Dress from the chest for pregnant women.  Styles of dresses for pregnant women

Dress from the chest for pregnant women. Styles of dresses for pregnant women

The long-awaited article about style and wardrobe for pregnant women. :-)

Dear girls, as a mother of two children, I tried to tell you in detail about the features of the wardrobe for this wonderful period.

I hope you enjoy the article and find it useful!

How to dress during pregnancy?

A woman expecting a baby is especially beautiful. It is during this period that the qualities inherent in us by nature are especially clearly revealed. Femininity, charm, universal love overwhelm us. Of course, at this time we are faced with certain difficulties. One of these difficulties is our wardrobe, when we realize that most of the clothes no longer fit us with each month of pregnancy.

In this article I will tell you how to stay stylish during the “interesting situation”, and also give practical advice on creating a functional wardrobe that will work for you even after the birth of your baby.

Wardrobe during pregnancy


When building your wardrobe, give preference basic things. Choose color rather than complex and decorative cut. Things sewn straight fit any figure, but different “complexities” do not interact well with volumes and curves. And volumes and curves over the course of 9 months, as you understand, will only increase :)

Your figure will change noticeably during pregnancy, so it is better to dress it up with clothes made from high-quality natural fabrics with a laconic cut. This will make you feel comfortable.

And the color will help diversify your wardrobe and, accordingly, make the image interesting.


Also in the last few seasons, straight-cut and oversized items have been in fashion. You will look good in these clothes!

You can buy such things at any clothing store. You don’t even need to go shopping in maternity stores, which are famous for their unattractive assortment. Just stop paying attention to fitted things and see what you really are like big choice You will find clothes for this period in the most ordinary and familiar stores!


In brands such as ASOS, ZARA, H&M and many others, including specialized ones, you will find skirts and trousers with elastic waistbands that will mold to the shape of your rounded tummy. It is very comfortable!

Avoid clothing made from thick, non-stretchy fabrics. Since your body size is changing rapidly these days, these clothes are more likely to find a place on one of the shelves in your wardrobe marked "until better times" than in one of your outfits.


When choosing straight-cut items, do not go overboard and choose clothes that are too shapeless. Remember, the more you want to hide your pregnancy under clothes big size, the bigger you will look in it.

If you still want to hide your “interesting position,” then in the first stages of pregnancy a few simple techniques will help you with this.

Pay attention to blouses and knitwear that do not emphasize the waist. There are so many such clothes in all brands. Just choose stores in your usual price category or look for the things you need online.

A straight-cut blazer or vest will help hide the hint of a baby bump.

In fitted jackets of an outdated style, you run the risk of not feeling very comfortable and can give away your position by emphasizing your rounded waist.

Please note that to be on the safe side, you can wear your top over your skirt or trousers, i.e. leave it tucked in and throw a blazer or vest on top.

Straight-cut dresses (cocoon or trumpet) also perfectly disguise the first signs of a wonderful situation.


Another important point that is relevant for many is whether or not to wear tight-fitting clothes during pregnancy. If you look at world stars, during pregnancy they actively wear tight-fitting clothes, wanting to emphasize their rounded tummy.

We believe that tight-fitting clothes are suitable for slender girls who have not gained weight. excess weight during pregnancy. Only in this case knitted dress- the case will look beautiful on you, and you will inform the whole world about the upcoming event in your life, without forgetting your sense of style.


During pregnancy, you should also pay special attention to your shoes. Everything is very individual! Some people run in stiletto heels all the way to the maternity hospital, while others have swelling and “hello” Uggs and ballet shoes 2 sizes too big.

From a purely medical point of view, choose shoes with low heels or flat soles and follow your doctor's recommendations.

Fortunately, “” is in fashion now. Sneakers, sneakers, loafers, boots - you can definitely choose a stylish and trendy option.


Don't forget about dresses. During this period, a knitted wrap dress that you can wear after pregnancy, as well as a dress with a high waist and a loose fit, will be perfect for you.

A sweater dress made of knitwear or cashmere is another practical model that you can wear throughout your pregnancy. And, of course, a cocoon dress! In such options you will be very comfortable.


If the office dress code and a sweater dress are not an option, then, again, straight-cut blouses or blouses with draperies, slightly loose shirts, comfortable skirts and trousers with an elastic waist will come to your aid (it will not be visible under the top ), smooth knits, blazers, cocoon dresses and wrap dresses.

If you have trouble finding blouses or dresses with sleeves, you can always throw a loose cardigan over your shoulders!

