Preserving Russian traditions.  Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Preserving Russian traditions. Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

The tradition of the All-Russian celebration of the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was established in 2008. The main symbol of this holiday is the daisy, with the help of which even in Rus' lovers told fortunes and gave them to each other.

Who are Peter and Fevronia?

Church tradition identifies Peter and Fevronia (David and Euphrosyne) with the Murom prince David Yuryevich (Georgievich) and his wife. The fact that the name David, and not Peter (secular), remained in the chronicles can be explained by the fact that Russian princes often had two Christian names, and when tonsured into the schema they often returned the first Christian name.

The blessed Prince Peter was the second son of Murom Prince Yuri Vladimirovich. He ascended the Murom throne in 1203. A few years before this book. Peter fell ill with leprosy, from which no one could cure him.

In a sleepy vision, it was revealed to the prince that he could be healed by the daughter of the “tree climber”, a beekeeper who extracted wild honey, Fevronia, a peasant woman from the village of Laskovoy in the Ryazan land. The Virgin Fevronia was wise, wild animals obeyed her, she knew the properties of herbs and knew how to treat ailments, she was a beautiful, pious and kind girl.

The prince promised to marry her after healing. St. Fevronia healed the prince, but he did not keep his word. And the illness resumed, Fevronia cured him again and married him.

When he inherited the reign after his brother, the boyars did not want to have a princess of simple rank, telling him: “Either let go of your wife, who insults noble ladies with her origin, or leave her as Murom.”

The prince took Fevronia, got into a boat with her and sailed along the Oka. They began to live ordinary people, rejoicing that they were together, and God was helping them.

history of the holiday

The story of saints whose marriage is an example of Christian marriage. The second son of Murom Prince Yuri Vladimirovich Peter was wounded with a poisoned sword in his youth. His body was covered with ulcers, and no one could heal him.

In a dream, the prince had a vision - the beekeeper’s daughter, the peasant woman Fevronia, could heal him. The prince promised to marry her if she healed him - and so it happened. In their old age, having taken monastic vows in different monasteries, they prayed to God that they would die on the same day, and bequeathed their bodies to be placed in one coffin, having previously prepared a tomb of one stone, with a thin partition.

They died on the same day and hour - June 25 (new style - JULY 8) 1228. Considering burial in the same coffin incompatible with the monastic rank, their bodies were buried in different monasteries, but the next day they found themselves together.

Congratulations on Family Day in verse

The Day of Family, Love and Fidelity carries a powerful message to preserve feelings, warmth of relationships, and mutual support. On this day, I want to wish that you always want to return home, where they wait and remain faithful, take care of the hearth and support you in moments of weakness or fall.

Let it be near long years Your loved ones will be with you, ready to support you with deeds and advice at any moment, and you will reward them with gratitude filled with sincere reciprocal feelings. Maintaining harmony in the family and carrying your feelings for many years is difficult, and only those who want it with all their hearts succeed.

Raising children together, supporting each other in difficult times, sharing the bitter cup of failures, which will become less bitter if shared in half, enjoying victories together and meeting a calm, peaceful old age together - this is what a family can give. Congratulations on the holiday of family, love and fidelity!
Celebrating Family Day
Friendship in this world
After all, the delight of love
We live from now on.

And always a priority
Family values,
We wish everyone in the world
Joy and fidelity.

Children's laughter and hubbub,
So that the hearth is hot,
And it pulled incessantly
To a house where everything is so perfect.
Family is the real happiness!
Love, the other half,
And children are the fruit of mutual passion,
Consent between a woman and a man.

May your family be with you forever
In first place remains
Only this is the happiness of a person,
And in life he will achieve everything!
On the Day of Love, Family and Fidelity
I wish you affection, tenderness,
So that everyday life doesn’t bog you down
And the fire of love burned.

So that you can be proud of your family,
They didn’t swear and didn’t get angry,
They gave in, they understood
And all insults were forgiven.

