Acid peeling at home recipes.  Acid peeling for the face at home – which one is better?

Acid peeling at home recipes. Acid peeling for the face at home – which one is better?

Representatives of the fair sex have always tried to look younger, putting a lot of effort into this. Modern cosmetology opens up wide possibilities, but home procedures still occupy a leading position. One of the most important stages of skin care at home is cleansing.

Deep cleansing evens out the texture of the face, removes rough epithelium, tightens pores and restores a radiant appearance. For these purposes, cosmetologists recommend using acid peeling for the face.

How does acid peeling affect the skin?

Acid burns rough layers of skin, accelerates regeneration and cell renewal. Depending on the degree of its impact, there are superficial, medium and deep peelings.

Considered the safest fruit acids: apple, grape, lemon, wine. They disinfect, have an antioxidant effect, and whiten the skin. To make the effect more pronounced, you can mix several acids. Salicylic peeling will help remove pigment spots, acne, seborrhea, acne.

Aspirin can be combined with lactic or glycolic acid, making it mild mechanical cleaning. Glycol molecules penetrate inside and moisturize, stimulate cell renewal, and are antioxidants.

If you need to quickly get your face in order, you should give preference to the retinoic procedure. It is safe, effective, and does not cause allergic reactions. Recovery occurs very quickly - within a couple of days.

Gently cleanses lactic acids. They make the skin young, healthy, help get rid of dryness, sagging, and dull color. The composition tones, tightens, restores firmness and elasticity.

The higher the acid concentration, the more active the mixture is. Therefore, it is important to follow the proportions indicated in the recipe and not exceed the dose. Negligence and abuse can lead to injury and burns.

You can do peeling at home different methods. Ready-made products are made taking into account the woman’s age, so you need to carefully read the packaging. If you want to be sure of the result, you should figure out how you can do acid peeling at home. The mass can be single-component or multi-component.

The pulp of the ground fruit is applied to the face for a quarter of an hour, and then you need to rinse with cool water and moisturize the skin with cream. The facial skin must first be cleansed. The mixture not only removes dirt and cosmetic residues, but also nourishes, softens, and evens out the texture and complexion.

Lemon juice has degreasing and whitening properties. It must be squeezed out before the procedure. Using a cotton swab, apply and massage thoroughly. Leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse.

Grape acid stings and can cause redness, so it is not recommended for girls with sensitive skin. It stops the aging process, restores and renews cells. You need to apply it for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with cool water and apply a nourishing cream.

The milk composition can be made on the basis of sour cream, sour milk, whey, yogurt. It is applied for 20 minutes and then washed off.

The procedure is simple and includes the following steps:

  • Cleansing with cosmetics: tonic, milk or foam;
  • Applying an acid solution (do not touch the area around the eyes and mouth);
  • Washing with running cool water or mineral water without gas;
  • Post-peeling care.

If the recipe calls for several layers to be applied, each previous one should dry slightly. You also need to monitor the skin's reaction to active substances.

If itching, irritation or redness occurs, you should interrupt the procedure.

Recipes for acid peeling for the face at home

  • Recipe No. 1 for problem skin

Crush a few pomegranate seeds so that they release juice, mix them with two tablespoons of lemon juice, 5 mg of melted honey. Prepare a homogeneous mass, apply for 10 minutes. The skin will become smooth, pimples and redness will disappear.

10 mg sea ​​salt chop, mix with a tablespoon of lemon juice. Add whipped egg white, mix. Apply for 15 minutes, rinse mineral water. The composition accelerates regeneration, improves blood circulation, treats acne;

  • Recipe No. 2 for oily skin

Squeeze the juice from one lemon, add a pinch of sugar. Rub into skin with massaging movements and leave for 10 minutes. This acidic facial peeling, prepared at home, refreshes, tones and removes oily shine.

Add 15 mg to kefir baking soda, stir. Apply for 15 minutes and then rinse with cool water to tighten the pores. The mass restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands, removes blackheads, and gives matteness;

  • Recipe No. 3 against excessive dryness and sensitivity

Pour warm sour milk over oatmeal and leave for a while to swell. Apply onto the skin using massaging movements and leave for 10-15 minutes. The composition deeply cleanses, nourishes, and restores a healthy complexion.

Combine dry cream in equal parts with rice and barley flour. Mix thoroughly and apply to face. After a quarter of an hour you can wash it off. After peeling, the skin will become soft and tender, its condition will improve;

  • Recipe No. 4 for normal skin

Mix pineapple pulp with melted honey in a 2:1 ratio, add a teaspoon of oatmeal.

Apply the composition for 15-20 minutes. It deeply cleanses, smoothes the surface, and rejuvenates.

For the normal type, you can use any natural masks, fruit acids, and dairy products.

Regardless of which homemade acid peeling recipe you use, you must apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream after the procedure. You can add capsule vitamins E and A and esters to the products.

Acid peeling for the face - what is this procedure, how is it carried out and what effect does it have on the skin? In modern cosmetology, there are several types, they all differ in their composition, affect different layers of the skin and are not suitable for all people.

At what time of year can peeling be carried out, what results should be expected from it and what are its advantages over other methods of rejuvenation and renewal? How should you care for your skin after peeling and what do you need to know before undergoing this procedure? More on this below.

What is acid facial peeling?

Acid peeling for the face is a procedure that involves the use of acids of varying concentrations to provide a certain degree of effect on the skin.

Peels are distinguished not only by the degree of power, but also by the depth of impact. To peel different layers of the skin, certain types of acids with different concentrations are used.