You can wear low-heeled pumps to important meetings, and you can store a pair of comfortable shoes under the table. :-)


During the cold season, a long down jacket will keep you warm. Depending on the stage of pregnancy and your volume, choose the appropriate size. A coat made of soft cashmere, a wrap model, is also perfect for you.

Did you know that all your senses become heightened during pregnancy? At least some girls' sense of style is definitely sharpening! Expectant mothers do not want to hide their belly: they are happy in their situation and want to tell others about it.

Take a few tips from fashionable pregnant women (even if pregnancy is only in the plans) on how to dress for these wonderful 9 months.

1. Wear a hat

A pregnant woman can do anything! If you previously thought wearing a hat outside the beach was stupid, then it's time to change your mind. Surprisingly, a hat is almost the favorite accessory of pregnant fashion beauties. Maybe it's because a wide-brimmed hat perfectly balances the look and distracts attention from the belly? Either way, the hat is cool.

(all photos enlarge by clicking!)

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2. Don’t be shy about wearing tight dresses.

Stop wearing tight clothes? Never! If you only gained a few kilograms during pregnancy, then you definitely have nothing to hide. Buy special supportive underwear and go to the red carpet.

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3. Love the striped print

Remember the old story that horizontal stripes visually expand the figure and increase the volume of the body? Pregnant women do not care about this property of the striped print, because their volumes have already become much larger. This means we dress in stripes from head to toe and don’t worry about anything.

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4. Wear a tight skirt

Wearing a tight skirt during pregnancy? Hmm, difficult question. Firstly, it is not very comfortable, and secondly, such a skirt greatly emphasizes the stomach. But still... wear it! It's beautiful, feminine, elegant. Moreover, you can combine a skirt and sneakers without remorse.

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5. Don’t put your heels in the closet

Most doctors prohibit pregnant girls from wearing high heels. And they do the right thing: heels several times increase the already heavy load on the pregnant woman’s spine. Moreover, in stiletto heels it is easy to fall, twist your leg or damage your joints. Look for a middle ground: you need a stable heel of 4-6 cm or a comfortable wedge. For example, elegant pumps will not harm your health and will decorate your everyday or evening look.

If your legs get tired, then be sure to do special exercises, take foot baths and don’t forget about a contrast shower.

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6. Add a couple of oversized items to your wardrobe

On the one hand, during pregnancy we encourage you not to be ashamed of your body and wear tight clothes, on the other hand, if you don’t have a single cool thing in your oversized style, then now is the right time to buy yourself something new. For example, . The main thing is that you can easily wear these things even after the birth of your child.

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7. Dress up in long dresses

Pregnant girls look amazing in beautiful floor-length dresses. If there is a birthday or special event ahead, then a long outfit - the best choice future mother.

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8. Choose romantic and feminine looks

During pregnancy, tastes change, and if you previously could not get out of jeans, then it is very likely that now you will want to wear baby-doll dresses and midi skirts. Don't give up on your desires! I would like you to be a feminine, gentle, romantic, sensual young lady during this amazing period of your life. Airy dresses, lace, bouffant skirts- allow yourself to be a woman in every sense of the word.

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And a few more images of pregnant beauties for inspiration:

Comfortable styles of dresses for pregnant women: patterns, photos, interesting ideas

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, which is called “happy anticipation”. It is at this moment that a woman is in complete unity with herself and prepares to become a mother. At this time, preference is given to light and comfortable outfits that will not hinder movement or put pressure on the expectant mother’s belly. But if you want to remain feminine even at the moment of happy anticipation, patterns and styles of dresses designed specifically for such occasions will certainly help you.

Stay beautiful

Pregnancy is not a reason to forget about yourself and how important it is to be feminine. Fashion dictates to us that we need to take care of ourselves at any time in life. Therefore, even when you are pregnant, you can choose outfits that will highlight your figure and hide your already rounded belly.

But only the outfit that is designed specifically for pregnant women will look truly ideal on the stomach. Special patterns, the main task of which is to hide the belly, are ideal for both the initial and last months of pregnancy.

Fortunately, today there is an abundance of all kinds of dresses and sundresses that every girl can try on during a happy nine-month period. Find out which dresses are suitable for specific occasions and what is fashionable in 2019.

Popular styles

The most popular styles for pregnant women are shirt dresses. This is a great opportunity to always look appropriate. You can wear it to the office, to meet friends, to antenatal clinic, and even go to the maternity hospital. It will always come in handy. And a flirty belt, which is tied under the breasts, but above the stomach, will emphasize the fragility of the expectant mother’s position.

