First lesson in the gym.  First time in the gym - where to start?  Should you pay attention to nutrition?

First lesson in the gym. First time in the gym - where to start? Should you pay attention to nutrition?

Fitness at home is a great idea if you want to lose weight and get your body in order, but for one reason or another you don’t have the opportunity to go to the gym. However, we hasten to warn you that this is not for the faint of heart. We have prepared 10 recommendations on how to start playing sports at home.


Perhaps this is one of the key points from which you need to build. The bright and pure dream of being slim, healthy, the most beautiful on the planet and finding a guy will not work here. Set a specific goal that will motivate you to work towards it. For example, I really want to have slender hips that would look beautiful in skinny jeans. And there is also no opportunity to pay astronomical amounts, as for a student, for a gym membership. Find the very reason that will force you to work on yourself every day.

Find a place to workout

If you work out in an apartment, then find a place convenient for training so that you don’t have to rearrange the furniture or be distracted while doing the exercises. You should be comfortable lying down at full height, jumping, swinging your arms, etc. If there is not enough space in the room, then take care of this in advance, move the table away, lay out the rug and study for your own pleasure. Morning exercises in the warm season can be done outside.

Set a schedule

Discipline is the most important thing. Choose a time that's convenient for you and days when you're least busy so you don't miss workouts. Post your schedule in a visible place so you don't forget about your classes. Yes, at first it will be difficult to force yourself to exercise when the sofa and TV series beckon you, but the most important thing is to make it a habit.

Choose a training system

Now on the Internet, anyone can find a suitable online course for themselves. There are a huge number of videos on YouTube that will explain to you how to properly pump up your abs or buttocks. But don’t limit yourself to exercises on a specific area; spend equal time on all parts of the body. Try different programs and see which exercises work for you. Don’t jump over your head and don’t start with heavy complexes, otherwise you may get injured or simply be disappointed in your capabilities.

Listen to your body

You don't need to start by lifting 50 kg weights and running a marathon if you have difficulty warming up (by the way, never forget to warm up before training), start with gradual loads, and increase the speed over time. If you find it difficult to perform certain exercises, and the voice on the screen says that you need to hold on for another 30 seconds, then perform fewer repetitions. Over time, you will get used to it and be able to break your own records.

Make a playlist

Make a selection of rhythmic music that will motivate you to study and help you keep the right pace. You should not turn on the TV or laptop during training, it will be distracting.

Don't forget about nutrition

It’s stupid to start fighting your laziness and still eat as before. You need to eat small portions 4-5 times a day instead of 2-3 large meals. Give preference to protein foods and fiber, and it is better to avoid fast carbohydrates altogether. First, you can write down everything you eat during the day in a notepad or a special program on your phone. So you will see that you are making extra snacks in the form of tea with chocolates or sweets brought by a colleague.

The desire to have a slim, athletic figure is often met with complete confusion and a lack of understanding of how to approach training if you have never exercised before. A properly designed initial program will save the beginner from frustration and waste of time.

Select a training goal

First of all, it is necessary to clearly formulate and define the goal of the training program. This will allow you to approach load planning from the right angle and get the desired result.

The most common mistake of beginners is the desire to become strong and huge at once, and to get the coveted sculpted abs on the stomach. These are three completely different tasks and it is best to work on each of them separately.

For example, to gain muscle mass, an athlete needs to receive more calories than the body is able to expend - this is the only way the muscles will grow. Moreover, different types Body types with different metabolic rates will need different amounts of kilocalories accordingly. But in any case, you will still need more than the daily norm.

Working on relief involves a radically opposite approach. When choosing this particular goal, the athlete must spend much more energy than enters his body.

Relief muscle volume is undoubtedly beautiful, but drying has a negative effect on strength indicators. So, working on strength and relief is the same Sisyphean work as simultaneous work on relief and mass.

Strength indicators are based on effective work nervous system, and not on the beauty of muscles. It is not for nothing that weightlifters and powerlifters, as soon as they gain weight, increase their results and also significantly lose in efficiency as soon as the athlete’s weight begins to decrease.

