A lesson on social and communicative development in the senior group with a compensatory focus “Journey to a fairy forest.  Summary of the lesson in the educational field “Social and communicative development” for senior preschool age “House of Friendship Social

A lesson on social and communicative development in the senior group with a compensatory focus “Journey to a fairy forest. Summary of the lesson in the educational field “Social and communicative development” for senior preschool age “House of Friendship Social

Lesson notes on social and communicative development in preparatory group"Lessons in Politeness and Kindness"

Target: Formation in children of the knowledge and skills necessary for friendly communication, education of good manners, which is called a culture of communication. Tasks:
    Develop cultural behavior skills in Everyday life; To consolidate in students the acquired knowledge about the culture of behavior and communication with each other; cultivate kindness, responsiveness, politeness. Contribute to the formation of friendly relationships between children in the group and the unity of the children's team. To promote the development in children of the ability to understand their own and others’ emotional states, while expressing sympathy and empathy; Develop coherent speech, imagination, Creative skills, attention and coordination of movements. Cultivate a positive attitude towards compliance with the rules and norms of a culture of behavior, the ability to cooperate, and the ability to find common solutions in conflict situations.
Preliminary work: Conversations about the rules of conduct in kindergarten, at the table, on the site; reading poems, stories about the culture of behavior and communication of children by Konstantin Dmitrievich Ushinsky “Together it’s crowded, but apart it’s boring”; looking at illustrations, listening to songs about friendship; organizing and conducting outdoor games and simulation games with children. Cards with riddles. Exhibition of books by B. Zakhoder “A Very Polite Turkey”. V. Oseeva “Magic words”. S.Ya. Marshak "A Lesson of Politeness." Materials and equipment: Multimedia equipment, disk, easel, chips of four colors, riddles, white paper, pictures of rules of conduct, glue, scissors, colored pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, brush, colored paper, napkins.

Approximate move:

The teacher and the children enter music hall, music is playing, a song about friendship, there is a disc on the table. Children stop and greet guests.Educator: Guys, look what I have in my hands? Children's answersEducator: That's right, this is a disk for children of the preparatory group “The Scarlet Flower.” Let's see what's on the disk. Watch the video, contact the guys junior group to older children with a request to teach them to be friendly, polite, cultured and attentive.Educator: Shall we help you guys?Children: Answers. Making a plan diagram on an easelEducator: To become friendly you need to follow what? Children: Answers (rules of behavior in kindergarten). Educator: What are these rules? Children: Answers Educator: Are you guys friendly? (yes) Why do you think so? (because we help each other, care, try to do so not to offend each other) Where does friendship begin? (from a smile, from an acquaintance, from kind words, common interests, etc.) What can strong friendship be compared to? (with iron, stone, chain, rope, lock, sun, song, etc.) Do you know the proverbs about friendship Children: Answers. Educator: How much do you know about friendship, well done. Now let's show how friendly we are. Outdoor game “Friend to Friend”. In this game you need to do everything very quickly, listen to the music carefully. As soon as the music ends, I will say “friend to friend”, you must find a partner and shake his hand, and then greet with different parts of the body, for example ear to ear; nose to nose; forehead to forehead; knee to knee; elbow to elbow; heel to heel; right hand to right hand; back to back; shoulder to shoulder. (play 3-4 times, sit on the carpet).After the game, go to the easel and schematically reflect the next momentEducator: To be cultural, what must be observed? Children: Answers (table manners) Educator: What are the rules? Watching an episode from the cartoon Luntik and his friends “Good Manners” Let’s play the game “We won’t tell you where we were, but we’ll show you what we did.” The purpose of the game: to develop the ability to identify the characteristic features of an action and depict the action itself through pantomime. Children imitate table manners. Educator: And in order to be attentive, you must follow the safety rules on the site. What are the rules? Children: Answers. Educator: Guys, think about what game you would like to play now? Children: Answers. P/i "Entertainers". Goal: To develop imagination, dexterity, and the ability to maintain balance. Progress of the game: A driver is selected - an entertainer who stands in the center of the circle formed by the children. Holding hands, the children walk in a circle to the right and left, saying: In an even circle, one after another, We walk step by step. Stay where you are! Let's do it together like this……….. The children stop and lower their hands; the entertainer shows some movements, and all players must repeat it.Educator: What do you need to know to be polite? Children: Answers. Educator: Well done! Let's play the game "Guess the riddle." Listen to the rules of the game. Everyone now comes up with a riddle about polite words, goes out and riddles the other guys.1. Even a block of ice will melt from a warm word... (Thank you). 2. An old tree stump will turn green when it hears... (Good afternoon). 3. If we can’t eat anymore, we’ll tell our mother... (Thank you). 4. Both in France and in Denmark they say goodbye... (Goodbye). 5. It’s not too lazy to say to friends, smiling... (good afternoon) 6. When we say goodbye to each other, we say... (goodbye) 7. You shouldn’t blame each other, it’s better soon... (sorry ).8.What a beautiful kind word it is...(thank you).9.When you are guilty, hurry to say, I beg you, please...(sorry).10.The boy is polite and well-developed, he speaks when meeting...(hello).11. When we are scolded for pranks, we say... (excuse me, please) Educator: Guys, we have now remembered the rules of behavior that will help children in the younger group become friendly, cultured, attentive and polite. Get chips. How can we tell them about this, let them know? Children: Answers. Educator: Let's prepare reminders of the rules of behavior for the children of the younger group. How to become friendly, cultured, attentive and polite, Unite in a group based on the color of your chips, discuss with each other what rules you would like to work on and sit down at the tables. Children independently draw up instructions for children in the younger group. Music about friendship sounds. As soon as they finish preparing the memos, offer finger game about friendship “We went for a walk in the yard.” One, two, three, four, five, (they bend their fingers one at a time) We went for a walk in the yard (they walk along the table with their index and middle fingers) They sculpted a snow woman, (“they sculpt” a lump with two palms). They fed the birds with crumbs, (“they crumble” "bread with all fingers) Then we rode down the hill, (lead index finger on the palm) And they were also lying in the snow (palms are placed on the table, first on one side, then on the other). Everyone came home covered in snow (shake off their palms). Finger game "Friendship" In our group, girls and boys are friends. (The fingers of the hands are joined rhythmically in a lock). You and I will make small fingers friends. (Rhythmic touching of the fingers of the same name on both hands). One, two, three, four, five. (Alternately touching the fingers of the same name, starting with the little fingers). Start counting again. One, two, three, four, five. We've finished counting. (Hands down, shake hands). Educator: Each company presents its own memo of rules of behavior. Together they read a poem about friendship ABOUT FRIENDSHIP Yuriy Entin The breeze is friends with the sun , And the dew is with the grass. A flower is friends with a butterfly, You and I are friends. We are happy to share everything with friends in half! Just friends should never quarrel!
These rules are not complicated. They can be easily remembered. And now for you, guys, We will reveal their secret. Let this book help girls and boys Learn to be pleasant, Observing ETIQUETTE!
What is etiquette? Some people know, others don’t. These are RULES and BEHAVIORS.
Four magic words are the basis of ETIQUETTE. You often say them, they sound very beautiful: HELLO, SORRY, PLEASE and THANK YOU.
Everyone knows this from childhood: “When I eat, I am deaf and dumb.” And even a word ETIQUETTE Will you allow me to say or not? If you chew, keep your mouth closed. Swallow – then say.
Good afternoon - they told you, - Good afternoon! - you answered. How two strings connected Warmth and kindness.
Educator: What did you like and remember about the lesson? Why? What was interesting for you? Have you experienced any difficulties? What exactly?