Just as relevant are dresses whose skirt starts right under the chest. Due to the volume, which starts just above the waist, the rounded tummy is hidden, the legs visually appear slimmer. Therefore, even if you are wearing flat shoes, you will amaze everyone with the slenderness of your legs.

Don't forget about floor-length dresses, which are also very popular during pregnancy. True, they are more suitable as holiday and evening options. Floor-length outfits can be fluffy and tight. The main feature is the flaring in the abdominal area, thus hiding the rounded shapes under the lining.

There is no single rule according to which pregnant girls should choose an outfit for themselves. Only one thing is important. The most important thing is that the girl does not feel uncomfortable when wearing a dress; nothing presses or rubs on her.

Also, it is better to give preference to breathable materials and fabrics that will allow air to pass through. Otherwise, in the summer heat or too stuffy weather, you can bring yourself to the point of fainting.

Sheath dress

A sheath dress is an outfit that is created using a special pattern. Its main feature is that the dress tightly fits the chest, most often offered with a neckline. But already from the waist line a certain volume begins to diverge, which turns into a tight skirt and flows below the knee. These maternity dresses are worn in office business style. If the outfit is made of bright fabrics, then it may be suitable for a celebration. But a sheath dress for pregnant women is a real salvation. This can be either a festive or business option.

A sheath dress for pregnant women is made from more delicate and soft fabrics than for girls outside the situation. Rarely do any outfits have an open neckline. The sheath dress can be with 3/4 sleeves, short sleeves or without them at all. It tightens the chest in the area just above the waist. And then it gains a little volume in order to hide the belly. Goes down the figure to the knee. Thus, you can see the woman’s already rounded belly, but it is not so noticeable. Sheath dresses are not characterized by bright prints. Most often it is either polka dot colors or calm tones that distract from general attention. If you want to buy a sheath dress for an important event, you can look for dresses in bright colors or decorated floral print.


A-line dress is perfect way not only for pregnant women, but also simply for girls to hide extra pounds in the abdominal area. The peculiarity of this dress is that it is absolutely sleeveless. It starts at the shoulder line, goes down to the chest line, after which it diverges into a triangle format. Thus, you get a fairly wide silhouette, under which you can hide anything, including a rounded belly.

The main feature of this dress is that it perfectly emphasizes thin legs, visually lengthening them even more. But the abdominal area and buttocks, which are far from ideal, remain covered, thereby focusing only on your most advantageous sides.

Loose dresses

Loose maternity dresses involve light fabrics that go down to the knees and are in no way form-fitting. Most often, such dresses are of the shirt type and fastened with buttons. Less often with lightning.

The loose-fitting dress is very light and has three-quarter or very short sleeves. Since the style is quite simple, it is most often decorated with a floral print or other images to distract attention from the rounded belly.

Loose fit dress is used in Everyday life when there is no need to go to work or to holiday events.

Tight models

Tight models are very risky outfits, since during pregnancy not only does a woman’s stomach increase, but her hips and legs also become fuller. However, if a girl in this position is in excellent shape, she can once again emphasize her tummy, and at the same time other parts of the body that remain in perfect condition.

Tight dress is very often used Hollywood stars to appear on carpets.

Tight dresses can be floor-length, as a more festive option, or they can be short. Winter and summer options may also be present.

The summer version of a tight dress is the T-shirt type. It is most often sold with thin straps and is made of polyester fabric that lifts the stomach, butt, thighs and legs. It is better to purchase such outfits when you are tanned, since the contrast of a light dress and dark skin, problem areas of the figure will be less noticeable. At the same time, a rounded belly will be perfectly visible to others.

The winter option involves more wool fabrics. Long sleeve. The fabric carefully hugs the body and, due to its high density, smoothes out unevenness in the figure.

Only truly brave girls who are not at all embarrassed about their appearance can dress up in such dresses.

High waist

A high-waisted dress is a real highlight for pregnant girls. After all, it is precisely this outfit that allows you to hide your position until the last month.

The main feature of a high-waisted dress is that immediately from the belt located under the chest, the expansion begins, behind which the tummy is hidden.

Such dresses can be either long or short. Long floor-length dresses are perfect for festive events. But short dresses, the length of which reaches the knee, will highlight slender legs well.

Dress shirt

This shirt dress pattern is a real gift for a pregnant girl. First of all, this dress is practically not tight. Secondly, it looks quite strict, so you can wear it both to work and for a walk.

Another main feature of a shirt dress is that it is made of light fabrics, which means it is most attractive for the summer period.

