Familiarization with the outside world on May 9. Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the middle group “Great holiday - Victory Day! Conversation “War is scary”

This Victory Day.
Goals and objectives of the lesson:
1. To expand children’s knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, about the feat of Soviet soldiers, to activate the vocabulary on the topic.
2.To consolidate children’s knowledge about military professions.
3.Teach to carry out the proposed task in a friendly and coordinated manner.
4. Strengthen the skills and abilities of working with paper, develop fine motor skills.
5. To cultivate love for one’s native Fatherland, a sense of pride for one’s country, and respect for the people standing in its defense.
Illustrations about the Great Patriotic War, pictures of military professions, a model of a ship, a drawing of an order, gel balls, a tape recorder with military-themed music.
Preliminary work:
Conversation about the Great Patriotic War.
Reading fiction: K. Simonov – “The Artilleryman’s Son”, K. Tvardovsky – “Vasily Terkin”, “The Tankman’s Tale”.
Listening to songs of the war years, looking at pictures depicting military professions, memorizing proverbs and sayings about the defenders of the Fatherland, reading M. Isakovsky’s poem “Wherever you go...”.

Progress of the lesson

Educator. Hello children. What a wonderful morning! I see that you are in a wonderful mood! Let's hold hands, smile at each other and wish each other a good day.
Every year our people celebrate Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, which lasted four whole years and ended with the complete victory of our people.
And this year 2016 we celebrate the 71st anniversary of the great victory!
This day is not just a wonderful holiday, on this day the war, terrible and cruel, which lasted for four whole years, ended. And it started unexpectedly. Early on the morning of Sunday, June 22, 1941, Germany treacherously attacked our Fatherland. Enemy troops crossed our border and opened fire on peacefully sleeping villages and towns. Germany wanted to conquer and destroy our country because our country is huge and rich. The radio announced a treacherous enemy attack. The country called on all the people to defend our Motherland... And so the Second Great Patriotic War began.
All people rose to defend their Motherland.

Motherland.... This word expresses the greatest and dearest, deepest and strongest feeling of a person. What is Motherland?
-The Motherland is our home, street, city. The homeland is our land. Homeland is the country where we were born and live.

Our military were the first to meet the enemy. What military professions do you know?
Border guards
Educator: tell me which troops they serve in:
Border guards - border troops
Infantry - infantry troops
Paratroopers – airborne troops
Rocketeers - rocket troops
Tankers - tank troops
Artillerymen - artillery troops

We talked a lot about soldiers. What can you say about them? What are they like (brave, courageous, courageous)
Yes, guys, thanks to these very qualities, only strong, skillful, dexterous warriors were able to win this war.
Educator: Are you guys also strong, skillful and dexterous?
Who is the stronger guy?
Well, let's take the rope
The one who will pull
He will become the strongest.
Physical education minute:"Tug of War"
What proverbs do you know about the courage of a soldier?
Children:“Alone in the field is not a warrior,” “Die yourself, but help your comrade,” “It’s hard to learn, it’s easy to fight.”
Educator: How do you understand these proverbs? (Children's answers)

For their exploits, soldiers were awarded orders and medals, such as the Order of Glory, the Medal for Courage, etc. But the highest award is the Hero's Star Soviet Union. Look what she looks like.
The teacher shows an illustration of the award. Children and the teacher look at an illustration of the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

This award represents five-pointed star. Five rays diverge in different directions. And this is an order bar. This is the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union. What is this award called?
Children's choral and individual responses are the star of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Among the soldiers and warriors who have this award are our fellow countrymen - Korkin residents. In our city, on the Memory Alley, the names of the Korkin residents - heroes of the Soviet Union who defended our Motherland - are immortalized.
Guys, so that people don’t forget about their heroes, monuments to them are being erected all over the country. There is also a monument on the Memory Alley. Cenotaph.
What does Unknown mean? (children's answers)
This is a monument to those who died on the battlefields. After heavy battles, soldiers were buried in one mass grave, and it was not always possible to find out their last names. Such monuments were erected throughout the country to all those soldiers whose names remained unknown. And the most important monument to the unknown soldier is located in Moscow, on Red Square.
The eternal flame symbolizes the eternal memory of the exploits of our brave soldiers.

We recently made paper ships.

These are warships. Such ships protect the peace and tranquility of our Motherland. Warships lined up in a certain order are called a squadron. What are their names?
Children's choral and individual responses - squadron.
-During the war, our ships sailed under the red flag. Let us make red flags for the ships.
Children sit at tables, quiet music sounds. The teacher explains the sequence of work. Doing work by children.

Breathing exercises.
-Now let’s try whether our ship will sail or not. Place it on the table and gently blow on it. Floating? Very good. Now put the ships in a certain order. You and I have a squadron.
Children's choral and individual responses. Children sit on chairs.

- Now those who defended our Motherland from the enemy many years ago are still alive. But they are already very old, many of them are sick and disabled. It's difficult for them to even walk.
What are they called?
On Victory Day, they put on all their military awards and gather together to remember the war years.
Many of you will go to the parade with your parents. If you see a person with orders on May 9, then go up and congratulate him on the holiday, tell him “Thank you!” for the fact that he defended our country, our homeland from enemies. Veterans will be pleased that we all remember that difficult, wonderful victory.