Department of Education of the Municipal District Administration

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

kindergarten in the village of Starye Tuymazy municipal district

Tuymazinsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan


organized educational activities

By educational field"Social and communicative development"

Section “Socialization, communication development, moral education”

Thematic lesson: “Lessons in politeness»

Age group: middle group



Fatkhutdinova Zilya Dinarovna

village Starye Tuymazy 2017

Target: give an idea of ​​the various forms of polite communication between people, introduce the rules of etiquette.


Teach the rules of etiquette, forms and techniques of communication when meeting with others, the rules of using polite words;

Develop the skill of using polite words;

Cultivate a friendly, respectful attitude towards each other.

Integration of educational areas : social and communicative development, speech development, physical development, cognitive development.

Methodical techniques:

Game (use of surprise moments) .

Visual (use illustration) .

Verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children).

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations in children's books, guessing riddles, reading poems by A. Kondratiev, S. Marshak, I. Tokmakova, A. Shibaev, A. Yashin, conversation about the rules of etiquette.

Equipment: toy character Dunno, ball,projector, blanks for collective application, petals, presentations on the topic: “What does it mean to be polite?”

Progress of the lesson.

I . Introductory part

Educator: (Children stand in a group on the carpet)

Children, today we have guests for our lesson, let’s say hello. Children say hello. Now let's greet each other:

You are mine and I am your friend

Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other.

And we will give a smile to our guests.

And we will begin our lesson in a good mood.

Educator: (Children sit on chairs). Today in class we will talk about polite words (There is a knock on the door).

Educator: I wonder who came to our lesson? (The teacher opens the door and brings in the toy Dunno ). Children, who is this? (Children's answer - Dunno).

Educator: That's right, it's Dunno ! But for some reason he is silent, does not greet us, does not speak. Children, let's say hello to Dunno (Children say hello, Dunno too ).

That's right, people start getting acquainted with the word “hello.” This is the most common and at the same time the most important word with which people begin to communicate, which characterizes a person as polite and friendly.

Each word has its own secret, the story of its origin. And now we will reveal this secret and find out when this word first appeared.

In very distant times, when cavemen lived: they did not have the words “hello” or “goodbye”. But one day they fell ill and could not recover, and the one who was with them instead of a doctor (because there were no real doctors then) told them: - You are sick because you do not wish each other health. How can a person be healthy if no one wishes him health? The cavemen thought about it and decided to say “Hello” to each other when they met - this means be healthy. “Hello,” they said to each other and immediately felt better. Since then people have been saying hello to each other. In Russia we greet people in different ways. When meeting, they say “hello” to each other. Relatives and friends can say “hello” to each other. When meeting, young people sometimes use the word “salute” instead of the word “hello.” Other words are also used for greetings. If people are at some distance, they greet with a nod, and drivers raise their hand when they meet.

Educator: You can also say hello musically.(Children sing and dance to L. Khismatullina’s song “Hello.”

Educator: So we said hello. A Dunno prepared for us a game “Pick a Rhyme”. It is necessary to choose a polite word or expression that matches the rhyme.

1 . Game "Pick a Rhyme". ( Presentation “Polite words ).

Educator: And Dunno brought the ball with him. He knows another game about politeness and offers to play with you. To the music, they pass the ball around in a circle, as soon as the music has died down, the one who has the ball in his hands says a polite word, we joyfully clap for every polite word.

2.Game "Circle of Polite Words" (The children all stand in a circle and pass the flower around the circle to the music; as soon as the music has died down, the one who has the flower in his hands says a polite word, the children joyfully clap for each polite word).

Educator: Well done, you know a lot of polite words.

Now let's play the game "Please"

3. Game “Please”

I will ask you to complete the task, but you must complete them only when I call the “magic word” - Please!

Stand up please!
Hands up!
Please, clap your hands!
Jump up
Please, hands forward.
Put your hands down

Tilt your head forward.

Tilt your head back Please.

To the left. Right.

Please take your seats.