Be that as it may, shirt dresses are very popular not only among pregnant girls, but also among ladies who are not currently pregnant.

Remember when choosing a pattern for such a dress that it should be as loose as possible and as tight as possible.

This dress can be made from light fabrics.

It is ideal if the outfit is made of cotton.

If there is such an opportunity, then dilute the dress with a belt made of the same fabric, which will be tied with a bow and give the image an interesting look.


A-line dresses too perfect option for those who do not want to focus on their interesting position.

A-line dresses are ideal for girls with slender legs and tall height.

This dress is characterized by the fact that it is narrow at the chest and diverges into a triangle at the knees.

This dress can be worn from the initial months of pregnancy until the very end of the happy expectation. Dress length may vary.

You can diversify your pattern with lace and ruffles, which will decorate the sleeves, collar and hem of the dress.

Also, this option can be made very elegant if you use bright fabrics and floral prints.

The publication

Previously, pregnant girls were very afraid of going out because it was difficult to choose an appropriate outfit for their figure.

But today this is not a problem, rather another reason to show others your interesting position.

There are a lot of patterns for pregnant women, thanks to which you can feel on top even during such a significant period.

Those who like to hide their belly may prefer dresses whose skirts start right along the chest line. The skirt of the dress can reach the knees, or can go lower, all the way to the floor. With such a princess dress, no one will definitely pay attention to your stomach; they will admire your taste. True, in order to create such an effect you will have to resort to the method of multi-layered skirts. When drawing up a pattern, this is quite a difficult job, and also, in summer period You will be really hot in this dress.

Another option is a tight dress. Suitable only for those brave people who are ready to tell everyone about their happy expectation.

This dress is usually knee length. It can have either an open neckline or a sheath shape with a closed top.

Can be made from satin fabric to give a rich look to the outfit. Or it can be made from the simplest fabrics but with an interesting print that will allow you to achieve an elegant effect.

You can decorate the dress with rhinestones, beads, and other decorative elements.

Wedding dresses

It often happens that with a belly you need to get married and dress White dress. In order to beat this moment, you need to choose the right style.

The ideal maternity dress will start below the bust line, where the curvy part will begin. This way you can highlight the beauty female breast and hide your belly at the same time.

The dress can be multi-layered and consist of several skirts. And also, maybe in Greek style and flow over the stomach, only slightly emphasizing its shape.

If a pregnant girl is not shy about her shape, she may prefer a completely tight dress, where the belly will be evident, and white will ideally highlight the shape of the expectant mother.

A wedding dress for a pregnant girl can be short. In this case, if it starts immediately below the chest line, it will very carefully hide the stomach, while at the same time demonstrating long legs.

Patterns wedding dresses for pregnant women are quite complex in their implementation, so we strongly recommend that you contact professionals, or create simple options for yourself. It is better to try on several styles in the store in order to understand which one will most effectively highlight your appearance.

Sewing dresses

When sewing dresses, you need to observe several nuances at once.

  • Firstly, all seams must be done very carefully so that they do not rub the pregnant girl’s skin.
  • Secondly, the fabric should be as light and non-dense as possible, preferably breathable for the summer.
  • Fabrics should be as stretchy or loose as possible.
  • When sewing dresses for pregnant women, corsets should not be used.
  • Sewing is carried out in strict accordance with the pattern. However, when compiling it, keep in mind that if you are not yet in the last month of pregnancy, your belly will certainly grow. This means that you need to add another 4 to 10 cm in volume.
  • At each stage of sewing you need to try on.

The sewing algorithm is done as follows.

  1. You download or create the pattern yourself.
  2. Measure your volumes and adjust the pattern to suit you.
  3. If your belly continues to grow, you need to take this into account when determining your waist size.
  4. First, all the details are sewn by hand. The expectant mother tries on a dress. Where necessary, improvements are made.
  5. This is followed by machine processing and sewing.
  6. Be sure to overlock all areas that may lose skin.

Maternity dresses - trends 2019

In 2019, maximally feminine dresses are popular that will emphasize the fragility of a pregnant girl.

This pastel shades, hot pink or mint color. They should flow over the skin and be light and harmonious in appearance.

Such a dress should be as neat and delicate as possible.

Shirt dresses, which now must meet slightly different requirements, also remain relevant. They should be as light, elastic, and breathable as possible.

Translucent options are trending.

The ideal fabric for a shirt dress is striped or beige.

A mandatory accessory for such an outfit should be a belt.