The key to any successful workout is warming up. By spending just 5 minutes on the treadmill and slightly stretching your joints with simple exercises, you will warm up and prepare your body for further, more serious, loads.

Beginners should not train more than 2-3 times a week. In the case of daily training, the athlete’s body will be seriously overworked and will not be able to find the strength for normal recovery.

At the initial stage, it is best to do the exercise 3 times (approaches), and the weight is selected so that the performer is able to perform 12 to 15 repetitions in one approach.

You shouldn’t get hung up on just one training regimen - due to the body’s ability to quickly get used to monotonous exercises, the effectiveness of exercise can significantly decrease.

Don't try to load yourself with training to the maximum from the very first lesson. The quieter you go, the further you'll get. A gradual increase in intensity will allow the body to adapt to the stress and improve health.

Do not forget also that nutrition and time for rest play an important role in the formation of a sporty and fit silhouette.

Always remember about the technique of performing exercises. If you do it incorrectly, at best the training will be ineffective, at worst you can seriously harm yourself.

Learn the technique and never hesitate to ask the trainer at your gym for advice. It’s a shame not to “not know,” it’s a shame not to want to know.

Training frequency

Daily, frequent training is just as undesirable as infrequent or no training at all.

High frequency of training does not allow muscles to recover even to the original level, not to mention the growth of performance. The result of such training is a worsening of the condition of muscle groups with each subsequent workout and overtraining.

There are, of course, special training programs in which classes are held every day. However, it is better to leave them to the professionals.

Low frequency of training, in turn, reduces the effectiveness of training, since the opportunity to play sports during the onset of supercompensation phase is lost.

Based on the fact that it takes 2 to 4 days to restore muscle tissue, the most optimal strength training schedule is to exercise 2-3 times a week.

Duration of training

Depending on the athlete's goals, the duration of training may vary.

Training sessions for bulking can last from 1.5 to 2 hours, as the athlete needs time to rest between sets. And workouts aimed at losing weight are only effective if they last from 30 to 60 minutes.

Excessively prolonged training forces the body to produce cortisol, a hormone that destroys muscle tissue and contributes to overtraining.

Where to start training?

A beginner's training is divided into two main approaches and a lot of intermediate ones between them. There are a great many muscles in the human body and they can be trained all at once, or in batches or splits.

In the first case, the approach is gentle and consists of circular “fulbadi” training. To strengthen the ligaments, get used to the loads and start processes in the body associated with training, novice athletes need to train for 1 to 3 months with virtually no free weights.

The second approach, splits with free weights and a base, is considered quite severe. With this approach, trainers recommend dividing muscles into three groups and loading each of them on a certain day of the week.

For beginners, it is recommended to start training with aerobic exercise. Running, swimming, brisk walking, and aerobics will allow your body to become accustomed to the stress and prepare it for high-intensity training. This stage of training lasts from 2 to 4 weeks.

Training program for beginners

Day one – back muscles and biceps:

  • (5 sets of 5 reps)
  • (3 sets with maximum reps)
  • Military press (3 sets of 8 reps)
  • Bent-over dumbbell raises (2 sets of 12 reps)
  • Hitch

Style Summary

Regular training proper nutrition and the necessary rest for muscle recovery will allow any novice athlete to achieve the desired toned athletic silhouette without irritable fatigue and work calluses. The rule of three “Ps” - plan, gradualism, proper nutrition.

Want to get your body in shape, increase strength and improve endurance, but don't know where to start training? We tried to collect only useful and verified information about the gym especially for beginners.

Today you will learn:

  • what is a modern gym like?
  • how much does a subscription cost and whether you need to buy it;
  • how to properly prepare for training;
  • why is it important to have a personal trainer.

You will get answers to these and other questions from our new article.

How the gym works

A fitness center or training room is a specially organized space in which everything is subordinated to a single goal: to provide visitors with comfortable and safe conditions for sports activities.

But not all existing centers are equally useful. There are rooms with limited space, located in basements, poorly ventilated or insufficiently comfortable rooms. The successful choice of the gym depends on the mood, desire to study and ultimately the result.