The procedure can take place at home or in a salon, depending on what results the patient wants to achieve. Doctors recommend using the technique under the supervision of specialists to avoid burns and other unpleasant consequences.

How does acid peeling affect the skin?

The principle of operation of chemical peels is to apply a burn to various layers of the skin, which, in turn, triggers natural regeneration processes in the body.

This seemingly cruel method of influence, at first glance, allows you to restore the youth of your face, give it a healthy color, and eliminate fine wrinkles and even get rid of noticeable scars that have arisen during the removal of acne and blackheads.

First, we should describe exactly how the human skin is structured in order to clarify the method of action of the described peeling. Substances can affect various layers of the skin and act with different strengths.

So, the skin has three main layers:

  1. Epidermis. This is the top layer in which the development and renewal of epithelial cells occurs. The visible layer, which is responsible for the protective functions of the body from various harmful influences. It is this layer that is affected by creams and other cosmetical tools for home care.
  2. Dermis. It is located under the epidermis and separated from it by the basement membrane. It consists of the papillary and reticular layers, which form the main part of the dermis. It is in the reticular layer that most of the collagen fibers are located, and, to a large extent, the general condition of the skin depends on the condition of this layer.
  3. Hypodermis. Subcutaneous tissue or fatty tissue located just below the dermis. This layer takes part in the thermoregulation of the body; it stores water and nutrients.

Chemical peeling can affect different layers of the skin. This depends on the degree of aggressiveness of the active substance. To achieve the desired effect, various substances can be used, which are selected by a cosmetologist depending on the condition of the patient’s skin.

It is allowed to use independently only those acid peels that have a weak effect on the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis.

3 types of impact depth

Each type of acid has a special effect on a particular layer of the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to choose the right concentration and determine the type of active substance in order to achieve the desired results:

  1. Superficial peeling. For this category, weak acids are taken. Different concentrations may be used and exposure times may vary. This will affect the final result - complete or partial removal of the epidermis.
  2. Peeling for. It affects the epidermis and dermis simultaneously, resulting in noticeable rejuvenation. Here, TCA (trichloroacetic) or retinoic acid is most often used.
  3. Deep peeling. It is used exclusively in medical institutions. The procedure is classified as a surgical intervention; it can even affect the hypodermal layer and remove small scars caused by acne or blackheads. Phenol is used as the active substance.

The use of highly concentrated acids at home without medical supervision is strictly prohibited, as there is a high risk of serious burns.

6 acids and what are their differences

Each type of acid has a specific effect on the skin, and the final result depends on choosing the right substance:

  1. . One of the weakest acids, which is used for mild age-related changes. Suitable for home use. The active ingredients are grape, mangrove, cane or sugar acid. Returns skin firmness, elasticity and tone.
  2. . Used for antibacterial treatment of the skin, reduces the severity of scars formed from acne and acne.
  3. Salicylic acid. Suitable for owners dark skin, as well as those who suffer from seborrhea (any type), hyperpigmentation or acne.
  4. Lactic acid. Promotes skin rejuvenation, making it softer and more delicate.
  5. It is used in cosmetology clinics and has a pronounced effect. The concentration of the substance allows you to select the effect for different age categories. The degree of chemical burn is also determined by this criterion.
  6. Glycolic acid. Ideal for treating the upper layers of leather. Cleanses the epidermis, eliminates rashes and stains, eliminates dirt plugs and sebaceous accumulations.

The type of acid, its concentration and exposure time are selected individually for each patient.

How does the procedure for using acid peels proceed?

Regardless of whether the procedure takes place at home or in a clinical setting, it is divided into the following stages:

  1. Cleansing. The patient's skin must be cleansed of cosmetics and oily deposits. This process is carried out through special toners that do not contain fragrances, fatty oils or dyes.
  2. Applying peeling. After cleansing, an acid peel is applied to the skin, selected for the patient individually. The type of active substance, its concentration, as well as the period of application to the skin is determined individually.
  3. Removing peeling. After the peeling has been on the skin for the specified time, it must be washed off with water, eliminating the possibility of getting into the eyes or mucous membranes (nose, mouth). Should also be protected delicate skin lips
  4. Applying care product. After removing the peeling, you need to use a special cream that will protect the skin from drying out and promote its speedy healing.

Improper execution of at least one of these processes can lead to a lack of results, or, conversely, to a chemical burn.

Question answer

Yes, acid peeling will improve the condition of the skin and brighten it. It is recommended to pay attention to TCA peeling, as well as laser resurfacing.

This procedure can be carried out at any location. The main thing is that the doctor selects the appropriate peeling mixture to combat a specific problem.

In this area, cosmetologists use superficial peelings. They will improve regeneration processes in the skin. But to eliminate wrinkles, it is better to think about other manipulations.

Rehabilitation period

Acid peeling requires a fairly long recovery period - from 7 to 14 days, depending on the degree of impact on the skin. The duration of rehabilitation depends on the physiological characteristics of the patient.

For some, regeneration processes in the body proceed quite quickly, and the skin can recover in up to 7 days, while for others this value exceeds two weeks.

But, regardless of the speed of healing, there are general instructions for all categories of patients, which include:

  • the use of creams and ointments that accelerate the healing process (Bepanten or Solcoseryl);
  • refusal to visit baths and saunas;
  • avoiding exposure to frost;
  • refusal to use aggressive cleansers;
  • avoiding injury.

In all other respects, the same behavior is necessary as when receiving a burn - eliminate mechanical impact on the skin, you need to protect it from injury, aggravation of the burn condition, and others.