Educator: That's how many polite words we remembered!Look at the picture. What do you see? What flower? Sad, ugly? Why? (Children's answers - he lost all his petals). I suggest you dress it up with petals, but not simple ones, but magical ones, with magic words. (Hello, goodbye, thank you, please, excuse me, forgive me, all the best to you ) and give Pinocchio postcard magic flower. It will help him to always be polite. (Several children take the petals and glue the petals.)Collective application “Flower of Politeness”.

Educator: Look what beautiful card we succeeded! Let's give it away Dunno . (Children give a postcard Dunno).

Dunno. Thank you, now I will never forget the magic words!

III . Final part

Summary of the lesson.

Educator: Children, let's repeat the polite words again. (Children repeat polite words). Well done! How many of you can explain what it means to be polite? (Children's answers: polite means well-mannered, always speaks politely to other people, knows how to behave civilly in the presence of adults). Right! Children, did you like our lesson, play with Dunno and teach him politeness(Children's answers), what games did we play? But it’s time for Dunno to return home. You were very attentive and active.

Dunno : Goodbye, children! (Children say goodbye to Dunno).

I would like to end our lesson with a poem by V. Kudlachev.

“Thank you”, “Sorry”,
“Please”, “Hello” –
Give generously!
Give to passers-by, friends and acquaintances.
On the trolleybus,
In the park,
And at home.
These words are very
And very important.
They are human
Like air
It's impossible without them
To live in the world.
These words are necessary
Give with a smile.

Ulichnova Lyubov Mikhailovna


MADO No. 59, Kaliningrad

Abstract open class on social and communicative development ( moral education) V senior group“Pochemuchki” - “Celebration of kindness and politeness” .» Goals and objectives:

To consolidate children's knowledge about the meaning of words - kindness, kindness, politeness

Teach children to show concern for others and to be grateful for help

Develop speech, attention, memory, ability to read poetry expressively

Foster friendly relationships between children and respect for others.

Activating the dictionary: thank you, please, excuse me, good afternoon, goodbye

Methods and techniques: verbal - conversation, explanation, visual - showing.

Today I have prepared a surprise for you. I invite everyone to a celebration of kindness and politeness. But first I suggest you play new game"It's time to get up." To do this, you need to squat down, close your eyes and imagine that you are sleeping. And I walk in a circle, stroke everyone’s head and say:

My children, my children

My kids are fast asleep.

My children, my children

They snort little by little.

Children, closing their eyes, take a noisy breath in through their nose and exhale through their mouth.

Educator: The sun has risen! Stop sleeping!

Children “wake up” and, standing on their toes and raising their arms up, take a breath, then lowering their arms along the body and lowering themselves onto the entire foot, exhale.

Educator: Wake up! Smile! Hello!

Hold hands and, turning your head to the friend standing next to you, looking straight into his eyes, gently say: “Sasha, don’t be angry, smile.”

I wish that today everything will be kind and wonderful with you and I invite you to sit down comfortably. May you be warm, good and cozy.

A teacher reads poems by N. Krasilnikov to children

Invented by someone simply and wisely

When meeting, say hello:

Good morning!

Good morning to the sun and birds!

Good morning to smiling faces!

And everyone becomes kind and trusting.

May good morning last until evening!

What do you think is “good”? Kindness? (answers). You know, there are different types of good. One good thing is treasures: books, paintings, toys, jewelry. Such goodness can be seen and even touched with your hands. Another good thing you can hear is music, soulful poetry, tender words. But there is such good that every person should have: you and I and your parents. What kind of good do you think this is? (answers)

Every person should have a kind soul, kind words, to help everyone who is in trouble and, of course, to love everyone. What do they say about such people? What are they? (answers) Indeed, they say about such people: “This is a kind person.” And good deeds good people are called good deeds. Let us look into our magic box and find out which of you did good deeds and which ones. Have you ever heard of politeness? Who can be called a polite person? (answers) Politeness is the ability to behave in such a way that others enjoy being with you.

