What to hang first - balloons or garland.  How to decorate a Christmas tree correctly

What to hang first - balloons or garland. How to decorate a Christmas tree correctly

Glowing garlands and streamers are required on the New Year tree, and all this must be twisted around the tree in a spiral. Garlands can be complemented with rain and “flowing” accessories.

Christmas tree decorations can be shiny, with stones, rhinestones, sparkles. It is advisable to choose elongated shapes, stars, snowflakes for Christmas tree decorations in blue, purple, silver, green and red colors. If you like balls, then the option of dark shiny balls with polka dots or with curls and wavy lines is possible.

But toys and garlands are a basic set of accessories that can be used in different ways, and at the same time get completely different decorations for the Christmas tree. After all, the same type is boring! Did you know that there are also styles in the manner of decorating a Christmas tree? Of course there is also fashion trends, And fashionable colors– they relate to the color of toys, their appearance, decor, but style is a fairly constant value. Style is, first of all, harmony. A Christmas tree decorated in any style is stylish Christmas tree! So is your Christmas tree this New Year everyone can have a unique, exclusive one.

How to properly install and secure a Christmas tree. Watch the video!..

Before choosing a style for your beauty, think, imagine, imagine her already decorated and standing in the room. Will it be in harmony with the decoration of the house, do you like what you chose? Also look at all the toys and accessories you have to see what fits, what needs to be added, what you can make yourself, and what is worth purchasing.

And one more piece of advice: before you begin the decorating process, prepare the necessary fasteners for Christmas tree decorations; the “native” ones are not very convenient. You can make beautiful ribbons or cords for all toys, but perhaps the most universal option is an unbent paper clip. Why? Because, firstly, it is discreet, “background”, and will not distract attention to itself, as if it were not there, as a result, it suits all styles. Secondly, you can easily adjust the fastening, the clamping force, and in “difficult” places give it any shape. Using paper clips, you can hang toys, especially very large ones, directly from the branches, the branches will not sag, the toys will not intersect with those hanging below, and this is very neat and beautiful.

Christmas tree - retro. If you have saved in good condition old Christmas decorations and accessories, you can decorate your Christmas tree in a retro style. It will look especially chic if some of these toys are really rare and antique. Or maybe you still have toys that you made with your own hands as a child? They are also perfect for your “nostalgic” Christmas tree. But just remember about the color scheme of the year and the desired shape of decorations. And don't add modern, recently purchased toys. Put those decorations that do not fit on the tree into a chest and place them next to it.

Colorful Christmas tree- This is a tree of the same color. This means that toys here can be the same shape, or, conversely, different, but their color is the same. You can decorate a red Christmas tree, silver Christmas tree, blue. However, in this style a combination of two colors is often allowed: red and black, white and silver, or, say, white and black.

Snow style suggests that there will not be too many toys on the Christmas tree, they will all be white or silver, and artificial snow will lie on every branch. It is necessary to complement such a Christmas tree with both a garland and rain at the same time.

Exotic Christmas tree very unusual. This, as an example, is a reverse Christmas tree. This tree does not have any accessories from distant lands, as one might think based on its name. This tree is unusual in the full sense of the word, because it is not on the floor, but on the ceiling, its top hangs vertically down, and the toys are also hung upside down! Such a Christmas tree is decorated with toys, in shape and color corresponding to the wishes of the hostess of the year, and of course, with a luminous garland entwined in a spiral.

A shiny Christmas tree will provide lightness throughout the year. Small crystal or glass figurines and chandelier pendants, rhinestones of various sizes and rhinestone jewelry are suitable for it.

Christmas tree boutique decorated with various pieces of jewelry. But only the appropriate shape and color. Chains are perfect.

Techno-elk suggests a silver color. Use laser discs and various small metal parts for any purpose, as long as they look beautiful and original.

Perfume tree. Hang small sample bottles of perfume on the branches and eau de toilette. Among them there are many interesting specimens, and you can decorate those that are simpler in appearance as you like. By the way, you can also hang real perfume gifts on such a tree, providing each bottle with a small postcard.