Indications and contraindications

Certain indications are highlighted.


  • the first signs of aging;
  • the appearance of scars from acne and acne;
  • formation of pigment spots;
  • hyperkeratosis (thickening of the upper layers of the skin);
  • seborrheic dermatitis.

There are also some prohibitions on peeling.


  1. pregnancy and lactation;
  2. allergies and individual intolerance to active ingredients;
  3. herpes in the acute stage;
  4. the presence of keloid scars.

Peeling is only allowed between November and March. During the warm season, peeling is strictly prohibited, as the impact warm temperatures and sunlight can cause irreversible processes in the skin.

Peeling at home

There are a number of drugs that allow you to carry out. Among them are homemade acid facial peeling Mi Ko 30 ml, reviews of which say that the drug is very effective, as well as products from the Mac line.

With proper use of the drugs, you can count on real results that will lead to an improvement in the overall condition of the skin.

The main advantage of home remedies is that they are not so harsh on the skin, but they lead to tangible results. Their disadvantages include the less pronounced result that is achieved in a clinical setting.

You can also prepare the peeling yourself:

  1. Fruit peeling. For this Any will do fresh fruit. For example, banana, strawberry, apple or pineapple. It needs to be cut and placed on the face for a third of an hour. After this, you should wash and moisturize your skin.
  2. Lemon peeling. It whitens the skin and eliminates excess fat. Using a cotton pad, apply lemon juice (it must be fresh). After a quarter of an hour, the mixture is washed off. At the end, it is also worth moisturizing the skin with cream.
  3. Grape peeling. You need to make a paste from the grapes. It is applied to the skin for a quarter of an hour. During exposure, a tingling sensation may be felt. Don't forget to moisturize with cream after the procedure.

Regular skin care allows you to achieve flawless color and structure and delay age-related processes. Aggressive components destroy keratinized epithelial cells, the integument is replaced by new cells. Renewal processes occur independently, but with age they noticeably slow down. The quality of oxygen respiration and nutrient saturation decreases. Acid peeling for the face is a great way to deal with imperfections such as scars, scars, and acne marks. One procedure is enough to notice an external transformation. Allows you to lighten pigmentation, narrow pores, the skin becomes soft and velvety.

Types of peeling

There are 3 types of acid peeling:

  1. Surface- allows you to remove the keratinized layer of the epidermis. As a result, the face looks renewed and refreshed. Enough safe look for use at home. Does not cause burns, has a short recovery period. For preparation, salicylic, polylactic, and grape acids are used; mild acids stimulate renewal processes.
  2. Average carried out using retinoic and trichloroacetic acid. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to reach the dermal layers, allowing you to smooth out scars, get rid of pigmentation and wrinkles. As a result, a lifting effect is observed due to the reduction of the skin flap during the healing process.
  3. Deep peeling carried out using phenolic acid. The procedure involves traumatizing the skin; as a result of aggressive exposure, a burn is formed. Performed by a cosmetologist on an outpatient basis, it is equivalent to surgical intervention. It is characterized by a long and painful recovery, the need for careful care to prevent complications. Effectively used to get rid of deep wrinkles, scars, and chickenpox scars. It is performed only according to indications, in case of pronounced aesthetic defects.

Light peeling with fruit acids is suitable for home care. Can be done regularly to cleanse the skin and improve its immune properties. Unlike other types, superficial can be used throughout the year. But During the period of maximum solar activity, it is still better to postpone the cosmetic session.

Indications for the procedure

Exfoliation with acids is a universal procedure. Suitable not only for facial care, but can also be used for the body. Successfully eliminates stretch marks, restores the elasticity of the skin after childbirth or weight fluctuations. You can maintain a healthy, even color starting from the age of 18. The procedure is effective in a care program for problematic, oily dermis prone to acne. Used in preparation for biorevitalization and mesotherapy.


  • expression wrinkles;
  • withering, loss of elasticity;
  • unhealthy color, flabby structure;
  • wide pores;
  • pigmentation;
  • comedones;
  • uneven, lumpy structure;
  • dry, dehydrated skin.

Efficiency of the technique

As a result of peeling with acids, the face will look rested and refreshed. An even tone will be restored, scars will be less noticeable. With regular use, you can reduce the secretion of the sebaceous glands, get rid of comedones, and prevent new rashes. It will also have a positive effect on the condition of the dry dermis, the hydrobalance will be restored, and the pH of the skin will be normalized.

Attention! Home peeling will not solve the problems of scars, post-acne marks and hyperpigmentation. Surface exposure affects appearance skin, does not affect the deep dermal layers and fiber.

Preparatory stage

Mild acid exposure can be used throughout the year. To successfully carry out home peeling, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. For a few days, use soft foams and gommages for cleansing.
  2. On the day of the procedure, limit use foundation, a concealer with a comedogenic effect.
  3. It is better to carry out the procedure in the evening so that the skin has time to recover during sleep.
  4. Do not sunbathe for about a week; the use of acids can lead to uneven color, dryness, and flaking. It can be done in the summer, but be sure to use creams with a high protection factor.
  5. The day before, you cannot carry out cleanings, as well as other procedures that injure the integument.

What acids can be used

You can buy fruit acids at the pharmacy; they are sold in the form of a solution, powder, or tablets. An affordable price will allow everyone to feel the effect of renewed, refreshed skin.

Lemon- suitable for oily, problematic, teenage skin, copes with wide pores and bumpy texture. It has antioxidant properties, dries, and whitens pigmentation. The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect helps prevent the subsequent appearance of acne. The cost depends on the volume of packaging, but does not exceed 50 rubles.