How does this holiday end?
- Festive fireworks.
Frontline songs,
Military awards,
Red tulips,
Veterans' meetings
And fireworks in half the sky,
Huge like Victory
I want you and I to also arrange fireworks in honor of Victory Day. I'll give you the balls. But don’t let them go yet, we will let them go when I say. (The teacher hands out balloons to the children).
-And now let’s listen to another great song, the words to which were written by Vladimir Kharitonov, and the music by David Tukhmanov - this is the song “Victory Day”.
Children listen to the first verse of “Victory Day”. In the words “Victory Day,” the teacher invites the children to release the balloons. Children release the balls upward.
-What a beautiful fireworks display we had, just like a real one. Well done. They answered well, you know a lot of interesting things about the great holiday Victory Day. And I hope that when you grow up, you will be real defenders of our great Motherland.

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1 Municipal preschool educational institution combined type kindergarten 40 “Droplet” Lesson notes on the world around us preparatory groups e Topic: “VICTORY DAY” Prepared by teacher Yugai Inna Alekseevna

2 Podolsk 2015 Summary of a lesson on the world around us in a preparatory group for school Topic: “Victory Day” Program content: - to form children’s understanding of the events of the Great Patriotic War; - consolidate knowledge about how people defended their homeland; about the feat of Podolsk residents, Podolsk cadets; - clarify children’s knowledge about the “Victory Day” holiday; - cultivate respect and gratitude for everyone who defended the Motherland. Materials: computer, projector, presentation “Victory Day”, recording with songs “Victory Day”, “Holy War”; Levitan's voice recording “The Beginning of the War”, “The End of the War”; recording with the song “Katyusha”; video "Victory Day", Internet resources. Preliminary work: looking at illustrations about the Great Patriotic War, watching military newsreels, reading the story by S.P. Alekseev “For Children about the Great Patriotic War,” conversations. Progress of the lesson - Hello guys! I am very glad to see you all healthy and cheerful! Today in class " The world"We will learn a lot of interesting things. I hope you enjoy our lesson and have a good mood all day. So, let's begin. Before starting the lesson, I suggest you watch a short video. - On May 9, our people celebrate one of their most favorite holidays. What holiday is it? (Victory Day) - Who remembers what kind of victory this is? Over whom? (over the fascists) - Who knows who the fascists are? (The Nazis considered the Germans to be a special people, the best and most talented, the strongest and smartest. Nazi Germany wanted to conquer the whole world and force all peoples to serve the Germans) - This year we will also celebrate Victory Day. How many of you know when we will celebrate this holiday? (70). This is a bright and mournful holiday. Why? (Bright, because we are glad that we defended our Motherland and defeated the Nazis. And mournful, because we remember the dead people.) - Guys, who knows poems about Victory Day? Child 1: May holiday Victory Day Celebrated by the whole country Our grandfathers put on Military orders The road calls them in the morning To the solemn parade And thoughtfully from the doorway

3 Grandmothers look after them Child 2: What is Victory Day? This is the morning parade: Tanks and missiles are driving, a line of soldiers is marching. What is Victory Day? This is a festive fireworks display: Fireworks fly into the sky, scattering here and there. What is Victory Day? These are songs at the table, These are speeches and conversations, This is grandfather's album. These are fruits and candies, These are the smells of spring What is Victory Day This means no war - And now we will once again remember how the war began. On June 22, 1941, early in the morning, when people were still sleeping, German fascists attacked our homeland (listening to the beginning of the war by radio and television announcer Yuri Borisovich Levitan). Nazi planes bombed peaceful cities, airfields, railway stations, bombs rained down on hospitals, residential buildings, kindergartens, schools. It was especially scary for women and children when the bombs fell to the ground and exploded. The entire people stood up to defend the Motherland. Fathers and older brothers went to the front. Even women went to the front to help wounded soldiers. The windows in the houses were covered with paper in a crisscross pattern. There were anti-tank hedgehogs and pieces of iron rails driven into the ground on the streets. Women dug trenches, carried sandbags and blocked all the streets so as not to allow the enemy to reach their city. Even children often got up to fight enemies. Their feat remained forever in the hearts of people (slides 3-13) During the war, many heroic deeds were performed. - Guys, what do you think a feat is? (This is a bold and courageous act.) - What is the name of a person who has accomplished a feat? (hero) - Do you think anyone can become a hero? (strong, brave, courageous, courageous, honest) - And now the guys will tell us about heroic deeds during the war. Children's stories: Our people showed miracles of heroism and courage while defending against the Nazis native land. The Brest Fortress stood on the very border. The Nazis attacked it on the very first day of the war. They thought: the day and the fortress were in their hands. Ours held out for a whole month

