Conditions for the development of children's creativity in productive activities.  Presentation

Conditions for the development of children's creativity in productive activities. Presentation "productive activities as a means of all-round development of the child"

Development of creative abilities of preschoolers in productive activities.

In light of new approaches to updating the content of preschool education, such as variability, humanization, strengthening personal orientation, the main actor The child becomes the educational process. Educational work with children preschool age is aimed at creating favorable conditions for a child to fully enjoy preschool childhood, forming the foundations of basic personal culture, and the comprehensive development of children in accordance with age and individual characteristics.

One of the factors ensuring the development of the creative abilities of a preschool child is artistic and creative activity, including productive activity. Productive activity, as defined by G.S. Shvaiko is “creative work aimed at obtaining a substantively formalized result in accordance with the goal.” In the process of productive creative activity, the appropriation of cultural values, the child’s creative imagination, thinking, artistic and intellectual abilities appear and develop,

communication skills, empathy, aesthetic taste.

But not every children's product can be called creativity. The methodological literature defines criteria that show the presence of creativity in children’s artistic activity (according to N.A. Vetlugina):

a) relationships, interests, abilities of children, manifested in artistic creativity - passion, the ability to “enter” imaginary circumstances, conditional situations, sincerity of experiences;

b) methods of creative action - speed of reactions, resourcefulness in solving new problems, combining familiar elements into new combinations, originality of methods of action, additions, changes, variations;

c) quality of children's products - children's selection of characteristic features of depicted objects and characters, search artistic means, successfully expressing the personal attitude of children and conveying the idea.

In the process of productive activity, such important personality qualities as activity, independence, initiative, which are the main components of creative activity, are formed. The child learns to be active in observation, doing work, showing independence and initiative in thinking through content, selecting materials, and using a variety of means of artistic expression. Equally important is the cultivation of determination in work and the ability to bring it to the end.

Productive activities of a preschooler include visual and constructive activities. They, like the game, have a modeling character. In the game, the child creates a model of relationships between adults. Productive activity, modeling objects of the surrounding world, leads to the creation of a real product, in which the idea of ​​an object, phenomenon, situation receives material embodiment in a drawing, design, three-dimensional image.

Fine art activities include drawing, modeling, and appliqué. Drawing is one of children's favorite activities, giving great scope for the manifestation of their creative activity. The themes of the drawings can be varied. The children draw everything that interests them: individual objects and scenes from the surrounding life, literary characters and decorative patterns, etc. They can use the expressive means of drawing. Thus, color is used to convey similarity with a real object, to express the attitude of the painter to the object of the image and in decorative terms. By mastering the techniques of composition, children begin to reflect their ideas in plot works more fully and richly. The uniqueness of modeling as one of the types of productive activity lies in the three-dimensional method of depiction. Preschoolers can master the techniques of working with soft plastic materials that can be easily manipulated hands - clay and plasticine. Children sculpt people, animals, dishes, vehicles, vegetables, fruits, toys. The variety of topics is due to the fact that modeling, like other types of visual activities, primarily fulfills educational tasks, satisfying the cognitive and creative needs of the child.

In the process of practicing appliqué, children become familiar with the simple and complex shapes of various objects, parts and silhouettes of which they cut out and paste. Creating silhouette images requires great job thoughts and imagination, since the silhouette lacks details, which are sometimes the main characteristics of the object. In the process of classes, preschoolers develop a sense of color, rhythm, symmetry, and on this basis, artistic taste is formed. They don’t have to make up the colors or fill in the shapes themselves. Giving the kids paper different colors and shades, they are taught the ability to select beautiful combinations.

In the design process, preschoolers acquire special knowledge, skills and abilities. By constructing from building materials, they get acquainted with geometric volumetric forms, gain ideas about the meaning of symmetry, balance, and proportions. When designing from paper, children's knowledge of geometric plane figures, concepts of sides, angles, and center are clarified. The children get acquainted with the techniques of modifying flat shapes by bending, folding, cutting, gluing paper, as a result of which a new three-dimensional shape appears.

In drawing, modeling, and appliqué, children convey their impressions of the world around them and express their relationships to it. Visual activity can only acquire a creative character when children develop aesthetic perception, imaginative thinking, imagination and when they master the skills and abilities necessary to create an image. Children’s depiction of objects and phenomena of reality is at the same time a reflection of their attitude towards these objects and phenomena. The visual productive activity of a preschooler, as a type of artistic activity, should be of an emotional, creative nature; it is a specific figurative knowledge of reality, which can take different paths.

Visual arts are one of the most interesting activities for preschool children. It is no coincidence that a child, according to N. Krupskaya, very early begins to strive to express the impressions he receives in a wide variety of ways: with movement, words, facial expressions. We must give him the opportunity to expand the area of ​​expression of his emerging images. We need to give him material: clay for modeling, pencils and paper, any material for buildings, teach him how to handle this material. The material expression of existing images serves as an excellent means of testing and enriching them. We must encourage children's creativity in every possible way, no matter in what form it is expressed. In drawing, appliqué, and modeling classes, preschoolers learn to treat art materials with care, and they develop cultural skills labor activity: planning the future drawing, self-control of one’s actions in the process of performing the work. Children’s desire to achieve high-quality results speaks of their perseverance and ability to overcome difficulties. Work on the development of creative abilities can be carried out, focusing on the requests of parents and the interests of pupils, creating favorable conditions in the group for the development of children’s creativity in productive activities.