Loyalty was guarded reverently,
Always together, close by,
Raised nice children
And they set an example.
Let's honor family values
Let us always love our loved ones,
After all, only in the family will we find support,
May your home always be full!
Let children and adults always remember -
Family is the most important! Years later
Manage to carry your happiness,
Let only the best lie ahead!
In such a difficult everyday life
Our family helps us.
Happy Family, Love and Fidelity Day
I hasten to congratulate you!

Be happy and joyful
Even on a weekday it’s simple.
May life give you sweetness
And mischievous love!
Family means so much
Family is a simple word,
Follow the family path
Live in love and peace,

You love your children,
They are an extension of you
Honor family values
And happiness awaits you, without a doubt!

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity - Traditions

On Peter and Fevronia Day, it is customary to pray for love, family happiness, harmony and prosperity. On the day of family, love and fidelity, it is customary to ask for a blessing for marriage from your parents. In their prayers, young people ask God for Great love, and older people ask for family consent.

There is a belief that a marriage concluded on July 8 promises the newlyweds a long, happy and rich life. The holiday, called the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, is considered folk Orthodox. According to popular beliefs, on this day mermaids go deep into bodies of water, so you can let your lover go fishing without fear - the mermaids will not lure him to them.

That is why this holiday has several names: Day of Family, Love and Fidelity, Day of Peter and Fevronia, Fevronia the Mermaid, Fevronia the Mermaid Day. On this day, a festive service is held in Orthodox churches, and parishioners pray and worship the venerable martyr Fevronia the Virgin, the blessed Prince Peter, and the venerable Nikon of Optina. On this day, married couples turn to Peter and Fevronia with prayers for the preservation of the family, fidelity, mutual understanding, health and love.

Prayer to Peter and Fevronia of Murom. Day of Love, Family and Fidelity 2019

The celebration of Family Day in Russia is associated with the memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia, who are revered as guardians of love and the family hearth. It is customary to spend this day with family to strengthen family ties.

The holiday of family, love and fidelity was approved not so long ago, in 2008, but has managed to fall in love with many. For this idea we can thank the residents of the city of Murom, where the relics of saints are located who, according to legend, are capable of healing illnesses and helping to find true love. The love of Peter and Fevronia inspires many, because the union of loving hearts has passed many tests. The family holiday was combined with the day of veneration of saints, and is celebrated annually on July 8.

History of Saints Peter and Fevornia

The surviving information about the life of the lovers dates back to the 13th century. The prince of the glorious city of Murom, Peter, defended his brother’s wife, who was being tempted by a snake, by fighting the monster. The blood of the serpent fell on the defender and affected his entire body. Not a single doctor could cure leprosy, and Peter suffered, not knowing how to prevent trouble.

After a while, Peter had a vision in which he recognized the name of a girl who could help get rid of suffering. She had the gift of healing and used medicinal herbs to combat various diseases. A peasant by birth, Fevronia had beauty, intelligence and was wise beyond her years.

The girl decided to help the prince, but set a condition: after healing, Peter had to take her as his wife. Having learned that it was possible to get rid of the illness, the prince agreed to the peasant woman’s conditions, but after healing he retracted his words, and the illness returned to him, depriving him even more of his strength and threatening to take his life.

This event led to another appeal to the healer, and this time the prince kept his word. Despite the huge difference in origin, the young people got married. Problems in their lives began when the boyars were not satisfied with the low social origin of the princess. Peter, seeing that the people were indignant, resigned his powers and, together with his wife, left Murom to live an ordinary peasant life. However, after some time, the people asked the prince to return and rule them again.

After many years, the lovers decided to devote their lives to God and took monasticism. They spent every day in tireless prayers, asking the Higher Powers to grant them death at the same time, so as not to be separated in the afterlife. The couple lived long life and died on July 8. The bodies of the deceased were placed in different cells, but in the morning the monks were surprised to find that they were next to each other. This confirmed that the lovers remained inseparable after death, confirming God's blessing.

