Severe sudden fear in the early stages of pregnancy.  How does fear affect the baby during pregnancy?

Severe sudden fear in the early stages of pregnancy. How does fear affect the baby during pregnancy?

What can and cannot be done during pregnancy? Dispelling myths about many prohibitions.

Often a woman in interesting position she is tormented by doubts about what she can do and what she cannot do. In addition, she wants to know why certain prohibitions and conditions are placed on her. This article will help you understand all this.

Why can't pregnant women raise their arms and stretch?

Since ancient times, it was believed that a woman was forbidden to raise her arms and stretch while expecting a baby. Some gynecologists still agree with this statement.

Other experts assure that there is nothing wrong with such movements, you just need to perform them smoothly and in moderation. Here are some myths and theoretically based facts regarding pregnant women raising their hands in the air:

  1. It is believed that by raising her hands up, a woman runs the risk of causing the baby to become entangled in the umbilical cord or turn his butt down. Indeed, with raised arms, a little free space appears in the uterine cavity and it becomes easier for the baby to move. However, in the later stages, the fetus is already so large that the usual raising of hands is unlikely to help it change its location. As for the umbilical cord, the baby has every chance to wrap himself around it without his mother’s help. In addition, entanglement is dangerous and can provoke hypoxia only if the umbilical cord is naturally short in length. The doctor will determine the parameters of the umbilical cord using ultrasound and, if necessary, warn the expectant mother about the risks.
  2. The second theory is based on the fact that when arms are raised for a long time, blood circulation in the uterus is disrupted, which can lead to fetal hypoxia. This version has scientific basis. In fact, blood begins to flow into the placenta intermittently if a woman raises her hands and does not lower them for a long time (for example, hanging curtains or gluing wallpaper). Therefore, it is better to avoid such long-term exercises.
  3. The third theory is also scientifically based. It lies in the fact that when you raise your hands up, the uterus can become toned and provoke effusion amniotic fluid. This is true, but this risk arises at a later date (after the thirtieth week). Some women, by the way, who are post-term, use this theory to provoke the long-awaited birth
  4. Another dangerous factor for a pregnant woman is that if she suddenly raises her arms up, she may feel dizzy. If a woman is on a hill at this moment or no one is nearby, she may simply lose her balance and fall

Having analyzed everything described above, we can conclude that raising your hands up in itself is not very dangerous. However, it is better to avoid sudden movements in the later stages without the support of anyone and the doctor’s permission.

There is a category of women who are strictly prohibited from catching ultraviolet rays, both in a solarium and directly under the sun. The following ailments may be contraindications to sunbathing:

  • diseases of the cardiovascular system
  • diabetes
  • dermatological skin diseases
  • mastopathy
  • thyroid problems
  • blood diseases
  • risk of premature birth
  • risk of miscarriage

Why can't pregnant women have a massage?

Massage is considered an excellent means of relaxation. Women in an interesting position, like no one else, sometimes want to relax and have fun. That’s why they simply need a massage.

As a rule, pregnant women are treated with massage of various parts of the body (arms, legs, head, neck, shoulders). Techniques for massaging the abdomen and back can also be used, but should only be performed by a very qualified practitioner.

There are a number of contraindications to massage in pregnant women:

  • venous dilatation of veins
  • blood diseases
  • severe toxicosis
  • back problems
  • acute viral diseases
  • skin diseases
  • increase in body temperature
  • gestosis
  • cardiovascular diseases
  • gastrointestinal diseases
  • risk of miscarriage
  • epilepsy
  • high pressure

Why shouldn't pregnant women be nervous and cry?

  • During pregnancy, a woman's body changes dramatically hormonal background. Such changes provoke frequent mood swings, touchiness, tearfulness and nervousness. expectant mother
  • All this is quite natural and understandable. However, it is worth understanding how such a psycho-emotional state of a woman can affect her baby.
  • It is believed that women who were very nervous during pregnancy give birth to restless, hyperactive children. Such children, as a rule, sleep very poorly or little, and constantly show their dissatisfaction through whims and screams.
  • There is also an opinion that women with unstable mental health have a risk of giving birth to a baby who will be prone to bronchial asthma
  • Therefore, expectant mothers in such a wonderful period of their lives need to try to abstract themselves from everything bad, tune in to the best and relax more often. After all, the health of their babies is the most important thing

Why shouldn’t pregnant women take a bath or go to the sauna?