As effective means stimulating children to show creativity and imagination, you can use modeling from salt dough. In the process of working with salt dough, sensory concepts, imagination, spatial thinking, manual dexterity, fine motor skills develop, and the work of both hands is synchronized. When creating creative products, children develop the ability to plan work to implement a plan, anticipate the result and achieve it, and, if necessary, make changes to the original plan. Modeling from salt dough (testoplasty) is “one of the most tangible types of artistic creativity, in which the child sees not only the product of his labor, but can examine it and modify it as necessary. Testoplasty gives the child the opportunity to model the world and his or her idea of ​​it in the space of plastic images.”

Salt dough has ancient history. Initially, products made from it had a cult significance: they were used to make figurines of deities, images of animals for sacrifices, and amulets. The Slavs believed, for example, that animal figures sculpted from dough would bring wealth and abundance to the house; they were sculpted in the hope of increasing the number of livestock. In paganism, over time, the sacrifice of animals was replaced by the offering of such figurines, including those made from dough. Among the Indians of South America, it was customary to place dough figurines in the grave: they were supposed to serve as guides for the deceased in the other world. This tradition continues to this day: in the small town of Calderon in Ecuador, figurines are still made today. But now souvenirs, known throughout the world and very popular among tourists, and frames for photographs and mirrors, etc. are made from dough.

When Christianity replaced paganism, salt dough was not forgotten. In Europe (both Western and Eastern), wreaths and figurines made of salt dough were attributes of religious holidays. In poor families they sculpted from dough Christmas decorations and figurines for the Nativity scene - a small model depicting scenes of the Nativity in Bethlehem. Dolls have long been made from dough for children, which also served as amulets.

In China, bright figures are still sculpted from rice dough today. Craftswomen sit right on the street and create their little masterpieces in front of passers-by.

Nowadays, crafts made from salt dough are purely decorative. But that makes them no less popular. We can say that now they are more popular than ever. Many wonderful artists work in this technique, delighting us with their works. But working with dough is not just for professionals. Due to its fun and accessibility, this activity is interesting for both children and adults. Salt dough modeling classes are held in kindergartens, schools, and clubs. Parents do sculpting with their children. There are numerous master classes for adults, who also enjoy making crafts from salt dough and accepting them as gifts.

Let us dwell on the issues of organizing testoplasty classes in kindergarten in the materials of the next paragraph.

List of used literature

1. Antipova M.A., Rubtsova E.S., Salted dough. Decoration and gifts self made. – Rostov n/a: Vladis, 2010. – 640 p.

2. Kosminskaya V.B. and others. Theory and methodology of visual activity in kindergarten: Textbook. A manual for pedagogical students. Institute / V.B. Kosminskaya, E.I. Vasilyeva, N.B. Khalezova, etc. –– M.: Education, 1977. - 253 p.

3. Methods of teaching visual arts and design / Edited by T.S. Komarova - M.: Education, 1991. - 251p.

4. Pishchikova N.G. Working with paper using non-traditional techniques. - M.: 2006.

5. Slastenin V. A. Psychological and pedagogical workshop. M.: Publishing house: Academy, 2006. – 224 p.

6. Uruntaeva G.A. Preschool psychology: Textbook. aid for students avg. ped. textbook establishments. 5th ed., stereotype. M.: Publishing house. Center "Academy", 2001. - 336 p.

7. Artistic creativity and the child. Ed. N.A. Vetlugina. - M.: Education, 2004. - 229 p.

8. Shvaiko G.S. Visual arts classes in kindergarten. M.: 2003.- 160 p.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution“Atemar kindergarten No. 1 “TEREMOK”, Lyambirsky Municipal District, Republic of Mordovia.

Pedagogical project

“Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children through the introduction of productive types of children's activities”

Developed by:

Batyaeva O.P. Teacher of the highest qualification category.

Atemar – 2012

“Creativity is a quality. which you bring to the activity you are engaged in" Osho (Bhagwan Shri Rajneesh) is an enlightened master from India.

Relevance . Development children's creativity is an urgent problem of modern pedagogy and sets the main goal for the education system to instill in the younger generation a creative approach to transforming the world around them, activity and independent thinking that contribute to the achievement of positive changes in the life of society. It’s no secret that in classes on productive activities, children try to copy the model, do not strive to introduce innovation into their work, distinctive feature, in general, children do not strive to be creative. We must cultivate in our children inquisitiveness, ingenuity, initiative, imagination, fantasy, i.e. qualities that find vivid expression in children’s creativity. Formation of a creative personality is one of the important tasks pedagogical theory and practice on modern stage. Its solution should begin already in preschool childhood. An important path pedagogical process, creating an emotionally favorable environment for each child and ensuring his spiritual development - the formation of artistic and creative abilities in all children raised in preschool institutions.

The most complex and least developed type of activity is creativity. It is known that children's creativity is a unique phenomenon. The creative activity of adults involves the mind, (knowledge, thinking, imagination), character (courage, perseverance), feeling (love of beauty, fascination with an image, thought). We must cultivate these same aspects of personality in a child in order to successfully develop creativity in him. Enriching a child’s mind with various ideas and some knowledge means providing abundant food for children’s creativity. Teaching them to look closely and be observant means making their ideas clearer and more complete. This will help children more vividly reproduce in their creativity what they have seen.