To become polite, you need to know polite words and be able to use them. These words make everyone around you feel warmer and happier. Good word can cheer you up Hard time, dispel bad mood. People say: “The word heals, the word also hurts.” How do you understand this? (answers) Therefore, before you say anything to your friend or mother, think: will your words offend them?

“Don’t rush to say an offensive word without understanding the matter; a mental wound can be more painful than a serious wound on the body.”


Raise our hands higher

We lower our hands down.

Get the roof first

Then touch the floor.

We perform three tilts,

We bend down to the floor

We perform hand jerks

One two three four five

And now we squat

To become stronger and stronger

We'll move up later.

Let's spread our arms wider.

We warmed up from the heart

And we rush to the place again.

I'm sure you are also learning to be kind, polite people and know kind words.

How should they be pronounced? (affectionately, quietly, looking into the eyes of the person to whom you are speaking) Ask me politely to play with you, (ask) I will be happy to play the game “Say the words” with you. I’ll start, and you finish, answer in unison.

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word - thank you.

The old stump will turn green

When he hears, good afternoon.

When you are scolded for pranks

You say - forgive me, please.

Let us never forget kind and polite words. Let's say them to each other more often. You speak kindly, gently, quietly, looking into the person’s eyes and smiling, because a smile makes a gloomy day brighter. And I want to politely ask you: please play the outdoor game: “To everyone who grows up polite.” All children stand in a circle. One goes around the circle. We all talk together.

To everyone who grows polite

will not pass by a friend!

Even in the most terrible hurry

“Hello” he will say.

The one behind whose back the leader stopped leaves the circle. They run in different directions and quickly shake hands when they meet. Everyone is happy and happy today. I have also prepared a task for you. If the text teaches politeness and kindness, you answer in unison: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends.” And if you don’t like the riddle, keep silent.

  1. Tell me, brothers, which of you forgets to wash your face?
  2. Which of you, waking up cheerfully, with Good morning will he say firmly?
  3. How many of you have your books, pens and notebooks in order?
  4. How many of you give up your seat to older people on a crowded tram?
  5. How many of you are silent like a fish instead of a kind “thank you”?
  6. Those who want to be polite do not offend children

Veronica Belyaeva
Summary of the lesson on social and communicative development “Friendship”

Lesson notes on social and communicative development

in the senior group

Topic: "Friendship"

Educational area: social and communicative development

Purpose of the lesson: generalize and expand children's knowledge about friendship.

Objectives of the educational field “Social and communicative development”:

The development of a child's emotionally conscious - positive attitude to yourself, other people, the world around you

Ability to deal with the emotional states, opinions and desires of oneself and others

Development of socially significant behavioral skills, skills of regulating one’s behavior

Develop the ability to understand and evaluate the feelings and actions of others,

To form a positive relationship between preschoolers, mutual assistance,

Strengthen the ability to participate in joint play.

To develop in children the ability to empathize, the desire to come to each other’s aid in a difficult situation, and to develop social feelings.

Objectives of the educational field: “Cognitive development”:

Summarize children's knowledge on the topic of friendship.

Develop the ability to create a whole from parts.

Objectives of the educational field: “Speech development”:

Strengthen knowledge of proverbs and poems about friendship

Objectives of the educational field: “Physical education”:

Strengthen the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text during dynamic pauses

Objectives of the educational field “Artistic and Aesthetic Development”:

Improve your drawing skills with colored pencils;

To develop experience in drawing different moods of people.

Equipment and materials: Dunno doll, tape recorder, audio song “From a Smile” by Shainsky, cut-out pictures, projector, slide presentation, Whatman paper, colored pencils.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part

The teacher invites the children to stand in a circle.


All the children gathered in a circle,

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly.