As for the bath, the ban on taking it applies only when the water temperature is high and there are certain contraindications. In other words, if a pregnant woman feels well and does not suffer from chronic diseases, then a warm bath is indicated for her. When taking baths, several conditions must be observed:

  1. The water temperature in the bathroom should be no higher than thirty-seven degrees, but not lower than thirty-six
  2. It is not advisable to lay down completely in the bathroom. This is especially true for those who have heart problems. It is better for such ladies to immerse themselves in water only up to their chests
  3. In order to avoid overheating of the body, it is better for a woman to alternately stick her legs and arms out of the water
  4. When a pregnant woman is engaged in water procedures, it is advisable that there is someone else in the apartment. In this case, it is necessary that, if necessary, access to the bathroom is provided
  5. It is better to place a rubber mat on the bottom of the bathtub to prevent slipping.
  6. Bath time should be no more than fifteen minutes
  7. At the slightest sign of discomfort, it is better for the pregnant woman to stop the procedure

  • Things are completely different with the sauna. Many doctors prohibit their clients from visiting the steam room. The point is that it's too heat in a confined space can cause miscarriage early stages And premature birth on the last
  • In addition, if it is difficult for a woman to breathe in such a room, then the access of oxygen to her baby will also be impaired
  • Some mothers cannot imagine life without a bath. They have been going there for years and find it a great way to relax and unwind.

Such ladies need to seek advice from their local police officers and find out whether they can visit the steam room. Some doctors do not see anything wrong with this, but give a number of recommendations:

  • a woman should only enter the steam room for a couple of minutes
  • Avoid overheating and hypothermia
  • at the first sign of discomfort, the woman should leave the bathhouse
  • mandatory compliance with hygiene rules

Why can't pregnant women squat and cross their legs?

  • Squatting and crossing one's legs are indeed considered not the best positions for pregnant women.
  • In the first case, pressure on the uterus increases, which can provoke premature pregnancy. labor. Also, with this position, some capillaries are pinched under the knee, which negatively affects the blood supply to the fetus.
  • When sitting cross-legged, venous vessels are compressed, which can affect the development of varicose veins. For those women who already suffer from such an unpleasant disease, this position is strictly prohibited
  • In addition, when veins are compressed, the transport of oxygen to the baby’s placenta is significantly limited, which can lead to hypoxia.

Why shouldn't pregnant women wear heels?

There are a number of reasons why it is better to avoid heels while pregnant:

  1. When walking in heels, the center of gravity shifts, and the entire load goes on the phalanges of the fingers. When a woman also has an additional load on the front in the form of a large belly, her fingers generally have a hard time
  2. Also, heels provoke increased stress on the back, which has to compensate for the change in the center of gravity
  3. Walking in heels is a serious test for your feet. During pregnancy, this check is also supplemented by the presence of varicose veins.
  4. Changing body position provokes displacement internal organs women, which also negatively affects the course of pregnancy and fetal development
  5. Wearing heels while pregnant increases the risk of unexpected falls and injuries.

Such a list of reasons should force expectant mothers to give up heels for such a long, and at the same time such a responsible, period of time. They will still have time to show off their thin heels in the park with a stroller.

Why shouldn't pregnant women sleep on their backs?

  • At first, while the fetus is still quite small in size, sleeping on its back is possible and not dangerous. However, as the baby grows, the force of its pressure on the back and the venous vessels connecting to the placenta also increases.
  • It was this fact that became the reason for the ban on sleeping on the back. A woman may experience discomfort and back pain, and the baby may not receive its share of micronutrients and oxygen.
  • While sleeping on her back, a pregnant woman herself may feel shortness of breath, decreased blood pressure and lack of oxygen. Therefore, it is advisable for her to gradually accustom herself to sleep on her side.

Why shouldn't pregnant women cut their hair?