Well, on confectionery tree This is the perfect place for edible toys, many of which you can bake and decorate yourself, chocolate medals and various tasty surprises. Candies and various goodies that you will hang on the Christmas tree should be in the most shiny wrappers.

Today, the New Year tree shines with thin glass, bright bows, festive tinsel and a million lights. And looking at it, I absolutely can’t believe that just some 200 years ago, in honor of the holiday, the evergreen tree was decorated only with garlands of colored popcorn and gingerbread cookies with candies. Although, we still need to figure out what is worse - a disadvantage New Year's decorations, or - their excess? In the 19th century, people were happy with little, but now, on the contrary, they get lost in the mass of stylistic decisions, thematic options, and doubt the correct selection of colors and shades. However, we will talk about the harmony of Christmas tree decor a little later, but now we will analyze several basic principles and stages of dressing the New Year's beauty in her ball gown.


So the fragrant tree was brought into the house. The green needles are still silvery with the azure of frost, shimmering in the warm electric light of home lamps and chandeliers. However, the Christmas tree quickly gets used to the new environment, warms up and straightens its branches.

You can start decorating the New Year tree only 2-3 hours after you bring it into a warm room.

Rule 1. You can start decorating the New Year tree only 2-3 hours after you bring it into a warm room.

Admire her. What is she like? Cone-shaped, like a carnival cap, or round? Or perhaps slightly irregular in shape, with soft, feminine curves? Study all the structural features of the branches, the length of the needles, and the tightness of their fit to the central trunk. All this technical information will allow you, as an experienced tailor, to sew a beautiful outfit for the Christmas tree.

After two hours you can start decorating. The first step in decorating your Christmas tree is adding lights. Typically, all Christmas tree lights are mounted on the basis of a white, black or green strand of wires. Select the thread so that it matches the tone of your tree and is completely invisible among its branches. Lighting the tree from the inside will give your New Year tree a dynamic, fairy-tale look.

... you need to start attaching the garland from the base of the trunk, and slowly move up, at the top of the head.

Traditional incandescent lamps

These lights are good because they warm up the fir needles, and the room around the New Year's tree is filled with the aroma of the forest. In addition, the light bulbs of such garlands different sizes and colors, which allows you to give the tree a unique cosmic glow. Unfortunately, in addition to the advantages, there is also a significant disadvantage - a high fire hazard.

LED bulbs

These lights do not produce heat and are considered the most fire resistant. They are used to give spruce branches a slight frosty glow in the moonlight.

Round lights

These lights are mainly used to decorate big Christmas trees in the yard (or square).

Round garlands make it possible to focus attention (with the help of lighting) on ​​some (the most advantageous) areas of the New Year tree.

Retro lights

By appearance such lights resemble candles in candlesticks. They are used to decorate the tips of spruce branches, just like in the good old days.

As the liquid at the top of the tube heats up, air bubbles begin to float up and down. You can watch this smooth, measured movement endlessly!

Experiment with different schemes illuminating the New Year's beauty until you find a halo worthy of her. If one type of garland is not enough, you can combine different variants. For example, make the background white or transparent light, and decorate the upper part of the branches with threads of colored lights.

Rule 2. Don't skimp on lighting. For a good lighting solution for a 1 meter high tree, you need at least 100 lamps.


Feel the character of the Christmas tree. What do you think she's like from the inside? Proud The Snow Queen? Tender Fairy? Meek Princess? Hot oriental Diva? The color of the future outfit depends on the character. The Snow Queen should shine in silver, aqua and turquoise; for a Fairy or Princess, an outfit in pink and blue is suitable, and an Oriental beauty should be dressed in red gold.

Rule 3. The color scheme of the New Year tree must be followed throughout the decor of the festive hall.

Advice: trendy colors in New Year's decor considered bronze, blue peacock, plum, green sage, navy. Perhaps your Christmas tree will want to become a trendy girl this year?


