International craft competitions.  Competition

International craft competitions. Competition "Best Craft" in our kindergarten

All last year I lost my wife and daughter for half a day on Sundays. 🙂 They are addicted to going to master classes every week, which are held in the nearest mall. I haven’t seen enough crafts during this time: from the now common quilling to rag “flying cats”!

The child's fantasy world is rich and varied. And often for our children, in order to turn their ideas into reality, ordinary and familiar materials for creativity, such as paints, paper, pencils and plasticine, are not enough. Although, without a doubt, you can create a lot of all kinds of original crafts from the above materials.

But you and I are not used to limiting ourselves to small things, are we? 🙂 And that’s right. After all, it’s hard to even imagine how many children’s crafts you can make with your own hands. But all you need is nothing at all: just see how exactly they are made.

Today I have prepared just such a review of children’s crafts that you can do with your own hands for you. Well, let's move from words to action and go on a journey through the magical land of children's crafts? Go!


Mostly, of course, from plasticine. After all, this is truly an amazing material that allows children, without much effort, to turn their childhood fantasies into reality. The technique of modeling from plasticine is not so difficult to master, but as a result, your child will receive a lot of bright and unforgettable impressions. Figures of people and animals, applications, paintings, entire complexes of buildings, palaces - this is only a small part of what can be made from plasticine.

But the matter is not limited to just plasticine, right? There are a huge variety of materials for modeling! Clay, polymer clay, salty dough- this is a completely incomplete list.

List of articles about various types of modeling

Crafts from fabric and unnecessary things

They look very cute and cute Stuffed Toys and various souvenirs made from unnecessary things and pieces of fabric.

For example, invite your child to try to create a doll or a cartoon character from pieces of felt, fur, suede and other little things that you find in your house. Old gloves, unpopular scarves, sleeves from a small sweater, and similar things will also work. Such toys are ideal even for the little ones, and if you have an older child, he can make a similar souvenir as a gift for his younger brother or sister.

Crafts made from natural materials

Kids love to create various crafts from natural materials, such as leaves, nuts, tree branches, shells, acorns, cones, pebbles, etc. These are especially popular in elementary school. This is understandable, because the material is accessible and absolutely harmless, and the scope for imagination is limitless!

People, animals, beautiful applications and postcards made from dry leaves and flowers, whole, originally designed compositions, are good option to participate in various children's competitions dedicated to a particular holiday.

Natural materials include various cereals and pasta. Usually kids are happy to use these elements in their creativity.

Crafts made from pasta and cereals are also very diverse. But postcards made from this raw material look especially beautiful, as well as photo frames decorated with grains and vases, flowerpots and cups originally decorated with various grains.

Jewelry made from pasta is very popular among young fashionistas. A little imagination, paint or varnish and stylish and beautiful jewelry for little princesses is ready.

Crafts from vegetables and fruits

Our children love to make crafts from vegetables and fruits. Original delicious compositions will be very appropriate for festive table or autumn fair.

Also, as one of the creative options, you can make various dishes with your baby, for example, cookies, salads or sandwiches in the form of pictures or animals.

DIY crafts made from sweets

Even more a delicious gift What your child can make himself is a bouquet of candies and other crafts made from sweets. Suitable materials include chocolate candies - both wrapped and unwrapped, lollipops, chocolate bars, marshmallows, marshmallows, cookies and other goodies. Agree, such a gift is not only pleasant to look at, but also even more tempting to try it with the creator.

In addition to the above, things that, at first glance, are not at all suitable, are suitable as raw materials for the implementation of children's inventions and inventions.

Crafts from buttons and plastic bottles

Young inventors are able to use everything - from buttons to plastic bags and plastic bottles. What was previously considered trash can turn into real works of art under the hands of little geniuses.

From buttons, clothespins, feathers, toothpicks, matches, pieces of fabric, all kinds of boxes, packaging and jars, using imagination and other materials, the child can easily create unusual souvenirs.

A very creative raw material to create various crafts are plastic bottles and disposable tableware. It turns out that many beautiful and useful things can be made from plastic containers that we are used to throwing away. There is plenty of room for your children's fantasies to run wild.