Vinegar- has bactericidal properties, helps reduce sebaceous secretion. Enzymes and minerals are involved in rejuvenation processes, toxins and oxidants are removed from the skin. Used to conduct Apple vinegar, the price of which is only 150 rubles.

Amber- an active participant in metabolic processes, stimulates regeneration processes. Together with ascorbic acid, it normalizes oxygen respiration of cells and activates blood flow. A well-known antioxidant, it attracts impurities, leaving the skin looking well-groomed and renewed. Can be found in tablets and powder, cost about 40 rubles.

Grape- Contained in every skin cell, responsible for metabolic and renewal processes. Used to lighten pigmentation and care for aging dermis. Effectively moisturizes the stratum corneum and has a comedolytic effect. Often used in composition with lactic acid. Buy 5 gr. possible for 180 rubles.

Polylactic- nourishes, moisturizes, whitens pigmentation. Universal, suitable for all skin types, eliminates oily shine, normalizes moisture balance. Used for tender, thin skin prone to irritation and peeling. You can purchase an 80% solution for 50 rubles.

Trichloroacetic- used to restore smooth texture and get rid of wrinkles. During peeling, partial removal of the upper and middle layers of skin occurs. Helps restore a healthy, even color, cope with unexpressed wrinkles and pigmentation. Normalizes the condition of oily dermis, prevents the appearance of acne and blackheads. For superficial peeling, a 10–15% solution is used, for medium peeling - 30%. You can buy it for 580 rubles.

Additional ingredients can also be used for home peeling:

  • honey- tones, whitens, saturates cells with vitamins and amino acids;
  • salt- perfectly polishes, tightens pores, neutralizes oily shine. Has regenerating properties;
  • kelp- moisturize, increase the immune properties of the skin, smooth out wrinkle networks;
  • essential oils- moisturize, have a tonic, anti-inflammatory effect, stimulate rejuvenation processes;
  • vegetable oils- nourish, moisturize, prevent swelling and tissue trauma.

Peeling recipes at home

Self-prepared surface formulations do not contain acid concentrations greater than 25%. Therefore, the absence of a neutralizer will not affect the effect of the procedure. But to prevent complications and side effects, and also for quick healing it is still worth purchasing the product. It softens the skin, relieves burning, irritation, redness, and promotes rapid regeneration. You can buy it in cosmetic stores or pharmacies, or you can find it on the Internet. The price depends on the manufacturer; it is better to choose a product from a professional or medical line.

Whitening peeling

Effectively copes with pigmentation, gives the skin a radiant, well-groomed appearance. Suitable for those with thin skin, strengthens the vascular network, and prevents the manifestation of rosacea. Suitable for all skin types, normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands, restores hydrobalance.


  • 3 tablets of ascorutin;
  • 5 ml almond oil;
  • 3 drops of rosemary ether.

Crush the tablets thoroughly in a mortar to a powder consistency. Add kernel and aroma oils, mix. Apply a homogeneous paste in a circular motion after makeup removal, avoiding the eyelid area. Leave for half an hour, then rinse with neutralizer gel or mineral water.

For acne and inflammation

The home peeling formula has an antiseptic effect, removes dirt well, and reduces gland secretion. With regular use, post-acne marks disappear, redness and inflammation disappear. Recommended for caring for young problem skin, suitable for use even after 30 years.


  • 2 ml lactic acid;
  • 10 ml mineral water;
  • 5 drops of tea tree ether.

Mix lactic acid with still mineral water, add ether. Cleanse your face using a soft gommage, apply homemade peeling with a cosmetic brush. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with neutralizer gel or chamomile decoction.

Important! Repeat up to 3 times a week in the absence of purulent inflammation.


Provides excellent care for the aging dermis, stimulates renewal processes, and provides a lymphatic drainage effect. The recipe helps lighten pigment spots, refresh color, and reduce the number of facial wrinkles.


  • 2 tablets of succinic acid;
  • 5 ml apple cider vinegar;
  • 5 gr. honey;
  • 2 drops sandalwood oil.

Crush succinic acid tablets, add apple cider vinegar. Combine the gruel with honey and essential oil. Apply a thick layer after steaming with a hot compress. Leave for no more than 15 minutes, rinse with mineral water and almond oil. It is recommended to repeat the procedure before going to bed.

Store peelings

A distinctive feature of the ready-made products is their balanced formula. The composition is designed specifically to solve a whole range of aesthetic problems. In addition to removing dead cells, the finished product restores nutritional and respiratory functions and has antiseptic properties. Peels are enriched with plant extracts, vitamins, amino acids, allowing you to comprehensive care behind the face.

Exfoliator Christina refers to professional products. The composition includes phytic, linoleic, salicylic and ferulic acids, extracts of hazel, mint, propolis, vitamins B, A and E. The product is intended for all skin types after 40 years. The unique formula allows you to significantly lighten pigmentation, improve microcirculation, restore nutrition and hydration. Spread a thin layer on cleansed skin, avoiding the eye area. Leave for 2-4 minutes, then rinse with water and treat areas with tonic. You can buy it for 1900 rubles.

Biocomplex with fruit acids Janssen Cosmetics Recommended for treating oily, problem skin. The composition contains AHA complex of glycolic acid, malic, tartaric, citric acid. Includes antioxidants that prevent skin aging; acids make the skin soft and silky. Effectively used to eliminate pigmentation, greasy shine, wide pores and sebaceous plugs, do not apply to the eye area. It is recommended to use before bed, no more than 2 times a week. Distribute the product onto the skin of the face and neck after removing makeup, keep for 5 to 15 minutes. Afterwards, massage lightly, rinse with warm water, then apply regenerating cream. You can buy it in the online store, the cost is about 2000 rubles.