When the theme and color scheme is predetermined, you can confidently open the store door with New Year and Christmas decorations. Now you can definitely choose garlands and feathers, flowers and ribbons, beads and glass balls from a varied mass of bright tinsel.

Rule 4. Buy Christmas tree decorations at the rate of 50 pieces per 1 meter of height of the New Year tree.

50 pieces of balls, cones, icicles and others original jewelry quite enough for one tree. After all, it is important that the Christmas tree is not only richly decorated, but also looks like an elegant lady with refined taste.

It is also worth considering using natural elements to decorate your Christmas tree. For example, natural Pine cones, bunches of grapes, fresh flowers (poinsettia and magnolia) will perfectly complement the New Year's composition.

Well, of course, snowflakes, butterflies, feathers and flakes will add uniqueness and charm to your tree.


Rule 5. The New Year tree should be decorated according to the “pyramid principle”, reducing the number and increasing the size of New Year’s toys from the base of the tree to the top

Below you should hang small items and children's crafts (probably in a school or garden in front of New Year's holidays children will make paper lanterns, stars from salt dough, etc.).

Little designers will be very pleased that their work was given pride of place on the main family Christmas tree. And they will be able to reach them themselves, if necessary (to show the crafts to their grandmother or friends) without disturbing the overall composition of the New Year's tree.

To decorate the second conditional row of branches, use Greeting Cards, family photos, ribbons, candies and apples. You can add bright rain, small glass balls and artificial frost for shine.


When the work is completed, move away from the tree and take an unbiased look at it. Is it true that your heart suddenly began to sing? And the silver bells, somewhere very nearby, began to ring like crystal chimes? Christmas tree in the house! The Christmas tree is beautiful! It's time to start the celebration!

Garlands with balls, hung in a chaotic manner, as if to cover the Christmas tree, no longer impress many people. It is much more practical and ultimately more beautiful to choose one direction or theme for decoration and follow it.

Christmas tree style

In order to really beautifully dress up the main event of the upcoming holiday, you need, first of all, to decide on the style in which you plan to decorate the tree.


The tree as a symbol of Christmas (which became a New Year's tree in Russia only in the 30s of the 20th century) in its original form is still represented in the West in holidays. Whether natural wood or not, it is green in color and has three options color scheme jewelry:

  • warm, where red and gold colors are used;

The fact is that the first decorations on the Christmas tree in Germany in the 17th century were ordinary red and yellow apples, which looked good against the green background of pine needles. According to legend, the first glass balls to decorate holiday trees were forced to be made in the year when apples did not grow. Of course, they were similar to the usual fruits in shape and color: round and red or yellow (golden).

  • cold, where blue and silver balls are presented;
  • mixed with decorations of all four colors at once.

Decorating a Christmas tree in this style is notable for the fact that it can take months to prepare. You can hang “souvenirs” from all the places you’ve visited over the year on the tree, and before that, carefully select them with your child on the seaside on vacation, at grandma’s garden, or on a hunt with dad.

It would seem that not much time has passed, and Soviet-era toys have become not only a real rarity, but also a rather expensive pleasure if you buy them again. If you still have a box of old toys from your childhood or your parents’ childhood, you can safely hang them on the Christmas tree and have no doubt about the relevance of this decision.

On the eve of the New Year 1935, it was decided to return the holiday, traditional for pre-revolutionary Russia, to Soviet children, but in a new capacity:

  • now the tree has become a New Year's tree, not a Christmas tree;
  • instead of the six-pointed star of Bethlehem, which shone in honor of the birth of Christ, the tree was crowned with a red five-pointed one;
  • angels and candles were replaced with colorful figures of animals and people, pine cones and fruits. And this, by the way, became distinctive feature Russian Soviet New Year tree, because in the West, toys, as a rule, are designed in the same color and shape.

Of course, pine cones and astronauts from the 80s should never be mixed with modern matte balls and garlands - it will look awkward and strange.


If we are talking about minimalist decoration of the New Year's tree, then the emphasis here is, first of all, on the beauty of the tree itself. It is enough to hang only a few balls or just a garland with small bulbs to give the mood to the room without going overboard with the decoration for the tree.