The hall is divided into several functional areas:

  1. Cardio zone - here there are exercise machines for developing and strengthening the cardiovascular system, increasing endurance and weight correction.
  2. Free weights area – classes with barbells and dumbbells are held here.
  3. Strength zone – strength training takes place here using machines.

The modern halls have a reception where friendly and pleasant girls sit who will answer all your questions and show you where to go, as well as a locker room, a shower, a fitness bar with drinks and special meals for recuperation. And of course, there is a staff of personal trainers ready to help at a moment’s notice.

Where to start working out in the gym

You should not immediately start with intense training on strength or cardio equipment. First of all, you don't know the technique. Secondly, without preparation and warm-up there is a high risk of injury.

Tip: Start by talking to your coach. Let an expert create a customized program for you based on your current fitness and training. And remember that healthy body– it’s not just daily stress. This also includes proper nutrition, adequate sleep and proper recovery.

The basis of effective training is a reasonable approach. This applies to all parameters: intensity of exercise, increasing weights, adherence to the daily routine. It is important to correctly and clearly formulate the main goal of training for yourself personally. What exactly do you want: gain muscle mass, lose weight, correct your figure, become stronger and more resilient?

Even if you decide to study on your own, professional advice and supervision at the initial stage will definitely be needed. Without the participation of an experienced “specialist,” you will make a lot of mistakes and waste a lot of time.

Basic training rules for beginners

  • never skip a warm-up - without it, you expose your muscles, ligaments and bones to the risk of injury and damage;
  • clothing should be as simple and functional as possible;
  • the first training time should not exceed 40-45 minutes;
  • for the first few months, do not train more than 2 times a week;
  • consultations with a professional in the first week are mandatory;
  • eat no later than 1.5-2 hours before training - protein and carbohydrate foods are preferable;
  • after training (about 30-45 minutes) it is also better to eat to restore calorie consumption;
  • Bring water with you (at least 1-1.5 liters) - you must drink during classes to prevent dehydration.

And a few words about class time. It is determined strictly individually depending on the characteristics of the organism. For some, the peak of physical activity occurs in the morning, while for others it is more comfortable to exercise in the evening.

Do I need to buy a subscription?

It is in the best interest of any gym to gain clients on a long-term basis. Therefore, administrators, managers and owners will definitely persuade you to purchase a subscription for long periods - 6 months, a year.

But such a purchase is not always advisable. Tomorrow you will find a room with more suitable conditions, and then what? Not all companies are ready to return your money upon request.

“Experienced” advice: look for an institution with flexible conditions. To get started, buy 4-5 one-time visits to test the equipment, get to know the staff and assess your comfort level. Perhaps your desire to practice here will disappear after the first training session.

If you liked everything unconditionally, it makes sense to purchase a long-term subscription. Its presence is a kind of motivator and stimulant: the money is paid in advance, which means you need to work it off to the fullest.

The cost of a one-time lesson and a subscription depends on the level of the hall and the city in which it is located. The price range is from 150 to 500 rubles per lesson, and from 800 to 3500 rubles. for a month of “unlimited”

Training program for absolute beginners

If this is your first time in the gym, you should not start with complex and difficult exercises. Even if you have watched 100,500 training videos on YouTube and are sure that you are in amazing physical fitness, forcing the load is an unreasonable risk.

Girls and boys, as a rule, have different training goals. Women want to lose weight, and men want to build muscle and become stronger. Therefore, their programs will be different.

Sample plan for men:

  1. Warm up (10-15 minutes). Perfect option- exercise on a treadmill, exercise bike, jumping rope.
  2. Leg press (3 sets of 15 reps).
  3. Leg curls (2x15).
  4. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (3x5).
  5. Press on a machine for the pectoral muscles (3x15).
  6. Shoulder exercise (3x15).
  7. Dumbbell curls for biceps (3x10).
  8. Triceps block raise (3x10).
  9. Ab crunches (3×20).

This is a basic set of exercises for beginners in the gym. In the future, you or your coach will supplement it depending on the sensations and first results.