And let's smile at each other

Guys, when I was going to work today, I met Dunno near the kindergarten. He sat on the porch and cried. I asked him: “Why are you crying, Dunno?” And he said that no one wants to be friends with him and he doesn’t even know what friendship is.

Main part

Conversation on the topic “What is friendship?”

Guys, do you know what friendship is, friend? (children's answers)

Are you guys friendly? (Yes)

Why do you think so? (because we help each other, care, try not to offend each other)

Where does friendship begin? (from a smile, from an acquaintance, from a kind word, from common interests, etc.)

What color do you think friendship is? What smell? (children's answers)

What can strong friendship be compared to? (with iron, stone, chain, rope, lock, sun, song, etc.)

Why do we call only some people friends?

Who wants to talk about their boyfriend or girlfriend?

Tell me what his name is. Where did you meet him. Why do you consider him (her) your friend? When did he act like a true friend (what did he share, help, defend himself?

Children's stories.

Q: How much do you know about friendship, well done. Now let’s show Dunno how friendly we are (children stand on the carpet). I invite you to weave a web of kind words.

How many of you like to listen to something pleasant addressed to you? (children's answer)

And who loves and knows how to say nice words to their friends? (children's answer)

I have a “ball of friendship” that I will pass on to Kostya. It will wrap twice free end threads around the palm and rolls the ball towards one of the guys, accompanying the movement good wishes or a compliment. The one who has the ball wraps the thread around his palm and with kind words passes the ball to another child, etc.

(Children complete the task).

Now look what a web of kind words we have created. What's your mood now? (children's answer)

Guys, do you know the secrets of friendship? Let's solve them and tell Dunno.

The first secret of friendship.

Do you want to know the first secret of friendship? (children: yes)

Then listen to the song.

The song “From a Smile” by I. Shainsky is playing

Tell me, please, where does friendship begin? That's right, with a smile. Look how quickly, easily and simply you unraveled the first secret. Tell me, which person is more pleasant to communicate with: the one who is gloomy, angry, or the one who smiles? Right. So let's smile at each other.

So, you have solved the first secret. What is this secret called? That's right, smile.

The second secret of friendship.

Show a picture on a slide of two children, one of whom is helping the other.

Q: Do you think those in these pictures are friends? Why do you think so? That's right, friends should help each other. Here is another secret of friendship unraveled. What should we call this secret? Help.

Q: There are many proverbs about friendship. Let's remember some of them.

1. If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

2. Don’t have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends.

3. One for all and all for one.

4. Friendship is the most precious treasure.

5. Friendship is more valuable than money.

6. Life is hard without a friend.

7. Friends are known in adversity.

Dynamic pause “If there is good friend».

I read a poem, and you perform gestures and movements.

The mood has dropped, they throw their hands down

Things are getting out of hand... - shaking head, shaking hands

But all is not lost yet, they shrug their shoulders

If you have a good friend. - turn around to face each other

“We can handle this together,” they shake hands.

Let's breathe a sigh of relief - take a deep breath, exhale

Let's lift the mood - bend over and slowly straighten up

And shake off the dust! - shake themselves off.

The third secret of friendship.

Q: Now I want to know how you can work. Look, I have two cut pictures. Now I will divide you into teams and let’s see how well you can collect each team’s picture. Look guys, some of you took puzzle pieces from others. This is right? Children's answers. But still you completed the task. Well done. And you still haven’t guessed what the secret of friendship is. Then I propose to solve the problems.

Problem situations

“Vanya brought it to kindergarten new toy- dump truck. All the children wanted to play with this toy. Suddenly Seryozha approached Vanya, snatched the car and began to play with it. Then Vanya."

Q: What did Vanya do? Why? (children's answers)

Follow the rules.

Don't laugh at your comrades.

Do not be greedy.

Give in.

Don't be angry at those who do something better than you (don't be jealous).

Who in our group knows how to live peacefully?

Who knows how to put up?


Let's not quarrel, never, never,

Let's make peace once again forever, forever.