The formation of a child’s creative abilities is determined not only by the conditions of his life and upbringing in the family, but also by special classes organized in preschool institutions. Productive activities are of great importance for the formation of creative abilities.

The participation of productive activities in the emotional and personal development of a child is great - in the development of a sense of initiative, which manifests itself in the opportunity to establish oneself as a doer, creator and builder, managing materials and tools, realizing one’s plans. This type of activity

  1. Provides an opportunity for creativity.
  2. Forms the ability to foresee future results.
  3. Develops independence.
  4. Develops spatial-imaginative thinking.
  5. Gives impetus to the enrichment of speech.
  6. Improves eye-hand coordination.
  7. Increases the level of preparation for school education.

Productive activity, modeling objects of the surrounding world, leads to the creation of a real product, in which the idea of ​​an object, phenomenon, situation receives material embodiment in a drawing, design, three-dimensional image.

Target: Comprehensive development of creative abilities through productive activities.

To achieve the intended goal, the following were identified tasks:

1. Develop aesthetic perception (teach to see the variety and beauty of the shape of objects, color combinations)

2. Develop imaginative thinking (you can distinguish visual-effective, visual-figurative, logical thinking and its properties: analysis, synthesis, ability to compare)

3. Develop imagination, without which no artistic and creative activity is possible and which develops on the basis of perceived images.

4. Form an emotional attitude towards objects of an aesthetic nature. An emotional attitude to artistic activity is an important factor in the development of children's creative abilities and aesthetic education.

5. Develop fine motor skills hands, coordination of movements.

6. Cultivate independence, determination, and strong-willed qualities.

The object is: The process of developing creative abilities in preschool children.

Item: Types of productive activities.

Hypothesis: If the process of work on productive activities will be carried out in a system of various forms organized activities, then the development of children's creativity will be more effective, which will improve the psychological well-being of each child and will allow them to successfully prepare for school.


Introduction of new Federal State Educational Standards to preschool education dictates updating the content and forms of work with children. Integration of educational areas is the scientific and methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard. And productive activity, as a rule, connects the following educational areas: cognition, artistic creativity, communication, socialization, security.

Theoretical significanceis to develop content, forms, methods that provide for a step-by-step organization educational activities on productive activities in order to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers.

Practical significanceis to create conditions for effective creative activity, develop and test a program for developing the creative abilities of preschool children in productive activities.

In order for a child’s activity to be creative, it is necessary to create certain conditions:

  1. First of all, the connection between learning and the child’s life.
  2. It is also important that he can apply new knowledge and skills.
  3. Knowledge of the world should be visual.
  4. The child must have at his disposal the means to realize his plan and master the methods of achieving the goal, and this must be taught to him.

My teaching experience is based on principles, aimed at a person-centered approach to training and education.

  1. The principle of developmental interaction between a teacher (including parents) and a child, as promoting the development of another and thereby self-development.
  2. The principle of educational training echoes the previous one. The main task of education and training in visual arts is the development of children's creative abilities.
  3. The principle of developmental education lies in the correct determination of the leading learning goals6 - cognitive, educational, developmental. This principle involves the development of creative tasks that do not have a clear solution. Children are taught to think, reason, focus on the possibility and necessity of variable ways to solve problems: they are stimulated to creative searches and discoveries, and develop observation skills.
  4. The principle of humanization, cooperation, and partnership presupposes respect for the child’s opinion, support for his initiative, and seeing the child as a purposeful partner.
  5. The principle of differentiation, taking into account individuality

Artistic creativity involves the manifestation and development of individuality. Creating optimal conditions for the self-realization of each student in the process of mastering visual activities, taking into account the age, gender of the child, the individual experience he has accumulated, and the characteristics of his emotional and cognitive sphere.

  1. The principle of an integrated approach is implemented in cooperation with the family, as well as long-term planning taking into account the relationship of all types of visual activities.

The development of productive activity has 2 lines:

  1. Movement towards precision (copying a sample).
  2. Creative development of your own idea and its implementation.

Inviting a child to create this or that thing, i.e., outlining a goal, I use differentforms of its presentation to the child:

1. Sample of the future product.

2. Elements of the future product partially specified in the material itself

3. A verbal description of the purpose or conditions that the future product must meet.

Expected result at the end of the project.

Creation of a system of productive activities.

Development in the process of productive activities of creativity, initiative, independence.

Formation of the ability for self-learning, self-development, self-expression.

Active acquisition of skills and the ability of artistic perception and performance.

Increasing the level of preparation for school.

Implementation plan educational project

(duration of work on the experiment – 3 years, implemented in four stages).

System of events


Implementation methods


Stage I – analytical - predictive (preparatory):

Preparatory Events

1. Study of the theoretical part of the development of the issue.

2.Increasing teacher qualifications.

3. Identification of the level of development of creative abilities of children 3-7 years old.

4.Development of a long-term work plan.

5. Carrying out diagnostics of children's creative abilities

6.Creation of an appropriate subject-development environment.

1 year of project work

Stage II – working (implementation):

Block 1 – working with children

Construction from natural materials. Creation of an exhibition of children's works from natural materials.

Introduction to the weaving technique paper strips. Exhibition of works on the theme “Checkered Animals”

Introduction to non-traditional drawing techniques.

Mosaic made of paper lumps, napkins and cotton wool. Making invitation cards for the New Year's party.

Introduce the technique of “quilling” or “paper rolling”

Introduce origami technique Greeting Cards for parents.