Program for girls:

  1. Warm-up (with stretching).
  2. Hanging leg raises (3 sets of 5-10 reps).
  3. Pull up - as much as possible.
  4. Leg bending from a lying position (3x15).
  5. Squats with a bar (2x10).
  6. Upper block row (shoulders) (2x15).
  7. Dumbbell bench press (3x15).
  8. Press crunches (3x15).

Rest time between sets is from 3 to 5 minutes. This is exactly what is needed to restore strength and reduce lactic acid levels.

A preliminary plan disciplines and makes the process more meaningful and effective.

Programs for beginners are designed in such a way that they work all muscle groups at once, loading them evenly. After 2-3 months, you can move on to split training, when the program is divided into parts, each of which is performed on different days. We will write about this in detail in our next articles.

What to take with you

Come to the gym prepared - this will save you from inconvenience and make the training process easier.

If you don't have a spacious sports bag, buy it. The more experienced the athlete, the more impressive his equipment.

The best clothes for neophytes are shorts and a T-shirt, and shoes are sneakers or sneakers. Some athletes recommend wearing special gloves - they will protect your palms from slipping and blisters when lifting weights.

Be sure to bring a towel to wipe off sweat from your body and face. If you're going to shower after your workout, take flip-flops.

Music helps many people maintain their mood and maintain rhythm. In this case, you will need a player.

Useful nuances

If you are serious about results, start keeping a training diary from your first workout. Numbers never lie: with them you will know exactly whether there is progress, whether it is worth increasing the load, how many approaches you do and how much time you devote to classes.

Full recovery after exercise – whole science. You will need energy-dense, high-calorie foods, preferably with a minimum amount of fat. A chocolate milkshake or special bars for athletes are suitable.

During classes, try to disconnect from everyday and professional problems and fully focus on physical sensations. Believe me, the exercises themselves perfectly relieve tension and form the right emotional tone.

It is better to turn off your phone completely during the training (unless, of course, you are expecting an important call). And if you are talking with someone, do it outside the room: nothing disrupts the mood more than extraneous conversations.

And the last piece of advice: do not use perfume or deodorant with a strong smell before training. Sweat plus perfume is not the most pleasant combination.

Finally, the decision has been made, and tomorrow will be marked by your acquaintance with the world of iron sports.

Yes, be prepared for the fact that there are a lot of nuances and hitherto unknown little things associated with such a serious turn in your life, but your Broad Bone is always with you and keeps at the ready high-quality written articles for every taste, as they say 😉

What are you waiting for, study!

So, after we have figured out how many times it is worth training, we must understand what to do for the first time in the gym? By the way, if you have not yet studied the article, be sure to correct this error: without the knowledge described in it, you have nothing to do in the gym!

When we first come to the gym, our muscles are so weak that at first we need to bring them into at least minimal tone, so to speak, cheer up. The training program for beginners is designed to create and strengthen the functional base of the body.

In strength sports, it is very important to start training correctly; it is an incorrectly designed initial training program that can lead to failure, cause health problems and disappoint you in iron sports.

Important principles of sports at home and in the gym

Where to start in the gym for a beginner and how to exercise at home from scratch:

The main rule: you shouldn’t get too deep into the jungle of nutrition or diligently unravel the “secrets” of ideal workouts.

At this stage, this does not make any sense, you will only get confused in an avalanche of conflicting information.

Try not to listen to anyone’s advice “from friends” at all, otherwise your head will turn out to be a complete mess. Get information either from a coach or from trusted sources (such as our website 😉)

Exercise correctly to have an effect: how? Gym workout starts at home

. This does not mean that before the first workout you need to pack an Eye of Tiger bag, watch hundreds of motivational videos or buy leggings for 7 thousand rubles. All you need to do is just sit down at your computer and study a few articles for beginners. On the website in the appropriate section there is everything necessary information

, with which you can conduct your first proper training. You don’t even need to search all over the Internet, moving from site to site, just click on the tag FOR NEWBIES

(the button is located on the side in the tag cloud or on the button at the top of the screen) and read the articles there.

Having decided on the program, begin studying the technique of performing the exercises. Try to watch a video for each exercise with a detailed explanation. Just not all at once, otherwise your head will explode from an overabundance of information. Start like this: look at what exercises you do tomorrow

. Study them, read the description, watch the video in a calm environment. If something is unclear, look again. Then go to the gym and do all this. Do this before every workout

. If an exercise doesn’t work out for you, watch a video lesson with it right before training. Then you will remember everything better and when you come to the gym you can repeat it.