Enzymatic peeling Dermedic contains thermal water, complex of AHA acids and arginine, hyaluronic acid, urea, glycerin and allantoin. Suitable for all skin types from 25 years of age. Helps prevent aging processes, deeply cleanses and tightens pores, stimulates renewal processes. As a result, it is possible to smooth out facial wrinkles and get rid of age spots. Directions for use: Apply a thick layer to the face, neck, and décolleté. After 20 minutes, rinse off with warm water and a pad. Peeling belongs to the medicinal series, can be purchased in a store or pharmacy, price - 520 rubles.

Photos before and after

Healing period

After the procedure, the skin needs careful care. Redness, swelling, and peeling may be observed, but not more than 3 days. To speed up the regeneration process and prevent side effects, it is necessary to follow a number of rules:

  • use soft hypoallergenic foams and gels for washing, apply moisturizer 2 times a day;
  • to relieve swelling and discomfort, you need to make a cool herbal compress;
  • Do not drink alcohol for several days, refuse to play sports, visit the bathhouse, or solarium;
  • Before leaving the house, use protective sprays and emulsions from ultraviolet radiation.

Attention! It is recommended to repeat home procedures no more than 3 times a month.

Precautionary measures

Home procedures require compliance with safety precautions and accuracy when following recipes. Before use, you need to check the composition for a possible allergic reaction. Apply a small amount to the crook of your elbow, rinse after 20 minutes.

If there is no rash, irritation, or burning, you can use an exfoliant. There are a number of contraindications for which the procedure should not be performed:

  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • acne in the relapse stage;
  • carrying out drug therapy;
  • wounds, microcracks, burns on target areas;
  • fresh tan;
  • oncology;
  • individual intolerance;
  • rosacea;
  • rosacea

Side effects:

  • redness;
  • peeling;
  • burn;
  • swelling;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • inflammatory processes.

To speed up regeneration, moisturizing creams with an antiseptic effect are used. It is important to use products with a high protection factor before going outside.

Advantages and disadvantages

The home procedure allows you to perform comprehensive facial care; everyone can use the available recipes. But for skin diseases, pronounced age-related changes, and aesthetic defects, superficial peeling does not solve cosmetic problems.


  • safety;
  • short recovery period;
  • affordable price;
  • possibility of independent implementation;
  • peeling has a wide spectrum of action;
  • Suitable for all skin types;
  • has no age restrictions.


  • requires an allergy test;
  • has a number of contraindications;
  • use is not recommended during periods of maximum solar activity;
  • has an unexpressed result.

Opinion of cosmetologists

Experts discuss the application features and the effect of fruit acids.

A cosmetologist writes about the ineffectiveness of fruit peels for smoothing wrinkles. The problem will be solved by phenol medium or deep, which is performed only by experienced surgeons.

A user describes the benefits of superficial peeling.

The review indicates restrictions on visiting the sauna during the preparation stage and after the procedure.

Acid peeling is one of the best ways noticeably rejuvenate the skin, and at the same time eliminate small cosmetic defects. Scars, acne marks, chicken pox, stretch marks - all this can be easily removed with one or two courses of exfoliation. Many people want to repeat the procedure at home. But is this always possible? When are peelings useful and when are they contraindicated?

Acid peeling comes from the English verb to peel. It is translated as “scraping”, and scraping is the meaning and essence of this cosmetic procedure. It can be used for the face, abdomen and other parts of the body (if the course is agreed upon with a cosmetologist).

To understand the mechanism of action of the procedure, let's turn to anatomy - it is important to understand what our skin is made of.

The skin “in section” looks like this:

  1. The top layer is called the epidermis. This is the thin, outer skin where all vital processes take place: cells grow, work, die, metabolic processes “boil”, the immune system works, which protects us from harmful bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms.
  2. The second layer is called the dermis. If you imagine it in the form of a ball, you get two: papillary and reticular. The balls contain collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the smoothness and elasticity of the skin.
  3. The last layer is fatty tissue. Between the fibers are fat cells. They protect a person from temperature changes, overheating or hypothermia.

All layers tend to renew themselves naturally, literally being reborn anew. Now let’s figure out how exfoliation, that is, peeling, renews the skin layers.

Acid peeling aims to burn the skin layer, thereby forcing it to renew itself. The intensity of the impact depends primarily on the aggressiveness of the acids: it is different for everyone.

Common types of acid peels:

  1. Superficial peeling allows you to remove the first layer of skin, that is, the epidermis. The acids used for superficial peeling are quite weak. These are salicylic, lactic, pyruvic and other fruit acids. Sometimes a light course of exfoliation is quite sufficient for a bright renewal effect: the face becomes cleaner, wrinkles become less noticeable, and in general the person looks younger and fresher.
  2. For medium peeling, more powerful acids are used - retinoic, trichloroacetic. It reaches the second layer - the dermis, burns it and the result of rejuvenation becomes even more pronounced. A person visually “throws off” up to 5 years of age, minor damage disappears, wrinkles are smoothed out. The relief of the face becomes smooth, and the skin acquires a pleasant velvety texture.
  3. The most powerful deep peeling. This is very effective procedure for removing scars, stretch marks, chickenpox pits, and other skin damage. Since very aggressive phenolic acid is involved, one uneven movement can cause a burn. Deep peeling is performed only by professional cosmetologists, and the manipulation is comparable to a mini-surgery. It is carried out only in a clinical setting.