  • The ancient belief that by cutting her hair, a woman shortens the eyelids of her baby has sunk into oblivion. This sign has no scientific basis
  • Being in an interesting position, young ladies also want to be beautiful and well-groomed. Therefore, they simply need to have fashionable hairstyles or haircuts.
  • In addition, by cutting off split ends, a woman not only helps her hair look healthier, but also gets rid of negativity
  • If the expectant mother is still worried about cutting her hair, it is better for her to use lunar calendar haircuts, where they will be indicated better days for haircuts

Why shouldn't pregnant women go to the toilet?

  • Women in any condition, not only during pregnancy, should not go to the toilet
  • Such restraints have a very negative impact on the condition of the bladder, which can cause diseases such as cystitis or inflammation of the bladder.
  • During pregnancy, an overfilled bladder begins to bulge into the uterus, which may well lead to uterine tone.

Why shouldn't pregnant women be heavy?

  • During pregnancy, cartilage and vertebrae female body change significantly and become softer
  • When lifting heavy objects, a woman risks getting back problems and tearing some muscles. Also, when lifting and carrying heavy objects, breathing changes - a person begins to hold it during the effort, and breathe rarely and heavily during the load. Such changes are also reflected in the oxygen saturation of the fetus.
  • In addition, carrying heavy objects can cause miscarriage in the early stages and premature birth in later stages.

Why shouldn't pregnant women go to church?

Can pregnant women go to church?

This belief originated a long time ago, but today it has nothing to do with common sense. Not a single church will prohibit a pregnant woman from entering, lighting candles and listening to the service.

Some churches even have special icons for those who will soon give birth to a new servant of God. All clergy are always happy to meet believing women in an interesting situation and recommend that they attend church regularly, asking God for health for themselves and their baby, as well as for an easy birth.

Why shouldn't pregnant women go to the cemetery?

Whether or not to go to a cemetery is the decision of every woman. Nobody gives any prohibitions or permissions as such. But there are a number of factors that can negatively affect a pregnant woman and her baby:

  • psycho-emotional stress. A cemetery is not a place that charges you with positive emotions and evokes a feeling of happiness
  • mystical side. Many esotericists believe that a trip to a cemetery can leave a negative imprint on a child’s biofield
  • the likelihood of getting sick. Fifty percent of cemeteries in our country are unkempt, overgrown with unknown plants, abandoned and littered with garbage, burial grounds. By tripping, scratching, or inhaling unpleasant odors, a woman can get injured or even get sick
  • conflict with dissidents. The mentality of our people is designed in such a way that they tend to give advice, impose their opinions and express their indignation, regardless of their faces
    Therefore, in a cemetery, a woman risks entering into controversy with strangers who consider her presence in this place to be wrong. Such a conversation could lead to negative emotions and stress for the pregnant woman.

Why shouldn't pregnant women go to funerals?

The explanation for the ban on going to a funeral, in principle, coincides with the ban on going to a cemetery. Only here the situation can be further aggravated by a fresh emotional wound from the loss of a loved one. The woman will have to make her own decision - to go or not to go.

Why shouldn't you scare pregnant women?

  • Fright is the same emotional experience and a manifestation of minor stress that is so contraindicated for a pregnant woman
  • It is capable of provoking active contractions of the uterus, which can lead to both spontaneous termination of pregnancy and premature birth.
  • In addition, such emotional shock can also affect the development of the fetal nervous system.

Why shouldn't you touch a pregnant woman's belly?

  • When you touch the belly of a pregnant woman, you feel a surge of energy, inexplicable joy and trepidation. However, this does not mean that the woman herself experiences the same
  • If her belly is stroked by a person close to her or a person she trusts, then this will not bring her any discomfort. If an unfamiliar or unpleasant person tries to stroke the baby’s shelter, then the woman may experience indignation and fear
  • Often such fear can be associated with something supernatural. It is believed that energy, both positive and negative, can be transmitted through the hands. Therefore, stroking a pregnant woman’s belly by a stranger can cause her to mistrust and fear for the baby.
  • In addition, the lower abdomen is an intimate part of the body, and the touch of strangers on it can be embarrassing for the expectant mother.

Why can't you take pictures of pregnant women?