Actually, that’s the whole secret of where to start working out in the gym. It is simple, but few people follow it.

So, gym exercises for beginners for the first 4-6 weeks:

    Training complex

  1. workout #1:

    • workout #2:

  2. Number of approaches: 3-4. Number of repetitions per set: 15. Working weight: we start with empty machines, gradually increasing the load.

According to statistics, about half of gym visitors prefer to exercise without a trainer. But the abundance of incomprehensible metal structures can confuse a beginner. In fact, everything is not as scary as it might seem. If you have any questions, you can always contact your gym instructor. However, he is not obliged to monitor your training and, moreover, create a program. Therefore, let's look at the main aspects of independent proper training in the gym.

First of all, you must follow the following rules for training in the gym:

  • Always start your workout with a warm-up. This will allow you to tone your muscles, warm them up and prepare them for the work ahead. Warm-up is performing simple cardio exercises. This could be running on a treadmill, jumping rope, lunges without weights, jumping, or riding an exercise bike. After warming up, muscles are more pliable and less susceptible to injury.
  • Before the main workout, it is recommended to properly stretch your joints using leisurely rotational movements. Start with the neck, then move to the shoulders, elbows, hands, then knead the torso and spine by bending in different directions. And lastly, work the joints of the legs and lower back.
  • You should exercise directly on the simulators with caution. You shouldn't start with heavy weights if you're a beginner. During the introductory training session, set the minimum weight values, and only then, when you have confidently mastered the technique, can you gradually increase the load.
  • After completing the main workout, you need to return to the cardio equipment and also do some stretching exercises. This will significantly reduce or completely eliminate muscle pain the day after your workout.

Training regimen: what days to go, how many times a week, the difference between women's and men's training

The training regimen depends on the goal you are pursuing when you come to the gym, as well as on your characteristics: gender, age, body structure. For example, workouts for losing weight and for gaining weight will be significantly different. There is also a difference between women's and men's training. Let's consider the basic principles of training for such purposes as: losing weight for women, acquiring a beautiful body shape for women, losing weight for men, gaining weight for men, as well as a general increase in strength and endurance for men and women.

General principles of weight loss for women in the gym

  • High-intensity short workouts one day alternate with low-intensity cardio the next, then take a break one day for recovery.
  • The most effective way to lose weight there will be classes about five times a week. But it will be useful to alternate exercise in the gym with long runs in the fresh air.
  • You definitely need to watch your diet. The most important principle is that the number of calories you consume should be less than the number of calories you burn.
  • Maintain drinking regime. A person who is involved in sports or fitness needs more water than someone who leads a sedentary lifestyle.

General principles of gaining mass and volume for women in the gym

As a rule, women who are not professional athletes, when they come to the gym, do not want to pump up and do not pursue the goal of gaining a powerful torso and impressive size, so moderation should be observed in training to gain muscle mass for women. To tighten your figure and acquire a beautiful relief, you need to follow the following principles:

  • Use basic exercises with free weights, gradually increasing them.
  • Work out three times a week, and on the remaining days give your muscles proper rest.
  • Monitor your diet and ensure that you consume more calories than you burn. At the same time, food should be a useful building material for muscles: proteins and complex carbohydrates.
  • Training to gain mass often involves heavy weights and other risks, so it's worth at least your first workout with a personal trainer.

General principles of weight loss in the gym for men

  • Use medium weights for training. Too light weight even with big amount repetitions will not give the desired effect, and too much is good for gaining muscle mass, not burning fat.
  • Perform 3-4 sets of 15 repetitions for each strength exercise.
  • Use basic exercises with free weights, but do not increase the weight or increase it gradually.
  • Rest between sets should not last longer than 2 minutes.
  • It’s worth working out in the gym 3-4 times a week.
  • Strength exercises should be alternated with long-term cardio. You can do cardio and strength exercises within the framework of one workout, or you can focus on strength on one day, and on cardio on the next.
  • Nutrition and calorie deficit.