Here are just a few examples of crafts that can be created from plastic bottles and empty containers for shampoos, gels and other hygiene products: bouquets, original snowflakes, coasters for glasses, a mobile phone holder, candy bowls, piggy banks, toys, etc., etc. And what wonderful boxes and gift boxes they make! Moreover, you can even create a chandelier and floor lamps from bottles. And all this is not so difficult and accessible even to children.

Crafts from disposable tableware

More pliable and suitable for children younger age is such a material for the manifestation of creative inclinations as disposable plastic tableware. Appliques, fancy hats, fans, flowers, animals and insects - your baby can make all this with the help of disposable plates, spoons and forks.

But, if your child decides to craft from plastic, do not forget about safety - the cut edges can be very sharp and careless handling can lead to serious cuts and wounds.

Material for children's creativity Almost anything can happen. And the most incredible crafts serve as an example of this:

  • floating jellyfish created from waste plastic bottle, an ordinary plastic bag and water;
  • creative cute snowflakes from old CDs;
  • magic balls made from an ordinary glass jar, using a bit of imagination and patience;
  • fancy toys made of wire and foil and much more.

And in addition to all of the above, there are also such types of children's self-expression as crocheting and knitting, embroidery, beading, patchwork,



on holding the All-Russian and International competition “Decorative and Applied Creativity”.

The arts and crafts competition accepts works made in any technique and from any material:

– plastic, paper-plastic, testoplasty;

– beading;

– embroidery;

– macrame;

– products made from natural materials;

– felting;

– floristry;

– painting on glass;

– testoplast;

– tapestry;

Work can be both individual and collective.

Crafts need to be photographed and sent to the competition.

  1. General provisions

1.1. This regulation defines the goals and objectives of the organizers, participants in the “Decorative and Applied Arts” competition (hereinafter referred to as the Competition), the content and procedure for conducting the competition, the procedure for considering submitted materials and awarding the winners.

1.2. The organizers of the competition are:

  • Festival of International and All-Russian Distance Competitions “Talents of Russia”.
  • All-Russian pedagogical magazine “Sphere of Education”.
  1. Goals and objectives:

2.1. The competition is aimed at stimulating creative activity, identifying, accompanying and supporting talented participants in the competition in the field of arts and crafts.

2.2. Competition objectives:

2.2.1. Development creative potential participants aimed at developing pride in the cultural heritage of the Motherland;

2.2.2. Providing demonstration opportunities creativity in a competitive form;

  1. Competitors

3.2. Participants of the Competition are divided into the following age categories:

the age of the participants (the sum of the ages of the team is divided by the number of participants).

3.3. Participation in the competition is in absentia (remote).

3.4. To participate in the Competition you must send:

1) Application for participation from the website page “Take Part” or send a completed application form by email: [email protected]

2) Competitive work.

3) Confirmation of payment of the registration fee (scan, screenshot or photo of the receipt).

3.5. Total time consideration of the application, preparation and sending of award documents ranges from 5 to 10 working days from the date of receipt of the application.

3.6. Competition stages:

Stage I – preparatory: collection of competitive works and applications for participation in the competition;

Stage II – main: evaluation of the Competition entries and summing up the results of the competition by the competition jury;

Stage III – final: awarding and publication of the competition results on the website

  1. Evaluation of competition works and summing up results

4.1. The organizers form a jury of teachers and cultural figures from various fields. Various public organizations are also invited to serve on the jury. The composition of the jury is presented on the website in the section RULES OF PARTICIPATION / COMPOSITION OF THE JURY.

4.2. Work evaluation criteria:

4.2.1.Technical implementation:

– level of skill, mastery of the chosen technique;

– level of performance technology;

- quality of workmanship.

– complexity of manufacturing;

- workload.

4.2.2. Technical aesthetics, design:

– aesthetic appearance of the product (product design);

– artistic expressiveness;

– unity of stylistic, artistic and figurative solutions of the product.