Pregnancy is a wonderful period. She in herself adorns a young girl. But she will be even more decorated with correctly selected outfits, which will not only attract attention to her appearance, but will also give the expectant mother confidence in her beauty. After all, what awaits her next is a difficult period with sleepless nights, colic, and teething. If the expectant mother knows that she is beautiful both with and without a belly, it will be much easier for her to endure all the hardships of life on the way to raising a new person.

Expecting a baby is a great miracle and a long-awaited time in the life of a representative of the fair sex. And every pregnant woman wants to look attractive, because some people have such a time once in a lifetime. Men claim that during pregnancy their wives transform and look especially beautiful. And in order to look your best, you need to choose the right styles of dresses for pregnant women.

Everyone understands that during an interesting position, the stomach gradually increases. But not only these changes occur to a woman: her breasts also become larger, her arms are fuller, her shoulders are fuller, and her skin is more sensitive. These changes should be taken into account when choosing maternity clothing.

It is believed that tight models are unlikely to make a pregnant woman more attractive. But loose dresses are very suitable.

Features of outfits for pregnant women:

  • the waist is not emphasized, but, on the contrary, hidden;
  • the emphasis is on the chest, shoulders;
  • preference is given to folklore and romantic style;
  • Drawings and applications are allowed;
  • It is better to choose large patterns.

Opinions differ about the length; each pregnant woman has her own length.

Such dresses can be worn after childbirth while your figure is recovering. You just need to provide an option for breastfeeding.

Stylish styles and models

The most important rule: the dress should not tighten the stomach or cause discomfort.

Typically, maternity models have a special adjustment that allows you to increase the width of the waist depending on the period.

In the first trimester, you can wear the same outfits, because the belly is still small at this stage. And later you need to select the style that is most suitable for the woman.

There are several types of styles for pregnant women:

  • A-shaped;
  • trapezoid;
  • shirt dresses;
  • in the Empire style.

Each type is worth considering.

High waist

Otherwise, this style is called “empire”. Dresses have a high waist, which makes your growing belly less noticeable. Also, this style favorably emphasizes the chest and does not limit freedom of movement.

These models can be both casual (not too long) and elegant. In the latter case, they are floor length.


This style helps to hide the belly if there is no emphasis on the waist. But usually such models are used only at the beginning of pregnancy.


This dress is suitable for a woman in an office position, but early stages. At later times it is better to choose free models.


The most suitable style for women during the second half of their term. Perfectly hides the tummy and emphasizes the chest. The length can be varied as desired. Drawings, embroideries, and appliqués are appropriate.


Also a comfortable model for all months, does not hinder movement, does not accentuate the belly. The length can be any.


This model appeared in the middle of the last century. Perfectly corrects the figure and is suitable for women with a small tummy.


This model is growing in popularity. Suitable for all periods. It’s good to combine it with leggings, but you can do it without them. After childbirth, you can also wear a tunic.


The model has a loose fit, making it great for pregnant women. It does not interfere with movement and does not compress the stomach. It looks practical and charming. This model is becoming increasingly popular. You can use a belt that is tied under the chest or on the back. Ideal for relaxation.

With flounces and pleats

Shuttlecocks look festive and romantic. You can use them to hide big breasts. An outfit with flounces gives a pregnant woman attractiveness and tenderness.

With a yoke

Yoke is often used when sewing maternity dresses. It happens not only in front, but also in the back. It helps hide a big belly. The outfit looks cute and casual.

Off Shoulder

Dresses of this type are suitable for festive outfit, meeting friends and parties. They emphasize the fullness and charm of the shoulders.


Some people prefer tight models during pregnancy. But in order not to look vulgar, it is better to choose muted tones and a length below the knee.

Wide and free

This is the most comfortable model for pregnant women. It does not restrict movement and is suitable for wearing throughout pregnancy. You can also wear it after childbirth.

Women hiding their bellies

The ideal models for pregnant women are those that hide the belly. These can be dresses with a yoke, shirts, loose-fitting, modest at home and chic weekends. They look charming and appropriate.


Models for pregnant women can be varied in style:

  • classic;
  • folklore;
  • romance.


Suitable for women working in the office. Classic models are distinguished by rigor and minimalism. The cut for pregnant women is A-line or straight. The fabrics chosen are strict and there is, as a rule, no finishing.


These models look great on pregnant women and are suitable for vacations and trips. The fabrics are chosen to be simple; checkered patterns are possible. This style is increasingly becoming part of modern fashion.


Comfortable style for pregnant women, does not restrict movement, does not tighten the stomach. You can wear it anywhere: for a walk, relaxation, work.