But for home use, light peeling with fruit acids is quite suitable. It acts instead of scrubs, and has a good result in maintaining the skin in well-groomed condition. Even regular superficial peelings carried out in courses allow a woman to look young longer.

Serious deep peels are often performed for medical reasons: say, if there are a lot of potholes on the face left by illness or acne. For home use perfect option– multi-acid peeling, which includes several types of acids with a concentration of no more than 25%.

It is best if glycolic acid is present in the composition: it has a low molecular weight, penetrates tissue almost instantly, and quickly cleanses it. It combines perfectly with vitamins E and A, acquiring an antioxidant effect. And paired with kelp and vegetable oils, it is ideal for rehabilitating the skin after winter, when it lacks vitamins and the color becomes gray.

Acid peeling for the face has become very popular recently. This is explained by the versatility of the procedure and the generally affordable cost - hundreds, if not thousands of fashionistas can afford to keep their skin in order. At the same time, deep cleansing solves not only purely cosmetic problems - it can eliminate defects that women only a few years ago were forced to put up with for the rest of their lives.

Indications for use:

  • loss of elasticity and firmness of the skin;
  • age-related changes;
  • expression wrinkles;
  • « crow's feet"near the eyes;
  • age spots, including age spots;
  • freckles;
  • uneven skin texture;
  • dim, grey colour faces;
  • minor damage;
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • blackheads, acne marks;
  • scars and potholes after chickenpox;
  • some skin diseases (molluscum contagiosum);
  • dryness, dehydration, skin tightness.

Chemical peeling of the face, if it does not completely remove it, makes stretch marks invisible after childbirth, which many women suffer from. He can also make scars left after deep cuts invisible. But still, do not forget: this is primarily a medical manipulation and also has its contraindications.

Attention! Mesotherapy and biorevitalization are much more effective if you first carry out a course of skin cleansing with acids. Sometimes only 3-4 procedures are enough to achieve results. Beauty injections apply much better to the skin: it absorbs vitamin complexes without residue, rejuvenates and heals from the inside. But the course and the right acid Only the treating cosmetologist can advise.

In some cases, cosmetologists prohibit peelings, or it takes time to fix the problem. Facial peeling with acid should not be done by pregnant or breastfeeding women. Especially harmful medium peels, when chemicals penetrate through the blood, entering directly into the baby’s body (or the fetus’s placenta).

Peeling contraindications:

  • acne in the acute stage;
  • herpes, infectious diseases that go away with high fever;
  • open wounds, abrasions, purulent lesions, burns;
  • severe thinning;
  • carrying out severe traumatic procedures, for example, laser rejuvenation;
  • taking medications for acne, antidepressants;
  • oncological diseases;
  • allergy;
  • rosacea;
  • for bronchial asthma;
  • with a fresh tan (including artificial tanning).

There are cases when it is already discovered during a session allergic reaction on acids. The cosmetologist, if he is experienced, immediately applies a neutralizer, stopping the effect of the cleansing drug. Therefore, a mandatory condition for any peeling is an allergy test. In case of rosacea (and simply nearby vessels), the acid concentration is chosen with the utmost care: otherwise the skin can easily be burned.

Facial peelings with acids are best done in a salon - compositions for exfoliation at home are much softer and less aggressive, we will discuss them below.

In the salon, the stages look like this:

  1. Cleansing of decorative cosmetics residues, degreasing, restoring hydrobalance using special means.
  2. Drying the areas where the acid will be applied.
  3. Direct application of acid. Evenly over the entire surface of the skin. For one procedure, a maximum of 2 ml of exfoliator is usually used.
  4. The cosmetologist works along massage lines, applying the composition from less to more sensitive areas, without affecting the skin around the eyes.
  5. Peeling lasts from 2 to 15 minutes maximum: it all depends on the structure of the skin.
  6. The last stage is neutralization with a special solution (it contains moisturizing components) and a soothing mask.

An experienced specialist does not leave the patient a single step during the entire cleansing session - he carefully monitors the skin's reaction. Severe burning, tears from the eyes, and redness serve as an immediate stop signal for the end of the session. As you can see, everything is serious. For home treatments, you can use only soft formulations that gently remove dead cells from the skin. Which? We'll tell you in the next section.

Compositions for home and the best cosmetics

Acid peeling at home is radically different from salon peeling. First of all, the maximum permissible concentration of acids. After all, you understand that if you leave the composition on the skin for a second, a severe burn will appear. What acids can you use at home and how to prepare safe formulations?

Popular recipes:

  1. Ascorbic acid and lemon juice. You need to crush an ascorbic acid tablet and mix it with lemon juice until it becomes a paste. Then it is important to apply it to the face, leave for 10-15 minutes, and then neutralize with a mixture of soda and boiled water in a ratio of 1 tsp. for 200 ml of water.
  2. Sea salt and soda. Mix a teaspoon of salt, soda, and baby cream, apply to previously cleansed skin (or better yet, degrease it with a regular tonic), leave for 15 minutes, and rinse with warm, clean water.
  3. Berries and honey. Pound the berries (it’s good to take ripe, seasonal ones) into a paste. Mix with a dessert spoon of honey and a tablespoon of gelatin. Heat until the gelatin grows. Apply to face, wash off after 15 minutes. We rinse our face with mineral water without gas. Be sure to moisturize your face well with your favorite cream.
  4. Strawberry. You can make a pure strawberry scrub in the same way. To do this, mix ripe berry puree with honey and apply it to your face. Berry acid peels for home use are considered one of the best - they contain fruit acids that whiten but do not harm the epithelium.
  5. Almond. Grind the nuts in a coffee grinder, mix with oatmeal, add a teaspoon of green tea, cream and a drop of lavender oil. Apply the scrub mask to the face, and after 20 minutes rinse with mineral water. Peeling is suitable for dry skin. Anyone with oily skin can use milk instead of cream, and lemon juice instead of butter.
  6. Coffee and kefir. Don’t throw away regular “drunk” ground coffee - mix the grounds with kefir, and then apply to your face along the massage lines. Rinse off after 15-20 minutes, thoroughly moisturize your face.