This is a good solution if:

  • you are not confident in your abilities as a designer or simply have no taste;
  • you don’t have time to invent and implement any concept;
  • you have no desire or ability to spend money on a large number of quality jewelry.

Having a beautiful tree and the simplest garland, you no longer have to worry about the elegance and festivity of your New Year tree.

Consonant with the Year of the Rooster

The coming year is associated with a symbol in the image fire rooster, which perfectly matches the rustic style.

You can please the Cockerel if you decorate your Christmas tree in a village design. Use toys made with your own hands or from natural materials. Christmas tree decorations made of wood are suitable - large beads, images of wooden cockerels, sleighs, skates, birds, etc.

Instead of Christmas boots, hang decorative felt boots on a beautiful ribbon. Knitted jewelry and toys, as well as handicrafts made from textiles, will fit very well into this theme.

An excellent option is the predominance of red in the decor, because the symbol of the cockerel has a fiery hue.

If you want to combine European and eastern calendar at the same time, then decorate the Christmas tree for the New Year with different toys in the form of cockerels.

Be sure that now this proud and cocky Cockerel will not leave you throughout the year, rewarding you with happiness, wealth and love.


If your nature requires a more sophisticated style, then think about decorating the Christmas tree in the Provence style. Distinctive features This design is a mix of luxurious and delicate.

Feel free to use various ornate lace, ruffles, and silk elements for a Provence-style Christmas tree. The gold color fits very well into this trend. Golden balls, beads with “gilding”, shiny toys will be an excellent Christmas tree decoration with a French “flavor”. As an alternative to gold, you can use toys in soft pastel colors.

Openwork elements - knitted, cutwork, wicker - are an integral part of the Provence Christmas tree.

Regular strings are not suitable for hanging toys; it is best to attach them with decorative strings.

If you have artificially aged toys, it will be a real find. You can also look for real vintage New Year's items and decorate your Christmas tree with them. You can find them in grandma's bins or at flea markets.

There should be no modern synthetics on the Christmas tree!

Another option for embodying the Provence style in decorating a Christmas tree is to use the queen of flowers - the rose. Natural and artificial roses in combination with green pine needles - very stylish and laconic!

How to decorate a Christmas tree correctly

If you still decide to decorate your Christmas tree beautifully and in accordance with all the canons and rules, a few tips on the position of toys and garlands on the tree will be very helpful.

Combination of colors on the Christmas tree

The first thing you need to do is select decorations for your Christmas tree. Over the years of celebration, a lot of them accumulate, some are made with their own hands or given as gifts, and, as a rule, they are all from different stories and do not sit well next to each other from an aesthetic point of view. In order to correctly combine the colors of toys on a Christmas tree, you need, firstly, to decide on the style in which it will be decorated, because sometimes it already contains a certain set of colors and you don’t need to invent anything (as in the traditional style of decorating Christmas trees, about which discussed above). Secondly, you need to know several principles for using the so-called designer color wheel, which will help you choose the right colors not only for decorating a Christmas tree, but also in any other situation when you need to beautifully arrange several colors together.

The color wheel was first mentioned in early theories of color back in the 17th century. Initially, its practical application was limited to visual aid on mixing dyes in order to obtain the desired color, because previously dyes were only basic blue, red and yellow flowers, and all other colors and shades were achieved by mixing them. The color wheel is still the first and main guide for every artist and designer to achieve harmony in their works and projects.

So, you can decorate the Christmas tree:

  • different shades of the same color (on the color wheel these are the 3 or 4 colors closest to each other);
  • gradient, that is, arranging the toys in the same order as the colors in the circle, starting with any of them and moving to the right or left;
  • choosing colors that are opposite each other on the color wheel, for example, yellow and purple, blue and red, green and lilac. Such combinations look unusual, but are always pleasing to the eye.