For warm weather

When pregnancy occurs in the summer, you can give free rein to your imagination. Light tunics, sundresses, and sleeveless dresses would be appropriate. The finest fabrics are selected: chintz, cotton, linen.

The main thing is that a pregnant woman should feel comfortable in a dress: comfortable, not cold and not hot.

Popular summer models for pregnant:

  • flared dresses;
  • high waisted;
  • tunic dress;
  • free;
  • floor-length Greek dress.

The latest model looks very advantageous on pregnant women. The outfit can be worn with or without a bolero cape.

During the cold season

For winter and autumn you need to choose outfits with long sleeves from warm fabrics.

The following models are suitable for the cold season:

  • case;
  • trapezoid;
  • loose fit;
  • floor-length dress

A pregnant woman will look beautiful and stylish in them.


In models different colors pregnant women look different.


This color ennobles and hides fullness, but it does not suit everyone. We need to determine whether black dresses suit a pregnant woman.


White color is a symbol of purity and innocence. It will suit any woman, especially pregnant women. Also white goes with all styles.


This neutral color goes with all the others and looks perfect on a pregnant woman. It can be combined with other colors.


This color is suitable for business style, combined with classic style. It is ideal for pregnant women.


The color of activity, energy. In a dress of this color, a woman will not be left without attention. It can be worn to parties and special occasions. But at work, in the office, this color is inappropriate.


The color of romance and tenderness. Putting on pink dress, the pregnant woman will look advantageous.


The color of calm, harmony and hope. In a green outfit, a woman will feel confident and look successful. In this form it is good to go to work or an important meeting.


One of the most beautiful flowers, any lady will look attractive in it. In this outfit it’s good to go anywhere: for a walk, to visit, even to work.


A gentle, soothing color, the expectant mother will look attractive and inviting in it.


Exquisite color Any will do pregnant. She will look especially attractive in this outfit.


A cheerful, cheerful color will create a good mood and self-confidence. This outfit can be worn to a meeting with friends or a party.


A strict, soothing color will add seriousness and modesty to the appearance of the expectant mother. You can wear this outfit to work or serious meetings.


Soothing and soft color, will give the image dreaminess and romanticism. Suitable for walking, traveling, parties.

Fabric selection

Materials for outfits for expectant mothers should be chosen natural: cotton, linen, wool. Artificial fabrics irritate the skin and cause allergies.


This fabric is created for those mothers who are not shy about emphasizing their growing belly. It stretches well and does not cause any discomfort. However, for some, knitwear causes allergic reactions.


Woolen outfits are suitable for the cold season. They are comfortable, warm and comfortable. But such things cannot be washed in a machine - only by hand.


The best fabric to wear during pregnancy. It does not tighten the stomach, does not cause sweating, and is pleasant to the body. Suitable for summer outfits.


This fabric is ideal for hot weather, comfortable and beautiful. Good for pregnant women. The only negative is that linen wrinkles a lot, which makes it look sloppy.


Bright, exquisite fabric creates the impression of luxury and celebration. Velvet dresses are usually worn for parties and special occasions.


The most popular fabric now. It can be either soft, stretchy, or hard. Creates fashionable image. You can wear denim outfits every day, on a walk, to the cinema, or on a visit.


The fabric creates a delicate look, suitable for parties and festive events. Looks good on pregnant women, emphasizes the tummy.


This fabric is rarely chosen for sewing dresses for expectant mothers. But such outfits look attractive. Caring for the fabric is complicated by the fact that it cannot be washed in a machine.


Creates a bright, unique image. A pregnant woman will look amazing in it. The fabric is suitable for the hot season. The only negative is that it can be stuffy.


Comfortable fabric, ideal for expectant mothers. Dresses made from staples will be comfortable and not hot.


Warm fabric creates comfort and a beautiful look. A pregnant woman will feel warm and cozy in this outfit. But the downside is that wool products often stretch. They need to be looked after properly.

To choose a dress for pregnant women, you should listen to the following tips:

  1. It is better not to order models for expectant mothers from online stores, because it is impossible to predict how the outfit will actually “fit”. It’s better to try on a dress in a regular store to see if it’s the right size, if it doesn’t fit anywhere, and if it looks nice.
  2. When choosing an outfit, it is important to pay attention to whether the pregnant woman feels comfortable in it. Comfort is an important condition for the peace and health of expectant mothers.
  3. It is better to give preference to natural fabrics.
  4. It is important to choose the right style of dress. It should not squeeze the stomach, but gently fit it.
  5. For summer outfits, you need to choose light shades so as not to overheat.