These are examples of formulations that are gentle and generally safe for the skin. These are light superficial masks, although their regular use will quickly transform your facial skin. You can also undergo an analogue of the salon procedure at home. It is important to strictly follow the sequence so as not to burn your facial skin.

It is important to know! Light superficial peeling can be done with some home care products. These are creams, gels, serums with a low content of fruit acid. Avon company released special product- pillows for the home. They look like cotton pads with low concentration acids (the composition contains glycolic, lactic, and salicylic acid). The effect of use is controversial, but many people like it.

We remind you that deep acid peeling is strictly prohibited at home! The maximum permissible acid concentration for the home is 25%. But now there are kits for home peeling on sale, and many people are willing to buy them.

What is included in this set?

  1. Acids (succinic, hyaluronic, glycolic, pyruvic).
  2. Neutralizer.
  3. Mask for nutrition and hydration.

The price of the sets ranges from 400 rubles. But

Exfoliating acid peeling for the face at home is applied strictly according to the time specified in the instructions, and then washed off.

Let's sum it up

Wherever you perform peels, be sure to pay attention to skin care after peeling. You cannot go to the solarium; it is important to use creams with UV factors, moisturize and nourish the epithelium. For the first time after acid peeling, cosmetologists recommend refraining from playing sports, not smoking or drinking alcohol (and, if possible, strong tea and coffee, which dry out the skin from the inside). For care, it is allowed to use Panthenol, aloe vera gel and other soothing anti-inflammatory agents. Make it a rule to finish cleansing if there is any discomfort: this way you will avoid burns and get a good result. Take care of yourself, but be attentive to your health!

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Professional chemical exfoliation is an expensive pleasure, an alternative to which is facial peeling with acids at home. The effect of self-performed procedures will not be as radical and quick as from salon techniques. But homemade peelings using natural acids can still maintain the beauty of the face and prolong youth. Let's learn how to do acid peeling yourself and what rules you need to follow when choosing a procedure.

The nuances of chemical exfoliation for the home

Skin cleansing with chemical peeling compounds is based on the unique properties of acids suitable for cosmetic purposes. For safe exfoliation in the salon, only organic or synthesized acids are used, the concentration of which in professional products does not exceed 15-35%. For home peelings, it is better to limit yourself to the use of fruit and lactic acids from natural foods or pharmaceutical preparations.

Depending on the degree of exposure of the acid to the facial skin, cosmetologists divide peelings into superficial, medium and deep. The last two types are not suitable for home exfoliation: such radical beauty procedures initially cause significant damage to the skin, so it is better to entrust their implementation to a professional. During medium, and even more so deep chemical peels, the effect of acid solutions and the number of layers of the peeling agent must be controlled - manipulations require certain knowledge and skills in cosmetology. Otherwise, the result of the procedure may not be the elimination of aesthetic defects, but their aggravation.

Acid peeling at home can only be superficial. The gentle procedure gently affects the upper layer of the keratinized epidermis without affecting the dermis and subcutaneous fatty tissue. The concentration of natural acids is sufficient to “dissolve” dead cells and stimulate the natural process of restoring the protective barrier. In response to mild “injury,” the epidermis begins to double the production of protein threads of collagen and elastin, which form the skin framework. Destroyed old cells give way to elastic skin without previous defects, the previously dull complexion evens out and acquires a healthy shade, pigmentation lightens, inflammation and acne become smaller, and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized.

Unlike salon procedures mild home peeling with natural acids does not cause redness, much less chemical burns of the skin. After such exfoliation, the skin returns to normal within 5 days. Therefore, sometimes acid peels for the face at home replace the usual scrubs, gommages and masks, the effect of which is not so long-lasting.

Homemade acids and skin age

Self-exfoliation of the skin with acids at home should be correctly selected according to the type and age of the skin. Throughout their lives, women are concerned about various aesthetic problems, which single-component and multi-acid peels help solve.

Young skin

At the age of 20-25 years, lungs chemical peels allow you to cope with inflammatory rashes, clogged and stretched pores, comedones, painful pimples, acne, and excessive facial oiliness.

As the main ways to care for young skin, cosmetologists recommend superficial fruit, salicylic and glycolic peels, which are performed independently without risk to appearance.

Peeling with fruit acids is one of the simple, affordable and effective exfoliations that allow you to get rid of “teenage” complexes. The composition for it can be prepared at home. To do this, you will need to grate and mix fresh fruits or berries: apples, grapes, strawberries, black currants, lemon. Natural fruit acids have a disinfectant, antioxidant and brightening effect. The only rule for such an acid peel is to keep the tasty composition on your face for no more than 15-20 minutes. Repeat the procedure fruit peeling possible weekly.