4 soldiers. And when there was no strength left and the Nazis broke into the fortress, its last defender wrote on the wall with a bayonet: “I am dying, but I am not giving up” (slide 14) There was the Great Battle of Moscow. Fascist tanks rushed forward. On one of the sections of the front, the enemy’s road was blocked by 28 heroic soldiers from General Panfilov’s division. Dozens of tanks were knocked out by soldiers. And they kept walking and walking. The soldiers were exhausted in battle. And the tanks kept coming and going. And yet Panfilov’s men did not retreat in this terrible battle. The Nazis were not allowed to enter Moscow (slide 15) General Dmitry Karbyshev was wounded in battle and was captured. He was a professor, a very famous military builder. The Nazis wanted the general to come over to their side. They promised life and high positions. Dmitry Karbyshev did not betray his homeland. The Nazis executed the general. Brought out to severe frost outside. Doused cold water from hoses. (slide 16) Viktor Talalikhin was a military pilot. He shot down his first bomber on the night of August 6, 1941. Talalikhin was pursuing an enemy plane. He sat on his tail and began aiming at the engine and then at the cabin. The downed enemy plane continued to fly. Talalikhin ran out of ammunition. Then Talalikhin instantly decides to go for the ram. Our pilot manages to leave the plane, the wounded man lands in the forest, where he will be found. Soon after the amendment, Talalikhin returned to battle, where he was mortally wounded. Viktor Talalikhin died a heroic death. He was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union (slide 17) Vasily Zaitsev is the famous hero of the Battle of Stalingrad. He killed three hundred fascists with his sniper rifle. Zaitsev was elusive to his enemies. The fascist commanders had to call the famous shooter from Berlin. That's who will destroy the Soviet sniper. It turned out the other way around. Zaitsev killed a Berlin celebrity. “Three hundred and first,” said Vasily Zaitsev (slide 18) During the battles near Stalingrad, the field telephone connection was interrupted in one of the artillery regiments. An ordinary soldier, signalman Titaev, crawled under enemy fire to find out where the wire was broken. Found. He just tried to twist the ends of the wires when a fragment of an enemy shell hit the fighter. Before Titaev had time to connect the wires, then, dying, he clamped them tightly with his lips. The connection is working. "Fire! Fire!" sounded again in the artillery regiment of the team (19) Here is the story of another feat. Pilot Alexey Maresyev was shot down in an air battle. He survived, but was seriously wounded. His plane crashed on enemy territory in a deep forest. It was winter. He walked for 18 days, and then crawled to his own. He was picked up by the partisans. The pilot had frostbitten feet. They had to be amputated. How can you fly without legs?! Maresyev learned not only to walk and even dance on prosthetics, but most importantly to fly a fighter. In the very first air battles, he shot down three fascist planes (slide 20) The last days of the war passed. Heavy fighting took place on the streets of Berlin. On one of the Berlin streets, soldier Nikolai Masalov, risking his life, carried a crying German girl from the battlefield under enemy fire. The war is over. In the very center of Berlin, in a park on a high hill, a monument to a Soviet soldier still stands. He stands with the rescued girl in his arms (slide 21). Dynamic pause In the intervals between battles, the fighters needed to rest. During these rare hours of rest, some tried to get some sleep, some hurried to write a letter to their family and friends, and some sang their favorite songs or even danced.

5 Let us listen to one of the most beloved soldiers’ songs, the famous “Katyusha” (children sing along, dance and rejoice) (slide 22) Podolsk and Podolsk residents made their contribution to the victory in the Great Patriotic War. From the first days of the war, Podolsk residents, together with the whole country, took up arms and went into battle. Podolsk residents who accomplished feats were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. During the war, Podolsk factories produced military equipment. Old men, women and children who worked day and night in factories making ammunition for our soldiers. (slide 23-24) A heroic feat was performed by Podolsk cadets who blocked the path of the Nazis. For about three weeks they fought unequal battles, but did not allow the Nazis to reach Moscow (25) Guys, do you know that Diana Pospelova and Vika Zaitseva’s great-grandfathers also fought (story by Vika Zaitseva and Diana Pospelova) (26-28) Due to the fact that all the people stood up to defend the Motherland, we won this war. Our troops liberated the cities one after another and reached Berlin. On May 9, 1945, our banner was raised above the most important Nazi building in Germany, the Reichstag. Since then, this day has become our great holiday “Victory Day” ((listening to the end of the war by radio and television announcer Yuri Borisovich Levitan) (slide 29-30) In order not to forget about the exploits of our soldiers, monuments are being built about our heroes throughout our country , obelisks, memorials. Our city also has such monuments. Memorial to the pilot Talalikhin. On the square of the 50th anniversary of the October Revolution there is a monument made of granite, at the foot of which the Eternal Flame burns, there is also a monument to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War (slide. 31-32) - Guys, do you know what the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier is? (This is a monument to those who died in the war.) This is a monument to soldiers whose names remain unknown. There is always an eternal flame burning there on May 9th. people come to the soldier, lay flowers and honor the memory of the dead with a minute of silence. At this minute, people are silent, stand with their heads bowed, remember the dead and mentally thank them for the peaceful sky (slide 33). Let us also honor the memory of the dead with a minute of silence (slide 34). ) - Guys, who are we congratulating on May 9th? (Veterans of the Great Patriotic War) - Who are the veterans? (These are the people who fought in the war) Every year there are fewer and fewer war veterans left. Many of them have become quite old and sick. -What can we do if we meet a veteran? (If we see a veteran on May 9, we will go up to him and congratulate him on the holiday. We wish the veteran good health and say thank you for defending our Motherland from enemies. We will give flowers and a gift that we made with our own hands) - Veterans will It's nice that we remember them. Guys, where can we meet veterans? (slide 35-36) - Guys, who knows a poem about the war? Child 1

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Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world in the second junior group

Subject: "Victory Day!"

Integration educational areas : social communication development, cognitive development, speech development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Target: to educate children with moral and patriotic feelings.

Tasks: expand children's knowledge about the events of the Second World War of 1941-1945, about the heroic past of the people.

Give children an idea of ​​the significance of Victory Day.

To develop in children the ability to empathize with other people.

Develop the ability to answer questions in complete sentences, take an active part in dialogue with the teacher.

Cultivate respect for the memory of victorious warriors, for the tradition of continuity of generations.

To cultivate a sense of patriotism and love for one’s Motherland, respect for WWII veterans, and a desire to take care of them.

Material: projector, screen, laptop , slides, photos of the war years, St. George ribbons.