Day of Family, Love and Loyalty: how to celebrate this day

During the celebration, you can go to various events dedicated to Family Day. At this time, concerts, exhibitions, competitions and exciting competitive programs. Many people prefer to celebrate the occasion in a small family circle and enjoy communication with dear to my heart people.

Weddings are often scheduled on the 8th to conclude a marriage protected by the saints. On the day of remembrance of saints, pilgrims from all over Russia arrive in the city of Murom to honor the saints and venerate the incorruptible relics. Prayers offered to Peter and Fevronia help get rid of loneliness, strengthen family ties and protect the union of loving hearts from any adversity. You can pray to the saints not only in temples and churches, but also at home if you have an icon depicting the pious Peter and Fevronia.

On the day of the holiday, lovers give each other bouquets of field daisies, a symbol of pure and sincere love. The holiday serves as an edification for all lovers, reminding them that love must be protected and overcome adversity together, supporting partners in grief and happiness. Prayers to Peter and Fevronia will help you find family well-being and harmony.

Events and traditions for the holiday

Every year, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is becoming more and more popular in Russia. Life since those times has changed in our country beyond recognition. But there are also eternal, non-perishable values, which include love and family. And today people dream of such strong family, which Peter and Fevronia had. The holiday can be a good alternative to the Catholic Valentine's Day, which is celebrated on February 14.

All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity should be spent with your family or loved one. It is not customary to give gifts on this holiday Greeting Cards, chocolate and various souvenirs. The best gift a bouquet of field or garden daisies can be a bouquet for a loved one on this day.
In many cities, local authorities and public organizations hold various festive and special events: congratulatory concerts, exhibitions, fairs, charity events, as well as celebrations large families and spouses who have lived together for more than 25 years.

Services are held in churches. A huge number of weddings take place. For many centuries in Rus' there was a tradition of organizing an engagement on July 8th. IN modern Russia This day is now considered one of the most successful for wedding ceremonies and marriage. Young people have a belief that he will have a long and happy life.

It has already become traditional to hold an awareness-raising campaign “Give me life!” in Russian cities and regions, dedicated to this holiday, which is aimed at reducing the number of abortions in Russia and preserving family values. All events are widely covered in the media.

The holiday “All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity” received wide support from the press and public organizations. It is celebrated throughout Russia, but the city of Murom becomes the main center of celebrations every year.

This holiday is a wonderful occasion to get together with the whole family and show special care for your family and friends. This warm holiday is welcome in any home, which is why it is so easy for him to walk - having left the church calendar, he is ready to knock on every door.

On this day, remember your parents, spouse, children, brothers, sisters... Tell them your warmest and tender words love, because in this world there is nothing more precious than close and dear people! Take care of them!

Intriguing facts about celebrating Family, Love and Fidelity Day in 2018

In Russia, the celebration will take place on July 8, 2018;
It was originally intended as a replacement for Valentine's Day, which came from Western culture;
The celebration has Orthodox roots, based on the veneration of Saints Peter and Fevronia;
The emblem is a daisy with red and blue petals, personifying fidelity and family hearth;
Marriages concluded on July 8 will become long, strong, and happy;
According to Slavic customs, on July 8, mermaids swam to the depths of reservoirs, stopping to interfere with swimmers and fishermen;
Traditionally, hot weather on July 8 will lead to a warm, sunny summer.

Celebrating the celebration in honor of Peter and Fevronia in kindergarten

For ten years now, Russians have been celebrating a wonderful, bright holiday, filled only with kind, bright emotions. 2018 will be the anniversary year for this day.

Despite the short history of the celebration, the day of family, love, and fidelity is loved by the residents of our country and has acquired its own traditions and signs. The young holiday has a long history, rooted in the Slavic past.