Making crafts from food products and waste materials (semolina, rice, pasta, eggshells)

Introducing children to “bas-relief”

Teach children to find identical leaves or flower petals and make a symmetrical image. Introduce cutting a dry sheet in half, which helps develop fine motor skills, precision of movements and coordination of pressure. Teach children to correlate the shape and size of the leaf and its parts with the shape and size of the parts of the depicted object, to create a plot composition. Introduce the application of plant seeds by pressing them into plasticine placed on cardboard, teach children to work with the template.

Teach children to weave from paper strips and develop fine motor skills.

Improve your skills in the non-traditional visual technique of handprints. Learn to turn a handprint into a tree. Develop imagination and sense of composition. Continue teaching children to finger paint. Introduce children to the monotype technique. Develop spatial thinking. Strengthen the ability to create simple patterns using typing techniques.

Teach children to make cotton balls out of paper, out of napkins, and roll out lumps using their fingers.

Exercise children in making standard shapes (roll, drop, almond) by placing the tip of the tool on the edge of the strip and winding the paper, connecting the index finger with the thumb.

Introduce the conventional signs and techniques of origami (basic form “Triangle”, Basic form “Book”, “Kite”, “Envelope”).

Teach children to sculpt insects from colored dough, be able to roll the dough between their palms in a circular motion, show how to connect parts with water. Teach children to sculpt objects oval shape, show a way to connect parts using stacks. Learn to make cuts, molds, and use a garlic press in your work.

Teach children to make crafts from waste materials using polystyrene foam, cereals, vermicelli, etc.

Creating greater opportunities in mastering such sculpting techniques as rolling out plasticine with straight and circular movements, using fingertips, practicing coordinating the movements of the hand and eye, and developing compositional skills.


"Mushrooms for the squirrel"

"Ducks in the Pond"

"Prickly touch-me-not"




"Braid of threads"

“Autumn tree” (palm typing)

“Rowan branch” (finger painting)

"Butterfly" (monotype)

“Flowers in a vase for mom” (stencil printing)

“Snowman” made from napkins and cotton wool.

"New Year's toy"



“Lights on the Christmas tree” (rolls)

"A bunch of rowan berries for the bullfinch"

"Caterpillar on a Leaf"





"Tulips for Mom"



"Fruits or vegetables"



"Cloud and Rain"



"Vegetables and fruits"


"Flowers in a vase"

"Sunny day"

3-5 years of project work

(senior preschool age)

  1. block – work with parents
  1. Preliminary work
  1. Improving the pedagogical culture of parents
  1. "Children's success"

Identification of parents' requests for organizing educational work with children.

Enriching parental experience in developing children's creative abilities.

Showing children's achievements.



Consultations and conversations

"Open Day"

Throughout the entire period

2 times per year

Block 3 – working with teachers

1. Speeches at the pedagogical council

2. Speeches at the RMO, at a conference at the MRIO, publications.

Improving the general culture of the teaching staff

Generalization of work experience



Reports, “Master class”

Throughout the entire period

Throughout the entire period

Stage III – correctional:

1.Analysis and adjustment.

Analysis and adjustment of the content of methods and techniques of working with children.

Stage IV – generalizing:

2. Analysis and synthesis of material, preparation of reports, preparation of material for publication.

Identification of conditions that ensure the most successful development by children of practical and mental activities that underlie the development of children's creative abilities.


publications, mutual visits,

experience exchange.

At the end of each academic year

Project participants: preschool children 3-7 years old.

General results of monitoring the development of artistic and creative abilities in productive types of children's activities.




Amount of children:

2012-2013 academic year year ( middle group) – 25 people

2013 academic year year ( senior group) – 24 people

conclusions : Without the development of creative abilities through productive activity, the intellectual development of a child is impossible. They are interconnected and activate each other's activities. Therefore, we can say that the more a child can do with his hands, the smarter he is.

Experience in conducting classes on productive activities has shown that they help the multifaceted, all-round development of children.

1.They develop the child’s creative imagination, promote the development of hand muscles, coordination, and develop thinking skills (analysis, synthesis, ability to compare.

2. Productive activity is closely related to sensory education. The formation of ideas about objects requires the assimilation of knowledge about their properties and qualities, shape, color, size, position in space.

3. In the process of productive activity, mental and physical activity are combined; to create a drawing, sculpting, or appliqué, it is necessary to perform labor actions and master certain skills.

4.In productive activities, an integrated approach is successfully implemented. Classes allow you to relieve stress and fears of children.


1.Drawing with preschool children. Non-traditional techniques, lesson scenarios, planning. Authors: R.G, T.I. Sayganova, E. M. Sedova.

2.Classes for preschoolers fine arts. A. S. Galanov, S. N. Kornilov, S. L. Kulikova.

3. Classes on fine art activities in kindergarten. T. S. Komarova.

4. Shvaiko T. S. Classes in fine art activities.

5. Bogateeva Z. A. Applique classes in kindergarten.

6. Kutsakova L. V. Design and artistic work in kindergarten.

7. Paramonova L. A. Children's creative design. M, 1999

8. Komarova T. S. Children's artistic creativity. M, 2005

9. Tyufanova I. V. Workshop of young artists, 2002

10. Artistic creativity in kindergarten. Ed. Vetlugina, 1974

Development of artistic and creative abilities in
preschoolers through implementation
productive types of children's

“The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their tips.”
fingers. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads -
streams that feed the source of creative thought.
In other words, the more skill in a child's hand,
those smarter child»
V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

process of activity that creates
qualitatively new material and
spiritual values ​​or is
the result of creating a subjectively new one.
to form qualities in a child
a creator, not a consumer.