  • The ban on taking photographs of a pregnant woman is another superstition. Fortunately, today few people pay attention to it - the entire Internet is replete with photo shoots of happy young ladies in an interesting position
  • The only caveat is the display of such photographs. After all, no one has canceled a dashing eye and a bad word. Disclosure of photographs to the public can cause a lot of indignation and discussion
  • Because perhaps such intimate photos It’s better to leave them in the family album or publish them after the birth

Why shouldn't pregnant women sew?

  • Since ancient times, it was believed that by taking up sewing, a woman sews up the path for her child, and childbirth may not go as expected. According to other beliefs, by doing needlework (knitting, embroidery, sewing), the expectant mother provokes entanglement in the umbilical cord
  • Naturally, today such signs have no basis. However, a pregnant woman should still give up sewing, but for a different reason.
  • When sewing something, a woman has to stay in the same sitting position for a long time, which is not very good for her health.
  • It is still better to get involved in active walks in the fresh air during this period. Well, if you urgently need to sew up something, then it won’t cause any harm
  • This, in principle, is all the reliable information about what a pregnant woman can and cannot do. In any case, in the name of taking care of yourself and your baby, it is better for the expectant mother to play it safe and refrain from many prohibited things

Video: Bath during pregnancy

Video: Why you shouldn’t be nervous during pregnancy?

Pregnancy is one of the best periods in a woman's life. It’s good if such happiness happens more than once. I think that everyone knows that there are many myths and interesting facts about this interesting situation. Today we will try to figure out one of them. Why shouldn't you scare women during pregnancy?

Pregnant women

Girls in an interesting position are considered to be somewhat different from ordinary representatives of the fair sex. They are given places in public transport, missed in hospitals and queues. Pregnant women are advised to remain at rest and not worry too much. This is especially important over a long period of time. Doctors regularly monitor the health of the expectant mother, noting all the moments that happened to her.

In case of constant anxiety, women in labor may be put on preservation in order to improve the health of the child in the stomach. The whole family is worried about the health of the unborn child, so they keep the pregnant woman alone and take care of her in every possible way. What should you do if you were frightened by some incident or were pranked by a person who does not know about your situation?

Instructions for women in labor

Provide yourself with a quiet room. Do enjoyable activities like sleeping, watching comedies to improve your mood, knitting, drawing or coloring. By the way, this interesting ways busy during pregnancy! Sometimes yoga or meditation helps.

You can do a little experiment. If during a fright you grab a certain part of your body, for example, your stomach, it means that the child may have a birthmark in this place. Many similar cases have already been confirmed. I wonder if you are the exception to the rule?!

Consequences of fright

  • Possibility of miscarriage.
  • The birth of a child with diseases of the nervous system.
  • Premature birth.
  • The appearance of a birthmark in a child in the place where the frightened woman grabbed.
  • Possibility of reducing the general health of the mother.

Pregnancy is a special time for expectant parents. The experiences and worries of the expectant mother affect the child and influence her perception of what is happening.

Fright during pregnancy

Pregnancy fright occurs due to a number of reasons or injuries to the woman in the position. Unrest affects intrauterine development fetus


Hormonal changes occur in the body of the expectant mother: her behavior, reactions to external stimuli and stress resistance change. Her psycho-emotional instability is expressed in fear of the future, incoherent experiences and panic fears.

Fear during pregnancy may be intensified by:

  • events for which a woman is not ready;
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • prolonged stress;
  • phobias.

Every person can get scared, but for an expectant mother who is experiencing stress, or for an emotionally unstable person, there is a concentration on one negative event - fear.

It is not so important what caused the body’s spontaneous reaction, what is more important is what preceded the weakening of the protective mechanisms of the psyche.

Stress is undesirable for pregnant women

Superstitions and prejudices

There is a popular belief that, due to fear, the unborn child will be born with a mutilation or a mark in the form of an unsightly birthmark. There are many variations of superstition. The basis of such prejudices is the fear of loss of control. At its core, fear is a normal reaction that should not be attributed to fate or fate.

There is no evidence of prejudice. There was also no connection between an accidental fright and the birth of an ugly child. Fears that overcome a woman who is not ready to take responsibility find a way out - they are aggravated by superstitions and dire predictions.