Rituals and signs for July 8 - Day of Family, Love and Fidelity

Over the centuries-old history of the celebration, the day has acquired many signs and traditional customs, writes Ros-Register. Orthodox Christians go to church services, praying to Saints Peter and Fevronia, asking for family world, happy marriage for singles.

From July 8th people began to get married all summer, right up to the feast of St. Peter. It was considered especially lucky to have a wedding on the very day of veneration of the saints, who became a model of family life. There was an opinion that then the prince and his beloved would protect the spouses, protecting them from quarrels and troubles.

According to ancient Slavic legends, on July 8, mermaids stopped creating inconvenience for swimmers, as they went into the depths. However, people were careful: brownies, goblins, watermen, foresters liked to play tricks before leaving.

And after the holiday of Fevronia the Mermaid, you can remain calm, since evil spirits became safe for the residents.

There are also folk signs related to the weather that day. For example, if on July 8 it is a hot, sultry day outside, then the whole summer will be warm, sunny, with good weather.

Music videos congratulations on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in 2018

Relatively young, but loved by so many, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This holiday has existed for about 10 years. The official date is the day when the Federation Council approved the decision to establish All-Russian Family Day, namely July 8, 2008.

  • Historical figures
  • Incredible healings
  • Traditions
  • Monuments
  • Conclusion

Historical figures

According to legend, a snake began to fly to the wife of the Murom prince Paul and force her to commit fornication. He appeared to her in the form of her husband. Having found out the truth, she told everything to her husband. The serpent could only die from the sword of Saint Agrikov in the hands of Peter, the brother of the Murom prince. Peter could not refuse his brother, so he killed the serpent by plunging the sword into the serpent's body, blood fell on Peter's skin, and his body became covered with sores.

No one could heal Peter until he had a dream in which he was saved. In one of the Ryazan villages lived the daughter of a poison dart frog, Fevronia. She was a healer and could help him.

Arriving to her, Peter asked her for help. She agreed, but with one condition, that she would become his wife, Peter agreed. But as soon as he felt improvement, he did not fulfill his promise, arguing that a commoner could not become the wife of the future prince, and went to Murom.

Only for a short time, because upon returning, he was again caught by illness. Having no choice, he again went to Ryazan to apologize to the girl and take her as his wife. Fevronia forgave Peter and healed him.

Having received the throne, Fevronia became a princess, but the boyars could not come to terms with this, because it was not right for commoners to be on the princely throne, and they gave an ultimatum to Peter: either Fevronia and he leaves the throne, or his princely place and he expels his wife. During his family life, Peter warmed up to Fevronia and managed to sincerely fall in love, so the choice was obvious. He left the throne and left with Fevronia in search of a quiet family life.

In the absence of Peter, Murom was restless. Murders and civil strife are becoming commonplace. The people demand the return of Peter and Fevronia to the princely throne.

The married couple went back to Murom and received legal power. Over time, the boyars realized their mistake, because Fevronia turned out to be wise and righteous. The townspeople treated her with respect.

In old age, Peter and Fevronia took monastic vows with the names David and Euphrosyne; they wanted to die on the same day and be buried in the same coffin. On July 8, 1228, Peter and Fevronia passed away at the same time. However, they could not be buried together, because it would be contrary to the monastic title. Therefore, they were buried in different monasteries, but the next day their bodies ended up in the same coffin.

Peter and Fevronia were canonized in 1547, they are also a symbol of family well-being, love and fidelity.

Incredible healings

Many married couples and people eager to find their soulmate come to the Holy Trinity Convent, which is located in Murom, to venerate the relics of the Saints and ask for help to maintain or improve their relationship, as well as to find their love. Most impressively, couples who had been unable to have children for decades gave birth to healthy babies. In the monastery there is a thick book in which these incredible healings are recorded.


Chamomile is a symbol of Family Day of love and fidelity, and the main city for the holiday is Murom.

Interesting. It is believed that if you tie the knot on July 8, you will protect your marriage from disintegration.

