Masks for whitening the intimate area.  Dark skin between legs - how to whiten

Masks for whitening the intimate area. Dark skin between legs - how to whiten

Relatively recently, a new trend in the field of whitening has appeared in the world of cosmetology. After all, teeth whitening and hair dyeing are considered routine procedures. Every day, whitening the anus, labia and even nipples is becoming increasingly popular.

It is assumed that this procedure not only increases self-esteem, but also allows you to be more relaxed and confident in intimate matters.

The main purpose of the procedure

Each person's intimate area has its own characteristic color and shade. But despite this, the skin in the anus and genital area may differ significantly from the main skin tone. More dark color often creates a false effect of “dirty skin”, which often causes disgust and disgust in people who have a heightened sense of aesthetics. The problem can be both psychological and aesthetic in nature.

Some people, especially girls, often experience discomfort during intimacy, feeling embarrassed to bend over while naked. Others may even lose sexual desire when they see an overly pigmented area of ​​skin. In some cases, girls cannot even wear a thong or open swimsuit. After all, every person has their own tastes and preferences. Fortunately, in modern cosmetology there is an excellent method for solving this problem.

Most often, increased pigmentation causes discomfort in the fair sex. If these areas are slightly darker than the skin color, then this is completely normal. But it happens that the skin of intimate places is much darker. That is why women are interested in why the skin in the intimate organs is prone to increased pigmentation. Experts believe that this The problem can occur for several reasons:

Whitening the anus and labia is considered a very complex and painstaking procedure. Because of this, not every specialist agrees to carry out such manipulations with a guarantee of excellent results. The point of bleaching is that the skin in the anus can be lightened, making it look more well-groomed.

Precautionary measures

To remove the blackness between the buttocks and not encounter an adverse reaction from the body, You must adhere to basic safety rules:

  • Dermatologists do not recommend using creams with mercury, which is often used as a substitute for more expensive ingredients. Of course, the skin will become much lighter, but your health itself will suffer greatly.
  • The bleach should not get inside the body.
  • The cream must contain a component that can be used even on sensitive skin. Remember that standard body bleaching products are not suitable for treating such intimate and sensitive areas.
  • If irritation or rash occurs, you should immediately stop using the cream and immediately consult a dermatologist.
  • It is forbidden to bleach the perineum if the skin has cracks, abrasions or wounds.

Anal whitening technique

Not every person is ready to resort to lightening the anus. The thing is that the procedure involves using chemical peeling with phenol and acid, as well as laser grinding. Cosmetologists always use special plant-based preparations: extracts of bearberry and paper mulberry, which can effectively fight hyperpigmentation.

Before starting bleaching, the master removes all vegetation from the treated area, then cleanses the skin of existing dead cells, and after this the skin around the anus is polished (glazed). Next, whitening peeling is carried out using cosmetic products, a cream with a brightening effect is applied. The use of such drugs is permissible only after peeling; the procedure is carried out every two days.

Most often, cosmetologists use creams based on the active ingredient - hydroquinone. This whitening technique allows you to achieve the desired result after the first session. During this time, a professional can completely eliminate hyperpigmentation.

That's it for skin care intimate area doesn't end. The cosmetologist must definitely advise what manipulations will allow you to maintain a good result from the procedure. In this case, the person’s lifestyle is taken into account, how active the growth of hair follicles is, as well as what type of skin it is. In any case it is necessary use brightening gel regularly and for the first 6 months do not sunbathe naked in the sun. This is due to the fact that any exposure to ultraviolet radiation will nullify all the efforts of the cosmetologist, and will also provoke more pronounced pigmentation.

It is worth noting that you can use whitening cream for intimate areas at home. Just before doing this, you need to consult with an experienced dermatologist, since many drugs contain very aggressive components that can irritate sensitive skin in the intimate area.

Lighting at home

Well-known cosmetology companies offer everyone effective new generation lotions that can be used both before and after the procedure. Thanks to this, the question of how to whiten the intimate area at home is in unprecedented demand. After all, now ordinary citizens have a great opportunity solve this cosmetic problem without visiting a cosmetologist.

The main purpose of such creams and gels is to combat various types of age spots. But it is worth noting that medications alone will not be able to completely get rid of dark spots. They will become lighter and neater, but will not disappear. The procedure itself is considered very popular today, but before you decide to do it, you need to understand why it is needed. The thing is that in order to prevent the skin from darkening again, you will have to give up many habits.