Possible consequences

An accidental fright during pregnancy is not dangerous to the body. Sweaty palms, dilated pupils and rapid breathing are symptoms of fear that quickly return to normal. The child, while in the womb, reacts to maternal fear. He senses danger and tries to defend himself. For the baby the world- these are the feelings and experiences of the mother. If the woman quickly calms down, the child continues to be in a stressful state for several more hours.

The psycho-emotional connection between a mother and her unborn child obliges a woman not only to avoid danger, but also not to feed internal fears.

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  • Zimnyaya, I.A. Pedagogical psychology: textbook allowance / I.A. Winter. –2nd ed., additional, corrected. and processed – M.: Logos, 2002. – 384 p.
  • Nemov, R.S. Psychology: textbook. for students higher ped. textbook establishments / R.S. Nemov. In 3 books. Book 2. Educational psychology. – 4th ed. – M.: VLADOS, 2002. – 608 p.
  • Kotikova, O.P. Pedagogical psychology: course of lectures / O.P. Kotikova. – Minsk: Publishing house. MIU, 2005. – 132 p.
  • Superstitions of pregnant women

    As long as humanity has existed, there have been various signs and superstitions. Those phenomena that man could not explain with the help of reason, he attributed to otherworldly forces. It is clear that over time a fairly detailed system of superstitions has developed for any occasion in life. Nowadays we listen to some signs. This gives some psychological peace. This is especially true for a pregnant woman. The expectant mother becomes more suspicious, just in case, trying to protect herself and the baby from several sides. Many expectant mothers, including me, hide their pregnancy until the last moment, do not buy baby clothes in advance, and pay close attention to the shape of their belly. To believe or not to believe in superstitions is a personal matter for everyone. But be sure to listen to your doctor at the antenatal clinic.

    Many people worry about what gender their baby will be:

    1. A boy will be born if hairs grow on his belly. Today, such an edge is explained by the increased amount of male hormones in a woman’s body when she is expecting a boy.
    2. If the belly is like a cucumber (sticks out sharply), it means it will be a boy.
    3. Mom's heart rate is slow.
    4. The baby behaves calmly in the stomach, does not move much
    5. No early toxicosis. That is, the first trimester was easy.
    6. If the expectant mother walks with her left foot.
    1. A wide belly indicates that it will be a girl. Although such a belly may indicate that the child is simply lying sideways.
    2. The girl steals her mother's beauty. It is believed that they appear on the face dark spots and swelling.
    3. Mom's heart beats fast
    4. The baby in the stomach is restless and pushing.
    5. A pregnant woman experiences early toxicosis.
    6. If the expectant mother walks on her right foot