General principles of weight gain for men in the gym

  • The duration of one workout should not exceed 50 minutes.
  • To gain weight, it is enough to train three times a week, and on the remaining days give proper rest to the muscles.
  • Perform basic exercises and exercises with weights, while gradually increasing the weight without increasing the number of approaches and repetitions.
  • Do not do more than three approaches per exercise.
  • Design the program in such a way that the break between workouts for one muscle group is about a week. For example, on Monday we train the shoulder girdle and back, on Wednesday the legs, on Friday the abs.
  • Follow the diet: there must be an excess of calories.

General principles of training to improve strength and endurance in men and women

High-intensity circuit training is suitable for this purpose. General principles of such training:

  • Intervality. Alternate cardio and strength training.
  • Exercise no more than 4 days a week, take breaks.
  • Increase the intensity of the workout by increasing the weight and increasing the amount of training time (but no more than an hour). At the same time, beginners can start with 15–20 minutes.
  • Monitor your well-being during training and give yourself enough rest after.

Basic types of exercises on simulators and technique of execution, how to train correctly

So you came to the gym for the first time. Where to start training, which simulator to approach first? You should start by warming up on a cardio machine. Then you can work out different muscle groups. But it is recommended to first perform the basics - these are multi-joint exercises that involve several muscle groups at once, and then work on local muscle groups. It’s worth creating a program for yourself based on the general principles of training described above.

Let's look at the most popular exercises for training in the gym.

Cardio equipment

The treadmill is the most common exercise machine in any gym. On modern tracks it is possible to adjust the speed and angle of inclination.

Treadmill running technique:

  1. Get on the treadmill and choose the mode that suits you best.
  2. Adjust the tilt angle if necessary. If you are a beginner, it is better to start on a straight path.
  3. Use the pens exclusively to check your heart rate.
  4. The main indicator of training intensity will not be speed, but heart rate. Heart rate should be no less than 120 and no more than 160, although some calculate their maximum possible heart rate using the formula: 220 minus your age. In this case, the indicator of training effectiveness will be a heart rate of at least 70% of the maximum.

For example, you are 30 years old. Your maximum heart rate is 220-30=190. Training will be effective at a heart rate of 133.

You can do cardio training not only on the track. There is also an exercise bike, as well as various steppers and rowing machines. If the treadmill is aimed at strengthening the leg muscles, then the exercise bike and steppers also partially develop the abdominal muscles, and rowing machines imitate the movements of rowing, helping to strengthen the shoulder girdle and the entire muscle corset.

When exercising on any type of cardio equipment, you need to follow approximately the same recommendations for heart rate as on a treadmill, taking into account the specifics of each.

Rows on block machines

Block simulators are simulators that are based on blocks, by lifting which you purposefully pump up a particular muscle. The advantage of such simulators for beginners will be their relative safety and simple technique for performing the exercises. This is an alternative to free weight exercises for those who have not yet learned to feel their muscles.

Rows on block simulators are basic exercises that involve several muscle groups at once. Let's take a closer look at the main and most popular ones.

Vertical pull-down to the chest

The back muscles work, as well as the shoulders and arm muscles. An alternative to pull-ups if you don't know how to do them yet. When performing this exercise, you should follow the following technique, carefully monitoring the correct position of the body and arms:

  1. We set up the simulator, adjust the height of the rollers so that it is comfortable to sit and hold on with your feet.
  2. Sit down so that the bar is directly above your head, hold the bar with your hands, palms slightly wider than your shoulders.
  3. The back should be arched at the waist and tilted forward or backward. It is important to understand that the thrust should not be performed at an angle, but strictly vertically.
  4. We lower the handle to the upper chest, and the work of the shoulder blades should be felt.
  5. Then we raise the bar to its original position, slightly short of bringing the arms to full straightening.
  6. We repeat the exercise.

Horizontal row in a block machine

This exercise targets the muscles of the back, chest and shoulders.