At first, a person will feel uncomfortable tightness, and sometimes itching or even burning. In addition, you will need to use special anal lubricants, and it is not advisable to practice this type of sex. It is also worth noting that a person will be forced to regularly use cosmetic creams and gels.

Rules for the use of creams and gels

To whiten the skin around the anus, two groups of drugs can be used: standard lightening gels (for example, for the face) or those creams that are specially designed for treating such delicate areas. The main task of such drugs is to suppress the production of melanin. A large percentage of modern products contain components such as kojic acid and hydroquinone.

It is important to note that these two components do not have a very good reputation in traditional medicine, which is why they are the subject of serious controversy. After all, hydroquinone applied to the skin can provoke very unpleasant side effects such as itching and irritation. In addition, in many sources it is hydroquinone that is considered a carcinogen. Kojic acid can also irritate the skin in intimate areas.

To ensure that the creams used are beneficial and not harmful, you need to follow a few simple tips:

Features of laser processing

Often people remain dissatisfied with the effect of whitening cream and look for more effective solution this sensitive issue. In this case, laser lightening of darkened areas of the skin comes to the rescue. The procedure itself involves the use of a special laser beam. Whitening is practically painless, and a stream of cold air is used as anesthesia. To achieve the best result, you must undergo at least 2 procedures over 3 weeks.

After laser treatment, the lightened area must be moisturized until it is completely healed. The desired effect will appear in about 30 days. The skin in the intimate area will become not only lighter, but also more delicate. Remember that this procedure is contraindicated during pregnancy, in case of damage to the epidermis in the treated area, and also if malignant neoplasms have been diagnosed.

Fighting pigmentation with folk remedies

If a woman is faced with the question of how to whiten her anus at home, then you can try to cope with this problem yourself, using special procedures. But before using this or that recipe, you need to make sure that there is no allergic reaction to certain foods and cosmetics.

The following methods will help eliminate the characteristic darkening between the legs:

To avoid dryness and tightness of the skin, after the procedures, you need to apply a good nourishing cream, which can be purchased at any pharmacy. Homemade skin whitening methods are considered one of the simplest and most affordable. But in this case, you will need to regularly use such masks, which takes quite a lot of time.

I learned that there are ways to whiten the skin of intimate areas from a friend who sent me a link to an interesting article. Many people notice that the skin in delicate places tends to darken. But not everyone knows that this phenomenon can be successfully combated. It turns out that there are many methods for eliminating excessive pigmentation in the intimate areas of our body, designed to significantly lighten the skin of the perineum, axillary area, scrotum, nipples, etc.

Women have always strived for perfection in everything, especially when it comes to their own appearance. And the key to beauty, as you know, is well-groomed, healthy skin, regardless of whether everyone around you sees it, or only the closest and most beloved person.

Let's first figure out why the skin in the intimate area tends to darken.

Discoloration can often occur in areas of intense friction as a protective reaction of the skin. This may also be due to congenital features, hormonal or age-related changes, appear as a result of injuries, skin diseases, inflammation or after taking certain medications. Popular and effective method Phototherapy, or as this procedure is also called, phototherapy, is used to lighten the skin on intimate parts of the body. It's painless and effective method whitening of intimate areas, which is carried out in a course of several procedures. It has a number of contraindications (atopic dermatitis in the acute stage, pregnancy and lactation, inflammatory processes, diabetes etc.), so it is not suitable for everyone.

Home whitening methods

There are also home remedies to help eliminate unwanted pigmentation. Before using them, it is better to consult a doctor to exclude skin diseases. If none are found, you can choose suitable recipe and begin the procedures. During their implementation, it is also necessary to protect the skin from exposure ultraviolet radiation using products with an SPF of at least 25. Before the main procedure, the upper stratum corneum layer of the skin should be exfoliated using peeling. Among modern products, it is better to choose peelings based on alpha hydroxy acids (citric, glycolic, lactic, etc.). It is also worth immediately noting that the result of using folk remedies can appear even 1-2 months after the start of the procedures, so you should be patient and not be lazy. After using any of the following masks, the skin must be lubricated with a nourishing cream.

Recipe No. 1

For this method you will need hydrogen peroxide (1 tbsp) and ammonia (1/2 tsp). A mixture of these components is used to treat problem areas of the skin twice a week. The procedure time is from three to five minutes. It is recommended to test it on a small area of ​​the skin of your hand before using this product. If after twenty minutes there are no unpleasant sensations (itching, burning, redness), you can move on to the intimate areas. Several such procedures may be required, but no more than twelve in one course.