Placement of decorations

Having decided on the color of toys and tinsel, do not rush to place it all on the tree. Next you need to decide on the festive geometry of your tree. There may be three options for the placement of decorations:

  • screw (or spiral);
  • along longitudinal lines (or vertical);
  • circular (or horizontal).

Each of the options is beautiful and none is the only correct one, it all depends on your preferences and tastes.

How to hang a garland

The garland is hung on the tree first and sets the tone for further decoration of the tree.

Once you have decided on which lines you will hang the decorations, you need to choose the appropriate garland or prepare tinsel of the required length and size and place it on the tree, depending on your decision:

  • attach a long garland to the top and wrap it around the tree several times, hanging the lanterns in a spiral;
  • hang several medium-sized garlands or pieces of tinsel vertically, securing each one to the top of the tree;
  • place several short garlands or strings of rain on the branches, thereby marking horizontal lines.

How to decorate the top of a Christmas tree

When the garland has been hung and the color scheme for the New Year tree has been chosen, all that remains is to decide on the decoration of the top of the tree.

The traditional star has long ceased to have its original biblical meaning and has lost the communist connotations from the 20th century, so if you did not choose Soviet vintage as the style of your tree, you can crown it with:

  • a star of absolutely any color and size, for example, to match all the other decorations on:
  • bow from regular tape, which is used to tie girls’ braids;
  • a hat of Santa Claus or one of the family members;
  • a mitten or felt boot;
  • a soft toy planted near the top of the tree will also look great.

There are many options and their choice depends, among other things, on the place where the spruce is decorated. For example, in a company's office it may be crowned with a symbol similar to a production label, or a mascot of its employees.

Options for decorating a New Year tree: unity of style, color or shape (video)

So, in order for the New Year tree to look beautiful, you need:

  • choose a style or theme for decorating the tree;
  • decide on color scheme and, based on this, select toys and tinsel;
  • decide on which lines the toys will be placed;
  • hang garlands and tinsel along the selected lines;
  • hang toys without disturbing the overall geometry of the tree.

The New Year is getting closer and closer - and now you have finally taken home a fresh coniferous tree, or acquired an artificial green beauty. The next step is to learn how to properly decorate a Christmas tree so that it looks cozy, beautiful and stylish. We will explain below what rules to follow and what mistakes to avoid.

Arrangement of Christmas tree decorations

There are three main types of arrangement of Christmas tree decorations. The most familiar option to us is a horizontal division, in which all the garlands and rain showers divide the spruce into tiers, and the toys follow each other in a circle.

With vertical division, the arrangement of decorations clearly shows a top-down or bottom-up direction.

And finally, with a screw arrangement, the decorations twist around the tree in a spiral, almost in a diagonal position, falling to the lower branches.

Each of these types of Christmas tree decorations is good in its own way, so choose the one you like best.

How to decorate a Christmas tree with garlands

When thinking about how to decorate a New Year tree, always start with long elements - electric garlands and tinsel. First, connect the garlands to the power supply - this will make it more convenient for you to monitor how the wire lies on the branches. By the way, when buying a garland, pay attention to its length so that the wire is enough for the volume of your Christmas tree. And keep in mind that you are unlikely to be able to get by with just one garland to beautifully decorate your Christmas tree.

When decorating horizontally, take a garland and wrap it around the tree in a circle, or in a spiral if the design is spiral. And when dividing vertically, garlands and tinsel should be distributed along a longitudinal line, not wrapping them around the tree, but as if lowering them down from the tops.

  • If you have faux Christmas tree white, then the garlands for it should be chosen with white wires so that they look harmonious.
  • Instead of tinsel, Christmas trees are also wrapped with a beautiful ribbon in the color of the toys or thread with small beads.
  • The spruce will look even more stylish if you do not use tinsel at all.

How to hang Christmas tree decorations correctly

When we've sorted out the garlands and tinsel, we learn how to properly decorate the Christmas tree using New Year's Christmas decorations.

Much depends on the size of your spruce. Large trees look good with large balls, so for smaller trees it is better to choose small Christmas tree decorations. This does not mean that a large fir tree needs to be decorated only with the help of large toys, but their number should prevail - and vice versa.