    1. The expectant mother is prohibited from sewing, cutting, or patching. According to popular wisdom, they believe that such actions can lead to the appearance of moles in a child. While sewing, a woman can cut herself or prick herself with a needle. This will make her scared. This is the kind of harm that handicrafts can cause. Maybe that’s why there is a belief that moles will appear.
    2. It is forbidden to sit on the threshold. In particular, you should not step over such things as a broom or a log. You cannot cross the threshold, because you are going beyond the boundaries of your “home” world into a foreign one. On the other hand, there are drafts on the threshold, which are not beneficial for a pregnant woman. According to popular superstitions, a brownie lives in a broom and by stepping over it you can incur his wrath. In addition, stepping over objects can cause you to trip.
    3. A lot of red berries eaten by the expectant mother will lead to the fact that the child will be born ruddy. This statement can be substantiated by the fact that, being allergenic products, red berries are large quantities, eaten by a pregnant woman, can cause diathesis in the newborn. And diathesis most often manifests itself in redness on the body and face.
    4. You can't raise your hands. It is still a very popular belief. It is believed that the baby will become entangled in the umbilical cord. Doctors also advise avoiding raising your hands. Since this can lead to premature birth due to untimely outpouring of amniotic fluid.
    5. You can't cut your hair. You will cut off the child. This means, according to popular belief, that there may be a miscarriage or premature birth. This superstition is due to the fact that hair represents a person’s vitality. Cutting your hair means becoming weaker and more vulnerable, according to popular belief.
    6. You cannot cross your legs or sit cross-legged. By the way, doctors also do not recommend expectant mothers to sit in this position. After all, during this period the mother’s body is prone to such ailments as varicose veins. And the “leg over leg” pose impairs normal blood supply. In the old days, it was believed that this would cause the child to be born with club feet.
    7. According to signs, you should not sleep on your back. It is believed that the child may suffocate. This sign is not without common sense. Doctors do not recommend pregnant women sleep on their backs, as the inferior vena cava is compressed. This leads to disruption of normal blood flow.
    8. You can't look at what's ugly. A pregnant woman is prohibited from looking at scary things, mutilated people, or watching horror films. It is believed that this will affect the child's appearance. But there is a reasonable rationale for this. Mom should not be afraid, because the baby feels everything that the mother does. It is necessary to arrive in a good, calm state, admire harmonious paintings (Dali’s paintings are unlikely to do), listen to beautiful music. The main thing is that what you see and hear causes joy and pleasure. Positive emotions are necessary for the expectant mother no less than vitamins.
    9. The expectant mother is prohibited from playing with cats. It is believed that this will result in the child having many enemies. Today it is known that a cat can become a carrier of toxoplasmosis, which is dangerous for the human nervous system. If you have a pet, you should take it to the veterinarian and have it tested for toxoplasmosis. After all, if the virus gets into the blood of a pregnant woman, it can lead to unpleasant consequences.
    10. You cannot knit, sew, or weave. Otherwise, the baby will become entangled in the umbilical cord.
    11. You need to hide your pregnancy for as long as possible. This is done so that no one is jinxed. Until now, many pregnant women hide their situation for a long time. This is a personal matter for everyone. Moreover, during the first half of pregnancy, the belly is almost invisible and you don’t have to talk about your position. In the old days, they were afraid that the child would be taken away by the forces of evil. After all, most often miscarriages occur in the first trimester.
    12. Orthodox Church prohibits finding out the sex of the child before birth.
    13. An expectant mother should not eat on the sly. It is believed that the baby will then be a thief or be afraid of everything. Most likely, this sign comes from the fact that a pregnant woman often has an addiction to unusual foods. The woman is embarrassed by her increased appetite and hides it by hiding in the corners with food. But you shouldn’t do this, otherwise the nutrients won’t be absorbed, and nervous system will suffer.
    14. You can't comb your hair on Fridays. In this way you can offend Paraxeva Friday. And it won't help during childbirth.
    15. You cannot photograph or draw the expectant mother. It is believed that the child will stop in its development in the state in which the pregnant woman is captured.
    16. You cannot buy things for a newborn in advance. According to beliefs, evil spirits will enter the body of a child. Although from time immemorial the dowry for a newborn was prepared in advance with one’s own hands.
    17. Meeting a pregnant woman is a sign of success.
    18. Seeing a pregnant woman in a dream is good luck.
    19. If a pregnant woman hits a cow 3 times with her apron, then the cow will calve better.
    20. You cannot eat “twin” foods. For example, eggs with 2 yolks, fused fruits, etc. Since, according to superstitious signs, twins could be born
    21. You cannot say what you will name your child before giving birth, so that demons do not kidnap him.
    22. If a pregnant woman touches her face, the baby will have birthmarks.
    23. You should not, when frightened, grab your face or body. It was believed that the child would have birthmarks in these places.
    24. You cannot say the possible date of birth. It was believed that in this case the birth would be easier.
    25. You should not step over fruits growing in the ground (carrots, potatoes, beets, etc.). Because the dead are buried in the ground. It was believed that the earth could take the soul of a child.
    26. If you pour water on the expectant mother, it will rain, according to popular belief.

    Attention! It is important!

    All information in the article, as well as norms and tables are presented For general information purposes only. It does not provide any basis for diagnosing yourself or prescribing treatment on your own. Always consult a doctor!