4.2.2. Creative approach to doing work:

– originality of the idea, its artistic embodiment;

- usage folk traditions, techniques;

– compositional solution of the work;

4.3. Competition entries are assessed on a ten-point scale, where 10 is the highest score.

4.4. All data is entered into a pivot table. A specially created program, using the arithmetic average, determines the winner and subsequent statuses of the contestants.

4.5. The names of prizewinners and winners are published throughout the month, the list is updated every 5-7 days.

4.6. The final stage is sending award documents by email and sending SMS notifications to the phone number specified in the application.

  1. Awards

5.1. All participants of the competition are sent a diploma of the participant (diploma holder).

5.1. The winners of the competition are awarded a winner's diploma.

5.2. The supervisors (curators) of the competition work are sent a curator’s certificate.

  1. Contacts

All necessary information You can find it on our website ( A package of documents for participation in the competition, as well as questions and wishes, can be sent to us at: [email protected]

We wish you victories and creative success!

Sincerely, Gryaznov D.V.! (Head of the FMVDC “Talents of Russia”).

Photos and videos of crafts, modeling, embroidery, etc. are accepted for the competition. In order for your work to receive the maximum number of points in this category, it is better to photograph it in high quality.
Your work may be performed masterfully, or it may be amateurish, but it is such that it is clear at first glance that the author’s soul is invested here. When evaluating competitive works, not only the technique of execution comes to the fore, but also the originality of the idea, the materials used, and the independence of execution.
The jury allocates works created from factory blanks (a toy sewn from blanks, painted plaster figures, etc.) into a special sub-category and evaluates them separately from original works.
We draw your attention to the need for the author to meet the age category specified in the application. The work of young children can be completed jointly with their parents, however, we urge you to indicate this in the comments to the application, and then all worthy works will be noted.


  • Modeling (for young children)
  • Application (for young children)
  • Wallow
  • Floristics
  • Interior decor
  • Souvenir
  • Soft toy
  • Quilling
  • Origami

Preservation and development of folk traditions:

  • Folk doll
  • Folk toy
  • Embroidery
  • Lace making
  • Crochet
  • Patchwork plastic
  • Embroidery ribbons
  • Guilloche
  • Embroidery
  • Beads (panels, paintings)
  • Beading (women's jewelry)
  • “carving” and “painting” (on wood, fabric, glass, metal)
  • Product from natural material(clay product - small plastic, relief, high relief, layer, plaque, medal, pottery, willow twig and vine, pine root, grass, birch bark, wood chips).

Founder and organizer of the Competition – All-Russian creative association “Academy of Talent”

Age categories of participants

The competition is held in several age categories, from preschoolers to adults. The author of the application chooses the age category independently, however, we draw your attention to the need to match the age of the author with the age category specified in the application. The work of young children can be completed with parents, however, we urge you to indicate this in the comments to the application, and then all worthy works will be noted.
3-5 years
6-9 years
10-14 years
15-17 years old
18-25 years old
From 25 years old

Evaluation criteria

  • artistic and aesthetic level
  • author's degree of professional skill
  • complexity of work
  • accuracy and workmanship
  • topic disclosure

Photos, videos of decorative and applied arts are accepted for the competition

Participants and requirements for competition works

Anyone can take part in the All-Russian competition for children and adults:
children— preschoolers, schoolchildren, school groups, students, members of creative associations, clubs, studios, creativity centers, art schools and other children's organizations of the Russian Federation. Age – from 6 to 18 years.
adults— independent participants, teachers educational institutions Russian Federation of all types and types, educators and specialists of institutions preschool education different types, additional education teachers.
Competition entries can be completed individually or by a creative team.
Children's works are sent to the competition by a teacher, teacher or parents of a child participating in the competition.
Videos or photographs (digital) or scanned copies of works are accepted for the competition. Photos can be taken with a camera or taken using a cell phone. Images must be clear and of high quality.
The participant can send one or more works to the Competition at will.
At the request of participants, competition entries can be accompanied by a short comment in the registration form (there is a special column for comments).

Dates of the competition

Works for the All-Russian competition “New Names” are constantly accepted. Every day, works are submitted to members of the jury, who grade and determine the winners.
Diplomas are issued only in electronic form. After submitting an application and paying the registration fee, the results reviewed by the jury are sent every Wednesday and Saturday during the week.