When will the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity be held in Russia in 2019?

On July 8, festivities will be held in every city of Russia on this occasion. Civil registry office employees are preparing for the inevitable rush, because this day is scheduled to the minute. Everyone wants a strong, happy relationship.


Since 2008, more than 70 monuments to Saints Peter and Fevronia have been erected throughout Russia. It is likely that in the near future, on July 8, you will have the opportunity to spend this day with your family.


Set aside all worries on this bright holiday. Devote a whole day to your loved ones. No matter what happens in life, no matter what difficulties you encounter along the way, remember that your family will always remain your support and support.

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity 2018: what date?

There are many holidays, some more significant, others less, but there are events that are important for all people without exception. These include New Year, as well as holidays associated with family values. There are two of them in Russia - one is international, which is called Valentine's Day, and the second is exclusively ours, which is called the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. This holiday is still very young; it appeared after the Year of the Family was declared in Russia. This was in two thousand and eight. Since then, this event has been celebrated annually in every city. So, when will it be? What date will events related to this wonderful holiday take place?

Date of the holiday and its history

To remember when a holiday is celebrated, and it has a constant date, you need to understand its history. Every important day has its own patrons, and the holiday dedicated to family values ​​is Saints Peter and Fevronia.

You can read about why saints became patrons of family and pure love in many books. It tells how Prince Peter, who ruled Murom in the thirteenth century, once became seriously ill. He was getting worse and had already lost hope of a cure, when he suddenly had a dream that a girl named Fevronia could help him. It turned out that in one Ryazan village there really was such a woman. She was the daughter of a beekeeper and truly had the talent of a healer. The prince promised that if Fevronia cures him, he will marry her. However, when the girl cured Peter, he did not marry her only because she was a peasant. And soon the prince fell ill again. And again he turned to Fevronia. She cured the prince again, and after that she finally became his wife.
But then the boyars began to be indignant. No one wanted to obey a simple girl who became a princess, and Peter was forced to leave Murom. The lovers began to live peacefully, but the people demanded that the prince return to his duties, the boyars gave in, and Peter and Fevronia began to rule Murom together. They ruled almost until old age, and were an example for the entire people. After this, the prince and princess took monastic vows and asked God for only one thing - to depart to another world on the same day. They even prepared a tomb so they could be buried together. God heard the prayers of the lovers, and Peter and Fevronia died at the same time - on June twenty-fifth (according to the new style, this is July 8).
And although God took Peter and Fevronia together on the same day, the monks decided to bury them separately. Peter and Fevronia were buried in different monasteries. But a day after the funeral, a miracle happened - their bodies ended up together in the same tomb. After this, the spouses were no longer separated. Then Peter and Fevronia were elevated to the rank of saints, and their love and loyalty to each other prompted people to call the saints patrons of family values, marriage and pure love. The relics of the saints are still in the city of Murom, and people come to the Holy Trinity Monastery to ask for a happy family life or children.
When such a holiday as the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity was introduced in Russia, they decided that it should be celebrated on the eighth of July. It is on this day that the holiday will be celebrated in 2018.

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity in Murom

The day dedicated to family values ​​very quickly gained popularity; every city organizes festive events, but the largest celebrations take place in Murom. Many people want to celebrate the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity 2018 in Murom. The program there is extensive, and every tourist can find something interesting for themselves: thematic exhibitions, family relay races, ceremonial awards for families - all this can be seen on this day. But many people are interested in exactly when the largest event will take place on the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity 2018: what date is the concert in Murom?
A festive concert in honor of the holiday will be held on the same day - July 8th. A stage will be installed on the Oka embankment where participants of the show “The Voice” - Anastasia Spiridonova and Sergei Volchkov - will perform. In addition, residents and guests of Murom will be able to see performances by Philip Kirkorov, Ani Lorak and other pop stars at the concert. Those who cannot travel to Murom have the opportunity to watch the concert on TV - on July 8th at 21.30 on Channel One.