And, of course, important appearance future mother. If she feels attractive in the chosen dress, then her mood will improve. And this is necessary for the health of her and the baby.

Fashionable and beautiful images

In order to look stylish, a pregnant woman needs to choose the right not only the style of the dress, but also the accessories to go with it. Clutch-type handbags, bracelets, and rings will help you create an attractive look.

Much attention is paid to shoes, which should have low heels, but at the same time look beautiful on a woman. You should not choose flashy high boots or stilettos. It is better to find shoes that are comfortable and without fasteners, because in the last months it will be difficult to bend over.

A woman wants to keep up with fashion, and a pregnant woman is no exception. But blindly following it in this situation is stupid. It is necessary to select images according to the condition. And the expectant mother can look beautiful in comfortable clothes and shoes.

Any woman wants to look original and attractive during pregnancy. Expectant mothers should first of all pay attention to the quality of clothing so that it does not restrict movement and does not interfere with the development of the baby. But we shouldn’t forget about the aesthetic side either. In this delicate situation, you can afford a variety of flowy dresses - practical and beautiful.

The modern fashion industry offers a variety of styles of maternity dresses that will satisfy the taste preferences of even the most capricious fashionistas.


Models of dresses for pregnant women differ in certain properties.

  • Convenience and comfort are the main criteria when choosing or sewing a product. Dresses are designed in such a way that the fabric or drapery does not squeeze the body.
  • The products do not have a clear emphasis on the waist, so the focus is on the shoulders, arms and décolleté. They are rarely known for their sex appeal.
  • Mainly used natural materials. Artificial fabrics are common cause irritations and allergic reactions.
  • The abdominal area is usually made of elastic or even form-fitting material.
  • Maternity styles are created with future use in mind, especially in postpartum period until the figure regains its previous shape. Due to this fact, some models are equipped with additional pockets so that you can feed your baby at any time.



A straight knitted dress with light drapery will allow a pregnant woman to feel as free as possible. Such a product will remove the emphasis from the stomach and waist and will not burden the image, unlike a set of a straight skirt and jacket. Additional accessories (large earrings or beads, a small handbag) will make expectant mother more elegant.

Because straight dress It does not differ in complex cutting and modeling, it is easy to create it yourself. Give preference to brighter colors and textured fabrics so that the dress does not look casual and boring.

It is better to leave dark colors for other times. But in combination with low-heeled shoes and bright accessories, the classic straight black dress suitable for going out. On dark material, the drapery in the abdominal area looks interesting.

The style is most often found at knee length or slightly higher; there are also shorter variations. Stop your choice on medium length to stay active for a long time. Also, straight models often have slits on the sides or back, which make them easier to move.


High waist

A high-waisted dress is an essential element of any fashionista's wardrobe. It will look impressive both in everyday life and at a special event.

The style, unlike a straight cut, emphasizes the growing belly and chest, but does it beautifully. A woman in such an outfit looks very elegant, especially if she emphasizes her waist with a thin belt. Tucks in the abdominal area make the silhouette more graceful.

Often, high-waisted dresses are complemented by a flared circle skirt. They look very feminine and are ideal for important ceremonies. A suitable option is a dress made of airy fabric in white or pink.

This style is often modeled with a closed (sewn) and open wrap. The model can be used throughout the entire pregnancy.

In summer, a dress made of thin fabrics can be worn on evening walk, while you will feel comfortable and relaxed.


Low waist

The most convenient model for home use. Often these products are made from breathable fabrics with a tight waistband to support the abdomen.

House dresses for pregnant women in the photo will help you choose an option for everyday wear.


A-line dress

An A-shaped dress (a-line dress) is very comfortable and helps hide the belly in the early months. Practical and versatile.


Expectant mothers often prefer a similar style that is knee-length or slightly shorter. The model does not restrict movement and, due to its special cut, shifts the emphasis from the abdominal area to the hips. This option is also suitable for everyday wear. Designers also produce a lot of elegant, evening dresses for pregnant women with A-shaped silhouette.

A-line dress can be plain, or with prints and abstractions. Checks, stripes, and polka dots, made in retro style, look especially advantageous.

Dress shirt

Pregnant women are increasingly choosing shirt dress models. The style is characterized by a loose fit and slightly elongated shoulder line, which is also very comfortable during pregnancy.

Unlike all other options, it has a wide range of collars: classic, stand-up, butterfly, kent, mandarin, batten-down, French, baht. This feature allows you to choose exactly the type of collar that suits your face and neck.