Good words? Don't forget them!

Now have you guessed what the third secret is? What should we call this secret? World.

The fourth secret of friendship

Q: Guys, listen to the poem:

Lessons in Kindness

In a house nearby in the yard

There lived two animals

And to the delight of the children

Two cute puppies!

They brought them food

Who is rich and what?

And in front of the children

Ate everything!

And people's smiles

The whole house has become kinder,

It was important for the children

Play with the puppy!

Childhood and dreams

Golden days

But the lessons of kindness

They remembered!

Q: Have you guessed what the secret of friendship is? (children's answers). This is kindness.

How should you be towards a friend? (kind)

There is a proverb: A good word heals, but an evil word kills.

The fifth secret of friendship

Q: You have solved 4 secrets of friendship. But there is one more secret.

– I’ll tell you a story now. And you sit quietly, and get ready to reason again!

“In one kindergarten, two girls Lisa and Masha were friends. They were very friendly and always told each other only the truth. But one day, Masha accidentally broke Liza’s doll.

-Who broke my doll? – Lisa burst into tears.

“I don’t know,” said Masha. - This is probably Maxim.

- Why did you break my doll? – Lisa asked Maxim.

- I didn’t break it. Masha did it, I saw it.

- Can't be! - exclaimed Lisa - Masha is mine best friend, and friends never deceive each other.

Lisa approached Masha and asked - Why did you deceive me Masha?

“I was afraid that you would stop being friends with me if you found out that it was I who broke your doll.”

– Don’t do that again Masha! – said Lisa – Friends should be honest with each other!”

Q: Remember guys, cheating can ruin friendships. Therefore, friends should always be honest with each other.

– Have you figured out another secret of friendship? What should we call this secret? Honesty.

Here's a proverb: A strong friendship cannot be cut with an axe.

Today we unraveled the secrets of friendship, I hope we helped Dunno and now he will be friends with everyone and follow these rules. Let's remember them:




Q: Guys, if it was easy or interesting in class today, clap your hands. Why did you clap? (because it was easy for me, he answered all my questions, helped my friends).

For those who found it a little difficult, perhaps for those who were tired, stomp your feet. Why did you drown? (couldn't answer the question).

Final part

Q: Today I am very glad that you all found it interesting, you helped each other like true true friends. Let's all be friends and cherish our friendship! (Invite the children to hug tightly and smile).

Drawing (problem situation)

(The teacher invites the children to depict their emotions and impressions received during the lesson on one Whatman paper. There are obviously fewer colored pencils than there are children. Preschoolers must get out of this situation without the help of a teacher.)

List of used literature

1. Gerbova V.V. Classes on speech development in the senior group.

2. Korepanova M.V., Kharlampova E.V. I know myself, Guidelines to the program of social and personal development of preschool children. - M. 2007

3. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL." Basic general education program preschool education/ Ed. N. E. Veraksy, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. - M.: MOSAIC-SYNTHESIS, 2011.

Dear Colleagues! I bring to your attention a lesson in the preparatory group “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”, which I submitted to the competition “Teacher of the Year at SK Railways”.

Lesson on social and communicative development in the preparatory group

Integration of areas: social and communicative development, cognitive development, physical development, artistic and aesthetic development.

Activities: communicative, productive, educational.

Goals: development of social intelligence and emotional responsiveness, formation of the foundations safe behavior and the ability to empathize with others.

Planned results: the child speaks active speech, has a positive attitude towards the world, is able to follow social norms of behavior, knows how to empathize with others, and actively participates in experimental activities.

Preliminary work: reading the fairy tale “The Little Flower of Seven Flowers”, watching reports from the Paralympics.

Material: video from the cartoon “Flower of the Seven Flowers”, video about Paralympic Games winners, material for making flowers, basket or vase for flowers, presentation.