For gentle salicylic peeling, you can buy a ready-made composition at a pharmacy or cosmetic store. Salicylic acid is a proven and mild keratolytic - a product that dissolves keratin (the dense outer layer of the epidermis). Homemade salicylic peeling will gently destroy the keratinized epidermis, while simultaneously providing an antiseptic and antibacterial effect on the skin. A solution of salicylic acid will tighten pores, alleviate acne and make age spots less noticeable.

Homemade peeling with glycolic acid is also a gentle way to cleanse your facial skin. The safety of the procedure is associated with the properties of glycolate molecules: due to their micron sizes, the particles of the compound quickly penetrate the skin cells without violating its integrity. Glycolic acid intensively moisturizes the skin from the inside, removes toxins and launches rejuvenation processes. The results of home glycolic peeling are noticeable after the first procedure: sebaceous plugs disappear, the skin becomes matte and the complexion becomes healthy.

Maturing skin

At the age of 25-35 years, acid peeling at home becomes the main tool for combating age-related skin changes: a network of small expression wrinkles that form “crow’s feet” around the eyes and lips, loss of elasticity, increased dryness and dullness, light brown age spots. Only serious cosmetological techniques will help permanently erase traces of age from the face, for which it is better to go to a specialized clinic or beauty salon. Homemade acid exfoliation can only be a good support for aging skin.

Lactic acid peeling mixtures are easy to prepare yourself. Skin cells absorb “milk” molecules well, so such exfoliation will not result in allergies or other side effects. Course of home procedures milk peeling will smooth out shallow facial wrinkles, lighten pigmentation, saturate the skin with moisture and increase tone.

Peeling with retinoic acid for home use is recommended with caution, although for aging skin it is the best superficial technique. Retinol, a synthetic “double” of vitamin A, is not rejected by epidermal cells, so yellow exfoliation rarely causes allergies. Retinoic peeling composition is a universal antiseptic and antioxidant. The result of its action lasts up to 4 months. Retinol is a universal anti-aging product, a real panacea for women over 30 years old. It is not difficult to prepare a retinoic mixture for peeling at home; the main thing is to strictly follow the instructions for the components of the composition and do not skimp on the procedures.

Home peeling with acids for mature skin is recommended only as an intermediate care between cosmetic lifting, thread reinforcement or plastic surgery. Self-prepared formulations are powerless against deep wrinkles, scars, sagging skin and hyperpigmentation. But they help refresh the complexion and soften the skin.

Prohibitions for home peeling with acids

Despite the safety and gentleness of superficial procedures, acid peeling for the face at home should not be performed in the following cases:

  • if there are unhealed wounds, abrasions, cracks, painful ulcers on the skin;
  • exacerbation of the herpes virus;
  • confirmed oncological diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • development of dermatological diseases: vitiligo, psoriasis, eczema, etc.;
  • individual intolerance to the ingredients of the peeling composition;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • disruptions of the endocrine system, hormonal imbalances;
  • many birthmarks on the face;
  • increased sensitivity and dry skin.

Step-by-step instructions for home procedure

If you have already decided on the type of acid and its exposure time to correct facial skin imperfections, follow this sequence of the home acid exfoliation procedure:

  • remove from face before peeling decorative cosmetics and degrease the skin using alcohol wipes for injection;
  • Apply the acid composition to the skin using a wide brush or cotton pad, avoid getting the product on the delicate skin of the upper and lower eyelids;
  • after 20 minutes, remove the remaining peeling mixture from the skin using mineral water or a special neutralizer;
  • soothe irritated skin with ease nourishing cream, moisturizing mask or serum.

If exfoliation involves applying multiple layers of acid peel, carefully monitor the reaction skin. If severe tingling or itching occurs, remove the mixture from your face.

Natural home peelings

Homemade acid peeling can be prepared independently from ordinary fresh fruits and berries, or a ready-made complex of acids and neutralizers purchased at a pharmacy. The second option is suitable for experienced clients of beauty salons, who have the opportunity to consult with their cosmetologist about the choice of product, the number of procedures and possible consequences. Fruit and milk peels based on natural ingredients can be mixed in 15 minutes. Read more about how you can do acid peeling yourself.

Sour cream peeling with strawberries

  • 4 fresh or frozen strawberries;
  • 4 drops of almond oil;
  • ½ tablespoon 15% sour cream;
  • 1 tsp potato starch.
  1. mix all ingredients of the peeling composition;
  2. apply the resulting mixture to your face in a thin layer;
  3. repeat application after 5 minutes;
  4. after 15 minutes, rinse off the peeling with warm water;
  5. moisturize your facial skin with cream or mask.

Peeling with grapes

  • 5 grapes;
  • 2 tbsp. mineral water of medium carbonation.
  1. grind the grapes into a homogeneous paste;
  2. apply the resulting peeling mixture to your face;
  3. after 15 minutes, rinse off the composition with mineral water;
  4. soothe the skin with a mask or moisturizer.

Fermented milk peeling with oatmeal

  • 1 tbsp. yogurt or curdled milk;
  • 5 drops of 4% lactic acid solution;
  • 1 tsp crushed oatmeal.
  1. Mix the components of the peeling composition until smooth;
  2. Apply the resulting “gruel” to face light massage movements;
  3. leave the peeling to act for 15 minutes;
  4. rinse off the composition with warm water;
  5. moisturize your facial skin with special products.

Lung home cleansing facial acid compositions are useful and safe. Superficial natural peelings help maintain a fresh complexion and are a good prevention of aging. Acid peels at home can also be performed in courses of 4-6 procedures with an interval of one week between sessions.