An elongated shirt dress with a thin belt above the waist can hide excess volume on the legs and hips, without burdening the silhouette or making it square.

Models can be found with patch pockets, which, in addition to an aesthetic function, also perform a utilitarian function and are especially useful in everyday life (you can put money, a phone or keys in the pockets).

Sheath dress

A sheath dress is a universal option for special occasions. It is most comfortable to wear at first. To look authentic at an event, just wear a velvet, silk, knit or velor asymmetrical dress or a model with a one-shoulder strap. Open shoulders are also popular.

If you decide to buy or create a sheath dress for pregnancy, pay attention to the fabric. Satin, silk and linen can only be used for formal wear, where you will not be required to do much activity. For everyday wear, choose products made from thin and stretchy materials.

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Balloon dress

Maternity clothing is often made in a shape that resembles an elongated balloon. This style is called a balloon (from the English “balloon” - balloon).

The style is well suited for pregnant women, as it helps to hide not only the tummy, but also other nuances of the figure. In combination with vertical colors (stripes, curved lines, flowers on long stems), the product can visually elongate the silhouette.

A long balloon dress with three-quarter sleeves is perfect for summer to work, for a walk, to the cinema, to the theater. Bright colors with interesting prints will greatly enliven it. According to the regulations, the product is complemented by large accessories (earrings, necklaces, bracelets) and bulky shoes - what not good way distract attention from the tummy.


With basque

The most an unusual option Among maternity outfits, items with a peplum are rightfully considered. The peplum looks very sophisticated and elegant and disguises the belly. Due to its characteristics and additional elements, such a dress, especially floor-length, is not worn at home. But for a holiday this is the most original option.

The basque itself can also be an invoice. With the help of such a detail you can easily transform almost any dress from your wardrobe.

Sometimes it is decorated with contrasting lace (usually white) along the edge, hem and cuff.


Suitable materials

Of course, everyone will advise pregnant women to stick to everything exclusively natural and healthy. The same applies to the choice of clothing materials.

For reasons of economy, many people take products made from synthetics - mainly from stretchy materials. More often, the main criterion is that with the constantly changing shape of the body, fabrics with elastane and stretch are much more practical and will last longer. But their harm is undeniable - they do not allow the skin to breathe, do not allow moisture to pass through, and accumulate static electricity.

Ideally, of course, clothing should be made from natural materials or mixed fabrics. Current processing technologies eliminate the disadvantages of natural fabrics, so you can safely afford a dress made of linen, wool, or cotton during pregnancy.


Fashion trends

If a woman is in an interesting position, this does not mean at all that the time has come for boring clothes, in which preference is given exclusively to the quality of the materials used and the comfort of different styles. The main and most striking example of fashionable mothers are movie stars: for many years, world-famous actresses and idols of film fans have chosen the most beautiful images for themselves, not at all embarrassed to emphasize their rounded belly.

For now fashion trends for pregnant women do not differ from general trends - rather, on the contrary, the main trends also apply to girls in a special situation. There are also some features of the recommendations that are specific to pregnant women. For example, stylists advise trying to wear tunic dresses, a-line styles, and wrap options more often when going to the office. All of them are distinguished by a loose cut and not only hide curves, but make female figure most attractive at this time.

For evening wear, it is best to wear plain outfits, without prints or patterns. Colors that are recommended are rich and deep - emerald, sapphire, turquoise, ruby. Styles in the Greek style, empire and high-waisted are timeless classics that will only decorate a girl expecting a baby.

The ideal house dress in this case is knitted. It is cozy and pleasant to the touch, takes the shape of the body without pinching or “dangling”. These clothes are as comfortable as possible, especially in the last months of pregnancy.


Which models hide their belly

It was once believed that a pregnant woman should go out in public as little as possible and not draw attention to her rounded belly. Now, on the contrary, pregnancy has ceased to be something that needs to be hidden, and women in later months are increasingly appearing on the covers of glossy publications, elevating such beauty to a cult. However, if you still have a desire to somehow smooth out an overly large belly, then it’s enough to choose the right options. For example, dresses that are recommended for overweight women, especially those with an apple-type figure, can be safely worn by those expecting the birth of a baby. It is among these recommendations that exceptionally convenient models are found.

Among the dress models that hide the belly, the following are especially recommended:

  • high-waisted dresses;
  • in Greek style;
  • A-silhouette;
  • loose fit;
  • wrap style;
  • with basque.

Tight-fitting styles (for example, a sheath dress) will, on the contrary, emphasize the changed silhouette. Any other options for tight-fitting models around the waist will create exactly the same effect.