Recipe No. 2

For this mask, grate one fresh cucumber on a fine grater, mix the resulting gruel with any nourishing cream, wrap the mixture in gauze and apply to darkened areas. The exposure time of cucumber compresses is 10 minutes.

Recipe No. 3

Chop the parsley and squeeze the juice out of it. You will need a teaspoon. Mix parsley juice with the same amount of lemon juice and add a tablespoon of sour cream. Apply the product to areas of increased pigmentation and leave for twenty minutes. Such procedures are repeated for up to four days, after which they must take a break.

Recipe No. 4

Before using it, the use of peeling agents is not necessary, since this recipe contains coffee grounds, known for their abrasive properties. It is mixed in equal proportions with fresh lemon juice and the resulting mixture is massaged onto problem areas of the skin using gentle circular movements. After 5-6 minutes, wash off the product with warm water and apply a nourishing cream for dry skin. You can repeat the procedure 1-2 times a week until you get the desired result.

Recipe No. 5

A tablespoon of white cosmetic clay is diluted with fresh cucumber juice to the required consistency. The mass should be homogeneous and so thick that it does not spread on the skin. Instead of cucumber juice, you can use parsley or strawberry juice, which also have a whitening effect. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the resulting mass and begin processing the skin. To do this, the composition is applied to the skin, previously cleaned with peeling, and left for ten minutes, then washed off with water at room temperature and lubricated with cream on the body.

Recipe No. 6

Strawberry juice, as well as pomegranate, birch or grapefoot juices will also help cope with the effect of “dirty skin” if you wipe problem areas with them several times a day. Organic acids in the listed products promote the removal of melanin and lightening skin. Do not forget to apply nourishing cream after each procedure.

Believe me, this question may seem funny only to people who have not encountered this problem. Enter and you can write a dissertation in psychology on the topic “Inadequate human reactions.” Everyone considers it their duty to answer the author of the question that this is a whim, stupidity and it would be better to go do something useful. In addition, do not forget that the armpits are also quite an intimate zone and the skin there also has the unpleasant characteristic of darkening.

Let's first figure it out - what is the reason?

Discoloration of the skin (dyschromia) is a serious aesthetic problem. Pigment spots can be the result of a general illness or skin diseases, or occur after taking a number of medications, previous injuries and inflammatory processes. Melanin synthesis is a complex multi-step process that occurs in melanocytes of the epidermis. Common pigmentation disorders - age spots, hyperpigmentation, biological aging of the skin, melasma, pigmentation due to pregnancy. Emergence age spots caused by a local increase in melanogenesis due to genetic predisposition, changes hormonal levels, ultraviolet radiation, inflammatory processes in the skin and other factors. When mechanical, chemical or any other damage to the skin occurs, a protective inflammatory reaction begins in the body - and the activity of melanocytes is also stimulated. Thus, after various skin injuries, local post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation often appears. Hormonal changes caused by taking combined oral contraceptives, as well as changes during pregnancy, can lead to pigmentation disorders.

You can find many recipes on the Internet. for skin whitening in intimate areas X. From very sensible to downright sabotage. Let's try to consider what is better to choose.
White clay masks are often mentioned. She really has a wide range beneficial properties. And yes, it is even used for whitening age spots. But please note that the instructions and recipes do not recommend applying it to the delicate skin around the eyes and corners of the mouth. Clay masks very noticeably dry and tighten the skin. So if this method is not suitable for the skin around the mouth, then what can we say about the delicate armpits or more sensitive areas.
Personally, I would not risk trying this on myself - the skin may become whiter, but you can get a lot of problems, the feeling of discomfort of which will not be the biggest. By the way, all masks with hydrogen peroxide have exactly the same problem. If you add little of it, there will be no effect. If in the required quantities, the delicate skin can simply be burned. I highly recommend not using peroxide. for whitening intimate areas !

Next on our list is microdermabrasion. If without smart words- skin polishing. This is a procedure that you can find in many beauty salons. In the discussion on skin whitening in intimate areas You can often find this advice. It seems to me that this is the same as with clay, advice from “experienced theorists.” Grinding is carried out using directed spraying of very fine crystals. This peeling exfoliates dead skin particles. The procedure lasts about an hour. Yes, with the help of polishing you can fight age spots on the body or even on the face. But no matter how beautiful the description sounds, it’s essentially sandpaper! And torment your own intimate parts for an hour, and then suffer for a couple more days from replenishment... Um, it seems to me possible effect It's not worth it.