Revealing the intellectual
creative and moral
potential in creative
activities that
understood as a means
individual experience and skills
children received by them in different
types of activities

Form an emotional attitude
to objects of an aesthetic nature
aesthetic perception
creative thinking
fine motor skills
Foster independence

An object
The process of forming creative
abilities in preschool children
Types of productive activities
If the work process is productive
activities will be
be carried out in a system of various
forms of organized activity, then
the development of children's creativity will
more efficient.

education one of the leading areas is
individual creative development of the child. On
today is also the development of the Federal
preschool education, which is aimed at solving
such a task as creating favorable conditions for
development of children in accordance with their individual
characteristics and inclinations, development of abilities and
creative potential each child as a subject
relationships with oneself, other children, adults and

Expected Result.
Development of productive species in the process
creativity, initiative,
Formation of the ability to self-learn,
self-development and self-expression.
Active learning and ability
artistic perception and performance.
Increasing the level of preparation for school.

Show reception
teacher samples

Forms of work
Exhibitions of children's works
A game

Working with parents
Sliding folders
Exhibitions with participation
Parent meetings
Making crafts

Productive activities

In traditional technique
In unconventional technology
colored pencils
wax crayons
drawing with a candle

Development of creative abilities of children of senior preschool age through productive activities

“The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought.
In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.” V.A. Sukhomlinsky.

The productive activity of preschoolers is the best way to promote
development of children's creative abilities, independence, activity,
acquisition of special knowledge and skills conducive to their formation. Therefore, an important direction in my teaching activity is to create conditions for the development of creativity and creative manifestations in children, allowing them to implement tasks, directed:
- to develop children's creative imagination and artistic thinking;
- to develop in children the position of an artist-creator;
- to develop in pupils a sense of beauty towards the world around them;

To involve parents of students in joint creative activities.
Experience shows that one of the most important conditions for the successful development of children's creativity is the variety and variability of work with children in the classroom. The novelty of the environment, the unusual start of work, the beautiful and varied different materials, non-repetitive tasks that are interesting for children, the possibility of choice and many other factors - this is what helps prevent monotony and boredom in children's visual activities, and ensures the liveliness and spontaneity of children's perception and activity. It is important that every time the teacher creates a new situation so that children, on the one hand, can apply previously acquired knowledge, skills, and abilities, and on the other hand, look for new solutions and creative approaches. This is what causes the child positive emotions, joyful surprise, desire to work creatively.

Thus, using interesting, accessible and varied content, I consistently and systematically formed in children both the development of ideas about the environment and artistic and creative abilities.
One of the most important conditions the development of children's creativity is collaboration with the parents of the pupils.
To effectively involve parents in joint activities To develop children's creativity in productive activities, a “Workshop for Parents” was created, which was replenished with original finds in the manufacture of crafts.
Parents are actively involved in creative joint activities with
children, willingly participate in competitions and exhibitions.
Giving the child the opportunity to be a creator himself, to express
overflows of emotions and feelings, together with him we make the world kinder, brighter and more beautiful!

I concluded that the key to the successful development of children’s creative abilities are:
1. Systematic comprehensive work using new methods of teaching productive activities, communication and interaction with the child.
2. Creation of conditions for free independent activity, development of ideas about the diversity of the surrounding world, opportunities for self-expression.
3. Interaction and cooperation of teachers, educators and parents, a common position in understanding the prospects for the child’s development.
4. Creative growth of teachers, nurturing their own creativity
By giving the child the opportunity to be a creator himself, to express the overflow of emotions and feelings, together with him we make the world kinder, brighter and more beautiful!

Margarita fist
Work experience on the topic “Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children in the process of productive activity”

Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist beyond childhood.

(Pablo Picasso)

Theme of the experiment: “Development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children in the process of productive activity.”

Conditions for the occurrence of experience.

The choice of a research topic devoted to the problem of purposeful and active influence on the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities in the process of productive activity did not arise by chance. It was designed taking into account modern socio-cultural needs, Federal state requirements, accumulated experience in implementing the program, problematic issues in my practice, interests and capabilities of children.

Relevance of the topic: Currently, there have been fundamental changes in the social and economic life of our state, the age of nanotechnology and information has arrived, society requires proactive individuals who are able to think outside the box, be ready for creative activity, and who can create creative products of their activities. From a psychological point of view, preschool childhood is a favorable period for the development of creative abilities because at this age children are extremely inquisitive, they have a great desire to learn. the world. In this context, the problem of developing the creative abilities of preschool children acquires special significance. Productive activity plays an important role in their development, since, along with play, it is the leading activity in preschool childhood. This aspect is reflected in the formulations of FGT, which involve both the “development of productive activity” and “creativity” of preschoolers.

In our practical activities we encountered a number of contradictions:

between the orientation of the new content of education towards creative

development of the personality of a preschooler and traditional forms of education;

between the formation of a certain system in preschoolers

factual knowledge and insufficient development of creative imagination;

between the need to develop the child’s artistic and creative abilities and the lack of psychological and pedagogical knowledge in this area among teachers and parents.

Presenter pedagogical idea experience

Productive activity of preschoolers when creating

certain conditions, will contribute to the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities, namely the formation of

independence, creative activity, as well as children’s learning

special knowledge and skills conducive to their formation.