Now about the order of decoration. To make the tree look beautiful and thoughtful, you cannot decorate it with all the Christmas decorations in a row - start with the large ones, filling with them the main space between the previously hung garlands, and then take on the “trifles”. This applies to toys of the same type, for example, balls. If you have other types of toys, for example, angels, pine cones, etc., proceed to them later.

Do not place many identical toys next to each other; try to place them in different parts of the tree. If the difference in the size of the toys is large, then the largest specimens should be hung on the lower branches, and small ones should be placed closer to the top. Expensive and fragile toys are better located closer to the tree trunk, and not at the ends of the branches.

  • As an alternative to New Year's balls and other toys, you can hang candies, tangerines, gingerbread men, nuts, etc., even flowers on the tree, but do not overdo it so that the tree does not look tacky.

How to properly attach a toy to a branch?

There are several ways to attach a New Year's ball or other toy to a Christmas tree.

Fastenings using ribbons look most aesthetically pleasing. It is best to choose ribbons of the color that predominates on the tree, or choose neutral white or green, matching the color of the spruce branches.

In the absence of ribbons, New Year's tree decorations can be hung on threads, wire, or even on an unbent paper clip. And in stores with New Year's paraphernalia you can find special plastic hooks for Christmas tree decorations.

Completing the decor

How to properly decorate the top of a Christmas tree? The most traditional decoration is the star, which is usually attached to the top last. In addition to the star, a toy-spire, a snowflake, and less often a figurine of an angel, or even just a lush bow, are also used.

Traditionally, it is customary to decorate a Christmas tree in the rain, use glitter, streamers, confetti as decoration, and spray artificial snow on the branches. But if you want to keep the tree in a specific style, then these elements will overload its appearance.

Finally, you can spread a beautiful cloth under the tree to place gifts on. If you wish, you can put figures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden there.

How to stylishly decorate a Christmas tree

How to properly decorate a Christmas tree so that it looks stylish: at a minimum, do not hang all the existing ones on the tree at once christmas balls, but select only balls of the same color. The same applies to other decorations: stick to one or two colors when decorating the Christmas tree, do not mix gold shades with silver ones, give preference to a one-color electric garland.

A bunch of various ideas stylish design Christmas tree watch in the following video:

Today the Christmas tree is the main attribute, and the process of decorating it is the best family tradition. During the holiday, it is this element of the interior that becomes the center of attention of all guests, as well as the owners of the house. Therefore, it is necessary that the design of the New Year’s tree pleases not only you, but also everyone present at the festive table.

Decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year

After you have chosen a place in the house and installed the green beauty there, you can begin to decorate it. There are a huge number of ideas on how to decorate a Christmas tree. But remember that good decoration depends only on your imagination.

The options for decorating a New Year's tree amaze our imagination. But in any case, this process will begin with garlands, of which there should be no more than three on the tree. After all, this can cause network overload, and such decoration does not look aesthetically pleasing enough.

The next important step is decorating the forest beauty with toys. Before you decorate the Christmas tree with them, think about how to do it correctly. Remember that larger balls must be hung on the lower branches, and small ones on the upper branches. They will look very good on the Christmas tree New Year's toys made with your own hands. Tangerines, sweets and nuts in gold foil will also perfectly decorate green branches. Traditionally, the top of the tree is decorated with a star or a spire, but an angel or a bow would also look beautiful there.

After the main stages of decorating the New Year's tree are completed, the tree can also be decorated with various tinsel, rain or streamers. Sprinkle the green beauty with fake snow, and sprinkle it with glitter and confetti. Now yours Christmas tree It became truly fabulous and incredibly beautiful.

Decorating a Christmas tree is an integral part of our lives. On the eve of the holiday, all children and adults look forward to the moment when the whole family will be involved in a common fun activity. The green beauty has become not only the main symbol of the New Year, but also a beautiful miracle that delights our hearts on cold winter evenings.