Preliminary work: reading works of fiction about the Second World War, memorizing poems, looking at illustrations and photos about the Second World War, a laptop, designing the “9 May” stand.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher: Guys , what time of year is it now? ? (Children's answers).

That's right, spring. We celebrate many wonderful holidays in the spring. But the most important, the most important, the brightest is the holiday that we celebrate 9 May is a holiday Victory Day!

A child reads a poem

" Victory Day" A. A. Usachev

What is Victory Day?

This is the morning parade:

Tanks and missiles are coming,

A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?

This is a festive fireworks display:

Fireworks fly into the sky

Scattering here and there.

What is Victory Day?

These are songs at the table,

These are speeches and conversations,

This is my grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,

These are the smells of spring...

What is Victory Day?

This means no war.

Look out the window, what do you see? (blue sky, the sun is shining, birds are flying, trees are blooming, etc.).

Close your eyes, listen to what sounds you hear now (birds singing, the sound of the wind, someone’s steps, the voices of children). These are the sounds of our peaceful life.

And now, what do you hear? (the teacher turns on the sounds of military operations)

That's right, these are the sounds of shots, explosions, the roar of military vehicles, airplanes - these are the sounds of war.

Many, many years ago, when we did not yet exist, we were not yet born, but our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers lived, the war began - the most terrible, the most cruel... On one of the warm summer days, when people were resting, early in the morning, German troops attacked our country. The well-armed German army under the leadership of Hitler crossed the border of our country. Enemy planes appeared in the sky and dropped bombs on our cities. The air was filled with the roar of engines. Blue sky covered the terrible, dark clouds from exploding bombs.

Slide show.

The Nazis hoped for an easy and quick victory. They wanted to seize the rich lands of our country. But they were wrong. The entire people rose to defend our Motherland, our country. The men went to the front.

Both young and old people signed up for the Army. Every day, trains carried soldiers to the front.

Who were they on the war fronts? (tankers, pilots, sailors, ordinary soldiers)

Show photo.

Physical education lesson "Airplanes"

We place our hands at the sides (arms to the sides)

An airplane appeared (they flew like airplanes)

Wing swing back and forth (tilts left and right)

Do "one", do "two" (turns left and right)

One and two, one and two! (clap our hands)

Keep your arms at your sides (arms at your sides)

Look at each other (turn left and right)

One and two, one and two! (jumping in place)

Hands down (hands down)

And take your seat! (sat on chairs).

Not only men, but also women fought in the war. They were nurses, doctors, radio operators, pilots... Children also took an active part: in hospitals, children helped soldiers write letters home, sang songs, read poems, raising their spirits.

Animals were also good helpers at the front: horses and dogs. Horses helped transport heavy weapons and carts with the wounded. And dogs transported the wounded, brought ammunition and medicine.

Show slides or photos.

People died from hunger and cold. There weren't enough products. The Nazis set fire to and bombed grain fields. This was done to make our soldiers weak and powerless. People who have been through war never play with bread. For them, it still remains the most valuable and expensive.

It was very difficult for the people who remained in Leningrad. When the German army surrounded the city, a blockade began. It was a very difficult and scary time. It was possible to get to the city only along the “road of life” - along Lake Ladoga.

Show photo.

During the war, many heroic deeds were accomplished, many warriors and simple people became heroes.

What were the heroes like? (brave, courageous, courageous...)

For courage, bravery, bravery, soldiers were awarded orders and medals.

Show photo.

Our army defeated the fascists. The army is always headed by the main commanders-in-chief, they lead all battles.

One of the most famous and talented commanders in chief was Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov. He was appointed front commander in the most difficult and important sectors.

Show photo.

The war lasted for 4 long years. But no matter what, our soldiers found strength in themselves and drove out the invaders not only from our land, but also liberated other countries conquered by the Nazis.

And when our soldiers reached Berlin, the main city of Germany, the soldiers hoisted the Victory Banner over the Reichstag. This meant the end of the war. Everyone rejoiced at the end of the long war and congratulated each other.

Slide show.

After the end of the war, monuments were erected in many cities of our country in memory of the fallen soldiers.

Why are monuments created? (to remember the heroes)

In our city there is Victory Park. There is an eternal flame in the park. It burns and never goes out. People come to the eternal flame to venerate the memory of the heroes and lay flowers. And in our city there are streets named in honor of the Heroes of the Second World War: Zubalov Feofilakt Andreevich, Shein Pavel Stepanovich.

Children read poetry

The sun is shining brightly,

It shines on high for all of us.

Thanks to the Russian soldier!

Let the kids have a good life!

Teacher: Several years ago a very good tradition-on Victory Day, people pin the St. George ribbon on their clothes as a sign of memory of the military merits of our people. The St. George ribbon is a symbol of the Victory Day.

Guys, what colors are on St. George's ribbon? (children's answers). - What do they mean? Black is smoke, orange is fire.

were proud and remembered the military exploits of your great-grandfathers.

(The teacher attaches ribbons to the children.)

Children read poetry.

"Victory Day" (T. Belozerov)

The May holiday, Victory Day, is celebrated throughout the country.

Our grandfathers put on military orders.

In the morning the road calls them to the solemn parade,

And the grandmothers look after them thoughtfully from the threshold.

Let there be peace
May the sky be blue
Let there be no smoke in the sky,
Let the menacing guns be silent
And the machine guns don’t fire,
So that people and cities can live.
Peace is always needed on earth.

FCCM. The topic is “Conversation about Victory Day.”