The methodological basis was the following works:

The concept of the activity approach (works by A. N. Leontiev, S. L. Rubinshtein);

The idea of ​​developmental education (L. S. Vygotsky);

The provisions of the theory of L. S. Vygotsky and B. M. Teplov, reflected in the Concept of art education on the specifics of artistic creative development child and the right of every child, regardless of the level of development of his abilities, to a full-fledged art education;

Game theory (presented in the works of L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin, A. N. Leontyev, M. D. Makhaneva, L. V. Artemova, etc.);

The theoretical basis of the experience is based on research in psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature. “Artistic creativity and the child”, edited by N. A. Vetlugina, “Imagination and creativity in childhood"L. S. Vygotsky, "Visual activity and artistic development preschoolers" T. G. Kozakova, "Development of a preschool child in visual activities" G. G. Grigorieva, "Continuity in the formation of children's artistic creativity" T. S. Komarova, O. Yu. Zyryanova, "Art activities in kindergarten" N. P. Sakulina, T. S. Komarova. The authors of these works attached great importance to the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities and considered the specifics of organizing classes in visual arts.

In our work we relied on methodological developments Yu. V. Ruzanova “Development of hand motor skills in preschool children in non-traditional visual activities”, A. M. Verbenets “Educational field “Artistic Creativity””, artistic education program for the training and development of children 2-7 years old “Colored Palms” I. A. Lykova, TRIZ technology G. S. Altshuller - these authors propose new forms, methods and techniques for organizing the productive activities of preschool children in modern conditions.

The results of research by famous psychologists (L. S. Vygotsky,

V. V. Davydov, A. V. Zaporozhets, V. T. Kudryavtsev, N. N. Poddyakov) and teachers

(N.V. Vetlugina, T.G. Kazakova, L.A. Paramonova, N.P. Sakulina, E.A. Flerina) showed that children’s creative abilities are revealed already in preschool childhood and at the same time have specific features:

1) dominance of the process over the result, since the child is

a preschooler is more fascinated by the activity itself than by it

product (drawing, plastic image, design, installation);

2) subjective novelty of children's inventions, creative finds and

discoveries versus novelty and social value of results

creativity of adults;

3) ease, fluency, speed of ideas and at the same time

their instability, rapid change and transformation.

Components of creativity:

1. creative thinking;

2. creative imagination.

Creative abilities depend on the presence of a variety of previous experiences of a person and a child. It is necessary to expand the child’s experience in order to create a sufficiently strong foundation for his creative activity. The more a child sees and hears, the more he understands and assimilates. Great potential for revealing children's creativity lies in the productive activities of preschoolers. Classes in drawing, appliqué, modeling and artistic work will be able to give the child the necessary knowledge that he needs for full development, so that he feels the beauty and harmony of nature, so that he better understands himself and other people, so that he can express original ideas and fantasies to become a happy person.

The novelty of the experience lies in rethinking the target and content guidelines in the artistic and creative education and development of children, updating the themes and technology of children's work by taking into account modern conditions and the subculture of children.

Technology of experience.

Target My pedagogical activity is creating conditions for the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children in the process of productive activity.

To achieve this goal, the following were identified tasks:

1. Analysis of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the influence of productive activity on the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children;

2. Conduct diagnostics of the artistic and creative abilities of preschool children.

3. Select and systematize the forms of organization of children, methods and techniques that promote the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children in the process of productive activity.

4. Involve parents in joint creative activities, develop their psychological and pedagogical competence in the field of children's artistic creativity.

5. To form in children the position of an artist-creator, to support the manifestation of independence, initiative, individuality, reflection, to intensify creative manifestations in the process of introducing them to art and their own productive activity in the process of creating expressive original image, creative experimentation with visual materials, the use of creation methods on one’s own initiative and in new conditions, the use of a variety of visual techniques and their combinations.

6. Develop components of productive activity in children:

Goal setting,

Mastering the means and methods of creating an image, a product of activity,

Development of technical and visual-expressive skills, the ability to effectively interact with other children in the process of performing collective creative work.

7. Analysis of the results of teaching activities.

The transition to pedagogy of cooperation, pedagogy of development allowed me to effectively develop the artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers in visual arts.

My teaching experience is based on principles aimed at a person-centered approach to learning and education.

1. The principle of developmental interaction between a teacher (including parents) and a child, as promoting the development of another and thereby self-development.

2. The principle of educational training echoes the previous one. The main task of education and training in visual arts is the development of children's creative abilities.

3. The principle of developmental education lies in the correct determination of the leading learning goals: cognitive, educational, developmental. This principle involves the development of creative tasks that do not have a clear solution. Children are taught to think and reason; emphasis is placed on the possibility and necessity of variable ways to solve problems; stimulate creative searches and discoveries, develop observation skills.

4. The principle of humanization, cooperation, partnership

involves respect for the child’s opinion, support for his initiative, and seeing the child as a goal-oriented partner.

5. The principle of differentiation, taking into account individuality

Artistic creativity involves the manifestation and development of individuality. Creating optimal conditions for the self-realization of each student in the process of mastering visual activities, taking into account the age, gender of the child, the individual experience he has accumulated, and the characteristics of his emotional and cognitive sphere.

6. The principle of an integrated approach is implemented in collaboration with the family, as well as in long-term planning, taking into account the interrelation of all types of visual activities.