Progress of educational activities

Children play on the carpet, a teacher runs into the group with a large suitcase (or bag, cart)
- Oh, guys! How wonderful it is that I met you! I am a storyteller, and I have so many fairy-tale things that I myself am already confused as to which one is from which fairy tale. Can you help me figure it out?
The teacher and children on the carpet sort out the bag (bun, little red riding hood), and the last one takes out a seven-flowered flower.
- What kind of flower is this? From what fairy tale? (conversation based on a fairy tale)

An excerpt from a cartoon with magic words.
Zhenya wished that the boy Vitya would recover. How did he feel? (he was in pain, sad that he couldn’t run, lonely)

Really, so sad. Such people, and children, are called people with disabilities. Due to a leg disease, he is limited in running and jumping. It is difficult for him to play with children. But kind Zhenya helped Vita and now they play together. What is Vitya's favorite game? (tag). It’s very good that he has recovered, now he plays and does exercises every day.


Let's stand in a circle and do some fabulous exercises.
A fairy tale will give us a rest
Let's rest and hit the road again.
Malvina advises us:
The waist will become an aspen,
If you bend over
Left, right 10 times.
Here are the Thumbelina words:
- So that your back is straight
Get up on your toes
It’s like we’re reaching for flowers.
Say it again.
Little Red Riding Hood's advice:
- If you run, jump
you will live for many years.
It’s like we’re reaching for flowers.
The fairy tale gave us a rest,
We rested and hit the road again.

Guys, it’s very good that Vitya has recovered. I’m so happy for him, and you?
But unfortunately, there are other health restrictions. People, for example, have difficulty hearing. Anya, come to me. (The child is put on headphones, and the other is asked to come up behind and say any word). What did you hear, why? How did you feel? Now split up in pairs and do the same experiment.

What danger arises if a person has difficulty hearing? (may not hear the car signal if someone calls him, does not listen to news and films) How does the game help develop hearing? (Damaged phone) It’s great that we can hear each other, because hearing is our great helper.

And I also know people who cannot speak for health reasons. How can you tell people something if you can’t say it? (Draw, write, show with gestures) Remember, we played the game “Spoiled TV” Let's play. How Misha felt when he tried to explain to everyone without words.

It is not easy to convey your thoughts and desires with gestures; it is much easier to describe your state, mood or attitude towards each other in words. Let's hold hands and compliment each other. (Game “Compliments”)

Yesterday I saw a grandfather on the street wearing dark glasses and holding a cane. He walked and tapped his stick on the sidewalk, on the curbs, and I just don’t understand why he needed a stick? (He doesn't see anything.) Yes, there are people with disabilities who cannot see anything. They are helped by hearing, smell and hands. They can even read with their hands. There are special books with three-dimensional letters and drawings. (working with a book for the blind)

Working with an interactive whiteboard

Guys, what do you think can be done to help such people, who can help them.
Doctors (slide 1). Of course doctors can treat such people. There are already glasses, hearing aids, and doctors are performing various operations to cure such people.
Builders (slide 2) are building houses in which it is easy for people in wheelchairs to move around, the doorbell rings downstairs.
People are constructing special talking traffic lights. (slide 3)
Programmers are developing special audiobooks that blind people can listen to. (slide 4)
Even animals help people with disabilities (guide dog, guide horse). (slide 5)
Athletes train such people. (slide 6)

Caring people help to cross the road, give up their seat on the tram, buy and bring food, help clean the room.
Guys, even though these people have limited health capabilities, they are very strong, purposeful, strong-willed people. They show their skills at the Paralympic Games. (slide 7)

I remembered, my seven-flowered flower. He fulfills wishes. What can we wish for such people? (they tear off one petal at a time and make wishes) On the seventh petal, the child offers to make magical flowers as a gift.

Flower making work

What a beautiful bouquet we got. After all, you gave the gift with all your heart, you are kind and sympathetic children.
I will take your gift to people with disabilities, they will see, smile and a real miracle will happen.