However, it's not all bad. Methods that work whiten skin in intimate areas there are no sad consequences! One of the most effective is phototherapy or photorejuvenation, as it is often called. The photorejuvenation method is based on tissue irritation with light pulses, which cause a chain of biochemical reactions in cells, as in an inflammatory process. The final stage of these processes is neocollagenesis, an increase in connective tissue structures in tissues.
The procedure is painless, effective and does not require much time to restore the skin. However, it has a number of contraindications. Be sure to consult your doctors first! The big disadvantage of the method is the need to visit the clinic for several weeks. And a price that can easily reach 10-15 thousand per course.

From my point of view, the golden mean between harmful methods and expensive clinical procedures are If in Russia tanning is considered fashionable, then in sunny Thailand everything is completely opposite - the cult of white skin. Tanning is considered a sign of poverty and the need to work under the scorching sun. Local women spend a lot of effort to become lighter. Because of this, Thailand has a rich selection of products for skin whitening. All the richness of the tropics is used - from tamarind and turmeric to wild limes. And for better effect Different creams are used for different areas of the body. As a rule, creams, not only bleach but also nourish the skin, have bactericidal properties, prevent the development of bacteria and protect the most delicate areas of our skin from adverse environmental influences.

Same with skin whitening in intimate areas places Tamarind pulp works great. This Thai fruit is included in almost all natural masks and mixtures of Thai traditional medicine. for skin whiteningAnd . This fruit is difficult to get in Russia, but you can buy it, which is easily diluted with water and applied as a mask to the problem area. Tamarind enhances the skin's natural defense mechanisms aimed at protecting against infection and toxic substances, as well as restoring the microbial balance on the skin surface. Due to its pronounced hygroscopic properties, it retains a large volume of moisture, which promotes lasting hydration of the skin, contains a high level of alpha hydroxy acids, used as enzymes for exfoliation of dead skin particles and healthy pigmentation of the new one. Tamarind improves skin condition, evens out skin color , whitens, eliminates dark spots. The best results can be obtained by mixing tamarind with turmeric. It is the easiest to use, it has the corresponding effect, but at the same time it is convenient to use.

As a preventive measure and to enhance whitening our effect bleaching the complex can be supplemented or This deodorant not only copes with unpleasant odors, but also has therapeutic effect. Unlike chemical antiperspirants, it is absolutely harmless! It can be used during pregnancy and lactation. Curcumin, promotes skin whitening underarms and helps reduce skin hyperemia.

Now very popular in Asia - manufacturers promise significant lightening in 4 weeks! Plus care and antibacterial protection. The main active ingredients are Jicama root extract and brown seaweed. Whether this gel is effective or not, it is a top seller in India, Thailand and Arab countries.

So, in pursuit of beauty, do not harm your body! Use safe and natural methods and stay healthy!

Almost all girls pay special attention to intimate areas, since it is in these places that the skin is most delicate.

Women's problem

However, sometimes some shortcomings appear that spoil appearance, such as age spots or darkening of the skin. This problem can occur due to various reasons. For example, these could be hormonal disorders, consequences of injuries, reactions to medications, pregnancy, childbirth. And in the bikini area and armpits, darkening can occur as a result of underwear rubbing against these areas. Pigmentation does not make a woman beautiful, especially if it appears in intimate places. After all, every girl wants to be proud of her beautiful and sexy body, and not feel complex about her shortcomings.

Whitening cream

There are several ways to lighten skin, but not all of them are suitable for intimate areas. Salons offer a chemical whitening procedure for these areas. However for sensitive skin this option will not work. This type of lightening can lead to irritation and many other unpleasant consequences. Also, you cannot be completely sure of the qualifications of the master and the effectiveness of this procedure, and its price will not be affordable for every girl. There is a good alternative to visiting a salon; you can do it all yourself at home at low cost, namely, use a whitening cream for intimate areas. Typically, such products have natural plant ingredients that have whitening properties.

How to choose?

When choosing a cream, you need to pay special attention to its composition, since there are now a lot of fakes. Such products either contain insufficient bleaching agents or chemical components that can cause irritation and an allergic reaction.

To the ingredients plant origin The ingredients that a whitening cream for intimate areas should contain include: kojic acid, ascorbic acid, arbutin, glucuric acid, hydroquinone, parsley, cucumber, bearberry extract. All these substances must be in the product, and whichever substance is the first in the composition is the main one. It is not recommended to use these components in their pure form, as they may damage the skin.