The expected result of the development of children’s artistic and creative abilities in productive activities.

For children (according to T. G. Kazakova, T. S. Komarova):

Finding adequate expressive visual means to create an artistic image;

Great dynamics of little experience, a tendency to experiment with artistic materials and tools;

Individual “handwriting” of children's products;

Independence in choosing a theme, plot of a composition, artistic materials and means of artistic and figurative expressiveness;

Ability to interpret artistic images;

General manual skill.

For the teacher:

Creating a developmental environment in a kindergarten group.

Systematization of one’s own pedagogical knowledge on the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschool children;

Development of a long-term implementation plan educational field"Artistic creativity."

Organizing interaction with parents to develop the artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers, involving parents in the joint creative process.

Description of teaching experience.

At the initial stage of work on the topic, I studied the available methodological developments on this research problem: Yu. V. Ruzanova “Development of hand motor skills in preschoolers in non-traditional visual activities”, A. M. Verbenets “Educational field “Artistic creativity””, art education program and development of children 2-7 years old “Colored Palms” by I. A. Lykova, an exemplary general education program “Childhood”, systematized the knowledge gained. She analyzed the material and technical capabilities of equipping the group with the necessary equipment and materials, and monitored children’s mastery of the educational field “Artistic Creativity,” which included questioning parents and diagnosing children. In order to identify the characteristics of artistic and creative development and the development of visual activity of preschool children, I used the methods of T. G. Kazakova, T. S. Komarova. The main methods used for diagnosis are observation of children’s activities, analysis of creative products, and conversation.

10 children aged 4-5 years took part in the diagnostics. Primary diagnostics showed that 30% (3 children) of children had a low level of development of artistic and creative abilities, 50% (5 children) had an average level, 20% (2 children) - high level development of artistic and creative abilities. Diagnostics made it possible to identify typical difficulties of children and design areas in which it is necessary to adjust the content of pedagogical work.

Children have the lowest scores on the indicators “able to act independently in Everyday life with visual materials, plastic materials, using various ways of working with them”, “participates in the discussion of the future product of activity”. This indicates that children are not ready for experimental activities, inability to use non-traditional drawing techniques. Many children cannot choose a topic for their work, since their experience in creative activity is not rich. When children answer the question “Who would you like to show your work to? When your mother or teacher looks at your work, what do they say?”, some children refuse to show their work to their mother, saying that she scolds them or throws them away. A survey of parents showed that it is not always modern families Due attention is paid to the development of children’s creative potential (they don’t know how to do it, they don’t have enough time). Therefore, I was faced with the need to work on this problem.

Based on the data received, I compiled a thematic long-term plan work covering several areas, which made it possible to work on the intended topic in the system.

The main areas of my activity:

Enriching the development environment necessary materials for children’s productive activities, stimulating children’s independence and initiative and ensuring artistic and creative development.

Organization of joint activities with children and independent activities of children in the educational field “Artistic Creativity”.

Involving parents in the creative process with children.

Developing your own creativity.

I began the second stage of activities on my topic with enriching the development environment. Thus, a “center for art and creativity” appeared in the group with a variety of traditional and non-traditional tools and materials for visual activities and artistic work: brushes, pencils, felt-tip pens, paints, plasticine, stamps for printing, cocktail tubes, cotton buds, paper of different quality, cotton wool, padding polyester, yarn, waste material, etc. In the corner there is a stand for an exhibition of children's works. The main goal of this center is to enhance children's artistic creativity and enrich the experience of creative activity. Children were happy to participate in decorating the group with their works; this made it possible to further motivate children to be creative. Together with my parents, we purchased technological operational cards for drawing, sculpting, appliqué, artistic work, postcards, and made albums “Non-traditional drawing techniques”, “Types of art”, computer presentations on artistic creativity, didactic games « Talking colors”, “Colored couples”, “Tasty palette”, “An artist named nature”, “Same and different”, “Select a palette for the picture”, “Make a portrait”, “Who is who”.

I develop children’s interest in productive activities and the development of artistic and creative abilities through the creation of playful educational situations, in some of which children are immersed in the world of beauty, discover the beauty of the surrounding world, nature, objects of art, get acquainted with the genres of art (portrait, still life , landscape) for example “The World of Still Life”, “Secrets of a Portrait Painter”, “How does color help to understand the mood of a painting?”; on others, they mastered new ways of working with materials, experimented with color, with different textures “Is it possible to paint without paints?”, “How to make beads from flour?”.

Game educational situations consist of three parts: in order to interest children in joint activities, in the first part I pose a game problem, game motivation (to help someone, correct someone’s mistakes). In the second part, children's creative experience is enriched; together with the children we examine a work of art and discuss it, or I intensify children's activities to create some product of children's creativity. In the third part I summarize the experience gained, play out the situation and it smoothly flows into the game. Together with the children, we went on a journey or a fairy tale, performing creative tasks along the way, helping the characters.

Great potential for the development of artistic and creative abilities of preschoolers lies in the joint activities of children with adults and independent activities. My kids really like to organize exhibitions of their work, where they are the main guides, we sculpted the “Plasticine Theater” and showed fairy tales to kids, designed and made a model of our village, models of “In the Far North”, “Village Courtyard”. They organized various workshops where they did handicrafts, made dolls, and made handicrafts.