Program content:

To consolidate children's knowledge about how the Russian people defended their country during the Great Patriotic War, how the living remember them.

Learn to answer questions in complete sentences, use synonyms and adjectives in speech.

To cultivate respect, love and gratitude for people who defend the Motherland from enemies, war veterans, and take care of them.

Activation of words: fighter, warrior, veterans, valiant, fearless.

Previous work:

Reading stories: S. Baruzdin “For the Motherland”, “Glory”, V. Tvardovsky “The Tankman’s Story”; memorizing T. Belozerov’s poem “Victory Day”, examining reproductions, illustrations, sets of postcards about the war.

Preparation for the lesson:

We prepared an exhibition with illustrations depicting the battles of the Great Patriotic War, war heroes, about the celebration of Victory Day, prepared the text of the poem “The Tankman’s Tale”, audio recordings: “The Holy War” and “Orchestral Suite No. 3 in D major” by I.S. Bach, illustrations of medals.

Progress of the lesson:

May 9 is the most main holiday, celebrated in our country. What holiday is it? (Victory Day). Who remembers what kind of victory this was? Over whom? (Above the fascists). That's right kids. It was a terrible and long war. It lasted for four whole years. Early on a June morning, Nazi Germany attacked our peaceful country. The Nazis wanted to take over our country and turn our people into slaves. Everyone rose up to defend the Motherland, our army, women, old people, even children. Listen to the song that called on the people to fight the enemy, it’s called “Holy War.”

Get up, the country is huge

Stand up for mortal combat

With fascist dark power

With the damned horde.

May the rage be noble

Boils like a wave

There is a people's war going on

Holy war.

What was the name of this war? Who won this war? When did the war end?

At the very beginning of the war, the Nazis came very close to Moscow, the capital of our Motherland. But our brave soldiers did not allow the Nazis to approach Moscow, but themselves went on the offensive. This war was difficult, difficult and terrible, many people died in it. But the long-awaited Victory Day has arrived. Our valiant warriors drove out the Nazis and themselves came to Berlin. This happened on May 9, 1945. And since then, every resident of our country and residents of other countries celebrate this holiday.

May holiday - Victory Day

Celebrated by the whole country

Our grandfathers put on

Military orders.

The road calls them in the morning

To the ceremonial parade.

And thoughtfully from the threshold

The grandmothers look after them.

(T. Belozerov)

Soldiers and ordinary people performed many feats during the Great Patriotic War. For this, the government of our country awarded them military orders and medals. The most important award was the Golden Star, there were also the Order of the Red Banner, the Order of the Red Star; Medal of Honor"; Order of Glory. (shown in illustrations).

There were many such people, because our people fought bravely and won. But not everyone lived to see the Great Victory. So that no one would forget the valiant heroes and their exploits, many monuments were built throughout the country in memory of war heroes, mass graves in which soldiers killed in battle were buried. Let's remember M. Issakovsky's poem “Remember Forever” (children read the poem).

Wherever you go or go,

But stop here

To the grave this way

Bow with all your heart.

Whoever you are - fisherman, miner,

Scientist or shepherd, -

Remember forever - here lies

Your very best friend.

And for you and for me

He did everything he could.

He did not spare himself in battle,

And he saved his homeland.

(A minute of silence is declared in memory of the victims.)

In our village of Sergievsky, the memory of war heroes is also sacredly revered and cherished. In the center of the village, at the monument to Fallen Heroes, people who died in battles during the Great Patriotic War are remembered.

But there are few participants in the war left: many years have passed since the Victory Day. Our government takes care of its heroes and helps them. You, too, must treat the war veterans and all older people with respect and gratitude. They defended our Motherland and preserved peace on Earth. And we have one Motherland (children read Z. Alexandrova’s poem “Motherland”).

If they say the word Motherland

Immediately comes to mind

Old house, currants in the garden,

Thick poplar at the gate.

By the river birch tree - shy

And a chamomile hillock...

And others probably remember

Your native Suzemsky yard.

The first boats are in the puddles,

Where was the skating rink recently?

And a large neighboring factory

Loud joyful horn.

Or the steppe is red with poppies,

Virgin gold...

Homeland is different

But everyone has one!

This concludes our lesson. Take care of your Motherland, grow up honest and courageous, brave.

Summary of a lesson on familiarization with the outside world for children of the preparatory school group "Road Signs".

Prepared by the teacher of the MDOU TsRR d/s No. 15 “Orlyonok” Epifanovskaya O.V.

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about warning, prohibitory, prescriptive, information and directional road signs and service signs. Develop spatial orientation skills, conscious use of knowledge of traffic rules in Everyday life. give an idea of ​​how important it is to walk and drive around the city correctly, to develop the ability to navigate the main road signs; develop logical thinking, memory, orientation in the environment.

Equipment: presentation « Road signs", cards with individual lessons, felt-tip pens.

OD move.

Guys, let's hold hands and give each other smiles and good mood. (all children and teacher stand in a circle)

We will hold hands together and smile at each other.

R There is a sound, an email has arrived. We read together with the children.

Educator: It’s interesting what’s in the letter. Formados people write to us and they ask us for help.

"Hello children. At night, on our planet Formados, robots ruined all the road signs. They believe that no one needs road signs, because no one knows what they mean anyway.

Help us please! Otherwise, disaster will happen!”

Guys, what do you think could happen if there are no road signs on the city streets?

Sample answers from children:

Drivers will not know how fast they can go.

Pedestrians will not be able to cross the road.

Drivers will not know where to refuel and wash their car.