    Nastya34 16.03.2018 19:27
    The most important signs for pregnant women: what pregnant women should not do, what precautions and rules there are during pregnancy, spells for easy childbirth, etc. necessary information for expectant mothers is here:

    Soff 01.09.2016 14:36
    Why are you all writing such nervous comments about this article if you don’t believe in superstitions?) Well, if you don’t agree, read it and close it, laugh, I don’t know, cheer yourself up somehow)) You need to get positive emotions from everywhere. It is very informative, by the way, to find out what our ancestors thought. After all, all these superstitions are not taken out of thin air, they are the rich cultural heritage of our ancestors, who explained what was happening as best they could, being unable to explain it in any other scientific way.
    So relax and have fun)))

    Diana 16.05.2016 21:46
    An excellent composition for women who want to have children. I myself once took all these herbs to give birth to a child. Only at that time there were no such ready-made drugs, so I collected them, bought them in pharmacies and prepared them myself. And here is a perfectly balanced product with all the necessary plants, no need to think about how much and what to put in. Just brew and drink. I just recommend it.

    Nastya 19.12.2015 19:37
    I recommend an excellent article about signs and rules for pregnant women

    Karinka 15.09.2015 11:05
    Prejudice is one thing, but stupidity is another. My loved ones tried to convince me not to buy a stroller prematurely. But it's good that they are not
    I listened, my husband and I went, took a closer look, and now we’re driving around the park with our son in
    your wonderful Anex stroller and everything is fine with us. In any case, no one has yet canceled common sense.

    Kira 19.01.2013 20:50
    I’ll argue about hair cutting - I was pregnant and cut my hair below my shoulders, my daughter is already 18 and her hair doesn’t grow longer at all - how did I draw the line?

    Text: Tina Hakki

    Pregnant women are extremely suspicious, and there are a lot of superstitions associated with expecting a child. You cannot sit on the threshold, raise your hands up and visit crowded places.

    If everything is more or less clear with thresholds - sitting in a draft can hardly be called a useful activity, then some other signs are worth thinking about.

    You shouldn't shout at pregnant women... Some signs may even be useful

    • 1

      You can't raise your arms above your head

      What they are afraid of: The baby may become entangled in the umbilical cord.
      In fact: entanglement with the umbilical cord occurs in cases where the baby in the womb is very active, and the length of the umbilical cord is longer than the average. There is no way to influence the size of the umbilical cord - this parameter is determined genetically. But, if you stay in the “hands up” position for a long time (for example, while riding in a vehicle, holding onto the top rail), then the baby may begin to experience a lack of oxygen.
    • 2

      You can't cut your hair or dye your hair

      What they are afraid of: you can lose your “connection with the cosmos” (the longer a woman’s hair, the better this cosmic connection is established) and thereby harm the baby.
      In fact: Typically, pregnancy best time In order to grow hair, due to hormonal changes, it begins to grow much faster than usual. But if the hair irritates the expectant mother, gets in the way, gets into her eyes, it’s better to cut it. Dyes can “behave” differently, and the result of staining cannot be predicted. In addition, it is unlikely that any of the manufacturers tested chemical formula composition on pregnant women - it’s better not to risk it.
    • 3

      You can’t buy your baby’s dowry yourself.

      What they are afraid of: if the clothes have already been prepared, and the child has not yet been born, it will be “appropriated” by other people’s evil mystical forces (they are also spirits) and the pregnancy will end unsuccessfully.
      In fact: There are still a lot of people who believe in this strange sign. In maternity hospitals, it is not uncommon for babies to be taken away wearing new things with tags and price tags. This happens when dad is preparing for discharge. The question of what is more useful - things that have not been washed or ironed, or mother's peace of mind remains open.
      If you decide to “entrust” this important matter to your relatives, provide them with descriptions from online stores and pictures, otherwise you risk receiving a cotton blanket and ribbons instead of a convenient zippered envelope, etc.
    • 4

