hairstyle, you need rhinestones, flowers and broaches;

  • It may rain during the photo session, just in case, buy a white umbrella;

  • If the wedding is being held in winter, buy a stole, fur coat or cape;

  • A bag for storing lipstick and phone;

  • Meet with your stylist in advance to determine the amount of cosmetics and special skin preparation products, such as foundation.

Suit for the groom:
  • Tuxedo or black classic suit;

  • Cufflinks and shirt;

  • Boots;

  • Tie clip;

  • Bow tie or tie;

  • Boutonniere with artificial or fresh flowers;

  • Handkerchief.

Bride ransom competition:
  • Garlands and posters for the competition;

  • Souvenir wedding money to make the competition more interesting;

  • Sets with ready-made competitions for bride price;

  • Balloons to decorate the apartment and entrance.

To go to the registry office and travel around the city you need the following:
  • Car decoration: license plate stickers, hood tapes, heart magnets and so on;

  • Glasses for breaking, but it is better to take several glasses to drink first and then break. Buy bags in advance to store garbage, otherwise you will remember for the rest of your life that you left broken glass in the yard or on the road;

  • To launch air lanterns and make a wish, you need to buy “airships of wishes” or “air lanterns” in a wedding store.

Arrival at the registry office:
  • We need passports of the bride and groom and wedding rings, otherwise the wedding will fail;

  • Order a beautiful wedding bouquet for the bride in advance;

  • Buy a cover that shows marriage;

  • Don't forget the ring cushion.

To surprise the newlyweds and meet them after the wedding, you need the following:
  • A petal basket for guests to shower on the bride and groom;

  • Buy a lot of rose petals in advance;

  • You will also need wedding rice, candies and coins for showering.

How long should you date before marriage?

Almost all family psychologists They believe that in order to get married, you need to date or live together for about six months. Although many are against this point of view, because six months is too short. It is better to live together for one or two years in order to find out exactly all the weaknesses of your partner, survive several quarrels, begin to trust each other, and so on. Often couples break up after the first quarrel, so holding a wedding is pointless - the money will be wasted, and friends will not understand why they had a wedding if there was no trust in each other. Don’t forget that in six months or a year you will have to introduce your chosen one to your parents, and this decides a lot - if the parents don’t like your significant other, then the wedding most likely will not take place.
Of course, you shouldn’t drag out the relationship either. For example, in two years love may pass, feelings will disappear, and you will no longer want to get married. Perhaps this is for the best, since real love lasts longer than two to three years. In two years, changes can occur in the lives of lovers. The guy will advance in his career and will have no free time left for the girl. He will work more and save for an apartment and a car, but the girl will not understand this and will consider it a lack of feelings, or, even worse, will think that he has found himself another girl. A girl may be offered to study abroad, and since there is nothing holding her back in the country, she will go to study new profession and build new life. It is better to think about a wedding during a relationship and hold it in a year in order to move through life together and make joint plans for the future.

Do you need a veil for a wedding?

Of course, a veil is considered the most important accessory. In recent years, it has lost its relevance; brides practically do not wear a veil, but here everything is very individual. The fact is that a veil can spoil the impression of the bride’s image. In rare cases, girls do not buy a veil because they consider it an unacceptable tradition that has long become obsolete.
You can decorate your veil with tiny pearls, embroidery, rhinestones, crystals and (faux) diamonds. If you choose a neat veil to match your outfit, you will look great. You can buy a simple dress without large quantity jewelry, but at the same time buy a very beautiful veil. It looks very cool, but nowadays almost no one does this. You can do the opposite - decorate the dress with crushed pearls and buy a veil with the same decoration, but you need to maintain a balance so that there are not too many pearls. In any case, you have plenty of time and you can experiment with the combination of dress and veil or abandon it altogether.