How can we help the Formados people restore order in the city?

We need to tell the robots what the signs mean.

New signs need to be drawn. Do you know the signs traffic

? Can you tell the robots, robots, what the signs mean?

I will ask Tatyana Valerievna to film your answers, and after class we will send a video letter to the Formados students. Do you agree? Let `s start. The presentation “Road Signs” is on the screen. The teacher asks riddles, the children find the right sign

and point to it with the mouse.


Don't load the car here

Don't park, don't brake.

This sign tells everyone:

“He who stands here is wrong.”

When you need food,

Then come here.

Hey driver, pay attention!

Food station coming soon!

There is a pedestrian in this place

The transport is waiting patiently.

He's tired of walking

Wants to become a passenger.

There's a land crossing here

People walk around all day.

You, driver, don't be sad,

Let the pedestrians pass!

There are children in the middle of the road,

We are always responsible for them.

So that their parent does not cry,

Be careful, driver!

They wander here in the middle of the road

Moose, wolves, rhinoceroses.

Let the hedgehogs pass first!

This sign sounds the alarm -

This is a dangerous turn!

Of course you can go here,

Just be very careful -

Don't overtake anyone

Do not change passengers.

There is not just one sign here, but many:

There's a railroad here!

Rails, sleepers and tracks –

Don't joke with the train.

If you need treatment,

The sign will tell you where the hospital is.

One Hundred Serious Doctors

There they will tell you: “Be healthy!”

You named everything correctly, well done! You know a lot of road signs. And now let’s play the game “Funny Traffic Light”.

Tell us, why do we need a traffic light? (Traffic light regulates traffic)

Listen carefully: if the light turns red, stand still - the path is dangerous; yellow if it lights up, you need to clap, don’t be lazy; The green light says: “You can stomp - the path is open!” So, is the task clear? Then let's begin!

Well done! You were attentive and everything worked out for you.

Guys, what else can we do to help the inhabitants of the planet Formados? I invite you to consider situations on the road and answer the questions.

Children take cards with individual tasks (work in pairs). The teacher asks questions for the assignments, the children answer and complete the assignments.

TO When all the children have finished, we collect the cards in an envelope and send them by mail to the planet Formados during a walk.

Bottom line. Today we helped the Formados people. We told them about the rules of the road and the meaning of road signs. I think they will be very grateful to you.

Cosmonautics Day in kindergarten.

Middle group “A” “Butterflies”.

Teachers: Kondakova N.A.,Epifanovskaya O.V..

Equipment: video projector, sets of Nikitin cubes according to the number of children, hoops, geometric set, skittles, prickly track.

Characters: Presenter, Dunno.

Hello, dear guests! Today is a wonderful holiday - Cosmonautics Day. And today we will go on an exciting journey through space!

Dunno runs in.


Yeah! They wanted to fly away without me!

And who are you?


Well, here's your time! They don't even know who I am! I am a great astronaut! I was the first to be in space! I - ….

Children, was it really Yuri Gagarin himself who came to us? Well, hello, we are very glad to see you, sorry for not recognizing you right away.


No, I'm not Gagarin! I don't even know who this guy is.

Presenter (addresses the children):

Do you guys know who Yuri Gagarin is?

Children's answers. After the children's answers, tell a little about the first cosmonaut,

slide number 1 Portrait of Gagarin.

In a space rocket

With the name "East"

He is the first on the planet

I was able to rise to the stars.

Sings songs about it

Spring drops:

Will be together forever

Gagarin and April.

It was Yuri Gagarin who was the first person to fly into space and spent as much as 108 minutes in orbit of our planet! He flew around the globe on the Vostok spacecraft. And since April 12, 1961, we have celebrated Cosmonautics Day every year.


Oh, just think, 108 minutes! I could have spent the full 200 minutes there! And you, Gagarin, Gagarin!

Well, you're a liar! And you haven’t even introduced yourself to us yet!


I don’t even know whether to introduce myself to you now or not.

And I think I already know who you are. You are Dunno!


Well, somehow it didn’t even become interesting. I'll leave you.

Wait, don't go! Stay, I think you will still be interested in us!


Well, let me stay, but I don’t know if I’ll be interested.

And you stay and watch. And we're leaving! Now let's imagine that we are young cosmonauts. And we're going to commit space trip across all the planets of the solar system, and then return home to Earth.

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.


And what are you going to travel with?

Children's answers (on a rocket)


The rocket still needs to be built...

The task is to assemble a rocket.

Children assemble a rocket from Nikitin's cubes.

Host: Well, now we can go. We take our seats in the rocket.

Relay race “Team “To the start!” "

In front of the rocket, the leader holds a hoop that marks the hatch. The child climbs through the hoop and gets into the rocket.

1. Mercury - Slide No. 2

Here we are on Mercury! Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system, it is closest to the Sun, it has no atmosphere, its temperature constantly fluctuates, and its surface is covered with craters.

And in order for us to safely continue our space journey, we need to complete the task.

Assignment: Children form 2 circles, one team around a red hoop, the other around a blue hoop.

Game "Rocket".

Teams walk around hoops and say words.

Fast rockets are waiting for us,

For walks on the planets,

Whatever we want

We'll fly to this one.

The children run away in all directions.

After the words:

But there is one secret in the game,

There is no room for latecomers.

Children should gather near the hoops of their color and hold hands.