      You can't look at unpleasant things

      What they are afraid of: the child will “suffer” - he will be born ugly or red-haired if the mother stared at the fire for a long time.
      In fact: Oddly enough, this sign (with the exception of the birth of red-haired children) has a scientific basis. “What we see affects our mood: it can bring joy or create stress. However, we have no idea how much this influence has on our mental and physical health,” says our expert, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Director of the Moscow Center “Videoecology”, Professor Vasily Antonovich Filin.
      Psychological discomfort is caused, for example, by plain wallpaper or buildings in the construction of which huge surfaces of glass are used, or similar buildings of a standard design in “dormitory” areas. It is better for pregnant women to avoid unnecessary stress and admire the beauty, if possible, walking through the historical center of the city. And at home, dilute the “plain” wallpaper with frames with photos or flower arrangements.
    • 5

      You cannot sew, knit or patch

      What they are afraid of: because of knitting, the umbilical cord will get mixed up, sewing will be to blame for the fact that the baby’s path to this world will be blocked, and sewn buttons and applied patches will cause the appearance of moles on the baby.
      In fact: There is no real justification for these superstitions. Unless you should make sure that you do not stay in the same static position for a long time. It is better to change your body position from time to time - get up, walk, etc., so that the baby receives a sufficient amount of oxygen.
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      You can't sleep on your back

      What they are afraid of: If a pregnant woman sleeps on her back, the baby in the womb may suffocate.
      In fact: alas, no one has yet canceled the syndrome of compression of the inferior vena cava. When a pregnant woman (especially if the pregnancy is polyhydramnios, the fetus is large, or twins or triplets are expected) lies on her back, the growing uterus puts pressure on the inferior vena cava located underneath it. Thus, the venous return to blood to the heart decreases, blood pressure drops, breathing becomes faster, dizziness occurs, and the eyes become dark. The only good thing is that when the syndrome occurs, no special treatment is required; it is enough to change position and turn on your side. But even if you sleep so comfortably, remember that with prolonged compression of the inferior vena cava, very unpleasant complications are possible - from placental abruption and disruption of uterine and renal blood flow to disruption of blood supply and fetal hypoxia.
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      You can't play with a cat

      What they are afraid of: If you pick up a cat, the baby will have a lot of enemies.
      In fact: Not only should you not touch a cat (especially someone else’s!), but you should also ensure that the cat’s litter boxes are clean. Toxoplasmosis, the pathogens of which are carried by cats, is an extremely dangerous disease specifically for the pregnant woman and the fetus. The virus penetrates the placenta into the fetal bloodstream and causes severe and unpleasant consequences. Therefore, if there is no one to entrust with the “honorable duty” of cleaning up the cat’s litter box, then be sure to wear latex gloves. The peculiarity of toxoplasmosis is that it does not have any special symptoms; most often it is very similar to a common cold.
      In principle, only primary infection is dangerous; if your cat has been living with you for a long time, nothing bad should happen (most likely, you already had toxoplasmosis before pregnancy and didn’t even notice it). But in any case, it is better to play it safe and get tested at a veterinary hospital to find out whether your animal is a source of threat.
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      You can't sit cross-legged

      What they are afraid of: in this case, they “predict” the birth of a child with crooked legs or club feet.
      In fact: It is possible that problems with legs may arise, not for the baby, but for the expectant mother. This position is harmful even for non-pregnant women who have a predisposition to varicose veins. If you sit so often, blood flow problems may occur in both the legs and pelvic organs.
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      You cannot tell anyone your expected due date.

      What they are afraid of: If you share this information with everyone, the birth will be difficult.
      In fact: Of course, there is no mystical connection between the stories about the date of birth and the severity of their course. But there is a psychological connection - human curiosity is ineradicable. So, if you don’t want to hear “How are you” for the thousandth time, nervously respond with the hackneyed phrase “I haven’t given birth yet” (and this is exactly what will interest your relatives and friends in last weeks your pregnancy), it’s better to really remain silent.
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      You can't go where there are a lot of people

      What they are afraid of: A pregnant woman can be jinxed!
      In fact: Even in the best of times, when the flu is not raging and passers-by on the streets do not wear gauze bandages, attending christenings, weddings, funerals, and club concerts should be postponed “for later.” As a rule, any viral diseases are transmitted by airborne droplets, and pregnant women, due to reduced immunity, are always at risk. Let's add that there are very few medications approved during pregnancy - and we get a complete, very convincing picture.

    And you, our dear readers, what signs associated with pregnancy do you know and which ones do you believe in?