Conditions for participation in the competition

  • 1. Choose a nomination
  • 2. Fill out the competition application
  • 3. Make an organizational fee in accordance with the number of works submitted to the competition.

Evaluation of work and award documents

The Competition jury evaluates the entries. Based on the results of the competition, 1st, 2nd, 3rd place Laureates and Diploma Winner, Participant are determined.
All participants in the competition receive diplomas: the winners of the competition receive diplomas of laureates, diploma holders, participants receive diplomas of participants.

Payment of the registration fee

The registration fee for each competition entry (per 1 image) is 100 rubles.
If a participant sends several images (photos) to the competition, they are paid in accordance with the number of competition works: 2 works - 200 rubles, 3 works - 300 rubles. etc.

on holding the III International Competition creative works
"The world of crafts!"
(EXPRESS COMPETITION!!! Free diploma for the manager!!!)

1. General Provisions
1.1. This regulation defines the goals and objectives of the organizers and participants of the “World of Crafts!” competition. (hereinafter referred to as the Competition), the content and procedure for conducting the competition, the procedure for considering submitted materials and awarding the winners.
1.2. The organizer of the competition is the Creative Association for the Artistic and Intellectual Development of Children and Youth “Step into Art” (Barnaul).

2. Goals and objectives
2.1. The competition is aimed at identifying, supporting and socializing children and youth in various types creativity.
2.2. Competition objectives:
2.2.1. Formation of interest in the embodiment of various images and phenomena of the surrounding reality through arts and crafts and technical creativity;
2.2.2. Creating conditions for artistic self-expression of the younger generation.

3. Competition participants
3.1. Students of educational institutions of all types and types aged from 3 to 18 years (inclusive) who have submitted their work to the competition, an application for participation and paid the application fee are allowed to participate in the competition. Also a separate category The participants are teachers from educational institutions. Participants of the Competition are divided into the following age groups:
from 3 to 6 years;
from 7 to 10 years;
from 11 to 14 years;
from 15 to 18 years old.

4. Competition nominations
Participants of the Competition can submit works in the following categories:
- Works from natural materials;
- Design;
- Author's doll;
- Textile technology;
- Mixed technique;
- Non-traditional materials and techniques;
- Small plastic;
- Folk toy;
- Technical creativity;
-Stained glass;
-Creative skills of teachers (see nominations above).
Criteria for evaluating creative works:
- Composition;
- Execution technique;
- Fantasy and originality.

5. Stages of the competition
5.1. Acceptance of creative works and applications from 03/01/19 – to 03/31/19;
5.2. Summing up the results of the competition 3-5 days from the date of application;
5.3. Distribution of award material upon summing up the results.

6. Conditions of participation
6.1. Fill out the participant application (online form on the website or according to the provided sample);
6.2. Pay the registration fee for participation in the competition; the receipt must indicate the name of the participant, the amount of payment and the nomination of the competition;
6.3. Send by email the participant's application (file in doc format), photo of the competitor's artistic work (JPEG), scanned copy or photo (legible) of the receipt for payment of the registration fee. If there are many participants, then you can send an application by filling it out in one file in doc format (according to the sample presented on the website).
6.4. Cost of participation in the competition for one individual work- 130 rubles, collective (two or more authors in one work) - 500 rubles. The number of works from one participant is not limited. Payment of the registration fee for each work. In addition to the electronic version of the diploma, you can order a printed (physical) diploma sent by Russian Post (registered mail). The cost of a printed diploma is 200 rubles (if it is necessary to obtain a printed diploma, this amount must be added to the amount for participation in the competition and reflected in the application).

7. Evaluation of competition works
The organizers form a jury of famous artists, designers, architects, photographers, journalists, and leading experts in the field of art pedagogy. Various public organizations are also invited to serve on the jury.

8. Contacts
You can find all the necessary information on our website. A package of documents for participation in the competition, as well as questions and wishes, can be sent to us at: [email protected]

We wish you victories and creative success!
Sincerely, Ignatiev R.V.! (Head of the children's design studio, project administrator).