Dunno: All crews completed this task on this planet, we can fly further. We begin the countdown (all in unison): “3, 2, 1, start! »

2. Venus - slide No. 3

Presenter: Venus is the second planet of the solar system, almost the same in size as the Earth, its surface is hidden by thick clouds of sulfuric acid, and it is covered with volcanoes, craters, and mountains.

Task: space music sounds, you need to dance the dance of the stars.

Children are dancing.

3. Mars - slide No. 4

Game “Say the Word.”

Presenter: the fourth most distant planet from the Sun and the seventh largest planet in the solar system. On the surface of the planet there are craters, volcanoes, valleys, deserts. There are 2 natural satellites - Phobos and Demos.

Assignment: aliens meet us on Mars, they don’t know how to speak in our language, you need to explain with gestures what you want:

Swim across the river

Have a delicious breakfast

Fly like a bird

Play football

Game "Confusion: Jump and Leap"


Let's test your playful, jumping, jumping energy and cosmic attentiveness! If I shout: “Jump,” then you, jumping, loudly and unanimously respond: “Jump!” And if I shout: “Jump!”, then you all jump up and answer: “Jump.” Do you remember? Begin!

4. Jupiter slide No. 5

Presenter: the fifth planet from the Sun, the largest in the Solar System.

Assignment: you need to solve space riddles.

Space mysteries

The clear firmament is beautiful

There are many fables about him.

They won't let you lie to me,

It's like animals live there.

There is a beast of prey in Russia,

Look - he's in heaven now!

On a clear night it glows -

Big Dipper).

And the bear is with her child,

A kind, nice little bear.

It glows next to mom

Ursa Minor).

Planet with a crimson tint.

In military paint, boastful.

Like pink satin

The planet is shining... (Mars).

To equip the eye

And be friends with the stars,

To see the Milky Way

We need a powerful... (telescope).

A bird can't reach the moon

Fly and land on the moon,

But he can do it

Do it fast... (rocket).

The rocket has a driver

Zero gravity lover.

In English, astronaut,

And in Russian... (cosmonaut).

There is a special pipe

The Universe is visible in it,

See the stars Kaleidoscope

Astronomers in. (telescope)

Flashing a huge tail in the dark,

rushes among bright stars in the void.

She is not a star, not a planet,

The mystery of the Universe -. (comet)

There is a special spacecraft,

He sends signals to Earth to everyone.

Like a lonely mysterious traveler,

An artificial one flies in orbit. (satellite)

Lights the way at night,

Doesn't let the stars sleep.

Let everyone sleep

She can't sleep

There is light in the sky for us. (Moon)

5. Saturn – slide No. 6

Narrator: The sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest planet in the Solar System after Jupiter. Saturn is surrounded by rings that consist of particles of ice, rocks and dust. There are 62 satellites orbiting the planet. Titan is the largest of them.

Assignment: When preparing to perform various tasks in space orbit, in order to feel comfortable in a state of weightlessness, you need to practice properly. Collect as many scattered parts as possible from one of the spaceship's solar batteries.

6. Uranus – slide No. 7

Presenter: the seventh most distant planet from the Sun in the Solar System. It is the coldest planet in the solar system with a temperature of 224 °C. Uranus' core is composed primarily of ice and rock.

Has 27 satellites.

Assignment: the inhabitants of the planet love poetry very much, so you need to tell them any poem (2-3 people).

On this planet, tests of agility, agility and endurance are carried out.

For example, a game with skittles. The game starts with 6 (4, 5, 7) people. They walk to the music around the 5 pins (3, 4, 6). As soon as the music stops, you need to grab the pin. Those who didn't have time sit down.

7. Neptune – slide No. 8

Presenter: The eighth and most distant planet of the solar system. It has 12 satellites, the largest being Triton. The strongest winds among the planets of the solar system rage in Neptune's atmosphere; their speeds can reach 2100 km/h. The core consists of ice and rocks. Assignment: On this planet there are very uneven surface

. You need to walk along the path carefully so as not to fall into the crater.

8. Earth – slide No. 9

Presenter: the third planet of the solar system, the only one inhabited by living beings. The surface of the earth is covered with the World Ocean, continents, and islands. Earth's satellite is the Moon. Presenter: Hurray! We returned home again to Earth. Now you and I know what planets are in our solar system

, how many there are and what they are called. We know that a person who flies into space is called an astronaut. He must be strong, healthy, strong, be sure to exercise and eat well. And who knows, maybe one of you, when you grow up, will realize your dreams and become an astronaut. And today, when you come home, tell all your loved ones what you know about space. And, of course, congratulate your family on the holiday, Happy Cosmonautics Day!


Did you like our trip, Dunno?

Yes, it’s great here, I’ve learned so many new and interesting things. But it's time for me to go home! I’ll go tell Znayka what I learned. He'll be surprised!

Summary of GCD for familiarization with the environment

In the preparatory group.

MBDOU "Combined Kindergarten No. 63" in Engels

Program content.Introduce children to the main events of the Great Patriotic War. To consolidate knowledge about how people defended the country, how they remember and honor the exploits of their heroes. Develop an understanding of different types troops. Cultivate reverent respect for the heroic past of your people.

Vocabulary work:Great Patriotic War, heroes, feat, obelisk, eternal flame, monument, Nazi Germany.

Previous work.Conversations with children on the topic: “The Great Patriotic War”, “Our Heroes”, reading fiction on military topics, looking at paintings, illustrations, a drawing competition about the war, memorizing poems and songs about the war.

Equipment: model of the eternal flame, children's drawings, paintings, illustrations about the Second World War, attributes for games.

GCD move

The “Victory Day” march sounds. Children enter in a column, pass through the center, disperse to the right and left.