She used the project method in her work, which took into account the principle of integration with other educational areas. For example, in the project “Visiting Uncle Fyodor”, children learned to create still lifes from fruits and vegetables, sculpted a Scarecrow, made applique of agricultural machinery, while simultaneously enriching their knowledge about agricultural work. In the project “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest,” children learned a lot about the Christmas tree, the traditions of celebrating the New Year, and learned how to make a three-dimensional Christmas tree from different materials: paper, tinsel, yarn, feathers. At the end of each game situation, I definitely analyze the children’s work and pay great attention to this. I evaluate the child’s achievements based on his personal capabilities and in comparison with his previous drawings, and I thoroughly justify the assessment, which I attach to a positive character. I stimulate and support the manifestation of independence and activity of children, initiative and neatness of children: maintaining order on the table, planning their activities, for this I use operational cards depicting the execution process.

To activate creative imagination and thinking I use the following: techniques:

Techniques of TRIZ technologies, for example, I give the children the task of drawing a picture based on fantasy themes “Landscape - go there, I don’t know where”, “portrait of an alien”; drawing by unusual words which the children themselves come up with: “Snoweaters”, “Hares”; Drawing and modeling on associative themes “Sadness”, “Anger”, “Joy”.

Experimenting with visual materials and techniques. These are games - experiments in mixing colors, experiments with textured prints, experiments with paper, drawing with the juice of vegetables and fruits.

Usage unconventional techniques images that stimulate creativity and evoke interesting associations.

In drawing:

palm and finger techniques, gratazh, blotography, nitkografiya, monotype, drawing with watercolors on a wet sheet, printing with stamps, leaves;

in modeling: the use of clay, salt dough, paper pulp, foil, burdock.

In the application: a combination of materials of different textures (cotton wool, paper, napkins, natural materials, plasticine. Use of food products (cereals, pasta, eggshells, colored sand and other materials. She carried out such situations as “Hide and Seek in a Print” - children guessed what a palm print looked like, and offered to complete the drawing to some kind of image; “The Teddy Bear Family” - she offered the children stencils of the little bears and asked them to dress each one in their own outfit and stick on different materials (threads, napkins, cotton balls).

As well as combinations of drawing and applique, modeling and applique “dancing technique”. On March 8 and February 23, children drew portraits of mom and dad and decorated the portrait using appliqué. I formed a motive in my children - the desire to complete the image in their own way, “not like others,” and then on this basis an even higher motive - the need, desire, desire to engage in creative activity.

Using the technique of co-creation and teamwork.

For the kids, I drew a circle - the sun, and the rays were drawn with my palms, or I drew a chicken on one Whatman paper, and the children “printed” chickens. The older children performed collective application on wallpaper, depicted a city street, cut out and glued houses, cars, people using cutouts from magazines, doing work using the collage technique. This panel then decorated the group for a long time. Together with the children we published a newspaper - a collage “How nice it is in our garden”

Using the mandala drawing technique.

In my practical activities with children of senior preschool age, I use mandalas in joint and independent activities of children. When using the “mandala” technique, I am guided by the following rules of implementation: I show the child the entire set of mandalas, the child chooses a mandala at will. Children, in independent or joint activities, color mandalas with colored pencils, gel pens, starting from simple patterns, ending with the complication of elements using the “mandala” technique. I also use bulk mandalas in my work, when children use semolina and corn grits to create the background of the mandala on a plastic plate, and then natural material(beans, lentils, maple wings, etc.) lay out a mandala pattern; to draw a bulk mandala we also use beads, beads, and various decorative elements.

One of the most important conditions for the development of children's creativity is the interaction and cooperation of educators and parents, a common position in understanding the prospects for the child's development.

To this end, I conducted a series of consultations for parents and educators: “Do-it-yourself toys from waste material”, “Non-traditional methods of drawing”, made presentations from my work experience: “Development of artistic creativity in preschoolers.” I involve parents in active creative joint activities, the results This activity includes exhibitions of creativity of children and parents of the group: the exhibition “Beauty in Life, Nature and Art”, exhibitions of drawings “ Golden autumn", "Spring Landscape", "Colored Palms", exhibitions of crafts from waste material "Our hands are not for boredom", "Our mothers are craftswomen", "Crystal Winter". I will organize and conduct family holidays and art quizzes. Children and parents participated in the projects “My Family” and “Family Tree”.

The next condition for the formation of artistic and creative abilities of children is the development of creativity of the teacher himself.

I design and make furniture in a group, together with the children we decorate the group with paintings made from salt dough, I like to sew, knit, and do fabric sculpture.

The result of my teaching activities:

Created a developmental environment in the group.

Parents became active subjects of the creative process, increased psychological and pedagogical competence in the field of children's productive activities.

Systematized and enriched, applied in practice my knowledge about innovative forms, methods and techniques for developing the artistic and creative abilities of preschool children.

Developed a long-term plan for the educational field “Artistic Creativity”.

For children:

Children began to get involved in productive activities, their crafts are new and original.

Independence appeared in choosing a theme for the plot, in the choice of visual means and materials.

There was an interest in creative experimentation.

Subjective novelty, originality and variability of both ways to solve a creative problem and the product of children's creativity;

Children's works now have an individual signature.

The level of manual skill and coordination of movements has increased.

The level of artistic and creative abilities has increased.

Thus, to summarize research work, aimed at developing the artistic and creative abilities of preschool children in the process of productive activity, it can be noted that not only the level of artistic abilities in children has increased, but it has also become obvious personal growth all subjects of creative interaction, which is confirmed by the positive results of the work done.