  1. The starting position is sitting on the simulator, the back is arched in the lower back, the legs should remain slightly bent at the knees.
  2. We take the handle with outstretched arms, as we exhale, we move our shoulders back and try to bring our shoulder blades together, placing our elbows behind our backs as far as possible. At the same time, intense work of the back muscles should be felt. To use your back as much as possible, you can experiment with your grip and handles.
  3. As you inhale, slowly return the projectile to its place, stretching the just-used back muscles as much as possible.

Leg exercises

Leg training is important element programs for both weight gain and weight loss.

Leg press

This is a basic exercise that involves lifting a special platform by bending and extending your legs. The platform can be positioned horizontally or at an angle of 45 degrees. This exercise allows you to work your buttocks and thighs. It is ideal for those who are contraindicated in classic weighted squats due to back problems. When performing leg presses, you should follow the following technique:

Lunges in Smith

Smith lunges are an increasingly popular exercise for pumping up the muscles of the front of the thighs, as well as the buttocks. Technique for performing classic Smith lunges:

Squats at Smith

An effective exercise for working out the hips and buttocks. Technique:

  1. We set the desired weight, place the barbell on the back in the same way as in the previous exercise. The grip is slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, and your feet are also slightly wider than shoulder-width apart on the floor. Shoulder blades retracted, back straight.
  2. Slowly squat while inhaling, lowering the bar and bending your knees to a right angle. You can imagine that you are sitting on an invisible chair.
  3. We rise up to the starting position, straightening our legs, with the main weight falling on our heels. Repeat as many times as necessary.

Exercises for the abs

The abdominals are the collection of muscles that make up the abdominal wall. To lose weight in the abdominal area, you should not do abdominal exercises every day or every workout. You can do a couple of abdominal exercises on your easiest workout day. At the same time, watch your diet. To pump up noticeable sculpted muscles, you need to understand that fat will not turn into muscles, even pronounced relief may be unnoticeable if you do not dry it regularly.

Let's look at the most popular abdominal exercises in the gym.

Roman chair sit-ups

This exercise engages the rectus abdominis muscles. To lose weight, it is enough to use your body weight. If you want to pump up your abs, you can use weights. Technique:

  1. The starting position is lying on the simulator, the lower back is pressed against the bench, the legs are comfortably placed on the bolsters and fixed.
  2. As you exhale, slowly raise your body up, slightly rounding your back.
  3. As you inhale, lower your body down without lying on the bench, and then repeat the rise up again as you exhale.

Roman chair crunches

Crunches help keep your abdominal muscles toned. It is very important to consider that this exercise is performed slowly and calmly, without sudden movements to avoid possible back injuries. Technique:

Leg raises on parallel bars

This exercise allows you to effectively work out the lower abdominal muscles and remove a protruding tummy. The exercise has good effect, while the technique is simple:

  1. We stand on the uneven bars with straight arms (if it’s hard on straight arms, you can use your elbows), tilt your chest slightly forward. The head and chest are on the same line.
  2. We raise our legs bent at the knees to the chest.
  3. Lower it to the starting position.

Exercises for the pectoral muscles

In pursuit of six-pack abs or toned buttocks, don’t forget about the chest muscles. But here it should be taken into account that the principles of female and male chest training should be different. Women should focus on the upper chest muscles and not overwork the lower ones. And for men, the load should be distributed evenly.

Let's look at a few popular chest exercises in the gym.


To perform this exercise, a “pack-deck” simulator is used, consisting of a bench with a back and two levers. The essence of the butterfly exercise is to bring the levers together. Let's look at the technique in more detail:

  1. We sit down on the bench, press our backs and the back of our heads against the back, with our feet shoulder-width apart. We clasp the handles with our palms.
  2. As you exhale, pushing the levers, bring your arms together in front of you. We linger for a second in this position, tensing the pectoral muscles.
  3. As you inhale, slowly and smoothly return your arms to their original position.
  4. We repeat the exercises the required number of times.

Hammer press

Exercise to work the muscles of the lower chest.


  1. We sit down in the simulator, pressing the body tightly against the back. The shoulder blades are brought together.
  2. As you exhale, gently push the exercise machine forward, tensing your pectoral muscles and focusing on your elbows.
  3. In the extreme position, we linger for a couple of seconds and, while inhaling, slowly return to the starting position.
  4. We do the required number of repetitions.