Educator: Every year our people celebrate Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War, which lasted four whole years and ended with the complete victory of our people. It is our duty to always remember those who are not with us, who defended victory at the cost of their lives! Eternal glory to the heroes!

It was a great Victory Day

Many years ago

Grandfathers remember Victory Day

Each of the grandchildren knows


1.We are talking about the first Victory Day

We love listening to their story

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world and for all of us.

2.We want the birds to sing

So that the forests around you make noise

May the skies be blue

To be mirrored in them

The river is beautiful.

3. Let the stork build its nest on the roof

Cranes are crowing in the sky

Let there be peace, we need it so much

Children all over the world need it.

Song "Peace and Friendship"

Educator: Guys, we were born and raised in peacetime. The years of the terrible Great Patriotic War are receding further into the past.

Why is it called that?

When did this war start?

Guys, why did we win this war?

Guys, how do people in our city remember the people who gave their most precious thing for their Motherland - their lives?

What were the soldiers like?

What proverbs do you know about the Motherland, about its defenders?

  1. Motherland - know how to protect it;
  2. For your Motherland, do not spare either strength or life;
  3. The enemy wanted to feast, but had to grieve;
  4. Perish yourself, but help your comrade;
  5. Peace builds, but war destroys;
  6. He who is not afraid of death avoids the bullet.

Educator: - Guys, tell us what feats our soldiers performed?

Children's stories: Night ram, Alexander Matrosov, Panfilov's men

Night ram

Night. Silence. And suddenly the searchlights, like pikes, pierced the sky, and the anti-aircraft guns began to roar. There was an enemy in the air. When observers discovered a fascist bomber approaching Moscow, junior lieutenant Talalikhin received orders to destroy the enemy. Two minutes later the pilot was in the air. Suddenly he saw an enemy plane ahead. Talalikhin took aim at the fascist and opened fire. The bullets hit the enemy's engine. The engine was engulfed in flames. The fascist was wounded, but not shot down. He increased the speed of the car, he wants to get away from the Soviet pilot. Talalikhin rushed after the fascist plane. He went for a ram and crashed into the enemy plane with all his might. The fascist flared up like a torch. He fell down like a stone. However, Talalikhin’s plane was disabled by the impact. The pilot had to jump with a parachute. He jumped and landed safely on the ground. For his feat, Viktor Talalikhin was awarded the Hero of the Soviet Union.

Alexander Matrosov

In 1943, there were fierce battles on one of the front sections near the village of Chernushki. The enemy was firmly entrenched in the village. Several times Soviet soldiers launched an attack, but fire from the bunker blocked their path. We need to destroy this bunker! Sailors crawled up to him and threw two grenades one after another. The machine gun fell silent. Alexander waved his hand: forward! But as soon as the soldiers went on the attack, the machine gun spoke again. Then Matrosov opened fire at the embrasure from a machine gun, but the machine gun continued to fire. How to silence the enemy? All the soldiers saw how Guard Private Sailors quickly rushed forward and covered the embrasure with himself. The comrades went on the attack and drove the Nazis out of the village. Matrosov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Educator: Children, our soldiers were not only brave, courageous, strong, they also showed ingenuity.

Game "Match a Pair"

(To the music, children take pictures and run around, looking for a pair for their picture. When the music ends, they line up in pairs. Then they name their pairs: pistol - gun, jacket - jacket, binoculars - glasses, hat - military cap, etc.)

Educator: Military guys have different specialties.

Game "Military"

(Using pictures, children form new words: tank - tanker, artillery - artilleryman, infantry - infantryman, etc.)

Educator: Our people won, but many soldiers died on the battlefield and did not return home. We have great respect for their exploits and honor their memory. Every city has monuments and obelisks to fallen soldiers, all year round at their feet lie fresh flowers. Near these obelisks there is an eternal flame. Around him in holidays there are the best soldiers who perform their service well. This is an honor guard. On May 9, people lay flowers at monuments, obelisks and the eternal flame.

Children: For the native country people

Gave their lives

We will never forget

Those who fell in valiant battle

The fire is burning at the obelisk

Birches are sad in silence

And we bowed low

An unknown soldier is sleeping here.

Educator: With great pain in our souls, we mourn those who did not return from the battlefield. We will honor their memory with a minute of silence, and everyone will thank them in their hearts for the happy world in which we live. (Everyone stands up) Music starts playing. (lay flowers)

Sailors, artillerymen,

Border guards, signalmen

To everyone who protects our world

And guards the borders

For great things

Glory! Glory! And praise!

Song "White Paper"

Educator. Our people are brave and courageous, they survived and won. And no one can break our Motherland.

Children: The war ended in victory

Those years are behind

Medals and orders are burning

On many people's chests

Glory! Glory! Veterans

Glory to the dear army!

Evolve tricolor flag

Above the fatherland road.


Victory Day! Children.

Glory! Glory! Glory!

Educator. Veterans!

Educator. Children

Victory Day! . Glory! Glory! Glory!

Happiness, peace on earth

Educator. Glory! Glory! Glory.

Music "Victory Day" sounds

  1. Our people are brave and courageous, they survived and won. And no one can break our Motherland. Let's live peacefully, amicably and never know what this terrible word “war” is.
  2. Bibliography:
  3. Kasil L. “Your defenders”
  4. Zhukova L. “A Soldier’s Riddle”, “The Beast and the Man”
  5. Naydenova I. “Let there be peace”
  6. Malkov V. “My grandfather”