In the past, holidays in Rus' formed an important part of family and social life. For many centuries, the people sacredly preserved and honored their traditions, which were passed on from one generation to another.

The Russian people have always been distinguished by their rich culture, customs and vibrant folklore.

National culture sets the Russian people apart, allows one to feel a genuine connection between times and generations, and provides an opportunity to receive vital support and spiritual support.

Currently, many new holidays are appearing. Now a strange situation is emerging in Russia: in a relatively short time, “holidays” appeared that were alien and even hostile to Russian culture.

Halloween, Day of the Dead, controversial Valentine's Day with its real origin and the so-called “tolerance prides” of our time.

Halloween came to our country from American culture. This holiday, if I may say so, is rooted in the distant Celtic culture with its pagan mythology and represents a short-term openness of the invisible world, accompanied by rampant evil spirits.
When Halloween was still a religious event of the ancient Celts, the main emphasis was on honoring the dead with appeasement of otherworldly forces and sacrifices. In ancient times, this holiday was associated with death and everything unusual and mystical. Over time, Halloween completely lost its ceremonial and ritual significance, but it became an occasion to dress up in an unusual costume and have a fun evening. So “fun” that some celebrants consider it appropriate to dress up as suicide bombers in cities facing terrorism face to face.

It becomes clear that Halloween today is primarily a business project, including for Russia, because sometimes we are openly fed everything that we can make money from.

Behind the Western “holiday of the dead,” many no longer see traditional Russian Christmas carols, where there are also costumes and fun, but in a much more positive form - without the feast of horror that Halloween brings.

In addition to entertainment and general joy, Christmastide has always had another, social meaning in Rus'. At parties and holiday celebrations, people maintained neighborly communication, discussed many economic issues, and also brought together the destinies of young people. Parents could look for a bride for their son, and girls could find a future husband and try to please him. Round dances, friendly meetings, feasts - all this was often just a pretext for making acquaintances and helping to diversify life.

About the Holiday of family, love and fidelity.

The mentioned Valentine's Day, in fact, in terms of spirituality cannot be compared with truly Christian, Orthodox holiday- Day of family, love and fidelity. Feast in honor of Saints Peter and Fevronia.

The Day of Saints Peter and Fevronia was celebrated in Rus' for many centuries in a row. It was customary to turn to the prince and princess with prayers for family happiness and a future successful marriage. Peter and Fevronia became models of marital fidelity, mutual love and family happiness during their lifetime. According to legend, they died on the same day - June 25 (according to the new style - July 8), 1228. Their bodies, placed in different places, miraculously ended up in one coffin, which was considered a miracle. Peter and Fevronia were canonized at a church council in 1547. Their relics are kept in the Church of the Holy Trinity of the Holy Trinity Monastery in ancient Murom.

In 2008, the day of family patrons became a holiday of the All-Russian scale. This year, it is not difficult to count, the holiday officially celebrates its 10th anniversary.

The symbol of the holiday is a simple wild flower chamomile. He is familiar and calm. How calm is the holiday itself, which is imbued with purity and tradition.

Every year, the organizing committee of the holiday awards the medal “For Love and Fidelity” to Russian couples who have been married for at least 25 years. On one side of the medal is an image of the symbol of the holiday (chamomile), on the other - the faces of Saints Peter and Fevronia.

In many cities, festive and festive events are held: concerts, charity events, exhibitions, fairs.

On this day, registry offices work until late so that as many couples of newlyweds as possible can tie the knot on this memorable date. It is noteworthy that divorces are not considered on July 8th. And this is the special symbolism of the holiday.

Every year, the Day of Family, Love and Fidelity is becoming an increasingly popular and recognizable holiday in modern Russia. Life since the time of Peter and Fevronia, naturally, has changed beyond recognition. But there are also eternal values, which include love and family, and which for any normal person are the main meaning of life.