Isme - whitening cream for the intimate area: reviews and description

The most popular is ISME Whitening Leg Theraphy Cream. This is a whitening cream for the intimate area with aloe vera and green tea, which refers to Thai cosmetics. It contains kojic acid. It effectively whitens the skin by destroying the formation mechanism. Under the influence of this acid, melanin production is reduced. It, as you know, contributes to darkening of the skin.

Regular use of the cream, which is based on, helps lighten even old spots. This substance is non-toxic, does not damage healthy skin, and therefore is safe for humans. The acid also has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and moisturizing properties.

Whitening cream for intimate areas contains arbutin, which is obtained from the bearberry plant. This substance is also of natural origin, non-toxic and harmless to healthy skin. Its action is aimed at preventing the production of melanin, which promotes lightening and preservation of the result. Together, these two components are ready to rid the skin of pigmentation and prevent its manifestation in the future. Also included in the composition, vitamins A and E help restore the skin, giving it smoothness and softness. The cream must be used morning and evening. Must be applied to clean skin thin layer. After starting use, the skin may begin to peel off, which means that the cream has begun to act and dead cells are being removed. After a few days, the skin will become smooth and silky, the darkening will gradually disappear and the color will even out. Girls who use ISME intimate area whitening cream with aloe vera and green tea are satisfied with the results. Some people like that it contains natural ingredients.

Therefore, it is suitable for sensitive skin, does not damage it, does not contribute to irritation, and thanks to the content of aloe vera and green tea, it gently moisturizes and maintains the softness of the skin of intimate areas. Many girls choose it because the effect of this cream begins to appear within a week, and the result lasts for a long time. Also, most are attracted by the affordable price and ease of use of this product, since it needs to be applied only 2 times a day to previously cleansed skin. And they note another positive property that the cream can be used even during pregnancy.

Lactacyd White Intimate - whitening cream for intimate areas: reviews and description

Particularly popular, especially in Asian countries, is Lactacyd White Intimate cream.

This product contains plant extracts and seaweed that have brightening properties. In addition to whitening, the cream carefully cares for the skin of sensitive areas, heals it, and also gives freshness and comfort.

However, many girls note that the product has a pungent odor, which indicates the presence of chemicals in its composition.

Finale Whitening Cream

Among Thai cosmetics, the whitening cream for intimate areas is Finale Whitening Cream. It contains tamarind extract, which has lightening properties. It also makes the skin soft. And ingredients such as emblica and morning glory extracts restore the skin, making it smooth and elastic. In addition, these components prevent the appearance of wrinkles. The action of the product is based on skin renewal, dead cells are exfoliated, as a result of which pigmentation disappears.

Lyudmila B.

A woman, as a source of beauty, should be beautiful from all sides, so even those places that are not visible to everyone should look flawless. Many women face the problem of darkening of the skin in intimate places; this can be caused by various reasons, however, in any case, there is nothing pleasant about it. To solve this problem, a lot of methods have been invented, however, not all of them are as safe as they are effective.

So what is “private area whitening”? This is a simple process of lightening the skin color around the desired area, as a result of the procedure, the delicate area has a lighter and more uniform color and a well-groomed appearance.

Why is the skin darker in the intimate area?

In the perineal area, the skin color is darker and there is an explanation for this:

  • enhanced pigmentation protects against excessive friction and self-infection;
  • female hormonal changes in the body;
  • result excess weight- skin friction internal part hips;
  • damage from underwear;
  • skin features;
  • age-related changes.

What is the cause of darkening of the skin in intimate places?

Discoloration of the skin (dyschromia) is a serious aesthetic problem. Pigment spots can be the result of a general illness or skin diseases, or occur after taking a number of medications, previous injuries and inflammatory processes. The appearance of pigment spots is caused by a local increase in melanogenesis due to genetic predisposition, changes in hormonal levels, ultraviolet radiation, inflammatory processes in the skin and other factors. Thus, after various skin injuries, local anti-inflammatory hyperpigmentation often appears and, as a consequence, darkening of the intimate area. Hormonal changes caused by taking combined oral contraceptives, as well as changes during pregnancy, can lead to darkening of the skin of the perineum.

Whitening the intimate area at home

Before starting skin bleaching in intimate places, you should consult a dermatologist. He will prescribe a test for fungus, thoroughly understand the problem, and only when all diseases have been ruled out and the only question left is desire, you can begin whitening.