Hummer press, video

Exercises for the shoulder girdle and arms

Arm muscles should be effectively worked out by both men and women. After all, the structural features of the hormonal system will not allow a woman to pump up her arms without the use of additional means. However, it is worth considering the difference in weight and the number of approaches for losing weight or gaining muscle mass.

Scott Bench Curl

The exercise works well on the shoulders, back and biceps. Technique:

Curling arms on a biceps machine

To pump your biceps in isolation, you can perform biceps curls on a biceps machine. The technique is simple, the exercise is safe even for beginners.

  1. We set the desired weight, sit on the bench, place our elbows on the supports and grab the handles. The elbows are in line with the shoulders.
  2. Using the strength of your forearms, as you exhale, raise the handles.
  3. Slowly lower the handles to the starting position while inhaling and repeat the exercise again.

Exercises with apparatus

Also, exercises with apparatus have become classics of training in the gym; dumbbells or a barbell are most often used today. Let's look at a few classic exercises with apparatus.

Barbell Bench Press

The bench press is an exercise aimed at working the muscles of the chest, back and arms. Considered basic. It is better to perform the bench press on a bench. Technique:

  1. We lie down on the bench on our back so that the bar is at eye level. The legs are spaced slightly wider than the shoulders, the feet are flat on the floor, the main weight is distributed on the heels, the lower back is slightly arched, the shoulder blades are retracted.
  2. We take the bar with an overhand grip.
  3. As you exhale, raise the bar above you so that it is just above the bottom of your chest.
  4. As you inhale, lower the bar to its original position.


An exercise to work the core muscles, as well as the shoulder blades and buttocks. When performing deadlifts, you must strictly follow all instructions, under no circumstances arching your back upward. Can be performed with both a barbell and dumbbells. Let's look at the barbell technique:

  1. The starting position is standing in front of the bar, the legs are slightly narrower than the shoulders, the back is straight, the pelvis is laid back, the head is looking straight.
  2. We tilt the body forward while simultaneously abducting the pelvis and bending the knees, arms down.
  3. Without deviating in the body, we squat a little to grab the bar.
  4. We take the bar with our palms facing us.
  5. As you exhale, smoothly straighten your legs, then straighten your back, holding the bar in your hands.
  6. As you inhale, lower the bar into place, avoiding rounding your back. We repeat again.

Deadlift technique, video

Is it possible to continue working out in the gym if you have over-exercised and your muscles hurt after training?

Often, beginners have muscle pain after training the next day. And many people wonder: is it worth going to a workout when you have over-exercised and feel pain in your muscles, or is it better to skip it?

If the pain is tolerable and is evenly distributed across all muscle groups involved in the training, then you should continue to exercise according to the chosen scheme, perhaps slightly reducing the intensity. The pain will decrease after warming up the muscles. At the same time, it’s still worth setting aside time for recovery. It is better to exercise not every day, but every other day, while alternating training for different muscle groups.

If your goal is to gain muscle mass, then pain serves as an identifier for the recovery of a specific muscle group. In order for a muscle to increase in volume, it must be fully restored after each workout. This explains the recommendation of trainers to work one muscle group about once a week.

In general, you should understand that muscle pain after training is an absolutely normal phenomenon, and you should not be alarmed. However, you need to pay attention to pain if:

  • something hurts very strongly, locally and interferes with normal life activities;
  • the pain is localized in the joint area;
  • swelling and redness are observed.

Such symptoms may indicate injury and inflammation. However, most common cause Muscle pain after exercise is caused by lactic acid, which is produced during exercise. To reduce pain after training, you can adhere to general rules and the principles described at the beginning of the article.

Now you know all the aspects of independent training in the gym, all that remains is to walk and swing. The gym is a great place to exercise. Firstly, because each simulator helps to target a specific muscle group. Secondly, because the very atmosphere in the gym often motivates you to achieve your goals more than solo home workouts. Therefore, if you want to lose weight or build muscles, working out in the gym will be one of the best options. Especially now that you know the basic principles and techniques of performing exercises on simulators.