Among skin bleaching agents for intimate areas, there are some that are potent but have undesirable side effects (possible allergic reaction, dermatitis or pigmentation disorders), and safer, mildly acting, but not giving such quick and pronounced results. All hyperpigmentation, regardless of its type, represents an increase in the production of melanin pigment on the skin in intimate places. Therefore, a prerequisite for all whitening procedures is reliable protection from ultraviolet rays. Ultraviolet rays of the A and B spectrum significantly increase the synthesis of melanin, and to prevent the appearance and growth of age spots due to bleaching, daily use of broad-spectrum sunscreens (sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 25) is necessary. It should be remembered that maximum protection can only be achieved by using special creams, while products decorative cosmetics containing photo filters are not effective enough.

Skin whitening procedures in intimate areas include two main elements - exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin and a decrease in the production of melanin pigment. Exfoliating the skin helps remove melanin from the epidermis, which leads to lightening of age spots. For this purpose they are used different kinds peelings. The choice of peeling depends on the type and severity of hyperpigmentation. Previously, 20% salicylic alcohol, mercury ointment, and phenol were used for this purpose. Currently included cosmetics to exfoliate the skin, a-hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as glycolic, lactic, citric acid and others.

We whiten the skin in intimate places with folk remedies at home

Many plants have bleaching properties. Bearberry contains arbutin, low concentrations of hydroquinone and organic acids, which explains its whitening effect. Yarrow is rich in flavonoids, which form compounds that are toxic to cells and produce melanin, melanocytes. Licorice has organic and phenolic acids that help whiten the skin. Lemon and cucumber contain organic acids and ascorbic acid, and parsley also contains essential oils, which will also help whiten the skin in the intimate area.

Recipe for whitening the intimate area No. 1.
Mix fresh parsley juice with sour cream or kefir and add a little lemon juice. Apply to areas of concern (armpits, perineum, bikini area) for 5-10 minutes, rinse. No more than 5 times a day. Whitening course 2-4 days.

Cucumber masks for the intimate area. A mask made from these vegetables is very popular not only for lightening the skin in intimate places. To prepare the mask, you need to grate a fresh cucumber on a fine grater and mix with a tablespoon nourishing cream for dry skin type. Next, moisten gauze napkins in the resulting composition and apply to the problem area.

Method of whitening skin in intimate places with white clay. In order to slightly whiten the skin in the intimate area, 1 tablespoon of white clay is diluted with cucumber juice or juice squeezed from parsley leaves until a thick mass is formed. You can also use strawberry or strawberry juice. Add a few more drops of lemon juice to the mixture, apply to the skin in the intimate area, and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

A well-known, effective method for whitening skin in the intimate area is to lubricate the inner thighs with a coffee scrub with the addition of lemon juice. You can lubricate the area between your legs with a slice of lemon.

Wonderful traditional medicine for whitening skin in intimate places include grapefruit juice, cucumber juice, birch juice, and pomegranate juice.

Folk remedies may not work immediately. You need to use them regularly and the result will appear in 1-2 months. After lubrication, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream.

Every woman has an intimate area different color and shade. Moreover, the skin on the entire body can be very different in color from the skin in intimate place. It often happens that white-skinned girls have purple or even purple crotches. Brown, and for dark-skinned women, on the contrary, it is completely snow-white or light pink.

Why is there a need for such a procedure at home? The answer is simple, because the intimate area of ​​each representative of the fairer sex has different colors and shades, since this is exactly how nature ordered it. In this case, sometimes an imbalance occurs and the color of the skin throughout the body contrasts too much with the color of the intimate areas. This is especially upsetting for fair-skinned girls, whose crotch may take on an unexpected, but certainly not decorative, dark brown color. A completely opposite situation is also possible, when a dark-skinned girl’s crotch has a contrasting color, for example, light pink or unexpectedly bright white. In any case, this discrepancy creates the effect of unsightly “dirty skin” and instills uncertainty about the harmony of one’s own body.

A cruel method of skin whitening is often mentioned - using hydrogen peroxide, but in reality, apart from a burn, and then discomfort and long-term non-healing injuries, this experiment will not bring anything. That is why intimate whitening at home with peroxide - this unjustified risk and, rather, the possibility of subsequent intensive treatment of the consequences of self-abuse, since the skin in this area is delicate and very sensitive.

Summary. After bleaching your intimate area, you can wear super short shorts and skirts without feeling constrained. There is no more discomfort and embarrassment in front of your partner - the relationship has sparkled with new bright colors. And, this is so great.